Taimiyyah Zubair – The Beautiful Names of Allah #01

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of learning the names of Islam's greatest leaders and embracing new challenges to improve one's own success. They emphasize the need to be prepared for upcoming events and embracing new challenges to improve one's own success. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of learning and embracing culture to improve one's own success.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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I was with a bit later in the show Diana rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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wa Salatu was Salam Varnado Sudhi Hill Karim furbish finally Saudi were certainly emri were looked at and melissani yokocho Poli along Maha the Pahlavi was sadly sunny was flown sulfamethoxazole be a menial job but I mean

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Alhamdulillah inshallah, we will begin our class of a smart luck in house now the beautiful, the most perfect, the most excellent Names of Allah, the Exalted

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Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran

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that he has the most beautiful names, so we should call upon him by those names, when they lay Hill a smart will house now for the rule will be her, that Allah the Exalted has the most beautiful and perfect names. So all of you, meaning all of us should call upon him by those names, meaning we should worship Allah, by calling upon him with his with his names that he has informed us of, which means that we cannot truly worship Allah subhanaw taala unless and until we know him. So knowing Allah subhanaw taala Remember to know Him is to love him. Because knowing Allah subhanaw taala is something that that grows us in our love and adoration of Allah exalted. The fact is that the more

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you learn about a human being or a creation or a person, what happens is that you you become more aware of their deficiencies and of their imperfections. So the more you learn about it, creation, the more they fall in your eyes. But when you learn about Allah subhanaw taala The more that you increase in your knowledge of Allah, the more you begin to love him, the Exalted, because as you learn about Allah subhanaw taala and his names, you learn about His perfection, you learn about his mercy, and you learn about his greatness and his beauty. And that only increases you in in appreciating Allah subhanaw taala even more in in your love and adoration for him or zoologia. And

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then we see that knowing Allah subhanaw taala is to honor him. Because the more you get to know about Allah, the more respect you develop in your heart for him or zoologia. Because you you realize his greatness, his glory, His perfection, his generosity, and your heart is only filled with all of him be exalted, so knowing Allah is to honor him. And when a person gets to know Allah subhanaw taala, they also get to know themselves, because remember, that we exist and we are who we are, because of Allah subhanaw taala. So we cannot understand our reality. Unless and until we understand who our Creator is, we cannot understand our life. Until and unless we know who the planner of this

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life is. We cannot understand this world. Unless and until we understand who the creator of this world is. We cannot understand what's happening in the world. We cannot come to terms with and accept and embrace many things in the world or in our personal lives. Until and unless we are

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Understand who Allah subhanaw taala is. So really learning about Allah is a way of learning about yourself. Because then you understand where you belong in the picture and what your role is, and who you are, knowing Allah subhanaw taala is to worship Him. Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran that well hurlock told Gina will insert a lallier booni that I have not created the gene and the human beings except that they should worship me. And a lot of the scholars they said that what it means by to worship me is to know me to recognize me, meaning when we recognize and know Allah subhanaw taala only then are we able to worship Him, the Exalted, remember that our religion is not

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blind faith, meaning our religion doesn't just, you know, tell us to worship a God that we don't know that we don't have a relationship with that we don't understand. No, we are supposed to have knowledge of the being that we worship Allah Subhana Allah tells us, that far alum, you should know that unknown hula ilaha illa who, that there is no god worthy of worship, except Allah, meaning Yes, you worship Allah, but you should also know the one that you worship him. You should also know the one that you worship, you should recognize him be exalted. And we see that Allah subhanaw taala has, you know, spread his signs all around us, within the creation so that we can recognize him so that

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we can know Him. And then he was also revealed revelation, his his ir chittery, so that we can again, know about him, learn about him, because only when we know who Allah is, can we worship him properly. So we see that in the Quran, the Las panatela praises his knowledgeable servants, he says, In nama Yosh, Allah heminger, ybody, healer Allah, that only those truly fear Allah among his servants who have knowledge. So when a person gets to know who Allah subhanaw taala is, through the names and attributes of Allah, they develop the hatia, the reverent fear of Allah subhanaw taala in their heart, and it is this reverent fear of Allah subhanaw taala that allows us to be humble before

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him, to learn to depend upon Him, to call upon Him, to remember him to seek His approval, it is only then that we can worship him properly, and make him the center the focus of our lives, and the one that we depend on, and the one that we seek help from. So in the mayor, Sheila Hammond, everybody here are with me. I asked Allah subhanaw taala to bless us in our effort to get to know him better to learn his names. And may this knowledge be a source of really recognizing Allah tala better and worshipping him in the most excellent way possible. As the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that your sand excellence is that you worship Allah as though you see him. And that is only

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possible when we know who our Lord the Exalted is. Now, when it comes to the names of Allah subhanaw taala the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Indeed Allah has 99 names 100 less one, whoever comprehends them will enter Jannah and this hadith is a is a great news. First of all, it encourages us to know the names of Allah subhanaw taala, to understand the names of Allah subhanaw taala and to live according to them, why because that will enable a person to enter Jannah so what is the meaning of this Hadees that Allah Pandora has 99 names whoever comprehends them will enter Jannah this Hadeeth teaches us a number of things first of all, it teaches us that Allah tada has

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indeed many many names. Think about it. When we are talking about Allah spawn tada typically we can come up with you know, maybe five or six names if I were to ask you right now, what are the names of Allah? Can you tell me a couple? So yes, you may be able to come up with a few Mashallah, there are some people who have memorized many, but a lot of us you know, we we, maybe we have read them, maybe we have heard of them, maybe we have come across some of the names of Allah, but, but the neck but the many, many names of Allah. Unfortunately, a lot of us are unfamiliar with them. So this her these inshallah this class should encourage us should encourage us to learn those names be in the

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lab. So first of all, the fact is that last Pandora has many names. Now in this head these 99 names especially are mentioned that whoever learns 99 names will enter Jannah this Hadees does

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Doesn't mean that Allah only has 99 names because there are, you know, many evidences within the Quran and Sunnah which indicate that a las panatela has numerous uncountable, you know, attributes and praises that he deserves. So for example, in the Quran we learn that if the entire, you know, oceans were ink, and all of the trees were pen, and if the words of Allah meaning the words of praising Allah or to be written, then the oceans you know would be finished and the pens would be finished, but still the praises of Allah would not be finished. And then there's also that Hadees, in which we learned the door on which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us to call upon

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Allah by his names, and the different names of Allah are mentioned. Where it is said that Allah I ask you, as a Luca be coulis mean, who Allah, I ask you by every name that you have some made a big enough suck that you have named yourself with. And then it has mentioned Oh, and Zelda houfy kitabi, or you have revealed in your book, always thought of their behavior in libere in the UK, or a name that you have kept with yourself in the knowledge of the unseen, meaning that you have not informed any of your creation with. So Allah subhanaw taala has many names. And we should strive to learn at least 99 names in sha Allah, then remember that when it comes to the names of Allah subhanaw taala,

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we can only know them from the revealed texts, which means that we don't invent names for Allah, we don't make names for Allah from our own imagination that, you know, I feel like God is like this. So I like to call him in this way. No, we have to call a las panatela by the names that he has informed us off. And then we see over here that all of the names of Allah subhanaw taala, are SNA. And what does that mean that all of the names of Allah subhanaw taala. First of all, they are excellent, excellent means that they are beautiful, and they're perfect. They're not just beautiful in in the way that they sound, but they're also beautiful and perfect in their meaning. And, and also, it

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means that all of the names of Allah subhanaw taala are actually meaningful, meaning they're not just labels are words that don't carry any meaning. No, all of the names of Allah subhanaw taala are meaningful, they are beautiful, they're excellent. And then we also learn that some of the names of Allah subhanaw taala, are actually exclusively for him, meaning it is not correct for us to call someone else by those exclusive names which are only for Allah subhanaw taala. And then we see that in this Hadith, specifically, we are told to comprehend the names of Allah right, that man I saw her the halogen whoever enumerates or comprehends the names of Allah will enter agenda. So how so? What

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exactly does this mean? First of all, this means that we should know these names, right, we should know the names of Allah subhanaw taala. And knowing the names means that we should have them memorized, meaning we should be able to recall the names of Allah. And the fact is that when you love someone, right, that you know things about them, you know, facts about them. And when a person truly loves Allah subhanaw taala, then he will also know and memorize the names of Allah subhanaw taala, then Islam also means that a person should not just know the names, but should also know what those names mean. So for example, when we say that a must penalty is a man Well, what does that

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mean? When we say that Allah subhanaw taala is a Jabbar? Well, what exactly does that mean? When we say that Allah is a hub, that he is a HELOC? Then what do these names mean? So comprehending the names means that we should know them, and that we should also know their meaning. And then it doesn't just stop there, that we just have this knowledge and information. If somebody were to ask us what are the names of Allah, we would be able to sing a beautiful song, you know, listing all of the names. And if we were asked about the meanings of those names, we would be able to explain all of the names. It doesn't stop there. No, there there's a step after that, which is that we should

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invoke Allah subhanaw taala by these names, meaning that when we worship Allah, then we should praise Him by mentioning his beautiful names. When we worship Allah subhanaw taala we should ask him by mentioning his beautiful names. These names are not just for us to know and to understand. These names are for us to be

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able to build a relationship with Allah subhanaw taala. And that relationship, you know is is going to be affected by our awareness of who Allah subhanaw taala is. So invoke Allah subhanaw taala by these names. And then finally, comprehending the names also means that we should remember these names, and we should do what they necessitate. Meaning it's not enough to just mention the names of Allah subhanaw taala when we're making Dora so for example, when you're making law, you say you're Allah, you're a human, you're ham. You know, you're Aleem, yeah, Jabbar, Bob, your harnick jaqua, do CR Malik. Yes, we do that. But then, in the rest of our lives, also we should remember that Allah

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subhanaw taala has an earline right? That he knows what I am doing. So I better be careful. In the rest of my life, I should remember that Allah subhanaw taala is a Samir. He is listening to what I'm saying. So I should be careful about what I'm saying. Right? That Allah subhanaw taala is asleep. He is seeing he is watching what I am doing so I should better be careful. Right? So knowing the names of Allah subhanaw taala, comprehending the names of Allah subhanaw taala means that I should remember the names of Allah in my life, and that I should that my life should be accordingly, my behavior, my speech, my actions, my dealings with people, my worship should reflect that I am a

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person who knows Allah. You see, there's a huge difference between people who know Allah and people who don't know Allah. In the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala asks us that Halle Esther will levena Yana Muna while Latina lay on the moon, that are the two the same, which to the people who know, who have knowledge and the people who do not have knowledge, meaning, are they equal? Are they the same? No, they're not the same. Why because the one who has knowledge, then you know, their actions will be different, their behavior will be different, their life will reflect that. And the person who does not know is not aware, then again, their life is going to reflect that ignorance. So knowing the

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last panel thorlos names means that our lives should reflect, who should reflect that awareness. Our life should, you know our behavior should our words our interactions should reflect that awareness. And then, of course, part of this is that when we know that Allah subhanaw taala, for example, he is forgiving, then we should also be forgiving. When we know that Allah subhanaw taala is merciful, then we should also show mercy. When we know that Allah subhanaw taala is, you know, tolerant and forbearing then it means that we should also be tolerant and forbearing towards the creation of Allah, the Exalted, so men, I saw her the whole agenda, whoever enumerates the names of Allah,

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meaning whoever comprehends them will enter agenda, we Allah subhanaw taala give us all the tofu to do that. So I would encourage you that inshallah with every class, try to memorize the names, try to remember them, not just in order to take your notes and you know, afterwards maybe to prepare for our test. I don't know if you're going to have a test or not. But the point is, that any this knowledge should be for your own personal, you know, growth for your own personal relationship with Allah soprano parameter insha Allah. So with this, let us begin with the first name which is in your book, and that is the name of Allah subhanaw taala. Allah and Allah, remember, this is Allah,

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soprano, todos personal name. And this is a name by which Allah subhanaw taala refers to himself in the Quran, over and over and over again. And this is a name that I think everybody is familiar with, that God is Allah or Allah is God. Allah, Allah tells us in the Quran, Allah who laughs ilaha illa. Who, Allah there is no deity except Him. Meaning Allah is the one who is the only ILA, the only God. So there is no one worthy of worship except to except Allah subhanaw taala. So when it comes to the name of Allah, remember, this is a isml janella meaning the grand Name of Allah. It is the primary and the personal name of God, meaning as Muslims, when we're referring to God, we use the name

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Allah. And it is a personal name of Allah, meaning it is a name that is exclusively for him.

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So no one else can be Allah. Only Allah is Allah. This is a name that is unique to him be exalted. And what is the name of Allah mean? It is said that Allah literally is L Isla, meaning v God, meaning the only being who is actually God. And that means that Allah is the only being who truly possesses the qualities of divinity and lordship, meaning he is the only divine being, he is the only God, He is the only Lord. So this means that Allah subhanaw taala is the only one who is worthy of worship. So when you're thinking about, you know, the, the being that is worthy of worship, who is that, that is Allah. So, Allah is the proper name of the only being that is worthy of worship. It

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is also said that the word under her, you know, it means to worship, right or to show dedication to and under her also is, you know, the one who is the highest of the high. And ILA is the one in whom you know, the hearts find rest and sanctuary in meaning, the one in whom, you know, people find comfort in So, the entire creation seeks him depends on him, and turns to him, you know, the hearts and the souls long before him and all show dedication to him. So, this is the meaning of the word Allah, that it is the proper name of the only being that is worthy of worship. This is a Allah is the only being whom the hearts and souls long for whom they are astonished and amazed by and home,

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all show dedication to whether it is a creature that is living in the water, or it is a creature that is living on Earth, you know, as human beings, animals, birds, angels, jinn, meaning the entire creation, shows dedication to Allah subhanaw taala. And yes, there are amongst the creation, for example, amongst human beings and the jinn, who refuse to worship Allah. But even among them, it's amazing how there comes a point when they do recognize and accept that Allah is the only one that they need. What happened to fit our own think about it fit our own his entire life, he rejected Allah subhanaw taala. So much so that he claimed to be God. Right? And then what happened when he

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was about to drown? He said, I believe in the God of Moosa, right. I believe in the God of Bunny is slightly I believe in the same one. So, the fact is, that we are programmed to to recognize Allah subhanaw taala. This is, you know, the fifth Allah, that Allah subhanaw taala has created us upon, fifth thought Allah He Leti fallenness are lay her, that this is the nature that a Lost Planet Allah has created the people upon, that we have that that innate realization, that there is a greater being, we have the innate realization that we need to depend on a higher being, that that we seek Him. So that being is who that being is Allah and only Allah. Now also remember that the name of

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Allah is the most powerful name. Meaning it's the most powerful name of allah exalted. We learn in the Quran, Kabbalah qaswarah big, that the name of your Lord is blessing, it is full of Baraka. It is full of blessing. And and what is the burqa the blessing of the name of Allah, you say Bismillah, right? You say Bismillah I begin In the name of Allah, I take the name of Allah and what happens when you take that name when slaughtering an animal, that animal is halal for you to eat, right? And if the name of Allah is not mentioned at that time, that that then the meat of that animal is not Hello for consumption, look at the difference. And then we see that when you take the name of Allah,

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then taking the name of Allah becomes a barrier between you and Shea plant, right? This is a shield between you and what you fear your hidden enemy. So for example, in heavies, we learned that when a person takes the name of Allah, then the shape Han cannot see him. And this is why we're told that when we're using the bathroom or when we're changing our clothes, then we should say Bismillah before undressing because Bismillah becomes a shield between you and che plan.

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Right, when you enter your house and you're closing your door, then at that time also say Bismillah. Because then Chopin cannot enter your house, when you're eating your food when you're drinking something against a Bismillah. Because then Chopin cannot have any share of that food and drink. So Bismillah is not just a source of blessing, it is also a means of protection, it is also a means of safety. So it is the most powerful name of Allah. And remember the meaning of the name of Allah, it is the name of the being who is God, right, who is the owner of all the creator of all, the only divine being. So what does that mean? That means that if he alone is God, then he must be perfect,

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he must be knowledgeable, right? He must be all powerful, he must be able to do whatever that he wants, he must be above all, he must own everything. So basically, when you say Allah, you are calling upon Allah subhanaw taala but all of his names, but all of his names because only Allah can be who a Samir Albacete an early alpha you And hey, write up a deal. So this is why when you say Allah, Houma Allah, then this is no small thing. When you say Allah, Houma Allah, you're saying, Oh Allah, Who is Aleem, who is a Rahim who is appodeal, who is a human who is a high, and he is the most powerful name. And this is why a lot of the scholars they say that,

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that the name Allah is in fact, his mama Hill, our alum, it is the Greatest Name of Allah by which when a person calls upon Allah than the Dora is answered.

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And then we see that this is the most blessed name as we discussed earlier, it is also the easiest name. Because if you think about it, to say, Allah, you just need to move your tongue slightly, right? You just need to use your throat a little bit to make the earth sound. And then a lot to make the lamb sound you just need to move your tongue slightly. That's it. In fact, even you know a child, a baby can say this name, and a lot of children Subhana Allah, you know, there are people who will make sure that the first word that their children say is, is the word Allah, right. So it's the easiest name. No matter what language a person speaks, no matter what background they're from,

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whether they know Arabic, or they don't know Arabic, saying the word Allah is easy upon the tongue. And we see that the name of Allah is mentioned over 2000 times in the Quran, to be precise, 2724 times in the Quran. And Allah subhanaw taala tells us well, Illa Hill as smell Hausner, further ado, who be her, and to Allah belong, the most beautiful, the most excellent names. So call upon him by those names, meaning it is only Allah subhanaw taala who has the most perfect names. So it is necessary that we know who our God is that it is necessary that we know who our Lord is, what his attributes are, what His perfection is, so that we can love him, adore him, fear him and worship

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So this is the name. So this is a small janella of law. Then let's look at the next name which is a rub

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and rub generally translated as Lord of love, Lord or sovereign, we see that Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran, Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. All praise is due to Allah, Who is Lord of the worlds meaning one of the first descriptions of Allah subhanaw taala that we are given in the Quran is what description it is of the fact that he is robbed of what of the worlds and remember that olana mean is everything besides Allah. So Robin either mean means that he is the rub of everything, everything, what we can see and what we cannot see what we know and what we cannot know what we own and also what we don't own. Allah subhanaw taala is the Lord of everything. Now the name

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of rub is mentioned over 900 times in the Quran over 900 times Subhana Allah and what this word means the rub means the Lord who created who owns and who governs all that exists. So basically there's three meanings over here for

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First of all, the fact that He is the Creator. So Rob is who and Harlock, the one who created. Secondly, it means the one who possesses the one who owns everything. And then thirdly, it also means the one who governs all that exists. So he is a Holic, and Malik and unmould a bit. This is the meaning of a verb. It is said that Rob is the one who does Tobia, right and Tobia is to cause is to create something right? And then to cause it to grow, to nurture it, to develop it, until it reaches its stage of perfection and completion. So Allah supprimer thought is the nub of everything, what does that mean? That he is the one who creates the seed, and then causes that to burst open to

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sprout, and then to grow and nurture and develop into a fully grown tree SubhanAllah. And think about it, you know, if you've ever planted something, you will know how it is. So, you know, likely for a plant to die, right? Because think about, you know, the weather changes, think about, you know how there's so many creatures out there who can easily come and destroy that plant, right? But who is it that protects it, and causes it to grow and live on and develop into something so beautiful, it is Allah subhana wa Tada. So Allah subhanaw taala is the rub of not just the trees, but Allah, Allah mean of all that exists. So there is nothing that can exist that can live that can grow from

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one stage to another, and reach its stage of completion, without who, without Allah subhanaw taala without his protection, without His provision, without his care, and without the sustenance that he gives. So he is Rob Billa aalameen. Now remember that when Allah subhanaw taala is a rub, it means that he is any, He is the Lord of the entire creation. So there is that general rule will be a general lordship for the entire creation, meaning the entire creation belongs to him, it was created by him, and he is the one who governs all of their affairs. But then when it comes to the Lordship of Allah subhanaw taala remember that there is also his specific lordship or specific group will be

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a his special lordship in the favor of who of those who worship him. So he doesn't just give them food and drink. He doesn't just give them you know, safety in their bodies and well being. He also gives them the nourishment of Amen. He also gives them special protection when they're afraid. He also gives them the ability to worship Him and to do good things. So this is also primatologist special rubia that we should really be seeking. Right? Because if you think about whether or not someone believes in Allah, Allah subhanaw taala is still there, Rob? Right, he is still there, Lord, he continues to give them but then there are certain people who benefit from the special gifts of

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Allah subhanaw taala. And we should strive to be amongst them. So this is the specific lordship of Allah subhanaw taala which is in the favor of those who worship Him. When Allah subhanaw taala is a rub when He is the Lord, then this means that any His Lordship is of absolute glory, meaning that that his lordship is with Jeanette, right that that he is absolutely glorious. That means that he is perfect in his being. And this is why we see that when the name of Rob is mentioned in the Quran, it is always mentioned with something with something that that tells us about Allah subhanaw taala so for example, it isn't just said, Alhamdulillah here love that. All Praise to Allah Who is the Lord,

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it is said a hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen All Praise to Allah Who is the Lord of the worlds or labouisse, somehow worth he will Oh, Lord of the skies and the earth, which means that any, you know, try to imagine try to realize that he isn't just the owner of a thing or two. He is the owner of everything. So realize his greatness realize his glory. And we also see that when his lordship is mentioned, His perfection is also mentioned. So for example, we're told in the Quran for Sabir bismi Rob bicolor, Wayne, that glorify Your Lord with his name other Aleem, meaning when he

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His when his glorification is mentioned the fact that we should glorify Him the fact that we should declare his perfection and his, you know, his absolute perfection. And he that is where the name of rub is mentioned. And then when we're talking about the Lordship of Allah, the fact that He alone is Rob. We should also remember that He is merciful, right? So we're told in the Quran that Salah monacolin Mira Rahim that in in Paradise, people will be told Salaam Peace be on you. And this is a message from who from love bill Rahim from your Lord who is merciful, right and we're also told in sort of fatty * hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen who is a rough man and Raheem. Generally when we

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think about the creation, the more power they have, the more oppressive and harsh they become, the more scary they become. But when Allah subhanaw taala is Rob. Then he is also merciful, right? He is loved Rahim. He is Robin her food. He is forgiving. And he is a disease of the far right Raposa, my work he will all be well my bainer humor and ours is over fall. He is the Lord of the Skies on the earth and whatever that is in between. He is the mighty and the forgiving. And then we see that his mercy is also paired with his generosity, right? So most of them were told in the Quran. Yeah. Are you held in San Malhotra Kabira be calculating that oh human being? What is it that has deluded you

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about your Lord who is very generous, meaning it is as if because your Lord is so generous, this is why you are you know, deceived, that you think that no matter what you do, you will be okay. So

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Allah subhanaw taala His Lordship is of absolute glory of perfection of mercy, forgiveness, and generosity. And so we see that one of the best ways of calling upon Allah subhanaw taala is to call upon him how, by saying a beat, or a burner. And this is why we see that so many doors in the Quran actually, they begin with what with the same phrase, but I'll be meaning My love, and the love banana meaning our rock. And when we look at the doors of the prophets and of the righteous, this is a name that is mentioned over and over again. So for example, otherwordly has Sam his dog was on a burn out lameness and fusina. Our Lord, we have indeed wronged ourselves. Right. Masada has said I'm

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prayed Allah be a knee Lima and Zota Illa Yemen Clayton fapy that Oh my Lord, I am in in great need of whatever good you send down my way. Ibrahim is and I'm preyed on I'll burn Oh, fiddly. Well, early there Yeah. That Oh our Lord forgive me, and also my parents. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is told in the Quran, we'll call Robbie Sydney Rima that say, oh my lord, increase me in knowledge. So this is this is the way that the prophets of Allah called upon Allah, that Allah burner, or rugby. Why? Because the thing is that when you call upon Allah spawn Tada, by using this particular name, what you're doing is that first of all, you're admitting the fact you're

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acknowledging the fact that you're that you're alone, whatever I am, whatever I have is because of you, You created me, you own me, you govern all of my affairs, and this is my need right now. So, I have no one else to turn to except you, I have what I have, because of you. So, now that I have this particular need, again, I turn to you, because there is no way of fulfilling my needs except by turning to you, right. So, when you call upon a last thought of a single rugby or robina, you are acknowledging the fact that Allah subhanaw taala is the one who owns you, that you need him, you are acknowledging the fact that whatever you have is because of him and so your current need also can

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only be fulfilled when you call upon him or zoa gel. So a rugby or a banana. This is a draw. This is how we should call upon Allah subhanaw taala. And remember that when you're making the up, it's it's good to say rugby, rugby, rugby, over and over again. Meaning at the beginning of every sentence, you know, you should say Rob be my Lord. Forgive me, right? Rob Bill fiddley are better how many rugby Dini right rugby alfine it's perfectly fine to do that. Because we see that ensued earlier Milan at the end of the surah. Some draws are mentioned of Voodoo and BB of people who are very intelligent, right?

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And all of their doors begin with what have been our club, our club. And some of the Sun have they said that because they they continue to call upon Allah subhanaw taala by saying Rob burn out of burner, Allah subhanaw taala responded to them first the jab alohomora boom, that their Lord answered them, he accepted their droves. So one of the ways of having your jaw accepted is to call upon Allah by saying Allah be or robina and this is a beautiful way of calling upon Allah subhanaw taala. This is acknowledging, you know, your dependency, your need of Allah subhanaw taala and your relationship with Him. And the fact that you know, whatever you have is because of him and you are

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ever in need of him. And this is why we see that the Quran begins with the mention of the fact that Allah is a little bit of an amine and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. And then, at the end of the quarter onward talks are all the bill of beingness. Right that say that I seek refuge in the rub of all people. So the fact is that Allah subhanaw taala is our rub, we cannot be independent of him, we are forever in need of him, and our needs can only be fulfilled. Our hearts can only be reassured when we call upon him or zoa jen so let us make Girl With the name of Allah subhanaw taala

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The next is our Jimin and of Rahim

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have the most beautiful and most powerful Names of Allah Subhana Allah

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Rahman and Rahim these are Names of Allah which are mentioned together in a lot of places in the Quran, we see that they're mentioned together first of all, in Bismillah Bismillah R. Rahman Al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen R Rahman r Rahim. We see in in total Baccarat Allah Subhana Allah says what Allah who come Isla, who was that your God is one God, La Ilaha Illa who there is no god worthy of worship except Him. And He is a human over him. He is the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. So these are two very well known Names of Allah subhanaw taala, which tell us about almost prenyl todos Merci. But they're not the only names are not the only attributes that

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mentioned the mercy of Allah. There is also a hammer raw who mean the fact that we're most proud is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy. We also learned that Allah is the rahima possessor of mercy, right, that he is a man of Rahim as as we see here. So when we look at these names, we see that first of all, the name of the man is mentioned 57 times in the Quran.

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And the name of Rahim is mentioned 114 times in the Quran. And both of them what they will what they mean is that Allah subhanaw taala is merciful, right, that Allah subhanaw taala is, you know is is characterized with mercy. And when it comes to the quality of mercy, remember, this is one of the greatest attributes of Allah be exalted. The attribute of rahima of mercy is one of the greatest attributes of Allah the Exalted when we greet another Muslim we say a sinner more alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa here Baba cattle, right? May Allah says Peace and mercy be upon you. When we begin the recitation of the Quran we say Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Again we mentioned the mercy of Allah

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subhanaw taala. And we see that when it comes to the mercy of Allah, this is a law, a rule that almost primal Potter has made for himself. We learn that Allah Subhana Allah says, cut about a book on either nuptse hit Rama that your Lord has decreed mercy for himself. Meaning This is a rule that allows Pousada has made for himself that he will be merciful towards his creation. And remember that Allah spawn tada does not need to make a rule for himself. Because who is there to question him? No one can question no one can ask him that Why did you do this? And why would you do that? Lie use an or a Maya file, right? No one, he cannot be asked about what he does. And even if someone were to

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question and criticize Allah subhanaw taala What are they going to do? They can never harm Allah subhanaw taala they will never be able to, you know, to to inflict any harm on Allah as dogen because he is an early and arella Alright, so the fact that Allah subhanaw taala has an

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Made mercy, a love for himself. He it told us something so beautiful about Allah subhanaw taala that He is merciful, that he shows compassion. And then we see that mercy, the that the mercy of Allah encompasses everything. So we learn in the Quran, water hemmati was the art color shape, that my mercy encompasses everything, which means that there is nothing in this universe except that it is affected by the mercy of Allah. It benefits from the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala. So there is no creature animate or inanimate, we see that even those who don't believe in Allah, those who disobey Allah, even they are encompassed by the mercy of Allah, soprano Dada, any think about how, within a

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single moment, how many things can go wrong within your body? Right? How many things can go wrong within your body, that within a second, you know, it can only take a moment for a person to die Subhan Allah, yet, it is because of the mercy of Allah, that our heart still keeps pumping, right? That oxygen keeps reaching the parts of the body that need it, that our brain, you know, those connections are constantly being made. Subhan Allah, any This is all the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala. Right. And then not just within our bodies, but also within our environments, the world that we're living in. So what are hurmati wersi articular Shea, almost proud, Allah's mercy encompasses

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everything. So there is nothing except that it benefits from the mercy of Allah than it is affected by the mercy of Allah. And then thirdly, remember that unless penalties and mercy is greater than his wrath, so we learn a last Pousada. He wrote a book with himself, and he wrote in Nala hemmati, Dolly boo hobby, that my mercy will overcome my anger, meaning Allah Hamilton is mercy will always be greater than his wrath, which is something very important for us to remember. Because when we see, you know, when we experienced difficult things in our lives, right, or when we witness when we see some kind of injustice, we wonder that, you know, this is horrible, how could this happen, you

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know, this is terrible, and we see different forms of injustices, especially these days, and different forms of the, you know, very painful things that that we are witnessing. And, and what we need to remember is, that all of this suffering, that we are witnessing, is within the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala, meaning it is surrounded by the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala and what that means is that yes, there is pain, but there is greater mercy. And yes, there is pain, there is suffering, but this is all part of the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala. And, and this is something that we can, you know, if we reflect over, we can understand, you know, for example, the current

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lockdown is something that is very painful for many people. And yes, there is a lot of difficulty and there is no denying that whatsoever, we acknowledge that, you know, the difficulties and the challenges. And this is why we ask Allah subhanaw taala to remove this affliction from us. But we see that with this affliction, and because of this, you know, trial and tribulation, there has also been so much good that has come out of it, or good that a lot of people have experienced or are experiencing, and perhaps we don't see it right now, but later on, we will see it, perhaps we don't understand right now, but later on we will understand, and this is why we must believe that Allah

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subhanaw taala is merciful. And there is nothing that happens in the universe except that it is with the mercy of Allah and and the mercy of Allah is greater than his wrath. And the one who believes in it will find it. Now remember that the name of Allah ramen is also a primary Name of Allah that is unique to him. So for example, we learned in the Quran that Allah subhanaw taala is, you know, he tells us colada rula, a widower of ramen that call upon Allah or call upon a rock man, meaning the name of rock man has been brought parallel to the name of Allah, which means that you can refer to God as Allah and you can also

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to refer to him as a lemma, right? So this is one of his primary names. And this is why we see that this name is actually repeated many, many times in the Quran. So for example insulet Merriam, we see that, you know, when muddy I'm reading the sun when when the angel appeared before her right, and the angel appeared to her in the form of a human being money and said, in the URL, the Billa hemani mimica, that I seek refuge in a man against you meaning I asked a man to protect me from you. So just as we say, are all the biller, we can also say are all the bill a human

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meaning, this is something perfectly fine something that is mentioned in the Quran because of man is one of the primary Names of Allah, which means that no one else can be called overhead, we can call people our beloved man, right the slave of the most versatile, but we cannot call people rock man meaning this is a name that does not befit people it is not correct for people to be called rock man, because only a lot can be like man, why? Because when we look at the name, right man, and then remember, the first of all men is the most powerful noun form that is available in the Arabic language, right? Meaning, you know, for example, in the English language you have good, better best,

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alright, after best, there is no greater or stronger form of the word you don't say best test right? I mean, you can say that in your common language, but no, there is no actual word that that is best test, right? The strongest form available is best. And in the Arabic language, a man far learn, this is the strongest noun form that is available. So our man means the one who is extremely merciful, meaning no one else is more merciful than him. So all the mercy that you can ever imagine and beyond, right, that then Allah subhanaw taala is merciful like that. So ramen indicates the absolute greatness and vastness of the attribute of mercy. Right, the absolute greatness and vastness of the

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attribute of mercy. And our hand indicates the action of mercy, that Allah subhanaw taala Yes, His mercy is in a worse era. It is vast, it is a Shambhala. So it includes it affects everything. And Rahim indicates that his act that he affects people and his creation with his mercy, and some say that Rahim actually indicates the fact that he is is specially merciful towards certain servants, meaning for his chosen servants. So, this shows us that there is Rama, Rama, there is general Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala towards his creation, because of which they are alive, because of which they get food because of which they experience in love and good things in life. And if you were to start

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talking about the effects of Allah's mercy on the creation, any you wouldn't be able to list that because Allah subhanaw taala is Rama is so vast, and then there's also the hustla. Right? There's almost protaras special mercy for his special servants. And what is that mercy that a Lost Planet Allah guides them, that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed the Quran which is why the Quran is also called Rama, right a mercy of Allah that Allah is proud of brings them out of darkness into light, that Allah subhanaw taala gives them beneficial knowledge, a loss penalty gives them a good life, that Allah subhanaw taala grants them success in this life and in the next and this is why we see

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that 99 parts of Allah's mercy are reserved for the hereafter. Right? And Jenna Paradise is also described as Allah's mercy in which Allah subhanaw taala will admit whoever that he wants, right? And this is why we should ask Allah subhanaw taala for his mercy, that, that will Allah I ask you for your mercy, your general mercy and your special mercy. You know, your guidance, your your your special care that you provide to your chosen servants, and especially your mercy in the hereafter. I beg you for that. So this is something that we should ask Allah subhanaw taala for when we look at the names of a human of Rahim in the Quran, we see that over him especially. And he is paired with a

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fourth right that we see the column

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A nation that Allah subhanaw taala is Allah for Allah hain where one law for over him the fact that he is Forgiving and Merciful, which means that when a person commits a sin and they seek forgiveness from Allah, Allah subhanaw taala doesn't just forgive them for the sin that they have committed. But then the most powerful title also leads them to words doing good, right? The last panel tada allows them to repent, Allah subhanaw taala enables them to do good after they have made a mistake. And he This is a las Posadas mercy, that he doesn't just forgive them for the sin that they have committed. He also rewards them for their Toba for their repentance and for their seeking forgiveness. So Allah

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is merciful, and Rahim and then we see that at times the name of Allah Rahim is also paired with about woof, that in Allah have been naseeb not at all for Rahim that Indeed Allah is with the people, surely very affectionate, and merciful.

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And this any only adds to the fact that last panel thought is very merciful and very kind, that even when people commit sin, and they do wrong, he does not hold them accountable immediately. Allahu Akbar. And if we were, you know, punished immediately for the wrong that we do, then we wouldn't be able to live in this world. As we learned in the Quran that if Allah subhanaw taala were to hold people accountable for the wrongs that they do, then not his single creature would remain on the earth, not colocar lay him Indaba. Right. I mean, think about it. Sometimes, you know, as parents, we can be very, very strict with our children, we started giving them immediate consequences, right,

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we give, you know, our children one warning, a second warning, the third warning, and if they don't clean up their room, then what happens we take all of their toys away. So panela and, and what happens with us we disobey Allah who once and then again, and then again, and then again. And Allah subhanaw taala does not take all of his blessings away from us, right? Because he is not just Rahim, he is often the head. He is very affectionate, and he is very merciful, more merciful than we can ever imagine, than we could ever understand. And when Allah subhanaw taala is so merciful that he is a man he is of Rahim he has made mercy, a rule for himself than this means that we should also

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assure mercy towards his creation. If Allah subhanaw taala with all his perfection and greatness, if he is kind and merciful, then what does that mean for us? We should also be kind and merciful towards the creation of Allah. Right? And if we are not showing mercy towards the creation of Allah, what are we saying that we are too great to show mercy, any, this is extremely arrogant. If Allah with all his greatness is so merciful, then what befits us that we are so little, we are so insignificant, and if we refuse to be kind to one another, if we refuse to show mercy and compassion to one another, we are claiming that we're too great, a stuff that Allah and this arrogance does not

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befit us. So we're told the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he mentioned that Allah Hey moon, your hammer home Allah, that those who are merciful and compassionate, that Allah subhanaw taala is merciful towards them. So show mercy to those who are on earth, and the end, the one who is in the heavens, the one who is above you will show mercy to you. Meaning if you want the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala then show mercy towards his creation, and begin with those who are closest to you. We think that, you know, if we, if we want to show mercy to people, and we got to go visit an orphanage, or we got to go find people who are suffering on the streets, and you know, people who

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have lived very difficult lives, and we go find them and we show mercy to them. Absolutely. If if we have the chance to do that we must, and we must seek ways of, you know, finding people who are in need of compassion. But remember that mercy begins with those who are closest to you, right? So we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would show a lot of compassion and love towards children, especially right towards his grandchildren. And we learned that at one occasion, when the Prophet salallahu Urdu center was sitting with some people, you know, a child came in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, embraced and kissed that child and there was a man sitting there and he

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asked him, that you kiss your children, you kiss your children, and, you know, because we don't do that. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that what can I do if Allah has removed mercy from your hearts, meaning it is a sign of mercy that a person shows love to

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The people that are around them, especially children, who who deserve that love and compassion, right? So begin with those who are closest to you. We also learned that, you know, when we, when we see when we witness, gestures of compassion and mercy, and that should remind us of Allah subhanaw taala has mercy upon us. We learned that there was a man who was you know, holding his child, you know, kissing his child, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked him that you show mercy to him, you love him? And the man said, Yes, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah is more merciful to you, than you are to this child of yours. Meaning when we receive love, or

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when we show love, and when we witness love and compassion, that should remind us of the fact that Allah subhanaw taala is more merciful than anyone else, Allah subhanaw taala is more kind and more compassionate than anyone else. So these should be reminders of Allah subhana wa tada His mercy towards his creation for us, so of our men and over him, now inshallah We'll begin with the name and Hey, elka Yo,

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the name of Allah subhanaw taala. And he

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means the ever living

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and and hey, when we look at this name, this is mentioned in the Quran a number of times. So Allah subhanaw taala says, what uh, what can I learn, hey, you lady lay your mood, that you should rely upon a hate upon the ever living under the layer mood, who does not die, meaning you should put your faith and your trust in Allah subhanaw taala, who is who alone is unhealthy, who alone is ever living. And then it is mentioned it is clarified that he is ever living meaning he will not die, he does not die. So, you should depend upon him. Because if you depend upon anyone else, then you know what, they will die, right? And then you you won't be safe, right? You will be you will be hurt and

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you will be disappointed. And this is so true. You know, there are people that we begin to depend upon, right. And it's only natural to do that, you know, you know, for example, for family members to start to depend upon one another. Or, for instance, people, you know, they start depending on their source of income, they think that you know, their job or the business that they have developed any, it's, it's perfect. Now, it's nothing, nothing can happen to it. But we have witnessed in these past few weeks and months how the entire world is so it is such that it is not dependable, right? People are not dependable. Our systems are not dependable, even our, you know, officers, our police

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officers, in the most safest of the countries in the world. They're not dependable. Our hospitals are not dependable. They're people who are, you know, going to hospitals because of a certain sickness and they're dying because of other, you know, viruses that they're catching at the hospital, Subhan Allah, any, any, any creature, any creation, whether human or his system, we see that it is not dependable, why because it is not a high. It is only Allah azza wa jal who is an HIE, who will not die. This is why learn to rely upon him and put your trust in Him and depend on him. When it comes to the name of Allah, Allah Hi. Then this has mentioned five times in the Quran in

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five places, the name of Allah, Allah Hey is mentioned. And and Haley is the one who is who has hired and hired means life, right? Meaning that he is ever living. So his existence, his living his life is perfect. And what exactly does it mean by that, that his existence is perfect? It means that first of all, Allah subhanaw taala always was and will be, right, He always was. And he will always remain

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when it comes to, you know, for instance, certain systems or, or people, we know that they weren't always there, right. They were they were born, they they were brought into existence, and we also know that they're not going to remain forever. There is going to come a point in time when they're when they're going to finish right when their time will expire. So Allah subhanaw taala alone is an Hei meaning he always was and will be and then it also means that unless palitana does not

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suffer from any decline or deficiency, right? Which is why we see that, you know, for example, in ikusi, where we learn Allah who La Ilaha Illa, who inhale canoe, Allah, there is no god worthy of worship except him he is unhappy, the ever living untie you what is mentioned next, that letter who the will center to win Ah, no, no, the fact that he does not get drowsy and he does not need to sleep, he does not sleep, right? What does that mean that he does not get tired? It means that a loss putana does not suffer from any decline, that he does not have any deficiency, it means that he is perfect in every way. We see that, you know, for example, people we need to sleep, and if we

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don't sleep, then what happens to us, right, we begin to decline in our cognitive of, you know, abilities, what happens with us is that we need rest, you know, sometimes when we're so sleepy, we haven't slept in a long time, we find it difficult to even, you know, put put sentences together. Right? We're not able to think clearly. So, not being able to sleep is something very detrimental to our health and well being we need that sleep and Allah subhanaw taala he does not need that sleep, right, he does not suffer from any decline from any deficiency, if he is a high meaning he always was that means that he does not have any weakness, right? Because why is it that things begin to you

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know, or things die out, they die out over time because they become weak over time. Right, they lose their strength over time, or there are certain deficiencies within them. And and they're not able to survive, you know, the changes in their environment. So, Allah subhanaw taala is the only one who has a high which by definition means that he does not suffer from any kind of deficiency whether that is a you know, sleep or drowsiness or weak or weakness or forgetfulness or negligence or you know, death or any kind of such change in E is above that. And then this by definition means that a loss primadonna is perfect and all of his attributes and all of his abilities, right? That whatever

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he wants, he can do, he can carry out his will. And this means that you know if he is ever living than his knowledge is perfect, right? His His will is perfect. It means that all of his attributes are perfect, right? All of his abilities are perfect. And then we see that a loss problem Todd is an heyde. This also means that He is the creator of life and liberty Hello Carl Mota will Harriet write, that he is the one who created death and life. So He is the creator of life and death, which means that if anyone is alive, it's because Allah subhanaw taala gave them life. And if anyone dies, it's because Allah subhanaw taala took that life away from them. Allah Subhana Allah gave them

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death. And he is the only one who will remain forever. So we learned the Quran, who will heal you, He is the ever Living La Ilaha Illa who there is no god worthy of worship except he further ruthlessly nella hoody, this is why you should call upon him being sincere to him in religion, meaning when Allah alone is a Hey, what does that mean? That means that you should worship only him, you should make him the center of your life. Right? You should make him your ultimate goal. You should you know, depend on him and you should seek only him because everything else is going to finish and and he is the only one who's who's going to remain an all power is with him. You know his

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abilities are perfect. So that means that none of your needs can be fulfilled without Allah subhanaw taala so who will hire you? La Ilaha Illa who for the ruthless Sina Lucha Deen and then we have the name of Allah Alka yom which is mentioned a lot of times in the Quran with the name and height.

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So we see for example, in itu could see where loss palletizers Allahu La Ilaha Illa who will have a you that Allah there is no deity except Him He is the EverLiving and he is a you the Sustainer of the entire existence. Now the name of play you is actually mentioned three times in the Quran and every single time that it is mentioned in the Quran.

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was actually mentioned with the name and he

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that he is the EverLiving and he is the Sustainer of all the name Alka yom is amazing. All right, I'll get you means basically two things all right. Firstly okay you means the one who is extremely independent meaning he is pa nbfc he is independent on his own. So, he does not need any support, right? He has he supports himself, okay. So, he does not depend on anyone, rather he is independent. So he does not need any food, he does not need anyone's praise, he does not need anyone's worship, he does not need sleep. Right? If we think about, you know, any, any creation, we see that every creation has needs. And if those needs are not fulfilled, that creation cannot live, right? So, for

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example, we need first and foremost air to breathe, right? We need oxygen. And if we don't have that oxygen, that means call us we can't live right and we can have the oxygen but if our lungs are not working right then then what does that mean we cannot live if we have the oxygen, but the heart is not pumping, if the blood is not going around that house, we cannot live right. So we need so many things in order to live support Allah. And we see this that when you know for example, one part of the body, you know fails or stops functioning, then how dependent we are, you know, on machinery on medication sopran Allah, and he were so weak, we're so fragile, so fragile. And Allah subhanaw taala

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is unclear you He is independent, in and of himself. So he does not need anybody, right, he does not need anyone. And then Alka yom secondly means that he is the supporter of all, meaning that nothing can exist without the support that Allah subhanaw taala gives, nothing can exist without depending on Allah subhanaw taala, you understand that a you first of all, is the fact that Allah subhanaw taala is extremely independent. And secondly, it means that almost punctata is the supporter of all, so he doesn't need anyone, but everybody, and everything needs him in every way.

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Imagine, so this means that if there was nothing, Allah subhanaw taala would be there.

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And it means that any nothing can exist without Allah subhanaw taala. So, he is an oppa you. And this means that he is the maintainer of all that exists, he sustains everything, right? He watches and governs the affairs of the entire creation. And then he will also assess our actions and recompense us accordingly. Right, because he is a Luca young.

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And we see that the fact that he sustains everything, and he watches and governs everything, it means that all of his abilities and actions are perfect. Right? Now think about just life on Earth.

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Could life exist on earth? Any if Allah subhanaw taala had not made the earth the way that it is? Aleppo, any there's a billion and war planets and you know, places out there in the universe, but life is only here, at least what we know life is only here, right? Why? Because Allah subhanaw taala has made everything such you know, within the earth and around the earth that we're only able to live here. And if even one thing was not the way that it is, it would be impossible for us to live here. It would be impossible for us to survive. So Allah subhanaw taala his abilities his actions are perfect. We see that a hay indicates the perfection of his qualities and Alka yom indicates the

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perfection of his actions because of his actions were not perfect, then life would be impossible, right? No, no creature would be able to live. So this is why when we call upon Allah subhanaw taala. We should also call upon him by these names. We should call upon him by saying Yeah, hi, you. Yeah, uh, you

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Ever living or Sustainer of all, any, this is one of the ways of making, making the right to Allah subhanaw taala Allah subhanaw taala reminds us in the Quran that we're Anna till we juvenile heyoka young, that on the Day of Judgment all faces will be humbled before the ever living the Sustainer of all existence. So some of the things that we learn about from the sooner that mentioned and how you will consume. We see that for example, a man said Allahumma in the SLO Kabhi anila can hum La ilaha illa Anta Alma Nan, yeah buddy or a semi what he will Oh, yeah, they'll generally will a cron year. Hey, you yaka you

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that Oh Allah, I ask you because you are Worthy of all praise. There is no god worthy of worship, but you, you are the Restore of favors, or you who has originated the heavens and the earth, or Possessor of Majesty and glory, or ever living or Sustainer of all, when the man said this, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that you have called upon Allah by his greatest name,

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which when he is called upon by that name, he certainly response and when he is asked by that name, he certainly gives. So because of this some scholars they say that the Greatest Name of Allah is your how you pay yo. So this da is is beautiful and something that and adore that we should also learn and use when we call upon Allah. Allah in nee Luca be an Akan hand La Ilaha Illa and, and my nan Yeah, but they are some are working well. Oh, yeah, the Jalali will ecomm Yeah, hi, you yaka you.

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Then we see another door

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in which we learned that the Prophet sallallahu where he was telling us to say before going to sleep

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sorry, another dorion which we learned that when we're making Dora we can simply say yeah, hey, you yaka. You write that begin your Doral by saying Yeah, how you yaka you, and especially when you are in some need. So your hair you yaka, you Billa hermetical isserlis, that all ever living or Sustainer of all, I beseech you by your mercy, that y'all Allah I call upon you because you are perfect in how you are, your actions are perfect, right? You don't have any limitation. We have all the limitations. You don't need anybody and we are desperately in need of us. So Oh Allah I call upon you, Bill hermetica as the leaf

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these are names that we should also mention when we are seeking forgiveness from Allah subhana wa tada when we have done something wrong, when we are feeling bad in our hearts, when we when you know when we have that guilt in our hearts, and you know, as human beings Subhanallah you we do make mistakes, right? And you will if you start comparing yourself to just last week, right? You compare yourself to how you were in Ramadan, you're like, oh, in Ramadan, I was doing this, I was doing this, I was doing this and now it's been a week and I've hardly been good. So any guilt can consume you. Right? guilt can fill your heart. So it's important that we bring ourselves out of that guilt

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by turning to Allah subhanaw taala. And how is that we learn that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us a beautiful girl, that a stone fetullah and our Lima la de la ilaha illa who will Hey Eureka you what a Tobu la that I seek the forgiveness of Allah who is ever great. besides whom there is no god worthy of worship, he is a high yield to you. And I turn to him with repentance. So we learned in Hades that whoever calls upon Allah this way, then he will be forgiven. Right? He will be forgiven. So when we are in need of a lust prarthana for forgiveness and absolutely we are that we should also make this there are a strong federal law Hello Arlene. And ledi La Ilaha Illa who and

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hey, you know you were a to LA and then of course the how you yaka yo bureau medical studies of slingshot Nico level while at Achille Ileana FC. Tom fathering there's a lot of beautiful doors that we can make that mentioned these names. Finally, we will cover the last three names of Allah subhanaw taala in this class and these names are ally Li, Allah and Ali Matera, three names that are beautiful that tell us about the glory the greatness of Allah Subhana Allah in the Quran in ITIL could see we learn that we're who will early EULA

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Believe that Allah subhanaw taala is a literally the most high, the ever high and earline the most great that ever great meeting Allah subhanaw taala is the highest right? And these names of Allah, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah albuterol. There are mentioned a total of 11 times in the Quran and of course there are many occurrences where the greatness of Allah soprano pata is mentioned. Now Allah subhanaw taala is the highest right? What does that mean? He is an early meaning our high and our low meaning the highest an Elmo doll, meaning he alone is

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exalted, so there is no one who shares in his greatness in his sublimity in his exalted pneus. So how exactly is Allah subhanaw taala high and exalted, he is ascendant in every way. How, first of all, in his being in his essence. So there is no one who is high, the way Allah subhanaw taala is, then he is high, he is Ascendant, in all of his attributes. So for example, when you think about the knowledge that people have, yes, people can know a lot of stuff. But you know what, Allah subhanaw taala is even higher in his knowledge, right? When you when you're talking about, you know, the power of Allah subhanaw taala, then, no matter what anybody has a lesser penalty is higher than that

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he is greater than them. So he is higher in all of his attributes, in His perfection, he is ever high in his might and dominion, he is ever high. And you know what the amazing thing is, that Allah subhanaw taala is the highest of all, yet he is so near. He is so near. He is high, yet near, which means that when you call upon Allah subhanaw taala. You don't need to yell, right? You don't need to scream out. You don't need to beg and beg and beg in the sense that you don't need to be so loud in order that you may be finally heard, know, Allah subhanaw taala is the highest of all, yet he is the nearest to you. Right? Which is why we learned that when some of the companions asked the Prophet

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sallallahu earning the Sunnah, that, that when we call upon Allah, should we be loud, right? Should we yell? And the verse was revealed that what he does set in a carry body or a knee for any colleague, that when my servants ask you about me, then tell them that I am near that Allah subhanaw taala is near, we learned that at one occasion, when the companions were traveling with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, every time that they would, you know, go down a dune or they would go up, they would say, Allahu Akbar, like really loudly and they would say, Subhan Allah, like, really loudly. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that, you know, be be merciful to

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yourselves, because you're not calling upon the one who is unable to hear you. Right? Meaning you don't need to, you know, be so loud in order to be heard by Allah subhanaw taala Allah is the highest yet he is the nearest. And so we see, for instance, in in sulit, millennium, about the story of the QDR alayhis salaam, right, that how he called upon Allah subhanaw taala, Dora and Kofi year, right, but he called upon Allah, so secretly, quietly, softly, so privately, and, you know, he, he called upon Allah, his door is so beautiful, and the most of hunkeler responded to him, right. So when we are talking about a must penalty, we should, of course, know that he is the highest, but the

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fact that he is the highest does not make him inaccessible to us. No, he is the nearest. So this is why we're told sub be his smart have become Arla that exalt the name of your Lord the Most High, meaning when he is the highest, then you should also attribute that greatness to him, and you should remember his perfection and you should glorify Him accordingly. So when we speak about Allah, let us speak about him with utmost respect. And when we speak about Allah, let us not, you know, compare him to the creation. Rather, we should remember that Allah subhanaw taala is exalted, He is the Most High above any weakness, and he is perfect in his being will last panel thought to allow us to

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benefit from what we have learned. I would encourage you to, again, go over these names, memorize them, recall them, and one of the best ways of, you know retaining what you have learned is to share what you have learned. So, you know, tell your family, whoever it is that you're with

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You know about these names, what these names are, what these names mean and how we can you know reflect their understanding in our lives. And also let us call upon a loss problem partner with these names so Alhamdulillah in our class today we covered the names Allah, a rub a ramen or Rahim, Allah Hey, Alka young and Allah Allah, Allah, Allah and Allah Dharan and hamdulillah. We will conclude over here inshallah we'll resume in our next class on next Saturday be in the Allah subhanho lahoma. We'll be having a shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta a stone Furukawa todo la cosa morlais como Rahmatullahi wa barakato

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