Mufti Menk – Social Conduct – Part 6

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of fulfilling the rights of men and women to receive the rights of their partners, particularly in the face of negative behavior. They emphasize the need for a strong understanding of Islam and a strong faith in it, as well as the importance of honoring Muslims and respecting their rights. The speakers also highlight the negative impact of negative language on people's emotions and the need to be mindful of their behavior. They emphasize the importance of regular regular regular regular activities and avoiding common mistakes. Finally, they emphasize the need to pay employees properly and provide adequate wages.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakato Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He was happy he nominated a Buddha who we were looking at the rights of neighbors and inshallah I will mention as promised one hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam before we move on to the rights of fellow Muslims. That Hadith is a very important Hadith when it comes to seeing the depth and seeing the importance of fulfilling the rights towards one neighbors. A man came to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and said, O Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, such and such a woman has a reputation for engaging to a great extent, in prayer in fasting

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and in charity, but she annoys her neighbors with her tongue. And he replied to him, saying she will go to *. And then the man said, O Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, such and such a woman has a reputation for engaging to a small extent, in fasting, charity and prayer, but she gives pieces of curd as sadaqa and does not annoy her neighbors with her tongue. And he replied, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying she will go to Paradise. So this hadith shows us that the damage caused by abusing fellow humans can actually override all the good deeds of a person, even if they are plenty. And also, a person who has less deeds, but has not abused fellow humans is greater in

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the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is why it leaves no doubt that we need to rectify our own social conduct. And that is definitely of extreme importance. Just a point of clarification. Obviously, when it comes to the Ferrari, we have to fulfill the Ferrari even YG. But, but here when we speak of extra deeds, we are speaking of the sunon and in our field, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us steadfastness I would like to now move on to the rights of fellow Muslims, and begin with a hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, where he asked his companions once, who is really a bankrupt person, or a person who is insolvent. That was the question asked by Rasulullah salallahu

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alayhi wasallam and it is known as the hadith of insolvency.

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The Sahaba of the Allahu anhu replied, they said the bankrupt from amongst us is the one who has no money or goods, and he corrected them sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying, the real bankrupt or insolvent person from my alma is he who comes on the Day of Judgment with plenty of Salah, fasting and Zakah. But he comes having Swan this person, and having falsely accused this one, and you served the wealth of this one, and killed or hurt this one. So his good deeds will be taken and given to this one and this one, then, when his good deeds are all finished, the bad deeds of this one will be cast upon Him, and He will be thrown into the fire of jahannam. This is who a bankrupt person is.

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And this hadith shows us the great danger once again of violating the rights of fellow humans. It also shows us that a person may seem to be very pious in this world through performing extra salah and extra fasting and giving out extra SATA card and charities. But if he or she is involved in infringing the rights of fellow human beings in any way, and does not clear his or her record before passing away, then none of these extra deeds will be of any benefit to him or her. And in fact, there is a danger of ending up with the sins of other people, which will result in him or her being thrown into the fire of jahannam. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all. Bear in mind that

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repayment for all the wrongdoings against fellow humans in the hereafter will be a much heavier burden. And that will result in a severe punishment and in regret, may Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us really, we need to understand what are the rights of fellow human beings and inshallah we will move straight into that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has stressed regarding the fellow Muslims. He has said that you must fulfill the rights of one another. And he has asked us to achieve to achieve a brotherhood as an oma May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us this brotherhood, one might ask Look, what are the rights of fellow Muslims? If we take a look at what Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam came with, we will understand that the following are the rights of your fellow Muslims. Firstly to greet a fellow Muslim saying assalamu Aleikum at least Assalamu alaikum that is the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Obviously we could go further and add what? Allahu Akbar cattle. The second right is to reply a greeting or to reply the Salaam with an equal way

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All with a better wording and that is actually compulsory to reply a Salam and Allah subhanho wa Taala has ordered this in the Quran he says, when you have been greeted with a greeting, then greet in a better manner or replied equally. And Allah subhanho wa Taala takes account of everything. This verse appears in Surah Nisa, the third right is having a happy face when meeting fellow Muslims that is the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He has said you're smiling upon meeting your brother or sister in Islam is a charitable deed. The next right before entering a home or a room or before joining others in their discussion or in their get together to seek permission is compulsory. And this applies when it is private, where it is a public place or permission has already been granted in advance, it is not compulsory to seek permission once again,

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the next right where Muslims are seated or gathered, they should do so in a manner that will create maximum space for others. Obviously, we are speaking of a gathering where everyone is invited, they must also be courteous and make space for the one who comes later, so that he or she may sit without feeling strange, or without feeling hurt in any way. This is very important. Sometimes we sit in gatherings and when people come the way we look at them, you know as though they were not meant to be there. And obviously by looking at them in that way, we will be infringing their rights of being seated there. The next right is each one should have a genuine feeling for the well being of his or

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her fellow Muslim, obviously brother or sister. And this includes, you know, religious as well as spiritual well being as well as the physical and material well being of every single Muslim. This is actually compulsory. The next right,

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we need to give genuine advice and that which is beneficial advice to our fellow Muslims and to advise is sooner but it is compulsory that the advice be genuine. Obviously if we are asked for advice Subhana Allah, we are meant to be giving that advice. Genuinely we should never say things that we know are wrong intentionally, in order to destroy or to cause harm to fellow Muslims, that would actually be Haram.

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The next right is where relations have been severed, one should try his or her best to bring back those relations to normal by solving the dispute or misunderstanding. This is compulsory upon the two parties. So the two parties that are in a misunderstanding it is compulsory, it is the right of one another upon each of you to get together and solve the problem. And obviously when it comes to a third party who is not involved, it is sooner for them to also try and solve the problem. Let me just expand on this a little bit. Let's say there is brother a has a problem with brother B. So for A and B to solve the problem is compulsory. But for see to get involved to try and solve the problem

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that is the son of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam it's not compulsory for C to come into the picture, but it is sooner if he does so, he will be rewarded by Allah subhanho wa Taala the next right is to be loving and tolerant with children all the Muslim children Subhana Allah, in fact, all children are innocent, we need to be loving and tolerant towards them. And this does not mean that they are haram actions must be tolerated, nor does it mean that they must be spoiled. You know nowadays we use the term love as a pretext and we spoil our kids beyond any understanding. This is obviously unacceptable. What this means is that when correcting or rectifying their errors, one

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should use tact and be mindful of the fact that they are children. And this point also includes speaking to children on their level, as well as playing with them at times. This is the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. When we address children, we should speak to them on their level, we should smile with them. What happens unfortunately, is when people speak to the children of others, they tend to be very harsh, and they tend to forget the fact that they have children, whom at times are even worse than those children whom they are trying to rectify. We should always understand the fact that they are children. We need to have a genuine feeling for them. speak nicely

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to them, you see them doing something wrong. You don't have to go up and threaten them. You know, they might not sleep for so many days just because of what you said to them. You need to be loving and you need to try and help them as far as possible.

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The next right is to congratulate a Muslim at times of his happiness or her happiness for example, upon marriage, there is the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. barakallahu li kkoma Baraka, la cama, Jama avena Kumasi, Hayden Wahby faith, the Tao of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Similarly at the time of the birth of a child or at the time of EAD, it is the right of fellow Muslims that you go out and congratulate them. Obviously, this is the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. What I have done is I have actually brought together all these rights those that are compulsory and those that are the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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The next slide is sympathizing with Muslims at times of sadness, loss and hardship, and conveying condolence to a Muslim Upon the death of their relative or friend. This is the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The next right is to visit a Muslim who is ill. And this is also a great sooner. This helps to maintain the bond of brotherhood and proves that we care for the well being of one another. It also makes the sick person feel better, and it helps them recover so panela today if we go to the hospitals, we will find that those who belong to other religions have already come to the Muslims, and have already prayed for them calling out to Gods besides Allah. And when it

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comes to the Muslims, they don't even go to see their own relatives in the hospitals. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the ability to adopt the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam of going to visit those who are ill, and May Allah grant us the benefit of that. The next right is at the time of janazah of a Muslim. It is Farooqi fire. What that means is, it is the duty of the entire community to make sure that Vasile that coffin and the burial are done. If some members of the community do this, the duty will be fulfilled. But if no one does this at all, the sin will lie equally upon all the members of the community and taking part in Salatu janaza of a

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Muslim and following that janazah until the burial is complete, is the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for men.

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The next right is when a Muslim sneezes he or she should say Alhamdulillah which means Praise be to Allah. And those who hear this must say your hammock Allah meaning May Allah subhanho wa Taala have mercy upon you. And then the sneezer should say, yeah de como la who will usually have bad luck, which means May Allah subhanho wa Taala guide you and improve your condition.

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This is the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and it has been stressed many times by the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. The next right is when a Muslim has taken an oath by Allah subhanho wa Taala when others should believe him, and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said whoever is confronted with an oath by Allah subhanho wa Taala he should agree and be happy because the one who disagrees and is not happy is not from Allah subhanho wa Taala and has no link with Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this also means that if a person asks By Allah, that something be fulfilled, then as far as possible, one should fulfill it. And just to mention an important point.

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Unfortunately, what happens is, people use the name of Allah nowadays, when they are lying, and this is actually a great sin. This is why many people now do not believe fellow Muslims when they use Allah subhanho wa Taala name, and they actually lie. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the ability to stay away from such a major sin. The next right is to feed fellow Muslims. And obviously this is to feed the needy as well as those who are relatives and friends and fellow Muslims who might not be needy, but just to invite them home for food, you know, on a happy occasion or on any occasion. And obviously, as I said, it includes the rich as well as the poor Rasulullah sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam has actually told us that this will bring the Muslims closer to invite them to the home for meals once in a while, you know, talk to them about the problems they are going through, share a few words and you know, sit down together that is actually in sha Allah, a means of increasing this bond, may Allah grant us increase in the bond.

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The next slide is to accept the invitation when you are invited for meals, and especially when it comes to walima. It is actually a duty to accept that invitation. Similarly accepting gifts from other Muslims, even if it is a small and simple gift. Do not belittle it. The hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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actually says that even if the gift is a tratar of a sheep and even part of that Trotter of the sheep, we should not belittle it, we should actually accept it. If you don't have any use for it, then maybe after accepting accepting it, you could actually give it to someone else. There is no harm in giving a gift that you have been given and you are not going to use to someone else. Some people believe that when someone has given you a gift, you are not allowed to give it as a gift to someone else. That is not an Islamic belief. If you have you know use of it and you are going to use it, you may use it if you are not going to use it, you may give it to someone else and you will be

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rewarded for that particular gift.

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The next light is if Allah subhanho wa Taala has granted one of us the acquaintance of a person in authority over a Muslim, then when needed, he should assist that Muslim by trying to intercede on his or her behalf, which means using one's power or acquaintance to help fellow Muslims is a duty. And obviously this is only for that which is not forbidden in the Sharia. We should understand this. The next right is assisting those who are oppressed, and in particular those who are in problems or in need. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says he will assist those who assist others. This is a great sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The next night is to cover the weaknesses and the

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sins of fellow Muslims from others. This is compulsory, it is a right that we cannot afford to disregard. It is only permissible to bear witness in this regard in an Islamic court, where there are enough eyewitnesses of the sin. And it is a sin that is punishable in the Sharia. This is the only time when we are allowed to go out and bear witness against someone who's committed the sin. Otherwise, we must cover the weaknesses of our fellow Muslims, we should try our best to help them and to speak to them, you know to come out of the sin that they might be involved in, but we should understand we must cover their weaknesses from other Muslims and from other people as well. The next

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right is to remove harmful objects from the path of people. And this has been declared as being a sign of a man and a part of Eman. Subhana Allah

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the next right is to love for others, what one loves for himself. This is a very important rule Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has actually declared saying, none of you are true believers, until you love for your brother and your sister, what you love for yourself. This includes doing unto others, as one would like done unto himself Subhana Allah. So remember, every time you do something to someone, you should ask yourself, do I like that to be done to myself, if you do, you may proceed if not abstain from it. The next night is standing firm upon justice at all times. Even if it happens to be against your own self against your parents or against your relatives, we should

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deal with others in a very fair manner with the fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is declared in the Quran.

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The next slide is to accept the excuse of others when it is presented Subhana Allah when a Muslim presents an excuse to you regarding something except that excuse you don't have to keep on harping on the topic. I give you a little example. Sometimes we invite people for food. And yes, they would like to respond and they would like to attend, they would like to come to our home, but for some reason, they have an excuse and they will not be able to manage in that particular case, we must accept that excuse with a broad mind and with a broad heart and we should not you know, pressurize them into fulfilling something that we would like. The next right is forgiving the shortcomings of

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others. When a person seeks forgiveness, though it is the right of the one who has been wronged to ask for compensation in this world or in the US era Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has encouraged forgiveness that is the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So people are asking you, you know before going for Hajj, or in the month of Ramadan, they phone you or they speak to you and they say you know what, forgive me I'm going for Hajj. It is best that we say I forgive you and forgive them from the bottom of our hearts. The next right is to return the last property of others once it has been determined that it belongs to them. And even if a long time has passed and

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we may have disposed of the property somehow the owner has the right to demand it or its value or to agree with the disposal meaning if we have given it to

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sada on behalf of that particular person, he has the right to say okay, I accept it as being a sadhaka on my behalf. The next night is to be humbled towards others, and to give them preference over oneself if possible. And getting up from a seat for others is also a sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you are sitting and suddenly an old woman happens to come in or even someone who is young, and to actually get up and make space for them, and giving up your space in order for them to sit that is really a Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that will be rewarded greatly. So fulfilling the needs of others before fulfilling one's own needs is a Sunnah

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of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the next right is whenever a person has done good to us, or assisted us in any way, we should not forget that assistance, and we should try to return the good with another good deed. And if someone has done bad and we have forgiven them, then we should forget that bad deed and we should make dua for them in return. So remember one thing when someone has done good to you Don't forget that good. And when someone has done bad and has asked your forgiveness, don't remind them later on that you know, this is what you did in your life against me, etc, etc. It is forgiven and forgotten. This is the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, the next fight is making dua for others, and asking Allah subhanho wa Taala to improve their condition as well as our own. And Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has actually said the first douar to be answered by Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one made by a person for another person who is not even present with him who doesn't even know that this person is making dua for him or her. And this is because of the genuine feeling and sincerity when this happens. The next write is encouraging others to do good and discouraging them from bad I'm Robbie Murphy when nahi annual mooncup this should be done very carefully, and in the politest manner, one of the conditions

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for doing this is that one should have sufficient knowledge regarding the factor that is being spoken about.

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The next night is to honor the trust when in trusted and to fulfill all duties towards fellow Muslims Subhana Allah, this is compulsory, when it comes to the ulama to respect and honor them, and in particular the llama. We need to understand that they are the heirs of the prophets. They have sacrificed their lives to convey the message of Allah subhanho wa Taala to mankind and therefore, we really need to honor them and respect them. Similarly respecting and honoring all human beings and all Muslims who are trying to earn the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala is also a duty and the last slide we are going to speak about is controlling anger, controlling anger at all times,

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especially with fellow Muslims. This is something very, very important that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has stressed we have mentioned quite a few of the rights of fellow Muslims and we hope May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all the benefit from what has been mentioned, or sallallahu wasallam albaraka Ilana Bina Mohammed Subhana Allah He will be Hamdi Subhana Allah hammarby Hamdi kenisha to Allah Allah Allah antenna stouffville Khurana to Bulik.

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah, who Allah Allah He was happy he woman who Allah who about inshallah, we will be speaking of the rights of servants and those whom we have employed. There are two types of servants. The first is obviously a servant who is employed and paid as agreed with the employer. This is generally the case nowadays. And the second type is the servant who works without earning. This is obviously when he or she is a volunteer, or in the past, in the case of the slaves, those who worked and served their masters without any reward or salary. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has spoken about all

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these categories, and most emphasis was given to the reward that lies in the freeing of slaves, as well as good treatment of them. In fact, slaves were given rights over their masters as well. This was done in order to remind the masters of those slaves that those under them were also human beings and in fact, Islam slowly abolished slavery. Similarly, a person who has a servant whether in the home or at the workplace, must not overlook the rights laid down by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And we will just mention a few of these rights for us to learn from the life of Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasallam and from his commands, the first right is food and clothing should be

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provided of a similar standard as one's own

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And this must be provided for those servants who are unpaid volunteers. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said Allah subhanho wa Taala has placed your brothers and sisters who serve you under your authority. So therefore, you must feed them from the food that you eat and you must close them with the clothes similar to yours. This rule is related to slaves and those who are not paid, they must be catered for as a member of the family. When it comes to the next right, a sufficient wage should be given to those who are employed. When agreeing upon a salary, one must bear in mind the cost of living and that the wage should be enough for them to meet their needs. They should be able

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to close to feed and provide shelter for themselves and those whom it is compulsory for them to look after it is encouraged to provide some food or extra provisions to those who are employed as well. And in this manner, the goodness will increase and the relation will be strengthened. The next right is the good treatment and respect at all times. Speaking harshly to those who are employed is prohibited. employers should ponder over their own situation and ask themselves how they would feel upon inappropriate treatment. When Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam has said, the one who is not good to his or her servants will not enter Paradise. And I repeat that the one who is not good

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to his or her servants will not enter Paradise. And it is also the duty of the employer to make sure that his children and family members are taught to respect the servants and the employees. What happens unfortunately, today, we tend to speak so harshly to them and to use abusive language to swear at them without even thinking that we are insulting Islam. Firstly, because we are Muslims, and we are actually abusing fellow humans, we are earning a sin as a result. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the ability to abstain from foul language with those whom we have employed. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the ability to speak to them in a beautiful manner. Our children as

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well as our family members must be reminded to respect those who work for us at all times. Sometimes, you know, the children would pass comments that are totally unacceptable. How do you think this particular servant feels? Or this particular person whom you have employed? How do you think their heart Will you know react to these sorts of comments? What do I do you think is going to come out of the hearts of these people? May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us exemplary people who always use their tongues in that which is beneficial, and that which is good, and who abstained from that which is bad and harmful. The next right is to think them upon doing their job. That is the

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quality of a Muslim sometimes people feel You know, I've paid her wife paid him so when they do something for you, you know, their iron your clothes or something, you don't even thank them to say thank you. And in the case where they are Muslims Jazakallah Hira is actually a sign of a Muslim to verbally say thank you makes a very big difference. We should understand this. And children should be taught to appreciate the work that is being done by the servants and employees for them. And this is a very important point. At times when we bring up our children we forget to remind them to be appreciative of you know the work that is being done for them day and night by these people who are

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around them who are working for us over and above verbal appreciation. At times a small gift is also a sign of appreciation and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said the one who does not think people, meaning human beings, does not thank Allah subhanho wa Taala and will not be able to thank Allah subhanho wa Taala in the manner that he is deserving of this is because what a human being does is very clear for one to see and yet many of the gifts of Allah subhanho wa Taala require pondering. So if one is not going to be thankful for what is a clear and apparent gift, then how is one going to be able to be thankful for that which is more complex. And also what a human being does

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for us is a gift from Allah subhanho wa Taala as well and the one who does not think that human for that favor will not even realize that he or she must thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for that gift, so we should understand even giving them a little bonus, or giving them a small gift is very rewarding. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the ability to do that. The next right is the physical assistance or sudo la sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam has actually said do not ask them to do that which is difficult or burdensome upon them. And if you have to get such work done, then assist them in fulfilling that work. And this shows us that if there is

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is a difficult job that we would like them to do, we must make sure that we provide assistance for them, in order to fulfill it, we cannot just tell them to pick up, you know, 20 crates and move them from point A to point B. And there's just one person, and we don't give them sufficient time. We expect them to carry two crates at a time. They are human beings. What if tomorrow, the situation changes and the tables 10? And your children are employed by the children of the one whom you have employed today? And what if they treated your children the same way you treat them? Would you like it? That is a question you need to ask. And how many examples have we seen of those who used to work

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for others and a generation down, you find the other way around. Those who used to work have actually employed the children of those who were their employers at one stage. So let us understand Kamata Dino, to Dan, as you will treat others so you shall be treated. The next slide is understanding them, it is important that we gauge and understand their situation at all times, at times of sickness, we should allow them to visit the doctor. In fact, we should assist them to go and visit the doctor and to rest and to take a few days off. Sometimes we are so harsh on them, we feel that they are pretending and sometimes even if we see that they are genuinely sick, we are so

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harsh. And we don't even want to let them go to the doctor. What if that were to be done to us, let us put ourselves in their shoes and see that Subhana Allah, if we were in that situation, we would be cursing the person who has kept us away from medication which is our right. Similarly, when it comes to giving them a day or two off for this reason, or llahi, we should give them the days off because this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala will be happy with. There is someone who is helping you someone who is working for you, they happen to be taken, Ill make dua for them, and make dua that Allah cures them, give them the days off, help them to get to the hospital to get to the doctors,

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maybe help them if you can, with a little bit of the fee that the doctor might charge. And Allah subhanho wa Taala will keep you healthy as well. Remember one thing, if you are not going to be concerned about their health, there is a possibility that Allah subhanho wa Taala might test you with difficulties in your house as well. Mallanna do that to us at times of death when a person has died, who is close to the one whom you have employed, let's say for example, a relative of your servant, then we should understand, let us sympathize with them, you know, we should say sorry, in the case where they are non Muslims, we are sorry about what has happened. And you know, we should

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even allow them to attend the funeral or to go home for a day or two. This is something that is, you know, taught to us by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, to be compassionate towards those who work for us and the times of happiness, we should congratulate them as well. And we should make them feel that we are linked to them genuinely and that we treat them as human beings and not like animals. The next slide is we should overlook the common errors and mistakes. This includes the breakage of a utensil in the home, you know a bowl has been broken, a glass has been dropped and broken the burning of your clothes, obviously, when they are in sometimes your clothes will be

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burnt. If you had to iron there is a possibility that the clothes would have been burnt as well. And there may be times when you have burned the clothes. So why then when they burn the clothes once or twice or thrice, we cannot take out some time to teach them and to try and you know mend that bad way of theirs, to help them to educate them regarding how to iron rather than just shout and scream and use such abusive language, not realizing that it was Allah subhanho wa Taala who created the situation in order to see how you would react and you reacted in a manner that displeased Allah subhanho wa Taala. Similarly, when it comes to their mistakes in terms of cooking those of us who

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may be having, you know, servants will cook for us or cooks we should understand when they make a mistake, overlook the mistake that common errors Yes, we should remind them and we should understand that we can also make similar mistakes. Shouting or getting angry, as I just said, will never change the situation. In fact, it can only make the situation worse. And if these mistakes are repeated very often, then a careful remedy needs to be selected and possibly relieve the employee of that particular aspect. If for example, the maid does not know how to iron and she's burning the clothes on a daily basis. Then maybe you need to relieve her of ironing, and you need to get someone else to

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iron or you take up the ironing or teach her how to iron

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Sydney Malik Ravi Allahu anhu says, I served Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for 10 years and not a single day did he utter the word off to me, nor did he ever pass an adverse comment to me regarding what I did in error that Why did you do this Subhana Allah look at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the greatest example. And a signal Malik Ravi Allahu anhu actually says had him to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I served the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for 10 years, not a single day did he even say, to whatever I did, so panela today, not only do we pass adverse comments, we make faces to those who work for us. And we make life so difficult for

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them. They find it hard to work for us, when they get together after five o'clock, with their friends and those who work for others. Think of the comments they will be passing about you and think of what an insult that is to Islam because you go down as a Muslim, whether you are male or female. Remember, they will be seated around the fire at the end of the day, and they will be discussing what has happened throughout the day and throughout the months. When they go home, for example, to their areas, they will probably be discussing how good or bad you are, you'd rather set a good example and be from amongst those who are remembered with goodness, rather than being from

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amongst those who are remembered as a person who is a pain. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us from that. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was once asked by a man who came to him he said, Oh prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, How many times should I forgive my servant for mistakes that he has made? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam remained silent until the question was repeated three times. And then he said, forgive him every day. 70 times Subhana Allah Take a look at this and ask yourselves are you true followers of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how many times have you forgiven, the one who works for you? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam if you love him, if you would like to obey Him, here he has given you the comment, and he has given you the guideline. In fact, he has commanded you saying forgive them every day 70 times I'm sure we won't have to get to that figure 70 most probably it will be two or three times May Allah subhanho wa Taala Grant has the ability to be true Muslims. The next right that they have over us is the payment of wage, it is compulsory to pay the employee his or her due upon the agreed time or date. And there is no harm obviously in settling it before the time if one would like to do so. But to do it after that is actually forbidden. Remember one thing to delay the salary will actually

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cause great pain and difficulty to the employee. The reason is, the employees have their own children and families and their own affairs to look after they have certain debts that they have to pay at the end of the month. They may have live bills which they have to pay, and they have other you know duties, financial duties and obligations that they have to meet. If the salary is delayed, it causes a schedule effect. It will actually cause untold difficulty and hardship. Imagine it might even lead them to harm. They've got to pay the fees of their children, they've got to feed so many mouths. If you are not going to pay them, you are going to be putting them into a difficult

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situation. They won't be able to pay their own bills, they might have their lights cut off, they might have their phones or what have you cut off and they might not even be able to fulfill their duties. Remember one thing to pay your servant well is a sign of acceptance from Allah subhanho wa Taala the reason why we say this is because if Allah subhanho wa Taala has written sustenance for that particular person through you, then Allah subhanho wa Taala will firstly give you that particular sustenance so that it can then be given by your hand to that particular person. So the more you give them, the more Allah subhanho wa Taala will give you as well. And remember one thing

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they have obligations to fulfill. So if you are going to pay them well, you will be helping them to fulfill their obligations and therefore of duties so panela it is as taking someone to the masjid giving someone a lift to the masjid to fulfill their Salah, you've made it easy for them, you will get the reward not only for having taken them to the machine, but even for the Salah that they fulfilled in that particular machine, you will get an equivalent reward. The same applies when you pay those who work for you. Well, don't just look at the minimum wage and give them the minimum. Give them extras as well. With that in mind that Allah subhanho wa Taala will make life easy for me

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and Allah subhanho wa Taala will grant me the reward

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For having assisted this person to fulfill his or her duties Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam has said regarding the payment of wage, give the employee his due before the drying of his sweat. And obviously this means that you should give the employee his or her due at the fixed time when you have told them that you are going to give them for example, months and you have decided you will give them before the end of the month, you should stick to your obligation and your promise and understand if you would like to give them before that there is no harm, but to delayed after that is a major sin in the Sharia May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us, at times the Muslims are the ones

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whose employees complain of not being paid on time. Imagine they actually have to go to the alhama to complain and say, You know what? This person comes to your church. And these are comments that I've heard this person comes to your church, but they haven't paid me. And at times, people come helplessly and say please, can I borrow some money? Can you please lend me some money because my salary has not yet come to me. And who is their employer, none other than a Muslim. The same applies if I can deviate very slightly to those whom we owe money in our businesses. So panela when a Muslim says I will pay you at this time, whether it is a non Muslim, or a Muslim, whom you have to pay will

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lie, it is a major sin, to delay that payment. And you know, to stretch them and to make them wait for you. While law here we've heard of so many complaints. People complain of Muslims saying this person in business has not paid me my money. And this person has actually, you know, delayed me, this person is harassing me, they've given me only half. They've given me only 10%. Or law, he These are not the qualities of true believers. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us, and May He grant us the ability to fulfill our duties and our financial obligations. Whenever they are do. The next right is a very important, right. And I'm sure we all need to listen very carefully to this the

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prohibition of accusation of theft, or any other crime without valid proof or evidence. At times when things go missing, or they are misplaced by us. There is a tendency to blame it on the servant or employee, she must have taken it Oh, that jewelry went missing. I'm sure she's she's the one who's done this.

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We seek the protection of Allah subhanho wa Taala. From this type of behavior later on, when this thing is found, or when one remembers where it was put or used. Nothing happens. And no one actually goes out to say, you know what, I had falsely accused you but now I've found it to be law and nine times out of 10 we find out things we've actually placed them in such a place that we also forgot where we've put the item and later on we actually see it Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has given a very stern warning, and a harsh warning to those who accuse their servants in this manner. He has said whoever accuses his or her servant, and the servant is innocent of that accusation, then

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the accuser will be lashed on the Day of Judgment. Subhana Allah, do you want to be lashed My dear mother, my dear sister, my dear brother. We don't want this to happen to us. Therefore, do not accuse those who work for you of theft and of crime or law. If they are innocent, they will be a grievous punishment on the day of the AMA, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the ability to go up to them and seek forgiveness before the day it is too late. And this is regarded obviously as a great sin in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. It causes so much pain and suffering to those who are accused. Think about it. If you are accused of something that you haven't done, how would you

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feel and in order to understand this, we have to put ourselves in their situation and imagine being seriously accused of a crime that was never committed by you, or that was committed by someone else or something that was not even committed. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us as Muslims, we are guilty. We are guilty of engaging in the prohibitions. That Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam has warned us from the next right is the prohibition of being vulgar and abusive, and I've spoken about this slightly, but let's mention even what Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said, these offensive remarks and belittling the employee, you know, made by the employer. The employer is

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making these comments about the employee or his children are beating the employee and causing pain to them. Listen to what Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once told one of his companions regarding his servant, this companion was actually beating up his slave and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah subhanho wa Taala has more power over you than you have over him. And this means that one should fear the punishment of Allah subhanho wa Taala. In fact, in one

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that on the Day of Judgment, the bad treatment of the servants by the employer will be compared with the offense of the servant on the scale and justice will be served. So if you have been bad to them beyond, you know, reasonable limits, and obviously, they are no reasonable limits, we don't have any excuse to be bad to them at all. But what is meant is if they have done something wrong, and in return you overreact in the wrong manner, then on the day of the AMA, that servant will be given the opportunity to take revenge, and we would not like that to happen to us. May Allah subhanho wa Taala Grant has the ability to abstain from Haram. The

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last right we would like to mention today is the fact that it is your duty as a Muslim to present Islam, and to present the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala, to the servants and employees who are non Muslims. And Firstly, they must see for themselves the goodness that lies in the teachings of Islam, and they must notice the difference between us as Muslim employers and between the others. And the only way this can be achieved is by being good Muslims and by being practical Muslims by fulfilling the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Secondly, after a period of time, when it is felt that the employee has, you know, settled, and the link is strengthened than

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the beautiful teachings of Islam should be spoken about. And this can slowly lead to an invitation to enter the fold of Islam. And if Allah guides this person to accept Islam through us, we will earn the greatest reward. The Hadith says you will have more than whatever this dunya has to offer you. And if not, we should not lose hope, meaning if Allah hasn't guided them, we shouldn't lose hope but we should keep on fulfilling their rights. And in the case that they do not accept Islam, it becomes our duty to follow through by educating them about Islam. And you know the teachings of Islam if they haven't accepted Islam, the minimum is they should know that Islam is a good religion. If they

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have accepted Islam, follow it through sometimes what happens we don't even give our Muslim employees the time to go and read Juma salah and sometimes we don't even give them the time to fulfill their own Salah you know when it comes to iftaar we tend to forget that they too are Muslims. We send Mashallah the flies and savories next door, but we don't send the little plate, you know, to the maid who happens to be at the back. May Allah subhanho wa Taala Grant has the ability to fulfill these rights. There are many more rights that we could speak about, but voila, he these are the most important ones that I have mentioned. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from amongst

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those who are exemplary or sallallahu wasallam obata karlen Amina Mohammed Subhana Allah He will be Hamdi Subhana Allah hammar behenic. Shadow Allah Illa Illa antenna Sofitel Kona to boil

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