Mufti Menk – The Revenge Porn Reality!

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The danger of cyber privacy and embarrassment persists, with people not being allowed to share personal information or spouse's photos, even if they are not married. It is illegal to record conversations and use images for photos or videos, and privacy advice is provided. It is also important to avoid sharing embarrassing moments and offer advice on how to avoid embarrassment.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum, my brothers and sisters, a quick tip before I commence, take a little bit more time in your prostration. Try it out. It really helped me. And I'm sure it will help you too. Okay, the topic I want to talk about is revenge *. What is that, I'm going to get to that, let me start in a different way. For some reason, there are people out there who feel the need to record themselves or to take photos of themselves, * or in the act of intimacy. I'm not saying the Act would be Haram. But even if it is halal, say your own spouse, for example, or just yourself, and you have a mirror out there. And for some reason, you want to take a picture of yourself *, or you want to

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take a video of yourself *, or in the act of intimacy, like I said, Now, the danger is nowadays you have specialized hackers who are hacking phones, and emails and clouds where things are stored in order to get hold of such images and videos to make money out of them. And there are many cases I say many cases because I would not speak about this if it wasn't a common problem. Many cases of people who find out years later that you know what, my images, my videos, * or intimacy in Acts of intimacy are actually on * sites, or some way on the social media or perhaps being circulated among groups of people. So people are specialized in hacking. Secondly, when you swap your phone,

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when you change your phone, when you sell your phone, when you upgrade your phone, it is not so difficult to go back to that which is encrypted if you have certain software, and actually retrieve that which was deleted from your phone. And I'm not lying. I've checked it with the experts with those who know what they're doing. And they've said yes, it is very possible. So people can later on get something you've deleted, even if you've restored factory settings on most devices. So what would happen when they would actually do the same again, and it would be an embarrassment, a very big embarrassment. So unfortunately, we have just spoken about that which the intimacy may not have

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been harmed. My advice to you is, don't ever take photos of yourself or feel the need to take a video of yourself. Even if you thought I'm going to watch it myself Stop. Don't do that. The damage of it is very severe. The embarrassment of it is very serious. You don't even know you don't even realize that it is probably out there. And Subhanallah there are people who have already got that once you've taken it. Okay, so don't do that. Secondly, there are people who send * images, whether it's to their spouses who might be abroad or who might be far away, or * videos or do * video calls, not realizing these calls, a lot of the times are recorded. A lot of the times

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some of them are kept in storage for a while they can also be hacked and what is happening now after divorce. Unfortunately, those disgruntled ex spouses are releasing videos and releasing images of their spouses that happened to be *. What an embarrassment avoided, may Allah subhanahu wa taala safeguard us, you don't need that when it's a hallowed relationship Mashallah, you can do whatever you'd like. But obviously, there is no need to record it live the moment Mashallah halaal intimacy becomes a Nevada when you live the moment and you actually deriving pleasure and at the same time earning a reward. But there is no need to record it on your devices that are not only hackable, but

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after you've restored factory settings, years later, someone can retrieve all of that. And you won't know we've had cases of suicide, people have committed suicide. I I've dealt with a few cases where people really wanted to do that. And I've heard of cases where they have done it. And we've come out and tried to help them and I'll explain how, when there is something called revenge *. Like I spoke about the ex spouse who had images and videos when it was, you know, the intimacy was not harmed but the videos no one thought about what's what is going to be used for later on. You don't know if your marriage is going to last? Actually, nobody does. We've known of people who've divorced

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after 30 years, 40 years, 20 years, 10 years after a lovely life. You know when they divorce for some reason, and sometimes it's really ugly.

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So as much as Mashallah we appreciate our spouses, but we don't have to go to that extent where one day, if something were to happen, we would be embarrassed. Now, let's talk about haram relations, people sometimes develop the relationship with the opposite *, you know, and they happen to, not to be married. And you know, in Islam, there are limits when it comes to your relationship with the opposite * prior to marriage. So it has to be very respectful and there must be, you know, it must be to the point and so on. But it shouldn't get to the point of that which is unacceptable in the Shara meaning according to Islam, unfortunately, shebang comes in people play with emotions I know

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of guys who have told me later on, I really regret I did this to 31 girls, I did this to 31 girls. And I was shocked at what made him want to repent as he became sick and ill. And he thought perhaps the evil supplication of a person must have caught him, you know, a duel made against him, a supplication made against him by someone he has wronged. So then I realized, from Hannah law, there are people out there playing games, you think you're the only one and you're not. So what happens? These people tend to exchange images, sometimes they might not send you their real images, or they may because they have nothing to lose. And a lot of the times they wouldn't show their faces, they

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wouldn't show who they are, they would just show stuff a lot, you know, the, the the body and the organs and so on. And they would get from you everything. And then they would release it and foolish or those who've done this, because at some point, there is a lot of money to be made, apparently, from the * industry. It's a very big industry. So people who are there just want to make money. And they catch girls from very good homes, and boys from really, really good homes. And they actually catch them during that moment of weakness where they fallen for shapen. And that moment is a moment of regret, eternal regret, sometimes for some, but I'm going to tell you today that it's

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not the end of the world. However, don't do this. It's a very big embarrassment. I do know that we're living in an age of video shot Photoshop, not everything you see is real. So they could put a face my face, your face, anyone's faced with a different body. And people have done this even in videos. And they have so many different, you know, deep fakes, as they call them, where you can make someone say things they haven't even said, you can actually Google it and check deep fake videos. So unfortunately, when a boyfriend and girlfriend happened to break up, many times you find the victim is the girl, what happens.

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videos are released, images are released, she's threatened with it, and she's made to do whatever they want. Either it's money or it is whatever else. Sometimes she was a good girl. And the guy thinks that I'm not going to get a girl like this. So he wants to marry her. So he blackmails her and her family if I cannot marry this girl, then I'm going to actually expose this and that. And in some countries, in some cultures, they would fall for that and go for it. But unfortunately, I want to tell you don't do that. Don't be tempted to make a video call * even if it is to your own spouse, things. Things can actually be hacked. People say, Well, you can't but you can be be

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responsible. May Allah subhanahu wa taala make it easy. I know some of you might be thinking all sorts of thoughts at the moment. But someone has to say this, I mean, fatherly advice, from an Islamic perspective. There is no need to record moments of intimacy or to show yourself to expose, you know, your private parts. May Allah Subhana, WA to Allah guide us all. And then what happens is, when this is exposed, people actually become depressed families break up. It's a big embarrassment. And sometimes some people don't heal from that. My brothers and sisters, if you're a parent, and your child has gone through something of this nature, please support your child, they made a

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mistake. Yes, indeed, they made a mistake. It was a big mistake. It was a very embarrassing mistake. But Allah wants you to stand up for your child, Allah wants you to do something about it. Did you know that legally, you can actually get those images and videos removed. Legally, you can actually get them removed. If you Google How to remove these, you know, revenge * videos, or images, and so on, you will be able to know how to remove them. Google actually removes them if you were to send them the links, and you were to write to them and let them know what has happened. And even the websites I was helping a few people and I've been helping quite a few in this. And Subhanallah we

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found that on some of the sites, they actually have a button where you

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could report the video because it is revenge * or it is something it is you and you don't want it to be there. The difficulty is many people don't know, they find out years later, after a million views and so many million views and the person's made so much money. So my brothers and sisters, I felt it very important to address this matter, because many people young, innocent, and they fall prey to this a beautiful life they've led in the obedience of Allah, lovely children, they've hardly made major mistakes. And one blunder, a moment of weakness, something silly, the prophecy of you, you have your phone and SubhanAllah. That's all messed within a few minutes, people become sick,

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they have organ fit, they have so many things, you know, that go wrong with them because of severe severe anxiety and mental health issues as a result of this type of stress in one's life. So if you're a parent, please support your child, it's not the end of the world. You don't have to excommunicate them. You don't have to punish them and so on. They've already learned that lesson. But if you're a child, or if you're a person, even an adult, and you are listening to this, please delete those videos, I promise you, it's very dangerous. Obviously, if you delete the videos, chances are the retrieving of those videos quite difficult. It can be done. But you need an expert

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to do that. Unfortunately, there are people who are hacking into phones and systems. And this is why they say don't respond to an email, don't click an email, you don't know where it's from, who it's from, don't click on a link that's within your email or WhatsApp or whatever else it might just be an embedded bug or something. Don't Don't answer the email of a person claiming you've won a prize to a competition you have not participated in SubhanAllah. That's an interesting one. So this is something very, very important. And I thought I'd raised this topic for you guys, and for everyone to benefit. You know what if you really have had a mess, reach out to someone confide in someone you

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trust. I've had people confiding in me, I've been unable to help everyone. But I've helped quite a few people in this regard and Mashallah, we've come out of it. In some cases, the parents took a while to come on board, some they just didn't. But we still managed to delete certain things and get rid of certain things. This is fatherly advice from a concerned parent, and from a person whom perhaps you would be looking up to Jazakallah thank you so much for listening to this. And I think we must be responsible the way we use our videos and our phones.

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Remember, anything you do online, Let it not be such that you would be embarrassed the day it is exposed or, and I want to end with this tip. If you've used your phone or your social media in a way that was embarrassing, one day when you change your life and you want to get closer to Allah and you decide that that's not how I want to live anymore. It might be very, very embarrassing, but you know what Allah still forgives. If you need support. Please try and contact someone, either a leader in community or a family member whom you trust, preferably parents, my beloved parents, I end up on this note, have a good relationship with your children and I want you to know that these are some of

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the challenges that you will face and they will face This is the age that we're living in. It is a technologically advanced age and it comes with its own problems. May Allah bless you all deserve Kamala Harris on Long Island Amina Mohammed was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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