Haitham al-Haddad – How to Live the Quran?

Haitham al-Haddad
AI: Summary ©
The title of the Quran is important for protecting words and understanding the language. It is used as guidance for one's life and is a powerful tool for addressing problems. It is also a guidance for everyone, including individuals who want to be worshiped or have a sense of pleasure. Visits the Quran and practice the rhythm of the title to gain insight into the meaning of life.
AI: Transcript ©
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It is better that we get the guidance from the creator of everything rather than getting the guidance of from the creation themselves because once we get to that the guidance from the creation themselves, then the guidance will be influenced by those who put those guidance.

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They will not be such guidance will not be new guidance as if they come from Allah, Allah Allah mean the one who created everything. My dear respected brothers and sisters, my dear colleagues,

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what is our duty towards the Quran?

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What should we do towards the Quran? First of all, we need to believe in the Quran. That it is the exact word of Allah, Allah Allah, that Allah Allah Allah revealed for the entire humanity. We need to believe in the Quran. This is the first this is the first obligation towards the Quran. The second obligation towards the Quran is we need to read the Quran My dear respected brothers and sisters

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okay smilla Mahara him Alhamdulillah

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Alhamdulillah hinomoto wanna stay in one istockphoto one with me Allah hi Rocco. liahona shadow Allah, Allah la hora de la when I shadow anana Vienna Mohammed Abu Bashar Al amin Bashir ohana de la for some Allahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira

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My dear respected brothers and sisters, I would like to address all of you with this important topic, how to live the Quran. My dear brothers and sisters I prefer to discuss this topic on to address this topic in a very casual way, rather than a very academic way. I want the talk about the Quran to come from the heart in order for it to go to your heart, my dear brother, my dear sister to go to your hearts, my dear brothers, sisters, colleagues.

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First of all, let us talk about the Quran. What is the Quran?

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The Quran My dear respected brothers and sisters is this feature for La Jolla Allah. That Allah Allah Allah spoke long time ago.

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And the Lord Allah Allah wrote it long time ago, and de la jolla kept kept it in the preserve tablet long time ago. Then Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah Allah sent Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sahbihi wa sallam, then Allah, Allah started to reveal to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Quran

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and the Quran was revealed to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam throughout 23 years.

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The Quran that we have

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in our hands, is the actual and the accurate speech of Allah, Allah Allah that He spoke long time ago.

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No one has touched the Quran. No one has altered anything from the Quran. gibreel alayhi salam, the angel Gabriel alehissalaam heard it from Allah Allah Allah and gibreel alayhi salam recorded it as he has

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data from Allah, Allah Allah. Then he revealed it to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He heard it from Allah, Allah Allah. He did not change anything of the Quran. And Allah, Allah Allah took upon himself to preserve this Hold on, and

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honor the owner of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to preserve the Koran for them without any change without any alteration. In

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the crop. We're in Allah who the heavy load. Indeed we have revealed the ticker, which is the Quran and it is upon us to preserve the Quran. One of the many Israel yahood people accepted the accepted Islam because of this verse A long time ago, during the time of

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abassi Caliphate, he noticed that there is a person who used to be from Bani Israel from from the hood, who accepted Islam. He asked him about the reason why he accepted Islam. And this person said that he wanted to test whether the Quran is preserved by Allah, Allah, Allah or not. So he said that he took a copy of the Quran and he wrote a complete of the complete copy of the Quran. And he changed a few things in that copy. And he wanted to sell it. People refuse to buy it, one after another they refuse to buy it because they realize that it is not the original or and that Allah Allah Allah revealed to Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and then he said, after I have tested this a

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few times, I realized that this book was preserved by Allah, Allah, Allah and I accepted Islam because of that.

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There is no book.

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Although the Torah is the book of Allah, Allah Allah, the in jail is the book of Allah, Allah Allah, the Torah is the speech of Allah, Allah Allah, they in jail is the speech of Allah, Allah Allah. Allah, Allah, Allah did not want to protect them to save them for the humanity. Allah Allah decided to protect the Quran and only the Quran

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that's why

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that's why the Quran historically all now, throw out any place is the same Koran that is read everywhere. Whenever a person makes a mistake in the Quran, then that mistake will be realized by hundreds of people. Why? Because Allah Allah Allah said in the Quran in the hula half my dear respected brothers and sisters, Allah Allah on our own mouth Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam by revealing this book to them. Allah Allah Allah revealed this speech to them and he considered this his speech as the best of his speech. Allahu Allah Arsenal Hadith Kitab Amata shabbiha mahtani attack shut

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down, so Marcelino julu mokulua Mira decorilla, Allah sent down the best of his speech, as an added Kitab Amata shabbiha consistent book, you don't find any inconsistency in the Quran whatsoever. And not only that, the miracles of the Quran are not limited to the meanings of the Quran, but also to the rhythm of the Quran. When you hear the Quran, you feel that this speech is not the speech of any human being, you will realize that the one who spoke the Quran is someone who is different is the creator of the universe. Allah Allah, Allah Allah. Allah

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Kitab Amata shabbiha. Mata Ania

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is repeated in different ways in the Quran. The story of Musa was repeated a number of times in the Quran and you don't feel bold when you read it in different places in the Quran. The Surah Surah Al Fatiha is it repeated 1000s of times every single Muslim is either repeating shoretel or listening to Surat Al Fatiha minimum 17 times a day and no one. After repeating it hundreds of times we'll see both of Surah Al Fatiha no one would have you ever heard someone saying oh I had enough of Surah Fatiha I repeated it many times. I don't want to repeat

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it anymore. You will never, we have never heard of something like this Kitab Amata shabbiha masani duck Shia womanhood YOLO de la dee and I have shown some metallian oduro dhammapada Amina decorilla the skin

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of those who submit to the Quran will shiver when they hear the Quran and their hearts will be so often as well when they hear the Quran. The Quran, my dear respected brothers and sisters was revealed to the best of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So it is the best of speech that was sent to the best of a Prophet salallahu alaihe salam and the Lord Allah Allah revealed the Quran in the best time, which is the month of Ramadan in Laila to cuddle in.

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Indeed we have revealed the Quran in the night of power. And Allah Allah Allah says sha Allah mana lady on z. And we all know that the month of Ramadan is the best of months, the month of Ramadan in which the Quran was revealed. And the Lord Allah Allah chose to send it to the best of places which is Makkah, Oman karate Allah Allah Allah.

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Allah Allah, Allah, honor us 90 respect to the brothers and sisters with this speech. Who are we? We are the owner of the Quran. And anyone who wants to join this great honor, he can he is welcome. That's why Allah Allah Allah revealed the Quran for the entire humanity.

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Johannes Khadija

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la come Nora Medina. Oh mankind

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and evidence came to you from your load acampo hanamura become an evidence everything in the Quran is an evidence that it came. It was revealed by Allah, Allah Allah it was spoken by Allah, Allah.

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And Allah Allah Allah says Khadija como hanamura become and we have revealed to you know, Allah, Allah, Allah called the

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light live. Without the light of the Quran, no one will see any light in his life. Some people might see some light on a temporary basis, but their entire life will not be seen unless the person follows the light of the Quran. And that's why Allah Allah Allah says, and Islam Allah Kitab on Anza Allahu la Caleta cretinous Amina maluma T. Eleanor, it never be him. This is a book full of blessings we have sent it to you in order for you to take people from darkness to the light.

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And Allah Allah Allah also says woman Lamia, janilla hola hola Nora, from Allah who may know if Allah Allah Allah did not give you know, if Allah the Creator, the Supreme Being did not give you a lie. You will never see light woman from Allah Allah Allah, Allah. Allah Allah Allah Allah,

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Allah who may know he will have no light. That's why Allah Allah Allah also said to the entire mankind, Allah Allah Allah sent this for an to the entire mankind. Those who endorse the Quran will be the people of the Quran, the followers of the Quran, but the Quran is for everyone.

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yohannes Khadija

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become what she found on the manifesto door were hidden.

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Oh people, not all believers, oh people and admonition and a reminder, from you load came to you know ever to become and what she found on the Mephisto door and it is a healer for all the problems in your hearts. That's why my dear respected brothers and sisters, those who live away from the Koran will never feel content, they will never feel the inner peace, they will never feel the contentment they will never feel the real happiness. The real happiness My dear brothers and sisters comes through and only through the

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many people will challenge this and they will claim that they are happy because of wealth because of fame because of materialistic reasons.

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They claim this and I challenge that there is a real happiness away from the happiness of the Koran. And that's why I challenge everyone. I challenge everyone

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who reads the Quran

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and understands the Quran and then he doesn't find that his life will change because of the Quran. I challenge everyone to bring any example of a person who will read the Quran, who who understood the Quran, who try to embedded occur and internalize the Quran in his life and he doesn't feel a real change.

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My dear respected brothers and sisters, Allah, Allah, Allah, honor this fall with so many virtues, one of them as we said, It is his his speech. That's why Allah Allah Allah, as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said,

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whoever reads the Quran, even if he reads one letter, Allah Allah, Allah will grant him 10 Hashanah and the La Jolla Allah might grant him even more than 10,000 for reading one letter of the Quran. In the very famous Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said mancora how farming kita Bella fella Javi Ashura has an ad

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la colo and Islamic health what I can only find helpful not helpful not even

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the one who reads a letter from the book of Allah Allah Allah, He will get one has an under has an OB bunk applied by 10 I don't say Alif Lam Meem as one letter I say allophone as one letter llaman as one letter and NEEMO in is another letter. My dear respected brothers and sisters, when you read just Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Look at this. How many has an audio guy going to get handwritten 90 Hashana? You are going to get handwritten 90 just by saying Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim on the Day of Resurrection every single one of us is in need of just one single house not 100 it has not 190

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if you complete the Quran once you know how many letters are you going to read and

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you are going to read the 300,000 plus letters. Which means that you will get 3 million letter 3 million has enough by completing the Quran. If you read the Quran in the month of Ramadan, most likely the hassanal will not be given 10 times will not be multiplied by 10 times most likely it will be multiplied by 100 times or more than that. So imagine that if you read if you complete the Quran, once in the month of Ramadan, how many millions of Hashanah you are going to get.

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That's why my dear respected brothers and sisters, we need to be attached to the book of Allah, Allah Allah. We need to live with the book of Allah, Allah Allah. And the first step towards the book of Allah, Allah Allah is to read it. My dear respected brothers and sisters, part of among the virtues of the Quran, is that Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah revealed that this Oran as a guidance Allah, Allah, Allah revealed, and full of blessings full of miracles. Everything in the Quran is a miracle. The way it was written, the way it is read, the meanings of the Quran are also all of them are miracles. Imagine the historical facts that were mentioned in the Quran. How would

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who was illiterate and knew about them? How would Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam knew about many scientific facts mentioned in the Quran. How the human being is created. How is the How is the earth? How is the earth his table by the mountains? How is the rain coming? How is this and that many scientific facts are mentioned in the Quran? Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam wouldn't you know about them except a pharaoh, Allah, Allah, Allah, the creator of everything.

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Not only that, but when you listen to the Quran, you feel that this book is not written by anyone. You feel that this book was not said by anyone.

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You will feel that this is a strange book that no human being would even be able to simulate it. And that's why a larger lavalla challenge the whole of humanity, to bring one Surah like the Quran, to be sure that they may miss a Word document.

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If you are denying the Quran, then just bring one Surah just one chapter that is similar to the Quran. And the entire gin and ends

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are on layer two and

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they wouldn't be able to produce anything similar to this or my dear respected brothers and sisters, non Muslims accepted Islam just because of listening to the Quran. When they hear this Koran, they found that this is something different. And then they started to read it and they accepted Islam because of this. Many people accepted the Quran just reading the first a few verses of Surah Al Baqarah.

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meme, Dolly Kalki tabula rasa Buffy Hoda limited, this is a book in which there is no doubt whatsoever. They ask themselves, who is that person

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who is without a human being who can write a book and he says this is a book in front of you, you will not find any mistake in it, you will find no doubt in it. I challenge you to find any mistake or any consistency in the in this book.

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This is part of the miracles of the Quran.

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Even part of the miracles of the Quran that you might find in the Quran, words are repeated verses are repeated for the Arabic Omar to Canavan in Surah. Rahman, repeated more than 10 times and you hear it repeated now and then now and then and you don't find that it is odd at all. You'll find letters repeated in one place in the Quran. And you don't find that odd at all. We can give many examples of that.

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Vietnamese alameen wa barakaatuh narikala ami mmamoloko Omar Monsanto Matera home, sama sama nada en la how many times the letter mean was repeated, you find that it is very smooth. It is read in a very smooth way. It is not odd at all, although it was repeated more than 14 times. And this is one of the uniqueness of this book of Allah, Allah Allah, mighty respected the brothers and sisters,

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one of the miracles of the Quran or the main miracle of the Quran that it is a book of guidance in all aspects of our life. That's why Allah Allah Allah says,

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In the ANA de la te upon

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me, Nina Latina Deena Luna Sol, another homodyne kaviraj. Indeed, that book guides to that what is better in all matters of our life, in all matters, on an individual level, on a societal level, and economy, in politics, in finance, in social life, and every single thing the Quran is a guidance for the entire humanity. The Quran is a guidance not for the Arabs and Saudi Arabia. The Quran is not guidance for the Muslims. The Quran is guidance for everyone. The Quran is not just guidance for people who lived 1400 years ago, the Quran is is still guidance for the humanity now.

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This is the book of Allah, Allah Allah, that Allah Allah Allah revealed it kita Bonanza Allahu la Moroccan full of blessings, this book that has been revealed to you full of blessings Mubarak and Leah iottie in order for them to reflect upon the Quran, Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, once they reflect upon the Quran, then this will guide them to have admonition to act upon the Quran and to put it into practice, and that is the ultimate goal of the Quran. My dear respected brothers and sisters, what are the aims of the Koran? What are the aims of the Quran, the Quran was revealed for the entire humanity as guidance in all the

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To what to bring them out of darkness to the light. What is the light? The light is the light of the Quran when people worship one God, Allah, Allah, Allah mean without worshiping Allah, Allah Allah, people will be worshiping either their own desires or their own wins. They will be worshipping, materialistic,

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materialistic items in their life. They will be worshipping money, they will be worshipping fame. What is better for you, my dear brother, my dear sister, my dear colleague, to worship, a being a creative being like you or to worship, the one who created everything. No one can claim that he is free from worshiping something in his life. It is only Islam that takes people out of being the slaves of beings like them, to be enslaved to Allah, Allah, Allah to free them from being enslaved to other creative beings to be free to worship Allah, Allah, Allah, the real freedom takes place. When people worship Allah, Allah Allah, they free themselves from everything around them, and they

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feel their real happiness and contentment. And that is the main message of the Quran.

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And because Allah Allah, Allah revealed the Quran to achieve this message, Allah Allah Allah will be angry of those who reject his message.

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That's why Allah Allah Allah says in Surah Allah feanor him we're in alpha gr Allah fie jehane Yes, Alona haoma. Deen, the righteous people will be in the light, whether in the dunya or in the author and in the food jar, those who reject the truth. The truth is what was revealed in this book, what will happen to them, there will be living in Durham, Durham, whether in this life or in the Hereafter, the hymn refers to any jam referred to all types of hardship, including the punishment of the Day of Resurrection, including the punishment of the Fire of health, Allah will become angry of those who rejected his message. And this is one of the main aims of the Quran. Again, part of the

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main aims of the Quran or one of the main aims of the Quran is that people conducted their life in this life, conducted their life in a very harmonious way.

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They will feel the real happiness and tranquility once they implement the guidance of the Quran. The Quran is prohibiting people from cheating from stealing. The Quran is prohibiting people from drinking alcohol which is a source of grief for so many of them, or for all who consume alcohol. The Quran is commanding people, to be honest, to be merciful to each other. And the Quran is a book of power. The Quran is not talking about these things only the Quran is talking about how we can conduct our life from a social perspective, from a political perspective. The Quran is talking about the law of war.

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The Quran is talking about the law of peace. It is better that we get to the guidance from the creator of everything rather than getting the guidance of from the creation themselves. Because once we get to that, the guidance of the creation themselves, then these guidance will be influenced by those who put those guidance. They will not be such guidance will not be new guidance as if they come from Allah. Allah mean the one who created everything. My dear respected brothers and sisters, my dear colleagues,

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what is our duty towards the Quran?

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What should we do towards the Quran? First of all, we need to believe in the Quran. That it is the exact word of Allah, Allah Allah, that Allah Allah Allah revealed for the entire humanity. We need to believe in the Quran. This is the first this is the first obligation towards the Quran. The second obligation towards the Quran is

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We need to read the Quran My dear respected brothers and sisters, I have taken a blood a pledge from you last year that you will memorize either one years or 10 years of the Quran. My dear respected brothers and sisters, I know that you might say that it is difficult for you to read or an fluently but you need to learn how to read for an fluently because once you read the Quran fluently you will see the impact of the Quran on your life.

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I always say that shame on every single Muslim who has been Muslim for a number of years and yet he or she is unable to read the Quran fluently.

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Shame on every single Muslim who is unable to read the Quran fluently My dear respected brothers and sisters, Allah Allah Allah revealed it, honor it, honor us with this or an and then we leave the Quran behind our backs. So this is the second thing we need to learn how to read the Quran fluently. Don't say that you are not an Arab, Allah, Allah Allah said, Well, yes or no or an early victory for Halima decayed. We have revealed the Quran easy for those who want to read it to reflect upon it. Is there anyone who is going to do that? This is what Allah Allah Allah says, the number of people who memorize the Quran from the non Arabs is far bigger than the number of people who memorize the Quran

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from the Arabs, go to Bangladesh, go to Pakistan, go to India, go to many African countries, and you will see millions of people who memorize the Quran, and yet they do not speak Arabic.

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So you need to do that my dear respected brothers and sisters, most of you are young, you should have a plan to memorize the entire poron you will never regret anything in your life as regretting that you did not memorize the Quran on a young age one law he I testify by a law that you will never regret something as you regret that you did not memorize the Quran in a young age.

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Then after reading the Quran, my dear respected brothers and sisters, we need to start to understand the basic meanings of the Quran. Just the basic meanings of the Quran. And that's why I urge all of you to carry a copy of the Quran that has the Arabic the Koran itself and the translation in any language you would like. in any language you find it comfortable for you.

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And you read the Arabic text and you you read the English translation or the Norwegian translation or any translation you like, and you match them in order just to understand the basic meanings of the Quran. My dear respected brothers and sisters we need Allahu Allahu Allahu Samad. Let me let me akula who

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do we know the meanings of Allah? Who summit? Allah?

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Allow summit lemmie La Jolla mula Do we know the meanings of this simple verse?

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Do we always we read we hear the Imam reading in Surat. In Yama, Yama said,

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Allah Allah, Allah Azza wa wa la da, da da da, da da, da da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da. Do we understand those words?

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Then my dear respected brothers and sisters, after reading the basic meanings of the Quran, let us try to

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think about those meanings. live by them. Think about them in every aspect of our life. When you know the entire Quran, you will live by that entire colony throughout your life. When you wake up in the morning you will be thinking about the Quran. You will be thinking about showing certain verses that were mentioned in the Quran. When you face a calamity in your life, you will remember the ayah when Allah Allah Allah says Western will be Saturday or Salah take help from the salah and take help by having supper. When you are facing a situation where you are going to. when when when you are looking at something haram you will remember that Allah Allah Allah says Palermo

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Boom boom and I'm sorry I'm tell the believers to lower their gaze. And you will also remember

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when you are about to deal with a transaction that is full of Riba, you will remember what Allah Allah Allah says about Riba, when you want to address your brother without foul language, you will remember that Allah Allah Allah says only daddy Oh lucky yes and in the shape, Ananda home, when you feel frustrated, when you feel that there is no hope for you in this life, you will remember the verse when Allah Allah Allah says, Mama, Mama Javier hyah to dunya Illa Allah, Allah, this life is nothing but musement it is nothing but a game.

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You will live by the Quran, my dear respected brothers and sisters. So this is the third reading that you need to have it which is a reading where you implemented the Koran in your life in order to in order to live by the Quran. Moreover, my dear respected brothers and sisters, I urge all of you, I urge all of you to have circles whereby you study the Quran circles just to study the Quran, to reflect upon the Quran. And don't say that you need these colors. If you don't have his colors, do it yourself. If you do it as circuits three people, four people, five people, and when you get stuck with someone, then you ask then you will see that your life is strong is starting to change because

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of the Quran. Finally, my dear brothers and sisters, I always I always put this forward for you that try

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to read the Quran loudly for 15 minutes every day.

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And the check yourself after one month what will happen to you will log in you will see that your life became upside down

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one line you will see this, just read the Koran for 15 minutes every day. The Quran means the Arabic Quran loudly for one month and you will see the impact of the Quran on your life. And you will see that you are tasting a different taste for your life. And then you will understand the real meaning of this life. And then you will be taken from the darkness to the real light which is the light of the Quran kita Bonanza Allahu la comunidad raccoon Leah de barro Aya t Juanita dakara Alba and Islamorada kita when Angelina who LA County Regional seminar at Illinois DB is nearby him Allah Allah Allah says Allah

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Allah Allah jabel la Ito hace un Mutasa, dia and minha Shatila had we revealed in this book on a mountain you will see the mountain humbling itself and cracking because of what because of the Quran and imagine if the Quran was revealed on your heart. I asked Allah Allah Allah to make the Quran as the spraying of our hearts, the coolness of our eyes. I asked Allah, Allah Allah to help us to learn the Quran and to remember the Quran and to memorize the Quran. I asked Allah, Allah Allah to give us Shiva in the Quran once we submit to the Quran, I asked Allah Allah Allah to make us the oma of the Quran because the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, the best people are the people of the Quran. They

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are the people of Allah Jalla wa salatu salam wa barakaatuh Nabina Muhammad Ali, he was such a big man.

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Know question is we recite Quran every day. Mashallah.

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But most of the time, we understand we do not understand what we are winning. So, is there any benefit of reciting Quran every day once you don't know what why are you reading? So my question is,

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Masha, Allah Subhana Allah,

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we all must read Quran. As a matter of fact, we are all Muslims, but a number of times.

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Basically, myself also, we I don't know

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What I'm reading. So is there any benefit? Okay.

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The question is yes. The question is, if I do not understand the Quran Do I have to read the Quran in Arabic? Is there any benefit of reading Quran in Arabic or not?

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First of all, first of all, we say that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said whoever reads a letter from the Quran, he will get one Hashanah. And the hassanal will be multiplied by 10. So the first benefit is to get the number of Hashanah, mighty respect, respected brothers and sisters. Listen to this. The easiest way to get Hassan out in this life to get to the wards to build for yourself houses in Ghana, is by reading Quran.

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Everything might have some difficulty sadaqa you have to give your money. First thing you have to fast am Elaine you have to wake up at night in order to to make a omelet. But reading Quran, you can have a cup of tea next to you and you can be sitting relaxing and just reading the Quran reading the Quran. That's all every single letter will give you 10 as an art, some elderly people we know some elderly people who finished the Koran once every three days. And this is a message to the elderly people. This is the message for the disabled people. This is a message for the hopeless people. Open the Koran you will have hope in it. You will have the future in the Quran. If you have no friends

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open the Quran, you will have 1000s of friends. So by just reading the Koran, just reading it, even if you do not understand anything of what you read, you will get many many 10 has an ad for one single letter. Allah Allah Allah. If you read just as we said Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim you will get 190 Hashanah. If you read Surah Fatiha you will get 1000 300,000 by just reading Surah Fatiha This is one thing. The other thing My dear respected the brothers and sisters. The Quran is a miracle is full of miracles. Once you read the Quran, even if you do not understand it, you will see that your body your life has been affected positively by the Quran. It is like the sun when you

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expose your skin, your body to the sun, the sun will affect your body. Vitamin D plus many other vitamins will be built in your body without you feeling that same thing will happen to you when you read the Quran.

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The other thing My dear brothers and sisters, the Quran once we read it in Arabic, this will make Arabic easy for us. That's why Allah Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah says in the Quran, Allah and Allah and Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah does not want the Quran to be revealed in any other language. Allah Allah Allah wants to unite the entire humanity. On Arabic language, Allah Allah Allah wants this, this is his decision. And this is again one of the miracles of the Quran. Imagine my dear respected brothers and sisters that we do not have to read the Quran in Arabic. So Muslims in Norway, for example, when they read the Koran, when they lead to the Salah, they read the Salah in

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Norwegian there is Surah Fatiha in Norwegian. Imagine a person coming from the Arab world does not know Norwegian at all. He will go to the masjid and he will hear something is being read. Is he going to feel that those people are his own people?

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Imagine that you go to China and you entered one of the mosques there. And there they are reading the Quran in Chinese.

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Do you feel attached to them? Do you feel that they are your brothers and sisters, but wherever you go in any part of the world, enter any Masjid and once you go there, you will see the Ummah you will hear the Imam saying Allahu Akbar and then Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen

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him, you will feel welcomed, you will feel that this person is your brother, you will feel that this is part of you, you will feel that this is your alma. This is the globalization of the ummah.

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Throw out Arabic language you throw out the Quran and this is one of the miracles of the Quran. There is no religion like this. That's why whatever they do the enemies of Islam they won't like to this unite us. The Quran will unite us this fight any attempt to dis unite us just the fact that we read one book in Arabic in

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Arabi and Allah alone, this will unite our ummah. This is some of the benefits of reading the Quran in Arabic and my dear respected brothers and sisters, I urge all of you to learn Arabic You must learn some Arabic My dear brothers and sisters and you are recommended to learn as much Arabic as you can. Because voila he once you learn Arabic You can access for an directly life will be different when you hear the Imam reciting.

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reciting for example, in a Latina can lobby it in our stock about La, la, la La,

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la, la La, la, la, la jolla some milk

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in the home in Ghana, Mommy, mommy and

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daddy can adjust the volume in for example, if you hear this, you will be amazed of the strong meanings of such words. You will not be amazed if you just listen to it. You will not be so amazed if you just listen to it without understanding though the meaning of those words.

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The next question is

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a brother or sister is asking the thing is that I want to be able to memorize the Quran. But I find it hard to find time How can I strengthen my willpower so strong from able to memorize it In short, in a short amount of time? Okay. My dear respected brothers and sisters, this is a very good question.

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I always say that you need to plan for your life according to the Quran. Make the Quran as the center of your life.

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Once you plan to memorize the Quran in five years, and I think all of you are able to memorize the Quran in five years. Even in less than that. I knew many young people who memorize the Quran without being in any Muslim country.

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I know a number of people who memorized the entire Quran while they are in London. In a matter of four years, you can do that.

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If you have a plan,

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a plan over five years then you will have a plan of over a year then you will have a monthly plan then you will have a weekly plan and then you have the daily plan. If you have a daily plan whenever you wake up in the morning, my dear respected brothers and sisters, the first thing you will think of Please listen to this. While I the first thing you will be thinking of is when to read your plan.

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And once you have that in mind, the first thing you will do after Salatin fudger is to read your Koran and this is the best time for you to read.

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And when you get used to that habit, you will be able to memorize the Quran easily at that time. My dear respected brothers and sisters, there is a language barrier between many of you under the Quran. And that's why I urge all of you to semi miliar eyes yourself with the rhythm of the Quran. By reading Quran loudly and frequently. I advise you to do the following. Please listen to this.

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Take short sutras of the Quran. Let us start with Sora poldhu Allahu Ahad, take that surah and record it in a way that is repeated.

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And instead of many of you putting those headphones and listening to music, listen to karate, and I advise you not to listen to the entire program, no planet whereby every day or every week, you just listen to one surah only and that is repeated. And once you listen to that, you just repeat with that. For example. You just hear all Allahu Ahad Yeah, the entire surah Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.

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Hello Allahu Allahu Samad let me Allah do lm Yoda wollemi. akula who go ahead, keep listening to it, keep repeating after it until you are able to match that is it.

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We want to stop this al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen Rahmani Raheem, Moni kiyomi did we need to stop that? This is not around that Allah Allah Allah. This is not the Koran that Allah Allah Allah revealed it. Yes, we need to stop kulu Allahu Allahu sama. This is not what Allah Allah Allah revealed.

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How are you going to learn this by just listen to it frequently at one time and keep repeating it. Once you once you know how to read it properly, take the other surah Allah, Allah, once you know that surah as well take the other surah and then go through our traditional ama like this. My dear brothers and sisters, many people try this and they say that within six months, they memorize the last user of the Quran and their tongue and their their tongues and there is became very familiar with the Quran and then they started the journey of memorizing the entire poron please do this and you will see that it is very, very effective.

All Muslims have the Quran in their homes, and many of them also read it now and then. But is that really enough? No it is not! We have to live the Quran! But what does that mean?

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