Abdul Nasir Jangda – Ramadan FAQs #01

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The host of a fasting video discusses a program called "by the way" that will be held every day, emphasizing the importance of fasting for everyone, particularly those who missed it and may not be able to get it back. They also discuss the consequences of a fasting situation and the importance of finding a woman to be in a situation of the consequence of her behavior. The speakers also address various topics related to financial assistance, including reciting the Quran, inspiring oneself to take on a task-oriented mentality, and paying bills on time. They also mention standards for helping others and the importance of paying bills on time. Finally, they discuss the physical signs of puberty and the importance of not overdoing a fasting meal while practitioner.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah, he was a huge marine Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. So this is a program that we're going to be having here every single day.

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Titled Ramadan FAQs, right? The most frequently asked questions that we have

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during the month of Ramadan. And it can be questions in general, but obviously Ramadan related questions will be prioritized here. But this is a reality. That is there for a lot of people. A lot of people have questions and especially during the month of Ramadan, when people are motivated to come closer to Allah to practice their Deen to be more spiritually connected, that a lot of questions start to arise and a lot of different concerns come to mind. And sometimes folks might not have an outlet, where they're able to ask those questions and get those questions answered. And so in sha Allah being in the, for that reason, we're going to be having this daily session in sha

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Allah. So we're gonna go ahead and get started. I'm going to start with a couple of questions about fasting. So we had basically people are asking, you know, where they can ask their questions. So what we did was on Instagram, we put out the word that if anybody had any questions they could send them in. We'll also be posting to Facebook, in Twitter as well. So people will be able to send any questions that they may have. So let's go ahead and get started. The first question about fasting was, is it okay to get the COVID vaccine during the month of Ramadan?

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So, the answer to that question is that yes, it is okay to get the vaccine during the month of Ramadan while you're fasting. So someone can receive a vaccination they can get a shot while they are fasting.

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why somebody might inquire well, because assume so means to abstain it is abstinence, it is to refrain refrain from what food and drink, okay, and also * with one spouse, but food and drink to stay away from that, okay? Food and Drink basically is not just something that nourishes the body overall, or benefits the body, but it's something that specifically goes in the stomach, right? And so for that reason, that is what is prohibited something reaching the stomach being put into the stomach, something being ingested, and it being a source of nourishment, and strength of Hiva for the person. Okay, in the case of receiving a shot or a vaccination, that is not going into

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the stomach, it is not that traditional form of nourishment. And so therefore, it will not break a person's fast. Okay. That's number one. And that is the opinion across the board. There's no difference of opinion on this issue. Everyone, all the scholars are in agreement on this issue. Number two, someone's asking a question, do we treat makeup fast as obligatory? Okay. Meaning in the sense of doing them on Friday, etc. So the answer to that question is that if somebody missed certain fast during the month of Ramadan, they were sick, they were traveling, it was the sister on the days of her menstruation. And now that person has a number of days to make up a fasting after

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Ramadan is over. Those are obligatory on that person, but it's a little bit different. There's the difference between the front of my opinion and the front of the vein and what again right that there are some obligations that are fixed in terms of time like fasting in Ramadan, okay, like fasting today as the 16th of Ramadan that is fixed that is mandatory, okay. But once you have makeup fest to do, then they are not fixed to a particular time, they are not assigned to a particular time, but they are an obligation. However, you have the option of making them up whenever you can write obviously, you want to do them sooner rather than later. But you understand in the sense that you

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are not restricted to one specific day. So now the question is that should you treat them as more optional fast, where be a little bit more kind of, you know, flexible, or particular like not keeping them on Friday as approach somebody told us not to make the day of Friday a day of optional fasting

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or you know, if your option to leave

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Fasting in a guest comes over to your home, then, you know, there is the option of, you know, breaking that fast and, you know, according to some of the scholars making it up another day, because it's an optional fast and hosting a guest is also a very important Sunnah and practice of the prophets a lot. So then No, those are obligatory fasts. So you do want to be a little bit more particular about them. If the only day you can make them up onto Friday, do it if a guest ends up coming over prioritize or fast over hospitality, because even though it's not fixed to that day, it is an obligation, it is a duty and a responsibility to make up that fast. So you do want to be very

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serious, and very vigilant and very diligent about it. Okay.

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The next question, and this is, you know, a tough question, meaning, you know, the sentiment behind it.

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Some buddy send in a question, saying that they have a spouse that does not fast sister send into question saying, My husband is not fast. Do I need to pick a photo for him for all the years that he missed? And how much would that be? So first and foremost, obviously, that's a very difficult situation to find yourself in.

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Where as a Muslim, and particularly one who is trying to practice their Deen and religion, to be married to someone in a relationship with someone who does not fast? That's really tough situation, you know, may Allah make it easy?

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Number two, do you need to pay a kuthodaw? For all the years that he has missed? No, you do not. kuthodaw is more for breaking the fast, not missing the fast breaking and violating the fast after having started it without a valid reason to do so. And then intentionally breaking it, as opposed to missing them. That's first, that's the first thing. Secondly,

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even if he had deliberately broken as fast, the kafala would be on him and not on you. The photo would be on him and not on you. Well Lakota on him. Allah subhanaw taala knows best. May Allah make it easy for this person, everyone who finds themselves in such a situation. Okay. The next question is a very interesting question. And it's a it's a technical question. Okay, one that involves a difference of opinion. And so whenever we deal with difference of opinion, I always like to remind people that first and foremost, these differences of opinion, are not just, you know, personal preferences, you know, difference of opinion is not just simply, you know, just people just having a

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different take on things. No, no, a difference of opinion in the Samak law in fifth is the consequences and the result of the consideration of the evidences that are involved there. And then the analysis of those evidences, it is a scholarly endeavor. It is a scholarly exercise. And it is a very serious endeavor and exercise. It's not to be taken lightly. It's not frivolous. But it's a very serious thing. And when you have scholars having a difference of opinion, then it's very important to kind of,

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you know, if you're not of that caliber, where you have the ability to know all the evidences and understand the analytical tools used to evaluate those evidences, then it's good to kind of know your, your place and kind of sit that out. Right, do not feel the need to have commentary in regards to it. Like, oh, how that that opinion doesn't make any sense? or How can they have that opinion? No, no, if you're not qualified to take part in that conversation, then it's best to just stay off the court stay off the field. All right. And I don't mean to be disrespectful while saying that. I tell them, I remind myself the same thing. When I'm in a different arena.

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When I'm talking to doctors about medical issues, when I'm at the hospital, talking to the doctors about my father's health, I'm not trying to express my own take, in my own opinion, I'm listening, I'm asking questions, and I'm observing and I'm taking the information. If I do want another opinion, or I do want some more insight, I go to somebody who I have a personal relationship I have trust with but who is qualified to have an opinion in that manner? Well, luckily Tell me so I've been Allah knows best, but I hope that everyone agrees. Okay, so now, coming back to this. The question was if a woman planned to do a custom, a completion of the Quran in the month of Ramadan

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Can she recite from afar

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During the menses during the days of menstruation. So, this, there are two issues here. Number one is making physical contact with the most huff making physical contact with the most Huff, that is not a pin that is not permissible. According to everybody, there's no difference of opinion on that, that is very explicitly stated. And there's no difference of opinion on that. Okay.

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Of course, the physical contact could be made using some kind of gloves or some kind of instrument or tool or somebody is turning the page with, you know, a pencil or something of that sort.

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That would be fine. Or utilizing a digital device. Okay. So somebody utilizing a digital device would be making physical contact to that would be permissible.

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The second issue is can a woman read recite the Quran while during the days of menstruation. So that is a difference of opinion. There is a difference of opinion there. Number one, the majority of the scholars and in terms of the schools of fic. The naff the Hanafi school, the shaffir a school and the humblebee School, right are all of the opinion that it is not allowed for one to be reciting, or on making, or are saying supplications, things like that that's different, but just like reciting the whole Jews, right or reciting a page of the Quran, or whatever your daily portion of recitation is, okay? reciting is not to be done during the days of menstruation. That is time that should focus

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on the idea, and, you know, reflection, and study, and so on and so forth. We start the artificial reef, one of our instructors column

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has given a more detailed explanation talk on this, and you'll find it here on, you know, the column Atlas column channel, you can go to the YouTube channel, and you'll find it there.

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Going back to the issue, there is a minority opinion, the Maliki school is of the opinion that it is allowed for a woman to read to recite the Quran, like reading olders, even during your days of menstruation, the Maliki school allows it. So therefore, it's a matter of difference of opinion. So it depends. My own if I was to answer that question, my the way, the way that I answered that question, my analysis, and my understanding of the issue leads me to take the Maliki position on this issue, that it is permissible. Well, Lakota, Allah, Allah and Allah knows best.

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Somebody has a very good question. You know, we wanted to provide kind of a mix, and a combination of different questions here during this session. So somebody asked a question, what would your advice be to pick up from a mid Ramadan dip in productivity? What would your advice be to pick up from a mid Ramadan dip in productivity? So I promise I not just making a shameless plug.

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But I'm saying this because I don't want the conversation here to get too long. I don't want to get too long winded. I want to go through as many questions as I can, as quickly as I can. But tomorrow, we are having a special webinar discussing the Battle of budock. Because Tomorrow's the 17th of Ramadan, which is the date that commemorates the Battle of whether the Battle of brother in happened in the second year of hedra, in the life of the proselytism on the 17th day of Ramadan. So to commemorate that in sha Allah, we're going to be talking about that tomorrow. And so I wanted the answers to this, I will explain there the reason why I don't get into it right now, it's because

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it'll get a bit long winded. And I don't want to do that here. However, I'll mention that's one piece of advice that I mentioned and inspiration from the Bible Avada about how to pick yourself up from a mid Ramadan kind of dip.

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The a few other things that I would mention is that

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there are two types of, you know, things that we engage with from a spiritual point of view. The first one is more duty and responsibility. There is a task oriented mentality and mindset where you are very task oriented. Right? I need to read one juice every day, or I need to listen to put on for an hour every day. I need to read you know, a page of translation every day. I need to you know,

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Listen, watch this video where that video every day, very task oriented kind of things. And those are good, those are important. And then there are, you know, some things that we do that are more for encouragement and motivation,

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encouragement and motivation, inspiration upliftment, right where you try to lift yourself up, you try to inspire yourself, you try to really gain some enthusiasm, right. And when you are experiencing, experiencing that mid Ramadan dip, it's very important to go and dial in to something that will kind of pick you up, and will give you that boost of energy and enthusiasm that you are looking for. And that maybe you feel like you're lacking, right, very important to do that. And that can sometimes even be being in the company of some people, talking to a friend, having a conversation with someone.

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So, try to switch things up trying to change things up. Try if you haven't been going to the masjid, you've been praying, you know, go to the masjid. If you've been going to the masjid and maybe kind of take a break from the masjid and pray at home and really kind of dial in or go to a different place. Have a phone call with somebody, have a conversation with somebody, you know, but try to change up your routine, break the monotony. And that will help you find the spirit and the enthusiasm that you're looking for. That will pick you up out of your mid Ramadan slump inshallah vanilla. Okay, I wanted to tackle a couple of questions that we received here about Zakat, because

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God is a very important issue. And that's something people try to address in the month of Ramadan. So if someone could not pick up the filter last year, but now has the means to pay,

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does he or she Oh, last year's that got them fitter as a debt. So if someone could not pay, that could mean two things. And I didn't get a chance to ask a follow up because this was a question that somebody sent in. So I'll answer both versions. Okay. Number one is that if they're if the person means to say somebody just did not have the money to pay zakat, and fit them, they couldn't afford to pay zakat, the fifth and last year, then it wasn't doing you then you have nothing to pay this year, you and if now you can afford to basic health and fitness, you paid this year, you own nothing for last year, because you couldn't afford it. Okay, like and for love on so many levels. There are

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standards for qualifying to pay

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charity, and the financial obligations that we have there are standards for God, there are 10 standards for as a captain fitara, etc, etc. The the sacrifice their standards for these things. And if you couldn't even pay to vape you couldn't afford to pay that got them fit them. You did not meet the minimal standard, the minimal threshold will love patala Anna milanos best. Secondly, the second version of the answer is if the questioner means that they did not pay, they could afford to pay they were supposed to pay, but they just did not pay. They forgot about it. Whatever the case is negligence, they did not pay, then do they owe it as a debt? Yes, they do. Yes, they do. Anytime you

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miss an obligation, you should make up that obligation, you should fulfill that obligation, you should recompense and compensate for that missed obligation. So yes, you should pay that and ask Allah for forgiveness, and be sure to pay on time this year. Um, and as a side note, a lot of times people ask, you know, how much is it gotten fitted? There's a whole range for it, it can be $10 is a good amount to estimate for is a custom fit that on behalf of every one of your dependents, you yourself and your dependents. So like me, and then my three children, people ask, Well, what about my spouse? Technically, if your spouse, your spouse is an independent person, and independent adult,

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so my wife will pay her own set out to fit that I can pay it on her behalf. But technically speaking, that is her obligation. Okay, so that that way I can estimate that I gotta pay at least 40, maybe $50 in Zakat to fit them. And then where can you give it Where do you give it will you give it somewhere where it will go towards feeding the poor and the hungry, the Misaki the for all the people who are in need of financial assistance for sustenance. All right, people that are like food insecure and hungry and homeless. That's the kind of folks that it needs to go to. Okay, and maybe there are local organizations where you can give that but obviously, there's a lot of people

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watching and listening this from a lot of different places. So if you're curious about a place then you

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There's many organizations HRD helping hand for relief and development. They're very, you know, good friends and partners of ours. So there's many places that you can donate online as well. Okay?

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Somebody said that how do I handle the cost? If I live paycheck to paycheck with no savings, there's no Sokak mandatory on you. If you basically are broke, right, you get $100, you spend $100. That's it, you have no savings, then you have those accounts mandatory on you. Okay.

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The third question about Takata. Here was, is the COTS applicable on total assets on this account, anniversary date, or assets saved over the last year. So technically speaking, it's mandatory on any assets that you've had for at least a year. But especially in this era of you no

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more, you know, monetary assets and currencies and, you know, things of that sort. That's where the scholars recommend that a very easy way to handle years ago and to calculate years of Gods is to actually fix an annual date, a annual is a cut due date, okay? And on that day, whatever your assets are, it's a countable assets, your savings are, your inventory for your business is, then you give two and a half percent of that. So if you have a savings account, on that day, you have $10,000 in your savings account, then you should go ahead and give $250. Just go ahead and discharge that donate $250 to his account eligible costs, and you're clear. So that's a way to do it.

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And that's just easy. And that's what's recommended. And it's practical. Okay, then a couple of miscellaneous questions, because, again, I want to try to

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cover the full Gambit, and cover a variety of different issues. So the next last couple of questions are a little bit more miscellaneous, if you will. Somebody asked if you skipped over a verse in a surah, accidentally, while leading the prayer, is the Salah invalid? The general answer is no. The general answer is no. So if you're reading Koran, and you skip over a verse,

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then generally speaking, your prayer is still intact, it is still valid, it is so fine. Otherwise, a lot of love all over the world would be in a lot of trouble. All right. I'm not, you know, trying to make fun of the Father. But you know, not all father as a not not all fathers were created equal. Right. So not all five, are strong in their memorization as everybody else. So, but nonetheless, you know, all jokes aside, if you are reciting, and you skip over a verse, the general answer is that no, it does not affect the validity of your prayer. There are a very small handful of scenarios where you skip some wording or alter some wording or skip something where it can create a very, very

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problematic, meaning, like theologically problematic. In those instances, the scholars who say that it's best to repeat that prayer,

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but those are very far and few in between, and somebody will point that out. Otherwise, generally speaking, you skipped over a verse, that's not a problem. Well, luckily, tell him Allah knows best. And then, you know, since we did one of the questions somebody sent in, and because I did address it earlier in this session, if there is a difference of opinion on an issue, which do we follow? That's a very good question. Okay. So if there's a difference of opinion on an issue, which one should you follow? So, the general answer is this. For if you are a person of knowledge, who you are a student of knowledge, then you know, you should follow based off of your knowledge and your understanding

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and what you study. That's where typically we talk about, you know, the mother had been the schools of thought, however, if you are not like a formal student of knowledge, like a researcher in fifth, okay, like an advanced student of samick jurisprudence, then, you know, your, your, your everyday, living your life, and there's a difference of opinions on an issue. What should you follow?

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Every single Muslim should have someone or somewhere and what I mean by somewhere is like an institution, okay? It can be your local mosque. It could be

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A place like Hello, right? Or someone you have any Mom, you have a scholar, you have a chef, your Mulana, sob in your community, right? You have no stada, you have a teacher, whatever the case is, okay. But everyone should try to have someone or somewhere

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where they have, they feel a sense of connection.

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They have a level of trust. They understand from the surface that this person, or this institution is qualified, like this institution has qualified people or this person is qualified, and then basically just take their recommendations. And if they do say, well, there's a difference of opinion on this issue. A very good follow up question is, what do you recommend that I do in this situation? And that's why when I answered the question about the difference of opinion, I shared my point of view and my recommendation,

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would love to tell them first up, that's probably the best way to handle that and go about that. Everyday, you know, just kind of depending on the time, I will see if there's any kind of questions in the comments, and try to answer them, you know, as briefly as I can, as quickly as I can. Which age is a teenager? is when obligated start fasting male or female? The general answer is that once they attain puberty, once they come in, once they attain adulthood, they reach puberty, then it's mandatory on them. So the first thing is the physical signs of puberty. Once a young girl young lady starts to menstruate, she has to start fasting. It's obligatory on her once a young man has facial

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hair or he experiences you know, a nocturnal emission like a *. Your requires a listen. So then at that point, he becomes obligated mandated to start fasting, if none of those physical signs are manifest, that 15 is usually the age after which a person should just be treated as an adult islamically and they should be told that you have to pray and you have to fast Okay, um,

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so someone's asking

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about a cattle fitter? Do we have to pay only for food? Or can we donate in the mustard as well, as a cotton fitter?

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You can donate cash, you can give it at the machine if your machine is collecting the counterfeiter separately,

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to distribute to the poor in the needy.

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But you cannot give a custom fit that as a general donation for like the operating budget of a Masjid or an institution or something, no, no, the cotton fitter goes to feeding those who need that food.

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so someone's asking a question that if a child who isn't obligated to fast they try to fast they end up breaking their fast? Is there any kind of penalty on them? No, that's a child. They have nothing to make up for. They have no penalty, no nothing like that.

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There were a couple of other questions here. I'll try to see if I can find them and locate them.

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If you have a * while fasting, does that break your fast? No, it does not just take okosan so that you can pray but it does not nullify your fast is it haram to listen to music while fasting? So that involves a whole nother question of you know, what is the ruling and the permissibility of music? That's a whole nother discussion for another day. rather not go into that right now. What I will say is that if somebody holds the opinion that you listen to music is not permissible that it won't be permissible while fasting. If somebody owes the opinion that listen to music in and of itself is not impermissible. It's not haram we can still say that it's not a good activity while

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fasting and it's probably not the best use of your time while fasting um

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so someone's asking that in order for your Sarah we have to be valid Eurasia has to be valid. Generally, the idea is yes, that is performed after a lot in Asia. So you want to pre select Malaysia first. And then you pray Salatu tarawih Allahu taala. Allah and Allah knows best. And somebody asked once again, what is the percentage that's supposed to be it is two and a half percent of your annual savings? Well, Lakota alum, um, someone's asking a question. Let me see if it's possible to answer here.

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See if

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someone's asking a question if somebody owes money or as a loan, but it's not being demanded immediately, what's better to just pay it off, try and pay it off as soon as possible or as or slowly paid back, resulting in qualifying for zakaat meaning the nisab so it depends and, you know, if you own money that is on a scheduled, it's on the schedule for being paid back, then at that time, stay on the schedule and pay yours account. That's probably the better decision. But if it's just an ASAP kind of thing, the person is not pressuring you, but you you know, the idea is to pay it back as soon as possible, then I would probably say paying it back is a better thing to do. Um

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someone's asking a question about making you know, for your non Muslim you know, any non Muslims in your life, generally speaking there either we should make is May Allah subhanaw taala guide them And may Allah provide them with Eamon will Lakota Adam. So, um, so, with that,

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inshallah, we're going to wrap up today's session, we'll be having these every day. I'll try to keep these a little bit shorter than I did today. Today was the first one and I just kind of was, you know, just answering the questions and got kind of caught up. But we'll try to keep these a little bit more brief and short.

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And you know, occasionally we will have some visitors and things like that dropping in

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chef gnome on it, no mind is saying yes, a question. But then he doesn't ask his question. So things like that will happen. But I just want you to know that inshallah, and not be bothered by that. Because somebody then asked him, and Brother, why don't you just post your question? Why don't you ask your question? So,

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but inshallah, if somebody is looking on how to answer questions, how to ask questions, so that they can be answered in this session, then you can we'll be we'll be posting on the Facebook page, my Facebook page and on Twitter, on Instagram, etc, that if you do have any questions, you'll be able to post those questions there. We're lucky Todd on him is a web designer from a law firm and vertical offi comm was Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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