Mufti Menk – When Will Eid Be

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of finding the moon to note its route and finding cooperation to achieve goals. They express concern about the possibility of confusion and misinterpretation on the topic of the vacation, but acknowledge the risk of confusion and misinterpretation. They also discuss the possibility of eating the moon and achieving unity in the Middle East. The conversation ends with a promise to bring about breakthroughs in the Middle East.
AI: Transcript ©
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Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh Masha Allah What a beautiful month of Ramadan we've had. It's gone by very very quickly I've been I'm being asked a question when will eat be? That's a very good question. Well, Eid will be on the first of Xiao Hua that's the answer. When will the first offshore will be? Well, I can tell you we are taught to see the moon to look for the moon to cite the moon at any time, any month, the 29th of the month. It's a sunnah to go out and search for the moon. Born or not born possible possibility of citing not possible to cite according to Psalm, no matter what it is the Sunnah is 29th of the lunar month, you go out and search for the moon fulfill that sunnah with

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conviction in the heart with belief that the Lord who created us and created the moon in the crescent would be able to show it to us if He wills Subhanallah that is the conviction. Allah is the creator for him there is nothing impossible but to look for the moon and to search for it is a great sunnah. Sometimes what happens people just tell you, it's impossible to see the moon so we kill the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, and we think to ourselves, well, since it's not possible, I'm not even going to bother. That's not how many a true believer who follows, who follows the revelation follows Allah and His Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam should be behaving, we

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should know that the minute it's the 29th, we go out and we cite the moon, we look for it, we search for it, we take a keen interest we read the DUA, we make sure that we've tried our best and then

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what happens you may just see it if you see it, look at it carefully read the DUA. And look at how high or low it is, look at the angles to check where exactly you saw it, because then you may have to go and bear witness that you saw the moon if a larger number have not seen it with you. But if a large number have seen it, generally it is taken and Alhamdulillah the moon is then announced the citing is announced which results in the day of Eid being announced at the same time. So that would depict the end of Ramadan. The start of Ramadan is by the witnessing of the crescent sighting of the moon, the end of Ramadan is about the sighting of the moon. Now you and I know that every time there

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are differences of opinion in many countries, people who say we should follow one international Moon some people say no, we shouldn't follow an international moon. Some people say we don't trust those people's moon, some people say our moon is better and so on, you know Subhanallah it's just one moon. But let me explain. If you understand why there are differences of opinion, it will become so easy for you to respect the others. Number one, are you allowed to see a moon with telescopic vision or with assisted sightings like you know, citing aides, that which like telescopes, and things like that, are you allowed to use that or not? So there are two schools of thought the vast majority say

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you should witness or cite the moon with the naked eye. And then there are some schools of thought that say you are allowed to use telescopes and whatnot. So there will always be a difference between these two. Because if you know common logic, both of them have a scope within the Sharia, they are legitimate opinions, even though the majority say you should use the naked eye. But there are people who say no, we use the telescopic vision. So if you are going to use telescopes, you're obviously going to see the moon before others, you're going to see that moon before others, because they will only be able to see with the naked eye when it's much clearer in the sky. SubhanAllah. So that's one

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difference of opinion. And therefore you always have people who see the moon before other people because they use telescopes. Secondly,

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there are two opinions regarding whether or not the whole world should site at the same time. Sorry, should should have eid and Ramadan together.

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So the OMA is divided into two it's not majority or minority. It's literally two schools of thought this way two schools of thought the other way. So some of them say you should we should all be having eat together. That's a good opinion. But in order to adopt that opinion, we need something we need the cooperation of the whole world. If even some people are not cooperating, we've got a problem because when used when they see the moon before you you might accept it and take it but what if you see it before them, then what they may not take it so you then have a problem. So if the whole world is going to cooperate, then that opinion would be much easier to adopt to say, Listen,

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we can all have it together. But then you have the other two schools of thought that say no, each region must have its own citing. Each region must have its own citing. So the Hanafis

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Allah say that the humbly scholars say that, and this is why you get people who say, listen, we're going to see the moon here. And subhanAllah you guys see it where you are? Because we're in different regions? So it's called a falafel mattala The differences in the horizon? Do you live in a different region? The answer is yes. If you do, then, should you or shouldn't you accept the moon sighting of another region altogether? So half of the scholars say, Yes, you should. And the other half said, No, you shouldn't. So there is difference of opinion in all these different ways one is using telescope or not. The other is whether or not you should follow a regional citing only or a

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global citing right. Now my brothers and sisters, there is a new issue that we have. Now, there are some people who don't even cite the moon, they decide in advance, listen, we've calculated everything. Allah says the moon and the sun, is by calculation, and so on, which is actually a misinterpretation of the verse but let's not get into that at the moment. There is a school of thought that doesn't cite a new school of thought, no citing, not interested in anything. They just look at the scientific evidence, they say, okay, possibility of citing, there we are, we're going to declare Hajj and we're sorry, we're going to declare the beginning and the end of Ramadan. According

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to this. That's what some people say. So you find already a month in advance, they've already told you it will be on this date, this will be on that day, because they are using the new technology. They're using science. And they've actually totally discarded the citing. Now.

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Personally, I have my reservations. And I would respectfully disagree with that opinion, because you're killing a sunnah at least, you can seek the assistance of science completely, but you cannot base it totally on that. You seek its assistance. And you know, there's a possibility of seeing, perhaps not a possibility of seeing, there's a greater chance of seeing the it's not so likely that you see, but the ultimate criteria should be the witnessing of the moon. That's the ultimate criteria. Now, if a person is not going to do that, then obviously they have swam into their own territory, they're answerable for that may Allah Almighty make it easy for So to answer the

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question, when is Eid, I'd like to think perhaps this year now we're sitting on the 29th of April 2022. I'd like to think perhaps we will be having Eid on the second of April, the second of May. That's what I think perhaps, because it seems like the moon is only going to be born

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at a certain time, if you calculate all of it, there is a possibility that there is a great chance that it will be cited.

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You know, at a certain point, but but for those of us who started Ramadan, in such a way that by that time is going to be 30 fasts, then whether you see the moon or not the 30s is over. So I think a lot of the globe will be having eat in sha Allah on that particular day, the second of May, but you might, let's see, some people might not see them on those who've only done 29 fast by that time, there may be a discrepancy, you will not going to be able to resolve the matter and have the whole worlds eat together. Like I said, if that needs, if that is going to be achieved, we're going to need the cooperation of everyone which

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is not far for Allah but at the moment the way things are going. The OMA seems that members of the Ummah are looking for any reason to split it further and further and to hate and to and to insult and to abuse and to think evil of one another. So where's the hope? Until we don't change that? I don't really see a tunnel, let alone the light at the end of it. But we have hope because we hope in the miracle of Allah, Allah can create something to happen to this ummah in such a way that it brings about that unity that we so desperately need and unity people mistakenly for uniformity but it's actually respecting differences of opinion brings about a beautiful unity you're United even

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though you hold different opinions. May Allah Almighty grant us all blessings and goodness and may Allah Almighty have mercy on us Akula kolyada Before I end Eid Mubarak to one and all in advance salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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