Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari – Healthy Eating

Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of physical and mental health for achieving wealth and protecting one's body and minds, as well as avoiding touching one's body or doing things that make one feel differently. They also discuss the negative impact of alcohol and the importance of protecting one's identity and acceptance of others. A former student is missing due to a family emergency, but the agent provides the necessary information for a job application. The interview process will involve a phone interview and a background check, and the agent also mentions that the application process will involve a series of questions and requirements.
AI: Transcript ©
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aloha Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi

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wa sahbihi ah Marin

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aloha Marina takarazuka nativa Arena

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respected brothers

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and maybe sisters listening at home

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and sisters listening at home. salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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First of all, we

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thank Allah subhana wa tada

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for granting us the tofik to be here today.

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Saturday evening,

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we will accept

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our endeavors

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and accept our coming here today.

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I am also personally honored and privileged to be invited to be part of this discussion that we're going to have today.

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And the discussion you might be thinking what the discussion is about punish Allah, you'll find out from my talk, and then there'll be a presentation as well.

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I thank the organizers of the masjid the moms the automa onemda de la and with the Java and others who have

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accepted, given permission, and organized this particular event to take place.

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The title of today's talk, as you know,

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you must have seen the poster. And you might be wondering and thinking what this talk is all about what this program is all about. Healthy Body, healthy mind,

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healthy body, and healthy mind.

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We all as not just as Muslims, but as human beings.

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We all want to be healthy. We all want healthy bodies. We all want good healthy minds.

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We all want to be physically healthy,

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we all want to be mentally sound.

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And also we can add to that we want to be spiritually sound and in a good state. So in other words, there are three areas in a human being

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three components or three parts or three areas in which we as human beings and Muslims, we want to be sound and in a healthy state. The first area is the physical health. The second area is the mental state of the human being. Because unfortunately, we live in a time that all these three areas we find that we are neglectful as Muslims as human beings and sometimes us Muslims are more neglectful in these areas

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than probably some of the non Muslims, we find many illnesses and diseases and I'm not saying that illness you can't become ill it's from our last panel data, and there's actually a reward in it and it's a purification of your sins. And this is how Allah chooses to do certain things in this world with certain individuals and human beings but we have a responsibility. That doesn't mean that if a lot of illness and sickness and diseases from Allah so it doesn't matter it's written from Allah so it doesn't matter whatever we do, you know, Allah has written so we don't we don't act and behave in that way. Just like we don't act and behave in that way when we are earning wealth when we are

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earning and we are earning a livelihood we don't behave in that way.

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Risk is divided this Taksim from Allah

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provision is written but we don't say to ourselves that okay, Allah has written that is, so it's okay, I'll sleep at home if it's gonna come it's gonna come whatever is written written. You see, this is another issue about taqdeer encoder that sometimes we use the clear encoder when it's against us, but when it's for us, then we don't use the clear encoder of oma with we say

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Okay, if I'm committed sin, Allah has written this anyway. It's already it was meant to be. But when it's the time to earn wealth, we don't say, Okay, you know what, I'm not gonna look for a job, it's written anyway. So we don't act and behave like that Allah has told us to take the ASVAB the means in this world, we rely upon Allah we do tawakkol and reliance is upon Allah, but we take the iceberg and the means first. So these are the three areas, which I want to just briefly touch upon. The first area is the physical health, the physical state, we must not be neglectful in this physical state of the human being of the Muslim, the physical area, and number two is the mental and

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psychological state of the human. And these are all connected, all these three things are connected. And number three is the spiritual well being the spiritual health of the human. All of these three areas are connected, as you will inshallah realize from the small talk that I have, we will look at the first area, which is the physical, external well being, and health, health in Arabic.

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And also maybe in order you can use the same term Sarah,

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in the Hadith, the words to her has come another word, which normally health we translate for cetera. Another word which comes in the Hadith in the Arabic language is our fear. And we translate that in English well being. Because there's a slight difference between health and well being health is that you're not ill, but you're still not in a state that you are well, there are small problems here and there. So these are two very important words, sir and well being. We have to realize first and foremost that we as humans, alone, soprano data is our holiday is created us. He has given us we should be thankful to Allah, we should, we should show sugar and gratitude to Allah, for blessing us

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with this beautiful body that Allah has given us. This body that Allah has given us. It's an Amana, we have to remember it's a trust. Allah has given it to us as a trust borrowed to us. A human being does not even own his body. Or in Sandra Yama kunafa, as the Ottoman say, we we as humans, and Muslims, we do not own our bodies. That's why we are not able, it is not permissible for us to do things with our body as we wish and choose. We cannot harm our own selves. And that's where we find all the rules in Islamic jurisprudence about you can't do this. You can't do that because medic surgery is haram in Islam. Why? Because you are tampering with a body that Allah has given you a

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beautiful body, this body, the physical nature, the feature, the filter upon which Allah has created human beings.

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Cosmetic Surgery is not allowed and many other things are not permissible in Islam. Reason being is because we are tampering which is called the legal killer. It's in the Quran, where chiffon said for the urine Alcala. So this changing the nature upon which Allah has created a human doing something tampering with our bodies, and changing our bodies, that is unlawful and haram and sinful in Islam, we cannot do even if we start thinking that this is something like an improvement, because if it wasn't improvement, then Allah would have created us like that. Yes, there are exceptional cases when there is a defect, like we say I you know, a somebody is born with six fingers, for example.

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Because now this is abnormal, in an abnormal case situation. Sharia allows that you do something to your body and you cut off the extra finger to bring back your body to normality to a normal state. But in normal cases, you know, we live in a time when people want to change their noses, women want to change all sorts of parts of their bodies. People want to extend their hair they want to wear this they want to wear that it's just not being content and happy with the way Allah has created us. And that's actually complaining to Allah.

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Allah has created has given us beautiful bodies he does better than this just some this body is a is a trust, as I said, and also at the same time it's an Amana sorry, a trust, as I said, which is a mana and it's a net Rama and it's a gift that Allah has given and Allah has honored us.

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Allah He says in the Quran, Allah god kurama Benny Adam, indeed we have kurama we have honored the children of Earth. We have honored we have we have blessed

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the children of Adam human beings. We have honored you as a human with the beautiful body and given you a very good soul and a very good intellect. So therefore, when Allah honors our bodies, then it's our responsibility. It's an obligation is affirmed that we honor our bodies as well. We preserve our bodies. That's why when we look at

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Islamic jurisprudence we have five different areas where we no no there are known as oh and that we know as mikaze to Sharia, these are the objectives all the rules if you look at the whole of Islam the Quran and Hadith and you look at all the outcome of Sharia all of them from A to Zed they have been prescribed to preserve five things to preserve, to protect to save God, five areas, and one of those five things is have have done knifes preservation of the body and the soul. The life

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there's five five different areas you have ever seen. Many, many laws of Islam have been prescribed by Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so that it's there to preserve the deen of Islam have the knifes is to preserve your body hevs will occur which is to preserve intellect and we're going to talk about the mind and the intellect the preservation like alcohol is haram in Islam. Why is it haram? The main reason is that it's the preservation of the aka the intellect of the human.

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And then you have Hetzel preservation have the NASA which is preservation of the lineage.

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The NASA the lineage now, all the rules of nica and divorce and marriage and tala and ADA, why can a woman not marry and why do you have to do nikka all the rules of nikka hunter law they are there in place to preserve the pneus of the lineage the family system. And then we have heavily Merle Islam also encourages preservation of the wealth of the human, all the laws that are in the Quran and Hadith about how to earn what's healthy and what's haram don't don't get involved in gambling in interest, etc, etc. They are there in place for the preservation of the wealth. So there are five objectives. One of the main objectives is hibel knifes all the rules are there to preserve the

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knifes the body, the soul, the body of the human which Allah has blessed a human being with and therefore it's very important that we preserve our bodies. See her and if your well being and body being healthy, is an obligation. You know, sometimes we forget, we don't think this is something to do with Islam. Islam is Alhamdulillah a complete way of life. It's not just about praying. It's not just about salad. It's not just about the gut. It's not just about hygiene Amara, it's not just about fasting, there are many areas as marshadow marmelade Allah, the skeletal column, and also physically keeping yourself fit and healthy. This is part of Islam. Even though we may be Asians,

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it's part of Islam.

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CST is part of Islam. It's actually if someone exercises with the intention that this is part of Islam, you will be rewarded for going for a jog in the morning.

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And no this was the practice of the early Muslims the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself encouraged swimming and exercising and he would himself exercise and about food there are laws in you know this book by him even in there you will see about loads of eating how much you should eat, don't overeat, keep us one third space left in your in your in your stomach to breathe. Sometimes we eat to hear we can't even breathe,

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one third should be left. And we look at early Muslims all of them they emphasized health and exercise and remain fit.

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And one of the reasons was that you have physical strength and mind. They they emphasize this even till today, you'll see many of our ama and great scholars they all have if you look in their

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timetable, they will all have exercises in the timetable.

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Most of our scholars are not Roma. I don't want to start mentioning all the names of current day people but one of my teachers on which many of you know w with money, happy the whole lot. If you look at his timetable in the morning, every day, he has half an hour of brisk walking wherever whether he's in Japan or whether he's in America, whether he's in Britain, Birmingham wherever he is, wherever he is, he will always in the morning has a fixed time where you go for preschool

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because it's part and parcel of the teachings of Islam that we exercise, and we stay healthy remain healthy mineral COVID the Hadith says the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mineral COVID hieromonk. If a healthy good powerful mean believer is is far better than a weak mean believer. And this there's so much encouragement of looking after our bodies. And the reason I said is because you have physical health and then you are able to worship Allah, you are able to do a birder, you are able to serve humanity, you're able to go places and travel in the land of Allah and you're able to serve the deen of Allah with health. That doesn't mean that if you do that, then if you're not

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healthy, then Allah has not accepted you know that alone. You know, he deals with different people in different ways. We all try. We all try to earn wealth, but some people despite trying they remain poor

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So that doesn't mean Allah has decided to do something wrong with him. No, it's just that Allah wants him to give him the next life.

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This is the Taksim of Allah we all try to be healthy. But some people despite trying and taking this bug, they still remain. They still remain unhealthy This is actually there's nothing wrong with it. Rather there's a hadith where the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says that either habibollah who are then sub ballyhale Bella or sub been when Allah loves someone then he places he inflicts upon him many Bella and difficulties is actually a sign that you've been accepted by a purification of your of your of your sins. Your sins are being forgiven in this life. The hora does kill so but we have to take the means we still have to take the means even illness is a Nirmal like

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one of the earlier Oliver said some one of them said that when he was ill, he was making the art and he said, Oh, I know this illness is also enamel from you. And health is also Enigma for me. All I ask you to change this narrative of illness, with the narrative of health, because both

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health is also an illness. But I asked you a law that from the two neighbors I want the bounty, the gift, the name of health rather than being ill. But we have to take the means and the verb to remain healthy, do exercise, do whatever we can do. And and this is Beloved, health and well being is beloved in the sight of Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. There's a hadith in the sunan of humanitarian media where he says, the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, masala la her shayan a habit la human and our fear. Nobody asks Allah, nobody makes it do about anything which is more beloved to Allah than asking Allah for alpha.

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We ask Allah for different things.

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For Baraka in risk, we ask Allah for different things, this hadith of sunan of human material at the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what does he say? That no one asks a law, anything which is more Beloved, habitually, more beloved to Allah than our fear? We need to ask Allah for well being regularly in our doors, and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually taught us as well. He said he taught us how to make the door you must know the famous door You must have heard it Reddit made the do it yourself. Allahu manias iluka Suharto many things we ask Allah. This is a very famous prophetic sooner Dr. Allahumma Lucas said, Well, wait a minute. postnl Hola.

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Hola. I asked you this is the head of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam all I asked you of

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will a further chastity while a monitor and trustworthiness while hospital Hello, and

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good character some of the automa said you know that there's a connection

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there's a connection like we're going to talk about today we're talking about I know there's a connection between hillslope and health

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between good character and and what

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health you know what the connection is. If someone's healthy naturally they'll become good in their behavior towards others. Normally, unless Allah blesses someone with suffer and and that's what has been mentioned as well that if you don't happen to have health, then don't become nasty and don't become abusive and don't become aggressive and don't become in a way where you start always depressed yourself and depressed everybody around you I don't claim to complain too much. I've got this wrong you know some people have this attention seeking problem. Oh, this is wrong. This is wrong. This is wrong. This is attention seeking. Do solver and that's a reasonable cuddle. I am

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happy content with the destiny of Allah. But these two things are connected all I ask you off you say her health and then the few other things and then he said what hospital Hello. Somebody is healthy. Naturally. They will be polite. There'll be calm, there'll be considered there'll be good towards others. There'll be smiling with others because they are happy with themselves. That's why these two things are connected. The messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in one Hadith he said look at this hadith which is in tsunami momentarily. Man us Bahama Elephant

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Man us Bahama elephant fee, Bethany. We're were

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mean and few syrupy

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in the hoopoe to yummy. Forget Anima hazratullah who dunia This is an amazing Hadith. Whoever wakes up in the morning with three things.

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Three things. Number one more often feel better. You wake up in the morning and you have atrophy in your budget. You are healthy.

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You're healthy, there's no mate nothing majorly wrongs cough here on this

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No problem. Nothing majorly wrong.

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Number two, Amina and fi seem to be you in your house, you are protected, safeguarded, and there's no major threat. There's not enemies around you going to bomb your house or something, relatively you're secure in your house, which we will have.

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And number three, in the who to Yomi he has one day's worth of food and provision and risk one day, you wake up in the morning, you have enough money in your bank account in your pocket in your house for you and your family to eat for today.

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He's at Lahore, dounia. This person has been blessed by Allah as though he has been given the whole of dunya.

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nothing to complain about. We think about in four years time, my grandchildren if I, if I have a son, and then his son, when you grow up, then we'll think about that as well. Who knows you're gonna have a son or maybe a grandson. We think too much ahead. And that's when the idea is a human being, you know, his death is here and his wishes and desires are there. He dies before what he's thinking about. Think each day life is very short. We need to take take the positives of life, and take each day as it comes live each day. I'm not saying you don't think about anything at all. We can but always be.

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Under this understanding. Always keep this in mind. Today could be my last day. Today could be my last day. I'm just living this one day, tomorrow. Allah knows if I'm here or not. We live in this world and dunia as though let alone this is the last day. We live as though we will be here for 200 years. Nobody Nobody thinks that they can live here forever. Because this is one thing that there is no instead of in

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there's two things. One thing but there's two areas regarding it. There's no difference of opinion between any Muslim and non Muslim nobody, no one.

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Everybody agrees that death will come and everybody agrees that there's no written time for it. Okay, but we deal with the life as though we are going to be here forever.

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The Hadees is there's another heading a family dunia Cabeza de Vaca ecoffee her family erotica because Rebekah ecoffee her deal with this world as long as you're going to live in this world and and deal with your art here as the as long as you're going to live there. How long are we going to live in the next life? How long?

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400 years?

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How many years? Come on somebody for eternity? How long here?

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We don't know. But what's the average? You can ask the doctors I've asked this question about 10 times to 10 different doctors on different times different friends. Some say 60 Some said 70 Some said 5560 I think the average right now is about 60. Anything above that is a bonus from above

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60 is average that's if you get to the average

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imagine 60 years here and how many years there forever and ever an eternity.

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The way we deal with this dunya is probably eternity here and 60 years.

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For 60 years the way we deal with the dunya we compromise our Deen we compromise our life we compromise our rights towards our family. We work in such a way that there's no ending to to to us, we just the way we struggle. There's no there's no you know, there's no giving of rights of other people to Allah to family members to to our own cells. As though we're going to live here forever. I'm in the middle of that which is life is so hectic that we are moving here and then suddenly death comes on. We're going finish. Everything's left here, half in the middle and we're gone.

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Next life is for eternity for eternal life. Imagine 600 million years. Just imagine it's not even that much more than that. But just imagine. Allah says in the Quran in one of the places said Nomi O'Meara Lamia, Alberto Illa she attend Oh Ha ha. When these human beings when they will go in the next life. They'll feel that dunia was like a moment of the morning or a moment of the evening as she uttered

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this verse we read it we hear it and we just maybe read the translation. We need to understand the Quran sometimes reflect upon it, what is the last thing when you go in the next life you dunia will seem as though it was a moment. Just a split second. Think imagine after 600,000 years. In the next slide, you're in Jannah inshallah will the first Allah take us there?

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Imagine after 600,000 years, one day you come out from your palace, and you meet your friend from Birmingham. And he comes out from his palace and say Come on, let's go and have some coffee and some shisha

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down they'll be held here alone as best maybe not. We're talking about healthy bodies. Healthy food. We're going to talk about just now moving inshallah. But in general, of course will be harder. And imagine you have a discussion that Do you remember those after 600,000 years?

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As you think about dunia there was a time Do you remember this? Yeah, I remember there was a time there was a place called dunia. Yeah, I remember vaguely A long time ago.

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There was a place called Birmingham in there I was born. And then I got married. I had a couple of children. And then I became a granddad then I died. I remember it was about 5060 years just a small like an ocean.

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After imagine you'll be thinking about the dooney after 600,000 years, as a moment of the morning or a moment, or she

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is just like you are there for a moment you just went through and that's why the Hadith says that this dunya is like you just passing by confit dunya Annika hurry Barbarossa will be in and remain in this world as though you're a traveler not just a traveler he says Bal Abu Sabine rather uses to pacify you just stop in that at the service station. And you're moving on. We don't deal with the service station as though we're going to live with we rent the dunya

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even if you buy properties in this world, it doesn't become ours because we well for two reasons. Number one, the land we never buy anyway because we still pay council tax. Okay, so the land all is belongs to the government. When we even buy a property which is buying the not the land. That's the rent, even if you buy a property and number two, we're renting the dunya anyway, we've come to rent the dounia so we're renting even if we buy I'm not saying it's not allowed to buy buy properties, but keep in mind that this is all renting dunia is just renting for 5060 years and then your children you think you'll maybe children though inshallah we'll give them as well. Nobody else was

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not gonna leave anybody you know, deprived and poor. Everybody will live in this world although we'll give everybody their work hard. They'll do what they need to do and then they'll go away as well. They'll run the world as well. Everybody comes here to run the world and then move on.

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But anyway, that's another topic but we have to look after our bodies he said man us Bahama Island fever Danny you have healthy body as though and you have one day's provision and you're protected secure in your house. He's at low dounia as though everything has been given to him and the do alchemy near silica Suharto effort well Amanda.

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Once the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said to him, he said to his uncle, he said he Arbus cellular fear always keep on asking Allah for our fear in you do we should make

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a separator whenever you can ask what are we dealing with dunia with alpha alumina circle alpha alpha toughie. Dini with Daniela Farah cola we ask you for forgiveness. And we ask well being in this life as well as an ex wife, so therefore, is a great it's a bounty near metalpromo Boolean fee him aka zero meanness, a sad world for all the headings of Sahih al Bukhari to neuromas are given to every human.

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And most people are in delusion. Most people are deceived, they don't realize the importance of Sahar until after surgery is taken away from you. They don't remember they don't value time until after time is taken away from me. This is the heartbeat. That's why one of the moms said that allow fear to turn around.

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Now you saw her murder, a fiance and well being is a crown that is worn by the Healthy People. Nobody sees this crown except the ill people.

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You know, when we when we healthy, we don't realize we've got a crown, but the ill person sees the one who can't walk with his legs and he sees you walking, he'll think you've got a crown, you're blessed. So we should value our bodies, we should ensure we don't do anything that harms our bodies. There's a Hadith of the sooner female guru major La da da da da da da da. There's many meanings of that Hadith, but one meaning is that there is no harming others and there is no harming your own self like in the Quran.

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To be a de comida De Luca, do not make your own hands contribute to your destruction. harming self inflicted harm is haraam.

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Darren harm harm is haram. It's unlawful in Islam. And that's why we have to ensure we don't eat things that cause harm to us, our physical body. We don't smoke things that cause harm to our bodies. We don't consume things that cause harm to our bodies. Physically. Healthy Food is a obligation

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not just Hello, hello and healthy food. You might just get away with you know, you might see a dental kebab. I'm not saying it's haram to eat and if anybody has done a kebab place then I'm not saying anything negative but to make a habit of eating these kind of things. It's not it's not really good for the health for the body. And that's why this physical health is connected to the mental psychological health. What you eat, you are what you eat. It has an effect on

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It has an effect on the mind.

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of eight minutes left. No.

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It has an impact on the psychological health, mental health what we eat.

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If we eat unhealthy food it gets to our brains, we get depressed. One of the reasons is that what we eat, and we should always remember that whatever Allah has prohibited for us in Islam, it is for our own benefit. This is a card that this is a famous principle known. Every routing is for our own benefit, eating, consuming, talk Haram. Why? Because it's for our own benefit. It's not for nobody's benefit. It's for our own benefit. There's a hikmah wisdom behind everything. Alcohol, consumption, drugs, all of this is for our own benefit in this life, and the next life but even in this life, and then the spiritual health, which is connected to our spirituality, our closeness to Allah, our next

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life, health in the next life, the spirituality that takes us and brings us close to Allah brings us close to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam gives us enjoyment in worshiping Allah gives us enjoyment in making a bird of Allah and brings about this peace and tranquility in the life. This is what we call spiritual health. And these are all things connected. There's a hadith in Sahih Muslim where the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said in the law Ebola Yakubu Allah, when Allah Amaral meaning Bhima, Amara became more serene, that Verily, Allah is the year right. Allah is the year.

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Verily, Allah is pure. You know, this is what I want to talk about that you know, there's two words here, Heller and

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there's two words here. Allah tells us to eat halal, but in the Quran, he says not just holler. But even when you look at this Hadith, Verily, Allah is a verb and I'll explain to you what it means very alized for you. He doesn't accept anything from us except that it's for you as well. Allah is pure, and he doesn't accept anything that is except if it's pure. When we give sadaqa it should be pure wealth, we want to donate to the masjid halaal pure of Allah only ones pure stuff, ie murder should be pure, not just legally just you've just done your Salah. Legally, if you ask from a Sharia point of view, you've done the forearm and you've done the virgin birth as soon as I've been just

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about done, and that's just you've just crossed the border, the line the head, and that's it. Your Salah is okay, it's done. That's not the sort of allowance from us. a loved one says more than that, our ibadah should be, we should be tired. They should be pure. And the food that we eat as well. Not just holler the thigh. And then he says a lot odors in the Hadith, when Allah Amara meaning komamura he'll more serene he has ordered the belief is the same that is ordered the believers the most. The prophets. Allah has ordered us the believers, the same thing that is ordered the messengers and then he said for Carla, then he recited the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, verse of the

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Quran. And he said, What did Allah order the messengers? He said, Allah said, Yeah, you heard Russell, Guru minocqua but what Amala saleha Oh, messengers each of the three but of the pure, not just Hello, he said to you, but and then do good actions. And in another verse, he said, in the same Heidi said, Wakata and Allah also says, This is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam reciting two verses of the Quran. He said, wakad and Allah also says, you letting me know guru Mama,

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are you who believe each held on to you? And then the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sama, dakara Raja Ashoka aka Bara up Lucifer, Mo dia de la sama era brb. He mentioned the man he said there's a human being as a man he talks about you described a person he said this individual who was

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you know, traveling long, lengthy journey and he was disheveled in his clothing in his external appearance, clothes and body was not in a good state because he was traveling. He was quite tired. And this person in that stage was making the eye to Allah he was saying yo brb raising his hands, your mood Do you hear someone raising his hands towards the heavens, saying your ob, but his daughter was not accepted? Why he said Rama Rama Rama Rama shabu harmonica malba suhara mundo de l'homme his food, his clothing his his food, drink clothing is haram and is nourished and haram How can it be accepted? Now this particular idea is moving fast now with this particular heading of the

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messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam in there he says, Allah tells you to eat Hello, he ordered the messengers, all messengers, eat by a pure and do good righteous actions kulu mephala aluminum nakaya Bertie worman louzada and do Russia's actions. All the other manifestation of the Quran I mentioned there's a connection if someone eats Pure Food, halal food

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They will be able to do good actions and the opposite is true if somebody is hard on a non Pure Food, then they will not be able to do good action. And this shows us the problems that we find ourselves in in the community. There are many reasons why we have problems in our society in our communities in our farming family life, you know, a lifestyle you know, our children are leaving the path of Islam. There are many reasons there could be many reasons but I'm not saying this is the only reason but one very important reason brothers and sisters here's the one very important reason is what we eat. And I'm not talking about just halaal I don't want to stick to halaal it's not just

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the legal limit that's a we want to know what's halal food stop done. That's it. I was telling us to the pure pure doesn't mean just the basic limit that we just legally Okay, we just we've just crossed the limit, am I say done finish?

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You won't be sinful if you don't eat pure but Allah is telling us to eat pure, which means and includes we are absolutely careful what we eat. Who slaughters matters from a legal Sharia perspective, who slaughtered a Muslim his daughters or a Christian proper Christian or a Jew slaughters. It's very Okay, it's very inflammatory or point of view. You will call it halal, but for it to be

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the person who slaughters how pious he is, how righteous he is. Is he is swearing many slaughtering or is he making the vicar of Allah when he slaughtering? When that makes a big difference? Is he smoking? I don't know if legally they do that or not. But is this smoking away? Or is he talking away and making it Oh, I visited some avatars once and they're chatting away and swearing you know, sisters swear and mother swear and I'm stuttering away.

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Does he drink consumed alcohol? Just somebody told me yesterday that there's a brother he says Mike my brother in law, he you know, he drinks so much alcohol and but his job is in a place where they do halaal I said probably I don't know if he's doing a lot or not I don't always doing because he drinks alcohol all the time, soda and things like that. Never in his life. This has an impact. He might be a Muslim legally just Well, according to some humans in Mohammed bin Hamad. He's not even a Muslim. Because mintaka salata, Muhammad and foccacia, for somebody who misses pray intentionally, deliberately, systematically is not a Muslim. So quite some people that they'll be has not even

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heard on. But maybe according to others, you might legally call that Hello. But it's not a it makes a big difference. Who's slaughtering and then who's cooking the food. If you go to a restaurant and the cooker, the cook sorry, another cook the cook the cook, making the food in the cooker, okay? makes a big difference, who's cooking the food? Who's making the pizzas and the pastries and kebabs and the burgers is here. If your mother

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makes the food, whilst making the vicar of Allah, she's reading the Quran has a big massive impact that when you eat that food, you are what you eat, your life changes your body changes your physical or your sorry, your spiritual health enhances, you are able to worship Allah. If your mother is cooking food, or your wife is cooking food and she's watching bollywood, then you eat the food you become a Bollywood star. You are you will obviously you'll have those adult and those, those those habits. If she's listening to music, you want to become some on hand when you when you grow up. Because that food has effect of music in it. And if she's reading the Koran, your wife is reading

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the Quran, she's making the vicar of Allah. She's, she's thinking about good things. That's why we read in the books that when a mother is breastfeeding, what she thinks about has an impact. This is scientifically proven as well, not just islamically what she thinks about one of the Imams he when he was when he went to the madrasa, his stars told him to start reading from where al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen. And he started from where from the 15th Jews of the Quran. He already knew them. Why because was his mother was breastfeeding and when she was pregnant, she used to recite the first 15 years of the Quran every day and you've got transferred is no big deal. It can happen. Okay, this

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can happen. I mean, this is proven through, as I said, medically and scientifically as well, this can happen, what she eats what she thinks about when she's pregnant. If she watches TV when she's pregnant, then those negative influences will come on to the child who cooks the food This is all Thai food, not just halaal but we need to aspire and we need to we need we want to get to the highest level.

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The Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said

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yeah, trns is a man a time will come on the people. Now you brought in Mr. Obama, Amina Amina, Amina Iran. We will not care humans, Muslims won't care where they take their income, the money the food from where they take from. If it's from halal or haram. Nobody bothers and we live in that time. Nobody bothered people say it's written hideout Who cares?

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Who cares? I mean, and this is not something that just Islam has a lot to do with what we eat. There's a hadith of Bokhari where the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said

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masala Salatu was Taco Bell Appalachian, aka Bihar Tina. They'll be hatena Veronica who will Muslim already visited la hora Sunni, the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is describing who is a Muslim the sign this what is a sign of a believer

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who who is a Muslim is telling us the basic features and salient features of a believer. Do you want to know who a Muslim is? Is he the one who wears an armor in this hadith? No. He's telling us how to detect a Muslim. The Muslim is the one man Salah salata who prays our prayer.

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The one who prays our prayer, who's offering Salah is a good sign. And this isn't the time of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how they would detect a believer from a Manasa was from Salah when they used to hide, they used to come but Virgil is difficult, they wouldn't come and pray. So the people will find out this guy's hypocritical Muslim doesn't miss Salah. So this was a sign because they're looked in that time they look similar, the Muslims, the munaf earphones, or he would dress like the Muslims. Right? I mean, they would some of them like a Buddha Buddha dressed like the Muslim there wasn't a way of distinguishing externally. They would also some of them would keep

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beards as well. And some of them they used to wear like the same same type of clothing. There wasn't a majorly different set, you know, a major difference. So this is how to detect the one who prays our Salah, and then he said man was Taco Bell, and the one who faces in the direction of our Qibla and the third sign the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned he said, what color the be hardener and the one who eats our way of slaughtering the meat, the meat which is slaughtered according to our way. We do it differently from the non Muslims. They do it in a different way. This is this shows it's then that person is in the protection of Allah and His messenger. He is

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considered a Muslim. It shows clearly that what we eat eating is part and parcel of our Deen and it's a sign of being a Muslim. And we should not just aspire for Allah. We should go for the pure beauty of like the Hadith of the messenger messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So in that Hadith, he said, Verily, Allah is by you. He only wants that which is pure, his orders to eat halal and pure. And then the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he mentioned what he mentioned a man I mentioned I translated the Hadith, but just explain a bit more. He said, he mentioned a person who was traveling now he is actually mentioning a person who was in a state where there would be no risk

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or no possibility of his daughter being rejected. He had every reason for his daughter to be accepted by Allah yet his daughter was not accepted. He was traveling we know that return was Sterling surfer. there's a there's a hadith resin thalassa word. There's three people who, you know, there's no doubt in them being accepted. One of them is that little surfer, one, the one who's traveling this person is traveling. And then his dish shelved someone in a disheveled state not in a good state. About now Oxfam Allahu Akbar, another Hadith, his daughter is normally accepted. And then he was raising his hands. When you raise your hands to Allah This is a etiquette of dora dora

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is normally generally accepted. So there was a another reason why his daughter should have been accepted in aloha Yun karimun. Yesterday die on euro dama saffron hi beltane when someone raises hands to Allah, Allah fuels Allah doesn't feel right in other words, you know the word is a little shy from it but there's a Eureka and he as it is appropriate for Allah. But he doesn't like that he returns those hands empty handed, your hands are returned back to you empty, return you empty handed. So your hands if you raise to Allah do is accepted and lastly said your A B all the doors are a banner Robin Robin, Robin. Robin is Robin added to our is normally accepted. If you make if

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you say the word robina yet his he says the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Despite all these reasons for his daughter to be accepted is how can it be accepted? When his food is hot on his drink is hard on and this does not only mean the ingredients it means the many income as well as the ingredients. A lot of times we think okay, we look at some of us in our communities we get over obsessed with ingredients.

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There's other ones came to me and he bought some chewing gum or sweetener looked as a 9634. I said okay, I just asked him Incidentally, I said by the way, what job do you do cuz I work in a bank. I said, even if this was vegetables, we still be around for you.

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Doesn't matter your income should be Hello. And then the food you buy. We are obsessed over evil 961 and I'm not saying we shouldn't go look and search for those things to an extent we can we should.

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As soon as something people sending 100 text messages. Oh, this is haram Haram. What about your income you're involved in interest your house your mortgage is a major there's no doubt

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Those things being corrupt. We don't even think about sending text message alert houses or mortgage insurance how wrong this is. This is wrong. You know people they they get into business where they say okay invest money and 100% profit, there's no risk of loss. That's how long you cannot do that in Islam.

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You give 100 pounds 200 pounds every year guaranteed your money is guaranteed Basic Law of Islam is rejected. There's a hadith of Bokhari where you if you cannot sell something which you don't own something which is not in your possession, ownership and in your in your possession in your club.

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These are laws about income being color, it starts from there. So income head on and then the ingredients what we eat is also very important. If someone and this person his who was his food was hard on his drink was hard on his clothing, the clothing because clothing is not there's no harm in the clothing unless the silk silk is haram. But what does he mean by clothing that you used her money to go and shop in? Was it boring? Yeah, you went in the bullring with with your heroin money. And you went in shopped and you bought halaal clothes. It's not silk. It's all held on it's a nice jacket, nice whatever you bought, but the money was haram so your your

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clothing is haram and you're nourished on her, how can they be accepted? We always complain our dogs are not accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala we need to ensure that you know if we want our daughters to be accepted, our worship to be accepted and our a burden should be accepted. Then we need to ensure that our income is held on our food is Hannah. There's a hadith of

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inshallah, I'm gonna finish in five minutes. So I'm just gonna question we're gonna have a q&a and then we'll have a q&a soon inshallah. There's a hadith in the module of Ronnie, where the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saddled up, walk us through the Allahu anhu came to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He said, Yasser Allah on messenger of Allah, make dua to Allah. Allah has a huge identity Mr. Jabba dharwad Can you please ask Allah to make me from those whose do as accepted was the job? You must have heard of the term Mr. Java? He said, Yes, sir.

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I'll keep matamata outside up to see the same word. This is a unique ID, same word. What's this word? What did I say? What's the word?

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What's the word? Are you listening attention? What's the word? outplay? Where's that word from?

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He said asked a lot that I becomes the job of the hour he said Oh, sorry. moto America. Make your food by Yep. Pure. Your food will be compiled not just by having your restaurant call to you. It has to be taught you make your food

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tycoon Mr. Java dharwad. You will become Mr. Java What? And then he said, well enough so Mohammed and Beardy, by whose hand is in by the one in whose hand is the life of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Abdullah Ali foofy jiofi. Here look metal Haram, a slave a human places and throws one more so lokmat of haram food in his stomach. Muta copper aluminium Who am Urbina Yeoman 40 days of a bird is not accepted for me. That doesn't mean that you have to repeat your prayers and people ask this that I pray offered Salah they'll have to make cardano you're legally you your Salah is done but there is no there is no spirituality This is what we call spiritual health. There is no you

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don't enjoy your prayer. If we eat Pure Food, the one slaughtered properly the one on which the name of Allah has been taken he has an impact there are places you know they did a survey once about those animals on which the name of Allah was taken. And those animals on which the name of Allah was not taken and they they actually tested the meat and the meat of the ones on which a last name was taken was scientifically more healthy than the meat of those animals that were on which allows animals are taken there's a site there's a silent effect the meat is done and then it's slaughtered properly the name of Allah has taken disclosure we try our best to make the best is to snort

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ourselves. I mean, we know in our countries in the subcontinent countries in the Arab world in the eastern countries, we can go and buy our chicken you know we want this chicken slaughtered in front of you. We can slow it ourselves. I mean that's the best way and even even better than that to make it even before slaughter a few days you know we know what the chicken is eating. It's grazing in our it's in our garden in our place we eat to give it halal food, eat halal food, this is all pipe and then we slaughter it and we eat halal chicken halal meat. We are there's no doubt in it. And then we cook it and the one who's cooking it as well and I'll end with the story. The one who's cooking it

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also is someone who cooks it who's of spirituality and the spirituality being impacted on the on the food. It's been transferred to the

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And then the food becomes quiet and pure humor Michelle for me Mama, you must have heard of these two gritty moms the mom chef, he was the teacher of Imam Ahmed bin Hamad Rahim Allah, all these the moms are interrelated. Your mama mom chef, it was a teacher for Mohammed. And Mr. Mohammed has been a shepherd. He was a teacher for mom Shafi. Abu hanifa was the teacher of human Mohammed. So among Ahmed's teachers teachers teacher was inoperable. And if you haven't met him, I'm sure for you Mohammed removeable hanifa. This is the line of students and teachers. So anyway, Imam Shafi was a teacher of Mr. Mohammed this story is related in different versions, but this is one of the famous

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versions. This is how it happened among chef he taught him for a long time and Mohammed went away and he was living in a different place. Imam Shafi once sent a message to his students, Mr. Mohammed, Mohammed bin Hanbal had become a great Imam of his own in his own right now he's become a biggie, mom. So Mr. Chef is always risk also respecting, you know, teachers have to students have to always respect the teachers always you are, you are indebted to them for the rest of your life. But one thing here as well, that teachers when you see, when the teachers see that their students have become, they have a position as well, and status and macom. out the son of the owner has always been

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that they also honor the teachers, their students, they don't teach, they don't behave with them as though they when they was teaching when they were studying by them, they realize this person has amacom. And they give them that honor, they give them the love and they give them that supervision and they give them that respect as a teacher giving respect of the students as well. This has always been the case, it doesn't mean that now you become 50. And you teach and 70. It deals with you as though you were five. That doesn't happen in a race to happen. It shouldn't happen as well. So anyway, if I'm sure if you sent a message you said you've become a bigger mom, you've become you

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know, someone who has great position and more common in in the community. You've one of the Imams of the oma, it's been a long time that I haven't seen you. Okay.

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One a long time Haven't seen you. It would be nice to see you. Maybe I visit to you visit me. Now, as I said there's different versions of the story, but this one of the versions that he was a mom, Mm hmm. Chef, his daughter, so Imam Ahmed said to mom, Sheree, that you don't come and visit me. Of course, you're my teacher. I'll come. I'll come and visit you. So then the time date was set, Imam had been humbled with his students coming down to imaam shelter in missile in Egypt, which has been in the news quite a bit recently, as you know, to visit him I'm sure of his graves in, in Egypt. in Cairo. There's a place called hora to chef. There's a Masjid there. I've visited one couple of times

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that there is Mr. Chef his grave the whole area is called the area of Mr. Michel ferry. So anyway, you might have been humble King, Eman Shapira, mahalo or the annual he actually went with his people on the outskirts of the city to just welcome him and receive him receive his student. Imagine. Anyway, stories long amending he stayed three, four days at imaam. Chef his house. When he stayed there. His daughter was there as well. And his wife and his family.

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Imam Shafi at his house amongst his family, he used to praise him quite a bit. This one of my students, this student is the best, you will find nobody as spiritual as more knowledgeable and more pious and more religious and more righteous than this Imam I've been humbled. So the daughter had heard a lot of praise. But anyway, after the first night when he stayed there, the next day, the daughter went and complained to the Father said you talking about Mr. Mohammed, this teacher, the student of yours, righteous, pious, spiritual this that, you know, I disagree with you, you know, I have a problem. So what's that? So number one, we cook the food yesterday. I've never seen anyone

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eat as much as him. You know, when the plates came back, it's completed, it's finished. You know, I heard pious people eat less one third to breathe, like we said, and number two, I did the room. I kept some water in the jug that he will offer salata, tahajjud and we'll do some q&a later and offer tahajjud prayer and salad in the middle of middle of the night. When this is after, when they both came back after Salatin fudger and he said when you went for virgin, I went in the room and I saw that

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the water is still as it was here and use the water, no tahajjud. And lastly,

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he doesn't do due to pray fudger he went for pleasure without no using of the water what's happening. So Imam Shafi said he starts scratching his head he said, oh, maybe I don't know. So when he went when they were having breakfast or something he said to Mom, I heard he said What's happening? It looks like you've changed slightly. So why what's wrong? My daughter's got three questions, or three complaints about he said, Reason being altered the truth. This food that was cooked and that was cooked by the daughter. So the cook the food that was cooked by by her. This is when I was eating. I felt so much better and spirituality in the food. I've never felt that

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Much spirituality and Baraka in our food ever in my life, I've never eat, you know, they could feel these great pious people, you know, with the food, they could feel it. And therefore, I didn't want to stop eating, eat as much as possible. This will help me nourish me for days to come. And then he said number two because of the Baraka of that food, the blessings and spirituality of the food, I couldn't sleep all night All night. I didn't do because I stayed awake all night and I was able to extract numerous hundreds of rules from the Quran and Sunnah. It gave me physical, mental, psychological

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health, food is giving him spiritual and psychological health. And lastly, he said, this is the reason why I went for fudger soda without will do because I have not slept all night of worship the law of performance. Dr. Molina and I've been extracting loads from the Quran and Sunnah. And I was able to solve many issues that I couldn't solve before because of the bulk of this food, because she cooked it. When she was cooking it. She was making the vicar of Allah. So this is what we need. We need food, we need halal food we need to eat holla Sharla I'm going to end with this and May Allah grant us Sophia, and make us act upon some of the things that were said just for listening.

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Sayyidina Muhammad

Healthy Eating, Healthy Bodies & Healthy Minds

Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari speaks about living a healthy life. The talk focuses on the idea that Islam does not just instruct us to eat halal food; rather it encourages us to eat that food which is tayyib (pure), which hinges upon many conditions. The talk also discusses how, alongside having healthy bodies, healthy minds are also essential.

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