Yasir Qadhi – The Stories of The Prophets #30 – The Story of Adam #18 – The ‘Argument’ of Adam (as) and Musa (as)

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and context of the Prophet sallavi and the use of "monster" in the title of the book. They also explore the use of words like "we" to describe actions and events, including the idea that "by the way" is not a problem, but rather a problem. The speakers emphasize the importance of acknowledging the tampering and glitch in the story and acknowledge the loss of their bodies. They also mention the myth of Adam being buried and the importance of understanding the myth.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah yo, yo Rafi

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call the call false

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I said

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was Salatu was Salam ala Nabi Avada. I'm about so we are continuing in our Stories of the Prophets and today in sha Allah keep on saying how we're concluding concluding, but today is the actual conclusion of the story of Adam alayhis. Salam, from our traditional sources. From next week, we will have a very, very interesting topic still related to Adam, but I'll leave it as surprise until next week in sha Allah, Allah if Allah gives us life, and tofield answer that and he dies. So today we have to wrap wrap up some loose ends. I've been saying this for the last I think two weeks were wrapping up things here and there. So today we're going to get to one of these loose ends. And that

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is when I say loose ends. I mean, obviously, you know, things that we haven't discussed that are relevant to the story of Adam Alayhis Salam, and of them is the genre of a hadith that deals with Moose, sorry, Adam and Musa alayhis salam having a debate amongst themselves or having a bit of an argument or a back and forth amongst themselves. And this issue of Adam and Musa having a conversation between them and which involves other and which involves Adam and his salaam, seemingly justifying what he has done. It is reported in number of authentic hadith of at least five companions, Abu Huraira rhodiola, Juan hottub, Abu Musa, zhi Jun, image Ananda and Abu Zeid Hodari

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these are the five Sahaba that reported and the most famous version is that Abu Hurayrah Rhodiola one which is more tough upon Allah, and that is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that your demo Musa Adam and Musa argued with one another, Adam and Musa had an argument. And Musa said to Adam, or Adam, you are our Father who disappointed us, and who caused us to be expelled from Jenna. And Adam responded, almost sir, you are the one whom Allah has favored with his speech directly Allah spoke to you directly. And Allah wrote a total for you with his own hand. Do you blame me for an action that Allah had decreed for me and written for me 40 years before my creation.

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So then the Prophet sallallahu I said, I'm sad for Hijjah Musa for Hijjah Musa for Hijjah Musa had you here means he won the argument not hedged, like the hedges. There's two meanings of hedge here had Jeff from her job. That's the hedge that we go for hedges another type, this is from Pooja Hijjah, Musa won the argument against Musa and he repeated this three times, Adam won the argument against Musa and there are multiple versions, and one of them Adam asks Musa that, how long before I created did Allah write to total? How long before I created a lot of tutorial and more said 40 years before your creation? And then he responds that well my sin was written there, how can you blame me

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for that. And there is also a very interesting narration in the one of the tertiary books of Hadith, not one of the primary books, and that is the Mustafa Abu Awana. And from this we also find it in

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Datameer, sorry, Allah, Ke and Kitakata as well as well, by helping other tertiary books, we have much longer narration, which

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is actually also a portion of it is the first narration and so I Muslims

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excuse me a portion of this as the first Hadith in Sahih Muslim, but what I'm about to narrate to you is a more complete version that is not found in Sahih Muslim so understand this point, the same Hadith, a much longer version, I'm narrating this to you, Mr. Muslim, the first Hadith that he quotes is half of this what I'm going to tell you, what I'm going to narrate is the other half the same was not the same story, but it's a fuller version of that story. So it goes back to the famous Tabby Yahia, Ebony Yammer. And this is very interesting. So I'm going into a bit of a tangent but it's an interesting story, not directly related to Adam but it is interesting that you have the

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Yammer says that there was a man from the tribe of Judah hyena that had, you know, a bit of a harshness or a bit of a, you know, mental issue with him. Let's say he was being a bit harsh with this man. And he would always argue with

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his neighbors, then he read the Quran and he started observing Islam. And he started preaching to the people. Then it so happened that he began to say things of them he would say that all actions are spontaneous, that whoever wants to do good will do good. Whoever wants to do evil will do evil, and that Allah didn't decree this. So in other words, he's rejecting other okay, this person is mad, but the Johannine this person is more about the journey. And he was one of the first to say, there is no such thing as other. As you're aware, we soon nice Allah sooner believe and cuddle. We believe Allah knows the future and Allah controls the future. How can something happen in the domain of

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Allah, except that Allah has willed it? If something happens in the creation of Allah that Allah has not willed, then Allah is not the ROB. Allah is corrupt and Allah is the Malik and Allah azza wa jal controls not to leave falls except with his knowledge and power. La hawla wala Quwata illa biLlah. So we suddenly this is a fundamental point of Sunni Islam. We will say the Quran and Sunnah say this other versions of Islam, the Morteza creed, and the Twelver, Shia and others, they have different understandings of other, we affirm pother. And that is one of the fundamental differences between us. And between pretty much all the other strands because the other strands the baldies and others,

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they don't believe in the way that we believe in others. So Twelver Shia five or she are the bodies you know, the Tesla, they all have their versions, and it is not our version. So this hadith is of the evidences that we use. So back to this narration here. So yeah, Hemi Ibni. Amara says there was a man from Johanna Barber, the journey began to say that things happen spontaneously, and that Allah doesn't decree. So I met about us what to do early. And I mentioned this to him, I will also to do Ali is the companion of Olive Nebuta Allah who he is one of the senior of the tabby rune. And he said he has lied. I have not met a single Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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accept that they have affirmed other so he said, I performed Hajj with my friend who made them nabbed or murdered him URI. And when we finished the Hajj, we said let us go to Medina and let us meet the companions and ask them about Qatar. So we came to Medina, we met some of the unsolved we weren't able to ask them about Qatar. Then we said let us go to Eben Omar and Abu Zeid in a hurry. So we met Eben Omar. And we put our hand in his hat in one version in another version and said we met him while doing tawaf, and in this version, it off is not mentioned. So one of one of us stood to his right, the other stood to his left. And I asked because I my tongue was better, I was more

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eloquent. So I asked him or more. And I said to even our some group of people from our land of Iraq, they have read the Quran, and they're observing Islam, and they are preaching to the people. They claim that actions are spontaneous, and that whoever desires to do good will do good. Whoever desires to do evil will do evil, ie free will. This is their version of freewill right? That everybody is in charge of himself and that Allah does not control anything. Even Omar said, When you return to them when you meet them, say to them, that even Omar has cut off all ties with you, and you have nothing to do with Eben Omar. For I swear by Allah, if one of them were to give like the

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mountain of erode in gold, Allah would not accept their good deeds until they affirm other pause here, meaning their theology is corrupt. And if their theology is corrupt, then their good deeds will not be accepted to this level that they're denying Allah's other. So even Amata saying Allah is not going to accept their good deeds. Now. This is the Hadith listen to this now. I will tell you what my father narrated to me who is Emir Omar's father honorable hilltop, my father said to me, I'm going to hop up that he heard the Prophet sallallahu ala he was seldom say, so this is the version of one real hot dog that Musa met Adam. And he said, Oh, Adam, are you the one whom Allah created

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with his hand and cause the MidAmerica to do such the and you entered and lived in Jana? For I swear, oh, Adam, if you hadn't done the deed that you had done, then none of your progeny would be in the fire of * we'd all be in Jannah. So Adam said, oh Musa, are you the one whom Allah has chosen and preferred with his speech and his rissalah and you dare criticize me? And you cause a testimony and you you get irritated at me? over something that Allah has decreed upon me before I

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had been created. And Adam and Musa had an argument and Musa what Adam won the debate over Musa Adam won the debate over Musa Adam won the debate over Musa This is the end of the Hadith. Now, in this hadith we get an interesting story which is not quite related to Adam and Musa. But it's interesting that even Omar or the Allah one, he heard that somebody is saying that there is no free coder. Allah doesn't know the future. Allah does not know the future. This is what Marco Giovanni said. Even Omar said to these people, go back and tell my but I heard my father tell me what the prophecies of them said. And so this narration of Adam and of Musa having a debate or argument, Ibn Omar heard it from

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his father Omar, and he said to your havening, I'm gonna go tell these people in Iraq go tell them that their theology is corrupt, and that OS companions have nothing to do with them. And of course, you know, just, you know, for the students of knowledge advanced students, one of the key points of Asuna Wajima are Sunni Islam. When we say sudo, Gemma, the jemar, here is the companions of the prophet of Allahu Allah who was selling them and the Sahaba you know, as a Buddhist what to do. And he said, all of them affirmed other you do not find amongst the Sahaba, those who denied color, the Sahaba affirmed color the Sahaba knew that Allah is in control, and that Allah is magical milk and

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that Allah is Allah Krishna idea and that Allah is the One who has written localmart food. And all of this is affirmed by the sahaba. And so we affirm what they affirmed, which is that we believe in other as well, the point being that, in this narration, a bit Omar used this debate or this argument between Adam and Musa to prove that we believe in order to prove that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada had pre ordained upon Adam, what Adam would do, and Adam is telling Musa, how can you criticize me when you knew that this was my fate? It was my destiny to live on Earth to be expelled from Jannah How can you criticize me? And then the Prophet system said, Adam won the debate, Adam won the debate, Adam

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won the debate. Musa could not say anything because Musa agreed and Musa understood that the fall was decreed by Allah, and that it was decreed that man would live on Earth. So how could Musa criticize when it was already pre decreed now number of points here. And there's other narrations, but they're all in a similar vein. So they're all in a basically similar vein. Now, the point here is that this is without a doubt, an authentic hadith, because it is narrated by multiple companions, and it is found in pretty much all the books of Hadith. And these chains are too many to, to deny or to cast any doubt upon. So of the things that we mentioned here. The first question where and when

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did this meeting take place. And to respond to this Eben Abdel burrow, the famous scholar from Andalusia, he says that this meeting took place, in the same way that the meeting of the Prophet sallallahu it was settled took place with all of the other prophets in Israel in Mirage, we don't ask how it went and why we don't ask. It's a world that is beyond our worlds, this is the meeting of the souls and the souls in the Barossa time in place is removed from them. I have a whole series on the borders of that I have a whole lecture about the souls meeting other souls and you can listen to that. And we believe that in the Baratza, souls can meet one another. And in fact, even us in this

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world, when we go to sleep, it is possible for us to meet the souls in the Basilica of Allah subhanho wa Taala wills. So this meeting takes place in the world of the Barossa. We don't ask any more questions. Now. Obviously, this hadith was not accepted and is not accepted by non Sunni Muslims, understandably so because it would not. It would contradict their theological premise that

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that there is ultimate freewill and that there is no pre ordained meant there is no color. So we're not going to talk about the arguments and whatnot. We are interested in our own tradition of Sunni Islam, that what are some of the issues? Or what are some of the questions that were raised with regards to this narration and of the most difficult issues that was raised was the potential the potential conundrum or problem of assuming that our family has Salam was using other to justify a sin? Because that's not what we believe is permissible. If somebody is, you know, drinking alcohol, if somebody is, you know, not praying. And he says, oh, it's not my fault. Allah decreed this upon

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me. We don't say this is permissible, you cannot use color to justify your sins. So here we have to pause here and mention that the topic of other and the topic of predestination is a very, very complex topic, and it is one that our minds will never fully understand. It is one that

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the way that I phrased this when I teach more detailed classes and perhaps one day some of those classes

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be online as of yet I have not done other online. Because it is very complicated because when you go deep into this, the mind begins to wander and it becomes very problematic. And the problem is that you cannot have your finite mind fully comprehend the infinity of Allah's power and knowledge. So the assumption that your finite mind will be able to comprehend Allah's wisdom and Allah's knowledge, and that you'll be able to understand other that is a wrong presumption you can't understand other and that's why I've been abuzz famously remarked, that other is the secret that Allah has kept with himself. Whoever tries to open and unlock the secret will end up rejecting Allah

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subhanaw taala you can't understand other other deals with a deep, deep, deep reality and that reality is Allah's knowledge and Allah has power. How can our finite minds understand the infinity of Allah's knowledge and Allah's power? However, in a very, very simple nutshell, right, we say, Allah knows the future, and nothing happens except Allah's will. And Allah has given us our own powers and our own will. And Allah has allowed us a will that is effective in its own way, yet our will cannot disobey or go outside the will of Allah subhana wa Tada lemon Shia I mean c'mon yester came whoever wants to can be righteous. Then Allah says what matter shall own it and you shall not

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horrible al Amin, but you will never be able to be righteous and you will never will to be righteous unless Allah azza wa jal has also willed it. So we affirm other at the same time, we do not use color to justify inaction or action, we do not use other to justify sins. And in fact, this notion of other to justify sins. It goes back to even to some of the people that at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. They're trying to understand they said yeah, Rasul Allah, if everything has been decreed, then why should we do anything right for female Amman? This is Hadith in Behati Yasuda love everything has been decreed. If the pens have been lifted, and the ink has been dried,

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if the Lord and Matt forth has everything preserved, if Allah knows the future and controls the future, well, then let me just sit back and do nothing for female owl, why should I do anything? And our Prophet salallahu it he was seldom responded in a simple, practical manner. He didn't go into abstract philosophy, he did not go and give them an advanced theology class about the reality of other and the reality no, he simply said EREMA do you do what you need to do? Do your Amyl IR Maru do what you need to do for Kowloon Maurya certain neighborhood Yakata who everybody will find that whatever Allah had decreed for him, that is what is going to be made easy and that is the path he is

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going to go in. Here's the point in a nutshell,

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we affirm

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and we also believe that we have free will Simple as that. But our free will is not independent of Allah azza wa jal, we are responsible for our actions. And we are all aware that if we want to do so I want to pick up this glass I pick it up right now. I am not a robot, I am able to pick this glass up. But Allah had knowledge and Allah gave me the Qudra to pick it up the machine or to pick it up but Allah is the One who is Al Qadir, and Allah is the One who is allocution Cody and Allah wills at the same time Allah has gifted me and Allah has given me a a responsibility to know right from wrong and to act upon that knowledge and I am responsible for my actions. We do not use other to justify

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sins. Iblees did that. And I believe said to Allah, that Rob baby, my whitening My Lord, You have caused me to go astray. And Adam said Rob burn of alumina and fusina Oh our Lord, we have wronged ourselves. By the way, in this hadith, it seems as if Adam is saying his other and yet in the Quran, we also have Robin alumna, fusina. So here is the critical question, how do we reconcile these a hadith not with Coda because we believe in color? It's not a problem. This hadith is very clear, we affirm other How do we reconcile this hadith with the reality of not using powder to justify our sins? That is the question that we need to answer. And we're going to spend a little bit of time in

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this and by the way for informations

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shareholders, I'm even Taymiyah he wrote an entire booklet on this called the gel gel coder, justify justifying your sins by other use in order to justify, you know, things that you're doing. He wrote a book to clarify, and the entire book is a commentary of this hadith. So actually, much of what I'm going to say is a summary of this book, you can find it in his much more info tower is also printed separately as well, in in a me his analysis of this hadith, which is, I think, a very good analysis and I'm going to summarize it, he claims that Musa alayhis salam

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was not blaming Adam for the sin. But he was criticizing Adam for the calamity of being expelled from Jenna. And that's why he said, a hemorrhage dynamin agenda you caused us to be expelled from Jannah. And he didn't say, why did you eat from the tree. So to respond to the answer of calamity,

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Adam uses other.

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Adam is not justifying the sin via cada, because here is the key point. We can use other to justify a calamity, a painful incident in our history. We can use other to say for example, oh, that accident happened. Peridot Allah I couldn't have avoided it. We lost the job in the past bug that Allah somebody passed away in Lahore and Nayla Joan, we use other to explain and to control ourselves because of a tragedy of the past. We do not use other to justify a current action or even to justify a past sin that is not allowed. So the way that even Taymiyah sets up the analysis he says, Musa was asking about the calamity. And Adam responds to the calamity and says this calamity

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of expulsion, this calamity of living on Earth, this calamity of leaving Jenna and coming down to earth. This is a masiva a calamity that Allah had decreed. So Musa is talking about the masiva and Adam was responding and explaining the calamity. And even Tamia says that Musa knew that Allah had repented upon Adam. So how could Musa bring up the sin you don't bring up the sin when Allah has repented, and Allah has repented and Allah Musa knows this and Adam knows this. So even Taymiyah says, we use color to justify and contextualize our tribulations, our trials, our calamities, as Allah says in the Quran, Masaba Morsi. Button Illa be vanilla, no, mostly, but happens except that

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it is Allah's permission, and Allah is kuduk Whatever happens, it is Allah's Kitab upon us, so we can console ourselves when a calamity happens, something in the past, something hurt us something, you know, tragedy, we say Allah has other this is what Adam is saying to Musa now, ignore him has a slightly different response. So it's a minimal claim, they have two different responses to the same thing. It will pay him says that

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Adam is justifying not the sin, but the calamity of the sin. Okay. Now the difference is that even Taymiyah saying that Adam is talking about the fall and imminent I am is saying that Adam is talking about a past sin that he has repented from and not from a current sin that he is doing. So even though I am says that it is permissible to justify a slip up of the past that you have repented from saying, Look, I couldn't have helped it. It was my destiny, you know, so let's say for example, you know, a drunkard repents from his sin becomes a righteous person. Now somebody makes fun of me says, Hey, you used to be a drunkard say, you know, that was ALLAH SCADA upon me and I have repented ask

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us forgiveness, you know, okay, it is done. So Abraham says that he's not justifying that it's okay to drink the in this case, he's simply saying it was my past and I couldn't escape from it because it is done he's not using other to justify the current sin because that by unanimous consent, obviously if we were to open this door then obviously there would be nothing left of right and wrong in any murder could say hey, it's not my fault you know, it is other and this reminds me of a famous incident in history when I'm going to help Bob be any caught repetitive thief and you know, the thief, you know, confessed he goes Yes, I have, you know, stolen and I have broken into properties

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and done this and this. And so,

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I'm gonna stop said, Okay, well, we're gonna have to implement the head, which is the cutting off, you know, and so the thief tried to justify goes, Oh, Emma, Amira. Muslimeen Are you going to punish me for something that Allah had decreed? This is Allah sada. And so I'm going to hottub replied, Yes, it was ALLAH Spada, that you do sin, that you commit the theft, and it is Allah's brother that we will chop your hand off. So yes, that's called and this is called the you can't get out of it. And this is a valid point that you don't get out of legal culpability by other, you cannot just say, hey, it was other and that's why I did it and justify it. However, if you are repenting, and you

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have turned over a new leaf and somebody tries to bring you down, you say, Yeah, you know, I mean, you're right. This happened in Alaska. That was my past life, ask Allah's forgiveness. So Abraham has a slightly different twist and that is

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that he's not justifying the permissibility of the sin? No, he's simply saying that was my past, and it is a done deal. So the point is that both Ibn Taymiyyah mill claim they're trying to find a way out, because we all agree that nobody should justify a current sin by the usage of cada. And the Quran itself is very clear in this regard. So this is the genre of this hadith. And again, FYI, the topic of other does need to be done in a much more advanced topic and detail. And maybe one day I have done so many series. One day, maybe I will do this, but you know, just a forewarning that. There's no doubt that this topic to to assume that you will understand it is itself a problem, you

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will never fully understand. And by the way, even those other groups that deny other, they opened up a whole can of worms, what do you mean that Allah doesn't know the future? How can Allah be Allah when he doesn't know the future? How can Allah be Malik and Malik and Allah? Is Allah Krishna Medina, and Allah says in the Quran not to leave falls, you know, except with his knowledge, how can you say that Allah? Yeah, and how is there a concept of an all powerful God if you did not color so color is actually intrinsically linked to the power of Allah and the knowledge of Allah. And it is a very logical belief, if you look at it from the perspective of Allah xojo, being all powerful, we

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also affirm that Allah is all just we also affirm that Allah is not forcing us. We don't believe in forcing we don't believe in what is called Jabra, that we are fatalist, that we are like the leaf in the wind note, Allah affirms that we have the will to do certain things that Allah affirms that whoever wants to be guided, will be guided and whoever wants to be misguided well, and that is his misguidance. But at the same time, Allah affirms that His will is overriding and overpowering, and at some level, we must submit to the will of Allah. But here's the point we don't know the will of Allah. We don't know what is our other we don't know the future. So we live our lives for the

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future, as if there is no other and we firmly believe in other and we justify our calamities of the past by color. We do not justify current deeds because of color. We don't justify our lifestyle as we live it because of color that is not allowed, but the past the calamities and maybe even as an opium says a sin that you have repented from which is a type of calamities as that we may use other to console ourselves and Allah azza wa jal knows best. Okay, so this is one of the loose ends that we need to tie up. The next one that we have

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is a Hadith reported in Timothy, that Timothy says Hassan and shahada bunny also considers it to be a hassle, just any accepted Hadith. And it is the famous Hadith, that when Allah created the creation, he robbed the back of Adam. And he caused all of the souls to be put in front of him this much I discussed in the meet up all of this is there. But I kind of went over a brief point, which now we're going to talk about here. And that is that when all of the souls were displayed, Adam saw one of them with a very bright light. And Adam said that who is this one?

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And his light was coming from his forehead. So Allah said that is your one of your sons from one of the last of the people of this or the last all mums, and his name is dawu. David. So Adam said, How long have you given him to live and die? Would Allah said 60 years? So Adam said, Oh, my Lord increased 40 years to make it 100. And Allah agreed, when the angel of death came

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and wanted to take the soul of Adam, Adam said, aren't there 40 years left of my life? And he was told, didn't you give it to die would and so Adam denied, and because of this, his progeny denied and Adam forgot, and because of this, his progeny forgot, and they made a mistake. And because of this, his progeny makes a mistake and of Hadith. Okay, so in this hadith, we have an interesting story. And that is that the Mali has Salam sees all of the souls now that much of it we find in multiple Hadith, but in this version, we find an added twist, which is not found in the other versions, and that is that he saw one particular soul with a very powerful light. And that's all he

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asked, Who is it? He was told it's that wood and he felt compassion for the soul, that this is a bright soul the best of or one of the best of my entire creation, and he only has 60 years so he said, Let me gift my part of my life to Him. So He gifted according to this hadith 40 years.

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of his own life, and then he denied later on that he had gifted and this was a source of criticism, okay? Now,

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this hadith has been deemed authentic by many scholars and so they consider to be one of the authentic incidents of Adam or his setup. And if we were to affirm this, then we would say that Allah azza wa jal gifted Adam however many years, according to the Australia 2000 years, he lived 1000 years this is not in the Quran and Sunnah. But it is mentioned in the folkloric traditions. And so from these 1000, he gifted 62, so he gifted sorry, 14. So when 960 years went by, the Angel of Death came to take the soul of Adam. And Adam said, No, I have 1000 years. So he rejected the angel of death, he said, Go away, get away from it, I'm not going to do this now. And so he did not he

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denied. And according to this version, he forgot for this year, and so his children also forgot. And if we were to assume this hadith to be authentic, then the notion here would be how easy is it for people to forget their promises? How easy is it for us to make promises Unto Allah and then to not fulfill them? So that is the moral of this story, if we affirm it, obviously, as you're aware, by now that I sometimes find certain narrations to be any eyebrow raising, let us say, and this is one of them. Because, again, the point comes here, first and foremost, the narrator's ever heard Rhodiola one we respect and love him, but as we have pointed out multiple times, and this is

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something that Mr. Muslim mentions in his Kitab Timmies. And you can look this up yourselves and it is well known from the time of the Sahaba with one will lie to him that there were issues that arose about the veracity and about the wordings and eyeshadow, the loving herself inside Bahati, multiple narrations. She would say, No, this is not what the President said. He said this no, you have messed up with this wording. So this is a tension that we find from the very beginning of the tradition is not something outside it's not something that is coming from Hadith skeptics, it's something from within the tradition. But as we are aware, some people try to smooth it out and consider it to be

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nothing and others like myself, like were saying, Well, I mean, let's just discuss and talk. Is it not interesting that out of all of the prophets, David as mentioned, one wonders David to hewed out of all of the prophets, you have Ibrahim alayhis salam, you have Risa you have our Prophet Muhammad system, and out of all of his progeny. In this alleged Hadith, Adam sees David. Now, who considers David to be the number one we all know it is the bunny story.

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And one is intrigued to discover, in the Talmudic texts a very, very, very similar narration. In the zahar, which is the Zohar is one of the mystical books that is used by the Kabbalah which is like a mystical branch of of Judaism. And the Zohar is a book that was compiled around the time of Jesus. Basically, it is written that David had not been allocated any life on Earth. When Adam saw this, when Adam saw this, he donated 70 years of his life to David. That is why he did not live to be 1000 years, but he died in 930. And in the Mishnah.

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In the Mishnah, it is written, I don't know how to pronounce these, I'm just quoting from the sources that I have via Sha 168. A, and also bedsheets were 91 Beat that Adam gifted 70 years to David, and one of the scholars of the rabbinic literature, the one of the classical scholars of the rabbinic commentaries, like the more facilitative series guys from their tradition. He says that the whole point this is a Jewish rabbi, this is not a Muslim, saying that the whole point of granting life to David was to repair the damage done to God's universe by Adam pause here. So what this rabbi is claiming is that this is what they're claiming. We don't say this, that Adam or will be led

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damaged God's universe, and David has to repair it. And so Adam has to give a portion of his life to David to repair and so he goes on, Adams divine image needs to be restored through David. Okay. Now, we don't believe this. But this group does. And Adam donated to David, the illuminated

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life years. And this rabbit goes on. I'm just summarizing much of this over here that we see that David's features are described

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In similar terms in another part of the of the Talmud, and when the Messiah comes, which is their Promised Prophet, Adam will achieve his complete repair As hinted at his name, which is an acronym for Adam David and the Messiah Dhamma. According to this rabbinical interpretation of the Zohar, the mystical interpretation that Adam represents Adam and then David and then the mercy, and so there have to be these three fingers and quote over here. Now, this notion of Adam gifting his life to David, it is found in the Talmud, and is found in the Zohar. And these books predate Quran and Sunovion Coronavirus. The Quran is eternal. So don't misunderstand me here, the revelation of the

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Quran, obviously, and the Hadith. Obviously, the HAR and the Talmud were written in the Babylonian era, and the Babylonian era, the the, the, the second Babylonian era. The second temple, I should say, era is from around 500 BC to around 70. See, this is the era when the Talmud was compiled. So this is before the Sierra and before the life of the process and by centuries, so we have these notions of Adam gifting his life to David here. Now, what are we to do? We have two logical possibilities, there is no third two logical possibilities, possibility a that indeed, this is exactly what happened. And Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned this to the ministry. And Allah Subhan,

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Allah mentioned to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who out of all of the Sahaba only mentioned it Abu Hurayrah. And we find it in a Buddha, his narrations. And so because it actually happened, it's found in the Mishnah, and the Talmud and the Zohar, and is found in abohar IRAs version, this is one possibility. The other possibility is of course, what I have mentioned a number of times, which is cross contamination, which is Israeli at somehow creeping in and in the first century, as we are aware of this did occur multiple times. So whichever one of these two follow, that is permissible for you, Inshallah, no big deal, that you understand that yes, it's completely

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logically possible that indeed, this did happen. And out of all of the children of Adam, David was the most brightest, and it is completely affirm the that it has many blessings, there is no question about that. So it is completely theologically and logically possible that Adam saw all of the children, and David was the brightest of his children. And so he gifted his life to David, it is possible. But there's the other possibility as well. And whatever happens, any whatever the profitsystem said, we believe, if he said it, we believe it. So this is the issue of

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gifting his or allegedly gifting his life to David, and take of it either version A or version B, we now conclude with one other legend, and this is clearly a legend. So this is not found in Hadith at all. hamdulillah there's no issues over here, but it is found in our source books of history. And as I've said multiple times that you know, sometimes I wonder how be honest here guys, am I the right person for storytelling, because I'm not the one who will just find something and just narrate it to you like a storyteller I am, my mind is far more critical, and I'm willing to challenge and whatnot. So I'm not going to just because it's found in an early book, it doesn't make it authentic. So I'm

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going to tell you a story that is found in our earliest book. It is the book of Urbanus, Huck had been his half died. 150 hijra, even his heart wrote a massive book about history from the time of Adam up until the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Sierra Club in his heart was actually the concluding volumes. So even is how growth multiple volumes. Unfortunately, the first volumes that he wrote, which is called the the beginnings of history from Adam until the prophets have said them, we don't have the full copies. We only have snippets preserved in later books, right. So I hope you understand this Ibanez Hawk Sera, we have the full book or Hamdulillah, four volumes, the

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books that he wrote before the Syrah, which is from Adam until the Sierra, we don't have the original. What we do have is people like Ibn katheer And like on mocha DC, and like other historians autobody they are recording what even is hoc wrote, and so we have their snippets there, cut and paste. We have that we don't have the original urbanists hack, but even as hogtied 150. So this is a very early book, Eben is how he wrote a story about the death of Adam. Okay, where did he get it from? He didn't tell us it's simply there. It's there in his book. And this story has been told and retold by Eben cathedra in his Stories of the Prophets, and by so many other people, and so just so

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that you're aware, because somebody will say, hey, you know, if you forgot to mention the story, no, I know what I'm telling you. And I know what I'm not telling you. But I thought you know what, let me just tell you the story. And then yeah, and obviously I don't think it is true because it has

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has nothing to do with the Quran and Sunnah it is simply a tale. And no matter how great our scholars were, they were human beings. And Ibn is half as a storyteller, and he will get from any sources that he wants. So even as Hawk says, when Adam was about to die, he called his son sheath or Seth. And he taught him the timings of the day and night and he taught him when to worship Allah during those timings. And he told him that the flood is going to take place the flood of North is going to take place. And it is said even as haka, saying, It is said that all of the children of Adam of our times, they go back to Seth to sheath, and all of the other children of Adam, their

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progeny is no longer amongst us, they are no longer here. And when Adam died, it was Friday. And the angels came with shrouds, and with perfumes, and with cuffin, from Jana, sent by Allah, and they came to give their grief to sheath and they anointed sheath to be the next if you like profit, and the sun and the moon, were eclipsed for seven days and seven nights continuously pause here, you can't have both the sun and the moon eclipse at the same time, astronomically. But anyway, this is what even is haka, saying, The sun and the moon were eclipsed for seven days and seven nights. And then he says, And he goes on, with another chain with, with another chain that I saw an old person

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in Medina, and it was said this is obey even cam that when Adam was about to die, he said to his sons, that all my children, I desire some of the fruits of Jannah. So go find them for me. So his son's left the house trying to find the fruits of gender. And when they left the house, they met the angels. And the angels had the coffin, and the angels had the perfumes and the children had the axes and whatnot to cut to find the the fruits. So the angel said, Where are you going? Where do you want to go. And so they said, Our father is sick, and he desires the fruits of Jannah. So they said to the sons go back for your father is going to die. And we are here to take his soul. So the angels

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came, when how wha saw them, she shouted out, and she rushed to Adam for protection. She recognized these angels, she understood that they're going to take them soul. And Adam says to her, why get away from me, for all that has happened has happened because of you. And let me meet my angels of my Lord. And so the angels came and took him and took his soul. And then they washed him. And then they shouted him, and then they perfumed him. And then they built a grave for him. And then they buried him. And then they prayed over him. And then they caused him to be covered up with the dust. And they said to the Children of Adam, this is how you're going to Bury Your Dead. And of this

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narration, once again, you know, we just simply shrug our shoulders and say, Yanni Subhanallah, every time we find women are being blamed. Once again, we have this notion here. And again, it's such a story that we don't, can you imagine any our father Adam saying to his wife of how many hundreds and 1000s of years Get away from me, all the calamities happened because of you? This is again biblical. So as I said, Yeah, I need. Yeah, I know, this gets me into trouble. But I have to speak the truth here. These are not things that we believe these are not from Allah and His messenger. And we have to acknowledge that there has been a tampering, and not just a temporary but

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a contamination really not a temporary is not the best word here. And there has been all of these, you know, stories have crept in. We by the way, this is not even heavy, this is not even sooner. This is our books of history. And, you know, a lot of people, they they don't want to go down this route and they say, Who are you somebody in the the century to go and criticize him in his heart and I say, okay, good for you. You can accept the story and that's between you and Allah. As for me, I am not obliged to accept the stories of a great scholar, but he was a human being who lived even if he lived 150 hijra, that doesn't make him perfect. It doesn't make him it was a different time. It

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was a different mentality of people. It was a different notion of credibility. And at that time, people accepted stories wherever they came, they were not that you know, concerned about the authenticity, the academic nature, the analysis, they it was a different time in place. And if in our times, Allah has blessed us to stand on their shoulders, we thank them for their contributions, but we are not wedded to their interpretations. We are not wedded to their quotation. So this whole notion of Vianney blaming Hawaiian whatnot Yanni. We will just ignore this and say this

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of the tales and legends and once again as for where he was buried once again, Ibn is happy to indicate here they have the standard back and forth you know, the different opinions. Some say he is buried in India mashallah Tabata cola hint. Others say that he's buried under a bow base in Makkah, which is outside the Kaaba. And it is also mentioned that no Holly has Salam when the, when the flood took place, that he and Doug or he dug up the graves of Hawa and Adam, and he put them in a coffin or a Tabata box, and he carried them in Batesville, Democritus. And he buried them in Jerusalem. And so some people say that Adams head is in Masjid Ibrahim right now, and his feet

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finish at the Sahara the Dome of the Rock. And it is also said that helwa died a year later and quotation straight from Ibn Katia. And we say to all of this Jiseok moolah hate on our scholars for having done what they have done, but with utmost respect, we are not obliged to

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give this any credibility who was there to witness and who amongst us who knows where Adam is buried. There is no doubt that he's buried somewhere but this notion that he is buried under the cover or he is buried underneath or not this it seems like complete tales and we do not know at all where he is buried. And with this, we come to the actual conclusion of our stories of Adam alayhis salam from what we know of the Quran and Sunnah. In our next lesson inshallah we'll continue about something to do with Adam. I know many of you already know what this is, but I don't want to give too much away, but it has to do with something with biology. Let's put it that way. I think

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everybody knows now shall in any case, I hope inshallah to be allowed to continue next week. And until then, Jiseok Milan Haven salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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00:46:53 --> 00:46:57

Anjali, either call

00:46:58 --> 00:47:05

me Mr. Healy. Da Seanie wanna

00:47:06 --> 00:47:10

Amina LA. He wants to feel

00:47:12 --> 00:47:14

at what

00:47:15 --> 00:47:21

feels cool Ruby mimma Janita

00:47:22 --> 00:47:23


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