Mufti Menk – Boost – Healing the Heart of Diseases

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The importance of protecting one's spiritual health and physical health is emphasized, along with guidance and mercy. Personal growth is also emphasized, and the need for personal growth is emphasized. Discussions about regulations and respect for others are also discussed. The importance of personal growth and respect is emphasized, along with the need to adjust one's lives and values to reflect their individual. The conversation ends with a recap of the speaker's plans for the day.
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My brothers, my sisters,
I was going to speak about something but
what I have decided to do after listening
to Sheikh Hamza's
is to bring in from what he recited
beautiful powerful reminders of Allah. I am a
person who does not believe
in coincidence
for Allah. There is no coincidence for Allah.
For you and I there might be coincidence.
For Allah, it's not considered coincidence.
He plans things.
You are here, yes, because you made a
little effort to be here, but Allah wanted
you to be here.
Who I sit next to, what happens, who
I interact with, the person I pass, the
things that happen.
Everything is designed by Allah
for the purpose
that he has chosen.
When he made you and I, he told
us I made you to test you
and people think that's a joke. Sometimes Astaghfirullah,
those who don't have faith don't realize, they
say why would Allah create me to test
me? Everything
that ever
happens in your life is
a challenge from Allah. He wants to see
what you do about it.
What you do about
situations he puts you in. What you do
the conditions that he has chosen for you.
What you do about the opportunities
he has thrown in front of you, what
you do about the difficulties, the hardship and
so on. So I'm going to get to
that, but
the verses read, he started off,
O people, You aiyuhanas,
O people, this is a verse that Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala
is addressing all people.
Allah is describing
The Quran in particular and Allah is saying,
oh people,
a reminder, a strong reminder has come to
you from your lord. Reminder about what? About
Whatever you want to know it is in
the Quran. Allah says a reminder has come
to you from your Lord
and in it
There is cure for that which is in
the chest, that which is which lies within
your rib cage.
What is in there? What is in my
chest? My heart
What is the heart all about? The heart
has 2 different aspects to it, The physical
and the spiritual.
The physical, your
medical or whatever else can be diagnosed through
a blood test. That blood must flow through
the heart in order to be pumped
around your entire body.
So if ever you would like to know
what's wrong one of the first things the
doctors will tell you is do a blood
You do the blood test and then they
talk. What was that all about? It was
the heart. Allah says the heart is the
seat of the entire body.
in the in the body there is a
piece of flesh. If it is pure and
good, the entire body will be pure and
good. And if it is not pure and
good, if it
Indeed that piece of flesh is the heart.
Indeed that piece of flesh is the heart.
If that's the words of the prophet Muhammad
peace be upon him, it is true in
every sense whether it is a physical malady
or a spiritual malady. You have jealousy, you
have a disease. It's a disease of the
heart. You rectify the heart, you remedy your
jealousy, you live a happier life. If you
have jealousy and you really
do not remedy it, your life will not
be of a quality that you deserve
or a quality that Allah wants you to
Same applies.
You have a physical malady. You tested your
blood. You saw what was wrong. You remedy
it. If you are short of zinc or
magnesium or vitamin D, you'd better do something
about it on a daily basis. If you're
if you have too much of something, you
do something about it. Otherwise you're not going
to be able to lead a quality of
that Allah wants you to lead because you
just don't care. So look after yourselves both
physically as well as spiritually.
These spiritual diseases of malice,
of envy, of jealousy, of hatred and so
on. All these need to be remedied. Just
like when you have a vitamin d deficiency,
they'll give you calcium and vitamin d and
they will tell you what to do and
what not to do and when to have
it and how to have it. Because
you would like to be having more or
better physical health. You take it seriously. We
should be taking our spiritual well-being even more
My brothers, my sisters, the Quran is telling
us and the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon
him, is warning us about this piece of
flesh known as the heart.
The heart is in
the chest, in the rib cage. It's protected
by Allah. It's protected physically. And Allah says
we would like you to protect it
spiritually as well. And we want you to
know we have revealed the remedy for anything
that may come in your direction. What is
it? That's the verse.
Oh people, a reminder has come to you
from your Lord and in it there is
cure for your heart.
For your heart meaning that which is in
your chest.
And in it there is guidance
and mercy for those who believe.
If you believe in it and you work
towards it, there is guidance and mercy. You
will be content. You will be happy. Contentment
and happiness only come about with discipline my
brothers and sisters.
You don't achieve at your school that you
or attending right now unless you're disciplined.
You won't achieve a salary at the end
of the month at the workplace you're working
unless you're disciplined.
With discipline you achieve similarly in religion and
in yourself and your own contentment and your
growth and your spirituality. Without
discipline, there is no chance that you're going
to achieve what you're meant to be achieving.
That's why Allah has spread out the 5
daily prayers. The timings are uniquely designed by
Allah for your betterment and mine. If you're
not interested in them, well, what do you
expect to achieve?
When Allah makes something compulsory for us? I
promise you it is only because He wants
to save us from a lot of negativity
and he wants us to be thriving
in positivity. There's no other reason. SubhanAllah, he
wants us to succeed
in this world and the next.
Why do you think Allah says
there is nothing more loved to me that
you could ever do than those things I've
made compulsory. That's a Hadith Qudsi.
Hadith Qudsi meaning the Prophet Muhammad peace be
upon him said to us, Allah has said
that there is nothing more beloved that you
could do or no deed more beloved to
him than that which he made compulsory
upon you. He would not have made it
if he didn't love it the most.
That's why the 5 daily prayers, they say
you don't want to do them. Can you
call yourself a Muslim? Question, right?
Can you?
That's the pillar of Islam. Allah has kept
it a pillar to give a charity,
to give out some of your money that
is so dear to you. You look at
it and the first thing you can see
is, wow. You see this 50 quid that
I've got in my hand. It's not 50
quid. It's a box of Mac powder.
That's what it is. MashaAllah,
things go across your mind. Sorry, just an
example, my sisters, my brothers, you know I'm
just giving an example. Maybe I should give
an example for the brothers, right? But they
use makeup too nowadays.
So Astaghfirullah,
may Allah protect us mashallah.
Guys are laughing mashallah.
So my brothers and sisters when we get
money we think of things we want but
do we think Allah has made it
compulsory for you to divorce yourself a little
from the wealth in terms of
limiting your love for it?
Why is Zakat compulsory? Do you really think
that Allah was unable to provide for the
poor? He created them for a reason. He
He wants them to be there so that
he can test the others.
Allah says in the Quran, we have intentionally
kept people on different levels of sustenance
so that some can reach out to the
others. They are not going to decide. Listen,
you know what? Take my place and I
take yours. That's not going to happen, but
at least a little bit of it. Do
not love your wealth more than you love
reaching out to those who don't have because
loving your wealth on its own will not
be able to attain for you any righteousness
but Allah says
You will never achieve true righteousness until and
unless you spend from that which you love.
So Allah has created scenarios and situations where
he's telling you I know you've budgeted to
do something it's a luxury.
Here there is a desperate need. Are you
prepared £2.2 a half pounds of every 100
to give it out? I have made it
compulsory for you because I love it. When
you reach out it's going to help you.
It's going to make you focus on the
right things. It's going to make you not
love wealth to the degree that you do
something prohibited to achieve it.
The way wealth is marketed today and materialism
across the globe people would do anything to
earn whether it's legal or illegal becomes besides
the point to some people.
They don't mind.
I made 1,000,000. How? Don't ask me. Astaghfirullah.
Allah says wait the earning must be pure,
the spending is pure but I want to
share with you something that makes me cry.
Allah will never accept your wealth for a
good cause if it was earned in a
bad and evil way. So you might be
wondering, I'm not going to give to these
guys. I'm not going to give to that
cause. I'm not going to do this. The
causes of goodness will continue without you. Perhaps
it's the filth of your heart that has
caused you not to want to give because
Allah didn't want your wealth to contaminate such
a beautiful pure cause. I don't know if
you got what I just said.
That's also taken from the prophet Muhammad sallallahu
alaihi wasallam that Allah accepts
your contributions. When you see a poor person
you actually look at them
and you should feel privileged to know someone
who is so needy
so that you can give. Allahu Akbar, Allahu
Akbar. Hey, it's an honor that this thing
came across me that someone needs,
Someone needs.
Do you know
I come from a country where there are
a lot of people who beg because obviously
their poverty levels are different. But even in
this country there are people who beg. I've
seen them with my own eyes.
Now begging is not something noble. You and
I know it's a last resort.
Do you know what shaitan does to us?
You see a beggar begging the first thing
that crosses a lot of minds astaghfirullah
partly including mine sometimes I'm a human being
is you know what this is a scam.
These guys are part of a big syndicate
these guys yes we don't want to encourage
it yes we will not encourage it but
Allah tells you in the Quran you don't
need to give if you don't if you
feel like you don't want to you don't
have to but do not belittle the person
you don't know them. Thank you, that's all
we're saying. Did you hear what I said?
You don't have to say,
hey put your window down and say go
get a job, give him a job, give
her a job. What did you just say?
You belittle someone.
Why are you begging? There's nothing wrong with
you. Hang on. If you don't want to
give, smile at the guy and walk away
without giving a penny.
You have a right if your heart is
not inclined towards it, so what? But you
don't have a right to insult someone. Don't
belittle them. They could just be genuine and
they could be so close to the almighty
and you don't know.
Be careful.
That's what Allah is saying. So the diseases
of the heart that's where they stem from
love of this worldly life, love selfishness I
want things for myself only I don't want
to share what I have with anyone and
everyone I don't want to not at all.
I saw I had pre recorded this ramadan
series known as reconnecting with revelation and this
evening I saw the one that says
being selfless and sharing things.
SubhanAllah, you have to share. It's about the
end and I spoke about how everyone wants
goodness only for themselves and no one else.
But islam tells you when you share it,
you achieve righteousness because your time on earth
is very temporary. It's short. How long are
you going to be here for? I promise
you just a few more days to be
honest. You can count the days.
If it's 10 years with 360 days, for
example, 365 days, what's that? Multiply it by
10 is 3,000 and something days. It's minor.
It's small. If it's 20 it's 6000 and
something days you have 10000 days left if
someone told you that what would you say
say stop counting in days just give me
the years Big deal, it's the same thing.
May Allah help us. So we are going
back to Allah. We're happy to be going
back to Allah with a little bit of
preparation. How do you prepare?
Allah sends you the beauty in the Quran
and he tells you
we have sent you something that will cleanse
your heart. You want to follow here's rules.
Here's regulations. It's going to be discipline Yes,
but follow it try your best. You are
a human. We know that you are human
We know the challenges. We know the pressures
of society.
Keep on trying to be a better person
every day, every day in whatever Allah makes
easy for you. Now the problem with
man, Allah made it easy for me to
dress this way, to grow my beard, perhaps
to have whatever, you know, and so on.
You look at someone and you can see
this person looks religious. Well, Allah made it
easy for them to deal with their externals
Maybe not their internal selves. Maybe not their
character. You have so many people who look
but they may be struggling
bad habits, addictions, so many other things. So
people say well who's a better person? I
promise you in the eyes of Allah you
will never ever know,
Never ever know. Some people might not be
struggling so much with the internals. They might
not have those addictions. They might have a
level of piety but they may be struggling
with the external appearance. It's possible. It does
happen due to different pressures, due to family,
due to whatever environment they may be living
in. Whatever else it may be, it has
happened it will happen and it does happen
my brothers my sisters learn to help one
another that is Allah's plan He wants you
to reach out to one another even in
the form of help and assistance.
In this regard, today I'm here talking to
you. I'm sharing my time and subhanAllah
I would like to hear from you too
to say, you know my beloved brothers
this I'd like to tell you this or
that if possible yes why not
if you have a piece of guidance for
me I'd love to hear it because that's
how we're going to get closer to Allah
That's how we're going to get closer to
Allah. So Allah tells you all people
this is what has come to you. This
is the value of it. It has in
it cure. It has in it
It has in it guidance and mercy
for the believers.
May Allah strengthen our faith.
And then towards the end of the verses,
the verse read is,
do not
worry about what
people say. Don't worry about what they are
about you. Don't stress.
Don't worry about what people say about you.
You're doing the right thing. Whenever anyone does
the right thing,
a lot of people will have a lot
to say, sometimes including family.
When I do the right thing, why are
you doing this? Oh this is very bad,
hang on.
says don't worry about what they're saying.
Don't let it disturb you. Don't let it
stress you. In another place in the Quran
Allah Almighty says we know
that what they're saying
Is tightening your chest don't allow that to
happen. How do you remedy it? Find yourself
in worship often, in prostration often and praise
Allah until the day you meet Him.
Develop a relationship with Allah primarily.
That's important because
all the other relationships are temporary.
Your best friends sometimes leave you and you're
shocked. We were buddies for 10 years. We
lived in the same place. We couldn't move
each other. And today, we don't even see
each other. We wouldn't even we've blocked each
other on our phones.
Has it not happened? It has. That's for
Allah to show you these
Relationships are temporary on earth
But your relationship with Allah is everlasting.
Your relationship with allah is everlasting.
So I thought I'd add a little bit
of this because of the verses that were
recited and then I want to tell you
what I had planned to say this evening
is connected to the fact that Allah has
blessed us by creating diversity.
Diversity itself is a challenge and a test.
Every one of us,
even if you're siblings from the same mother,
same father,
and even if you're the greatest of lovers
who love each other like crazy, you know,
a house on fire.
Do you know that you are created different?
Everything about you is unique
There will be no other person from Adam
right to the end like you.
You are your own story. You are yourself.
You have your own set of tests. Not
a soul on earth has 100%
what you have in your life. You are
uniquely designed by Allah starting with your identity.
Allah Almighty
beautifully says, oh man what has deceived you
that you turn away from your own lord,
your own lord.
What has deceived you against your own lord?
The one who created you. The one who
fashioned you. Gave you your form, your identity.
The one who gave you
your posture, your
you know, how tall or short you are.
What is happening to you? How can you
turn away from he who gave you all
of this and you know that you got
it from somewhere?
We are believers. We have faith, but those
who don't believe
We could ask them millions of questions.
They would not have convincing answers
They haven't had to this day
We are too sophisticated
as human beings to just say, you know
what? Well, there's nothing more to this than
just being on earth and that's it They
said it from a 4 time and they're
repeating it to this day
But no, we're too sophisticated
the feelings I have for you
everyone who's seated here and the 12,010,000
we saw yesterday
It's impossible for me to sit and talk
to you the way I want or the
way you want. So I ask Allah, oh
Allah give me a day sometime
or a time in Jannah where perhaps we
could sit and fulfill that which we couldn't
do here.
This was temporary. It's we are too sophisticated
to just think look I wanted to get
things done, but that's it. It's life I'm
gonna end here, but I haven't ended yet
Because there's unfinished business
so many things I've wanted to do and
I passionately need I feel you're with your
own children. You have children passing away parents
passing away who haven't even been given the
to spend time with one another. That's why
we're taught when you've lost a child, the
child will plead with Allah for you that
oh Allah you took this parent away from
me and you didn't afford us the opportunity
to spend time together. Now I want you
to give them paradise without reckoning so that
we can spend the time here.
Anyone who's lost a child,
you know the feeling, no one can ever
describe it. Like I said, it's unique, it's
yours. It was a challenge for you. Nobody,
no matter what they say, can ever soothe
you besides Allah. Never. It can't happen. Even
others who've lost their children in a similar
fashion Their test is on a different level
based on their own hearts and their own
may Allah grant us comfort
The most we could do is offer a
good word and a prayer. There's nothing more
you can do for someone who suffered the
in that way. So my brothers and sisters
the diversity,
you know coming towards this particular place. I
was thinking to myself
in life I've met 100 of people or
thousands of people.
Everyone is unique.
They have a character of their own. I
need to adjust or they need to adjust
or we both need to adjust. Every single
thinks differently.
Your likes, dislikes different.
The way you want to do things different.
You're dressing different. What you feel you should
be doing and shouldn't be doing different. Who
made you Allah? He made you unique. He
made me too. I'm also unique. My test
is how am I going to live on
earth together with you in a way that
we can try to inch closer to Allah
as time passes, but we don't want to
mess things up here on earth at the
same time.
I need to be able to adjust my
You need to be able to adjust The
happiest of people are those who are prepared
to adjust themselves and living with others who
are also prepared to adjust. So, we meet
Or some things we meet this way, some
things we meet that way, and that's how
we get along. And then you say, I
love this person. Not because they're identical,
because they get along with you. They understand
you. They appreciate you. That's what it is.
Never because they're the same. They're not the
same. They're unique. They're different, very different, but
you have adjusted yourself to love the difference
and to live with it and appreciate it
That's what it is
The minute you trample on someone else's toes
and the minute you don't want to adjust
a little bit here and there, trust me
that's the end of the relationship.
Or it's going to suffer turbulence and turmoil.
Because Allah's created us
in a way that
we need to adjust
to others. We're all different. But there are
certain things that perhaps people choose not to
compromise on like what
what are you not going to compromise on
me tell me
your faith do you agree
I believe
This belief of mine is a red line,
okay, so I believe. So what does Allah
say? Allah says, oh you who disbelieve,
I don't believe what you believe, you don't
believe what I believe, I don't believe what
you believe and you don't believe what I
believe for you is your faith and for
me is mine.
Why? Why does it repeat itself so many
times? Have you heard that?
He could have said it once and it
was closed.
He repeated it again and again and again.
For you it's your faith, for me it's
That certain things you have to
yours and mine. There we go. We
other and we understand that
what it is
does it mean you're at war with people
who disagree with you on those grounds the
answer is no absolutely
Wars happen for other reasons reasons of oppression
reasons of whatever else it may be
but if there is a understanding and a
discussion and we
we want to learn from each other. We
want to see what's going on I don't
know For example, 2 people meet on on
a street or somewhere else and they get
along, mashaAllah, very very well until the discussion
comes to religion and someone says I'm fasting.
If the other says, that's nonsense. What do
you think? How can you do that? It's
so silly to just stay away from food
and drink for what and what do you
achieve? Hang on.
Don't just come to me and say that's
A better way of doing things is to
explain this to me. I don't I don't
quite understand it and then talk.
And that's that's how we will get along
with people. You don't understand sometimes what people
of another faith do. Why do they do
this? Sometimes it is absurd to you. But
the way you word it needs to be.
Bearing in mind that you're living on earth
together you need to respect each other at
least. Allah says in the Quran,
Don't you dare scoff, mock at or joke
about, you know, belittle
the the deities being worshipped besides Allah because
what will happen as a result they will
start insulting Allah because of what you started
and they wouldn't have knowledge.
That goes to show that
even that which is considered absurd to someone
when you know that it's very very close
to their hearts, be careful how you speak
about it. That's all Allah is saying. So
I thought I'd speak about this diversity and
how important it is to adjust.
How important it is for all of us
and I know sometimes we are sitting, people
will listen to this talk later as well
and they're going to think to ourselves, yes
well that person needs to adjust. This man
is right. No.
I want to say each one of us,
every single person needs to ask himself herself
how am I adjusting?
How have I
what have I learned by communicating with different
people I don't need to change their entire
lives to be able to get on with
You know the last thing and I want
to end with this.
There are religious
rulings and opinions regarding certain things. You know,
you have the moon, you have the number
of units of Taraweeh,
you have
the issue of acapellas, whether it's permissible or
not. Something that's not music but it's made
by the mouth,
meaning it's not a musical instrument and so
on. You have different religious opinions
in jurisprudence
about all of this. You adopt what you
firmly believe is correct.
If someone else has adopted something legit that
is on the other side
do you know what you don't need to
go to war with them for that because
if it is for as long as there
is some form of justification
they have they have from the Islamic circle
and I'm talking here about the Muslims,
then let it be. You don't even need
to debate it or argue about it. At
the moment on the globe, we have far
greater things to talk about than that.
I have stopped the debate about how many
units and how many you can know what
my opinion is. Here it goes. Or this
is what I believe is correct and stop
there. We all know that other people believe
differently look at the moon the moon you
never ever going to be able to get
everybody to be on the same day because
we are different so what's the next best
thing to do? Respect each other's opinions and
enjoy 2 and 3 deeds. What is it?
I know there were scholars who were upset
when I said that there is no other
way out, no other way out. You have
to respect that there is a difference of
opinion. Some people look at the moon with
telescopes and others say it must be a
naked eye. You're not going to be able
to bring them together. There will be a
difference. The guys with the telescope will always
see it first, so they're going to have
it a day early. The guys who look
at it with a naked eye may not
be able to see it. By the way
this id I'm quite certain insha'Allah by the
will of Allah the bulk of the globe
is going to be having it on Monday.
Inshallah, see that inshallah covers me, right? Because
if it's not, I'll tell you what what
I said inshallah.
I have a feeling you guys in this
part of the world, we will have 30
fasts. That's my feeling. Meaning those who started
with Saudi Arabia, I think we're gonna go
to 30. Allah knows best. We're probably going
to have Eid,
It's Monday. I think I've calculated it right.
And then those who started a little bit
they may have 29, but if someone's at
28, they've got a problem.
Because I have a feeling the moon's going
to be visible quite easily. Allah knows best,
but I'm just letting you know. So we're
not going to solve the matter, enjoy it.
I've actually spoken for 5 minutes more than
my time, so I think because of iftar
and we have limited time, I must end
it just abruptly here. May Allah Almighty bless
you all and InshaAllah,
I pray that Allah accept all our fasting
and our,
and all other Ibadah, our giving everything that
we've done and will continue to do right
up to the end of Ramadan,
bearing in mind that the night of decree
may still be coming.
May Allah help us inshallah to witness that
at least a few times in our lives.