Muhammad Salah – Gardens Of The Pious #247 Nov 30th 2016

Muhammad Salah
AI: Summary © The importance of honoring the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and fulfilling spiritual needs is discussed. The rise of cases of rape and the negative impact of backbiting is also highlighted. The importance of protecting individuals from the use of pornography and the rise in crime in Islamic society is emphasized. The speakers emphasize the need for people to confirm their behavior and fulfill their spiritual needs, as well as the importance of maintaining faith and good manners in relationships. The transcript also touches on various topics such as a deal with a woman named Jana Tiemid, a woman named Kari Leah, and a woman named Kari Leah who is a woman with bad manners.
AI: Transcript ©
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Khan is the greatest

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glory to Him. People think you must to be the best and give his best religion to allah God is the greatest, the one and only glory to Him, the only us to be the best and give his best religion to

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a Salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Praise be to Allah Allah and we all praise Him and we seek His help. Allah guides is a truly guided one and over Allah Elisa say, none can show him guidance made the best peace and blessings be upon Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him by the viewers everywhere Welcome to another Live edition of your program. Guardians of the pious and today's episode is number 296. And it is a third in explained in chapter number 73.

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The first Hadith we have in today's episode, a chapter of the good conduct, Hadith number 626.

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In this hadith,

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Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that call? So Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam an excerpt emailed Hallo nurser l Jenna

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call Taqwa law he will host no hook was so Isla an exit email you will follow nurse and now for call alpha mu will forge

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this hadith is collected by an enamel Tirmidhi and it is a fair Hadith.

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Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him. The rate that once the Prophet peace be upon him was asked about the best of deeds which would lead to paradise. And he said, being mindful of Allah and having good manners. Then he was asked about acknowledgments which will admit the person to hellfire and he said peace be upon him, the mouse and the private part.

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And this hadith the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam,

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answer two questions. And this answer concerns every Muslim

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very oftenly we hear the companions in various occasions, asking the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him. Man humbleness Allah Allah met humble Amelie Illa do learning Allah Hamelin either Amil to whom three Luna Jin your carbonium Allah obey don't even and not. In all these Hadith we realize that the main concern of the companions of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was God need to enact that if I do a shall take me to purpose? Tell me what to do in order to come close to Allah. Tell me what is the best deed which is the euro to Allah than others? And who is the best of people before Allah who is the deities and the most beloved to Allah, all of those questions and other than

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Were simply in order to recognize the traits and the deeds which would make the person near to Allah, loved by Him, and eventually eligible to enter Paradise, and most definitely to distance himself from hellfire and to be protected against his torment. The answer may vary based on the type of the question and the need of the questioner or the occasion. But by the end if you put all the answers together, the focus on the vicious deeds and their crown with the good manners,

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without good manners, there is no paradise. Even if the person is very active in worship, he is not well mannered. He is rude to people. He harms others.

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He oppresses others. He verbally abuses others, all his OSHA will be in vain. Why? Because this person is defined as a bankrupt because on the day of reckoning, each one will demand his lights. And Allah Almighty on the day which the day of the ultimate justice will grant everyone their due rights. So but those rights were in the form of physical harm or

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financial harm, or more Aloha. So I need to collect it. You cannot collect it physically, not morally or financially. There is no there are no dinner

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So the only way to be compensated if you've been wronged verbally, financially, or morally, or physically, is simply by taking from the good deeds of the person who's very active in worship. But that may lead to vanish in his good deeds, which he needs to enter Paradise, it doesn't matter, he doesn't have to enter Paradise,

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he's going to end up in *, it doesn't matter. Because on the day yo, my federal marvelman He you owe me you IV or soccabet II, you have any on the day, the person would disown, and run away from his own dad,

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from his own mom, from his parents, from his wife, from his son, from his daughter, everyone will disown everyone else, and rather everyone will say myself myself, even it will be uttered by the messengers, myself, myself, everyone is only concerned about themselves.

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So no one would power them on the day, just for the sake of power, they know. I need to be compensated. I need Hassan and I need good deeds. So you have been wronged me and now I need to take from your good deeds as much as

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he will satisfy me to make me saved. And I don't care about what will happen to you.

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Because of that. Imam Shafi may Allah have mercy on him said that, you know, in the light of all the evidences and the proper understanding of the evil effect of the black of the backbiting, if I'm going to backbite anyone, it should be my father, because I'm granting him I'm giving him my good deeds.

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Yanni. If you dislike somebody so much, you shouldn't be given him your good deeds. And this is what people do. If he is having an argument, or a misunderstanding of somebody, a colleague, a family member, they talk ill of them or about them in their absence that's called backbiting, right?

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You're not hurting them.

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You're hurting yourself. Because you will have to pay for that. And the payment will come from your good deeds, from the night prayer that you've been praying from the voluntary fasting that you've been, you know, making an order to come close to Allah to be saved from paradise. So that's why the Prophet sallallahu sallam, when he was asked about what causes people to enter paradise most he did not single out one thing, which is the rituals, the Baghdad fasting and the prayer, the night prayer alone, he said, taqwa Allah, which covers the mind, mindful of Allah, fulfilling what He commanded to be standing for Matias forbidden. And he found that by saying well hospital Hello, so that you

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will not waste your a bed that you worship would not be in vain. Their word for your acts of worship will not be granted to somebody else, you yourself rather will benefit out of that. So again, what causes people to enter paradise most are two things, being mindful of Allah and His presence, fulfilling what He commanded, abstaining from what he has forbidden and being well mannered, having good conduct personal holiday, remember the duck Allah was not hollow?

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Then he was asked peace be upon him in a separate question.

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And what causes people to enter Hellfire most?

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Is it two things, the tongue and the * the private part

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as far as for the tongue, it has been explained in

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many other Hadith, one of those Hadith, when Why didn't Isabel

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may Allah be pleased with him and he was such a great companion, as the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam about guide me to something that if I do, it will bring me close to Allah close to paradise and will distract me from hellfire. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam gave him a few advices and by the end, he wrapped it up, and he crowned his advices by saying, Allah don't look at Allah Maliki then equally, oh my God, shall I not guide you to the controller of all of that? is certainly a prophet of Allah said, after he got hold of his own tongue, the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, got hold of his tongue, like that. Then he said, Go phallic ahead, control this. Control your

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tongue, control what you're saying. Think before you say. So Mohammed bin Zayed Al said, O Messenger of Allah. Will we be held accountable for what we say? Because people will

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Under the assumption that we you know, we'll be compensated for what we do. But talking, talking doesn't harm, talking doesn't hurt. We're just chatting to the prophets Allah, Allah, Allah sent him said, Woe to you, oh my god, is there anything that troubles people in their faces in hellfire, more than the harvest of what they say more than the harvest of what their tongues say, and they are indulged in because of their saying,

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Be careful, this is as far as for the FM, the tongue.

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What about the *,

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the private part,

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you see,

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there is another desire, so there is a desire, there is a lust of talking. And there is another desire, which is

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the sexual desire.

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And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam warned against satisfying your sexual desire in an illicit relationship, and an outside marriage relationship. And Allah Almighty guided the believers as how to block the means, which would lead certainly to indulge in into an illicit relationship, fornication, adultery, or you name it. So Allah Almighty says, He commanded the believers in Surah Noor, to lower their gaze

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in order to guard their chastity. And he commanded the believing women to lower their gaze, in order to guard their chastity. I happen today to read the news that the family * is printing

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and * is on the rise within the family. And the analysis, or trying to explain the reason why there is a rise in the rate of the * within the family in an uncle is * his knees, and a father and his daughter, may Allah protect all of us and a brother and a sister, whether willingly or through * is said it is because of the wide spread of the * materials on your television, on your screen. And on the internet,

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the countries

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which produce that and use it as a source of income, it is a multi billion dollar business.

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They control that. So in order to have

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some of these indecent movies aired on the screen, you have to pay for it. And you have to verify your age. If you're under 21, you won't be able to push it.

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Likewise, many other things smoking, in order to push a cigarette, you have to provide a photo ID that shows your age. But unfortunately, in many, if not most of our Muslim countries, all these materials are for free 24/7

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On Air, online, on mobile phones, without screening for free, to destroy our youth to destroy our OMA to the say to destroy the marriage relationship. It's all for free. You can watch as much as you want, in the hotel rooms, in people's homes, on their mobile phones, on their taps on their computers. There is no filtering. It is the responsibility of definitely the Guardians, whether a family father, with our governor, whether the President or again, because if they want to put a screen, if they want to screen the sites if they want to stop them. If they want to stop the satellites as a piece of cake. I'm in the media business and I know that it's doable.

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But for some reason, they don't do it. So that is why the crime is on the rise.

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Because people who cannot afford to satisfy the sexual desire in a legal fashion. There is no to anything that whether it's haram or whether it's even within the family, whether it's three,

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terrible, it is terrible.

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That's why when you think about the Jalisco, local mine or colloquium is all on our Yeti. But some people are sitting on the seats of the leadership, but they don't have full control. They can take the decision for a reason or another. Otherwise, if they are not, there is a website

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There is a page that is appalling or opposing the regime, it will be blocked in a split of a second, no prob. If there is a clip or video there is, you know, exposing some mischief, it will be eliminated and blocked in no time. Can we do the same with these indecent materials? Which ROI in our societies? Can we please do the same? The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam has said, what causes people to end up in * far most, but two things, the tongue and we learn how, and, and forge which refers to one's *.

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If the person allows himself

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to end knowledge into seeing, hearing, watching, enjoying, then the next step is acting upon it. If he doesn't have the means, if he doesn't, and if he cannot afford to self satisfy the sexual desire in a lawful fashion, then somehow he will explode by satisfying this desire in an illegal fashion.

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So it will be devastating. That's why it's a very great principle in Islamic jurisprudence, which is known as said those Araya blocking. That means blocking. That means you don't leave your pool uncovered. If Allah blesses you with a nice house with a huge pool, and you have a baby still crawling, or a child, a few years old, doesn't know how to swim, you don't leave them alone wandering around the pool, without protection,

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or without covering the pool whenever it's not being used.

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Without attendance, why, because you know that most likely they will fall in it, and they don't know how to swim pool is deep, so they will die. This is not chemistry as simple, something everybody must understand. Say same thing, we must block the means which lead to destruction of the society through the destruction of the family through the destruction of the individual. So are the components of any family. So these two,

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what causes people to enter Hellfire most

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and thermal while for

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whatever the person says, and the person sexual desire if he were to fulfill it, in an illegal fashion, may Allah Almighty guide us do what is best and keep us away from anything that harms us in our bodies in our souls and in our religious commitment. The following hadith is Hadith number 627.

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The hadith is also collected by the mammoth Tirmidhi it's a fair Hadith

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narrated Abu Hurayrah Radi Allahu Anhu call Allah rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at Maroun me Nina Amen. ACEN Holika wa Hiroko Farrakhan Lindesay him very interesting Hadith. The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said, The believer who has

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a perfect belief is the one whose behavior is most excellent. And the best of you are those who are the best to the wives. I'm pretty sure that sisters will celebrate now. That is something that the prophets Allah salon has said more than 1400 years ago. Okay.

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There are seven messages in this hadith that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam meant to deliver to his ummah.

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The first message is that, amen.

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Amen. faith and belief varies from an individual to another. Not all the believers are alike.

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Not all the believers are alike.

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There are some deviant sects such as Al Jamia, who are ascribed to Al Jami bonus of one and its founder is Elijah, the Buddha said it doesn't matter even if you do any kind of measure since as long as you recognize faith by your heart, you're a believer, and you shall enter paradise and you're not blameworthy. That is not true.

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What can we do and what shall we do with the Quranic references, which indicate that the person will be accounted and will be dealt with according to this very accurate measurement as

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Whoever does an atom weight of good shall see it. And whoever does an atom weight of evil shall see it as well.

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You know, and people are not alike. There are some average believers. There are some there are believers. And there are some high ranking believers. And there are some inferior believers, and some were very weak. Amen.

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Okay, so when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says Ackman, the most perfect of the believers with regards to face, that indicates that Muslims vary in their Eman, some who have perfect faith, and some who do not. And in between, there are many other levels.

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But to recognize how to achieve perfection of your faith, and who are those who have the perfect, amen, he said, as an whom Holika. Those who have the best manners are those who have the perfect Eman. The most perfect faith is reserved for those who have the most perfect o'clock and manners

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and the prophets, Allah Allah Allah selama said,

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when it comes to good manners, people can definitely claim whatever.

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And people can also pretend to be nice, to be cool, to be gentle, to be generous,

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but they cannot pretend that forever

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they cannot pretend that forever. Sometimes the person is acting because she is a customer service. And she's trained to meet the customers with a big smile. Cheese. Yes, sir. How may I help you? And maybe from inside she is boiling, or He not only sheep, but this is how it is.

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Okay. But can they maintain pretending forever, I wish because if this is the case, good luck.

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But once they are not on duty, the different once they go home, they're different. Remember, and I've made mention of this before, what I left in the beginning of my life in a compound in Texas, and

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the next door will couple

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whenever they return from work around five 5:30pm We all come around the same time. They will do not work immediately. They hang around kissing and hugging in front of us. We are just next door What separates their apartment from ours, or the duplex from ours is some sheetrock. So could hear everything literally. And they keep kissing and hugging in front of us right before they enter or what do you need to do is unlock the door walk in and do as you wish.

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Once they walk in, have our lair hear them fighting and fighting and fighting and very abusive language. And he beats his wife and she beats her husband who could hear everything. So I just came to the conclusion that you know whatever they do before they walk in must be shut off.

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Because they do not get along behind closed doors. They're always fighting. So why do they do that every time before or outside or on their patch you show off pretending

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amarena hardtop recognise that and he refused that anyone will vouch for the credibility of another simply because you saw him going to the machine. Or he looks nice or once he dealt with you and he figured out that this guy is very nice. No.

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There are means of judging whether the person is nice, super nice or rude and super rude.

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Those means is living with them. Like if you are neighbors if you traveled together.

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So you got stuck together for three days, four days for a week. I cannot pretend for a whole week. You know I just have to be myself for some time. Okay, eating drinking together, sharing the room doing things together would expose the reality of the person that person cannot pretend forever. That's why many marriages. Many marriages, which is based on love, supposedly, to classmates

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It's to co workers or whatever. I love you, I love you honey and exchange gifts and all of that. And she is willing to fight the whole world in order to marry him, and he would boycott his parents in order to marry her. And it could be simply superficial love.

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Ends up that a few weeks after the move in and after they get married, fights slate, and they end up before even completing a month or two, separating, filing for divorce and hating each other too much. Because the means were not true the means of establishing

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a married life were not true. It were something superficial. Okay, that's why the Prophet sallallahu sallam said when it comes to the clock,

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it is not about what you show before people what you pretend when it comes to a flat, the best of you with regards to good manners, Fiat Fiat Minister

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are those who are the best to their wives. When you go home, when you take off your clothes, when you put on a nice outfit because your wife to have writes up on you she wants to see you dressed up nice.

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Wear a nice cologne you smell great. You don't smell sweat. You know? She have rights upon you to see you are making an effort

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to make her happy. This effort is appreciated by Allah that is evaluated as personal Hello, or good manners. What else?

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What did you cook for us today? I will actually didn't cook today. I had a migraine. It was a very tough day. Really? May Allah give you she fairly Mirissa rakia for you who just order anything. Only me fix some scrambled eggs. We'll just do it today. Anything. Okay? There is a difference between a woman who's working hard and for a reason or another. Today she's sick. She's not feeling well. She is off duty for reason or another or another woman who's lousy. Doesn't know doesn't want to do anything. She keeps busy all day fixing her nails. And she goes to the hair salon. And she goes shopping and she was the time on regular basis every day. Then the man who's working hard and he

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returns home. What do we have for lunch today? Honey, we don't have anything you know that you have to order the food as usual. That is not fair. His wife is not really doing her job. She's not doing her homework. It goes both ways. That's why a lot of mighty said while Miss Lulu the alley in Nashville now Liahona for them and the pronoun refers to the wives Liahona for the wives Miss Lou. The life of which the life of what

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the duties that they owe to their husbands they have similar rights. Exactly.

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So the rights and the duties are mutual.

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Okay, you understand? So when the man is appreciating what the wife is doing and he is kind to her and he is patient if she if there is any shortcoming at home. If there is anything that is missing his patient, he is training her he appreciates what she does. I showed her the Allahu anha narrated when she was asked.

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How was the Prophet salallahu Salam at home through eating her hearing his patient he is I isharo The Allahu anha appreciates what she does narrated when she was asked

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how was the Prophet sallallahu Sallam At Home Training her he if there is anything that is missing? I ensure that the Allahu anha appreciates what she does in his patient he is narrated when she was asked

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how was the Prophet salallahu Salam at home through eating her. He if there is anything that is missing? I showed her the Allahu anha in his patient he is appreciated what she does narrated when she was asked

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how was the Prophet salallahu Salam At Home Training her he if there is anything that is missing? I showed her the Allahu anha in his patient he is appreciates what she does narrated when she was asked.

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How was the prophet returning her? He if there is anything that is missing? Salalah Salam at wholebody Allahu anha I Ishaan his patient he is three sheets what she does narrated when she was asked

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how was the prophet returning her? He had Salah Salem at home of the Allahu anha there is anything that is missing. I Isha appreciates what she does in his patient he is narrated when she was asked,

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how was the prophet

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training her. He had Salah Salem at home of the Allahu anha I issue if there is anything that is missing his patient he is narrated when she was appreciates what she does ask.

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How was the prophet ruining her? He had Salalah Salam at home but the Allahu anha I if there is anything that is missing his patient he is appreciates what she does as narrated when she was how was the prophet reading her. He had Salalah Salam at all but the Allahu anha I if there is anything that is missing his patient he is asked, narrated when she was how was the prophet training her he probably Allahu Allah salAllahu Salam at home. i In short, there is anything that is missing.

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As appreciates what she does narrated when she was

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training her he had Salah Salem at home. I iShop there is anything that is missing all the Allahu anha

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appreciates what she does narrated when she was

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training her he had Salah Salem at home there is anything that is missing all the Allahu anha

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as appreciates what she does. I iShop narrated when she was training her he

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SallAllahu Sallam at home there is anything that is missing all the Allahu anha

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as appreciates what she does narrated when she was I shot winning her he

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SallAllahu Sallam at home there is anything that is missing all the Allahu anha

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as appreciates what she does narrated when she was

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shot winning her he How was the Prophet salallahu Salam at home there is anything that is missing.

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Probably Allahu anha as

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narrated when she was officiates what she does, I Isha. How was the Prophet salallahu Salam At Home Training her he

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probably Allahu anha as

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narrated when she was there is anything that is missing. I Isha appreciates what she does SallAllahu Sallam At Home Training her he

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probably Allahu anha as

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narrated when she was there is anything that is missing. I is appreciates what she does Salah Salem at home reading her he

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probably Allahu anha as

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narrated when she was there is anything that is missing. I appreciate what she does Salallahu Salam at home, how was the prophet

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training her he about the Allahu anha

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narrated when she was there is anything that is missing? I Isha appreciates what she does Salah Salem at home.

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Training her he got the Allahu anha

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narrated when she was there is anything that is missing. I appreciate what she does as

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training her here but the Allahu anha

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narrated when she was Salah Salem at home. I iShop there is anything that is missing appreciates what she does as

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training her he

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narrated when she was probably Allahu anha SallAllahu Sallam at home. I iShop there is anything that is missing appreciates what she does as

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training her he narrated when she was probably Allahu anha SallAllahu Sallam at home. I if there is anything that is missing, and appreciates what she does as

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training her he narrated when she was probably Allahu anha SallAllahu Sallam at home, there is anything that is missing, and appreciates what she does as

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training her he if I iShop narrated when she was probably Allahu allah sallallahu Sallam at home, there is anything that is missing, and appreciates what she does as

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I issuing her he narrated when she was about the Allahu anha SallAllahu Sallam at home. There is anything that is missing, and appreciates what she does as

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I was reading her, he narrated when she was about the Allahu anha SallAllahu Sallam at home. There is anything that is missing and appreciates what she does as

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I issue

00:34:51 --> 00:34:59

training her he called the Allahu anha Salallahu Salam at home there is anything that is missing and appreciates what she does ask

00:35:02 --> 00:35:03

I issue

00:35:04 --> 00:35:09

training her he about the Allahu Allah salAllahu Salam at home

00:35:10 --> 00:35:12

appreciates what she does as

00:35:15 --> 00:35:22

I shop there is anything that is missing in training her he got the Allahu Allah salAllahu Salam at home.

00:35:24 --> 00:35:25

appreciates what she does as

00:35:27 --> 00:35:29

I shop there is anything that is missing.

00:35:32 --> 00:35:36

Training her he ever the Allahu anha SallAllahu Sallam at home.

00:35:37 --> 00:35:39

appreciates what she does as

00:35:41 --> 00:35:43

I shop there is anything that is missing.

00:35:44 --> 00:35:46

Training her he

00:35:47 --> 00:35:48

SallAllahu Sallam at home.

00:35:50 --> 00:35:53

Probably Allahu anha appreciates what she does as

00:35:54 --> 00:35:56

I if there is anything that is missing,

00:35:58 --> 00:36:01

training her he had Salalah Salam at home.

00:36:02 --> 00:36:03

Probably Allahu anha

00:36:05 --> 00:36:06

appreciates what she does as

00:36:08 --> 00:36:10

I issue if there is anything that is missing.

00:36:11 --> 00:36:14

Training her he had Salah Salem at home.

00:36:15 --> 00:36:17

Probably Allahu anha

00:36:18 --> 00:36:19


00:36:20 --> 00:36:28

I shop there is anything that is missing and appreciates what she does training her he had Salah Salem at home.

00:36:29 --> 00:36:30

Probably Allahu anha

00:36:32 --> 00:36:32


00:36:34 --> 00:36:40

I shop there is anything that is missing appreciates what she does training her he had Salalah Salam at home.

00:36:41 --> 00:36:43

Probably Allahu anha

00:36:46 --> 00:36:46


00:36:48 --> 00:36:52

I shop there is anything that is missing appreciates what she does training her he

00:36:54 --> 00:36:57

probably Allahu anha SallAllahu Sallam at home.

00:36:59 --> 00:37:00


00:37:01 --> 00:37:06

I shop there is anything that is missing appreciates what she does training her here.

00:37:07 --> 00:37:10

Probably Allahu allah sallallahu Sallam at home

00:37:13 --> 00:37:20

I shall ask if there is anything that is missing appreciates what she does training her he

00:37:21 --> 00:37:24

probably Allahu anha SallAllahu Sallam at home

00:37:27 --> 00:37:28

I if

00:37:29 --> 00:37:33

there is anything that is missing reshoots what she does training her he

00:37:35 --> 00:37:37

probably Allahu allah sallallahu Sallam at home.

00:37:41 --> 00:37:47

I shall ask, appreciates what she does. There is anything that is misleading her he

00:37:48 --> 00:37:51

probably Allahu anha SallAllahu Sallam at home.

00:37:54 --> 00:38:03

I shall ask. appreciates what she does training her. He if there is anything that is missing in Salalah Salam at home.

00:38:05 --> 00:38:06

Probably Allahu anha.

00:38:08 --> 00:38:17

I shall ask. appreciates what she does training her. He if there is anything that is missing in Salalah Salam at home.

00:38:18 --> 00:38:21

Probably Allahu anha. I issue

00:38:22 --> 00:38:31

as appreciates what she does training her. He if there is anything that is missing in Salah Salem at home.

00:38:33 --> 00:38:43

I issue about the Allahu anha as appreciates what she does. In training her. He if there is anything that is missing Salalah Salam at home.

00:38:46 --> 00:38:57

I issued the Allahu anha as appreciates what she does, and training her. He had Salalah Salam at home there is anything that is missing. And

00:39:00 --> 00:39:05

I shout out the Allahu anha s appreciates what she does.

00:39:06 --> 00:39:09

Training her. He had Salalah Salam at home.

00:39:10 --> 00:39:12

There is anything that is missing.

00:39:14 --> 00:39:23

I issued the Allahu anha as appreciates what she does. In training her he had Salalah Salam at home.

00:39:24 --> 00:39:25

There is anything that is missing.

00:39:27 --> 00:39:36

I showed her the Allahu anha as appreciates what she does. In training her. He had Salalah Salam at home.

00:39:38 --> 00:39:39

There is anything that is missing.

00:39:41 --> 00:39:46

I showed her the Allahu anha asked, appreciates what she does.

00:39:47 --> 00:39:53

Training her. He had Salalah Salam at home. If there is anything that is missing.

00:39:55 --> 00:39:58

I showed up the Allahu anha appreciates what she does.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:04

Reading her, he had Salallahu Salam at home. I asked

00:40:06 --> 00:40:10

if there is anything that is missing. I showed the Allahu anha

00:40:12 --> 00:40:14

appreciates what she does training her. He

00:40:16 --> 00:40:16


00:40:18 --> 00:40:24

SallAllahu wasallam at home there is anything that is missing. I earshot of the Allahu anha.

00:40:25 --> 00:40:28

appreciates what she does training her. He

00:40:29 --> 00:40:36

asked some Allah Salam at home there is anything that is missing. I isharo The Allahu anha

00:40:39 --> 00:40:42

appreciates what she does training her. He

00:40:43 --> 00:40:48

asked Salallahu Salam at home there is anything that is missing all the Allahu anha

00:40:51 --> 00:40:53

I Isha appreciates what she does.

00:40:55 --> 00:41:02

Training her he asked Salallahu Salam at home there is anything that is missing all the Allahu anha

00:41:04 --> 00:41:05

appreciates what she does.

00:41:08 --> 00:41:14

As SallAllahu Sallam At Home Training her he if there is anything that is missing, the Allahu anha

00:41:16 --> 00:41:17

appreciates what she does.

00:41:20 --> 00:41:27

As SallAllahu Sallam At Home Training her he if there is anything that is missing all the Allahu anha

00:41:30 --> 00:41:32

appreciates what she does. And

00:41:34 --> 00:41:39

asked some Allah Salam At Home Training her he if there is anything that is missing,

00:41:40 --> 00:41:42

probably Allahu anha

00:41:43 --> 00:41:45

appreciates what she does, is

00:41:47 --> 00:42:20

very abusive. He was he was another incident, a funeral pass by the prophet Salah Salem. And they actually started remembering how evil was that person. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said whatever they said what is watching it he said watch about Lohana because you guys are the witnesses of Allah. Whatever you are saying especially after data for the death of any person is you're reflecting the reality. May Allah guide us to what is best

00:42:25 --> 00:43:04

one more Hadith insha Allah because we only have about five minutes Hadith number 629 And Abby Omar, Natalia bear Healy are of the Allahu Anhu call. Carla Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, and as our iman debate infura Badil Jana T Lehmann Tala Kalmia Kimura we're in Santa Monica will be baiting fewer saltiel Jannetty Lehmann follicle katiba In Kenema Xia will be biting fi ll Jannetty. Lehmann has shown a whole loco as a sound Hadith collected by Abu Dawood in a sunnah

00:43:05 --> 00:43:13

Abu Manitoba hilly, may Allah be pleased with him the rate that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said, Anna, their Iman

00:43:14 --> 00:43:15

be baiting.

00:43:17 --> 00:43:32

I stand surety of a house in a rubble Jana, the outskirt of paradise, for whom, for one who gives up arguing, even if the right is on his side.

00:43:33 --> 00:43:34


00:43:35 --> 00:43:49

we'll be waiting for you also to join. And I stand surety and I guarantee a house right in the middle of paradise for whom, for one who abandons lying, even if he is joking.

00:43:50 --> 00:44:17

And thirdly, which is the highest level? What we made it in Fiala Jannetty name and Hassan Hola, whoa, I sent surety or a house in the highest part of paradise for one who has good manners, three nice qualities, what guarantee the person to enter Paradise, the world design guarantor,

00:44:19 --> 00:44:20

I stand surety

00:44:21 --> 00:45:00

in Surah twos of our number 72 Why demand jivi hemlo buried in wannabe his aim, I guarantee that whoever will bring that measure which will last will give him a camera loaded with food as a reward. And essentially for that this is in surah at use of the story of Joseph and his brothers, verse number 72. So the words that are in here does not mean it's literal meaning which is leader now it means a guarantee. I guarantee I stand surety and who is standing surety and who's guaranteed and guarantee and what rasool Allah He salah, Allah Azza

00:45:00 --> 00:45:39

Elon is guaranteeing hours in the outskirts to paradise. I don't care just take me to Heaven. Take me in the backyard of heaven. Take me close to paradise just to be safe from hellfire. That is the first house in the outskirts of paradise for whom? For one who gives up arguing even if he is right. There are minor things which people keep arguing about it and wasting their valuable times. Oh, what kind of pin is this? That looks like cross No, it's not cross No, it's squirrels. No Sakura Santa is as fake nose. Surreal pen. Okay, we wasted

00:45:40 --> 00:45:45

and it is not always very, very cheap pen. The point is, it's a pen.

00:45:46 --> 00:45:58

Why do you waste 30 minutes of your time arguing about something even your independence years and you bought it for 50 cents and you know that it's cheap but the other person is arguing Okay, you're right.

00:45:59 --> 00:46:20

Just drop it. The person who drives it for the sake of securing the time and for the sake of not showing off and for the sake of not creating hassle and problems with others. For what for nothing. The prophets Allah sallam said for this person I guarantee a house for you in the outskirts of paradise.

00:46:22 --> 00:46:42

Wallah he people start argument over things which are very insignificant. You find sometimes even while they're gone for hugging a haram and Allah Almighty said about this follow the fee hidden alhaja fellow processor while full suka well edge LFL hunch

00:46:43 --> 00:46:46

they are officer wala Fuzu Colegio de la fille Hodge,

00:46:47 --> 00:46:48

you should avoid a Ruffus

00:46:49 --> 00:47:05

sexual relations for Sue all kinds of indecent acts and since and he specified by mentioning algae that you should avoid arguments in hedge. Sometimes whenever I'm going live on my Facebook page, and I use my phone

00:47:07 --> 00:48:00

I get a lot of criticism. Why because I normally have a dry mouth so I like to keep drinking water while I'm talking. Okay. So people start share you are drinking with your left hand this is haram shame on shame and shame and shame. And behind me there is a huge poster, you sign that says La Ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasool Allah, but since I'm using the front camera, it is reflected in the image, the opposite direction, so you read it backwards, which means simply, if you just come down, if you take it easy, and you look at the sign above me, or the less the the stack of books behind me, the names are read backwards, which means it's the mirror. And simply if this is the case, if La

00:48:00 --> 00:48:14

ilaha illAllah. Muhammad Rasul Allah when neither long is a backward, then when you see me holding the cup, in my left hand, it is simply because it's like a mirror. The front camera is like a mirror. I'm using my right hand.

00:48:16 --> 00:48:35

Okay. And there is another nice way to ask not to argue and argue and argue and you're trying to make a point. So the prophets on the line in cinema said, and as Amon debate in fear about the agenda, the mantra can mirror the argument.

00:48:36 --> 00:49:08

We're in Kenema, HIPAA, and the other one, a house in the middle of paradise for one who avoids lying, even if he's just joking. It's not permissible. There is no white lie, and black why, and another house for the person who will have good manners and that is in the highest place of paradise, which will be for one who have hostile holo, or good manners. May Allah subhanaw taala enable us to interpret safely

00:49:09 --> 00:49:30

through perfect and our manners and through avoiding anything that may displeased or upset Allah Almighty, a whole Akali had our stuff for Allah Allah, Allah Subhana Allah Bambrick Nisha to Allah Allah Allah, Nesta for Okona to boo like or SallAllahu ala Sayidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa Salam wa Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

00:49:36 --> 00:49:36

have a

00:49:39 --> 00:49:41

love of God is the greatest

00:49:43 --> 00:49:59

glory to Him. He bought me to be the best and give his best religion to allah God is the Greatest. The one and only Glory to him. Only humans

00:50:00 --> 00:50:16

To be the best and give his religion to them so why did they know that forgiving gold about an empire that was shipping cows fire and stones sending letters to the cheapest

00:50:18 --> 00:50:29

day ignore that forgetting all about Hello bad guys. We're shipping cars fire and stoves, selling the best were the cheapest

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