Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari – Loneliness, Depression & Internal Peace in Islam

Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the benefits of finding a connection with Islam, including small monthly donations and avoiding negative consequences. They stress the importance of creating a "immaterial way" to achieve personal growth and success, and acknowledge the need for personal development. They also touch on the importance of balancing personal needs with the workload.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah here Walkman you're walking

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come to you let me know salatu salam while

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he was married.

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But I couldn't even

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be a lot more lenient in

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general Zivanovic moonwalk meet

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especially brothers and sisters

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first of all, it's an honor, it's a privilege for me to be here with you today. I'd like to thank

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the people in charge here, Academy

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accept their efforts and reward them for the work that they are carrying out to US city of Nottingham. So my second time here, I came last time, using the technique of sitting there and people were sitting this way

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hamdulillah it's good to come from Leicester to Nottingham, it's a very close city not too far.

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The topic that we have today that we want to talk about

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is the title if you like,

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loneliness, depression and eternal peace.

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I want your attention, I really want your attention. And I want everyone to really think deep.

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And, if possible, which was really the sunnah of our self, the great scholars and the great people are there any time times to make notes, so that we can take the locks I mean, normally in earlier times lectures, were not lectures, like we have today.

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A lot of the times now, sadly speaking, it's entertainment, entertainment, where people come to enjoy, there's a bit of motivational talk, which is beneficial to an extent, but primarily the objective of talks were

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lectures and rules where people would come and take notes.

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And they will take that to a great scholars have talked about Imam Shafi rhodiola, I will say so either enema, wiki tab, whatever you learn the knowledge, capture that with writing,

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so shall love it, I'm sure you want a few Your memory is so great that you don't need to write. So if you're not writing, then I will assume or presume that your memory is great, and everything's being written. But for someone like me, who has a very weak memory I need to write and that's why I actually have notes in front of you. That's why, you know, when I when I normally do talk, most of my talks, actually universities and places that always make notes structured talk that I do. So when I first started out, I used to think people might think it's embarrassing to remember anything writing was was these notes in front of you. Then one of my very good friends said to me, that

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actually in academic circles if you don't have notes, if they consider that you haven't prepared anything. And in most cases, they think that if you note that they think you don't know anything, really though, if you have notes, it shows that you have prepared. So anyway, without a long introduction, I have a few points that I really want to discuss in detail. And I want you to keep in mind that I'm going to ask you questions about it at the end, if possible. But don't run away. Don't worry. I don't have the whole to disappear before the end.

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This loneliness and depression, or this feeling we live in a time brothers and sisters,

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that everybody is complaining of distress of sadness, everybody's complaining of distress exams.

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You need anyone anyone's house, you go to people outside, there are people happy as well. But people are sad. People are distressed. People have difficulties hardships, there are 1000s of people who feel and say clearly that they are lonely, despite having everyone around them. Just recently, last week, I was observing the news. And they will say that on social media, there are so many teenagers and people in the 70s at 18 year olds, 19 year olds and early 20s where they are saying that they want to commit suicide regularly 1000s of tweets are being tweeted on a daily basis where young people are fed up with life in England 1000s This was in the news, probably you heard and

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we're trying to see the statistics. So everyone's distressed. You will not find anyone who's saying well I'm actually

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You'd be happy, everything's fine. You don't seem happy. But every stage of life people are complaining about wealth matters, family matters, hardship in life, economically economic problems, financial problems, relationship problems, you know, this brother in law and that sister your mother in law is not talking to me and two brothers are not talking. And there's a big financial dispute between two taxi drivers, we just had a big fight outside are these two business partners here they're fighting for the past two years or three years. There's two brothers that haven't spoken to one another for 10 years. Everyone's going through hardships and difficulties.

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Recently, we will be the few couple of friends. We went to those as an organization

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of that organization. And we went to do some signature that everyone people who are involved, we had to do a signature, one of our beloved probably know about this. So we went to a solicitor.

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This was a Sikh, Hindu solicitor, me and there was another couple of Milan,

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he said to us,

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he was saying this is a seek solicitor in his trip, because we're 50 or 60. In his 50s. He said, everyone is everyone is sad. And in a state of misery in the world. There is a tool to Self Publish. So before you came here, there was a lady here, she's a millionaire. That's what he said. She was crying, she was shedding tears. She was crying for the past 10 minutes before we hear from pixels, which is a he's a millionaire, she's got six, seven properties, which is crying.

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And she's distressed, and for the past year to three years, she's crying.

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Everyone whether the person is a millionaire has a lot of money, less money, fortunate, unfortunate. Everyone's in that state of misery.

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People are saying they are lonely, wash it, you know, it was a wash once, which means that you have you're not you're not in a state of loneliness. Everyone's in a state of loneliness. You have people around you people have family members, yet they feel lonely.

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And there are some people who have nobody around them, but they don't feel them.

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So what is that state? And how do we counter that state? What is the solution to that state? How do we achieve that internal internal peace and tranquility.

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We will have here the verse of the Quran, Arabic related document.

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Many of you probably heard of this verse. Remember with

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all the way and let it be known when the remembrance of Allah the vicar of Allah has found peace. But the issue is that we don't really understand this verse we just we just hear the translation we think this verse actually means we make the target of Allah every morning I say, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, take some time and read 100 times Subhan Allah God hamdulillah and that's it, I'll get peace. That is probably a Dutch percent of what readings it means.

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Doesn't mean just I'll do Vikram 100 times. And I'll just say Allah de la, I'll find peace. Because people are tired, they still don't feel peace, they still having hardships in life.

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That is a very deep and comprehensive meaning. What does that mean?

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And how do you get that happiness, and this happiness or this, you know, tranquility, which will say comma near the internal peace, this is known as slowly Arabic. In Arabic, real true happiness is known by the word. So rule. And rule, you may know this saloon is root word, which is simply seen.

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Because it's hidden, it's internal, it's not external.

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It's not external, the word still in Arabic means secret.

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So rule is secret, internal happiness of the art, real happiness is not in wealth. It's not in money. It's not in financial aid. It's not in lots of relationships. It's not involved in children and progeny. It's not in jobs. It's not in traveling, it's not in seeing things.

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So who is the fear of the heart? They feel to it. It's a special condition of the heart, a special state of the heart, which is a foundation of law, which is a blessing which is given by Allah. It's not acquirable without being given from Allah, you can work and earn money, but this is something that is especially given by a lot. If someone owns millions and billions of homes. But Allah does not give that special name of salute. Antonina and, and this Raha and this piece, they will get depressed. Do you know there are so many millionaires just give you one example many football club soccer players

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in America with the same soccer. They are depressed there's a whole organization set up to

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To help those sports stars football players who used to earn and earn some of them 200,000 pounds a

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week. I once mentioned this to my father and he got to shut up when I was in 2000 pounds over whole lifespan.

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One year would have probably made sense to him or even a month, week 200,000 they are depressed, they go into depression.

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They take drugs, they go into severe depression. Lots of people wouldn't even do their due diligence covering and etc because they are depressed there's no they are searching for finding for something something's missing in their life is a fact you what is that vacuum? Because Allah has not given that special NEMA bounty

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we have to understand is a difference between Raha and Scovel Raha

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Raha means tranquility, peace, which is an arrow from Allah as verbal Raha the means of happiness. As verbal Raha are the

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means of happiness, we can't mix the two up. A lot of people mix the two up, you understand the difference. Having a lot of money is a means to happiness. Having a nice car is a means to have means having a nice husband, people's wife.

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Husband is a means to happiness, having a good wife. Righteous password means to happiness. Having a good house means to happiness, having relationship with people, friends, means to happiness, and it means to not be depressed and lonely.

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But it's not

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own. And it's not happiness, and it's not tranquillity in itself

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is a massive difference. Somebody can have all the means of tranquility and happiness and peace and being happy, yet not find no peace in life. And somebody can have none of these items. Yes, be very, very peaceful. I was few months ago, three, four to three months ago, I was in Denmark.

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And one of the great scholars of our time. I know my teachers, probably many of you have shaved his lungs from Africa. He was invited. So he had a few talks. So I went from here.

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So we were eating.

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So as you're eating, somebody said to him that Chef

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does this research here in Denmark, statistically, Danish people are

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considered to be the happiest people in Europe.

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And you can understand that, especially Norwegians are given over many, many times. It's a small it's a small population, the country is four times larger than England, or the population is half of London. Norway, multiple, I don't know, but financial prosperity, jobs, everyone, even Muslims are of higher upper class, most of them are from Pakistani background. But all the like I say all the travel ones went there and all that goodness, give me

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all the doctors and the lawyers and all the high positions. Muslims in Denmark, from Pakistan, all of them in education, every family you'll have a doctor or lawyer or a barrister, or someone Muslim family.

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But this wasn't all even in Denmark. It's quite good. So one of the brothers said to him, said, statistically there's research done here that Danish people are considered to be the happiest.

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And another brilliant researcher, but also, there's another research that also been done, which states that the highest rate of suicide is also in Denmark.

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highest rate of interest in Scandinavia, Norway, Sweden, Denmark in these countries, one of the reasons the weather as well because we get depressed here because of the weather. The weather there as well. It's actually near some of the northern parts of Norway in winter, you don't get no daylight between those places. There's actually full 24 hours just night when I went out in the summer, so those 24 hours, just daylight, we will pray recharges when the sun was fully blasting on the horizon, praying. This was two years ago. If you go to northern parts of Norway, in Oslo Mulgrave is like close to 11

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the sun does descend and set at 211

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and then be pretty shocked like 12 o'clock and 15 but if you go up there's no there's no night it's just direct. You pretty well have an afternoon class at six, seven o'clock. It's really hot, modern stainless steel operation you bring a 12 o'clock at night with total crock the sun is still there, Kitson, big deal gets

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closer to the horizon a bit dim, but still hasn't. If it's cloudy, then you will see the sun but it isn't set. And then at one o'clock or 1245 10 to one, it's back up really high a new premium version. Anyway,

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the point I was saying that this brother said that the highest rate of

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suicide is rare. In terms of

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complete contrast, for I asked the question, I was sitting next to him, I said,

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Do you think you know what the reason could be one research is saying that the greatest the

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happiest people are in in Denmark. The other researchers say that they're also the ones who committed suicide the most.

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He said, I don't know if he's rich, maybe you know, the research is correct. But if they are correct, then what comes to mind.

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So what comes to mind is that

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the first research was looking at the means of happiness.

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They are looking at job prospects, looking at jobs of the individuals looking at their own homes, their cars, the money that the properties. So they looked at the means of happiness, and that show that they are the happiest, but the second research is looking at actual tranquility and peace and happiness itself, which indicated that they are not really happy, they're committing the most suicide. So the means of happiness are there but they are not happy.

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This is why this is from Allah subhanaw taala it's a state of the heart. And you know, this, this this is a fear of the heart and it's our time in Allah and this is given to us. Now how do we what do we need to do? You see brothers This is the most important point here in order to acquire this this great Nirmal this gift from Allah of Zulu of Dominica, of internal peace, internal happiness is for a believer to be when we say another vehicle of medical, Gulu and this is the real meaning of explain to you about what this means that with the remembrance of Allah there is peace. This actually means for a Muslim man or a woman to be fully, totally, absolutely categorically connected.

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And I will explain this in what I need to explain in detail connected to Allah subhanho wa taala. From the morning from the moment we wake up, till the moment we go to sleep as much as possible, our minds our focus should be with Allah. You know, this is why it's very important we as human beings, we always Islam is a deen brothers and sisters, we forget this. It's not just the Islam is a deal, which has a lot to do with the brain.

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Do you know what that means? It has a lot to do with our mind. It has a lot to do with how we think it's a lot it has a lot to do with what we think in our hearts and in our minds. Everything is to do with the thought. This is where you configure a very fluid figure with before we can not only figure Arabic, a lot of words in Arabic and Urdu. They are the same words but different meanings and that's why sometimes people when they just know, Arabic stick, it's tougher.

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Yes, Bulava. pm and we're moving away at alpha Kahuna, this summer working with Robin ALLAH

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SubhanA. Allah Allah, Allah, Allah talks about these people who make vicar of Allah,

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figure who cannot worry, concern, contemplation completely the mind is focused on Allah. Every human being every one of us, every human being thinks about something in the mind. Don't wait 24 hours, we're thinking about something.

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Unless we're insane if someone's maturing in saying that they may not think about something, but every human being thinks about something in the mind. What do we think about the first thing we wake up in the morning?

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Our 95% of our quote out

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of our daily life is all to do with the good, old to do with the short brief 65 years of life, or seven to

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a short which is which is just like a game. This life is basically a game. It's never clear to Boolean variable. Whether it's very slow, it's just a it's amusement. homerun highest million dollar rule. It's just a deception. Once we go there, we'll say Oh, I went to this place.

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Just for a few moments. There's nothing. Eternal life is for how long?

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I've only told you to turn the light. How long is the next slide?

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For eternity? How many? 600 years 6 billion, billion billion billion year trillion years whatever.

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Compare that to 65 years of of life and this dunya This is what the Quran says Gundam Yama you're older and younger who will actually economical haha. When you go into the author of this dunya we feel like a moment of the morning or moment of evening. It's like after 600 billion years imagine you sit in the dunya and you go and you know meet your friend.

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Go in this example quite a few times you go and say let's go and have some new comer from your palace and you come over here Madison's gonna have some coffee and

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it'd be lovely to hear from

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people but imagine you say okay let's go and have some coffee and some you know some biscuits inshallah inshallah

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many years.

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After 6 billion years you've been living 6,000,000,001 day you came up from your palace.

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How are you? Okay, we just start chatting about you know, the old the old times. Do you remember? A long

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time ago?

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Before 6 billion years ago, there was a place you remember? Dunya? I vaguely I think I've done such a joke. That was Do you remember? I remember there was a dunya. I think on board and then I think I didn't reverse it. I think there's a fiscal England not think no, maybe.

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I think I was born I had a child, I think that a grandchild.

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60 years. That's a moment of the morning that moment of the gondola whom Yahweh or Allah, let me I'll go through

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such a short life, our whole focus when Sisters, we wake up with a photo of dunya we sleep with a project. I'm not saying it's Haram is permissible. And it's also an obligation to look after basic matters of life. But our focus here, I'm a legal Yatta because river coffee, caffeine,

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caffeine, work for dunya as long as they will do your work for as long as you're gonna live there. What's the comparison 65 years average no one is between 60 and 70. If you get the full life, if you're 14 is 20 years left three portions of 2046 2014 Six. That's it, your once you go over 14, that's it last last leg.

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Let's just work for the author and time to go. So this is a very short, it's a joke. This is why our thought this Dean Allah has given us it's all to do with the mind.

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From the moment we wake up,

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we have this connection with Allah, we build this connection with Allah, you have this extreme love for Allah. And I will tell you how we can create that love. But

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the first thing when we wake up what happens as soon as we can. When we wake up straightaway, and to go to work.

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I've got an appointment there today, where I need to form the Benefits Office, I feel that for me to go to the post office, I need to get the money from here, he owes me money, or this or that all of

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this is the brain. Every human being is thinking about something that

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the Quran is telling us think more about the tougher could make the flow of the thoughts always connect stronger. Do we ever think about driving a car, when they are resurrected in front of Allah the agenda there Jahannam there is out there to be reckoned in there. You only are old enough to get a bid on a meme and the whole of mankind would be standing before but I would either need this other veneer of Allah just sometimes just think and just might yourself agenda will be like this. Imagine you can't really do what

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you can't really imagine. But just think that you know, I've seen a law and gentleman, the name of Allah, how great would it be, it's going to be very, very soon it's going to be just in a few years time. When you're driving when you're walking think more about Allah and more about asset or more about gender. Also think about Hellfire as well. But not too much. You might get depressed with it, but just to protect yourself from it, that this is the challah, I'm not gonna go there. Because I'm this this way, with connection with love with extreme tones with Allah, you will never be lonely. That's why when you say oh yes, no fish, now lucky. If anyone lives with Allah. If someone lives 24

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hours, they wake up with Allah, they sleep at night with a remembrance and the thought of Allah, everything they do with Allah. They will never feel lonely. There's no rush in their life. Because they've got something they're connected to them. Even in non Muslims, I've said this as well. That religion and faith gives you that internal peace. If you live with Allah subhanaw that talk to Allah, one of the great scholars of the subcontinent of the videographer. I used to say that people don't talk to him as

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much as we do our talk to him one day just talk to him from Union room. Don't worry, you're not mad You're not talking to yourself. You're talking to Allah. Cry to Allah will tell you your sexual love all your past you know things that you've done or your hopes aspirations or love. The signatures in this room in hello in seclusion, isolation, speak and converse with Allah subhanaw taala you feel better number one.

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We like to talk you know people say our problems

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Hey, there's a problem half, but many of the times Unilever, so I normally see that people do Reba don't really keep up with Allah is head up.

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Talk about someone total, that mother in law, my mother in law, she's such an as

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if you want to complain about your mother in law was this woman or that man or this business partner complain to him, don't talk to anybody else because that becomes real. There are certain places where labor becomes valid and when it's permissible, scholars will explain that there's a certain need or etc. But generally we don't stay in that limit. If you're talking to a low talent, speak to Allah converse with about this

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connection. The moment we wake up, this is of course we think about about dunya What does Islam say?

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Islam says, you wake up first thing in the morning. Eyes open, stretch your arms. What's the first thing to think?

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Subhan Allah hamdulillah Allah has given me a new life. I was dead god

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Allah we are the orphan and was Hina muda will Latina female for your SQL or the other or a remote we use it Oh Ha ha Musa. Allah takes away the souls at night when people see

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our takes away our souls

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when we're lucky them Thomas female yummy

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for us equality for the book and those people who Allah doesn't want them to come back to life. He keeps themselves will you receive others he lets them really system

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puts them back

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this is where we need to go out

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and handling getting ready

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for cabling systems, you know these two hours are so powerful one of the greatest ways of finding peace and connection with Allah, these must move sooner to us. But the problem is we don't know the meanings. The real benefits will only be gained if we know the meanings of these drugs.

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The real benefit the real benefit

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when you learn this was teaching children the meanings as well.

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You know my son, son is five years old.

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And because inside the toilet, I've taught him the meanings. So he has to stand before

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so can you go into the toilet

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now right foot left foot left foot before that read

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through the door a welcome mat we need to become in a hobo they will have eyes What does it mean? Allah please save me I'm going to send the toilet in the toilet is all the men and women and all the boys and girls shaytans in news bad people shutdowns in corporate life is very female and they really dirty and you can attack me so please save me before I go inside.

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And you come up

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Al Hamdulillah Hillary have a really funny you say that you're saying we meet all the thank you I'm really thankful for taking all the dirty things off on my tummy because if I didn't then my daddy My Baba would have to take them to the hospital because I'm coming

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so much every dua you could write a book of 100 pages on the inner hidden meanings of all these two hours

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Alhamdulillah in the

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garden after he gave us like a death he called us back to give us life again. We're in English Julius today is given us life but will next time he won't give us life again we will be contracted. So we've made me think like this for two minutes think I was close to that.

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You know, sometimes we were very close to death.

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Some people have come across this in real life. You know, sometimes you go through a real bad accident, real real bad accident. And huge people say you just save protecting.

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Everyone says I don't know how you survive.

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A person happens a lot of people

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at that time when you get protected all zeros or cost coming in. Just Just missed you.

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Everyone, anyone, anybody even, you know.

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That's how we should say and handling that in

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spite of that, I've been given a new life.

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And at that time, what do people do? Sometimes people who are going through cancer were people who go who are diagnosed with severe illnesses.

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Lots of people make this resolution. If I get protected if you show me from this illness sickness, then inshallah I'm going to change my life or I will give donation

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to this madness I will dismiss you though I will do this for the people who are very close to

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me these major

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Resolutions likewise, when you wake up in the morning, make a resolution, Allah, you give me a life I was very close to death all these thoughts sit on your bed for five minutes and think about these things rather than taking your phone straight away or who's what's happening. This is another problem. Seriously WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter social media is one of the major reasons of people's depression and people's unhappiness, major reason and the experts are saying

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I just read today. You know Steve Jobs.

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The guy who started Apple is dead. He goes

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into six wherever you are Steve Jobs or no jobs. You still have to go. The company carries on but you're gone.

00:30:59 --> 00:31:02

So there was a report that he

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you would hardly let his children people just asking the your children they'll be spoiled with iPads.

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My children don't touch. Very rarely. All the people who are working to talk to people they don't give these iPhones and iPads.

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Because we say we know the heart the hearts

00:31:23 --> 00:31:31

we run the iPhone six. We run to them. It's like you know we've got some great that's gonna give us happiness.

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There's a difference between what we need are we wanting to

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get what you want. Sorry get what you need. To get what you what you want. Once you want to never end our wants will never end one wants to take us to another one. That's why the Hadith says local eliminate them while being we want to talk our dear with God. The son of Adam has one valley of goals we want to valleys if you have two or three What are you

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only just being death will fill the stomach of you will never never end his desire.

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If you need something, try and get it. So these are the thoughts first thing in the morning be connected to Allah.

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Think think about this in the morning. Then people go to the toilet. I said the door as well. Learn the major two hours and discuss understand the meaning. When we enter you don't come out from the tools. Do you know what's happened when you go into when we go to the toilet in the morning. We were sleeping in our heedlessness in our office.

00:32:39 --> 00:32:49

At night we had all the biryani and samosa pakora wherever we are all the food, we eat everything without even thinking even thinking full time we don't even think

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we ate whatever whatever is gobble it all up and then sleeping snoring away at that time as well. Allah's machine is in progress. What's happening. We are sleeping for seven hours, dreaming about everything and anything. Allah's machine is in progress. The machines what's happening

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the food is being digested.

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A portion of it is being used to make blood. A portion of it is being used to give us all on power. And the residue that dirt has been placed onto the one side into the corner for for what for release in the morning.

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This is the dirt we will come in the morning until we have people can recognize maarif of Allah just by going to the toilet. So easy imagine you if it was difficult

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that we had to do something or you know cut a part of our body if that didn't come out from our stomach in the morning or whenever

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we would lose a life that is in itself is an amazing network

00:33:58 --> 00:34:06

this is we've got the forecast thinking and then we will make will do think use the use the brain weapon system this is the

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use the mind of a Salah will make will do when you make well do you know think that the messages are above 70 These are all you know authentic a hadith that every although you wash organ you wash your body since I've been forgiven think hamdulillah since I've been forgiven do it according to the Sunnah when you walk to the masjid every step we take sin has been forgiven and

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to think that this is happening when you walk, brain mind focus, enter the masjid with focus with the DUA focus and then the most important thing you often also are what why do we have this peace and tranquility because our prayers I just it's like either it's just habit.

00:34:52 --> 00:34:59

Habit. Shootings a lot. You know Voodoo is an external fraud and for sure which is concentration. I think

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I mentioned before but crucial in prayer, knowing what we are saying when we are praying

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and even better understanding the meanings.

00:35:09 --> 00:35:21

When we say Allah Akbar thinking, when we kindly God we say Allahu Akbar, Allah is greatest is greater than any lofty position we get to Subhanallah when we're descending, Allah is pure from a lowly thing.

00:35:22 --> 00:35:26

When we say Alhamdulillah think about all the gifts and bounties of Allah.

00:35:27 --> 00:35:35

So Salah is very important, every part of prayer. So how are we saying, that's when you learn the meanings we have scholars you take time to

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learn the meanings a Muslim lives for 8070 65 years of his life and doesn't know the meanings of sort of

00:35:44 --> 00:35:45

an odd thing that's very, very sad.

00:35:47 --> 00:36:00

We read everything and anything we don't know the meaning of sort of too far to have sort of the follow up sort of nurse sort of his last last few suitors in the Quran that's when you get bored in prayer. There are times in 2014 regard eating

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without enjoying why

00:36:05 --> 00:36:09

you would happen it's unnatural. Imagine you're listening sermon even Chinese change archaeology

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because that's boring. But if you know the meaning it's you're in a complete different level.

00:36:19 --> 00:36:43

Actually, ideally every Muslim should learn no that means in the Quran, all of it Vidya did not become officer okay. But there are you know basic meanings of the Quran which every every believer should try to understand. But okay, if that's not possible, at least a few suitors have pushed you in pray, every prayer we have for sure and understanding and reflection will make us close to Allah

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Roku saints of Hana and other you might have seen certainly Allah Who Allahu

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has been thinking

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making dua in sujood if you can in between sessions between between the two sessions alone affiliate training reveals only

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what is it the here the here belongs to the law.

00:37:18 --> 00:37:19

So a lot

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of you said so now Malika you have the viewer

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and then after that, what do you say salutations are the messenger and you make dua, Salah is inside pray is actually the most important time to make you only say Allah million dollars to that's not only the DUA that we should be reading in Surah

00:37:39 --> 00:37:50

that's one interviewer. Well, Hadith was even deeper the alumni I will ask the messengers of Allah who said this, you can make you know when you when you are offering Salah you say I love you because

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I have learned as well you know the meanings. If you if you want some peace from your family and your wife you say hello but I have learned as well as you know, I will do the

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whole loving my children and my family my spouse or curatorial, coolest of my eyes, which I love

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dunya hasn't think think with the DUA in prayer

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if you're in demand then don't have too many is because people need to go do your thing for about 20 minutes. Nothing prayer 200 Prayer beyond will lead prayer by himself. But even a regular phone prayer week totally different to us every time it difficult. I know people who say we've never made the same guy ever in our prayer. Like we've never used over how many volunteer for 10 years. I think to myself, for example, I haven't I can't remember the last time I used to log into the internet

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long time ago, quite a few years ago. Because there is a variety of ground every prayer, make our prayers

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full of life. Not you know like automatic, it's automatic we come we're coming with a code we don't even know we've entered the masjid evident. We don't even know when we left. We don't know when we vented when we left. This whole Deen of Islam will only benefit us versus if things are not habitual thing our mind is focused.

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This is what how we connect with ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada and this is how you will never feel lonely. And then this creates the love of Allah and the most important thing about having love for this is very

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we think about the great Nirma and the bounties of ALLAH SubhanA wa

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know we live in a time where people completely we complain about everything. We have 99 bounties and blessings and one hardship in life. The complaint was I the only one left for this was it only me that Allah chose to do this consciously whether you got eyes, a lottery ticket, you isolate those one person wants to set up more than larger 100 he mentions in his book that he came to complain to somebody mobile kind of an idea and just a while ago, somebody came to complain to him about you know, poverty and

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hardship and in life.

00:40:03 --> 00:40:16

Is that how if Allah tick took your eyesight away, would you be ready to pay 200 or 200,000? Or 2000? Do you know something for it? Of course I paid 2000 2000 10,000 things

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so if Allah take took away your ears would and if someone said I'd pay 10,000 dinar return them back to you would you pay that much people pay so much for surgery and for you and they have cancer, of course, he read income every organ of his body

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10,000 For the eyes, 10,000 for the ears 10,000 For the nose when the hands or the feet for the neck. So you're complaining about poverty and hardship your own millions, you're a millionaire. Every Nepalese worth 10,000 dinars and you're complaining about poverty and hardship.

00:40:50 --> 00:40:58

The way to create love for Allah and have peace in the heart and be absolutely love it Allah is this is the first point.

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I mentioned the first point which is difficult thought this could be the second point to think about now especially thinking about contemplating the Nero. Were in their own dunya not Allah Hina pursue, if you will, even if you were to try to count the branches of Allah you will never be able to count them

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thinking about every month every single day, go home look at the children. Thank Allah for two minutes. You blessed me with his beautiful children.

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The thing is we do things on guarantee we act as though this was our how I was supposed to get ice.

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That's why people remember shelter he said

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health and well being is a cloud on the heads of the Healthy People but only the ill people in the 60s.

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If you're sick when we get sick, that's when you realize the value of health. Lose a foot. That's when we realize but in our day to day life, we're too busy. Who's going to think thanks a lot

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you know when we sleep at night, we should think about this as well. Imagine if I was stranded somewhere

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use the brain

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imagine if I was driving stranded somewhere and my petrol or my car on the title something happened to

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have no ad membership. Or I'm not even doing I'm in the middle of some jungle somewhere and it's dark. There's not one car there was a place you could be driving on the mountains or somewhere even in England you could find that the two o'clock 2am And there's a road that takes you to Manchester Have you seen that road?

00:42:47 --> 00:42:48

Yeah, whatever it's called.

00:42:50 --> 00:43:12

And go on there next. Daytime I love to drive there slowly, slowly, nice scenery this is quite as difficult as well. There was another bit of a community healthy summer what you will think and reflect looked upon, look at look at every creation of Allah and then thank Allah, everything takes you close to Allah because the mountains so Pelican Mahabharata heard about

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the fact that Allah says those people who difficult think about the heavens above the sun sometimes didn't even notice you the other day with one of my friends he sent him like a picture about you know, space and universe and the whole cosmos system of each galaxy, and the sun and Venus and Mars and Jupiter and different planets. It's just mind boggling

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that it will lower a book of business.

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People have become Muslims by just studying astronomy because doctors and became Muslim by researching things finding things out through medicine.

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Islam has a lot to do with our mind or intellect. So I will say something before I said difficult that road was

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thinking about if you wrote down so nowhere to help you, no one to help you. Darkness could hear some sounds

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scary, very scary. Now what's gonna happen?

00:44:20 --> 00:44:21

Middle of the night.

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And you tend to

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That's it. That's when people you know when they start. This is when the hot speaks. Even the atheists will say oh my god.

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Atheist, I heard you myself. Something happened to him a long time ago, we train discussion about you know, God exists.

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And then suddenly, you know, the trains and other trails coming, something happens. As Alicia said

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quite a few years ago, I was traveling on a train somewhere. And he was having a discussion with me about like, you know, don't believe in God. You know,

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How do you prove this guy?

00:45:02 --> 00:45:06

Oh god he just said it because a train move isn't the only thing you just said God. Where do you go God come from

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that time imagine after you have lost all hope so scared suddenly someone comes in helps us

00:45:20 --> 00:45:21

so happy

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that person is okay don't worry. Say my car will tell you a long time

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and then you go home and speak in the warmth of your bed. What will you think what we think thank

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you, thank you I really lost hope but we should be thinking about this every night.

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Because normally the the thought only comes when we don't have the network. We take the network for granted. We were looking with our eyes.

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The default is that I knew you couldn't you may have not even given me this accent. I'm able to walk humbly law of attraction of these feet and legs and walking every

00:46:03 --> 00:46:09

day just the other day I was thinking about this. The best had an employee the weather was really bad housekeeping two days ago.

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At home.

00:46:12 --> 00:46:23

I could hear the winds outside. Really high winds, really high winds and rain rushing down. What do we need to take in toxins.

00:46:25 --> 00:46:39

Thank Allah from the heart, Allah gave me the warmth of a bed cozy bed sleeping. Gave me a house to live in. I could have been outside on the street on the road. In this rain in the snow in this rain.

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When you sleep at night think thank Allah night.

00:46:45 --> 00:46:56

Every network this is creating you know this is the way we create love formula. Because love for Allah you know when we talk about have love for bla bla bla This is the most

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effective way of creating love for Allah.

00:47:04 --> 00:47:11

If you have a friend or somebody who keeps on giving you gifts, every time he gets a give some presents and every time you love that person

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a human being naturally has love for a monitoring in Watson and Watson. So we'll just leave us to gives you grants you and gives you good good things. So when we think about the boundaries of the blessings of Allah, every single one, this will create love this will create this connection with Allah subhana wa guiding

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you know, there was a game. And this one teaches that there was a chef in Pakistan Dr.

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That was Marty mentioned this that once we were sitting with him eating some friend had called in those 567 10 people eating

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or sitting and eating and enjoying the food. So he said over time he said Look, listen.

00:48:02 --> 00:48:05

Number one, Allah has given us a great

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food is a great

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isn't it? You're gonna have food now this

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Allah is giving us food.

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imagine we have this.

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00:48:23 --> 00:48:23

you're not hungry.

00:48:26 --> 00:48:31

But hungry. Food. One, we're hungry as well, second year.

00:48:34 --> 00:48:37

There is I think we could have had tasty food.

00:48:39 --> 00:48:42

Okay, and we could be hungry as well.

00:48:43 --> 00:48:46

But you could have some illness that we can't even taste it.

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It could be some illness. We can't taste it.

00:48:50 --> 00:48:53

That's another demo of a lot of be able to enjoy the food.

00:48:56 --> 00:49:19

You said okay, maybe you have the food tasted good. You're hungry as well. You can taste it as well. But you have some other options. I've said you can't you know, like you have to you have to abstain from food to handle that nobody has that problem as well. So we've got food, we're hungry, tasty food, we're hungry, and we can taste it as well. And plus we don't have no illness that's preventing us from eating it.

00:49:20 --> 00:49:40

And he said we could have had all four but suddenly we could just a news or depressing news. Someone's dead or someone's passed away or something's happened. Could have come to us. You could have all of that but you don't want to eat don't feel like eating 100 No one kind of bad news. So food. We're hungry. And

00:49:41 --> 00:49:42

number three

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can taste it and we don't have an illness that stops us from eating it. We don't have what no sad news bad news that depresses us. Number six he said we're eating friends has never been

00:49:57 --> 00:49:59

and you could have all of that six but the pie

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Isn't whose house you're eating everyone's friends but the person who's feeding us is treating you with what not with respect is degrading you we're eating guff from our house here the person is feeding with respect in one food he said in a minute of seven

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he said every single layer of law requires that you thank him from your heart.

00:50:22 --> 00:50:24

So you shook up to every network

00:50:26 --> 00:50:37

imaginable that's why you know some of you say that when you drink water especially in hot countries drink as cold as possible. Because the more cold it is the more you will say unhandled

00:50:39 --> 00:50:40

No, no madonn

00:50:41 --> 00:50:42

930 stuff

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lots of people that have voted number one

00:50:47 --> 00:50:54

has really become rich now. I can know the meanings of the DUA we don't know the meanings you know this is why you don't We don't think about it.

00:50:55 --> 00:50:58

You know the DUA we will be walking like assumed to be

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a risk taker. And then after you drink the water, then what do we say? The herbal llama

00:51:07 --> 00:51:08

what does that mean?

00:51:09 --> 00:51:24

Thirst has gone off who is beings and they every vein of my body humble and not as cool as my body people that that are hungry that comes out you know after being so the throat been dry

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we know people I started having said hamdulillah during

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enjoy, it's no problem.

00:51:32 --> 00:51:36

But we should try to do that for every time we drink water

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every day, the problem is we add one hardship comes we complain somebody came to one of the lives and he said it's very hard to complain too hot. So yes, you're looking at how 14 is your complaint? What have you thought the positives This heat is creating so much food in the world. So many things are in Medina in a you know the age? They grow the trees because of this special extreme heat

00:52:08 --> 00:52:09

and lots of these

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00:52:12 --> 00:52:22

How do you suggest bacteria bacteria are being killed because of this heat. So many people's life is dependent on so many people's

00:52:23 --> 00:52:35

living in livelihoods or livelihood depends on the heat. Because the training in these things 123456 Different forms of Allah which think of us

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with only one negative thing you see, straight away we have complete my back's hurting. We become here this a man flew here the landfill.

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We want all the attention.

00:52:54 --> 00:52:55

Think about the neuroma. You don't

00:52:58 --> 00:52:59

matter for Quran.

00:53:00 --> 00:53:04

He used to say that we read our life accounts upside down.

00:53:06 --> 00:53:12

We read our life accounts was upside down. No, that means upside down.

00:53:13 --> 00:53:45

Upside down means we look at the negatives we don't don't look at the positives. And you know when he said this, he had a son who passed away when he was 51 years of age was 51 years old. His son passed away before the fall. And he passed away in a time when his father passed away two years ago when he was on his last couple of years or last year of his life, going through tons of difficulties and hardships in life. He had heart disease and this operation that operation bedridden at that state.

00:53:47 --> 00:53:50

He got the news that your 51 year old son

00:53:51 --> 00:53:52

has passed away.

00:53:54 --> 00:53:58

Now rather than complaining lots of people in the family members who would prayers and

00:53:59 --> 00:54:04

within the family or people saying you know those savings I owe

00:54:06 --> 00:54:50

you know very, very quickly. He wrote a letter of representation. Similar books. He wrote a letter to all his sons and daughters and brothers everybody in the family. He's the one who's the ill person. He wrote a letter to everybody to look you could look at this incident in this way and be depressed. He was only 50 went very early. He hasn't even his children have not even waited in married yet. Before even seeing you know this is what our our our committees do. Oh I couldn't even see his son gets in graduated. He couldn't see the so she didn't do this. All these things and be depressed. doesn't just depress or do look at it this way.

00:54:52 --> 00:54:58

He had when he came back from page number one Allah gave him 51 years of correct life.

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gives us that right to live for 51 years people died two years old. Everyone has to die anyway, he wrote to the vet said, Look, everyone has to die nobody's come here for eternity so he was going to die anyway. But what better time to die than now

00:55:15 --> 00:55:21

number one beautiful life could proceed as Allah gave him number two he just came back from H

00:55:23 --> 00:55:24

nakiya middle group

00:55:25 --> 00:55:52

whatever deal or whatever to like he's just come as though his mother's coming in but sins are forgiven. Number three, one of his sons used to study in Medina so he met his son spent two weeks son was able to do his 100 Let him came back. Came back here spent another two weeks and met all his other children family he actually invited for people food and met a lot of people did all of that a few other things he did and then humbly live in Nashville.

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This is looking at our life. The right way. Not the wrong way.

00:56:00 --> 00:56:09

We look at the negatives. This is bad. This is this is wrong. This is wrong. My ears hurting my nose is hurting my eyes hurting my head's hurting this poor call your hearts really work God.

00:56:10 --> 00:56:12

There's so many positives.

00:56:13 --> 00:56:18

Even illness brother and sisters, illness and sickness is a near ama from Allah.

00:56:20 --> 00:56:23

You know that illness is an area it's a bounty.

00:56:25 --> 00:56:30

It's not, it's never much. This is why when you go and visit an ill person, what do we read?

00:56:32 --> 00:56:45

Now that's knowing that's what it means. Don't worry, brother. It's okay. Don't worry. Now who will is purification you'll be purified as an AMA from Allah, the whole inshallah lava story. Okay?

00:56:46 --> 00:57:06

The whole range of it's an arrow from Allah why there's so many different and the number one was forgiving that ill person says without the person doing anything free of charge is lying on your bed and snoring away or sleeping or just you know, in hardship. Look, I'm not saying it's not difficult illness is difficult.

00:57:10 --> 00:57:18

Physically we will feel the pain when someone's ill and sick physical if your hands hurting, it's going to hurt doesn't mean that okay, you know, it's not going to hurt,

00:57:19 --> 00:57:30

you have a headache, you will have a headache. Physically there will be pain, but mentally, psychologically, the brain the mind will be content

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the mind will be content with Allah subhanahu diatas feet and

00:57:36 --> 00:57:42

you will think to yourself, This is a great number. Now remember, number one, many ways this is an error

00:57:47 --> 00:57:54

correcting for a long time but number one I just mentioned in less is an error because why? Purification

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since free of charge number two people tend to live up to us. That's another way we make dua Allah will reward us for that as well. Number three, you know people become a bit humble and they come in all this I was being proud of arrogance you

00:58:11 --> 00:58:19

can wait you can drive a car faster often. When my leg breaks in crutches then I become a bit humble. Number four.

00:58:20 --> 00:58:22

Number four, what happens?

00:58:24 --> 00:58:39

Anyway, these are three those are number four as well as three ways and there's many other ways where this is a neuroma illness, then you might say this some some scars, you might say, Okay, does that mean that we ask Allah for an error? So we're not going to be in this because some are random.

00:58:41 --> 00:58:46

We don't do that. And this is why some of us early scholars they used to when they used to be given sick,

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and our bodies to make more work. I know this illness, this sickness is a NEMA. It's a bounty, it's a gift from you. I completely understand I am content happy, eternal. And we do Dawa, we go to the doctors and we try to have a medication because it is sometimes part we need to do that our we are able to learn and it says most of us have Allah medicate and it's a pseudonym, we need to take the means. So we do that. So he used to meet God Allah I know this is

00:59:19 --> 00:59:30

not from you, but I am a weak servant. Therefore all I asked you to replace the amount of illness with the level of health

00:59:32 --> 00:59:44

replaced the narrowing of illness sickness with another narrow because well being and half human health is also an animal to replace that narrow with this other narrow

00:59:47 --> 00:59:49

somebody went to one of the earliest clothes

00:59:50 --> 00:59:54

and he had some major, you know something like a problem.

00:59:56 --> 00:59:59

He had extreme fever like close to death type of fever.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:10

Sometimes you get this extreme view. So the students who enter the chevron center, how I'm standing up to this team because it was ill for three weeks bedridden

01:00:12 --> 01:00:13

How do you feel? How's things

01:00:14 --> 01:00:15


01:00:17 --> 01:00:17


01:00:19 --> 01:00:20

170 times

01:00:22 --> 01:00:24

more 100 And that comes with your head sometimes.

01:00:25 --> 01:00:28

So he's in my eyes,

01:00:29 --> 01:00:44

my ears, perfect. My hands, perfect. My feet perfect. 100 I couldn't ask for anything more handed Allah's blessings. He went through 10 different things, 100 in a year, and I have a bit of fever.

01:00:48 --> 01:00:58

First, he counted all the positives. And then you look at the negative, we say, oh, no, you know, I haven't slept last night. And this happened as well. And this happened, this happened and that how can

01:00:59 --> 01:01:05

this the people with this insight, the people who are connected to a lot of people who have,

01:01:06 --> 01:01:15

you know, this deep connection with Allah, they see things from the heart. This is how they think. And this is how you get internal peace.

01:01:16 --> 01:01:21

This is how we get internal peace bonuses. So anyway,

01:01:22 --> 01:01:27

I've talked a lot about this first point, I was actually going to talk about level three, four points, but I'm not going to talk about them.

01:01:28 --> 01:01:32

I'm gonna just list them in one one minute, how long can I spoken for

01:01:33 --> 01:01:34

five minutes or

01:01:35 --> 01:01:52

one hour. Because I know it's more than an hour old is not good because of concentration. Allah aka, the less we take something with us in our life, but another five, or maximum 10 plus nine Sharla. Because I just want to mention one or two other things.

01:01:53 --> 01:01:59

Just those quickly summarize, this is the first way of getting internal peace and tranquility.

01:02:01 --> 01:02:03

Tougher code being always connected to Allah.

01:02:05 --> 01:02:07

You can check with the brothers if there

01:02:08 --> 01:02:09

was more time.

01:02:17 --> 01:02:22

I'm getting tired as well. So just just quickly each other sisters as well.

01:02:25 --> 01:02:56

Just a few more things. This one the first to avoid loneliness to avoid depression. To avoid this misery, connection with Allah Topher could use the brain from the moment we wake up, think about things be connected to Allah subhanho. That number two, which is actually a talk in its own self. And that's why the current reading for each one would require one one out of each four points needed out. But this is number to avoid the point in which is to bring in our life, something called Karna.

01:02:58 --> 01:03:03

means be content with what Allah has given us. It's related with us point.

01:03:04 --> 01:03:06

But especially talking about financially,

01:03:07 --> 01:03:37

you know, people are so depressed because we are not content with the money, the financial meetings that Allah has given us. There is no way we will be at peace. If we do not bring an hour. There is no way you could be a millionaire. But if you don't have an hour, you will be upset you will be the most original person is the more mental psychological problems the guy has. I've seen lots of people

01:03:38 --> 01:03:49

there once I was in a car, the guy, brother, you're driving somewhere. Let's take you which actually agreed, yeah, you know, it lasted as long as you as he saw me on the way, so you wouldn't want to call I'm trying to see my car jumping

01:03:50 --> 01:04:31

in the car, he wanted to talk about some things in the car. So that's why he took me to think and if you could have grabbed us, I want to talk to you to have some issues and questions. But anyway, is really less than these two. This was a time to two years ago when those financial crisis you know, that economic financial crisis, everyone you know, is like going through some bad times. I don't even know what that meant. And then if we were just used to hearing the news, but anyway, whatever that was, people was finding it tough or difficult. Now he's in the car driving so close to tears, will say okay, tell me more. Things are so tough, you know, sometimes, sometimes they don't have

01:04:31 --> 01:04:48

enough money to pay for petrol. That's how things have become my business. You know, he had some question but then he wouldn't be able to talk was taking things off from touch. So sometimes I go to the petrol station around money in my pocket, and then carry on talking and then the next sentence is the five six properties I have this

01:04:55 --> 01:04:55


01:04:57 --> 01:04:58

you just, you just anyway,

01:05:00 --> 01:05:06

versus properties I have this one that some you know rent is not community and that will do something's probably he's got a problem with all these properties as

01:05:07 --> 01:05:11

I said I was thinking to myself if you don't have money in your pocket so one property

01:05:15 --> 01:05:21

one property have five properties one property you sell it and you've got cash in your pocket while you like you pay your diesel and petrol

01:05:23 --> 01:05:26

when he's thinking was different you know everyone's

01:05:29 --> 01:05:35

richness is not involved in property and money brothers sisters, that's what I do is Lisa Lena and gut wrenching out when a funeral

01:05:37 --> 01:05:59

is really how you feel and think in the heart. We all have our own measurements are all yardsticks our own criteria of what is wealthy you know someone in Africa living or in subcontinent Pakistan, India whatever or in a poor country. That person's criteria of good living is shall get

01:06:01 --> 01:06:45

exhibited that they are happy someone else is if I don't get 200,000 then they are depressed if you get 100 out of 100 doesn't get 200,000 just 100,000 and this person got food this person is more happy mentally because they got the food and he got one and the one who got food will be more happy than the one who obtain one because it's how you think it's where your your your bar where you raised it actually. This is Karna contentment in the heart. That's why the Euro we should make Allahumma paneer EV motors off duty to the messengers of Allah Allah make us content with that you give us yes we earn we work try your best moderately work moderately. Don't go overboard.

01:06:47 --> 01:06:48

Don't because it's all in the mind.

01:06:50 --> 01:07:31

It's all in the mind. It's the mind is makes you what you think you're rich or not. It's not money basic. Work as much as you can give time to your family. Don't work like a slave where you can't even see your own children. At the researchers survey, the schoolchildren take 10 year olds they asked them what makes you the happiest in life. Your daddy having a big massive car taking holidays big mentioned big property big house 80% of them said what makes us the happiest in life is my daddy and my mommy our parents having a meal together with us every day that makes me happiest salary to myself. This was a research data survey

01:07:33 --> 01:07:44

moderately don't go overboard money is doesn't bring happiness many times never buy peace seriously I'm telling you this writing a golden white and black and however you want to write it

01:07:45 --> 01:07:52

money will never buy happiness never there are people million in there absolutely depressed

01:07:54 --> 01:07:58

one says everyone will have to go through hardship and unemployed local Michigan New Hope you will Jr went up similar

01:08:00 --> 01:08:05

issue to solve a linear solver tool Siva these other ones connected to a server only comes with your connection tool.

01:08:07 --> 01:08:07


01:08:09 --> 01:08:31

it's very important you know what color eyes earn as much as you can and then the content a lot 100 or whatever you given me fine I'm happy enough sufficient if you're not happy gives you moderately I'm happy I have content because only two ways either you keep on crying about it and be miserable conquering the bills and

01:08:32 --> 01:08:37

keep on crying about it or you just in turn just feed there's only two ways there's no other way

01:08:39 --> 01:08:43

and this is how brings peace and moves depression

01:08:45 --> 01:08:47

and you know a way to bring out

01:08:48 --> 01:08:51

you know how do you actually how do you bring in the Hadith

01:08:53 --> 01:08:56

the way to bring the Hadith in Sahih Muslim scene in

01:08:57 --> 01:09:02

relation to what you said I'm saying own Guru de la man who works for me

01:09:03 --> 01:09:10

what I can do for you look at the people below you don't look at the people in the world.

01:09:12 --> 01:09:46

Look at the people below you don't look at the people that love you for who you are that is that Allah because if you do that you will be grateful to the name of Allah. So we are sitting here don't look at people who live in to reinvention. Look at the Think about the 1000s of people in hospitals think about 1000s of people who are orphans people in prisons people are more people who have you know if we feel depressed I tell around my friends if you find if you're feeling depressed and sad, go home watch a documentary about people who have bones in their body and if you

01:09:48 --> 01:09:54

see see the bones you know, small children you can see the bones we just had painful a biryani How can we complain?

01:09:55 --> 01:10:00

That's why the Hadith says look at people below you don't look at the people above

01:10:00 --> 01:10:19

Have you there's another Hadith in the same chapter in this industry messages from Allah He sort of says, Even though I had to come in for dinner and he will manual, somebody might say, Okay, I will go and I will look at the people below me. But what about if suddenly someone above me came in front of me? Are you going to look at the person? I was in Nottingham? Asendia Ferraris?

01:10:23 --> 01:11:00

I'm trying to look at the people below me but this Ferrari is above and beyond is called note. So the answer is in this messenger. So if you happen to by chance, see someone above you. But you're not 11 foot direction but even then go specially seek out someone who you are above in wealth and in health. Go and look at them. Like I said, Go and watch development. At the local bar, one of the great Imams of the summer used to say, I used to hang around with rich people, my friend circle rich people. Everyday I used to be depressed. The day I changed my friend circle I started hanging around poor people, I became happy.

01:11:02 --> 01:11:03

Changes friends.

01:11:06 --> 01:11:09

So if you think you're gonna be depressed, change your friends circle look at people below you.

01:11:10 --> 01:11:12

So this is case number two.

01:11:14 --> 01:11:28

Very important. Number three, and number four, just quickly, couple of minutes in which to get the full points. Number three was or is cut off expert expectations from the condition of Allah.

01:11:30 --> 01:11:33

All our expectations should be a little lost.

01:11:35 --> 01:11:38

Don't expect anything from anyone in this world.

01:11:39 --> 01:11:42

You know, people get upset. People get depressed. Why?

01:11:43 --> 01:12:00

Why do we get upset and depressed? Because we were expecting someone to give us something say something to us do something for us. Or appreciate our sisters on this property? They want to be appreciated. appreciate them. Thank them for husband. No, it's good. The more you

01:12:05 --> 01:12:06

do from the heart

01:12:07 --> 01:12:14

in life. Don't don't. We should not act as we want full appreciation for everybody in life.

01:12:15 --> 01:12:16

You give someone a gift.

01:12:17 --> 01:12:34

We give someone a gift. And if they were thinking that I'll give a gift, your husband Corazon classic example. When they you surprise your wife. You clean the house upside down she goes outside and you calmly say, look clean the opportunity you say 20 times

01:12:36 --> 01:12:42

do it for the sake of Allah. Do it for the sake of Allah your reward our reward is with Allah. This is

01:12:44 --> 01:12:57

I don't want nothing in return. If even if we don't say thanks. If you were thinking my wife would say wow, amazing never has no husband like you ever listen to that if she didn't say that and she said less than will be upset.

01:12:58 --> 01:12:59

But if we were not expecting it

01:13:01 --> 01:13:03

and then she said it then that's a bonus.

01:13:04 --> 01:13:07

That's a bonus. That's why in every relationship

01:13:09 --> 01:13:29

when we are good to others, it's because we want to please a marketplace and also to renewable coffee with a Kindle wasn't Olivia Rahim who was a real maintainers of ties is not the one who just pays back. They called us for wedding. So we call them these are all cultural customs. This is known as Riba in the Quran. They are goofy Ahmadi nuts.

01:13:31 --> 01:13:39

They called us we have to call them they called us so we have to call them they gave us this much they gave us 50 pounds so we have to give him 55 Is the interest

01:13:42 --> 01:14:00

doing for the sake of Allah don't wait for any return no expectation from the look at all. If you don't expect from anything from anyone if you don't expect anything from anyone, we will never ever ever be disappointed because there's no such thing as being let down.

01:14:01 --> 01:14:14

Once point three do things for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala you go to already sometimes get an envelope without your name. They don't need to know why why do they have to know sometimes this is really the last

01:14:15 --> 01:14:16

that was most challenging with

01:14:17 --> 01:14:22

your family with family members. We're going to wedding a female family member

01:14:24 --> 01:14:25

you know normally to give money

01:14:26 --> 01:14:37

so we weren't rushed in a hurry. So she had put placed the note into the envelope with no pen forgot to write from such and such from this family.

01:14:38 --> 01:14:38

So she has

01:14:40 --> 01:14:45

got a pen. I used to write a gift from a head up and actually

01:14:46 --> 01:14:47

sort of

01:14:48 --> 01:14:52

I said no, I don't know. Sorry. Oh no.

01:14:53 --> 01:14:59

No, no. Who needs to they don't need to know we gave it or you gave it to I gave it to somebody else games companies to know

01:15:00 --> 01:15:15

If you're giving it for Allah, you will get more rewards if you keep this envelope from what is occurring, right Muslim system, just empty just don't give it for the gift wedding do it for the sake of Allah how many people will give, if they don't use that the person doesn't know

01:15:16 --> 01:15:27

and knows how to achieve you can do so let me go out for each other. That's also intention could have, but sometimes to make our Amman extremely sincere

01:15:29 --> 01:15:30

try doing that as

01:15:31 --> 01:15:34

have a share of things that nobody knows.

01:15:35 --> 01:15:45

A share of our actions shouldn't be such. If you donate some things, other people's, encourages others condition some donations and nobody knows, you know, on your money.

01:15:47 --> 01:15:48

So anyway, that was number three,

01:15:49 --> 01:15:54

which is cutting off expectations from the creation of Allah. And lastly, number four.

01:15:57 --> 01:16:06

One of the biggest problems in our social life. One of the biggest diseases, one of the biggest problems is

01:16:08 --> 01:16:09

that people are depressed because

01:16:11 --> 01:16:15

it's because people always think what others are going to think about

01:16:16 --> 01:16:17


01:16:18 --> 01:16:36

I speak to so many people, why are you worried for our people, you will never make the creation of Allah happy. You're doing weddings, you don't have the money to because what will unknown or whatever in community cares, it will still come on and complain about the assault.

01:16:39 --> 01:16:52

That's what I said to a friend recently. I'd rather spend if you get married, rather spend that money on yourself and go forward with you and your wife, and spend a holiday rather than a big massive rubbish reading which is spending on others, and they will steal your food.

01:16:54 --> 01:17:13

If you invite people, yes, give them feed every month for the sake of Allah. But if it's just to impress other people, then there's no reward. Because just to impress. You rather spend the money on your own self, then to spend on other people. Don't worry in life about what others will think this is a biggest

01:17:14 --> 01:17:28

major diseases, depressions, family problems, social problems, because of this reason, a father will not let his son marry someone because not because he has a problem. Because what we people say in the community,

01:17:30 --> 01:17:36

you can go married outside the family handle this in our country, you know this will happen and that what is always

01:17:38 --> 01:17:50

you will not let his son or the daughter that God is perfect Muslim, righteous pious, but just because she's from a different caste, you're from Liverpool, and it's just from Kashmir.

01:17:51 --> 01:18:28

Just because what people would say uncles and aunts coming as well and saying what is all this crazy business? I just I don't seriously I have never understood this and I still don't understand it. I don't know how this works. What people will think big problem if you're doing something which is right between you and Allah subhanaw taala hamdulillah yes, we need to think what Allah thinks everything we do. We think what Allah thinks forget everybody else. Don't do anything for for the creation of Allah don't give anything from Krishna. So people ask some of the scholars that you know when I pray salah I think you know, you know but to get to the people would see your picture. So I'm

01:18:28 --> 01:18:30

going to stop praying, don't even stop praying.

01:18:31 --> 01:18:39

The creation should not even come into the equation don't do things for the creation and don't stop anything for the friction everything

01:18:41 --> 01:18:49

if you seriously if we brothers is bring this great principle into our life. We just don't care what others are going to think about

01:18:50 --> 01:18:59

you will be the happiest person try it seriously track it's a test and try and approved

01:19:01 --> 01:19:02


01:19:05 --> 01:19:16

for all the four ways of getting this peace and tranquility and having internal peace and loneliness and removing depression number one was

01:19:17 --> 01:19:29

the for good having this connection with Allah concentration from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep always being connected to him our thought the mind brain connected focus number two was

01:19:31 --> 01:19:35

being content with what Allah has given us. Number three was

01:19:39 --> 01:19:47

less Yeah, no expectations less than the expectations and cut off the expectations from the clinician expectations with Allah number four

01:19:50 --> 01:19:59

don't What do you want people will say think about what Allah will tell lovely judges in the next show like we try to activate some of these things will have a peaceful internal life will be

01:20:00 --> 01:20:00

What happens when

01:20:02 --> 01:20:29

you're depressed you will be happy internally and you will see that we'll be eternally happier you will see the effects of that externally that's what they say. So in other words, she was looking for someone who's internally happy that they have this externally they have this you know, illumination this light gives them because they are happy and you know, they don't they don't feel depressed, act upon these things. You have a simple laid back life inshallah and

01:20:31 --> 01:20:32

give us this eternal

01:20:37 --> 01:20:37


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