Mufti Menk – Social Conduct – Part 7

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the rights of widows and children in the context of Islam, including the importance of helping them in their wealth and property and the need to give them their portions without delaying their belongings. They stress the importance of showing mercy and kindness towards individuals who are the worst home among Muslims, and stress the need for acceptance of Islam and acceptance of the rule of all individuals. They also discuss the use of animals for hunting and hunting, the importance of protecting animal life, and the potential for harm to animals. The session ends with gratitude and hope for future use.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala MMV mursaleen Nabina. Habib in our, in our Amina Mohammed ibn Abdullah, Allah, Allah He was happy as you may know about dear listeners, we will be speaking of the rights of widows and orphans. Obviously this is stressed by Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasallam to a great degree, and he says we need to take care of the widows and orphans. This is also because Allah subhanho wa Taala has tested them by the loss of someone very close to them, either a husband or a father. And it is the duty of the Muslims to make sure that widows and orphans are not neglected by right the relatives of the widow

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or orphan should be the first to assist. And then the rest of the Muslims. The overall rights of this category are Firstly, as mentioned, they must be assisted in whichever way possible, the community or at least some of its members must see that the orphans are brought up in a dignified and acceptable manner. There are no limits set for this assistance. Therefore, one will be greatly rewarded for whatever he or she does. It is important that you know the orphans are educated and even assisted in getting married as well. Similarly, a young widow should be encouraged to remarry and settle once again, because also lots of Allahu alayhi wa sallam has encouraged this, and it will

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obviously be a point of ease for her. And it will be something that will keep her off the difficulties that she may have gone through at the point of the death of her husband. Secondly, when it comes to their wealth and property, it must be looked after in such a manner that nobody should be allowed to usurp it or to cheat them out of it. And their share in the state of their late father or husband must be given to them in full without delay. This is part of the duty of the relatives or the members of the community. We should understand when there is a minor child, the share must be given in full to a guardian who will take care of that particular wealth until the child is of age.

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Sometimes people think that no, we should not share the wealth or the estate until the child is an adult. That is incorrect. We must share the wealth and we must give everyone their portions but when it comes to the minor, the portion of that particular minor will be given to a guardian until the child is of the correct understanding age. Thirdly, one must speak to them very politely and show extra mercy and kindness towards them. And to make dua for them is also a very, very good deed. There are several verses and narrations in this regard. You know Allah subhanho wa Taala has said in the Quran, definitely those who eat the wealth of the orphans or cheat them of it or you serve it in

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any way, oppressing them. They are eating fire in their bellies. Subhan Allah, the Surah Surah Nisa, it actually has many verses regarding the treatment of orphans and women. It is amazing that if we were to take a look at this verse, we will understand that those who delay the sharing of inheritance and the estate, they are actually eating fire in their stomachs. They are actually eating fire in their bellies and we get it from this particular verse, where Allah subhanho wa Taala says, You are cheating the orphans and the helpless of their rights. What is it that you would like to achieve from that? May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all? May He grant everyone the ability

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to fulfill His commands. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has also said the one who spends his time assisting widows and orphans is similar in reward to the one who is spending his time in continuous Salah without stopping and continuous fasting without breaking Subhana Allah look at that reward. So whenever there is a widow or an orphan, we need to go out of our way we will be rewarded as though we are engaged in continuous salah and continuous fasting. May Allah grant us the acceptance to do that, and May He grant us the reward that he has promised us. Thirdly, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has also said I will be with the one who looks after an orphan in Jannah

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just like this and he indicated by putting his index finger together with the next and he says I will be together with the one who looks after an orphan in Jenna, just like this panel and he pointed to the two fingers of his Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has also said the worst home among the Muslims is the one in which there is an orphan who is being

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Ill treated. So now, this goes to the next stage, meaning sometimes we might even take up an orphan to look after. But then we begin to mal treat that particular often, what will happen in that case is Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has mentioned that it is the West home. So it is as good as saying we are trying to do something, but in the process, we failed and our house is now termed by Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wasallam, as being the worst home amongst the Muslim homes who would like this to happen to their home. Imagine if there was a label at your door, which said, This is the worst home from amongst the homes that are there would be like that. We wouldn't like that

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label. But we are being labeled by Allah subhanho wa Taala. With a similar label, if we are going to maltreat the orphans. When you bring in someone into your home, the child of someone who's passed away someone else's child, take care, and be very kind to them. be extremely polite to them, and try and go out of your way to make them feel comfortable and to actually compensate for the sorrow that they may be in. May Allah grant us the ability to do that. The next Hadeeth is a hadith way, Vishal Giuliani Ravi Allahu anhu. He says, I met Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the day of offered. And I asked him about my father. And he replied me, he said, Your father has been martyred, and I

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began to cry. So he took me and he passed his hand on my head. And he said, wouldn't you like that I be your father and I shall be your mother of your law. And obviously from this, we learned that it is the sooner of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to pass your hand on the head of an orphan or LA he the feeling that you will get if you know that this is the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that I am actually fulfilling, then Subhana Allah, it is out of this world, may Allah grant us the reward, and the acceptance to fulfill the sooner we would like to speak for a few moments on adoption, because what happens is many people tend to come out and adopt the orphans. So

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there are several rules that we need to understand regarding adoption. Firstly, the first and foremost rule, it is not permissible to change the name of the child, or to hide the real lineage from the child or anyone else. When we say change the name we are speaking of the Father's name. So if, for example, you have adopted a child, and they might have had a name with a bad meaning, you're allowed to change the first name. But when it comes to the second name, or the Father's name, it is prohibited to actually change that, except for governmental paperwork. And this is the only permissibility that there is that or you know, for governmental paperwork, only, if strictly

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necessary for the adoption purposes, it may be changed, but this must be made clear to the child upon understanding age that look, your father's name is this. This is your surname, we are using this name because we've adopted you, and because to facilitate for your living with us, that is why we have given you our name, but the reality is, you are the son of so and so. And this is your surname. Don't ever think that by telling the child you will hurt the child's feelings. Remember one thing to obey the command of Allah comes first. Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who chose for that child to have a parent who will pass away when the child is still at a very young age. Why then

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do we have to hide the reality that Allah subhanho wa Taala has put into effect and Allah has placed it is not permissible for us to do that in any way. The next rule regarding adoption that should be borne in mind is that in case of an infant who is found in a war zone, meaning there is an infant who is found in a war zone, or we do not know his or her name, or lineage, someone who's lost someone who was dumped, nor is it known, you know, by those who are around who this particular child is, it is permissible to use the son of Abdullah meaning the son of Abdullah, for example. However, this must later be explained to the child of Allah. And Allah subhanho wa Taala has made mention of

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this. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the ability to understand this. The next rule that we need to bear in mind is that if a child is not a very close share a relative or maharam, then he or she must be separated from the opposite * at puberty when it comes to our children. So if you've adopted someone who's not a Muharram, to our children, bear in mind that this particular child needs to observe hijab and you know the Islamic rulings of separation at puberty. The same applies to the stepmother and the stepfather if you have children, and the stepfather as well or the new husband has

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Children, they may not be maharam and we need to find out from the dilemma as to the relationship and as to the rules that apply the rules of hijab. The next rule that we are going to mention is that after such a child has grown up, the spouse of the child is not maharam to his or her step parents or to their family, unless obviously, there is a previous link and this link can also be created by breastfeeding within the first two years of the life of this child. So, as I said, we should find out from that alama the details of you know, the rules of adoption before we actually end up adopting someone, it is best to adopt the child before the age of two. So that you know it

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facilitates for breastfeeding in the case where one would like to adopt the child and make them a Muslim as well, we should find out from the allameh the details of this, then Upon the death of the stepfather or mother, the child will not inherit automatically. Let us understand this, but one may be queasy and amount for the child from the one third that Allah subhanho wa Taala has placed in the control of the human being this also we should consult the allama and we should ask them well in advance so that we understand the detailed regulations of the Sharia. When it comes to adoption. I want to quickly move on to the rights of the old and the sickly in Islam. We did briefly mentioned

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that when a Muslim is ill or injured, we must try our best to visit him or her. And in a hadith Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said that Allah subhanho wa Taala will say on the Day of Judgment, Oh son of Adam, I was ill and you did not visit me and men will respond to saying, Oh Allah, how can I visit you and you are the Lord of the worlds. And Allah subhanho wa Taala will say you had known that such and such a worshiper of mine was sick, and you did not visit him, had you visited him, you would have found me there. Subhana Allah, this hadith shows the importance of visiting the sick and the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala becomes pleased with such a deed and

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also one should realize the greatness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the gift of good health upon oneself when it comes to the Quran. Regarding the old and aged Allah subhanho wa Taala has mentioned in the Quran saying Allah Almighty is the one who created you from weakness and helplessness being a child. And then he made after that weakness, strength, meaning he gave you your youth and your strength. And then he made after that strength, weakness, old age and gray hairs. This is in Surah to Rome, and this shows that the old and aged literally returned to a similar state of vet of childhood and infancy, where they need to be attended to and in the case of the old, it is more

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difficult because mostly, they cannot admit the fact that they are aging, every human being will go through such a period if Allah subhanho wa Taala gives them a long life. Allah subhanho wa Taala treats those with gray hairs with greater respect himself. The hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that the douar of those with gray hairs is answered by Allah subhanho wa Taala immediately because he feels literally the word Shai is used in the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam when such old people raise their hands to him, Subhana Allah. So if Allah subhanho wa Taala treats them in such a manner then surely, we must understand their level and we must value

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them. We have been ordered to respect the old and to treat them kindly, with a lot of patience and definitely the day we get old inshallah, we will also have people who will treat us well. Let us listen to this incident of Mr. Malhotra, the Allahu anhu at the time of Omar Ravi Allahu anhu. There was a young man who came to him with his old mother on his back and he said his mother was paralyzed and could not move at all. He explained that he cooked for his mother, he fed his mother. He carried her on his back wherever she wanted to go. He put her to sleep at night, he bathed her and he did everything for her. And he asked Mr. Ravi Allahu anhu Omar, have I not fulfilled the rights of my

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mother and Omar Abdullah katavi Allahu anhu looked at this young man and said there is a great point which is lacking in your fulfillment. SubhanAllah The boy was amazed. Amara mil Javi Allahu anhu says there is a great point which is lacking in your fulfillment when you were young. She did

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All this for you, she fed you, she bathed you, she put you to sleep, etc. But she was so happy while doing so she hoped and prayed that you lived for years to come. And she may do it for your long life. And in your case, you are fulfilling her right? But while doing so, you are asking yourself, when is this going to stop? And when is this going to come into an end? And when is she going to die? Subhan Allah Take a look at this. All of us should look at our parents. And we should think that Allah subhanho wa Taala has made them our parents, they have looked after us when we were young, had they not looked after us when we were young, what would have become of us. And today when

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they are old, we discard them and we disregard them. We don't want to look at them. We send them into the old age home without understanding and realizing that if you want Jana Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said woe and destruction be upon that person who has seen his parent or parents in his old age, and then they do not result in him entering gender, meaning he does not serve them and he does not look after them. And their do ours are not coming towards his direction. They do not make dua for his forgiveness, and they do not result in him entering gender destruction be to such a person. This shows us that those who try to look after their parents who struggle and

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strive and forgive their shortcomings, look after them and listen to what they have to say spend time with them, you will find the do out of those parents will take you sailing straight into general May Allah subhanho wa Taala granted to us when it comes to the treatment of the elderly, at times, one needs to exercise a lot of patience with those who are old, they may say things that they don't mean they may continue blabbering and saying things and continue harping on the topic, but we must understand exercise a little bit of patience, they may forget a lot they may be very forgetful, and they may make so many mistakes and the beauty is they will deny that what they are doing is

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wrong. This is what old age is all about. But we should understand that they have served an entire lifetime and they do not deserve ill treatment towards the end of this life. Generally they tend to lose their patients very quickly. But this is also a quality that is expected after ageing. They have seen what life is all about. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said whosoever respects an old person during his young age Subhana Allah meaning a person who is young and respects those who are old whilst he is young. A loss of life subhanho wa Taala will create people who will respect him when he is old. This Hadith shows us that however one treats others that is how he or she will

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be treated at some point or another. So remember, you have a parent, treat them well and Allah will create from amongst your children, those who will treat you well. If you are going to Ill treat your children, your in laws, your parents, the elderly, those on the streets. One day, Allah will create people who will Ill treat you and make your life also a mess and a pain. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us from this. For this reason, it is very, very important that we always consider what will be our status, the day when we are old, what will be our condition, what will be, you know the situation on that day? Will there be people who will treat us the same way we have treated others

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and will there be people who will look after us the same way we have looked after others or if we have maltreated others. remember Allah will create people who will make your life difficult as well. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us and May He grant us the ability to learn from the lessons that we have heard are sallallahu wasallam Allah Baraka Allah and Amina Mohammed Subhana Allah He will be handy he Subhana Allah como behenic Nationale de la ilaha illa Anta Ernesto Furukawa Tobu Lake

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah, Allah Allah He was happy he will monitor the Buddha who are bad, dearest listeners, we will move on to a very important topic and that is the treatment and the rights of the AMA. We should understand that the term arola is the plural of alim which means learned. And this term is used to refer to those who are knowledgeable in religious matters. The Sharia has made very clear that the rank of this category of people is very high and very lofty and very great. And the Sharia has emphasized respect towards these people.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran, ce O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are they equal? Those who have knowledge and those who do not know doubt those with intellect, will comprehend. And this is in Surah Zuma, Allah subhanho wa Taala is showing us that there is a difference between the old llama and those who are not Allah. We must understand that the companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah please be with me? May Allah be pleased with all of them. were reminded by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that all the prophets had left behind, nothing to be inherited besides knowledge. So the one who strives to achieve part of this knowledge is in

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actual fact, an heir to the prophets. And Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said that whosoever takes from this knowledge will have a very large share of the inheritance. This is because he or she has linked himself or herself to them to the NBA alayhi wa Salatu was Salam through sacrificing in order to learn the correct teachings that they had brought. And the Hadith says that Allah ma are the heirs of the prophets in an authentic narration. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said, the greatness of an alum in comparison with an ordinary worship is like the greatness of the moon in comparison with the rest of the stars, and this is the difference between

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an alum and the other worshipers.

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And further if we look at Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he has shown that there is a difference in the rank between the ulama as well from the Ola, the one with a deep understanding of the laws of the Quran and the Hadith, as well as the one who has the ability to derive the laws from them is known as a fucky. And regarding a faqih Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said, definitely a single 40 is greater against shavon than 1000 other worshippers of Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is because the ordinary worshiper cannot benefit others with pure and authentic knowledge, he will only be able to benefit himself. And on the other hand, a 40 is the one who has

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protected the Divine Law of Allah subhanho wa Taala and conveys it to others benefiting mankind at large. And through him, Allah subhanho wa Taala guides 1000s of other people and saves them from shavon and Ola, our guiding stars for the oma of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they should be respected and they should be followed. if there happens to be difference of opinion within the ulama we must understand that it is normal and acceptable, as long as it does not contradict the Quran, the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam under Sharia at large, we may follow an opinion of the reliable scholars of our method, and we should stick to our mother hub. And we should

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understand that at the same time, we should not force others to change their mother had and to follow what we are following unless obviously, we have authority over them. For example, the parents have authority over their own children, the leader of a country has authority over his people etc.

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We must also understand that we are not allowed to belittle anyone for following an opinion that is contrary to the one that we may be following for as long as it is within the framework of the Sharia. And this has been the practice even during the time of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The Hadith says definitely, the example of the llama is like that of guiding stars in the darkness, both on land and at sea. If these stars fade, those seeking guidance will be lost.

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And besides showing the llama, you know the respect that they deserve, and besides the fact that they are guiding stars, the Hadith actually holds a warning for those.

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The Hadith actually holds a warning for the Lama not to fade by turning away from the Quran and Hadith and the books are fake May Allah subhanho wa Taala grantee Allah ma strength and May He grant him the ability to twinkle forever. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all the guidance and may He make us from amongst those who can actually spend time with Allah man. When it comes to that Allah, we must understand that we need to spend some time with Allah to learn from Allah. It is easy to tell them to come to your house, rather you go to this and try and be with them and try and be in there.

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Company learn a thing or two and Allah subhanho wa Taala will open the doors for you. May Allah subhanahu wa Allah grant us the ability to respect that Allah of Deen For indeed it is only by respecting those who have sacrificed for the sake of Deen that we will be able to achieve the closeness to Allah subhanho wa Taala. I would now I would now like to move on to the final set of rights that we are going to mention in this series. Very important. We should remember Allah subhanho wa Taala has created human beings and they are other creatures besides human beings. So I would like to speak about the rights of all the other creatures that Allah subhanho wa Taala has

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created and he says all creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala have been created for a purpose. Islam has made very clear the rules governing our attitude towards all creatures of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says, there is not an animal on earth nor a bird that flies by its wings, except that they are communities just like you Subhana Allah, each creature has a vital role to play in the universe, and forms part of the ecological system designed by Allah subhanho wa Taala and this is why each one is to be accorded its do right, we must understand the life that Allah has given to each creature is sacred, and man has no right to harm or take away this life

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without a valid reason. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and do not kill any living creature which Allah has declared sacred, except for a justifiable reason. This verse is in Surah Al anon. In fact, from the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam we find that man is not even meant to take any living creature as a target for shooting practice. Or, you know, when a person goes out on archery, aimlessly shooting at living items, just for the fun of is totally against the teachings of Islam. Ibn Abbas Ravi Allahu anhu reports that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said very clearly, do not take any living creature as a target. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the

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ability to fulfill what has been taught to us. We must also understand that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has declared saying all creatures are the ya'll or the family of Allah subhanho wa Taala or the dependence of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the most beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala amongst his creatures, is the one who is good to his family meaning to Allah subhanho wa Taala as dependents. So if you want to be most loved by Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, you need to be the best to the creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala who are dependents of Allah subhanho wa Taala and those who are dependent on a person, for the necessities of life, are known as his yal. And therefore in

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this regard, all the created beings are the yarn of Allah subhanho wa Taala he is the sole cherisher and Sustainer of all, and this is why whosoever shows kindness and sympathy to the creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala will be deserving of His love and mercy. And in one Hadith Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said, The Most Merciful will have mercy on those who are merciful to others, show compassion to the dwellers of the earth, and the one who dwells in the heavens, Allah subhanho wa Taala, who is omnipresent, will show compassion to you this emphasis Subhana Allah, to show kindness and compassion to the dwellers of the earth. Subhana Allah also includes the animals

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and other creatures, and this is why Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said that once there was a traveler who came upon a well and he was feeling very thirsty, he went down into it, and he drank water and he came out. And on coming out, he saw a dog that was licking the wet Earth, around the well out of fist and the man to pretty when he looked at this particular dog, and he went down into the well once again, and he filled his boots with water, he held it by his teeth, and came up and gave the dog this water to drink. And the service of kindness to this thirsty dog pleased Allah subhanho wa Taala to the extent that he granted the man's salvation and forgive all his sins, Han

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Allah. Upon hearing this, the companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked him, they said, Oh prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, is there a reward for us even in attending to the needs of animals? And he replied, saying yes, in fact, in attending the needs of every living

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creature Subhan Allah, the mercy and benevolence of Allah subhanho wa Taala is stirred by the display of such deeds of pity and sympathy, due to which he grants forgiveness and salvation. And it should be noted here that the aim of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not merely to narrate the story, but to stress the importance of kindness and compassion to all the creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala, even to a dog. And this is why we have been warned regarding the ill treatment to animals Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has actually emphasize this, that all the creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala be treated kindly, and on the other hand, he has warned

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against cruelty to them, explaining that to unnecessarily inflict pain on the creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala is a great sin. In one Hadith he says, a certain cruel woman will be cast into * because of a cat. She had it in captivity until it died due to starvation. She neither gave it anything to eat, nor did she set it free, so that it could go out and feed on the worms and the insects of the earth. SubhanAllah so she was cast into the hellfire. And it is clear from this Hadith, that cruelty to animals is most displeasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala and it can actually lead to the fire of jahannam when it comes to domesticated animals Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam like the earlier prophets, by the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala permitted the use of those animals for the purpose of riding, carrying loads, plowing the fields for security, etc. There are certain animals that have been, you know, we are allowed to use those animals and to keep them

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and Allah subhanho wa Taala has obviously permitted the consumption of the flesh of some of the animals which are declared as halal by Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is actually the blessing of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon mankind and many verses of the Quran, make mention of this, Allah subhanho wa Taala generally refers to it by saying that he has made these subservient to you so Han Allah. However, as explained, all creatures should be treated with kindness and mercy, proper care and concern must be taken for the well being of the creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala. When we put a load on the camel on the back of a certain animal, we should understand Rasulullah sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam has actually once came across an animal or a camel whose belly had shrunk to its back, and he remarked, or people fear Allah with regards to these dumb animals, and do not starve them like this, ride them once they are healthy and well fed, and leave them in the condition that they are healthy. And the owners of domesticated animals must ensure that they do not cause harm and physical injury to their livestock in any way, or to the animals that they have in any way as it is the practice in many places to panela. Nowadays, the animals are branded with red hot ions, and a mark of recognition is made or a mark of identity. This is against the teachings of Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam. This causes pain to the animals, and on one occasion of a pseudo la sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw a donkey that had been branded in the face and he exclaimed, the person who has committed this cruel act is removed from the mercy of the Creator Subhanallah he was deeply hurt and seeing that and he actually felt so much for this animal that he cursed this person who had branded this animal May Allah protect us. Remember one thing when it comes to the animals that we consume, it is expressly permitted by Allah subhanho wa Taala to slaughter certain animals for consumption. And it is extremely important that this be done in the most humane manner with

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minimum suffering or pain to the animal Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has declared, Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala has decreed goodness upon everything. So when you slaughter than slaughter in the best manner, you should sharpen the blade and ensure the comfort of the beast. This is what Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said, and he has prohibited the killing of an animal by means of torture. We must also understand that even showing the knife to the animal that you're about to slaughter is against the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam it might even cause the blood to freeze. If we are to lay take a look at what is known today. As the World Health

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Organization standards. We will find that Islam goes even beyond and the most humane manner of slaughtering an animal is the manner taught to us by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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This has actually been declared even by the United Nations when Allah subhanho wa Taala has spoken also about the harmful creatures through Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. They also have a role to play in the ecosystem, and we are not meant to harm or kill them unnecessarily. It is only when we are in danger or when the creature becomes a threat that we are allowed to take its life. And we should understand upon this permissibility meaning to kill such harmful creatures as scorpions and snakes. When they are a danger to us. It must be done in the swiftest and quickest manner possible, we shouldn't delay and you know, cause harm and torture these animals and make them

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die slowly, or we shouldn't even mutilate them in any way, and we should not cause suffering to them. And this also includes the insects and the rodents that we might need to get rid of. We mustn't make them suffer for Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala. We don't want him to make us suffer. And we're actually going to move a little bit further before we close the series. And we want to speak on the plantation and the vegetation and the water that Allah subhanho wa Taala has granted us all this is part and parcel of the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala we must understand the value of all these aspects of the ecosystem. We are instructed Firstly, to conserve and preserve these

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resources. It is prohibited to cut trees to uproot plantations without reason in a destructive manner. So if we just see a tree, and because we don't like what it looks like, and we would like to just uproot it, it is in the bush, obviously, we are responsible in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa Taala we need to answer why did you go and burn that bush without any purpose without any reason? Obviously, if you have a tree that is in your way, if you have a tree that is in the path, and you would like to remove it for that reason it is permissible, but to come out and start burning the bushes and cutting things and wasting water. All this is against the teachings of Islam. Take a look

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at the West today. Subhana Allah they have created organizations to look after this with us we have the organization known as Islam, which was granted to us by Allah subhanho wa Taala, which has taught us everything, the protection of your ecosystem, water resources, plant, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, all this is taught to us by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, why then do we have to turn to the other teachings? We don't even know what Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has taught, and then we look at others and we say, you know, we as Muslims haven't been taught anything, maybe it is us who are guilty of not having gone out and open the books where these

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topics are mentioned Subhana Allah take a look at the plants and the trees, we have strongly been encouraged to plant trees and other vegetation. Today, we have three planting day and we will go out and show that you know, we are engaged in this practice of tree planting which has been started by the kuffar. No we are wrong. We are actually taught it by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. He has said that whosoever and let's listen to this hadith very carefully, every time a creature of Allah subhanho wa Taala whether it is a human or any other creature, benefits from a tree, be it through eating its fruit, or taking shade or firewood from it, a great reward is earned by the one

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who planted the tree Subhan Allah, so whosoever plants a tree every time anyone benefits from that tree, that tree will be a sadaqa jariya it will be a continued act of charity which will continue even after the death of that person. And this is why let us go out and plant fruit trees, plant those trees which will shade people and plant those trees that will benefit people. And let us go out and look after the ecosystem for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala cut your lawn be proud of your grass and your trees that you have in your yard and beyond and take it as a sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he has taught this to us. We have spoken about goodness to

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parents, goodness to children, goodness to husbands, goodness to wives goodness to the neighbors, to the fellow Muslims, to the Allah to the old, to the orphans, to the widows, and we went on to speak about goodness, even to the animals, those animals that are you know, not harmful those animals that we need to use and eat and those animals that we need to use in our fields etc as well as those animals that are harmful. We have spoken about the limits of those. And today Subhana Allah we have gone as far as speaking about the other creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the entire ecosystem. It is our duty as a Muslim part of our economy.

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should be that we are good even to the plantation and vegetation. Amazing. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has taught us that the water resources, the rivers and the lakes must be maintained and protected from abuse and pollution. The underwater life also has a right to the water, and so does every living creature. And this brings us even to another topic to protect the underwater life is the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we are meant to be concerned about the fish Did you know that the fish engage in do are for the believers? There are so many a hadith which show that to us. We don't want these fish to curse us. That Yeah, Allah this person has polluted the

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water that I was in May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the ability to understand how broad Islam is. Allah He this topic of social conduct is so important. We need to understand let us be an asset to everyone and everything around us. May Allah subhanahu wa taala end the series for us with goodness and May He grant us the ability to comprehend whatever has been said to put it into practice, wherever we have uttered whatever is beneficial indeed it is from Allah subhanho wa Taala and wherever we have heard it is from us and from shavon or sal Allahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad, we end the session saying As salam o Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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