Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2009 – Cape Town – Day 11 Death

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The importance of death and preparing for it is emphasized in Islam, with a focus on avoiding overestimating one's deeds and the use of "naive" in Arabic to describe the loss of life. The speakers also discuss the meaning of "has" in English, with one speaker explaining that it refers to a situation or situation where someone has died. They explore the meaning of "has" and its relation to "has," and mention the concept of "has" and its relation to "has."
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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Bismillah al hamdu lillahi wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He was happy he woman instead of a Buddha who by

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All praise is indeed due to Allah subhanho wa Taala blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to bless every single one of us and to grant us every form of goodness. And at the same time we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to bless our offspring, and to bring to bless those members of the Muslim Ummah, those who are suffering, any way they are, or wherever they are on this globe, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to ease their suffering. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us goodness in the dunya, as well as in the US here

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on a dilemma, beloved brothers and sisters, dearest listeners,

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there is one thing that every single one of us will go through.

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And that is something we will not be able to avoid.

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That is Allah subhanho wa Taala has a plan. And he has created life. And thereafter there is no ways but to go through that. So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us ease. Mostly when people speak on the subject,

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then they frighten others and they frighten themselves. But the idea is not to frighten anyone it is to inform, to educate so that we can prepare ourselves for that day, the topic is death.

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The first thing we do is we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, to grant us an easy death, to grant us a good death. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make our death, a means of our entry into paradise. Because there is a very interesting point that we need to consider. We have just sat here we have engaged in Salah in prayer in taraweeh. And we have sat listening to the Quran we have fasted all day, where are we going to see the results of all this? Where are we going to see the benefit of all these actions and deeds of being good and abstaining from bad? How will we be able to see this? So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us the understanding, we are told to remove

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minimoto the gift of a believer, his death, love Akbar, it is only if I die, that I will then be able to see the reward that is piled up for me. And it is only if you die that you will be able to then achieve the reward you that has been piled up for you. But with us, we don't want to die and we still want the rewards. So you don't want to attend the prize giving but you still want to receive the prize. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding a child who is going to receive a prize will make sure that he or she is at the school at the time

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and the child will make sure that they happily go there. So with us we should realize when Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, really, when Allah subhanho wa Taala has opened the doors for us and Allah subhanho wa Taala has granted us every form of goodness, then inshallah we should make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us the next step in full blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is the step of death. Let us move into this topic by commencing with a verse from Surah mulk where Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of why he has created death and life. He starts off by saying, Allah The Kala Palma como de Waal, hyah attorney,

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San Juan mela, it is he who has created death and life in order to test you who from amongst you has better deeds. So that is the reason why we are living and that is the reason why we shall die the test of who has better deeds. If someone wants to know why they are living a living right now and why they are going to die. It is because Allah wants to test them if they have better deeds. So we ask Allah to grant us the best of deeds.

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Never ever has Allah spoken about quantity. He has always spoken about quality. So if you would like to do deeds, make sure that they are good deeds in the best quality, but ensure that they are not a massive amount of deeds which have no sincerity and the quality of them is unacceptable. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us protection. Then Allah says in Surah Allah Imran as well as inshallah surah, two ambia as well as in Surah two Lanka boote Allah subhanho wa Taala says Kalona

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equal to Lumo every soul shall taste death. I will taste it and you will taste it. Those before us have already tasted it. Those who come after us will also taste it after they have become alive. They

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Next step is death. You can't live and then you have another birth and then a third birth and a fourth birth. No, you are born. The next step is death. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding.

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Then Allah tells us look, you will never, ever be able to run away from this. Death is something that is going to come to you. So the best option you have is to prepare for it. That's the best option. In fact, you have no other option because Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in Surah Nisa enomatic uno de como el momento de barro, Jin Masha, yada, no matter where you are, death shall come to you even if you are in the loftiest of towers. Some people think we don't want to die. So let's go up so they start spiraling right up the building. Well, ah he the angel of death will get there as well. In fact, it might even become easier to take you away. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect

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us this into what Allah Subhana what Allah says in Surah

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Tell them oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you will never ever be able to run away from death. Day running away will never ever help you. No matter where you are, you will not be able to run away from your dead. If you think you are going to run away for a short moment. Then you should remember when the fixed time of Allah subhanho wa Taala comes it will never ever be delayed. And that brings us to the very next verse in Surah. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, in Allah,

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Allah you have, indeed the fixed time of Allah when it comes it will not be delayed. When the fixed time of death for anyone comes, or when the expiry date of anything comes. Allah subhanho wa Taala says it will not be delayed. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in Surah tunnel and in other places in the Quran, not only will it not be delayed, but you won't even be able to bring it forward.

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We were speaking about number 56 a few days ago you recall and how some people make a duality Allah let this person die. I don't know if you recall what we said. The reality is we will never be able to bring someone's death closer than what Allah has decided. So those two hours we should stop making them. May Allah Subhana Allah, Allah grant us happiness in the dunya as well as in the Sierra, listen to what Allah Subhana Allah Allah says in Surah, two

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badimo on indeed, when they're prescribed, the time comes, they will not be able to delay it by a moment, no Will they be able to bring it forward by a moment, those verses we read tonight, then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about how a person does not die on their own accord, they die under the control of Allah subhanho wa Taala It is Allah who decides that they will die in this particular way. And it is Allah who permits it and allows it.

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So when a person commits suicide, there is a question may Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us? Did they change the decree of Allah and died quicker? The answer is no, they did not Allah subhanho wa Taala always knew that they were going to die in that particular way. But they will be held responsible for having taken their lives in that particular way. Because Allah subhanho wa Taala did not impose it on them to die in that particular way. Had he imposed it on any one of us, any of our deeds, if they were imposed on us by Allah subhanho wa Taala. It would be unfair for him to hold us accountable for something we have no choice about. The only question we are going to be asked on the

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day of the AMA rotates around the issue of choice, how did you use your choice where we gave it to you? So in fact, let's word it another way. Any question you will be asked on the day of judgment will be connected to how you utilize your choice while you are alive. There are no questions connected to any other subject. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding so your prayer, you had the choice. How did you use your choice? If someone killed you, you didn't have a choice in that regard. You won't be asked that question that why did someone kill you that person will be asked a question. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all understanding. So Allah subhanho wa Taala

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says in Surah Allah Imran

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Jalla it is not up to any soul to die. Anyone to decide the ugly

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To die except by the permission of Allah, which is on a fixed time, a prescribed time, as we said they won't be able to delay it nor to bring it forward. Another issue Allah subhanho wa Taala discusses in this forum is when people wish to die.

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If you are wishing to die, to run away from your problems, then that is unacceptable in Islam, because part and parcel of what made you a believer is to accept in good and bad faith in the fact that it comes from the Creator, and that we will bear patience. But people want to die running away from their problems that is unacceptable. Allah subhanho wa Taala describes Maria alayhis salam or Mary May peace be upon her, the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus May peace be upon him, he Salli Salatu was Salam. Allah describes her in the sutra, named after her, Mary Maria mala Salatu was Salam. And Allah says,

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Ah, let

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see, she made the dua because she was pregnant. She was not married, she did not. She was not touched by a male but she was pregnant. She had to face the community. And she she said to herself, I wish I was dead before this and long forgotten. And Allah subhanho wa Taala then sent assistance to her and obviously she was guided and corrected. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all guidance and correct every single one of us. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, that, if really, a person in fact is addressing the People of the Book, they are some of the People of the Book who said that we are the ones whom Allah loves, we are allows chosen ones. So Allah says, If that is the case, and

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you really think you are chosen by Allah, then why don't you wish that you die? Allahu Akbar, who would wish that they died when they sitting and enjoying the world? So Allah says, Subhana Allah, Allah Subhana which Allah says in Surah Juma

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una who

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Bhima god dammit ad, they will never ever wish for death because they know that deeds are not good enough. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all protection.

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Now, if a person wants to make a dua and the prayer to say Allah give me a good death, that's permissible, that is good, that is meritorious that is requested and required. When if a person wants to make a dua to Allah keep me alive for as long as life is good for me and take me away when you know it is best for me to die then that is a Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he used to make the dua

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so we asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to take us away when it is best for us to go and we ask him to keep us living for as long as he knows Life is good for us. So Han Allah, Allah take us away when you know it is best for us to go I mean it's difficult to say the means I know I don't ever hear a loud I mean when we make a do out for them, but the reality is that is a Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So it depends on why you are wishing to die or making a dua to die if you are running away from your problems. It's not allowed. Another narration the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says many Stata Ania Muto Phil Medina, and whoever is able and capable to pass away

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in Medina should then do so on Madina munawwara that doesn't mean you go there and you kill yourself no ways, then there will be no room for you in general, because suicide is prohibited in the Sharia. But at the same time, when you are old and elderly if you can shift there you'd rather shift they sickly you can shift if you'd like if you wouldn't die there inshallah. It is more meritorious than dying anywhere else we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us forgiveness.

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So there is a person now makes it to Allah if you take me away Take me away in Medina to munawwara that is, that is acceptable. You are not wishing to die right here right now to run away from your problems. But you are asking for a blessing dip. Let's move on. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Don't ever die except in the condition of Islam. That is strange. The way it's worded is strange. Let's listen to the verse. Allah says in Surah Allah Imran

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Lavina Vina taco la ha ha patoka de

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Nino. I think it is in Surah Nisa, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Oh you who believe. Be conscious of your Creator and do not die accepting the condition of submission to your Creator. Now I don't control when I'm going to die and how I'm going to die. I don't know. So what does this verse means mean? It means live your entire life according to the rule of Allah and the law of your Creator. Find yourself submitting to him at all times, so that when you die, you will have died in the condition of submission Subhana Allah then Allah subhana wa

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What Allah tells us about the fact that no one knows when they are going to die besides Allah, no one knows where they are going to die besides Allah, listen to what Allah subhanho wa Taala says at the end of Surah lokman. He says, regarding the five issues of * and the unseen, that nobody can claim to know, it's only Allah knows, in Allah.

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It is Allah who knows the hour, the end of time, Allah knows when it's going to be no one else knows it. While you own as in all ways, it is Allah who sends down rain way when how much what is the content of that rain, whether it is acidic rain or non acidic rain, whether it is beneficial or detrimental? How and exactly what force only Allah knows Subhana Allah, people might predict to say, you know, it's going to rain here, it may or may not happen. People might say there's going to be good rain and then there'll be floods, people might say it's going to have we're going to have a bumper harvest and then there is a drought, only Allah knows.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows exactly what spot of the ground, each droplet of h2o is going to arrive. So panela so nobody can say no, you know, nowadays we know when it's going to rain, you will never ever be able to have any meter or any sort of calculation to tell you as a droplet is falling. Exactly which square millimeter is going to drop on. besides Allah he's the only one who knows that Subhana Allah, Ya Allah mama feel.

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Allah alone knows what is in the wombs of the mothers of those who are giving birth what is in their wombs only Allah knows. Now some people think you know you have an ultrasonic scan, and you can see it's male, female. Nowadays you can tell the color of eyes You can tell quite a lot of things you can tell so many things. So they say look at the verse of the Quran only Allah supposed to know. But here we can all find out now. That is very shallow mind. You tell me Allah has already written when the person is in the womb of their mother. Whether they are going to be good luck or bad luck, good fortune, bad fortune, bring your machines and let's try and check luck. You won't be able to tell

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the exact moment of birth you won't be able to tell when the person is going to die is already written. You tell us bring your machine and tell us May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. Also that M neon fluid within the womb within the uterus. You tell us the exact chemical combination of it without testing it. Let's talk lo acaba May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us another interpretation of it also is without checking without looking you tell us what it is after you look you might be able to tell me Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all understanding so it's a very deep meaning it That is why Allah said yeah Allah mercy or ham he knows what is in the womb. He didn't

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say he knows who is in the womb. If he said who it would be referring to male or female man in the Arabic language refers to male or female but ma refers to what? Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says automata darina have some other taxi bovada no soul knows what it is going to earn tomorrow. If you don't know. Today you are working tomorrow you might be fired. Today you are working tomorrow you you might not get your salary. Today you did a deal. Tomorrow you might suffer a loss. You never ever know what you are going to end tomorrow. You might have a rough idea whether it happens or not, is all in the hands of only the divine creator, Allahu Akbar. And the last portion is the reason why

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we mentioned this verse. Allah says

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automata theory

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No soul knows on which land it is going to die. Which piece of land it will, it will have its soul removed from its body, Allahu Akbar. No one knows where they will die. And this is why the Hadith says when Allah has written your death in a file of land, he creates a reason for you to travel the Allahu Akbar, you going there thinking you're going to strike your business deal, not realizing Allah wrote your death in China, may Allah protect us all. And as Muslims, let me inform you of the Islamic ruling, as far as possible, get buried in the nearest Muslim graveyard Subhana Allah, as far as possible get buried as soon as possible. As far as possible in the nearest Muslim graveyard. It

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is against the respect of a human body to transport it from one place to another. Do you know that if you want to transport a body from one country to another international law requires you to embalm the body embalming requires you to remove the body and replace it with some other alcoholic fluid. And if you remove the blood and the blood stays in China and the rest of the body came to South Africa, what have you done? You've kept part of the body and its parts in China, and you've been

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brought another part here. Why did you separate the body into two? May Allah subhanahu wa taala grant us understanding and May He grant us forgiveness that is why if you died in China Allah wanted you to be buried they don't worry about your family and your this and your relatives another issue. When a person passes away, they should not wait for all their relatives to come before they are buried. Now the way I'm wording it is they themselves shouldn't wait. The reality is before you die, write it in your world to say if I die bury me as soon as possible. Yes, if it is a one or two hour difference, no problem. But more than four or five hours please don't wait for people who are flying

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down from Johannesburg and flying down from New York and Paris. Because as Muslims it is against the respect of your body to keep it outside its functions are over it needs to go back into the soil. And this brings us to the next angle Allah has looked at this particular topic from in Surah Taha Allah says you are from soil, you will be returned to soil and you will be resurrected back from that same soil minha Kala kanakam was he had no need to come wamena no hurry to come.

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Definitely you have been created from soil, you will be returned to the soil and it's our duty to return the deceased as soon as possible to the soil, they need to start getting their decompose inside, not outside. Sometimes you keep a body for long, it begins to create a stench, may Allah protect us, people will know that you died after you smelled very bad, or you were buried sorry, after you smelled very bad. Why should that happen to get buried as soon as possible. Another thing if the body is mutilated beyond recognition, either due to an accident or due to some other reason, may Allah protect us and keep us intact, it is best not to even display that body to the closest

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relatives. Sometimes the allama can issue a decree to say do not show this person to even his own family members. Because the face might be in three or four pieces. May Allah never do that to us. But if it does happen is one of those things, it is not incumbent upon us to see the face you'd rather go. Having remembered someone or you'd rather go having remembered them with the last image you had of him, then to have this image that will keep on coming back to your head every time you think of that person. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding the time of death is a very emotional time people need guidance. And this guidance is something important. Another issue that is

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very important that we need to speak about. When a person dies, it is their right to be bathed in their own homes if they have a house where they can be bathed. But if you have a public facility where to bathe an individual, we are talking about the bath that we bought, it is known as the hosel of the majority of the dead person.

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If you don't have the facility, the public facility is there for those who do not have their facility or cannot manage at their houses. Another thing is when they are being bathed. It is wrong for more than the minimum number of people to stand around. They must be the closest relatives of the same * who will be standing around and very, very few the minimum required the rest of them must go outside. It is against the respect of an individual to stand around them and wait and witness how they are being watched. That is against their respect, I would not like it to happen to me and none of you would like it to happen to you with the whole community standing and watching how

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you are being bought. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. So this is something we need to know when it comes to death. Allah subhanho wa Taala then tells us that Do you know there is a chance and the possibility that death might be a whisker away from you yet you don't know. This verse appears in different wording throughout the Quran. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah Allah

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well as

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Kona Cody pata Baba jello, and definitely, there is a possibility that their death or their expiry time is very, very close. Hello Akbar. The lesson is for all of us. It's also close for me and for you, no matter how we look at it. when death comes, it comes suddenly, Death comes suddenly the only people who know that are going to die are those who might have a terminal illness but then again, they don't know exactly when they're going to die. They could live for another 1520 years and they could die in one day. Sometimes the doctors have told people you have 24 hours to live 24 years later they are still greeting you and shaking your hand and they are alive. It can happen. May Allah

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subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding then sometimes the doctors can tell you your lungs are like a horse and you are as fit as a fiddle. And as you walk out in the same way that a fiddle dies, you also die la kebab May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us protection. So this is Allah subhanho wa Taala and this is why when a person has a terminal illness, it is a gift from Allah in one way, when a person has AIDS or if a person is HIV positive, they have a far greater chance of getting closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala before they die, then a person who has no health problem at all who might die suddenly because the person who dies suddenly they can

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be dying in the transgression of Allah May Allah not do that to us. Whereas when the person has cancer, may Allah protect us and God grant us Shiva. When a person has HIV May Allah grant us the ability to respect such people, because if they repent, believe me, they are closer to Allah than myself and yourself. Their levels of sincerity are far greater than me and you. And even if they have sinned once Subhana Allah even twice even 10 times Allah subhanho wa Taala still has the same rule for them that He has for us. And I told you their levels of sincerity are far greater another thing when a person has AIDS or HIV, it does not necessarily mean that they sin, they could have

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contracted it by other means. So you don't look down upon those people. They might be in Jelena before myself and yourselves so panela because there are some whom I even know of who are so close to Allah subhanho wa Taala they are in the massage day and night waiting for that term of expiry whereas with us we are walking around on the streets without even thinking of death most of the time, death is on their minds all the time. Death. Really. When a person is conscious of death, there is a greater chance that they are conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala but when a person is conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala they are always conscious of death. And this is something that

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Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of as well. And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us and this is what I was mentioning moments ago, that Toba and turning to Allah is not for the one who continues sinning until the point of his death. Allah says I will send you signs I will send you remind us to turn if you don't turn you will not be forgiven. If you are from amongst those who are waiting for the time of death to come. And then when death comes you suddenly say Allah forgive me. Allah says there's no room for you no chance for you. While I Sachi Toba, truly Latina meluna say

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either how

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to call in need to go to

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larina mo tuna home.

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Cartagena Hamada Lima, Allah says Toba is not for those who continue committing sin until when debt comes to them they say oh now I'm turning to Allah. Now I'm turning to Allah. That's what we rounded. And Allah told around Look, it's too late when finances

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I know except the rub of Musa and Harun Allah says

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Babu aku tamina remove CD in is it know that you want to turn when you were corrupt for so long? Allahu Akbar.

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And you were transgressing for so long. Now when death is coming to you. Now you want to turn Allah says no, sorry, there's no chance for you may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us death in a condition where he is pleased with us. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says that death comes to anyone at any time It is Allah supreme and soul choice. When you are going to die when he takes people away. He says some I take them away very young, some I take them away middle age, some I allow them to become old and sometimes even slightly dependent on others physically. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us really. So Allah says,

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and this verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of in more than one place, we will speak about Surah Al Hajj, Allah says amin

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some of you a lot takes you away, early woman

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whereas some of you Allah allows you to get to that old weak age Subhanallah that is the decree of Allah. And it is a last choice alone. So none of us knows when we are going to go. And that is a gift of Allah to keep us on the straight path. Because believe me think for a moment if I knew my date of death, and if you knew your exact date of death, what would happen? We would then sin right up to that time. Then about 15 minutes before that we quickly make hoodoo read salah and we want to die in sujood May Allah Subhana Allah protect us. So that's our weakness. I hope myself and yourselves are not from amongst those, you know, Allah subhanho wa Taala grants us really as a point

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of mercy that he has kept this away. There was once a king, a very, very fat King, extremely huge, obese. And this king, they tried all sorts of medicine for him and nobody could come up with the right medication. He says whoever comes up with medication to make me thin, I will grant him so much of my kingdom

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and they tried and tried for a long time and he

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Was obese he did not lose weight. So one sharp, intelligent man came and told him Why are you wasting your time trying to become thin? You've only got six months to live.

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That man says what? He says yes, I am telling you you are dying on this day at this time, and I'm going away. So the man was gone. Now the king was so worried he stopped eating, he stopped talking, he was depressed. And what happened? He started losing four kilos, five kilos a day, two kilos, three kilos. Six months came, he was only 50 kgs.

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By that time he had given his whole kingdom away.

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Then came the man, the time came, it went, he still didn't die says what went wrong was that men call him bring him. Let's see, where is he? And he sent his men across the land to hunt for that man. The man was brought forth. And the man was shackled, as though he was a criminal. He says, King why, considering me a criminal, I did you a favor. You wanted to lose weight, you lost your weight, lockable, he says now I don't even need part of your kingdom. I was just showing you that I'm doing you a favor. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala. Really, it is a favor of Allah that He did not tell us when we are going to die. Otherwise, every one of us would probably wait 10 kilos by the time that

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day came. May Allah Subhana Allah grant us protection.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says that there are some people who will regress why because they didn't live their lives properly. when death comes to them, it will catch them offside. Basically, we use that word, and I'm sure you know what that means. When you are offside, you are caught on. You know you are caught, really on the wrong side. You are caught doing the wrong thing. You are caught unawares. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all. And may Allah never do that to us. Really we need to turn to Allah we spoke about mercy. And now we speaking about death. Because really the, if we spoke about debt first, I think people would feel so difficult that they probably

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wouldn't want to hear the rest of the messages. But we need to understand there is the mercy of Allah. Allah is very merciful. And debt is actually a favor to us because that is how we are going to get to whatever we've been promised now Allah subhanho wa Taala resurrect us with Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and this is in Surah, Minjun

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Morimoto Kala biro g o Nila Lee sorry,

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FEMA doc to Kela we've repeated this verse before. Allah says when the oppressors when debt comes to them, they will say Oh Allah send us back to the earth quickly we want to do good deeds we want to quickly do good deeds no you just took us a little bit too quick you know you didn't give us any notice no warning will law he This is not a rented property where you need to give someone notice low bar. This is actually something that Allah has decided to keep. And Allah says Don't be caught unaware that can come to you now it can come to you at any time, low Akbar. So we don't want to be from amongst those who are caught in that particular way.

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In fact, Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in Surat Ibrahim about warning the people

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were reading nurse iomairt himal Addabbo, hi aku Levine, Allah Mora Bana, Akina, Illa

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body, najiba, our Chaka Juana who stole while I'm takuna

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Allah says regarding the oppresses again, that when it comes to them or the punishment comes to them, they will say, Oh Allah, send us back here Allah we want to go back. Allah says, when you people from amongst those who are swearing oaths that we won't die. Now when did this come to you? Why are you so concerned? May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all protection? Then Allah tells us the death has pains known as Sakura in the Arabic language. And Allah says in Surah, puff, orange

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Sakura Tony mo de bien por la kabara the pangs of death came or come with the truth. Meaning at that point, you definitely know everything that is all the truth. Those who believe they now No, no, it was the truth. Those who thought that Allah did not exist now they no no he existed. Allah says those are the pains of death. When they come, they will come according to the individual.

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We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala protection. So Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about that. In fact, in Surah, two waka Allah describes how the soul gets to the throat, Allah says, followed

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either by watching Hulu

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Wanna know? Amy? Come wala Killa todos.

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Allah says that when the soul gets to the throat Subhana Allah he just he is describing that in Surah Taha and at that time you will be able to see clearly the reality, even the unseen will become seen to you. So Han Allah, Allah says, We are closer to you than you are to yourself but you don't realize that so Han Allah, we are closer to you than you are to yourself, but you don't realize that I think I'm very close to myself, Allah is even closer.

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There is Allah, the creator, the one who made me and who made you. So Allah subhanho wa Taala then describes I told you moments ago depending on how you are so your soul shall be removed. Those who are evil. Listen to what Allah says in Surah to unfurl.

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Voila, our felodipine Filipina Catherine

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Inca to yo boo boo, boo ha ha mwah

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love. Allah says, Look at those who belied when the Angel of Death comes to them. When their soul is being taken out, they will suffer and suffocate, they will be hitting their faces and their backs and they will be tossing and turning and they will be literally like chickens that are there are dancing because of their death. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us Oh.

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Imagine kicking right to the end. Allah says those are the evil people, we will grant them a very bad death. And this is why the word Halak is used when it comes to oppresses in a lot of places in the salon. Because let me inform you. In the same way there are certain respectful terms to refer today. And certain not derogatory but hard terms to refer to death. If you say so and so passed away, it is more respectful than to say so and so die. When you say someone died. It's true. But if you want to use a more respectful term, you can say so and so passed away. And if you say so and so was killed, that refers to the fact that someone murdered them May Allah subhanahu wa taala grant us

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all a good death in sha Allah.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala uses the term hallak when it comes to the oppressors, and Allah says, while other ilac nelco nemen cabela coolum Alba llamo Indeed, we have destroyed those nations before when they will oppress us, we destroy them. So the term destruction is also used. So listen to what Allah subhanho wa Taala says.

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had either

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a two

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hour phone call Oh, god, oh, I

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don't know.

00:37:43 --> 00:38:23

When the angels of death come to those who used to associate partners with Allah, they will tell him at that point. Hey, we are taking your soul away now. Where are those people who are going to help you besides Allah? Bring them here? Let's see where they are low and this person will have no answer. Allah says at the point of death, a person who used to associate any form of partnership with Allah will already know that that was wrong because he will be asked a question that Allah has placed a standing command to the angels that when you are taking the route and the soul away from such an individual who used to associate partners with Allah asked them a question, Where are those

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now we are taking your soul away. It's between you and Allah. No one is involved here. Allahu Akbar, Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us protection and understanding the verses of the Quran are very, very clear. For those who have ears and those who have a soul to listen. Those who have a heart those who have a mind, may Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from those who take heed. Now let's listen to a good person and how their soul will be removed. Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about it. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah unaoil we read the verses tonight

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levena Tata of

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eco Tony Vina una sala la come the first thing, Salam aleikum, they greet you with a Salam aleikum. May peace be upon you. The angel is coming to take your soul away. He is greeting you with May peace be upon you. That's it. You can die smiling Allahu Akbar. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from those. Immediately they will tell you as they are taking your soul away. Although who knows.

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You will be entering paradise Subhan Allah. Allahu Akbar Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when his soul was taken Allah subhanho wa Taala when Allah subhanho wa Taala instructed that that happened. The angels had shown him his place in Jannah. And he made the dua to say Allahu Allah, Allahu Akbar, Allah Take me to the lofty to the company of the high, the very high the place that I have been shown

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Hello Akbar May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the intercession of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He is the first one who will enter Jannah he is the first one who will be resurrected completely. He is the first one and he will be. He will be the leader on the day of the AMA with the biggest oma Allahu Akbar, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us, really, he will be the only creature of Allah subhanho wa Taala, who will be concerned about others, he will be the only creature of Allah subhanho wa Taala, who will be concerned about others, whereas everybody else even the other messengers will all be worried about themselves. Firstly, to begin with, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us mercy on that day. So Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about how the those who are good their

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soul is removed. It is reported in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when a good person's soul is taken away. It is like a hair being removed from their throat. And I'm sure that is very, very simple. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the best and easiest day

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when Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the fact that he has instructed some angels to do the job of taking out souls. Amazing. You know, if you read the books of FCM I'm sure we've all heard the term molekule mouth, which means the angels of death. We've heard that term. Why didn't Allah do it himself? Some of them have a Syrian say the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala dictated that he doesn't do it. He hands the task to an angel to do Allahu Akbar, Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. You know when there is lashing to do if the king lashes himself, I'm sure he'll have a bad name Allahu Akbar. Obviously, that example doesn't fit with Allah subhanho wa Taala. But it brings it

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closer to our minds to say, Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't want anyone to blame him to say why did I die? Why did this person die? It is a last supreme decision and the law alone besides that, this is why we believe in good and bad faith. And another very interesting point we need to know myself and yourselves. Remember, you will either die before those around you or some of those around you will die before you or the lot of you will die together. But those whom you love the most, they're going to die at some stage either before you or after you. So if you have a husband, he is going and if you have a wife, she is going or the two of you might go together, prepare yourself for that day.

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Prepare yourself for that day mentally physically, if you think about it, it's quite natural to think of the day you're going to go if you talk about it is quite natural, don't become depressed about it. Rather prepare for it positively to say I want to meet my Creator the day I die. Let me do some good deeds. Allah when I give a shout out to a street kid, for example, a little charity, I need to bear in mind the day I'm going to die. Allah will make easy for us that day in sha Allah. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about

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how nobody besides Allah subhanho wa Taala gives life and death no one and listen to what Allah says in Surah Al Furqan regarding those who have associated others as partners with Allah,

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Allah says, What do you mean dooney

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loco Nasha

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la poonawalla I am Nico nanny

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what I am licona moto Kumamoto.

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Allah says they have taken as partners besides Allah, they have taken others as partners besides Allah, who own no harm no any benefit, nor do they own death, nor do they own the giving of life, nor do they own the resurrection. Allah says, How can anyone worship anything besides the Creator Himself? as Muslims, we don't take risks. We worship the one we are going to return to and that's it. We worship the one the giver of the life we have and that's it. Whoever gave me this life, he deserves my entire dedication of my whole life. No one else deserves it and that is the supreme creator, the worshipped one, Allah May Allah subhanho wa Taala, grant us understanding, we neither

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worship a messenger nor do we worship a saint, nor do we worship a book, nor do we worship a tree, nor do we worship a grave. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to forgive us. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us from those who worship Him alone. We are not allowed as Muslims to render any act of worship to any creature of the Creator. There is a vast difference between the creator and the created. And it is important we realize it because Allah subhanho wa Taala has not spoken for nothing in the Quran, when he warns us of saying that the Association of

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partnership with Allah is the biggest crime and it is also one of the most common crimes. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all. So Allah subhanho wa Taala then describes how a person who dies in his death has a very easy day. And Allah describes sleep sorry a person who dies in his sleep. A person who dies in his sleep has a very easy day. And Allah subhanho wa Taala describes sleep as a small death, a minor death. Listen to what Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah Zuma, he says, along with our fall, for Sakina mounting, Allah takes away the souls at the time of death. That's one clearly understood. When it lanta moochie mannheimia and those whom dead has not written upon

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has not been written upon yet. Allah says we take the soul away at the time of their sleep. The soul is hovering now just above the body, how exactly it happens? I don't know. We don't know. And we won't know it's Allah Who knows. But we've know we've known the worse and we believe in it. So Allah subhanho wa Taala then says for yoshikuni

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ella Gianni

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anyone who is sleeping the soul is already out. If we have decreed their death in their sleep, we keep the soul we don't return it to the body in the morning or whenever they want to get up. And if life has still been written for them, we return the soul to the body so that they can get up until a fixed time when we will ultimately then take that soul away. And this is why when a person dies in their sleep, it's a very easy, comfortable death. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to give us a good death, whether it is in sleep or whether it is not in sleep for as long as Ally's pleased with us. That is what counts. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to be pleased with us.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about how some people have been doubting death. Some people think death will not come to them. Some people think that there is no creator. Some people think that there is no gender and jahannam heaven and * and Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about this in Surah Al Hajj and Allah says this doubt is very dangerous, while I as a Latina Kappa roofie Maria Tim Minho,

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Tia homosassa Tabata, Tia Hamada boo me naughty nothing. Allah says they are disbelievers who does believe in Allah who does believe in his messenger who does believe in death, who does believe in absolutely everything, until that same death comes to them? Then they will know and until the punishment comes to them, then they will know We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala never to punish us We are from amongst those who believe with full conviction that not only are we going to die, but we are going to return to our we are going to be returned to our own creator, the giver of this life shall ultimately take it away and we are pleased with that.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala then also speaks about how it is important for us to take lessons from those who passed away in the past. And Allah is telling us that don't let it deceive you. Allah Subhana Allah Allah says in Surah Maria at the end, what can I like? cabela? Whom in common? How many generations have we destroyed and caused to die before you held to his Roman home in a head? Do you feel any one of them? Do you feel any one of them out a smaller home? Or do you even hear a slight sound? Oh, he's coming from them. No sound nothing. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says, they were stronger than you they were more powerful than you we still took them away. So no matter how

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powerful you are, how much wealth you have and how strong you think you are, Allah subhanho wa Taala is wanting us to say he is going to take us away. Then Allah says if he had to punish us because of the oppression that we are engaged in and because of our sins, he would have killed us a long time ago.

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Allah says men is so ungrateful, so ungrateful. But Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us respect and he gives us time, last winter, so that we turn, he gives us time so that we turned to him, Allahu Akbar, Allah says, while only you as long as abalone him if Allah had to punish the people immediately for their operation and for their sins, ma taraka.

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The anger of Allah would dictate that nothing moving would remain on the earth. Lo Akbar. If Allah anger overtook us, nothing moving would remain on this earth. Everything would be destroyed, but a loss is key.

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It is a loss mercy that dictates

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To give them respect up to a certain time May Allah make us from those who take he.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about resurrection. A powerful point. Every time the reign of mercy is mentioned in the Quran, and how the barren land or the land that is dry becomes alive and Rose back into life with greenery after the water fell on it. Allah says he mentioned the issue of resurrection and the fact that he is going to also resurrect us. In a similar way. If Allah can give life to the dead Earth and Rory back to life after it was gone by water, then Allah can roll us back to life after we have been decomposed into the soil as well. And every time the reign of mercy is mentioned in the Quran, there is a statement somewhere near that verse which is which includes the

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issue of resurrection. Let's take a look. Allah subhanho wa Taala says in so To whom? fogo de la

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mattina he came in Ahmedabad demo de

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cada Mohini monta what Who are

00:51:13 --> 00:51:51

you, Cody, look at the signs of the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. When he causes the greenery to grow on that, that was dry, Allah says that is the same creator who is going to resurrect you in a similar way. Allah subhanho wa Taala Miranda's understanding. Now a very powerful point Allah says that we need to make dua and I think this verse or these type of verses are repeating themselves almost every night. Allah says we need to make dua that we die as Muslims. We need to make sure that we die as Moomins or Bana

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nimi in a law, pour on us patients make us very patient people and cause our death in the condition of submission. We need to make that because I don't know when I'm going to die. No Do you? We need to ask Allah Allah The day you take us away take us away with a man with belief with Islam with submission with pure pleasure, Allahu Akbar.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about how the prayer for death is extremely important. But for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was given a list of hypocrites in the community. In his presence, they were hypocrites. And Allah gave him a list of these people and Allah says to him,

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in Surah, two Toba for Allah saly Allah had him in home magia de la kumala Kaveri don't ever read Salatu janaza for any one of them, and don't ever go and stand to make a prayer for them at the graveside. Don't ever do that Allah says. So the hypocrites the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was conveniently not they may Allah protect us. If you take a look at the death of the hypocrites, they died in the absence of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam or they died and they were they were buried by others the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself was not there. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us However, this verse makes mention of dua for the deceased and it is

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important that we also make dua for the deceased in one narration, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after burying a certain person said, as he come in the hall and I use, make a dua or make a prayer for your brother for definitely now he is being questioned by the angels. So they made the individual to ask for that particular individual. And we ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant us also the goodness insha Allah in the grave as well as after the green. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about visiting the grace and Allah says that Do you know what has distracted you? The competition in amassing this worldly material items? Allah says it has distracted you but until you

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visit the graveyard if you visit the graveyard seriously, you will then realize that it's not all about competition in amassing wealth. I'll have como dakka

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dazzle tomo Luma kabhi Allah says it has distracted you trying to collect all this worldly material items that has distracted you from this. When you in your business and you're earning money 1000 2000 5100 200 you get so excited you forget you're going to die. Allah says you must visit the graveyard regularly so that you can remember that and obviously this ruling is for the males of this oma May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all and understanding.

00:54:48 --> 00:55:00

Then Allah subhanho wa Taala also speaks about a wife and Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of the fact that when a person passes away, there's verses in Surah Al Baqarah. Then his wife needs to spend a waiting

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period, oh and the period for four months and 10 days. So that angle is also mentioned when Allah speaks about death, that when you die and your wife is becomes a widow, obviously, the widow shall remain within the confines of her greater home for a period of four months and 10 days that is a decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make it easy for them. And there are many, many benefits of that we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us an understanding. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the condition of a martyr, the martyr who dies in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala. It is prohibited for us to say that this person is dead. The word dead shouldn't

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be used. They might have died for all practical purposes between me and you with the rulings of this dunya That is why we actually bury them because if they did not die, we wouldn't have buried them. When it comes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam if he did not pass away, he would not have been buried, they would not have read Salatu janaza upon him but to say that this person is dead is disrespect. Allah says Allah Subhan Allah Dena pootie lofi Sabina he Amata Bella here,

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be muzungu don't think that those who have passed away, who have been martyred in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala are dead. They are indeed alive with Allah and being sustained by the Creator Himself. So how exactly they are sustained. We don't know how exactly they are alive. We don't have the details. All we do know is that for purposes of this dunya they had passed away and we buried them we made a Salah for them, and they were buried and they are in their graves, but with Allah subhanho wa Taala their souls are alive. And in the case of the MBR alayhi wa Salatu was Salam. Their bodies are fresher than mine and yours because Allah subhanahu wa taala tells us in one

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generation through the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam slips in Allah, Allah Allah. Allah just said that ambia Allah has prohibited the earth from even touching the bodies of the prophets, they are not allowed to be touched by the earth. So that is why they will not decompose. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding

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the earth is too lowly, to devour the bodies of the messengers of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding this is why we need to realize when we believe we believe what the Quran says we accept the verse, we don't need to go into details. If the Quran has not provided those details, we leave that to Allah subhanho wa Taala we say we believe in it, we understand the West but the details of it only Allah knows, don't even want to know because that is called belief in the unseen when you don't know and you still believe it is greater than when you keep on adding your own details from your pocket. May Allah subhanahu wa taala grant us protection.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about another extremely important point. And this is the second last point we're going to mention for this evening. Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the fact that sometimes he has given the power to some of his creatures to give life to the dead, Jesus May peace be upon him could give life to the dead. That's what the Quran says, By the power of the Creator Himself, not on his own, in the sense that people perceived it to be him giving life to the dead. But Allah subhanho wa Taala says, he has mentioned this, it is only through the power of Allah that He was able to give life to the dead. What if? Mousavi Eenie Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks

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about the gifts bestowed upon Jesus the son of Mary, may Allah peace be upon him. Allah says do you remember we granted you the ability to give life to the dead after someone died completely, he could go there and resurrect them bring him back to life by the power of Allah, by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and this verse is repeated several times in the Quran in surah. Allah Imran as well as in Surah ADA. And the last point we'd like to mention for tonight,

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there is only one supreme deity that does not die and will not taste the end. One supreme deity, everything else shall be destroyed by Allah subhanho wa Taala. So what is it that will remain?

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Allah alone? Subhana Allah.

00:59:24 --> 00:59:29

Colucci in Halle con in la vida, La

00:59:31 --> 00:59:39

La Hito Joe everything will taste death besides Allah subhanho wa Taala himself.

00:59:41 --> 01:00:00

And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in Surah Furqan what can Allah Haney levy Li Mo out, lay your trust in the one who is alive forever and will never ever die? So when we are worshipping Allah, we

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say oh you who is alive and who never dies. One of the qualities of the Creator, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us a good day. And we asked him to make us conscious of death. And we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to forgive us, and we asked him to return to Him before it is too late in terms of goodness, and we asked him to make us from those who do good deeds as we die and before we die, Allahu Allah Hara Yamuna, our Sera, Sera Melina Salah, tema, O Allah make the best of our days the last of our days and make the best of our deeds, the deeds towards the end are sallallahu wasallam albaraka Allah Nabina Muhammad Subhana Allah Subhana Allah home all the handy Ganesha to

01:00:38 --> 01:00:41

Allah Illa illa Anta nasukawa to Hoylake

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