Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2010 – Durban – Reminders – Day 09

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The importance of consciousness in Islam's teachings is discussed, emphasizing the need for unity and cooperation in order to achieve spiritual teachings. The segment also touches on issues ofteenth century Conc shots and war, including the importance of protecting personal and spiritual health and finding the right person to support one's beliefs. The speakers stress the need for guidance and avoiding false accusations, as well as the importance of finding a straight path to protect from the thorn.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato

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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu lillahi wa kafa sallallahu wasallam albaraka Allah.

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Allah, Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah. Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Allah.

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All Praise is indeed you to Allah subhanho wa Taala blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam We ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to bless him and bless every single one of us, and to grant us goodness, Allah subhanho wa Taala is the owner of knowledge we asked him saying, Yeah, Allah grant has knowledge that is beneficial and benefit us from the knowledge that you have granted us. Allah subhanho wa Taala has decreed that they will not be a Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim at the beginning of this surah however, just to mention a quick ruling, if you are reading the Koran, and you have arrived at the beginning of surah, two Toba whilst you were already reading

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from Surah Tula unfurl, then you will not say Bismillah Ar Rahman Rahim. But if you are commencing the recitation of the Quran in that particular setting from the beginning of surah to Toba, also known as surah. Bara if we are commencing that sitting with the recitation from there, then we will say our oh and Bismillah as the commencement of the recitation of the Quran, and not because we are starting from Surah, two Toba but because we are starting the recitation of the Quran, so Allah subhanho wa Taala, in Surah to unfurl gives us a warning.

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Yesterday in the evening, we read one verse and I'd like to interpret and I'm sure we all know it, but many of us we sometimes cannot distinguish between right and wrong. We sometimes cannot distinguish between good and bad. Sometimes we don't know good people from bad sometimes we cannot make our minds up. And one of the reasons for this is lack of consciousness of Allah. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, if you would like the ability to distinguish between right and wrong between good and bad between what is obviously on the right side and what is on the left side and so on. You need to have the consciousness of Allah listen to the verse. Yeah.

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Man Oh,

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telco la hi ajala Come on.

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Come se te como de la calm. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Oh, you who believe if you are going to be conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Automatically he will grant you the ability to distinguish between right and wrong between good and bad between good people and bad people, between genes that are correct and deeds that are incorrect and so on. And Allah says over and above that that consciousness will lead to forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Look at how the issue of taqwa is being driven home. Now Allah subhanahu wa Jalla grant us that taqwa and the consciousness of him that we need, I mean,

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in tonight's verses Allah subhanho wa Taala warns us several warnings. Remember spirit will unfold speaking about the walls and the muslimeen. We need might we need power, collectively we will have a lot of power but if we are disunited and we dispute the Quran says that is when you will lose your power. Listen to the verse. What are a lot

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of shallow water habari hongcun was biru in LA Hamas Swami, follow Allah obey Allah and obey the messenger and do not dispute do not disunite or chaos will overtake you and failure will overtake you what that means and your power your might will be lost. Take a look at the Muslim Ummah Today we are in the greatest need of uniting. We are in the greatest need of coming together Together Mashallah we can do a lot but when we are singular, we can do absolutely nothing. The ends the small little ends, there is a lesson for us in the end, you will never find one and operating on its own, they will build a skyscraper. If you compare it to the tallest skyscrapers of the world. In

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comparison to our height, we would probably get to how many 100 floors, how many possibly a kilometer going up, but compared to the height of an end, it builds buildings far taller than anything we can dream of competitively. I hope you understand what that means.

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But this is only possible when they all are together. They are all concerned for one another look at the concerns

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When Suleiman alayhi salatu salam army was coming, when the one end had noticed this, it didn't just run away on its own. It waited, it went back it called all the other ends, and it informed them of what is to come and they all listened and they all came together. This is when they were saved collectively. But if that one had noticed and run away, the rest may have been crushed, only Allah knows. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is saying when you dispute when you are this united, you will meaning chaos will overtake you, failure will overtake you, that is called official in the Arabic language. And the next thing that will happen is your power will be gone. The enemy will be able to

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trade all over you without anybody doing anything. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the bond and the unity, when will we achieve that bond and unity when we are following a principle? What is that principle? The same verse makes it clear, what are clear law, welcome to Rasulullah. Obey Allah subhanho wa Taala and obey the messenger and obviously, in order to know what the commands of Allah are, and the commands of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we will have to learn from the whole Ummah, in our midst Subhan Allah, we will have to learn from the Allah MA in our midst, because it is not upon ourselves to interpret in whatever way we want. But we need to make use of

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Allah in our midst. And we need to make sure that the principle that we use is that we want to please Allah and adopt the Sharia. if everyone's concern is that naturally we will have a uniting factor. But if one is heading in one direction, the other is heading in another direction. What is the uniting factor? May Allah subhanho wa Taala unite us upon the Shahada, La Ilaha Illa la Mohammed

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to bring us together with that. Allah subhanho wa Taala says bear patience is Bureau in Allah Subhan Allah has assistance and Allah is with those who bet patience. We need to understand there will be trials they will be tribulations in the lives of the most beloved, they were trials and tribulations far greater than anything I have gone through or you take a look at Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he knew he was the best of creation Subhana Allah. But still he went through so much in thought if in the Battle of Godot the Battle of the Battle of Azov and so many other different difficulties that he went through sickness he went through so many other

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tests that Allah tested him with the loss of almost all his children. In fact, he the male children, every single one of them and the females, a lot of them they will last in front of his eyes. What happened for those of us who've lost our children, whether in infancy childhood or a little bit older, don't worry that's a test on Allah, if you pass it, you will also have arranque May Allah subhanahu Allah grant a Saba

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he lost his parents he was an orphan. Look at the tests he went through sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah is saying his Bureau in Allah masa de, if you think you've been through a problem, don't go too far. Just look in the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he has probably been through much more, in fact definitely has been through much more. But he went through it he sailed through it because he was always pleased with the decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala a day for you a day against you. That is the decision of Allah. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about his power. And the uniting factor that I mentioned moments ago who will bring it about Allah subhanho wa Taala

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I don't own it. No you when we please Allah, we try to obey Him. Allah says, Well, I love ebina kuno beam It is Allah who united the hearts of the warring parties before Islam. Take a look at the people who are the enemies of Islam. When they accepted Islam, the uniting factor brought them together.

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Abu sufian was one of the leaders of the kuffaar he became one of the leaders of the Muslim in when he accepted Islam, in fact, from his offspring and from his progeny, the whole ommaya the era leads back to Abu sufian and his children may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding and yet he was one of the leaders of the kuffaar he was the leader he headed the army of the kuffaar against the Muslim in killing so many May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding Allah says it is Allah who will bring about the hearts

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of the Allahu anhu he was the head of the army of the kuffaar for a long time, he became a Muslim. In fact, a very touching story when he became a Muslim. He came to Medina to menorah and he tells the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a messenger of Allah, what will happen to me if I accept Islam, I have killed so many so many of the most blessing of people

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says yeah Khalid, in Islam a Jew buma tabla Oh Khalid, Islam will delete all your sins you've committed in the past everything wiped out. He asked again and again. Then he stretched his hand and he shook the hand of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, I bear witness on this condition that inshallah all my sins will be forgiven and or messenger of Allah, I will try my best, how much I have caused damage. That's how much I will try and repair whilst I'm a Muslim. True to that word, Allah granted him acceptance, and he was known as Khalid the great May Allah subhanho wa Taala really grant us a deep understanding. It's never too

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late to turn back to Allah subhana wa tada Allah says, Well I left my inner kulu beam It is Allah who brought the hearts together, who flocked the hearts together brought them together united the hearts. Now

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falcoda na v fill out all the yummy

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left who could ob mala kin?

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If you Oh Mohamed Salah Allahu Allah, he was Salam had to spend whatever was on the earth in terms of material items in order to try and unite them. You would have been unable to do that. But it is Allah who did it. May Allah subhanho wa Taala. Grant, grant us the deeper understanding.

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So whenever we want hearts to be softened, we should make a dua to Allah constantly make a dua to Allah. Allah has heard the DA he will hear the DA and he will soften the hearts start with our own hearts. Yeah, Allah soften our hearts. Many of us feel that our hearts are softened yet they are not. We need to turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala some of us would be fulfilling our Salah, but possibly not at the ideal time of that Salah. So no matter where we are on a spiritual ladder, there is always room for improvement. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us improvement. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about another issue of unity. Why is it that when we watch the kuffaar we

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find that sometimes they gain the upper hand, yet Allah says that is not possible. Allah subhanho wa Taala says that if we are true believers and we fulfill and adopt the Sharia as it is meant to be, Lani ajala la hulin Katharina, Mina, Sabina, Allah will never allow the kuffar the upper hand upon the believers. But when we have left our Deen

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or when the kuffaar happened to us, some of us against others from amongst us, then what do we expect? When we are fighting? May Allah protect us all some of us are fighting the others and the kuffaar come in and they assist one party over the other and they are benefiting from it. May Allah subhanahu wa taala grant us unity Allah says, well, vena cava boom, only

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Obama, the kuffaar are protectors of one another when it comes to against you, oh believers, the kuffaar they will protect one another.

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But the verse doesn't stop there. It is telling us that all the kuffaar will protect one another illa

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jakhu fitna feel our Casa

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cabbie, if you mean are not going to do the same, then they will be great fitna and facade on Earth, what is the meaning of the same.

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They protect one another. If you do not protect one another, they will be great fitness, corruption, mischief on Earth, they will be lots of detrimental activity on Earth, because you are not protecting one another. This is why it's important for us to learn even from our enemies, that when it comes to against us, they are quick to put aside their differences to sign the accords against us. But with us when we are united and we want to achieve something still we find it difficult we dispute as to whether that's the best way forward. May Allah Subhana Allah Allah grant us understanding and May He grant us leadership in the Muslim Ummah that will be solid, a uniting force

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and the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala opened the doors for us. The next tour I sought to tell about we've already spoken about the Bismillah Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about hypocrisy in the surah

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and obviously, many other issues are mentioned the fara also exposed the issues of war I mentioned but I would like to concentrate on the issue of hypocrisy.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says there are some people who would like to build the massage at the houses of Allah and they want to save the people who come to the houses of Allah and they think that that is equivalent to believe and to meaning to genuine belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala and sacrifice in trying to achieve the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says the two are not equivalent. If we find the

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Quality of man together with service Alhamdulillah. But if you find the quality of service alone without the quality of a man, then definitely the two cannot be equal those who have a man and those who are struggling and striving to be better people

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or those will achieve the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Listen to the verse. Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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boom, Cinco

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de Mayo, Miss Jean

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paja feasability la, la, una

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de la. Allah says, Are you making equal, the one who serves the * with Zamzam and who builds the masjid al Haram, with the one who has true belief in his heart, and who struggles and strives in trying to achieve the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala in obeying the commands of Allah subhanho wa Taala struggling and striving in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah says the two are not equal in the eyes of Allah. The two are not equal in the eyes of Allah. May Allah subhanahu wa taala grant a service together with the man and together with conviction and May Allah subhanho wa Taala accept it from us. And Allah subhanho wa Taala then warns us of another quality of the hypocrisy,

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the hypocrisy when it comes to their families, their businesses, their children, their wives, they have their partners, their friends, they give those preference over Allah and His messenger. That is what Allah says And Allah says if that is the case, then let them wait for the punishment to come.

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Can Abba Akuma Bana Akuma cuando kumars Raja Kumar shirasu como la luna Katara tomo ha what ijarah to talk Shona Casa de la Masaki nota buena de la camino la hora Sunni, what Jihad v sabini. Fatah Basu hasta la who be Emery wall Wallah hula de la Komal fassi Thien child mo Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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and I'm not going to mention the exact order but I will mention the points. Tell them all Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that if your father's if your children if your family members, your brothers, your businesses that you are fearing the loss of your homes and so on all these material items you have if these are more important in your eyes, then Allah and His messenger and struggling in the correct path, then just wait for the punishment to come. When Allah punishment will come. It will overtake those who deserve it. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us he says he does not guide the sinful. Allah does not guide the sinful so if we would like guidance, we need to leave the sins

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we are committing May Allah Subhana Allah Allah forgive us all, and grant us he Daya.

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So after that Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about how important it is to spend in the path of a law. Not only this occur, but even charities and it is a sign of hypocrisy to hold big treasures and not give it Zakah and Allah subhanho wa Taala says well levena Kinney soon as they have I want to give bata Wallah up una happy Sabina trouble she'll be early. Those who pile up the treasures of gold and silver and do not pay it zeca Allah says give them news of severe punishment. Yo Ma Ma e ha feanor e Jahan festuca, big ba Boom, boom,

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Fuji coo

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coo coo

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techni Zoo. Serious vs Allah says on the day of the AMA in the era, Allah subhanho wa Taala will cause the treasure of gold and silver that was not spent in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Those treasures whose zaca was not fulfilled. Allah subhanho wa Taala will cause them to melt and they will be smeared on the foreheads of those who did not spend them and on their sides on their backs. And Allah will say here is your treasure, see where it has got to know Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from those who can spend Zakah is there we definitely need to spend it over and above the car there is also trying to increase the charities that we are giving that are voluntary from

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our own hearts. Because the car is a forest it's compulsory, how much have you given me enough sick from your own heart, the goodness of your own heart? May Allah subhanho wa Taala make me from amongst those who can take heed and yourselves as well. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention after that and that is

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Obviously a sign of hypocrisy being mentioned here. Another one, Allah says the hypocrites.

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They do not want to assist the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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At the time, Allah subhanho wa Taala warns the hypocrites and Allah says in Latin

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Hakata nosara Hello, if you are not going to assist the cause, and if you are not going to assist the messenger, then don't worry, Allah has already assisted him in the past. And the example given here is that of the cave, when they were in the journey of the Hydra, and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam hit in the cave with Abu Bakr Siddiq Rolando who assisted him it was Allah subhanho wa Taala. It was Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah subhanho wa Taala blinded the kuffar who were so close to that cave, but they couldn't see. So Allah says you don't want to assist. We have already assisted in the past. We don't need you may Allah subhanahu Allah grant us the ability to assist the

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cause of this Deen And may Allah subhanho wa Taala use us all in the right path. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of yet another quality of the hypocrites and Allah says that some of the hypocrites the poor ones from amongst them, when they are given, they are happy, from the wealth of Zakat and from the sadaqa they are happy. When they are not given they become angry, they turn away. They are some law protect us all materialistic people, when you give them something material they are your friends, when you haven't given them they become your enemies. And Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the socket that there are some people who consider it a joke. When when they are given

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from the socket. They ask they say we are Muslims and we are good Muslims, when they are not given they turn away May Allah subhanho wa Taala not make us from amongst those another quality of the hypocrites.

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They joke and mock about items that are sacred. The verses of Allah they joke about the signs of Allah they joke about and remember the signs of Allah are plenty. Sometimes. And I've said this so many times in the past the lesson is for myself and yourself. We send emails that are unacceptable because religious items are being joked about and we think it's just a laugh. You joke about heaven and *. These are the signs of Allah. You joke about the other signs of Allah subhanho wa Taala. It's not acceptable. We are not allowed to do this. And Allah says the signs of the hypocrites. They prefer to joke about the messenger and about Allah and about the signs of Allah and Allah says that

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is that is disbelief. What happened at the time of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam a group of hypocrites, headed by Abdullah have no obey even a saloon. They happen to utter a statement about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when they were at war, and they said Oh, these people are very greedy. These people want to fill their bellies look at them. And Allah exposed them in the surah. And when Allah subhanho wa Taala expose them in the surah Allah subhanho wa Taala asked the messenger to ask them what were you saying? They said, No, no, no, no, we were just joking. Allah says Hola, Abdullah II it was only

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Are you joking about Allah, about the messenger about the most sacred of people? Are you joking about the signs of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Don't present your excuses. For the cafaro to Imani, you have lost your Eman, you have entered the fold of copper. After you are not meaning Allah protect us all. We should never joke about any of the signs of Allah. In fact, if someone sends you an SMS, or an email or jokes, don't be shy to get up and say brother or sister. You know what, this is wrong. It's unacceptable. Don't spread this. Don't do this because it is detrimental for our Eman. We can joke about so many other things. Why not? May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the ability to understand our limits when it comes to joking. Then another sign of the hypocrites Allah says they are stingy. Allahu Akbar, stingy they

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don't like to spend even upon themselves, their wives, their children and sometimes that which is necessary, they just want to amass the wealth. This is why when Allah has given you use it, don't abuse it, don't be wasteful, but at the same time, don't hold back where you have to spend.

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And remember Allah subhanho wa Taala loves that when he has granted you a lot. He would like it to be seen meaning if you are making use of what he's given you it is a sign of sugar. One day there was a companion who walked into the presence of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam with cheti clothing and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked him a question. The question is what do you have in terms of wealth? And he says, I've got so much flock and so much livestock and so on. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam instructed him leave her metallic dress in such a way that the nigma of Allah upon you can be seen. Why do you want to dress like a pauper?

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Allah given you so much, may Allah subhanho wa Taala bless us. This is why pride and arrogance is not when you are driving the latest car, or when you have the best of homes. But when you treat people in such a way that you belittle them, and when you reject the truth, this is pride. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the best use of what he's given us without any haughtiness without any pride May we be from amongst those who can respect one another. And may we be from amongst those who can surrender to the truth. whenever it comes to us. Remember, when the when the law of Allah is mentioned to us and we reject it, that is a sign of arrogance and a sign of pride, a sign of falling

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into the clutches of shavon May Allah subhanho wa Taala never do that to us. So Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the Mona 15. He says, yep, morona been

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carry. They enjoin, they instruct what this is the only place in the Quran way. I'm sure we can, we can tell that something is wrong here, which means it's upside down the monarchy what they are doing their deeds upside down. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, They enjoying that which is evil. Whenever there is something bad to be done, the hypocrites come out and they say, do this, it's good for you. Let's back by let's gossip. Let's spread rumors. Let's do this. Let's do that. And they encourage us to spread these rumors and to spread for example, falsehood and so on and to do evil, those who encouraged us to go to the clubs and to to take drugs and what have you. May Allah protect us from

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those type of people. Allah says these hypocrites, it's a sign they will encourage you to do that which is bad. Why and how not unelma op whenever there is something good they will discourage you. Let's go to the masjid brother they say no. Why are you going to the masjid for what you know that molana I seen him doing this and doing that now we're not going to the masjid Masha Allah, Allah project. So when there is a lesson of Tafseer in the masjid, they block it, they want to stop it. Or for example, they don't want us to go there. They don't want us to attend. That's a sign of hypocrisy. They will come and make any excuse when there is a good cause. They will make an excuse

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Allah exposes them in the surah. And Allah says, clearly these are the signs of the hypocrites, yet morona bill Mancha. Why and how Nathaniel Morrow the opposite. And after that Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions that the true believers, they actually engage in that which is correct. They encourage and enjoin that which is good, and they prohibit that which is bad.

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The last verse that I would like to go through this evening, we ask Allah Subhana Allah Allah to grant us all protection. That is where we promise Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And I made mention of this yesterday, we promise Allah subhanho wa Taala and then we don't fulfill the promise, like a verse mentioned and there is a reason of revelation of these verses. Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

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woman home man, I had a la la in Atlanta, Fognini Lana subdeacon while Anna coonan Amina Sani hain, the Assam from amongst them from amongst the hypocrites, boom. They swear an oath that if Allah gives us wealth, if Allah gives us sustenance, we will give out lots of charity so much percent or whatever charity we will give. And we will be from amongst the good and we will do good with that. Well, then Allah says farlam

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Lee then when we gave them everything, and we were expecting whatever they had promised, Bucky looby they became stingy, they held back, they didn't fulfill the promise. But he looby he was

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reborn and they turned away. They turned back. May Allah subhanho wa Taala never make us turn back. Wherever we have promised, we should fulfill that promise. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala protection from hypocrisy. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us goodness, one of the signs also that are mentioned in these particular verses we read tonight, again, Allah says hypocrites are those when they stand in Salah they stand lazy, lazy Lee, very lazy. May Allah subhanahu wa taala safeguard us from shavon shavon makes us lazy, and that shavon we need to really tackle him. We need to fight him. Because the devil sometimes get hold of us gets hold of us and makes us go astray We

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ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to bring us to the straight path and keep us on it. Remember, it requires a lot of effort to be on the straight path. And it is a great sacrifice. It is not just a piece of data that we eat suddenly we are full of hidayah and guidance Nay, there is a path that we need to tread upon amarapura Katara. The Allahu anhu describes it. In fact, in a narration also it is described that as though we are walking through a path that has a thorn bush in it, we move this way and that way it

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To protect us from the thorns, but we are on the straight path may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us goodness, until we meet again sallallahu wasallam Arvada Canada Vina Mohammed Subhana, Allah Subhana Allah home or the MD mysuru Allah Allah Allah

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