Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari – Muslims Living As A Minority And Fiqh Aqalliyat

Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari
AI: Summary © The responsibility of living as minorities and being a majority in a non- Islam country is emphasized, along with the challenges of protecting one's privacy and privacy in the digital age. The importance of following rules and avoiding racist behavior is emphasized, along with the importance of following rules and remaining humble. The webinar recording and transcription show no information provided about the speakers or the purpose of the call.
AI: Transcript ©
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you're walking

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around Rahim

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen.

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When are people to remove the pain was Salatu was Salam ala Sayidina Mohammed early he was at the age marine. While coolamon Divya whom the Son Dean.

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Allah alumina alumna in foreigner when foreigner Bhima alum Tina Was it an aroma subhanak Allahumma de la Molina Indian Argentina.

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Hakeem aloha Marina

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Marina revolted about no more so Christina, about

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respect your brothers and sisters assalamu aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh.

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First of all, I would like to thank

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today's organizers

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that alignment that our project ADP

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for inviting me and inviting all of you.

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putting this program together, may Allah subhana wa tada accept the efforts. Today's topic is a very important topic.

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Living as minorities, I want your attention because I want to talk about two three important points, maybe two points. And if this time,

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then three points.

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It's a very, very important topic.

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What does the title mean living as minorities living as Muslims in the minority in a country in a non Muslim country where the majority is non Muslim? That's the meaning of the title because people are living as minority. What does that mean? living as minority meaning? Let me just break down the title,

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living in a country where the majority are non Muslims. And we are in the minority. Because we're looking at all the non Muslims, the Christians and the Jews and the Sikhs, and the Hindus are they and the atheist, probably they're in the majority.

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living as a minority, where our number is less in comparison to the people around us, if we were living in another country, in an Islamic country, or a Muslim country, let's say Muslim country, because not every Muslim country is an Islamic country. But that's another discussion. In a in a Muslim country where people are Muslims, even though the laws are not Islamic, then we would say, majority of Muslims.

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So when we live in a non Muslim country, in a country where we are in the minority, what rights what roles, what responsibilities? Do we have?

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Are there any rules that are different?

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Or are the rules the rules are the same? This is what I want to discuss basically, the first point

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and I will want your attention, this is an important discussion. The first point is that

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the first responsibility

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the first responsibility of every Muslim, male, female man, woman, all of us

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is, and this is actually not

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exclusive to a non Muslim country where we are in the minority. This is not specific to living in England or in countries where we are in the minority. This is generally everywhere. But it becomes more important in this country.

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The first responsibility is to basically remain steadfast on our Deen on our Eman on Islam.

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Remaining steadfast, an important responsibility, because the challenges I mean, as I said, this is a responsibility that is everywhere. Muslims were the north south east or the west, Africa, Europe, America, North America, whatever. But

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in a country or in a place or in a location where

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the tests are greater. The trials are greater. There's more trials, there's more tests, there's more challenges.

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And indeed, there are more challenges where Muslims are in the minority. The challenges are indeed greater than where Muslims are in the majority. So where Muslims are in a minority that challenges are greater so it becomes more of a challenge a test to remain firm on demand.

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That's the first part to remain firm on our faith. Because sadly we are living brother and sisters in a time where

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and this is this is this is, you know we have to face these realities. We can't brush these things under the carpet. How many Muslims are leaving Islam?

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So many eyes myself speak to so many people who actually leave Islam born born in Muslim families, Arab families, Pakistani families, Bangladeshi families, gujrati, Indian families, African families, many young people growing up and more so in North America have traveled and many many times Canada America more so. Because they don't have the close Islamic environment where you just come out of your house and you go to the masjid in two minutes. You literally have to drive 25 minutes half an hour one hour is the closest Masjid people don't see Miss God except on a Sunday school or a Friday, Jew masala

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many young people that have this, these questions and confusion especially when the educational system is such where they are studying philosophy and they are studying all sorts of things where it's geared towards even in Europe. I've been to Norway about nine times I have this brother who came became a new one as well. But he didn't come with me but he ended up coming

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in no way one of the brothers telling me that when students study because

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he see no way most Muslim families are very educated.

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You know, there's a lot of Turkish Muslims there a lot of Bosnian Albanian Muslims. There are a lot of Pakistani Muslims. They're very few Bengali and Gujarati, very few even Indian majority like nobodies and one or two families of the Bengali community. But these Pakistani families majority 80% Muslims very educated I sometimes make a joke and I say to them that all the educated ones came to Norway and all the non educated went to Birmingham Sharif

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dole came here and just opened restaurants every house has a doctor has a lawyer has a barrister, Muslim, female male, every house has a doctor or a lawyer or a barrister or qualified engineer. Muslims are in high positions. Very good hamdulillah you know sisters are doctors, many sisters, you go to university, a lot of Moroccans as well.

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But the problem is that many of them when they get engrossed in that study, if there is no attachment with Deen with Islam, they lose their faith in the news.

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Philosophy there's one brother I know he's a doctor. He's a very good brother Mashallah. He's very educated. He studied he's actually studied many many Islamic sciences. He's went to Jordan for a while as well. He's a good good friend of mine qualified doctor. He studied aqeedah in detail with scholars. He said to me if I hadn't studied Akira properly with you I don't know what what would have happened to my your mind.

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He said I anyone who becomes a medical or a doctor, it's very close your mind is on the brink by studying philosophy

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because it's geared towards that sometimes I think is better maybe like our you know, Muslims will come to this country is just simple minded Muslim, you know, just open a restaurant is Milan st Sala, you know, eat your food and go it's actually not being too clever is actually sometimes good alysha human remains intact. You just do it and just follow what other people say just carry on. Sometimes better, because too much sometimes

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openness and needs you unless you don't have the right guidance and the right attitude and the right surroundings and around you. So

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preserving eemaan extremely important in a country where Muslims are in the minority, preserving Eman the Quran says in a Latina or a boon of law who must call the Xs zero la Mola equal to Allah to half over a dozen for the shearable agenda, la quinta to I do, indeed, those people who say Rob boon of law, Our Lord is of law. You know what this means? This is I mean, we just say Robin Allah, Allah is Allah. This ayah of the Quran, Allah says those people who say Our Lord is Allah, so musta calm, then they remain steadfast.

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What's the reward? That venezolana humara equal to half Allah has no pressure you know the rest of the ayah glad tidings of paradise for them etc. Success in this world in the next world. But the thing they do is they say we, our Lord is Allah and they remained steadfast. What does that mean?

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Just say Our Lord is Allah know our load is Allah means that they ask firm on the

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More on the dean on their faith. And they stay steadfast on it. They have emerged and your pain. You know why people say go up deep firm conviction, Imani have been fully inside. And they are steadfast on that. The challenges and the tests around them don't waver them.

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The whole their whole life revolves you know, actually what this means when we say that is our Eman is strong. Our whole life revolves around our faith, our Eman our D and not the other way round.

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I'll give you an example.

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When our whole life revolves around our Dean, and an example of Dean revolving around our life

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can send the two scenarios.

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Life revolving around D is a Muslims thinks to himself or herself.

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Okay, I need to take a new job. Okay, you searching for a job?

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First in what do you think about Salatu? Juma? Can I pray? Okay. Five time prayers Can I pray Virgil though her answer when will I remember it? When I'm going to allow for Asia? Okay. Money income, how long is it? How long? Is it interest? Is it gambling? Is it haram? Is it a lawful business transactions Riba? Mr. All these things? Check all of these things.

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If I'm in the medical profession was a fork of medicine, is this Hello? Can I do this? Can I do that? Can I not do this? Check all of that, then you look at your salary and the wages and where and Is it comfortable? Or is it how walking distance or a long tube network you know, two hour train journey or a five hour journey or commuting whatever?

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You see the job, whether it fits around your whole Islamic life? That's the meaning of ensuring that our life revolves around our Deen

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and the opposite to that when we when someone's Dean revolves around the life is you go and look at the job and see what's convenient first. Is this close to my house? What's the wages? What are they? What's the salary? Is it this is it that look at all the worldly things. Then we see afterwards OSHA Whoa, you know, go down there. Why did he check that first?

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Oh, I found out after one year that is heroin. One of the chefs in one of his books he wrote that lots of people the reason they find themselves in haram earnings is because they before starting their own check and then they go now it's eternal. It's very difficult to turn back. You can't reverse you're in the inside the tunnel now. You're engrossed in heroin income, two years, three years you've been working earning. You're in that industry already. You already working in a interest based banking, for example.

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It's very difficult to turn back. You've done your whole career round that you should be checking before you actually answered the whole scenario.

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Was that channel down here to Dartford tunnel, or is it black? Black? Black Water? Yeah, it's like

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first time I went there

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is real narrow tunnels. This is the tunnel you can't you can't once you're in you can't come back.

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So in Ellery Nakamura buena, wha, what does that mean?

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Those who say Our Lord is a law, those who make a man on faith as the main and central part of the deed they make the whole lives revolve around Islam, deep faith, this is what matters. And remember, this is a responsibility everywhere.

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When we say Muslims are in the minority, look, the rules of Islam don't change. You're a Muslim, whether you're in the south or the East or the north or the West, it doesn't change. And I will talk about this further along. Some people think that when we say Muslims are in the minority, like there's some specific Quran, especially for the Muslims in the minority, no, no, no, it's the same. You're a Muslim, whether you're in the east, south, north or the West, where you live, whether you live two streets away from Gaza, or whether you live in another you know how long East London Mashallah.

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But wherever you are.

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This is a very important responsibility. That's why the messenger sort of lahardee sort of once when he was asked by a companion give me shortness Ihara advice, he said, or meant to be learned from a stopping similar to the verse of the Quran, say my believe in Allah. And don't just say it verbally. Like I believe in Allah firmly. This is a man you've been.

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And as I said, in this country, that Charles and the challenges are greater, there are more chances, more risk. There's more risk.

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There are more challenges and more chances of a person losing his or her Eman?

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Definitely, there are more chances. So therefore

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very important responsibility when, you know, our, our sorry, our calendar

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starts from where

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actually started

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from the hegemon?

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Which European

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1430 7086 does anybody have any laugh? Whether it's 2016?

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No, this is what I'm saying. We think first, even our mentality, well, this is actually you know, a lot of people we make jokes and of course, but this is a serious issue.

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You will be right as well, we should first right Islamic date, then whatever date, we should know which date or which month, which year it is islamically we are Muslims first. How old are you? You know, My son is six, he's going to be seven, but he's already seven islamically I don't count his age by I count his age by islamically that he's already seven.

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When someone we shouldn't count our age because islamically we know it's

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10 days every year, it's 10 days less. That's why the rules of Islam apply based on Islamic date. When we calculate the guard for example, it's based on Islamic date. Somebody who calculates this a god they need to if they for example, calculating the Zakat on the 10th of Ramadan is every 10th of Ramadan, you can't do it to like 10th of January 10 of January 10 of January otherwise you'd be paying different you know there's a clock payment will not be correct, because you're delaying it's more 10 days every year and after 30 odd years you like one whole year

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difference. So anyway, our calendar started from Asia,

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from hegira, not from the birth of the messenger sallallahu wasallam. And not from him passing away and going to O'Hara leaving this world and going to Africa.

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Imagine Islamic calendar started from not I mean if you had to be starting maybe from when he was given the Buddha when he was 14

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from hegira. When the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Sahaba companions or the Allahu anhu. They made a hedgerow from McCarran Koroma to Madina munawwara such an important important aspect of Islam is such an important

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incident of Islam.

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In reality, this was a hegira migration usually means what emigration migration. In reality, this hegira seemed that it was a hedgerow from one place to another

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from where to where,

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from which place NACA to Medina Muslims already, they also made a hedgerow before as well. But this one is the main hijra. Apparently it seems that it's a hedgerow from one location to another one place to another.

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But in reality, the real hegira was not from a location to a location that is part of the hero. But that wasn't the real

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that's why the hadith of Bokhari the first Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari and most books of Hadith when they start it soon as the for Nia, in Mr. America near to no medical memory MANOVA for mankind, he wrote hiroto ello la hora, Su de 0202 Villa dunya, UC Baja, it and Cuba 502 who is

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the one who migrates to Allah and His Messenger

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sallallahu wasallam The one who migrates to Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this apparently was a hatred of from one location to another but in reality, Phil haqiqa in reality, this was a juror for Allah to Allah.

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This was a major of filler in a lot.

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This wasn't to Medina. That's why you know what the Quran says. When the Quran talks about Asia. The Quran says Maharaj at muhajir and in Allah He was Sudhi Shama you recall moto aka dwapara juru Allah, the One who leaves his house or the house,

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leaves his house, making his euro

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making hero to a Hello ma he or sorry he making his euro to Allah and His messenger.

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But does that mean going to Allah and His messengers location.

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We're going to Madeira and I'm going to a lower because somebody might say what I'm doing here I'm going down ash if Allah lives down there. Anyway, that's just

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Whoever understood, understood, but so

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you're not going to do his you know two hours.

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What does this mean? The one who left his departed his house to make Asia to Allah and His messenger.

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It's not to a location, it could be part of it but it's not really the main central objective of Nigeria is not from one location to another. It's actually hegira towards Allah and His Messenger what does that mean, hijra from an evil life to a good life hegira from sinful life, to a life of obedience hegira from following one's desires to following commands of Allah, His Messenger sallallahu wasallam hegira from being the slave of oneself to being a slave of Allah subhanaw taala That's why, and that's why the Hadith says, Allah Mohammed, you, manager, Amanda Holohan, who the real Mohajer the real

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one who does hegira migrates is the one who because hegira you know, literally what does he mean? He means abandoning leaving, when you leave your house. So you're moving from one city to another, you're leaving. So real hedgerows, as he says is the one who departs from and abandons and leaves behind since

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and those things that Allah has prohibited. So this is the meaning he wrote towards Allah His Messenger sallallahu Sallam is

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doing and part of this could be moving from one location to another because if you want to

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actually there's a discussion of the scholars You know, when the when the, the Muslims when they

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the Sahaba of the Levant when the messengers of Allah who it send them when they conquered Makkah, and when they came the first half Naka

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unless you yourself it was seldom said de la Hirata baghel.

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After this conquest, there's no more Asia. No more here. Now there's two groups of scholars that will have the throne and the fuqaha. And difference of opinion valid difference of opinion both have evidence is not a problem. Some scholars have this own map from the set of time and your own and a devout marine and many monks, they are of the opinion that that's it. That was an abrogation from after when the messenger sallallahu alayhi. wasallam, said there's normal hedgerows after the foot. And the conquest of Makkah means that hegira from location to location that is abrogated. Now there is no such thing in Islam, like moving from one country to another, one city to another. There's

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another group of scholars and maybe slightly in the majority who say that no, it is still there, moving from one location to another, that part of Nigeria still exists. If you can't practice Islam in one place moving to another place or one city to another city, one street to another Street, moving from five miles away from the mosque to about five minutes away to the mosque is also part of Asia. So

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there's two opinions. But all the scholars agree. all agree. There's no disagreement on this fact, that hatred of Allah to Allah and His Messenger sallallahu Sallam that will remain until Yamanaka there's no two opinions about that. So this is the meaning of hegira remaining steadfast on Eamon

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having firm faith and a man

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in a Latina car or buena, Vista calm. This is the responsibility we have of

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really having firm email and remaining steadfast. Now, like I was saying this is it's a test. It's a challenge. Of course, there's many, many challenges.

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Who said that practicing Islam was easy. It's not easy. It could be easy, but it is a challenge. It's difficult actually. There's a Hadith of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said Fuji bertille Jenna to be Shahada. How would you bet in Nairobi McCurry Jenna Paradise is veiled with difficult things

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and the veil of Hellfire sherawat apparently pleasurable things apparently in reality people good you know the heart and and the ones who are connected to one is messenger sallallahu alayhi Salaam they've been pleasure in the things which other people find difficult, but even when others find difficult is just in the beginning. So waking up Look, Jenna Paradise is veiled with

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so called hard difficult things of hardship, of course making up for solid confession in the morning at 534 o'clock in the summer, five o'clock, it is difficult fasting in the month of Ramadan for how many hours 19 hours is difficult. No, there is no turbo fast and you just you know, after the horror if star No, we are living so difficult in England. This is this is what I want to talk about. actually very important point that

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this leads me to this discussion that sometimes some people mistakenly

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say that, okay, we live in a country where we are in the minority, that means the rules have to be relaxed.

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rules have to be relaxed, because we're living in a country that has more challenges, more tests. There's too many we live in the midst of non Muslims, they have to be a special fuck.

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For the people of minorities. Have you heard of that? Anybody?

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This, there is no place for this in Islam,

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that rules don't change. A Muslim is a Muslim, like I was saying in the south in the East in the West, there's no, there's no special Koran for the people living in the minority. Yes. As wherever the person is, if you're next to God, there'll be special rules because you're an extra garba. Of course, those rules will not apply when you're in this Masjid. You're not going to start, you know, kissing the black stone here. So where you are, of course,

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it makes slight difference. But overall, the laws of Islam, the general rules of Islam

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remain the same. whether someone's in the east, south, north, west, Muslim country, non Muslim country, if the challenges are greater than the greater reward, if the test is greater than the greater the reward. We have chosen to come. Our parents have chosen to come. We've taken the challenge. We want to live in this country. Right? We've taken this challenge. Our parents came to this country. I once met in Egypt.

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There was a chef

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still alive. He's a muhaddith.

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We sat with him. And this was

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his opinion. I'm not saying they agree. And I'm not saying I'm disagreeing as well. I'm just telling you what, but his opinion was that it is unlawful for him for Muslims to live in this country.

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I had a long discussion this this was his a very famous show. Not too famous. A lot of people probably don't know him, we went to his mercy.

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He actually leads Salah himself, everyday fetcher, Naga Venetia and over three or four days he completes one Quran

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in verger in Missouri Venetia.

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One Quran in about three, four days. And he's got about three four lines of students.

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We I mean, the brothers were with me. We were we prayed out we offer that we went to we had an appointment to go and see him after another Uppsala. So we offered our mother in the mercy of the villas in Cairo.

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And then you know, we relaxed we prayed our sun, etc. Slowly, slowly, we came outside, we had some juice, etc. And then about it was only already about half an hour after moderate. And then we took a taxi, probably about 3540 4045 minutes after we came to his Masjid.

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When we entered, we could hear some salons taking place. There was one brother didn't go do. So what's happening is it's first Ricardo

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and as soon as we entered within about five minutes, he went into record he was doing Surah Al Baqarah he finished it.

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It's only for students, not for everybody. Literally, Frazier mcgarrybowen Risha, they've completed karate, three four days and he himself in his 50s or 60s he leaves himself nobody else needs he leaves himself afterwards we sat with him

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really enjoying them the second

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because we already paid

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and there's a bit of ruling whether you can join because another is three Raka three Akana fifth etc. Anyway we had a good excuse but

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we start with him we had food with him and for good

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half an hour because what they they pray Muslim all the way to just before Asia done. So he did Salam they pray the Sunnah and then after two minutes was a done for Asia.

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And then we sat they had dinner, you will have dinner together and then afterwards they finish after dinner after Bala but whenever I think after. So this is what he was telling me. I was trying to explain to the shaft look, you know, I think you probably haven't seen in London. I'm trying to explain to him what his London looks like.

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He says I have students here I know everything. But then he gave me this. He said look for me, you know, and he understood, had a bit of weight. But anyway, that's his opinion, lots of view. Otherwise, we'll all be done around here.

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Some in some cases living in these countries is even better in some places like East London is maybe even better. But we do have challenges. We do definitely have challenges. Our young young youngsters are the youth, the great challenges for parents for living in this country.

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Like I was saying the rules do not change.

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And this opinion that just because things are difficult here, in countries non Muslim countries things are difficult. That means they should be more relaxed. They should be rasa.

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Why did the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? makhija, from Mecca to Medina. To coration the kuffaar of Makkah, things are very difficult. Why don't you just take the roxa just take roxa Oh brother, we live like this difficult William rivers Hello now, because we live in Muslim minority.

00:30:36 --> 00:30:47

Some people say that this is difficult. River river is haram sinful it's one of the greatest sins ever in Islam. There is no sin, on which Allah has messages war has been declared,

00:30:49 --> 00:30:49

failed and

00:30:50 --> 00:30:54

failed to follow. Then we'll be harrowby min Allah who are a Sunni

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submissive major, major, major sin

00:30:59 --> 00:31:36

if someone's involved in it, like you know, nobody's perfect. At least we should feel remorse and make Toba and Easter far and cry and you know like feel bad about it but when we start justifying that's the greatest diseases to justify. And today every since especially in the past three years, the absolute okay the ones who this difference of opinion I don't even talk about those issues. When there's difference Mugu hips difference of opinion like you know, we have two types of laws in Islam this year and Vernier Kataria means the absolute categorical laws clear which are categorically stablished in the Quran and Sunnah there's no like Hanafi Maliki Shafi humbling Sufi service that is

00:31:36 --> 00:32:19

that bt and whatever other groups there's no such thing like that there's just clear since the time of the Sahaba Salah it's been hard on people it's been for like five time praise the god Hajj fasting and the prohibition of stealing and murder and killing and and bribery and Riba and gambling and trimaran alcohol consumption and drug abuse. And also Heba. backbiting and jealousy and hatred and cutting of ties are now hurting people and harming people here. These are the core criteria, these rules don't change whether you're in the south north east or the west. Muslims living in minority these rules don't change. Some people think okay, the solution, the solution to living is

00:32:19 --> 00:32:21

not Let's relax laws here.

00:32:23 --> 00:33:03

A javo sister, we live in a Muslim minority let's take a job because we live in a minority the solution is remain steadfast, hegira hatred, what I don't mean leave this country. Pedro means what? Like I explained hatred towards Allah and His Messenger, which means it's difficult, but don't follow your desires follow along as messenger. This is the hedgerow we'll be happy to do and not start making rules. Oh, like brothers is always difficult. I have to shake the hands of a woman. I have to because I live is like, you can't it's hard on the messenger solo cooperation is about 12 clear heads that a man and a woman can't touch skin to skin contact touch is not allowed in Islam.

00:33:03 --> 00:33:28

Now. I know it's difficult, but it's if it's Haram, it's Haram. Like you can't change it. We're not talking about the non decisive rules, the ones disagreement, okay, but that can there's discussions on the return what clear cut, alcohol will remain haraam? You can't say okay, like I work in this in a non Muslim environment, I go to a Christmas party and come on one day Can I just have like my pint of brandy, whiskey, whatever,

00:33:29 --> 00:33:58

just have to fit in and you know, just have to like whatever just be part of otherwise. Actually, somebody asked me this just two, three weeks ago, there was a sister I don't know where she called me from, but from somewhere and she's a doctor or something. And she lives in an area where there's a lot of non Muslims, maybe she's only two other families or something. And she said like is it is just like, I won't get intoxicated, but I just like have to be part I look bad if I don't have that you know the bit of alcohol just for that reason, a work party, Christmas party, whatever, whatever.

00:34:01 --> 00:34:20

This is, hegira leaving sin departing from following our own desires or disobedience hegira from disobedience to obedience, this is a job for Allah to Allah, this is the meaning of Islam. So,

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00:34:23 --> 00:34:51

these laws are very important. Now, of course, I want your attention because it's very important discussion and this is not like a normal lecture talk. This is more like a why like this should be held up. This is not just a I personally am not a big fan of just entertainment talks where people you know, just entertain and you know, fiery and laughing and joking and bit of entertainment and you enjoy the talk and go away now. talks are not for enjoyment talk talks are a means to an objective. This is not the objective.

00:34:52 --> 00:34:59

talks have become an objective nowadays that we think the talk and that's it that's what we supposed to do. No, no, this is just like a means now.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:05

What we take from here to implement in the life talks are not my entertainment. So

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rules don't change. Okay? But yes, Islam is a religion.

00:35:14 --> 00:35:27

That is practical. So if it's practical, then Allah, Allah subhanaw. taala is our Lord and creator, he knows our difficulties and hardships. So there are there are, of course, exceptions, there are concessions.

00:35:28 --> 00:35:31

And these concessions apply wherever you are. So,

00:35:33 --> 00:35:38

if someone's in extreme situation of necessity,

00:35:39 --> 00:35:41

what does the Quran say for when we are available when

00:35:42 --> 00:35:57

someone who's dying out of hunger? What does Islam say? You can eat pork, you can drink alcohol to save your life, not just you can is actually followed. Someone says, You know what? I'm gonna die.

00:35:58 --> 00:36:00

And they die. That's suicide.

00:36:01 --> 00:36:07

No, it's Haram, you have to drink that much alcohol, if that's the only drink that is there, you are dying of thirst.

00:36:10 --> 00:36:19

If someone's dying out of hunger on this prom, you have to save your life. There's only one exception to this rule, which is that if somebody is

00:36:22 --> 00:36:30

threatened by another, like someone's got a gun on your head, say I don't believe in Islam, say I leave Islam otherwise I shoot you.

00:36:32 --> 00:37:12

Pull the trigger, put it in your head, leave Islam like forced to leave Islam. In that case, the Quran says ilmenau Korea, whoo hoo moto in number, a man that if your heart is content, but just with your tongue, you say, Okay, I don't believe just to save your life. It's permissible. But in this case, it's actually is permissible to say, I don't believe I'm not a Muslim, but inside you believe that's permissible, but it's superior to even not with your tongue say no, I'll give you a life away. But say, don't say that I'm not a Muslim. Like the Sahaba that's the only exception. You give your life away. But every other rule of Islam when your life is threatened, then if you have to

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do harm, you do the harm you have to do the harm you can't say okay, like it's superior that I give my life away and I don't drink alcohol No, no in the sense of committing suicide. So this is called Aurora

00:37:26 --> 00:37:58

and that's why the from you know, this particular verse of the Quran and many many verses of the Quran like majali are considered even harder to read would love to become a use Allah you read the Quran Rasul Allah wants is for you. There is no heart now you can live Allah who the main verse Now you can live Allahu nuptse Lusaka, Allah subhanaw taala does not make us responsible for that which is beyond our capacity. If you can't stand pray, you sit down, pray, if you can't sit and pray, then you lie down and pray but if you can't stand Yes, listen, you know, sometimes it's like, we can still stand but like we just want like, you want to be chairman.

00:38:00 --> 00:38:29

We want to be chairman. So like this Chairman, we need to really qualify to be Chairman, you know, if you can really stand and just find out the rules when someone can sit and pray. So we have this rule. But this applies not because we're living in this country. This applies whether you're in Morocco, or in Palestine or Medina, or New York, or Toronto or London or whatever. If someone's in an absolute situation of necessity.

00:38:31 --> 00:38:45

We have a principle of borrow rod to be able Mahabharat situations of necessity makes absolute, you know, this is this is a term it's called the Rudra What is it called? Aurora, you know what that means?

00:38:46 --> 00:38:57

necessity, you know what the definition of that is? Someone who is who fears that if they do a particular act, then their life is severely in danger.

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Or they risk losing a major organ limb of their body.

00:39:05 --> 00:39:11

Time Time is short, and this was just the first point I had to mention another point as well after that, I'm just gonna try run. I'm gonna No,

00:39:12 --> 00:39:14

no, no. People need to go and so on. And

00:39:18 --> 00:39:19


00:39:21 --> 00:39:31

the Aurora means necessity, where you risk losing your life or a major organ of your body. This is the situation where what happens.

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The concession comes whether wherever you are Muslims in the minority or majority.

00:39:38 --> 00:39:45

So I gave one example someone dying out of hunger and thirst. That's in the Quran. Drinking alcohol eating pork Halla.

00:39:46 --> 00:39:49

Other major sins, Like what?

00:39:52 --> 00:39:59

Like, river interest, people say brother, uh, Hey, can I take the house or mortgage I said, if you're dying out of

00:40:00 --> 00:40:26

If you're not out of hunger, but if you're dying, then you can. If you think that if you do not get involve yourself in the river and interest, and you think that you will be on the streets in Bethnal Green, or whatever, and there'll be snow or you will die and you will freeze to death, then hamdulillah it is permissible for you. It's no different to drinking alcohol for other interests is the greatest sin than alcohol because one is very, very severe.

00:40:27 --> 00:40:43

So, it's the same. If we say Qatar is in the same level of necessity that makes alcohol consumption Hello is the same level of necessity required for interest to be Hannah.

00:40:44 --> 00:40:48

selling alcohol and Allahu shery banhammer Mohammed

00:40:49 --> 00:41:22

Omar Sara Hakata, who Salah messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he talked about Riba he said Nana low calorie Babu killer mukalla washa. edu allows curses on the take of interest, the giver of interest, the one who writes the scribe of interest and the witness to the interest interest allows curses on all of them this hadith of telemedia and some other books absolutely authenticated Heidi, and about alcoholism as well. And Sherry, will Hungary Mohammed, Omar, Sarah, the one who drinks alcohol, the one who serves alcohol, the one who squeezes the, you know, basically makes the alcohol.

00:41:23 --> 00:41:42

In other words, anyone who's got off licence shop and selling alcohol categorically, clearly absolutely totally. Hello. The inch the income is completely haraam, like Absolutely. No matter how many hijra you do not none of that's except it's like thrown back. We go to the messengers of Allah cinema salatu salam ala rasulillah and he sent you

00:41:43 --> 00:42:11

all your money you've come with all this haram money are full of alcohol. Sorry, I'm Frank, I know. But these things are important. We can't just brush them under the carpet. You can't just make Islam like okay, like dressed like a Muslim have a big job and beard and that's it and Muslim. Islam is a practical way of life, the way we earn is very important. Very important. marmelade halaal earnings are probably one of the most important aspects of Islam as well as more rational social dealings.

00:42:13 --> 00:42:13

You know,

00:42:15 --> 00:42:31

there was this Amano Booker and halaal students have been hammering him hollow gritty moments wrote a whole book on this topic, he talks about this, but in there he talks about the importance of earning holiday excetera and then he mentioned this is he mentioned this line of poetry. That is a cultural holida

00:42:33 --> 00:43:11

I thought the law has shifted a bit, or either a cultural aroma or cyto law has shut down a bit. If you consume Helen and Helen doesn't mean just the ingredients even the money income, gain to purchase the food. If you consume halaal you will obey Allah whether you want to you don't want to be pulled towards obeying the law. And if you eat Haram, you will disobey Allah whether you want to or you don't want to be pulled to uttara many of the sins and the bad things that happen in our communities, because our nourishment is is haram there's a hadith famous Hadith Sahih Muslim elsewhere authentic sorry, Hadees where the messenger sallallahu Sallam he said da da is not

00:43:11 --> 00:43:35

accepted. Because why? He mentioned the long Hadith. He mentioned that there's a person who Shatha Alberto mo do your day here at Santa Clara BRP there are many reasons for a person to actually be accepted. He was a traveler journey disheveled he was raising his hands, he will say you're a B etc. But woman Rama, Rama Rama, Rama Rama, Rama. Rama and

00:43:36 --> 00:43:43

his food is hard on his drink is hard on his nerves. His clothing is hard on his nourishment is haram How can his daughter ever be accepted?

00:43:44 --> 00:44:29

The food is haram if the earnings are haram are not accepted. Maybe that's one of the reasons why our dogs are not being accepted. We need to make sure we eat halal food our children as well. And by Pure Food Pure Food. You know the one of the one of the poet says about that in the early times the wives of the predecessors the seller from the second third fourth century because that time women never used to earn at all day students. Today's to the wives used to say to their husbands when they used to live to earn is to say it Tacoma happy Nevada to a moon and haraam finance Bureau and Nevada news find Alan Nari What a nice little al-hurra it the whole la Vina when I took a manohara fear

00:44:29 --> 00:44:47

Allah recording us and don't feed us like my children and me. The wife is saying to the husband don't feed us how long for a non US Bureau and a jury so if we're in hospital on a jury whether or not bureau or not, we can have patience over hunger, but no patience over the fire of them will remain hungry. Okay.

00:44:48 --> 00:44:51

And then a woman like that today as well. I remember last year or the year before

00:44:53 --> 00:44:59

this system emailed or something and she was very particular like she wanted to marry somebody with a guy. He was like

00:45:00 --> 00:45:08

Very rich proposal, etc. But she was not convinced until your income is not absolutely halaal I'm not going to marry

00:45:09 --> 00:45:15

and you get people like that as well. I'm sure you all have your like that. So

00:45:16 --> 00:45:19

the Aurora is this extreme level.

00:45:21 --> 00:45:25

Now yes for example, another example is a sister.

00:45:26 --> 00:45:36

If she feels that removing the hijab from her head, if she wears a hijab, I'm not talking about a job because niqab is not a country.

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niqab that's not a pottery ruling. I will explain that as well. But my job is like the absolute decisive we need to learn what's decisive and what's not decisive. What are the clear Quran and Sunnah clear rules which there is no difference of opinion, which throughout century, so, if she is in a situation of Nura, if a sister feels that her life is in danger, she feels that her organ of the body like she really risks losing her life or extremely part organ of our body, then yes, in that particular situation, whether she's in a minority in the majority, whether she's in the east or south of the north of the West, she can remove

00:46:15 --> 00:46:36

all these laws of Islam. This is called the level of the Aurora. We have a second level, this discussion is going big, but I'm going to conclude we have a second level, because a lot of people misunderstand this issue, which is the level of hajah you know, what has you means need? A total by necessity.

00:46:37 --> 00:46:40

The first level was the definition where someone

00:46:41 --> 00:46:42


00:46:43 --> 00:47:00

Yeah, the fear of dying or losing a major limb of the body. second category is harder when someone goes through hardship difficulty, but it's not extreme level. It's not. You don't risk losing your life, you don't risk you know, physical injury, etc. But it's a bit tough. It's a bit difficult.

00:47:01 --> 00:47:03

This level of harder.

00:47:04 --> 00:47:08

rules don't change this level of hajer rules.

00:47:09 --> 00:47:33

Are you with me? concentration levels, this level of hajah rules of Islam don't change. This is what we face. Waking up. Pleasure is harder, like waking breaking your sleep like five in the morning? Harder, maybe going to work and coming for Serato DJ? It's hard. It's hard, difficult. Fasting in Ramadan in summer, this past summer and this coming summer? How many hours in you guys first year?

00:47:34 --> 00:47:35

How many

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00:47:39 --> 00:47:45

You know, the brothers in Norway, the first 21.5 hours in Oslo

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and the first 22 hours. And the doctors and the lawyers and barristers as well as always tell me,

00:47:53 --> 00:47:57

you know, I sat down there when I went there in the summer, we prayed we prayed at 10 to 11.

00:47:58 --> 00:47:59

What time

00:48:00 --> 00:48:28

10 to 11 and Asia at 12 o'clock. And this is in Oslo. Yeah. This is our time was around that time. And then another time when I went, we actually then went we took a plane and we went this is Oslo This is like the southern part of Norway. We actually took a two hour flight. We went to the middle part of Oslo which is called trousseau. Tromso is a place where the sun doesn't descend in the summer.

00:48:30 --> 00:48:38

It's 24 hours daylight in the winter 24 hours a night. And then we actually then traveled another 10 hours like those three four of us

00:48:40 --> 00:48:54

man's been here he spoke here he was with us, me him and another couple of people so we went together we went for a conference. So we actually went up to the north right to that like they say end of the world wolf park near that right like right to the top.

00:48:55 --> 00:49:00

And we have you know, we were there with Sharma we he was an amazing four days trip that we made

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literally praying Asia and it's like full of bright light and virgin where the sun is, you know, shy

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around to about half tall, it gets slightly dim like you know, between house and mother here. It is like the sun gets close to the horizon, but it doesn't go down, Sun comes back up. So you have to what the rules are and etc. That's a different discussion. But anyway, however, there is a situation where the rules of Islam do not change. Things are difficult. But yes, there's only one situation. We're in the second category of laws which is called The second category of the situation, where new rules change only one

00:49:43 --> 00:49:46

situation the non decisive rules

00:49:47 --> 00:50:00

you know the non decisive rules, the non Qatari the the new rules, you know those rules of Islam, in which there is difference of opinion. One method says this another method says this, you follow a method for a school or a school

00:50:00 --> 00:50:43

scholarship whatever you're not qualified enough for you follow a particular way where according to this methodology, something is haram. But according to another methodology, another man have another school, another scholar, another show another fatwa. It's harder. And according to the school, you follow it around and you you're encountering hardship, not to the level of the rural necessity, but somewhat, it's difficult. then in this case, even for you, you can follow that opinion. by for example, I'll give an example. Some people, they have the opinion that for a sister to wear the niqab is wajib, it's necessary. Some people follow that it's a mainstream opinion, a lot of people.

00:50:44 --> 00:51:27

But there's an equally valid opinion of many qualified scholars who have the opinion that wearing the niqab is not worship is not necessary. And it's a valid issue. It's not only one opinion, like you have to read, it's to, you know, opinions are there. Now, if a sister is following an opinion that wearing the niqab face cover is necessary according to my school or my you know, shelf or my teachers or my mother hub or whatever. But then she is in a situation of not the rock, but how she doesn't risk losing her life or risk losing a limb. But she's fearing that in this surrounding in this environment, if she's traveling underground tube network, you know, it's hard, something could

00:51:27 --> 00:51:51

happen or she's in a place where there's lots of Muslims or non Muslims are looking and somebody you know, it's harder, it's difficult, it's hard to or for example, she goes for Ramadan, Hajj, and you know, like, you can't touch the niqab your face as well, because for in your home state affair, you know, you can't let anything touch. So the sisters like, you know, some of the sisters the word is Captain they're trying to touch and you know, you could fall down and you know, whatever. So can just take it off, because it's harder.

00:51:53 --> 00:52:12

So in the situation of this is for those people who follow that it's necessary, though, there's others who don't even follow this necessary for them. It's not an issue. So that issue which is disagreed upon, you can follow an easy opinion in a situation of hardware. We have Aurora, and we have hatch is going to mature. Is it easy to understand? Yeah,

00:52:13 --> 00:52:16

I understand. Sure you will keep in London, a very sharp very close.

00:52:17 --> 00:52:21

So I'm concluding. So this is the first point,

00:52:22 --> 00:52:24

which is the

00:52:25 --> 00:52:59

the first responsibility is to remain steadfast indeed. And remain despite the challenges despite the hardships despite the difficulties, Muslims living in minority, let's ensure that our faith Eman first and foremost is is strong, this conviction. And then we remain steadfast in our D, our earnings, our interaction, our our dealings, our eduarda, all of this, we try our best to remain steadfast, even though it's difficult and the challenges are great in this

00:53:01 --> 00:53:05

country or in these countries where we live in a minority.

00:53:07 --> 00:53:12

The second responsibility, and I'm just going to talk about this in 10 minutes where time is.

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00:53:31 --> 00:53:37

The second responsibility, and especially added responsibility for Muslims living in the minority

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00:53:40 --> 00:53:47

ensuring that we spread the message of Islam in a positive way. Very important.

00:53:48 --> 00:53:51

Sadly, we live in a time where there's all these negative

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messages and negative things about Muslims.

00:53:59 --> 00:54:20

Some things are just made up anyway. And some things we don't like is the media and some things, you know. But we still have to do our part and our job, this additional responsibility by living in a country where we are in the minority in the West, in spreading the true message of Islam, which is mercy and compassion.

00:54:21 --> 00:54:25

Like I think you mentioned also part of the, your,

00:54:27 --> 00:54:32

your What? Your tolerance and patience, etc. Part of the

00:54:33 --> 00:54:34

aims and objectives.

00:54:35 --> 00:54:43

This is a very important, important aspect, and we talk about this a lot, but I just want to just briefly talk about it.

00:54:45 --> 00:54:59

This is an additional responsibility. Why because we live in a place where there's Muslims in the majority people don't have doubts about Islam, like everyone is a Muslim. Here. We're trying to make sure that we don't become a barriers for people in accepting Islam.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:13

Rather than at least, at least we shouldn't do something that we become barriers from people becoming Muslims. And really we should be being positively spreading, giving positive message of Islam

00:55:14 --> 00:55:49

and rather what's happening here we are becoming various, the way we and this you know, sometimes we talk about this but sadly we should we should all myself included, we should all look at the way we act and behave and deep. We can talk about Islam, we can go and say that, yes, Muslims or Muslims do this and Muslims do that. But how I as an individual man or a woman, how am I behaving daily on a daily basis? when no one's watching? There's no one's looking only, like Allah is looking at you. There's nobody like that knows you. You're in the middle, like on a public road. How am I driving a car, for example?

00:55:51 --> 00:55:53

Somebody said, What's the son of driving a car?

00:55:55 --> 00:55:59

There's rooms of course, driving the car is not a beta, by the way is a beta.

00:56:00 --> 00:56:04

It wasn't in the time of the Machine Learning Center, Mr. motivator, this whole discussion will be dies.

00:56:06 --> 00:56:14

What's the center? What if, for example, if you wanted to talk what? Or like a discussion? What is the Islamic way of driving a car?

00:56:15 --> 00:56:17

What are the etiquettes? What's the adverb?

00:56:18 --> 00:56:22

What are the mannerisms? And what what's the sun away? I said to this brother.

00:56:23 --> 00:56:43

You want to know what the son know of driving a chorus for one moment, close your eyes and imagine and think if they were causing the time of the messengers of Allah they send them and if the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was behind the steering wheel and driving a car, how do you think he would drive a car and then drive like that?

00:56:45 --> 00:56:59

How do you think by you knowing his Shama is you ready Shama is Sierra, his gentleness, his compassion, His mercy his the way you know him looking down and like giving way would you How would you drive

00:57:01 --> 00:57:31

just imagine he would drive anyone want to pass by and let anyone go not have an argument for that non Muslims we have an argument like outside the Muslims commotion. You just say I hope please not to Muslims. And lo and behold, you go definitely to Muslims. Ramadan time, Castile time, commotion outside. You know, you hear something I preach? Peace. I hope there's no Muslims, still Muslims. You come in a street. Someone's coming from this way. Someone's going from this way like Okay, you go back. No, you go back. You go back, you go back. Right.

00:57:33 --> 00:57:48

back a bit later Shani du mistura in a machete jewelry Americano? de la de you're a gentle man, not by you suppose me a gentleman or an angry man? Gentlemen, why are we called gentlemen? We're not gentle. But you know, we like to be called gentlemen.

00:57:50 --> 00:58:18

There was this one brother. Once he came to me. He was telling me and like he was actually boasting, like thinking, we don't even think this is bad. They said, You know what, like the other day, like in less than we have this real, narrow streets. Maybe you have them here as well. So there was one car coming from there. And I was coming from there and the brother down there, like I told you, you move back. And he said, No, you move back and you move back. You know what I, I want, I didn't let him move back. I didn't move back. I made a move. But he said that he just wouldn't move.

00:58:19 --> 00:58:23

So he said the other the other person. He said, I'm not going back.

00:58:25 --> 00:58:54

I'm not going to move this, I'm not going to move at all. So he said he switched off his engine. And he just thought he, you know, he folded his arms and put his feet on the dashboard and said, Okay, we're going to do so you know what this brother said, the Muslim brother is talking to me right in front of me. And this is not even thinking is bad. Like is is like Is this a joke? So you know what I did? My son My house is just two streets away. I had my son with me. I said, You know what, if he wants to do that, I came with the car going, you can wait your whole night. Might just lived down there.

00:58:55 --> 00:59:01

And when I walked away, then he realized he started going back. And then I won the argument and I was just saying to myself Stop.

00:59:03 --> 00:59:04


00:59:05 --> 00:59:13

serious, like, I mean, how can you be a Muslim and do that? These are basic etiquette. We don't even think these things are part of Islam.

00:59:15 --> 00:59:29

How we do it deal with a person in the post office. We want to talk about Islam is Peace and mercy and compassion and this and that, and Muslims didn't do this. Each individual Muslim changes. The whole Muslim woman changes.

00:59:30 --> 00:59:54

We we want everyone to change except ourselves. This is the problem that we'll start with. I myself first first I need to change. Then the next everyone takes it upon themselves. This is what the Quran says here. The nomina la cumin full circle. Are you who believe Take care of yourself. Leo dororo comando later latest today to if you're guided other people deviated won't harm you you just sort yourself out.

00:59:55 --> 01:00:00

That doesn't mean you don't give that what is actually Hadeeth context of this verse. The messengers

01:00:00 --> 01:00:20

salovaara Sallam said, you know, when he was asked about this verse that like, do we not think about other people? He said, Well, a time will come will come under before things and I don't have time. But when there are four things, then this ayah applies that don't worry about anybody else. Just Just take care of yourself. And one of them was, when you see that Jabba Kula de Rajendra, everyone is so

01:00:23 --> 01:00:52

obsessed with their own opinion, nobody wants to listen. He said two things which are either shahan mata and another couple of things, but one of the things was when were Jabba Cooley they are in their eyes when nobody wants to listen, you say that this holiday is haram like no it's okay you know, nobody wants to listen don't judge me Don't when a time comes when nobody wants to listen to anyone the message is that although it is said and said this I applies no doubt when I just you just look after yourself and go and just protect your human and your children family and just go

01:00:54 --> 01:00:56

so how do you support so anyway

01:00:58 --> 01:01:11

our our the way we act this we just need to we need to ensure we we we don't do things that give a negative picture of Islam spreading this Rama this the messenger Salallahu alaihe salam was what

01:01:14 --> 01:01:14

let me

01:01:16 --> 01:01:28

tell you there's one Hadith he said in nama and aroma to know that I am a mercy that was sent as gift to you realize the giver of the gift and you are the recipients of the gift and I am the gift in a form of mercy.

01:01:30 --> 01:01:32

And so this is something that we need to

01:01:34 --> 01:02:12

spread through our actions through you know, the through our interactions and we have this responsibility of showing this to all the people around us if we live in a community in area you know they realize like this this is how Muslims are and I'm sure a lot of people do you know recently as well in the floods etc. A lot of Muslims did a lot of good things Mashallah, you know, they went and helped. This gives a good positive sort of image of Islam very important. You know, I just mentioned this, remember this one incident and with this there was one great Imam known as the Imam Mohammed bin Hassan che bunny. Rahim Allah the students of removeable hanifa

01:02:14 --> 01:02:16

where he was living in Iraq

01:02:17 --> 01:02:21

his next door to him was a Jewish man selling his house

01:02:24 --> 01:02:26

so somebody came to buy the house

01:02:27 --> 01:02:46

a Muslim came to buy a house to you know, ask him about the house. The price of his house was very expensive is like double the price the normal properties so he said What's wrong? Like how come your price double? So well there's one price for the house and one prices for living next to this Imam Mohammed.

01:02:48 --> 01:02:59

Mo of the Muslims you will never get a neighbor like this. Or we could deal with like that. Can people say in our community that Muslim please don't go away from our area like non Muslims say they cried a bag

01:03:01 --> 01:03:03

or the inconvenienced

01:03:04 --> 01:03:38

inconveniencing others whether Muslims or non Muslims is haram and sinful in any way shape or form we can't harm people. And that includes when we practice Islam. When we are fasting Ramadan, we are fasting not a whole world. We shouldn't be making noise we taraweeh time star time that I know scholars who actually who live in non Muslim areas, who actually when they wake up they tell the women of the household that make sure when you cook food etc. Don't bang the pans etc. We don't want the sequel, The Hindu family next door waking up because of our soul. It's sinful.

01:03:40 --> 01:03:45

This is part of Islam. You know the message isn't alone when he said when he would wake up at the 100 Salah this hadith of Bokhari.

01:03:47 --> 01:03:49

The Hadith says karma royden Masha

01:03:51 --> 01:03:55

Allah Baba rowayton wakamaru Eden, he would tiptoe

01:03:56 --> 01:03:58

salovaara is this imagine?

01:03:59 --> 01:04:09

When you would wake up from his room from his bed he would tiptoe open the door slowly walk slowly open the door and will do slowly light.

01:04:11 --> 01:04:24

So that forgets neighbors, his own wife say there are issues of dogs at the core of the law now who's the narrator of this hadith relates in Sahil Buhari, not to not to what

01:04:25 --> 01:04:28

harm and inconvenience her and break asleep

01:04:29 --> 01:04:39

imagine people like crazy stuff. People in this house don't wake up like we just you know we want everybody to know we wake up woken up for the hygiene salon Pamela

01:04:40 --> 01:04:59

because it's not for us. It wasn't fun for her. He would wake up early then he would wake wake her up like slightly later. Like, you know when it's closer to the time of budget, but he is offering salah and 200 all night long. The wife doesn't have to do that. Let her sleep. inconveniencing family members, neighbors will recover

01:05:00 --> 01:05:21

For Serato Juma we can inconvenience people. We're not doing a favor on a law that we have a right now to do whatever we want and park our cars in any way on a double yellow line or a triple yellow line or a red line or whatever, but the corners around it is haram in Islam to park in a cop car in a way that will obstruct others and harmless

01:05:23 --> 01:05:30

is haram is not the law of the land. That's another discussion. people agree disagree. That's a debate. We're talking about harming someone

01:05:32 --> 01:05:45

obstructing people like imagine blocking someone like me sitting in a lecture and are blocked some the kind of might need to go like somebody some there was an emergency once happened and somebody lost their life and they couldn't even get to their family members because it was obstructed in the masjid.

01:05:47 --> 01:05:52

Once they blocked an ambulance entrance, a person was offering karate prayed in a city.

01:05:54 --> 01:06:36

These are very, very important aspects of Islam. This is the Rama This is the mercy This is the compassion of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with which he came when that's why the final is a hadith. They should be right at the beginning about Satan and there's a hadith in sunanda Buddhahood known as hardy for muscle salvage overly you know the students. Other people know that Hadith that students here as the first Hadith from the teacher when they study Hadith like this is the first thought this continuously goes back all the way back and to to a particular Dabiri and then it goes to the message that a lot of it was seller can continue to it doesn't go all the way to

01:06:36 --> 01:06:38

the messengers and a lot goes to a tablet.

01:06:40 --> 01:07:10

But it's known as how do you build muscle cell bill overly throughout the world everywhere in Arab lands, non Arab lands everywhere when students study it, the first Hadees is that is taught. This is the first Hadith like every student says the first howdy I read from my shelf was this Hadith, then every other had he called her little muscle cell below Alia raha moon yamamura Manu terracotta IRA, your hammelmann from earlier ham Komen for sama, or hammer calm and for some others two ways

01:07:12 --> 01:07:24

those who have mercy, Rama anta Baraka which Allah has mercy on them have mercy on the people of the earth one in the heavens will have mercy on you know literally speaking but have mercy on the people of the earth and allow it have mercy upon you.

01:07:25 --> 01:07:27

This is imagine this is the Hadith

01:07:28 --> 01:07:43

So, this is a very important responsibility that we have to show compassion to mercy with our character with our you know attitude with our behavior with our sort of way and practices. So these are the two basic points and messages that had inshallah Do you remember them? The first one was what?

01:07:45 --> 01:08:22

just summarize remaining steadfast on Eamon and practicing the regardless of how difficult it is. That doesn't mean we all perfect. I'm not perfect. He was older than me. But we all try. At least we try not make things like dilute religion now. Things are clear, it's clear this week vellum mix system to control me to have my best. That's the best attitude, not start making all this No, I don't agree and this is no. So if we really think that this is something that is hard, it's difficult, but inshallah I'm going to offer me and like I'll just end on this, that sometimes one of my chef was saying once that you know when things are difficult to practice Islam, MiG tau and ask

01:08:22 --> 01:08:23

Allah to make it easy for you.

01:08:25 --> 01:08:39

At least say to allow, you know, pray to Allah back to Allah, Allah Allah, I can't. I'm involved in this like sin. I this is a difficult thing. Please, please. And normally Allah will then make it easy. And then the chef said that

01:08:40 --> 01:08:48

he was saying, he said, if it doesn't happen, at least you can you can tell him I don't know. I asked you I told you. I mean to watch you. At least you could say that to Allah.

01:08:50 --> 01:09:05

They you said asked me and I was involved in this this thing was very difficult and I cried in a bed at least I try you said asked me with erroneous digital cameras to at least I did that at least you could say that. So that's the first thing and the second one was showing compassion. Mercy Sharmila grant is the ability to have you have to practice

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