Muhammad Alshareef – Who is Muhammad

Muhammad Alshareef
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of language in the Bible to describe prophets of Islam and the need for caring and mindful behavior. They also touch on the importance of charity and social media for building calming and rewarding life, and the importance of fasting to avoid breaking fast. The speakers also mention a new online platform called Jesus FMO and its use for people to express their feelings. They emphasize the importance of fasting and not reciting the Quran in English to express one's opinion. The conversation also touches on the success of working on Twitter and Facebook, the importance of not pursuing a Facebook post or Twitter post, and the topic of the Islamic family.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Dallas, tuning in from on YouTube, so phase out this is new. We're streaming on YouTube as well. So specialists announced to the YouTube folks

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Janina Thank you very much for your kind words. Alright, we'll begin

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah

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take one

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minute what I happen to live in a kind of discipline that from the LAO salatu salam ala Rasulillah. While early he was talking to me in my wallet and my bad welcome to today's episode of total we truffle, right, so the verse that we're dealing with is inserted Toba is inserted tilba Verse 128.

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Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran landownership on a regime. Now, Khadija

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foresee Kumasi is

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as easy

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to heal for knowledge. How do you so no holiday

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meaning in Arago for

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this verse, Allah subhanaw taala says the cut Jakob and this originally this message was to the Quraysh and obviously it's for all of humanity like a gel camera suderman and fussy, comb calm, that certainly a messenger has come to you from amongst yourself from amongst yourself. I season I lay him out on it and it isn't our lady. It's grievious to him that which you suffer. I'll explain inshallah Tada. I know these English translations are hard to understand what's being said. It's Grevious to him is what you suffer. How do you Sonali come, he is concerned over you, but me Nina with the believers are overhand he is kind and merciful. So it's a very beautiful verse. And you

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know, right off the bat, I want to, you know, just tell you that sometimes even in the English, when the English it's, it's like the translation is so fancy translation of the meaning of the font. So fancy that when you read it, you don't really understand. What I like to do, basically is just telling you what you just read, but in more simple

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language, people, we don't say greediness to each other out of what's going on. And this Bible is our first broadcast to you. So just a special command anybody tuning in from YouTube? We're happy to have you I haven't been on YouTube forever, but it's nice Riffian I see. So Allah Subhana Allah says in this in this verse la caja are assuming unphysical. So Allah subhanaw taala describes the prophets of almighty and send them coming to Quraysh as someone from amongst them. And if you think about this, if the messenger SallAllahu sallam was, this is Mecca, this is what I use. And then somebody comes from what, from another country and says, Hey, I'm a messenger for you, and they

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would reject it, or

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for another tribe, even in a place wouldn't accept somebody from another tribe, but Allah subhanaw taala is telling them that he's one of you. Now, when Allah has kind of had a says to Quran, that he's one of you, and you know him, you know, for example, his lineage, so you know, who is father grandfather, and my father is from Quraysh. And in fact, from the highest lineage of flesh, unless the kind of data says, you know, who he is men and physical. You also know his truthfulness, men and physical, you know, his truthfulness. So it's not somebody coming from out of town from another country, and you don't know his background, or you don't know his story. Allah subhanaw taala says,

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nobody knows how much of a bison better than you people know him.

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You know, his truthfulness, and you know, his manner his fulfilling his oath and his promises. And I want to take a moment here to talk about the truthfulness of the prophets of a lot is

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because if you remember when the prophets of Allah they said, um, first received revelation, when he first received revelation, and he was called told to invite courage to Islam. Remember, he climbed on the Mount of Safa and went if you've ever been for Umrah, and you're standing there facing the Kaaba, that's the same location and the same direction the profits of Elijah said, I'm stood when he spoke to courage that first time and his statement was, if I told you that there was an army behind this mountain behind this hill, would you believe me? And they said, Yes, we would believe you. We've never in our lives experienced you to tell a lie. We have never experienced you to tell a lie.

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And so that they know the prophets of Allah is set up and never in his life

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Did he ever lie to them never did is like, and what was really beautiful

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was when I was Sofia and went to the Byzantium for the Romans, and he spoke to hit up on the Roman ruler, Hercules,

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the Hadith and since I am a hottie that he asked him questions about this man, this messenger and Hercules and hit up and ask the other Sofia and I was Sofia, and it wasn't possible at that time. And he said to him, did you ever accuse him of lying before he came up with this claim that he was the messenger of God? Was he ever accused previously of lying? And also, Theon said no, he was never, never, they've never experienced a life in the province of Eliza. Okay? Then at the end of that hadith, it's very long because he doesn't have a body. Then hirato Hercules say it says that I was Sophia. I asked you earlier, if you ever accused him of lying before he stated what he said what

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he now says. And you said no, and Hercules said, consequently, I knew that if he never lied to human beings, if he never lied to humans, he would never lie. If he never did that in the first place. He would never lie about God. If he had never lied to human beings, that is not his character, who would never lie about human beings who will never lie about God. And I will Sofiane even says, later, Abu Sufyan became Muslim.

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And Abu Sufyan, this conversation with Iran is that, you know, it hit him in his heart, that people what I shouldn't become a ruler, this is from our own people. This is our own messenger.

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In this verse, Allah subhana data says Lapa Jack Ma suderman and physical mises en la Hema.

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So Allah is telling us more about the characteristic of the prophets of Allah, the sentiment is and his leadership. Now when you think of some leaders, historically, leaders looked at their people as something to be used for something else. So it's like the leaders didn't care about their people, the people are being used for something for linear but you see the prophets of Eliza, this is for a population, all the believers that to understand that the leadership of the prophets of Allah de semanas messenger ship is for your benefits that he's here so a lot is to take care of you. So Allah subhanaw taala says ICS annihilate humanity so that when you are hurting about something, when

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you're suffering and something the prophets have a lot as Anna suffers also because of the suffering so if something hurts you, the prophets have a lot of sentiments hurt, if something pains you, it pains, the prophets of Allah de Sena, if you remember, the Hadith of the Ummah is like one body, that if one part of it is in pain, the rest of the body sleeps with a with with a fever and feels that pain. It's this collective like we all feel it as an OMA that the whole Ummah feels this pain, that was the characteristic of the profits of abattis Adam and he is telling us also that this is how the OMA should be Aloma. This is how the his OMA salovaara ism should be so last month RSS is

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essentially humanism, that it hurts him what hurts you. It pains him What pains you and ask Allah subhanaw taala to also give us and bless us with that characteristic about caring about other people. How do you Sonali come? How do you Swan alikom is when somebody is

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concerned over you the translation you'll see there is is concerned over you. And Hadees means like he really wants good to come for you. You'd say in Arabic that somebody is Hadees like their hadith is

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I know it's translated as concern, but they're actually they're following up. They're really concerned about this. They care about it very much. And Allah subhanaw taala says, How do you sonar lako that Allah subhanaw taala is cited the Prophet Saudi center is concerned over you. And so what is the province of the virus I'm concerned about? He's concerned with

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he died ethical, he's concerned with your guidance. He's concerned with

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you perfecting yourself perfecting your characteristic perfecting yourself in your life ways to Adhikam for you to be happy. So this is how to use on Aleykum that he's concerned over you didn't want meaning for him and with the believers, the prophets of Allah subhanaw taala describes the prophets of Allah I said I'm good meaning

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that he is kind and merciful, meaning he loves to the believers and you see that with the province of the mind, as he said to the unsolved ones

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He said I never have any fear any goodness with me except that I would share it with you and province advice and I've said that to

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Allah Tala alum so it's just one verse a short reminder inshallah Tada if somebody has questions, I'll take a few questions for another five minutes and then we'll be done

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yet Emma says Heidi's also means guard. Hi, this isn't hard as with a scene or a slot.

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I wonder Mmm, it might be a different word. I'm not sure but I think it's a different word. Different root word.

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Somebody said can you mention this hadith number? I don't have the Hadith number. I guess you're talking about the story of Joseph Yan. It's right at the beginning of say Behati it might be like within the first 10 Hadith of Siva hottie about other Sophia if that's the one you're talking about.

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ravine says this you know what this Ramadan I heard the entire Touched by an Angel design the series and I loved it because that could help. Hey, what do you guys think of this? This new cool thing right? I can put I can put these

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throw it up on the screen. How do I get it off

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you know, I don't know.

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Good question is certainly Toba named after the top of this hobby cabin thematic. Allah item I actually don't think so. I need to check it out. But I don't think so. I think the tilba is about because it starts off with like Baja like it's a declaration of

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thing but it could be I don't know that I need to check that

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question Shah Baba says if my husband has debt from before we got married, can I give a portion of my as a cat so you can give as a cat inshallah Tada to somebody who it's not your responsibility to take care of them. And if your husband and he's Muslim, and he's in debt, and he needs to be relieved of this debt, can you give us a cat term? The answer is in Charlotte, I guess you can

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Marya says, with Mr. closings? How do you recommend them to raise the capital 50? Is it still $10 per household member? So Catherine fitzer is paid in, in food and then sometimes it's calculated in number.

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The messages tend to have like distribution of this account of fifth that's kind of like what it is. So you pay the money. And then the food is bottom and it's distributed. And maybe those I'm pretty sure that masajid will probably still do that this year. But if not, then pay it online. I'm sure somebody's distributing the Catholic filter online, find somebody that's doing that online and be a part of it.

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And let's get somebody from YouTube. Anybody from you too? is our first time broadcasting we don't got any questions from YouTube

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Okay, bento powder. I think he mean what should you do if you feel like you're losing the connection with Allah subhanaw taala if you feel like you're losing the connection with Allah subhanaw taala obviously, that's from your own. First thing that comes to mind is doing Toba to Allah Subhana Allah repentance, because one of the problems with when we commit sins and we all commit sins, but it puts like black, black rust on our hearts. And if we don't repent from these sins, then the heart seals up eventually. And so we want to turn away from sins or or wash ourselves from sins by asking forgiveness. You know, another thing that comes to mind is charity. And the Prophet sallallahu

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sallam said that, um, charity extinguishes Allah's Anger, just like fire extinguisher water extinguishes fire. So maybe somebody comes closer to Allah subhanaw taala with charity, and I, you know, I'd also tell you that, as I'm prepared these types of truffles, I get a chance to go through tafsir and look over the verses and sometimes I'm tired or I need to, I have other things to do, but it's actually it's it's very calming and relaxing for me to spend time with the Quran in such a way and so I'd encourage you to read more Quran and read tafseer or read like translations and try to understand what's being said Michel Attali will find you then that that your heart will become

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This is cute. Sanya says my three year old loves to say tartaric truffles with you thought it will be too rough

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Zara says is later to the other night the same for the whole world and all parts of the world? And the answer is yes it is. There's only one way the other. So it's not like this country has a little to cover and that country has a little other and stuff like that. So leaders of color is one night

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a lot.

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And we got a YouTube comments nice

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to the YouTube people. It's like a new country. Welcome YouTube FMO. Seven on YouTube, if you made as to how to to go to a particular way and it doesn't happen and then you go the other way and still don't. And it still doesn't work out. What do you do you?

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So you're saying I could go right, or I can go left? So you pray to Sahara and you go and it didn't work out? And then you and then you went the other way you went left? And it also didn't work workout? Then what should you do, um, get on with your life, just go do something else. So both paths are closed down. And that's life closed down. Go go find the third path. In life. There's not only two paths, there's three there's four paths, there's five paths, there's lots of things you can do a challenge on.

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In general, I've noticed these kinds of questions where it's not really a question for like, like asked me to share like it's not like I know what the what you need to do, but it's more like a personal development like hey, this is my life, I found a hurdle and I've been blocked by two things. How do I get past this? I just need to I call it hurdles because hurdles require us to jump higher I don't say wall I don't say block I say hurdles for myself because it's a metaphor that reminds me that when I face a hurdle in my life

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what's required from me is that I need to take two steps back look the hurdle in the eye and then go a little faster and then jump higher. Allah requires more for me that this effort that I'm putting in so I'm good enough I need to put in more effort that's my attitude when it comes to hurdles a lot. So the question is what do you need to do to make a third option fourth option fifth option and keep going

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all right, one second.

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I just need to check something

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I still have some more time.

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When we make dua we say Allah, You know what my god is Please grant it to me. Can you say that? So here's the thing, even if you didn't make that da Luz Panasonic knows what you need. Sometimes you don't even make doc for it, or you make doc for some things and Allah gives you what you actually need instead of what you made off for. So if you make a dog like I don't know if you're taking

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visionair with us issue if you are taking visionair if you want to normal me like make that as one of your dream dogs in the Visionaire program the way I talk about it, then no, it's not going to work. But if it's outside of your visionair Dawson's like a normal doll like oh Allah You know what I need so please bear with me and it's okay. But generally speaking I would say you want to be I don't want you to be the lazy if you know if that makes sense. The lazy in like all law I don't know what I want so just give it to me.

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Like what is that? Come on? Come on. Banner ads in effigy. Yeah it sounds like it would be better for you to set up ads in after dinner after that it has not been added or login me goodness in this life and this in the hereafter protect me from hellfire that sounds better than you know what my daughter is

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so given.

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I'm looking for the next question.

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Mode says can I assign it gives the card

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Once parents, if they are in debt provided the debt which the parent has taken on some unknown reason, probably to help another child, generally speaking, if your parents need assistance, and you're the Son, and you can give us a card to them, because it's your responsibility to take care of your parents, so you're the Son, your parents need help, and you're helping them out. Chances are, you'll be rewarded for it, but it doesn't count as a cat. I gave the example of Hope wife giving the cat her husband because it's not the wife's responsibility to take care of the husband. But in this case, we're talking about son and your parents need help. You shouldn't be taking care of them. Like

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Islamically responsible you can't give the cat you can't count it as a cat in such a situation

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can we follow translation of Quran in sulla

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No, no. In salon need to recite Quran translation of Quran is actually a translation of an interpretation of the Quran. That's why there's multiple like different words and stuff like that. So the translation isn't

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it's not put on and it's a translation of an interpretation of the product it's actually translation of a series of the Quran if you will. So that being said, you can't you can't recite it and so on

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All right. Other questions

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I asked says where do we ask questions? You can just type it and you know what's interesting about it as a as is tuning in from Periscope, so we got Twitter here excuse to not only YouTube, but we got Twitter our first time doing like Twitter as well. So special salam to Allah, Twitter, the Twitter world.

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Patricia's question says, Should we continue to fast if we broke fasting by fighting our person. So fighting our cursing, doesn't break your fast doesn't break your fast it may

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diminish the reward of fasting but it doesn't break the fast so if you're getting into a fight with somebody and you're swearing and this and that, and you tell them you might as well just start eating because your fast is broken, that kind of thing. You're fast isn't it? It's the reward is being diminished by committing sins like that and fasting may Allah forgive us we all commit sins.

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You just do Toba to

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us which is another sin is that you want to say that I repenting to a lot that you ask Allah subhanaw taala that you know I made this mistake yesterday and today or tomorrow I'm going to work harder 10 times us not to 10% more harder or 20% harder to make sure that I don't lose control once again the way I did this day in Charlotte Tada let's find out forgive our Toba

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he asked this question sound like a brother when it comes time and he asked Where are you coming from? Yes. He said your English isn't so good. I'm

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if I don't know how to read Arabic And I read the Quran and still get the same reward for every letter. So I don't know what you mean if you can't read Arabic but you're reading Quran?

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Are you talking about reading it in your own language? Are you talking about reading the Quran with mistakes? If you read the Quran and you're slow, the Prophet sallallaahu Selim says and you're trying, the person who's trying like that gets double the reward. So you will be rewarded. If you're talking about reading on

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site tafsir or a translation of a tafsir in your own language do you still get rewarded? I don't think you'd get rewarded as if you read the Quran, but you would be rewarded inshallah Tada for seeking knowledge and, and trying to come closer to Alaska. So the reward is there. It just may not be the reward that you're talking about the rewards you're talking about? You want to maybe go to a pawn class. I'm sure there's lots of them online and say, You know what, my whole life I don't know how to read the Quran in Arabic. I would like to learn I'm sure there's, you know, hundreds of places online that we'd be happy to teach your child

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to live

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without Ahmed is from Periscope, Twitter.

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AT specialist labs to the Twitter folks, I feel like it's like Hockey night and people are tuning in from different East Coast West Coast

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to make sure that the hockey season comes back

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okay, so it hasn't seen sorry if I read the Quran in English so yeah if you read it in English that hadith about you know, with every letter you get a reward doesn't apply to this but you will get the reward for seeking knowledge and trying to understand the Quran. Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran, I fillet into the burden of Quran will they not contemplate and think over the Quran. So when you are sitting and reading translation, trying to understand what the last thought is saying, you're actually in implementing that commandment from Allah subhanaw taala. And you're trying to contemplate and understand the plot, so you definitely be rewarded for that.

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Let's say there's like,

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two questions left, we got this question from Periscope from Twitter, is Twitter still happening? It's still exist? Is it possible to know what our standing is in the eyes of Allah subhanaw taala if he's happy, angry at us, etc.

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honestly, you're only going to know this. When you die, when you die, you will know this, but less protect us. However, that being said, no question that comes up is how should you move through life? Should you work as if Allah is happy with you? Should you work as if Allah is angry with you? Or how should you move forward in life, and that's the concept of fear and hope, when they say hope, another jobs here and hope, fear and hope is, you know, you fear for the punishment or your fear, Allah is angry with you, and your hope for a last $100 reward, meaning that,

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that Allah subhanaw taala is happy and pleased with you, that you hope for that reward from Allah subhanaw taala. And so you actually need both of these things. So yes, it's not that.

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So some of the companions, and were given glad tidings that Allah is pleased with them. And, and that's a very large status, right? So what you're saying is like, how can I get that status, like being told the less happy with me and I'm gonna go to Paradise

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in the dunya, which is very, it's a very high and lofty status. There were only a few people that were prompt love for giving, like gloves, and things like that. But even those who work who did receive those glad tidings, they still acted as if, like prophets of Allah, they said, I'm praying all night crying, standing up online and prayer, I shall have the line it says, Why are you doing this when ALLAH has forgiven all your past sins? So he's already promised paradise? Why would he do that? She asks him and the province that allows them said, shouldn't I be thankful servant of Allah. So the fact that they're promised paradise, and already you know, Allah is happy with them, doesn't

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slow them down from their good deeds and actually easy and encouragement, and they keep going even further, maybe having more strength, because they know if Allah is pleased with me that I can never,

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I can never fail, like if less, so they just keep moving forward and started that last part of I could never fail. I don't think that they would live their lives, like thinking like I can do whatever I want. And I can feel I don't think that was the thought process. Well, Lauren,

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we got two minutes left.

00:29:00 --> 00:29:17

Got a as with Twitter, saying Twitter is still in check. Yes. Hamdulillah. I specifically said as we set this up, and to be able to broadcast I said, Hey, I really want to get Periscope. I want to get on Twitter because we've been on Twitter forever. So I'm really excited that the Twitter folks are popping in

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is a good one. My daughter said you reminded her of a hamster when how you said well, you might as well eat. Well. You might as well eat.

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Does your daughter know about Master hamster? Does your daughter know about Master hamster? Master heads hamsters from the cat ninja books

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all right. So mas wants me to answer Islamic family. Let's bring up Islamic family.

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Last question.

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from Islamic family says,

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if we see a perfect situation and then offers to her and things become difficult or don't become easy, is that a sign that we must not pursue that anymore? Or are we should continue to pursue it? Because logically it makes sense usually seen in proposals or business decisions. Okay, so you're talking about what if I see like really a business? So actually, you know what?

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In life, life has hurdles, life has hurdles, that's the nature of life. So I used to ask myself the question, what's the difference between? It's the same question you're talking about? This is how I framed it, if I pray is to holla.

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And am I expecting that life will have no hurdles after that? And if there are hurdles? Does that mean that Mike is to holla said no. So this is how I approach it. This is my own personal thing, Islamic family, how I would approach it and I go like this

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I look at the hurdle that I'm facing. And I look at like there's two types of hurdles. There's the natural hurdle. You know, what you want to start a business and there's hurdles at the bank or there's hurdles with you know, cuts or whatever, right. Those are normal hurdles. And it's part of the journey, which is fine. But then there's other hurdles that are like, slam the door completely shut like a fault. Like there's no way this is happening. shut door. There's a bit like I actually wanted to do some business thing. And and then I had a dream, obviously, I prayed so hard, I had a dream. I had a dream that I was driving down a road, a dead end road in the forest, and there was a

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bear at the end of the road and the bear was telling me turn around and go back. I was like, dang, that's a very serious type of message. And I had that dream in Medina. So I took it seriously so that Do you understand what I'm saying? A lot. Alright guys, it's been fun humbled. I will check this out later see how it went? This is the first time we have streamed onto multiple platforms. I want to welcome once again our folks from

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YouTube and our folks from Twitter who joined us today inshallah Tada and inshallah if it worked out good. We'll be streaming also these tolerate travels daily at this time, so half an hour ago, half an hour ago, whatever time that is in your

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in, in your in your part of the world and all that data, that's the time we'll be streaming everyday inshallah Tada Tada. We have truffles during Ramadan. And afterwards we've been doing that during this. These lockdowns Mohammed Al Sharif daily community huddle, sending you peace and love all around the world. This ominous shooting is finally looking at Hey, I didn't find out if

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I was actually coming in back to see if Shama if your daughter had heard of master hamster.

00:33:08 --> 00:33:13

We need to know okay, I sound like one with a lot of hats off. Bye. Bye.

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How do we shut this off?

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