Moutasem al-Hameedy – The Maxims Of Fiqh – Class 1

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of certainty in praying for Thucydon's and the use of Sharia Pinus as a tool to help people find a safe place. They also discuss the rules and logic behind the Maxim's program, including the need for retirement lifestyle and understanding the rules. The speakers emphasize the importance of practice and understanding the rules of the class, emphasizing the importance of learning from the rules and language to describe the logic behind them. They also mention the use of Sharia Pinus as a tool to help people find a safe place and emphasize the importance of praying during busy time in West Africa.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayidina, Muhammad Ali, he was the main one.

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So this is the first session in our class, I will cover a difficulty of toilets here. Sometimes they're translated as the Maxim's of faith, or the general rules of faith, and Shala. As we get deeper into the, into the class, this meaning or the meaning of alcohol will become a bit clearer.

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We have to give an introduction first, about

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what's the difference between FIP

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or solo folk

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and alcohol advocacy? Yeah, these are three different sciences, three different sciences FIP

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is basically knowledge of the practical rulings, like a Salah prayer. Is it wajib?

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Is it obligatory? Is it recommended? So lots of them, for example, fasting,

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fasting Ramadan?

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A certain transaction, is it halal or haram? This is what folklore is.

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tells us this is halal, or haram. It tells us this is one of the ruling of an issue is one of five things it's either

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wajib which is obligatory almost to have recommended or neutral which is halal, or MOBA

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or it is disliked macro

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or it is haram that is prohibited. Okay, so that's what it tells us. Okay, so it would say for example, fasting is obligatory and the proof is the statement or where Allah Subhana Allah says, You are living in harmony, could you biological Muslim, or you believe fasting has been prescribed as an obligation upon him. So this is

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then we have a solo or solo Folk is a very interesting science. And it basically it deals with the rules of deduction, the rules of deduction in the sense we have a verse from the Quran or Hadith from the prophets of salaam how should we understand it? How should we deduce the rules? For example,

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one of the rules of assault is the command a command statements like do this, do this

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indicates obligation indicates obligation that's also difficult. So every time in the Quran with Asana, you will find a command imperative. That means it is for obligation unless there are rules obviously under assault, unless for example, there is another text that shows that this matter is a bit easy should be taken easier. So it's not so much at the high level of obligation. So this is what sort of factors are so it teaches us how we can deduce rulings and extract rulings from the texts that would also that's what also plays. Now we come to our science and that's

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why this talk here deals with

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they are basic basically collective rules, collective rules, or foundations. What does that mean? They are rules. statements. These are stagnant generic statements that cover an endless infinite number of cases. An infinite number of cases for example,

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One of the hour or one of the rules is Alia teen hola Zulu, be sure

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that certainty cannot be removed by doubts. Certainty cannot be removed by doubt. What does this apply? This applies in endless cases. For example, let's say you're praying before and in the last rock, are you not sure? Did I pray three or four? Is this the third or the fourth record?

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Yeah. So you need to check

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what is most likely to you? Most likely to me, I'm in the third rocker. Okay, but I'm doubting. I'm doubting I'm sorry, I'm in the fourth halacha. But I have a doubt, a small doubt is most most likely as the fourth aka but I have a doubt that I'm actually in the third.

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Now, should you make more rocker? Give? Pray more rock so that you will be on the safe side in this case? No.

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Why? Because most likely you are on the fourth rocker. And there is a level of certainty there. But you only have a doubt you only have adults. Okay. Here you should not pray for Tharaka. Some somebody might say but we've heard otherwise. No, you only increase. You only, like pray more rock soup to be on the safe side? If you really don't know. You prayed three or four. So you have 50 You think 50 You prayed for this? The fourth? And another 50 possibility is that you're actually in the third block. That's the only time you actually increase more. But if you seem to be mainly in the fourth block, but you still have this doubt you live this doubt another common case, just to show

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you how this rule applies. That certainty cannot be removed by that. Let's say you prayed before you made what do you prayed for? Then the answer time came. You want to pray us out? And you say the dog go to the washroom did I lose my dog?

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Now we have certainty which is you made widow follow her. So you are unstable though that certain you have no doubt about this. But now there is doubt that is fighting against the certainty. Did I lose my widow? Did I go to the washroom? I can't remember but I have this doubt. We say Don't Don't make her do again prayer, sir. Why because you have certainty about making more dough and being unsettled or but you have doubt that is now has shed its light on this certainty. So what do you do you go with certainty? Again, someone else or something else about a Muslim? A Muslim says something.

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And this happens a lot today. This statement could be Cofer could be blasphemy. It could lead the person outside of the fullness of Islam. But we don't know exactly what his intention is.

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We don't know what his intention is. He said something okay that's the say a word which contains some insult towards Allah disrespect towards Allah Spano.

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Is this person does he become a capital or not? Now here we have to be careful.

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Because we say those scholars same and Sebata Islam will be attain. La Jolla. Raju Mina. Dini, Misha,

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someone who's Islam is certain we know he said like olam Honduras Wallah, we know that. We know it.

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But he said a statement, but we're not sure. Really, what's his intention behind it? Because maybe he said something. He means well, but he used the wrong expression. Right? So since we don't know exactly what he means, we cannot say this person has become Caf. So that's another application of the same rule. Another application of the same rule, you have for example

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there's a beautiful story that we're gonna have Bob was walking with someone. Yeah, I'm gonna have that was walking with someone, one of the companions, and they

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passed by this house and on top of this house, there was a leak. So there was some water falling.

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And it touched some of it dripped on the on the other person's shoulder. So the person turns to the guy who was on top and he says, is that water pure or not? Is it clean?

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I will hottub says to that guy, he says don't answer him.

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Don't answer. Why. Because the originally everything is supposed to be cleaned. The impurities are are the exception. This table is it pure or impure? Is attire or religious.

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Most of the things are the things that are noticed and impure are what a minority and exception. So this is why this kind of the fact that the majority of things are actually clean on ha ha. Okay. That gives certainty.

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That gives certainty that we

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Everything is originally clean except for the specified impurities that are specified in the texts. So, someone said to that, man, don't tell him why, because you should take the origin.

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Don't take a doubt and build on it and start investigating. And if this rule is followed, actually by a lot of people who sometimes question the faith and costs in the deen, it would be very helpful, very helpful to them. Because there is so many things, you know, for, for certain, if you start doubting them,

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you know, even like, life becomes impossible. So people who give a lot of space in their lives to doubt, they face a lot of problems, a lot of issues in their life, let's say, for example, you go to the doctor and say, How can I guarantee that this doctor is good? Maybe he's one of those, you know, dodgy doctors? How do you understand that this medicine is the right medicine? Maybe it has some side effects? Let me look into this.

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What if this traffic light is not working? Well, why What if there's something wrong with it, you know, if you keep looking for doubts, and everything, life becomes impossible. So so that's a general rule that can apply to, as I said, an endless number of of things.

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So let me give you another example of another rule. Another rule famous one that we all know about all right to be heard, man, all right, necessity, turns prohibitions, or makes prohibitions allowable.

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In terms of necessity, what is haram? If it's going to help you or relieve you out of this necessity, it becomes whether someone is almost dying, they don't have food, they got lost in the desert, and they found this sort of dead dog, could they eat it?

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Well, if that's going to make them survive, yes, they should eat it. They should eat it so becomes halal, although the meat of it is how long.

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This is why this is the same kind of necessity. Some Some scholars say today that if you live

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in a country, and it's impossible, impossible to get a house, unless you go through the mortgage. And you like it, especially for people who are just on the verge of, of retirement, some people have been working hard all their life.

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Just finish on the

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opposite side.

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Yeah, so basically,

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people will say, are about to retire. And for all their life, they've been working hard. And what happened is, they didn't save any money, they didn't buy any property.

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So and these people don't have any means of sustenance. So they know that they can, for example, they know they can't afford a house and they can't even afford the rent.

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So if there is a way for them to get even if it is to get a mortgage or something, even though it's halal, It's haram. But in these extreme cases, it becomes a necessity, it becomes a necessity, if someone cannot afford to buy a house, and they don't find a place to rent. And the only way to find a place to stay in is basically to buy a house through mortgage. And that's an extreme case, isn't it? So the scholars said in that case, we apply the rule above a lot to be home a lot, a lot to be home 100. There's a substance that's haram to consume. But you are in a critical condition, state state where

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it is very likely to help you. It's very likely to get you out of that situation. You just take anesthesia today is some sort of intoxicating intoxication, it takes away your consciousness takes away your mind. So without a need, it's not that you're not supposed to do it. It's haram. But why is it halal for surgery, because it's impossible to do surgery for someone in their conscious state.

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So that makes it harder and so on and so forth. So this is these are the rules or the Maxim's of they are general rules and you can find 1000s and 1000s of cases 50 cases that they apply to what is the point of studying them and we will come to this in sha Allah.

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But in brief, they give you a very good understanding of and how it works, a very good understanding. So you can see once you understand some of the main rules, in fact, there is a huge number of rules by the way, but there are main ones that are limited in number when you understand them and you look at for key cases you can see flick is so systematic. And there is a there's another part of another beauty to the Aladdin factor here. They show you a lot of the logic behind Sharia Pinus. Now, there's a lot of logic there. There's a lot of logical patterns within Sharia. So you can actually find this as you see it already here.

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Today, today is going to be a very brief there is not many people here. So probably

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We need to do a bit more advertising, and let people know about the time of the class. But we're going to have a small introduction into the subject.

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He has made of two words, the rules, the rules, and that means go ahead and Arabic means foundations, foundations or rules, foundational rules, foundational rules alpha k, yeah, they pretend to work. So they actually apply to fit key issues to the philosophy. Now a definition let's take a technical definition of what actually is a key means there are so many definitions that the scholars have given. And they all seem to be pointing to the to one idea.

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Like one of them, and by the way, in this class, I'm gonna refer on I will be heavily dependent on this very good book. It's called allergies, Fi Allah help cover

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the brief sort of introduction into clarifying the, the generic rules, so I will be depending on it, so I'll be using some Arabic and then explaining it. Because I want to get the students like last the previous class,

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the students were pampered, right, they will get there was spoon fed everything, everything was given easily, a lot of work was done in the background for the class. So all of the ideas were put together, the examples were prepared in advance, so everything was given to them on a silver plate. In this class, we're going to increase the level of difficulty of the class. And that's basically to get the students more into the books more into the books, I will be looking into some English sources on that and hopefully recommending some of them next week in sha Allah. So I want the students to take more responsibility here. And I want to get the students into a little bit more

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exposure into the Arabic language in terms of our ads, okay, what the scholars say, but even if you don't know so much Arabic Don't worry, a lot of it will be translated will be translated, but the ones who know some Arabic will actually find a lot of benefit Inshallah, we will want to give them more exposure. So one definition is our, our Adolphe Yakubu yet on Cooley yet on one topic attune Allah, Jimmy is a yachtie. It is a generic rule, a generic rule

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that basically applies to all the details or the instances that could go underneath it. So it's a generic rule. All the cases that it applies to are actually included within it.

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I think he has a good definition that the author chooses.

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Basically, he says hookman AXA region, local Legion and public well, actually just yet, and it's already literal of coming home. It's a generic statement. It's a generic statement. It's not necessarily inclusive. Okay. It's not completely perfectly inclusive, so it's generic. So it will have a small number of exceptions.

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Young Bobby koala acknowledges that it applies to a huge number of cases. And from this generic statement, we can conclude the rulings or the federal rulings that pertain to these cases. Okay, an example as we said, if someone is in trouble, and the only way to get out of that dilemma is basically to use something that's the only means available. So this person is not going to seek a fatwa or give me a specific ruling about this specific issue. Maybe there is no specific ruling about this issue, but we know from the general rule that in times of necessity, the Haram becomes halal. Okay.

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So, these are generally speaking the

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this is the definition

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of the Maxim's of Foucault alcova. Alfie. I mentioned the differences between January sold coils here. I will keep it for next time as well, too. Just to give you specific points.

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What are the benefits of Alcoa district here?

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The benefits of this are clear,

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is that first of all, if you look at facts, you're going to see it as a scattered body of information. Or the ruling of this is halal. The ruling of this water is pure this water is impure, that substance substance is allowed to use this substance is not allowed to use. So there is a countless number a number of details. Well, why is this a key or do they actually

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they sort of classify

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and categorize these seemingly scattered rules under very well as in systematic groups, systematic groups or classifications. That's the point. And I'll bet the benefit of providers up here. So as we said, like

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Tina is will be check that certainty cannot be removed by doubt,

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you will find a lot of rules that apply there, if you see look at each one of those rules will actually be relevant to anything else, it will stand on its own. But when you look at it, as a group that belongs to this rule, we can see so much logic and so much sense in that. Another benefit

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is that that's for the students of knowledge, it actually builds the 50 ability in the student, it makes the student you know, gives the student more mastery of and more understanding of the dynamics of

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third benefit for our the fact here is that it helps them much to hit in the scholars who try to figure out new rulings for new issues. You know, there are always new issues coming up because life changes, circumstances change, they're always new things life, life, life is so dynamic. So when there are so many issues that you don't find a direct proof or text to talk about them and address them, I'll provide you here are a very good way to find out rulings and what Allah subhanaw taala really what's the ruling of Allah subhanaw taala when it comes to these new cases

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these are color as well what they do is because a lot of them are agreed upon by the scholars, and because they are agreed upon by the scholars, they actually can be a source of unity among the different opinions and different with that, they show that the differences are sometimes in the details, but the general rule generic rules that that from which from which these details follow, they're actually agreed upon. So the logic is the same.

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And we mentioned another benefit, basically, that the providers have to show the logic and the sense behind Sharia. So it shows us a lot of the wisdoms it shows us a lot of the wisdoms behind the rulings because sometimes fifth might be seen as this Halal is haram so dry and so straightforward. But when you look at the Hawa, they actually show what is the logic behind it, and that makes sense. So you see exactly why these rules actually apply in that in that way.

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Alcoa does appear there, they have different types. I'll quickly mention a couple of types.

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Some of them are taken from the Quran. Some of them are taken from the Quran. Some of them are taken from the Sunnah. So they are actually religious texts, some of them. Some of them are actually formulations that were put or stipulated by some scholars after studying and seeing these patterns. So the scholars decided, they see there's a general rule that applies. So they started they decided to put it in wording. So they create this kind of wording. So we'll give some examples. For example, the Hadith of the prophets of salaam enamel, Mr. Lubin Nguyet. Deeds are by their intentions. Okay, that's one of the main rules. That's one of the main rules. And

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it shows that your intention has a lot to do with your actions. And I'll give you the famous story from from Abu Hanifa Rahim Allah will Tirana, which actually shows it shows very well, you know how intention has an impact on the future rolling? We don't have a Hanifa I have a lot to Allah. He had one of his main students, Abu Yusuf Ali, yes, I will use for college. So I will use for probably at some stage he saw himself really he has learned a lot from Imam Abu Hanifa. So he thought, Well, I was I'm entitled to teach now. I'm in a position to really start teaching. And he was really like me, he was strong. He wasn't. But so one day Hanifa walks into the masjid

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and he wants to start his helicopter the helicopter but he noticed is there's another helicopter the other side of the message, but he can't tell who was giving this helicopter. So he asked some of the students who's this new helicopter the first time I see this halacha

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they say that's abuse of your student. He's initiating is like he's starting his career, right? So he said, so he thinks he's ready to teach.

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They say well, that's what he's doing. This is okay. No problem Abu Hanifa him a lover. It was very intense.

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And so he wants to teach him a lesson.

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he sends one of the students and he says, he says, You go to him and when the question questions and answers, time comes,

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you ask him this question, you say someone

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bought a piece of cloth, and he took it to the tailor. And he said to the tailor, I want you to make me a thought, I want you to make me a thought, or commis.

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So he leaves it there. And the tailor says to him, you come like a few days later, I will be ready. So when he comes to the, to the to the tailor back and he says, Okay, have you made myself? He said, What are you talking about? He said, I came a few days ago, I brought a piece of cloth. And you took measures in order to make a sober comics for me.

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He said, No, you didn't.

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He said, I did. So they tailor denied. So we took him to the judge, he complained about

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so the judge has to hear from both of them.

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So he heard from the customer, then he hears from the tailor, as well. He says, No, this man didn't come. I didn't take from him anything.

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So the judge, obviously, that's an authority of judges like the court today. So he sends police to the shop, tailor's shop, and they search in it, and they find and they take that guy to customer, and he recognizes the piece of cloth he brought, and it was made into a job. So you recognize that he says, that's it. So they bring it.

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So now the question was

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the judge is going to give the commerce to the man to the customer. But should the customer pay the tailor or not?

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So over Khalifa instructed the student to ask we use of that question. And he said to him, if he says to you, yes, he pays him tell him wrong.

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If he tells you, he doesn't pay him, also tell them wrong. That's wrong, wrong guns.

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So the student goes, tends to Halaqa.

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It's q&a time. So he puts his hand up, he presents the case. So always for others says, No, he doesn't pay him.

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His answer was, he says, well, that's not the right answer. That's wrong. He said, Okay, let me think about it.

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He says he thinks for a minute, and he says, no, no, he shouldn't be i Oh, he should actually pay him. Yes. He said, that's also wrong. And he looks at him and he says, Well,

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that's this question is not from you.

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This must be from Abu Hanifa. Because that's his started, right? So he says, Hello, I know that I'm not ready to teach. So he taught him the lesson when he goes to Abu Hanifa. And he apologizes. And then he asked him Hanifa, what's the answer? Abu Hanifa says, they need to check the job. If it's designed according to the measures of the customer, he pays it.

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But if the job is designed, according to a different, like figure, he doesn't mean

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why he says because if it's designed according to the measures of the customer, then the tailor made the film with the intention that he's going to do it for the customer. So he deserves to be paid.

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So his intention to take the film or maybe sell it came after he tailored the film, and he made it.

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So his intention to make the film was actually really to make it for the customer and sell it. So his act of tailoring it was done with the intention of what giving it to the customer and getting the money.

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But if the filter is designed according to different measures, not the same measures as the customer would this means the tailor had the intention to make it for him self or for someone else before making it. So when he made it, he had the intention to steal it.

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So he doesn't get paid. So the intention here

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brought a different rate ruling, whether he pays them or not. Is that clear?

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Is it clear? Okay, basically, if the tailor, okay, if the film is, is designed according to the measures to the body of the customer, that means when the tailor made it, okay? He took the piece of cloth, he took the measures, and he made the soap for the customer.

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But why did he deny it later on? Maybe he looked at it and he liked it. And he said, Well, maybe I can wear it. It's not exactly my measures, but maybe I can wear it or maybe I can sell it to someone else. It really looks good. Maybe I can make more money, or maybe I'll gift it to someone. So he decided to take it off after

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he had made it

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it. So when he made it, he made it with intention that is for the customer. So the action of tailoring it, okay was done with the right intention for the customer so he deserves the money.

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But if he made it with another intention that's designed it for himself or for someone else, that means the action was done

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with the with stealing, there's a notion of stealing there, that's I'm going to take it. So he doesn't deserve to be paid for that. Okay, so he, because he wanted to steal it, he doesn't even get paid for that. Okay, so here it shows that the intention is is actually

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consequential in terms of rulings. So this is the same quality we said we're talking about the types of COVID So some of them are taken from, from religious texts or the from the Quran or the Sunnah in them and Armando Binya is Hadith Hadith from the province of Sudan, some scholars tried to put a different wording,

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saying Al Omar will be Mikaze, the things should be assessed should be weighed up, based on the intentions, it's the same meaning.

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Another type of ruling we said is that statements that are made by the scholars by this court so the scholars look at Sharia.

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And when they see the same pattern of caring in the field of Salah and the fifth of cm and the fifth of transactions and the fifth of the hara, there is a general pattern there. Okay, they will try to see this pattern and put it in words, put it in words, just like for example, we said

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let me actually,

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yeah, actually one of the, one of the general rules that are

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that some scholars have created, they say,

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because, you know, people sometimes get confused as to things that come out of their body.

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When do these things cause them to make loosen their Geneva? When do they only cause them to make?

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Only will do, only will do. So one of these, some of the scholars came up, they said, and that's basically we're talking about things that come out from the private parts.

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So they said, If what comes out of your private parts, is impure, it's an impure substance, then all you need to do is make will do. But if what comes out of your private parts is a pure substance, you need to make hosel.

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And if you look at it works, it does work. So if a person goes to the washroom,

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what comes out of them is either urine, or feces, right? That's impure. So all they need to do is model. But when a person for example, they have a sexual *,

00:33:08 --> 00:33:15

and there is *, that's a pure matter. You know, * is pure matter, it comes out, then the person needs to make porcelain.

00:33:16 --> 00:33:29

Now, we all make these kinds of rules. We all make these kinds of rules. Sometimes you deal with the people who come from a certain area you say, you say people who come from the city don't deal with them. They're no good.

00:33:30 --> 00:33:47

They're no good. This is why they say for example, tall people. This right short people are that generalizations This is the old rules. This is exactly what the rules actually do. But they are accurate, they are accurate because some of the rules that we come up with are actually personal unbiased.

00:33:59 --> 00:34:42

Okay, some of the rules are so generic. So they actually apply to almost every aspect of work like an automobile mechanic, or deeds or by intentions. This is very generic, it applies everywhere, even to life. And some rules are actually specific, like the ones we mentioned about Waldo and hosel. But we'll do and Russell these are generic Takahara. So you we have rules that apply everywhere in fact, and there are there are rules that apply only in specific areas of like, there are rules specific for Salah there are rules specific for transactions, they don't apply anywhere else. So the so there are levels of generality. So there is

00:34:43 --> 00:34:53

like very general very generic and there is something in the middle and there are rules that are really specific to a certain area. Okay. So these are different types of

00:34:54 --> 00:34:55

refer to the rules of

00:34:57 --> 00:35:00

Maxim's so I'm going to stop here. It's as I said,

00:35:00 --> 00:35:10

There's a short introduction. And until people get to know a bit more of the more than the class, I don't want I don't want them to miss a lot. So, this should be an easy

00:35:11 --> 00:35:24

quick brief introduction Shala into the topic. The book is as I said, this will be the main source will be called verges V. ILAHA. Illa. heckuva ideal for clinically the brief

00:35:26 --> 00:35:40

into in the in clarifying the generic rules of that is authored by a chef and Dr. Mohamed suppy. Elbow no hands three elbow No.

00:35:44 --> 00:36:07

As I said, I will look into the English sources English books in this, I mean on this subject, and recommend that you allow one or two. So, again, the this class will demand a lot of the students it's not like the first one is going to be more difficult, it's going to be more demanding, we will stick more to the book will stick more to the book because we

00:36:08 --> 00:36:30

I mean, it's good sometimes to simplify the class and present it in an easier fashion. But it's also important to get the students of knowledge into the mood of dealing with the books, books are not necessarily easy to deal with. So we're going to float and we'll just you know, go through the book and clarify issues and make comments and translate.

00:36:32 --> 00:36:40

So you will get to see sometimes the rigidness of dealing with with knowledge, it's not easy. So I'm not going to buffer this.

00:36:41 --> 00:37:17

I'm not going to buffer this in other classes, I said I you know, try to facilitate it, make things easy, do the hard work, and then bring everything completely processed. But in this class is going to be a bit more raw, it will be a bit more raw. In the sense we'll be taking directly from the book, I will be just clarifying things. But it will be sort of as if you are actually reading the book as if you're dealing yourself with the book. So that actually requires a lot of effort from you. And that requires some note taking and focus. Okay, so it's not easy, and requires you to take a proactive approach in asking questions as well.

00:37:19 --> 00:37:21

Okay, so any questions?

00:37:24 --> 00:38:01

Yes. In that example you did with gold making? Yeah. I don't see how the guys caught you. Either way, he did something wrong. Either way, the guy who brought the material has been wrong. Either he's losing the value of the material, or he's losing his time. And now he wants to go somewhere else and make it again. So either way, that guy should pay something fine, too. If it fits him, give it to him. He doesn't pay him he pays a fine for this guy to the court. So the judge doesn't fit him and then for somebody else, and he has to pay him back for the material he used and pay a fine for wasting his time. Isn't that more fair?

00:38:02 --> 00:38:03

It could be it could.

00:38:06 --> 00:38:27

Yes, but just looking at the answers, I would assume there was a context around the story, which is more that the guy wanted the job anymore. The customer wanted to get it anymore. So he said I wanted regardless. Okay, so I'm assuming so yes. But if you want to think of other possibilities, there are Yes. There could be other possibilities. Yeah. Yeah.

00:38:30 --> 00:38:31

No questions, sisters.

00:38:33 --> 00:38:33


00:38:41 --> 00:38:42


00:38:43 --> 00:39:00

now, if you make also make sure by the way that you wash your mouth and nose, yeah, a lot of people forget about this. So if you actually make muscle and have the intention of a look within it, it covers for both. Yes, absolutely. Yes. And that's the love numbers fatwah.

00:39:03 --> 00:39:19

Left and right shoulder and that's a preference. You want to start with the right side before the left side. But also means you have to wash your whole body. Everything in your body has to be your soaked in water, in a sense, and don't forget your mouth and your nose because a lot of people forget this.

00:39:21 --> 00:39:30

You don't have to but you want to do it as extra but you don't have to if you have the intention of doing guzzle it has the intention of vado within it anyway. Yes

00:39:36 --> 00:39:37


00:39:38 --> 00:39:39

you see the reference

00:39:40 --> 00:39:42

start in my mind at the moment.

00:39:45 --> 00:39:45


00:39:47 --> 00:39:48

is from

00:39:50 --> 00:39:54

Islam of generally speaking the yeah they check Hadith.

00:39:55 --> 00:39:57

Yeah. Okay, good.

00:39:59 --> 00:39:59

Now what

00:40:00 --> 00:40:01

Questions, general questions

00:40:02 --> 00:40:05

we can take Yeah, one one general questions.

00:40:06 --> 00:40:12

I grew up in a different city, my parents house. So when I traveled to that city, and I'm staying in the same room where I grew up

00:40:14 --> 00:40:21

in terms of shortening the the safest opinion, that's been teamies opinion that if you

00:40:22 --> 00:40:32

have more than one house in different areas, anywhere you are in your house in one of your houses, you should stop taking the exemptions.

00:40:33 --> 00:40:36

Even though, even though with parents house most

00:40:40 --> 00:40:48

It depends. It also depends because some people when they leave the house that if the parents house actually becomes completely foreign to them.

00:40:49 --> 00:41:10

Like even though these are their parents, but they have no sense of belonging nothing. And that's more so in the West. But in the east, it's actually your parents house is still more like your house. So I think that plays a role. So generally speaking in the Muslim world, the general set where is now if you go to your parents house is just like you're in your own house, it doesn't really change.

00:41:11 --> 00:41:25

But it's still a matter of debate. Because the point here is it considered to be your house or not? Is it considered to be a place of residence, not suddenly permanent residence, but when you go there, register home? Okay, so that's where the question is

00:41:31 --> 00:41:31

a portion of

00:41:33 --> 00:41:34

South Africa

00:41:35 --> 00:41:51

Yeah, that's a good point. That's a good point. So Allah Allah, but regardless, although this is a little bit irrelevant, that if you have a portion or not, because it's about the whole thing about shortening the prayer and combining prayers when you travel is about an machaca which is the hardship.

00:41:52 --> 00:42:08

Okay. So, this lesson is over this idea has nothing to do directly with that ruling. Okay. So the issue of ownership has nothing to do because, I mean, I could own a place somewhere like I could own a house in,

00:42:09 --> 00:42:18

in Milton in Sharla. Yeah, and I rent it out. So I'm gonna go and visit a rented out to my friend I go visit my friend, it's my house, right? I own it.

00:42:19 --> 00:42:28

And I'm traveling the same traveling from Kingston to Milton. And I'm in Milton visiting for a day it's my friend It's my house. He rented it from me

00:42:29 --> 00:42:40

because the house is mine doesn't mean I'm gonna just you know, pre normal I'm traveling I'm gonna shorten and combined okay, but anyway, let's not get into this kind of discussions but

00:42:43 --> 00:42:46

Okay, again then the same thing. Okay, go ahead.

00:42:47 --> 00:42:48

My problem

00:42:50 --> 00:43:07

I don't recommend this don't pray in your car because you need to stand up unless you have a big van where you actually can stand up and make proper Salah i By the way this relates I mean thanks for bringing this up. That's the big issue I see a lot of people praying in the in their

00:43:08 --> 00:43:09

in their in the car

00:43:11 --> 00:43:16

one of the main pillars of Salah is the yam you standing up how you pray in the car.

00:43:17 --> 00:43:45

You might say oh, it's raining something I mean, come on. You're in Canada you can find the corner to pray you can find somewhere to pray. Like you're not if you're out in the open and there is no way for you like it's heavily raining and it's really bad and you can't but even that's a very rare case. So no you shouldn't pray at all in the car you should pray standing find a place even if it's uncomfortable, even if it's there's people walking here, you know and passing by.

00:43:46 --> 00:43:47

I make it

00:43:51 --> 00:44:03

I don't want to get there as well or not. But I would say don't do it. That's where the last panel died. That's what Allah Yeah. Welcome. Okay. Zach en la que la. So lots of them have been hammered. Adios, amigos.

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