Moutasem al-Hameedy – Love of the Quran

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary ©
The history and success of Islam is discussed, emphasizing the importance of fearing and not giving up on Islam as it is a source of strength and will ultimately lead to victory. The use of "has" and "has not" to describe actions and events is also emphasized. The importance of practicing and memorizing the Quran is also emphasized, as it is crucial for future success. The need for practice and memorization is emphasized, and the importance of reading and following the Quran is emphasized. The importance of donating and participating in the daily prayer is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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how are you

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in the handle Allah

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Muhammad who want to stay in or who want to stop fuel

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when everyone will be law him in short all the fusina was a year to Lena Mejia Hill who found mobula When a yoga little fella had the

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white shadow

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law the hula Sherry Keller was shadow number Hamedan hola solo SallAllahu early he was early he was alum Johann Lena Taku la have got to RT he was done in LA one two Muslim on Yeah, you wanna suitable Rob Docomo lady Holla kakum In Neff sim. Wahida mahalo comin has Oh Jaha Wallace them in Houma, Reja Liang, Cathy wrong one is

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what Taku la Hala de Luna b He will

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in Allaha Qian and equal malati Eva Yeah, you Hallerin top Allah

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Welcome to a woolen studied your solicitor Kumar Amanda comb oil field locum Dono. Back home, one your play. How about I saw the whole

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foods and Habima am bad for in US oil, Hadith the kalam Allah, what accidental Hadith D had you Mohamed in Salalah, who I knew he was early, he was seldom will show up on Ohmori Muffuletta to have a coup d'etat in Bidra Wakulla be the atom bada Allah.

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All praise is due to Allah, we praise Him, we seek his aid and we ask for his forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evils of ourselves, and the evil consequences of our actions. Whomsoever Allah guides, none can lead astray. And whomsoever Allah leaves to go astray, Nan can guide I testify that there is none worthy of worship and devotion but the Almighty Allah alone. And I testify that Muhammad Sallallahu it he went early he was Salam is His servant and His Messenger

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or you who believe, fear Allah as they should be feared and die not except in a state of surrender, submission to your Lord, or mankind. be dutiful to your Lord who created you from a single person, and from him he created his wife. From them both he created many men and women, and fear Allah through whom you demand your mutual rights, and observe the rights of your kin. Surely Allah is Ever and all Walcher over you, or you who believe. Keep your duty to Allah, fear him and speak the truth. He will direct you to righteous deeds and will forgive your sins, and whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has indeed attained a great achievement. The best words are the Divine Words of Allah. And

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the best guidance and way of life is that of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa early he was setting them and the worst things in the religion are the newly invented matters. For all the newly invented matters in religion are considered to be heretical innovation and Bidra. And every bidder is misguidance. It is reported authentically from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam that one day he was sending an expedition,

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a group of the companions

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and he wants to appoint an emir, a commander over them

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so he asked them he asked every one of them man Kameena Quran

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what do you have of the Quran? What have you learned of the Quran?

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So everyone started to tell the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam how much they have learned of the Quran so far until one of them said, may Allah to Allah, Allah Imran

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I have learned and Bacala and Ali Imran the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in amazement and admiration he said Malcolm Bacala to Allah Imran Allah anon with you is Al Baqarah. And Ali Imran The man said yes, the prophets of Allah when he was sent them said it had and Amuro whom you are their commander and their leader

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Salah headin Lahemaa Allahu to Allah Salah had been in a UB

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as he was achieving one victory after the other and getting closer to beta limited this

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as they were camping when they were to the north east of beta enough days when they were camping before the battle takes place.

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He was checking the encampment, the camps of his soldiers of his army

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in the middle of the night

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when normally we would expect the soldiers to be what

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taking rest.

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Getting ready for tomorrow for the big day of tomorrow.

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And the commander as well should be well rested. But Salahuddin doesn't even send

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any of his assistants to go and check on the army. He goes himself personally to check on each one of the tents where his army was supposed to take out supposed to rest for the night.

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Every time he passes by any group of Muslims group of the army of the soldiers

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he finds them reading Quran

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then he

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passes by one tent.

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And there is no light in that tent.

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And there is no sound of recitation, they were asleep.

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A commander of today

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would say these are the ideal group among the army because they're well rested, they are prepared for tomorrow.

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But not in the books of believers,

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not in the books of those who understand life, according to the guidance of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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And as a difference between believers,

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and between people who don't truly believe

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Salahuddin when he sees the stand, and he says if we lose tomorrow, then it's because of this tent because of the group in this tent.

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In the whole Libnah hudon, family, suburbia villa.

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That's the kind of logic with which they processed reality

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with which they defended their land and their religion, and they defended the weaker people against the oppressors.

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That's the kind of logic and practicality they had.

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And it was practical, it was the most practical and it paid off.

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And it changed the course of history.

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But today, if you were to narrate this, or relate these two stories, to any person with any kind of military background,

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or leadership, they would disagree because they calculate things in a circular fashion. In an atheistic fashion that doesn't believe in Allah doesn't believe that things are in the hands of Allah doesn't believe that victory comes from Allah

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doesn't believe that there is

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a will of power or a source of strength that can only be tapped into.

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When do you connect to Allah, it's not merely physical.

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The calculations are different.

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Although they take the facts on the ground into consideration, but they have a wider perspective on reality.

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This is the power of the Quran.

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This is the power of the Quran.

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And because we have rendered the Quran in our lives as some form of decoration, some sort of superficial surface kind of worship. We read the Quran in Ramadan, if we happen to read it,

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or maybe once a week

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or every now and then we can pick up the Quran to read and 10 minutes 15 minutes into our recitation we already feel bored and disconnected.

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Because we're expecting the same kind of cheap entertainment that we get from social media, and from other sources of entertainment.

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And that's a that's a symptom of the disease that is eating at our hearts. And that is keeping us weak.

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When the Prophet SAW Allah who had he was selling them saw that this man had Al Baqarah. And then Ali Imran, not only when he said I have them, not only did he commit them to memory, because that's how that was not the style of learning among the companions in the early generations. When they read the Quran, it transformed their life. They memorize the words, they learned how to recite it correctly.

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And they contemplated its meanings they understood the meanings. And then they implemented everything in the verses they embodied the spirit and the instructions of the Quran. And this is how the Quran transformed them, change them.

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The ultimate goal of many of us who want to learn the Quran today is just to memorize it. Now, don't get me wrong, memorizing it is a great thing. But it's only the first step.

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It's only the first step. And today I have some quotes to share with you. That will enlighten us about the Quran, and about how we should engage with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala from people who live their life, according to the Quran from people who let the Quran color their life, add the flavor to their life.

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So for those who have memorized the Quran in terms of recitation, know that this is the first step and it's time for you now to start learning the meanings of the Quran, by learning the Tafseer.

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From the scholars from the trustworthy sources of Tafseer. And when you learn the Tafseer that's not the end.

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You want also to learn the tafseer that suggests and that instruct you in how you can implement the Quran and live according to it.

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And when you possess the Quran in such a manner, you have to make the Quran your companion

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if you sleep the whole night, you're not a person of the Quran.

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The Quran is not important in your life.

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If you do not read the Quran, at least once every 40 days, you're not from the people of the Quran. And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in the Quran what happens is the Prophet sallallahu only who was sending them will say what color Rasul Allah be in Olmec Takada Well, Quran and Maduro. Jorah Oh my Lord, My people have cut off the Quran have disengaged from the Quran, and there are varying degrees of disengagement. Some of them will the Muslims are guilty of this cover says a 40 days pass without you reading the full Quran at least once. For it NACA heard your own little Quran, you are one of those who disengaged with the Quran and cut it off Headjam hedgerows when you cut someone off

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and don't speak to them. And there's no relationship between you and them anymore.

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And that's a grievous sin.

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That's a grave sin.

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And that explains as well.

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In the light of the two stories that we mentioned at the beginning of the squat bar, why we Muslims are in the state we are in because a lot of us think the Quran is information. Think I can get I can read a little bit of the Quran and get some information. Or I've read this verse maybe a few years ago I got what's in it. It's over with. That's not how you engage with the Quran. That's not how you engage with the Quran. There is certain some narrations that came from the prophets of salaam but they actually can be more authentically traced back to some of the companions, where the Prophet sallallahu Sallam or the companion actually comments about the Quran describes the Quran. He says,

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Let them call the Abraham.

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The miracles, the wonders of the Quran are never exhausted.

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What are toughness through and the secrets can never be covered or learned fully? It keeps producing secrets, what are your

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dad, and you will never feel bored of the Quran if you truly engage with it.

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So those who read the Quran, find it difficult, then they give up on it. That's because you are impatient people. So I've read, but I'm not getting enough of the Quran, I'm not feeling it. So they give up on it when they should persist. Because there is a point of breakthrough. That when you prove your commitment, when you show your persistence, when you don't give up, Allah will create an opening for you. Allah will give you a breakthrough, where you would fall in love with the Quran. And you would never get enough of it. And then you will start to see the baraka and the blessings of the Divine Words of Allah in your life and in your family. Your perception of the world will start

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to change. Your understanding of reality will shift in positive and empowering ways.

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Some of these are things you can never fathom you can never relate to unless you cross over that breakthrough point. You have to cross over to the other side. And it takes persistence. And it takes patience. And it takes investment. The Quran is Allah's words, it's a treasure. And the treasure should never be given to a lazy person who's not willing to pay the price.

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Many of us struggle why? Because you have not tried enough. You have not pushed through hard enough.

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That's the ultimate reason Oh, I can't relate to it. The problem is in you. These are divine words. So what should I do? Wait until someone comes to rescue you you will die before that. Then you will regret it on the Day of Judgment.

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Why wait? So what should I do? Keep engaging with the Quran? Don't give up. There are people who engage in business

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US for five years, and it doesn't work out 10 years. It doesn't work out 20 years and they don't give up 30 years, 40 years they keep trying, and they never give up. We are willing to put that type of persistence and commitment with matters of the dunya. But with the book of Allah five minutes, it's over.

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We have the OMA of the Quran.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam says hello komentar animal Quran Allah Allah, the best among you are the ones who learn the Quran and the ones who teach it.

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A lot of the problems all of the problems we have their solution their main solution is the Quran, but we don't see it because we look at the Quran we see the Quran through a secularist lens lens. We think more like non Muslims than we think in the Quran is a book of information. Once I get the information, okay, fine, I've done my job, no the Quran the more you read it,

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the more it opens up. That's the tool to unlock the secrets of the Quran. You keep reading and reading and reading and you never get enough of it.

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The Companions of the Allahu Anhu who would read the Quran many of them will read the Quran every three days.

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10 Jews every day, some of them would complete the Quran and do a hotma every four days, some of them five days. Majority of them seven days and they'll be done with the Quran then they start over and they never get enough. They never get enough of man and I found all the Allahu Anhu says will Allah Hallo Salah had Hulu buena, Masha, beardsmen and Quran. He said, had the hearts been healthy, we would never get enough of the Quran. We'd never be satisfied with what we read, we would always want to read more. That's a sign that your heart is healthy.

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Because when the heart is filled with corruption, the heart has absorbed a lot of evil. A lot of misconceptions, a lot of false notions.

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When you read the Quran, there's a conflict and it's uncomfortable.

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When you keep reading the Quran, you allow it to shape your heart. You allow it to open up your soul.

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So when you feel the resistance that means keep going. Push harder. Don't give up until Allah subhanaw taala offers you His mercy. And then you don't have to push yourself the Quran will carry you you will fall in love with it.

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God only had our stuff for the Lord you were looking for stuff.

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That hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Shafi mozillians ed Nam and Medina Allah Allah He was having he urged me before we continue with some quotes from the companions or the Allahu Anhu and the turbin in some of the great Muslim scholars about the Quran and life with the Quran, just a reminder, Ramadan is wrong the corner it's about 10 days from now.

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And I will leave the talk about Ramadan Inshallah, which if you've got a bowtie for next Friday

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but these are just reminders because when we talk about the Quran, we're talking also about Ramadan and the connection is strong between the Quran and Ramadan. And one of the best ways to prepare yourself for Ramadan and get ready for Ramadan warm up gear up for Ramadan is to start engaging with the Quran because Shaban this month used to be called in the past in the Muslim or Masha Allah Allah, the month of the Quran, the recitals of the Quran, why? Because they would gear up with the Quran before Ramadan so that when Ramadan comes they are at a peak of their performance.

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None as we do we wait till Ramadan comes then we start and obviously we burn out in a few days and we don't we don't continue.

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So the reminder here is that you know that Abu Hurayrah

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there is the Iftar the daily Iftar.

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And it's such a landmark I would say during Ramadan in this community where people come together and people break their fast together. And then people pray together we get together such such a great gathering upon obedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and we pray and we hope that there will be great reward for everyone involved. But you know that for the Iftar to take place and be secured and to go without hiccups. We really, there is a huge burden when it comes to the funds and there is still a lot of room for those who want to donate

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Eat, who wants to help out with donating towards the Iftar and remember the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam man football I saw him and Colonel homie through Algeria, he, he who feeds a fasting person to open their fast, they would get a similar reward. So you can actually end the reward of fasting is great. So this is an opportunity, don't forget to donate towards the thought of Ramadan. And I hope we hope from Allah Subhana Allah is the most generous that the reward will not only go to the Iftar of the saw him, but also to bring him the people together, to bring in the people to the masjid and to help them to experience a sense of community for the families and

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think about all of this impact on our children, our families, how it strengthens them in their Eman and, and reinforces their Muslim identity. So a couple of quotes here, Abdullah animus ruderal the Allahu Anhu said Lilian Berry and yes, I had to come NFC he 11 Quran, the encounter your hip bone, Quran ephah your hip Bula xojo You should never check yourself against any parameter, any criterion but the Quran for if you love the Quran, you love Allah.

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And the opposite of what he's saying is that if you don't love the Quran, you don't love Allah. If you're not experiencing the love of the Quran, there is a serious flaw with your love of Allah subhanho wa Taala so if you're self nanocell Fianna I'm not gonna buy him Allah

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says, I haven't been Quran Habibollah he who loves the Quran loves Allah, so important, that shows that people say, you know, does Allah love me?

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Allah would love you in as much as you love him. But the Love is not a claim. The most accurate sign of how much love you have for Allah is how much Quran do you have in your life is the level of engagement with Iran? This is what it boils down to forget about all of the, you know, wishful thinking that we all have. That's, you know, when you get to the reality of the matter,

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said look to study behind Mahala, one of the great worshipers says Allameh to hoobler Herbal Quran, the sign of the love of Allah is the love of the Quran. And Musa Abraham was meant Bella had baccala Mala will image Bettmann Tilawat he, he who loves Allah would love to recite the words of ALLAH and he would never get enough of the Quran of the recitation of the Quran

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Hello W capital Emma hula hula to Allah he says look at how they engaged with the Quran and UCLA either as resilience of those hills Allah so what is Xena?

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Well, Arya or dedeaux whom our photography Hema Boadilla Yemen mean the Quran that I recite it has zealots and apostles Allah and Akari keep reading them and repeating them and reflecting upon them

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is something that I prefer over reading the whole Quran so quickly just to get to the end of it.

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All imamo know we'll have a hula hoop but better gemera to Mina, Sophia to Luna area to know where he detonated the bottle and how we want the dona la Saba from the early generations, especially the companions that one of them would pray the whole night repeating one verse reflecting over and over on the meaning of this verse. Till the morning, the whole night. That's when you unlock the Quran and opens up the treasury of its secrets. You don't get enough. But when you don't engage with the Quran correctly, you feel oh, that's that's boring. It's not boring. It's just enriching. But that's a world you have to tap into.

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Otherwise you don't live near mobile Shakira hemma hula Turnberry hotel Quran Fer de Paula luckyme for Julian let me as a little berry Hatha Yoga oh and her como khairthal. It was so bad. Malka de la anugerah wiza an NF Sahara Hema Allah and then said to Abdullah bin Mubarak, he said I'll read the whole Quran last night in Monica.

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Abdullah and I'm gonna accept to him

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but I know a man

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who spent the whole night reciting one sorts small surah and have come together until the morning until

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he keeps repeating it. He was talking about himself. That's how they engaged with the Quran.

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That's how they would get the most out of the Quran.

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By that half a look no huddle to him Allah and make sure to maintain our Quran I'm an OB madal Ali. The main purpose of reading the Quran and learning the Quran is to act upon its guidance.

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Follow Haibo been on word lemenager chi and valley how the hill Kulu be well I should this Digilab and will help mill Clara Quran eliminated the power. So we're here

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Have no God. He says, We found nothing that brings softness and life to the heart. And nothing that teaches you the truth

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more efficient than the Quran.

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So, there's a lot of these quotes. But the bottom line is when you engage with the Quran many people you know, explain the Quran away as some act of worship, pure act of worship, but you need to get to the facts of life, you need to educate yourself.

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These are the thoughts and the words of someone who doesn't know that

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is foreign to the Quran he's speaking about. He's speaking about the Quran from a distance.

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doesn't know what the Quran is. He assumes the Quran is just mere information, and just a pure act of worship that doesn't have an impact on you. Now there are dimensions in humans in their understanding in their cognition, in their practical in the practicality of their life in the way they deal with the world and they address the real problems of the world that can only be unlocked with the Quran. These are gifts that Allah gives the believers and he has reserved only for the believers. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to make us from among them. So start engaging with the Quran from today. Get ready for Ramadan and make sure that you continue after Ramadan how many Ramadan? So

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many of us said yes, I engage with the Quran and we start to enjoy it and we say I want to make the Quran a staple in my life. But you know what, when Ramadan is over, we didn't come back to the Quran. Make sure that this year you don't do this again. Make sure that this year, you're going to take the Quran as a companion and you will never leave it. You will never give it up. You will never grow bored of it that you would commit to it. And I promise and it's the Promise of Allah and His Messenger SallAllahu Sallam that your life would change in ways you never thought were possible.

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Allah Muffet Illumina with Amina twin Muslim Mina will mostly matter here even on what and what Allahumma Falana don't know by now why Seraph and FE M Medina with a bit Akadama on sadhana Alko. Mill Catherine.

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Alon Burnham, Nabil Hamitic, lama fildena alumina with the Jehovah's Witnesses. Tina Watford gonna talk so you're on Medicare, your optimal Rahimi Allama Brimley how the Illuminati emerald washed your SOP. Hello attic Are you there? Luffy Massey attic, we are middle Phoebe kita because sunitinib ek sal Allahu Allahu wa salam lahmacun didn't was still a phenomenal media and if you Colima can Allahumma Wi Fi module broadcast Salam Alaikum salam do we do we have Allahumma Kalia Halina focuses that type of thing. Or if you share me with the Sudan with you Jimmy a sky or the rock medica or Hamad Rahim in Allah Humann Saudi Arabia the Kalama meanie and a woman Kinder Humphrey. Allahu Allah

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you can be either

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Diem hola hola hola it can be him. Allah who referred to him after that as he is in moto Allah How much can you call him? Subhan Allah Decarburization now you're safe when our Salah I'm gonna handle more serene what hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen

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