Mufti Menk – Supplications Series 2018 EP20

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The importance of words like "will" and "willow" to convey a message to Allah is discussed, as it is important for increasing one's good and evil experience. A narration from the Prophet sallimm discusses the use of "has" to increase one's good and evil experience, and emphasizes the importance of learning and sharing knowledge to benefit from the good. The speakers stress the need to become more aware of the difference between worship and justice, achieve clarity about worship, and be mindful of what is happening in the world. They also touch on the use of the title observe the way the Prophet sallavi is portrayed in WhatsApp groups.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Allah, Allah He was happy when we praise Allah subhanho wa Taala we send blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the best of creation, the most noble of all prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala his household, his companions, may Allah bless them, bless every one of us, grant us goodness, and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to favor us during these blessed and beautiful days. I mean, my brothers and sisters, we were going through the supplications of Revelation and we moved through to the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, I shall have the Allahu Allah, the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us in a narration that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught me the following, he told me and instructed me to make a dua to call out to Allah using the following words. And I started off this hadith. And I continued, but the reason why I want to pick up from that particular point is because we need to understand the value of these words, here is the best of creation, speaking to his most beloved who is Ayesha Ravi, Allahu Allah once the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was asked, Who do you love the most? He said, Asia. And then he says her father Subhana Allah, which means aboubaker,

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acidic rhodiola and so here is the most beloved unto Allah, telling his most beloved, something very important, what is that?

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He says, use these words to call out to Allah, imagine he is telling his most beloved, his wife, I shall allow and he is saying, use these words to call out to Allah. We are so fortunate to know what those words are amazing. Look at the value of it. Subhana Allah, so Allah subhanho wa Taala has informed us of these words, and I made mention of these words. I'm moving on to another hadith of Abu huraira the Allahu anhu where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has taught us

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this dua Allahumma

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Li Dini, a lady who asked me to Emily was Lily dunia. latifi Hama, she was literally a karate and latifi Hama de was hired as the editor leaf equally Hey, well Mota rata LEE MIN Cooley sharing that Oh Allah, Oh Allah make good for me my deem that is the most important of my affairs. Make good for me my dunya which is the world that I need to live in or in which my life is and make good for me my hereafter where I am actually going, that much we have already covered in the previous episode. Now we go to the next part of the same do the same supplication.

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He says the Prophet sallallahu Sallam taught him what JAL Hyatt asiya Delta Lee equally hired. Oh Allah make life for me.

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a means of increase in goodness for me. Oh Allah make life a means of increase for me in every goodness. So if you're keeping me alive, let let life be a means of increasing my goodness. You see, if we go back to the MBR and the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala, we will find

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that Allah subhanho wa Taala instructed, for example, US alayhis salam, there is a narration that makes mention of how he would be receiving a reward, a double reward. For everyone who was guided and everyone who did good. The same happens to every one of us to a different level, obviously. But we also get a good reward for those whom Allah has used Us to guide. Now, while we're alive, let that life be a means of increasing the good. Let that life be a means of increasing the good. If Allah knows that now the life that you're going to be having is not going to increase you in goodness, but it's going to make things worse, then that is where you say, Oh Allah, take us away,

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take us away. So we're not making dua to Allah to take us away because of a problem. We have a difficulty we have, but because lack of obedience or lack of seriousness, we might not be on the best terms with Allah the day he takes us away. And that's called a bad death. The best death is to be taken away while Allah is pleased with you. And the worst death is to be taken away whilst Allah is angry with you. So what do you analyze?

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Is that a leaf equally higher, Oh Allah make life.

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Goodness make life and increase in goodness for me in every way. So as long as you keeping me alive, let goodness keep on increasing and let death be a means of ease for me from all the evil, you know you're saving me from evil. So whenever you decide to take me away, let it be a blessing death such that I've just been saved from disaster that is to come something bad that is to come, whether it is evil within or external. So the duality is so powerful because you are saying Oh Allah, if you've kept me alive, let that life be a means of goodness. And if you've taken me away, let that be a means of me being saved from calamity, disaster, negativity, etc, etc. So, I'm going to repeat this

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throughout inshallah, with the idea of perhaps all of us maybe repeating or saying it with me or after me, inshallah, calling out to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah who Muslim Lee de Mia levy who are Esma to Emily, we're asleep Lee dounia en la te fi Hama, she was asleep li irati latifi hum ID watch a little higher to Xia Li fi coonley hail, one mo Tara Hatton, Li Ming coolly sharp. That is the Hadith is narrated in Sahih Muslim, they are different variations of the same Hadith with slight variations in wording. But that could be because the Prophet sallallahu Sallam taught it several times he may have used it several times, taught it to different companions, slight variations in

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wording, you know, an accurate and Letty la have my ID in one duration. Here it is fee ha, my ID. So this is a beautiful narration of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it's a lovely dude. That is the hadith of Abu huraira Viola and the previous one was that of Asia of your logo and ha, I'd like to move on to the narration of Abu huraira the Allahu anhu another narration you see Allah subhanho wa Taala instructed Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to call out to Him to seek knowledge to seek increase in knowledge. Although Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam was the most knowledgeable.

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And although Allah subhanho wa Taala had bestowed upon him the greatest and the highest favor.

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Allah says, what good Rob busy Dini in

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and say, Oh, my Rob, increased me in knowledge. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam having heard that he immediately used to make this quite often.

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Allah humann Fanny Bhima alum, Tony, why limini million phony? Was it me illman Oh Allah benefit me from the knowledge that you have granted me and grant me knowledge that is beneficial.

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And grant me increase in knowledge. So Allah benefit me from whatever you've taught me and teach me what will benefit me that's the literal translation of it and increase me in knowledge. So, this hadith is absolutely important, because it shows us the various rights of knowledge, we need to seek knowledge, we need to benefit from the knowledge and we need to want increase in knowledge, increase in knowledge will come when we have practiced upon that particular knowledge. So, when you practice upon knowledge, you get increased the same applies to wealth. When you earn you will only earn more in real terms when you start spending. So there is no point in earning and amassing the Quran has

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actually cursed the person who has earned and amassed way liquidity whom is at lumada. A levy Gemma Malinois dah, dah, you know, destruction be upon those who are very abusive with their tongues, they lie, they have deception, and they despise and so on. Who are they, the ones who gather their wealth and keep on counting it. So they are miserly, they come up with so much and they keep counting it and they have not benefited anyone with that wealth. They haven't benefited from it as well because you only benefit from the wealth when you spend it. When you use it. That's the only time you actually benefit from the wealth. So

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in this narration also, we are taught that if I am to say Allah human faculty, Bhima alum 20 Oh Allah benefit me from what you've taught me. That would mean

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I need to make an effort to put into practice what I've learned, if I've learned what will happen is, I must be able to benefit from that knowledge.

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What's the point of having so much of knowledge and you haven't even you haven't even practiced upon that knowledge, it is a waste of knowledge, isn't it? So this is why the Hadith says, are limini, Maya and faraone Teach me that which will benefit me. Now one might say it should have been a different order, or Allah Teach me that which will benefit me and benefit me from that which you've taught me, teach me that which will benefit me and benefit me from that which you've taught me that that's what one might have thought is the order and it is the order in another integration. But this narration is correct, authentic, and it goes to show that what is more important is to benefit from

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the knowledge. What is more important is to benefit from the knowledge. So I have knowledge that is beneficial, but have I benefited from it? Someone might say there is repetition in this study, there is no repetition. The reason is, I can have beneficial knowledge and do nothing with it. So what has happened, it's beneficial, it's good, but I haven't benefited from it. So one is to get beneficial knowledge and to benefit from the beneficial knowledge. The The benefit is mentioned before getting the knowledge because of its importance, because of how serious that matter is. And this is why at the end, it says Sydney illman Oh Allah grant me increase in that particular knowledge or in

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knowledge. This Hadith is narrated in Sudan to me, and it's something we need to constantly ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make it easy for all of us to learn and to put into practice and to convey to others, I sometimes sit and I think how the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu the wives of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, how seriously they took up knowledge and the study of knowledge they passed on the baton generations, it is as fresh as ever, and it's come to us. When we sit with the Quran, we know for a fact that these are the words of Allah, unchanged, and contamines, uncontaminated, although it's 14 130 odd years later, but Subhan Allah We are convinced.

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The same applies to the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there are narrations when we are so convinced These are the words of the Prophet as fresh as ever, because we know they made a great effort. My brothers and sisters, surely we could make even a small effort and inshallah we would be earning the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala. I want to actually move on to another beautiful, very, very important Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where he used to say, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to say, Allah hum Inanna obika min and mushy cabbie cachet and Allah mu one esta Fuca Lima Allah Allah. This is a beautiful Hadith. It has many

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different narrations, many different wordings. So the one wedding that I've made mention of here is Raja Halima Ahmed, there is another one which says Allahumma inni obika and Shri kabaka. Lama was De Lima Allah Allah, you see, the greatest sin that could be committed by mankind

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is sheer, sheer meaning association of partnership with Allah. Sometimes people don't know or they don't realize or they don't, you know, pay attention to certain things that could just be schilke. It could be association of partnership with Allah, it's important that we give this matter, you know, great relevance, because it is a matter that is very, very serious, where Allah says, I will forgive anything but schilke I won't forgive, surely we should be talking about it. It's something serious, because some people don't like to talk about it. They say, what's this? You know, why should we keep repeating this issue? Because that's the only thing Allah says, if you were to do it,

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I'm not going to forgive you. If you were to do it, I'm not going to forgive you. So I'm going to be speaking about it. You shouldn't be speaking about it. Everyone should be speaking about it. And whenever someone speaks about it, we should be from among those who realize its importance, so much so that the Prophet peace be upon him himself has taught the people this is a hadith

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of Abu Salah Sharia of the Allahu anhu he says the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave us a lecture one day, and he says, Yeah, you Hanna's it taco ha the Sheikh. You know people, be careful of the sheik Be careful of it. And the Hadith goes on to say that he taught us a DA he taught us that we should say Allah hum in order to become in an illusory cabbie cache and Alamo when Esther lamola Nana, Oh Allah, we seek your protection. We seek your protection from having engaged in any participation of or in any association of partnership.

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You that which we know. And we seek your forgiveness for that which we don't even know Subhana Allah. So it shows us that there are two different aspects that which you know, that we don't even realize, you know, my brothers and sisters, when we sin. Sometimes we don't even realize we sinning, because it's become so common sometimes, you know, we backbite without realizing your backbiting. We engage in slander, sometimes without realizing I forwarded the message, I've spread something and it's a major slander. So sometimes we become, you know, sub consciously, we just pass it through without thinking.

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This is where we need to improve, inshallah, we need to start becoming more conscious of what we say what we do, what we forward, what we receive, and so on, even on our mobile devices, which is, you know, the current device of the age, the mobile device, everyone has it, and we are so into knowing what's happening in everybody's life, that is quite dangerous. But that having been said, that is connected to sin, that is connected to

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participating in that which would displease Allah by doing what he doesn't want you to do, which is less than than shake, however, there is something far greater than missing.

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And that is shake. It is association of partnership with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Not only should we be careful of it, learn what it's all about, so that you know what it is and what is not. But you should also ask Allah to protect you from Sheikh or Allah protect me from Sheikh when last did we say that? Let's be honest, Allah protect me from Sheikh Allah protect me from association of partnership with you. I can't remember when last week said that Subhana Allah here is the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu are saying that Oh Allah, that the prophets of Salaam is teaching them this dua Oh Allah, we seek your protection We seek refuge in You from shirk from committing shield, which is

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association of partnership with you in a way that we know and we asked you forgiveness for that which we don't know. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from among those who really understand this issue. You know when Look man, the wise, who was according to the narrations, he was from Nova, he was from Sudan.

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And Africa African alum makes mention of him in the Quran because of his advice. Allah makes mention of him in the Quran because of the advice he gave his son. The first piece of advice he gave his son

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what you call a local man only booney Hua Hua buena Yella to chick fil a

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ship gala boo now the remember when look man gave His Son advice while he was advising him he said to him, oh, my dear son, do not perpetrate ship do not engage in schilke do not associate partners with Allah for indeed that is the biggest sin you could commit Subhana Allah, here is the man giving the pieces of advice. He starts off with one factor that we don't even talk about sometimes. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from those who understand and realize. So my brothers and sisters we move on to another Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam this time of Abdullah Abdullah buzzworthy Allahu anhu oma, it's a powerful narration as well. And it goes to show that the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was indeed sent as a as a mercy to us. He was indeed sent as MSE. He taught us every single thing, the Sahaba the Allah and Jose mataranka hieron illa De La La La La chawan illa Hazara na minha there is no goodness that he forgot to teach us every goodness he taught us and there is no evil that he did not warn us about. So we really have to praise Allah for this beautiful gift that he has bestowed upon us. So this narration of of the life and bustle of the Allahumma he says the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to say he used to say so he didn't just say it once. gala yaku he used to say Allahu Malika Aslam O Allah, unto you I have submitted for you I've

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submitted. Now, I want to pause for a moment and remind you while you're listening to this, every one of us should be thinking about it for ourselves or Allah. For you. I have submitted Allah Malacca slum, or love for you I have submitted what bigger are meant to and in you I have believed, Oh Allah I have submitted unto you, and I believe in you.

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Well, I look at our country and I have laid my full trust in you. This is the beginning of a beautiful supplication what Elijah and abotu and I have turned to you

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have returned to you, you know, in order to come back to Allah subhanho wa Taala in obedience, what Becca has come to and through you, I argue, you know, when we have an argument when we have a dispute, it's all through Allah subhanho wa Taala it's for the sake of Allah, and it's With the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So it's either to portray the truth, or it is to achieve justice. It is an Hussam actually means a dispute. And ha sama here could mean you know when the argument or the dispute, when we say through Allah subhanho wa Taala, it's for Allah, it's for the sake of Allah, either to achieve

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clarity about worship, regarding who Allah is, etc, or even just for justice. So Oh Allah, it is through you that I argue or dispute Allahumma in me, to be exotic, Oh Allah I seek refuge in I seek refuge in your power, I seek refuge in your power.

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From what? Now before making mention of from what the do ask pauses for a moment, and it says La Ilaha Illa. And there is none worthy of worship besides you. So it's worded this way Allahumma inni ob exotic La Ilaha Illa and, and to villainy, O Allah, I seek refuge in your power in your mind, and there is none worthy of worship besides you from being led astray. You see, so it's actually the center, the middle of that has in it La Ilaha Illa. And there is none worthy of worship besides you. Oh Allah, I seek the protection in your power. There is none worthy of worship besides you from being led astray Subhan Allah, Allah who may need to be exotic La Ilaha Illa, anta and to be Leonie

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Subhana Allah now it continues praising Allah until how you love Elijah Mo, will genuine into your Moton, you are we all living, you are the EverLiving The one who does not die, but as for mankind and Jim kind, they will die. So the doula here is only asking a lot that we be saved from being misguided, that's all. But look at the introduction, the praising of Allah, Oh Allah, I surrendered to you I believe in you I lay my trust in you I returned to you I through you I dispute and argue, Oh Allah, I seek protection in your power. There is none worthy of worship besides you from being led astray. You are the all living the ever living who does not die the jinn and the ins you know

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humankind Jim kind, they do die Subhana Allah so this is something really amazing. It's a hadith Raja holy mama Muslim. And it goes to show that we will surrender to Allah. And this is actually a beautiful app that we can make all the time. Oh Allah I surrendered to you, I believe in you. You know when I'm dispute, it's you that I'm always always after, Oh ALLAH and I want you to protect me from misguidance. And it also goes to show how serious the issue of Miss guidance is, you know, when people are misguided. It is the worst thing that could happen to someone. guidance is in the hands of Allah so definitely we need to ask a lot of guidance. And Allah allows that Miss guidance

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therefore we asked him to protect us from Miss guidance as well. So my brothers and sisters That's the beautiful Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam inshallah I look forward to the next episode. And until then, akula Kali hava was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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