Moutasem al-Hameedy – Life Of The Prophet 39

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of animal as warfare and the use of animals for warfare and maintaining healthy health. They emphasize the need to be flexible and mindful of customer needs and environment, as well as the importance of eating animals for warfare and maintaining healthy health. The speakers also mention the use of animals for warfare and the importance of eating them to maintain healthy health.
AI: Transcript ©
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With the prophets, I send them an extremely important incident. And that's this one that was of course what to Benny the most pollack?

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on the way back, we said there was an incident what? charitably Allah one has stayed behind the army.

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They didn't realize she was missing. So she waited for them. Then one of the companions was and some historians say this was a habit from the Prophet SAW cylinder, he would leave one person behind the army, just in case something happens. And just in case maybe an armies behind them who's chasing after them, so you'd be able to see what's happening. So a means of protection.

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So, this companion was a fundable remarkable, he came he found out and shall be Allahu anha in the same place the army had been camping in

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so when he saw her he was surprised.

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He offered her his camel and he went away for her to mount the camel without him watching. That's obviously shows respect.

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Then he takes the camel by, he brings it to where the Muslim army camped next.

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Among the Muslim army were the hypocrites were the hypocrites and the leader of these hypocrites, the most influential among them was Abdullah even obey even as a rule of duliban Obey even so rule really had a huge grudge with the messenger Salallahu Salam with the Muslims in general previously. So there was a background to this prior to Hijra. We said an arsenal has Raj had a huge dispute among constant war among them. And just prior to the prophecies that I'm making here, Dr. Medina, they had agreed on Abdullah imminent obey Uranus alone to become the leader of Medina, they actually the king, they were going to create a new position called King. Arabs didn't have much of this. They

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had a leader of a tribe. They did not appoint kings, you know, Kings heads of state that was more in other places like Abyssinia, was more civilization there. Among the Romans and the Byzantines, and among the Persians, the Arabs were more of a tribal society. So they had leaders chiefs of tribes.

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So they agreed to appoint him as a king. They wanted to call on him as a king, thinking that his leadership might bring about harmony among the the two tribes and Olson has a lodge. But the arrival of the prophets of Salaam in Medina and the fact that a good number, a fair number of the people of Medina have already accepted Islam really

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got this whole plan to be canceled. And people just turned away from this from this thing. So he held a grudge against the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. This actually shows us

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sometimes people up oppose the truth, for personal reasons.

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Sometimes people oppose the truth, for personal reasons, a lot of the enemies of Islam in in Mecca, those who showed enmity to Islam early earlier on in Metka. They did that for fear of financial loss, loss of control over Maccha, and other other personal gains. So we could see, oftentimes, people make the wrong choice with regards to the truth for personal reasons, for personal reasons. And sometimes we compromise on aspects of our religion for that.

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Sometimes we compromise, not necessarily on Islam in its entirety, but on certain aspects in Islam, due to personal reasons, personal gains. So we mentioned previously, the father of NSP Matic and as a medical biller and his father, he decided to leave Medina and leave the Muslims altogether and he traveled to a sham where he settled down there and he died as a non Muslim, because he sensed that the Prophet SAW Selim was on the way to make alcohol haram and he said, I'm so attached to drinking that I can't live without it.

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So a lesson we take from here is that we need to keep ourselves in check. We need to keep ourselves in check. Sometimes, a simple desire could grow within you and push you away from making the right choices. And this is why the Prophet SAW Selim says in a hadith, Al Maha see, but it will cover

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he says, the master these sins could actually be the stepping stones to complete disbelief, to complete disbelief, and how often that happens. how often that happens. There's a story that's mentioned in the books of history

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about a person who was very righteous and who was a learned person

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He was traveling with the Muslims. And I'm not sure what was that probably a trade caravan. And they were, they were actually traveling in a land of non Muslims. It was a Christian country or something. And he saw a woman and he fell in love with her.

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He just like she, he, upon first sight, he just fell in love with him. And he wanted her so badly. To the point that he went and spoke to her directly and said, I want to marry you. She said, you can't. I mean, obviously you can't, because you're a Muslim, and I'm a Christian, and I can't marry you as long as you.

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So he goes and speak to her father, her father was a priest. And he said, I can't marry you to my daughter, you have to be a Christian. He said, I'll be a Christian.

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And this story is well known in I mean, in some of the books of history of Islam, and he actually

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gives up Islam, he leaves Islam, for the sake of that woman,

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for the sake of that woman, and the story goes, that a person met him years later,

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years later, and he ended up a person who takes care of pigs.

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He takes care of pigs, that was his job. That was his, he ended up doing this and he got married to that girl. And when he saw him, he recognized me. He said, What happened to you?

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That's it here you see me just looking after pigs. So he said, Do you remember anything from the Quran? There's a person who had memorized the Quran he said that the only thing that stays with me from the Quran is one verse. And this was roba, Maya doula, the inner Cafaro Locarno, Muslimeen.

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Perhaps those who have chosen disbelief, probably, at some level, they wish that they were Muslims.

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Because that's actually true. It's actually true. There's a fitrah inside everyone that seeks Allah subhanaw taala that seeks the truth and recognizes it. But sometimes the desire takes over. And we're well the connections take over. So this is just a message for us to keep ourselves in check. Don't get carried away with your desires. And when you see a conflict between your obedience to Allah subhanaw taala between a person and a personal interest, you know, you need to make the right choices because Allah subhanaw taala warns us against the footsteps of che upon shaytaan doesn't take you directly to comfort, she can taste you actually one step at a time, in a gradual process.

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So this was the case of personal gain of by Abdullah of Norway, even as a rule made him do one of the worst decisions ever and give the worst examples, one of the worst examples ever in the history of humanity. Not only like leaving Islam or not becoming a muslim, but pretending to be a Muslim while hiding his disbelief.

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So this is how he lived his life. So he sees this incident actually, Allahu Anhu was coming with Stefan Markman. And

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the thing is he and he was an extremely intelligent person. What does he say? He doesn't make a clear accusation.

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He doesn't make a clear accusation. He says, A man and a woman by themselves, they must have done something. That's it. He left it at that.

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And he he kept saying this to his friends, his circle started spreading around. He never made a blatant accusation. He never made a blatant accusation. And what is this is called in Arabic, Atari.

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Atari have an English insinuation,

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insinuation, you don't say anything directly. You don't say squirrely. You don't like you're just implying something. You are implying something. Okay, so the message is between the lines, it's not direct. That's what he did. He played very safe. But he spread that around. He spread around, he got his message across. So people started speaking about it, mainly the hypocrites, but also some good Muslims fell into that. Some Muslims fell into that and that's what we spoke about last week. So the news got carried it spread around I shall be Allah and he was completely heedless. The person didn't know at the beginning about it when they arrived in Medina.

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I shouldn't be here became ill. She went to her parents house, the prophets I send them later on he received the news. And he promised and felt shocked and baffled How could somebody I mean, create that kind of accusation. He knows his wife. He knows that companion very well.

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And some of the competitors like WB unsavoury, probably Allah who

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when when he received the news, he was shocked. He was shocked even his wife. She says to him, Have you heard about

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The news he said yes, I mean, it reached me. The rumors that was spreading around. It reached me. She said, What do you think? He says, like, I shall only allow one who's better than you. So one of them after that companion is better than me. What do you think I'm gonna, I'm gonna think about that. He said, Absolutely this baseless.

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And Allah Subhan Allah praise this in the Quran. Allah Subhan Allah praises in the Quran, Allah teaches us here a lesson we said, today we're going to take lessons from that story because we explained it last week in detail. Now is the time to take lessons because that's important for the

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unity of society. For for having a healthy kind of community. These things are important practices, because you could destroy a society or a community just by words, just by words, it is possible.

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And sometimes people say well, these are just words. I mean, words are probably the most profound, the most profound. So look at this beautiful attitude. Allah Subhan Allah says in the Quran, Allah Allah, it's an HMO more than a remote Manana, what it means to be unfussy him haha.

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You guys when you heard it, the true believers, they thought well of their fellow believers.

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They thought well of their fellow believers. And specifically this is manifest in the attitude of Abba uban Ansari, upon hearing the rumors, straight away, he didn't even have any doubts about it shall the Allahu ANA or about safarnama Attila the Allahu Akbar. No doubts about that at all. He completely dismissed it as untrue as as false rumors straight away. Where does this come from? It comes from belief comes from belief, because belief, Allah says in the moment, meno niqua belief is not something, you're just having your heart, but it reflects on your attitude. How does it reflect on your attitude straight away, it makes you create good assumptions about your fellow brothers and

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sisters straight away, straight away.

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And this is why the Scholars say they have a famous statement that says, ultimate meaning gonna either own well, munaf your own, I thought our own.

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There's one difference between their own and I felt on the very similar words, but there's one letter that is different on their own, and I felt on their own the believers are their own believers are people who find excuses. They find excuses for others, like a brother run juicer in some shape, or form, or they're late for an appointment, or they said something about you.

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What do you do you find an excuse for them? You find an excuse for them, you always give them the benefit of the doubt. That's part of faith. That's a sign of Eman. It's a sign of Eman. Whereas the hypocrites they always interpret things in the worst possible way.

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You always find the worst interpretation possible for what happened like you, you were one day you were upset and somehow they gave you salami, you don't respond or you give them that face. Straight away, they're gonna assume you have this you have that probably, they're gonna come up with the story. That's actually the worst possible scenario.

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This is a sign of hypocrisy, but a sign of Eman is that you give people the benefit of the doubt. That doesn't mean you're naive, doesn't mean you're stupid. But it means you always give the benefit of the doubt. And this actually helps a lot. This is why you see faith is actually helpful in relationships, in marriage. In marriage, usually what creates problems between husband and wife? misunderstandings, what's a misunderstanding, you have two different points of views on the same thing, you have a different interpretation of the same situation.

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Like you say your wife one day, she just doesn't feel well. And somehow you ask her for something, you ask her a question and the way she responds to you. She's speaking from pain from struggle, maybe something is going through her mind. Maybe she's just having a hard time coping with something. And you don't even know about her struggle. And she just responds in a way you feel is inappropriate. And maybe it's an it's inappropriate, and you take offense, and you start worrying, recalling incidents, or she wasn't respectful. During that day, she wasn't respectful with that situation. She must have had this so that you start making links. And in a cascade of negative

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thoughts and what we call sort of an evil suspicion, it builds up to a point we actually find yourself having an attitude.

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And it could end up in a huge dispute and maybe even destroys the marriage. Sometimes marriages are destroyed, houses are destroyed for simple reasons like this. Why? Because we don't have enough Eman to give people the benefit of the doubt. And by the way, this is a very there's one aspect of Islam that is overlooked. And it's called a Taha fool. At Taha fool. The Prophet SAW sort of, you know the prophesised explain his talk.

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about his relationship with the shuttle the Allahu Ana. This is why right who is this? The messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam hammock Allah and

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the only companions spoke with him the Companions would say, well Allah He when we spoke to the prophets of salaam we could not put our eyes up. We could not stare at him directly out of respect and alter him.

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Some of the companions said of Allah he Masha but nonetheless with a lie so salaam Walla Walla to identify in higher and minimum so the Companions would say, I never got enough of the sight of the prophets of salaam just seeing him and I've never put I've never looked him eye to eye out of respect for him.

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His wife sometimes had issues with him.

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So the process I'm in one narration, he basically says to Aisha is actually like speaking to in a very friendly fashion. He says, Hola, he I know. I know. When you're happy with me, and when you're displeased with me. That's the person I'm speaking to Alisha.

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He says Hola, hola, Nila Alamo, either according to all the data and any other button many I don't. When you're upset with me. I know when you're happy with me. She says how? He says when you're happy with me. When you say by Allah you say by the Lord of Muhammad will be Mohammed. But when you're upset with me, you say what Abraham by the Lord of Abraham

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knows about this. There's a narration as well. That Abu Bakr one day came to the house of the Prophet SAW suddenly he was about to knock on the door of the house of Isaiah Berlin to knock on the door. And he overhears a shadow of the Allah and her raising her voice on the Prophet saucer.

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Book of gets upset when he gets permission he goes in. And he tells it shut off the prophet s and M says,

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you know, take it easy, I'm going to protect her. I mean, this narration by the way, is disputed by scholars of Hadith, some of them consider it to be weak, weak, but some of them consider it to be okay unacceptable. So it's to the point where Abu Bakr de la and I know wants to physically smack Asia,

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but the prophets of salaam stands between them.

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And he sort of like separates them, then processes to Azure ATP for an epidemic of human aversion, you see in a very protected you from the man, like your father,

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unless the professor said I'm with his wives.

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So having good suspicion of people is actually a good sign, a good sign, but not to the point of naivety.

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So, but a hypocrite would always assume the worst of what you say of what you do always assume the worst, always assume the worst. And we could sometimes assume the worst of a person if it happens once, twice, not a big deal. But if it's consistent, that's where the problem is, it's a sign of something else. So straight away. They assume the worst of Asians wasn't only assumption, it was an accusation. It was a slander and a lie. So they spread that around Allah subhanaw taala, praised the believers that when they hear something like this, they don't believe it, they discounted completely. Whereas the ones who feed on this kind of thing, and they rejoice upon it, and they find

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an opportunity to talk.

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And by the way, this is a hidden desire. So hidden desire, we like to know about people's private life and talk about it. And that's why the prophecy of instructors he's saying, Well, firstly, it's normally monitored, go home Li and by the way, this is this is really a rule to live by. This is a rule to live by. It's a sign of a man's healthy faith, that they leave matters that are none of their business matters that don't concern them.

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So people's private life doesn't concern you. People's haircuts don't concern you, they don't have your business. People's you know, dress code doesn't really concern you.

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people's personal things, they don't concern you what this man said what that woman said, what they did word where they were last month, where they traveled to, who their friends are, who their connections are, how they bought their house, how they did this is none of your business, mind your own business, mind your own business.

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So Allah Samantha praises the believers that when they hear such rumors they think good about or they think well about their fellow

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Muslims, they think well about them.

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So then we said I received the news the prophet has received it was a source of great distress. And imagine Abu Bakar all the Allahu as well, you know, you know, in our in our cultures and our society. It's a huge thing to slander someone in their honor and their dignity. It's a huge thing that people would prefer death over, you know, the reputation being tarnished in

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such a way. So it was such a huge and by the way, it really distracted the believers and the Muslim community from so many important obligations and other things for the Muslim community at that time in Medina was completely consumed by this whole chaos that was created by this room is so you could actually destroy people's lives just by rumors, literally. People could go interest into states of depression by you just bullying them verbally and spreading rumors about them

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you know what happens even here in Toronto?

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Teenagers are taking their own lives

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because of what because of sibling similar slanders people fabricating stories about them.

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And he happens so it's a serious thing. It's a serious thing. And in Islam, if if it's proven in the court, that someone spread a rumor that rumor led to someone actually taking their own life, these people are responsible,

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the murderous,

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the murderous. So it's not just oh I just said a word.

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Words are very powerful. So, so, we promised to go over the verses quickly. And just take some lessons about how

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how I mean, these instructions are extremely important in the in the Muslim community, I may actually just take them

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so this is an this is an surah. To note.

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So Allah Subhana Allah says,

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in the medina Jaya Erbil if Grace bateau min Kamala Cebu shuttle Allah combin Hua Yan Lacan equally equilibrium in hamata, subliminal eating well, Lolita when kibra Homina Homina. Who? Allah subhanaw taala says, yes, that's verse number 11. Those who brought about those who created this slander this whole room or thing, they are a group from amongst you, they are they're living among you, or you who believe.

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Now, look at the I mean, the amount of stress and trauma that I shared with the Alana went through the prophets of salaam himself went through Abu Bakr and his wife went through and the whole Muslim community, Allah Subhan, Allah says, Let Cebu short run la combin Hello, hi Rhonda, I don't think it's bad for you, it's actually good for you.

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This actually helps us

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or invites us to be very careful about how we define situations, how we define situations, because oftentimes, when things are unpleasant, when things are painful, automatically, we classify them as bad for us.

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But life is much more complex than that. Actually, a lot of the trials, a lot of the hardships are actually good for you. So Allah is saying directly to the believers here, don't think it's bad for you don't think it's evil, it's actually good for you.

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So this takes us to a very critical view on good and evil, we have to understand that our immediate definition, our immediate perception of situations as good or evil is very limited.

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In the grand scheme of things, what seems to be evil and painful, could actually be good. And this gives us a lot of space in life. Because we all go through adverse circumstances, we go through traumas, we don't have if you don't believe in the wisdom of Allah subhanaw taala and, and that Allah subhanaw taala, whatever he allows to happen, he has wisdom and mercy behind it, then you are actually limited by your ability to understand the situation. If it's painful, it's evil. And sometimes there are circumstances, circumstances could get overwhelming to the point you don't have any control. You don't have any choice and they're quite traumatic. So we have another dimension

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where things could be interpreted. Things truly could be interpreted and the Prophet Selim actually teaches us something about this. The process on one day visited one of his companions, and this companion was going through an illness and his illness was very severe. So he had fever and he was suffering the man at some level us was hallucinating. The prophets are seldom goes and visit the man.

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When he sees the man, he says to the man,

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he says, in the heart of

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what you're going through, is a mercy. The man is going through pain.

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It's severe disease, the man is having fever and he's suffering. The problem says he's its mercy. This is a mercy brought Solomon's giving him the deeper meaning of what you're going through.

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He looks at the Prophet SAW sermon, he says, bell here home metaphor.

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He says it's a boiling fever. He says no, no, he says it's a boiling fever. He's explaining his immediate reaction to it so so boiling fever

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and shaking Kabir affecting an older person a weak man

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to general who ill OBOR it's dragging him to the graves.

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What does the Prophet SAW said I'm say to him, for he academic, then it is what you talk about. It is how you take it.

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It is how you interpret it. It is how you interpret it. So things don't just happen to us. How we interpret what happens and how we respond to that has a powerful impact truly has a powerful impact. Again, in the famous Hadith that we all know the Prophet Salam describes this. In more general terms. The problem says, I Japan, the eminent men in Umrah, Hula, hula, Ohio, Protestant provinces and the missing amazing he says amazing is the state of a believer.

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Everything that happens is that ends up being good for him or her for in Asaba to Salah Shakira for kind of fell on know if something good comes to him comes to her. They are thankful and this is good for them. Problem is emphasizing the response how they take it and how they respond. When Asaba Teodora sobre la Cana Highlander who but if if hardship if harm, if pain comes to him or her, they are patient, and this is good for them.

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That response makes it good for them. So ends up both ways, ends up working for you. And then prompts and says, Well, Asa Daddy can ill mom, and this is for no one. But for a believer, someone who truly believes in Allah because they know things don't happen randomly. Things have been planned by Allah subhanaw taala. And whatever happens to you has deeper meanings. So if you arrive at those deeper meanings and embrace them, you empower yourself over a situation.

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So it's important, and the meanings that things happen in our lives, their meanings are not arbitrary that not like

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they're not, there's no default. There's no default.

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Something like a suffering, you're going through suffering. If you see the point behind the suffering, if you see the silver lining in the cloud,

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this is how things are gonna turn out to be for you. So Allah gave us so much power in our lives. So much choice. Maybe the immediate thing is not what you want, but you can choose a good meaning. You can choose a good meaning for how things happen. And this is a source of a lot of power. This is a source of a lot of power.

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So Allah's mantra is saying don't think it's bad, it's evil for you. It's actually good. It's actually good. Imagine such a suffering Allah is saying it's actually good. It's actually good. And the Arab poet he says what Obama sattell Osama bin Laden Lee how often you get health, you get more healthy after you go through an illness. Because that illness challenges your body puts it under stress to the point that your body has to fight back to a point where your body ends up being more healthy.

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And that's the whole point behind vaccination right? Vaccination they give a sort of a watered down version of the of the germs to your body so your body has to struggle and suffer and has to fight back so you build immunity so you become actually end up being more healthy.

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Then Allah Samantha says equilibrium minimum accessible minimalism for everyone who took part in this slander and in these rumors, everyone is going to get their share of the sin

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will lead you to Allah Kiba Homina Homina who had I wouldn't call him and the person who originated that the person who played the major role in that which is Abdullah nobody, you know saloon, he will have a great punishment.

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Lola is similar to more joven meaner and meaner to be unfussy him ha ha ha ha That is como bien. Allah is Seeing the believers should when they heard that they should have responded by thinking well about their fellow believers. And they should say this is a clear lie and slander that should be read the response

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then Allah's manga says Lola already he'd be out of it show that here there is the legal the legal part of it. So you know, Islam also has ethics has principles, but Islam pins them down by rules and regulations, rules and regulations because it is how we have to live in this life.

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So Allah Subhan Allah says, Anyone who makes such an accusation of Xena, it will not be accepted in Islam. And you guys should

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not accepted unless the person brings four witnesses, four witnesses who have seen the acts so clearly. That's how Islam accepts it. If there is no four witnesses who have seen exactly what happened in clear D.

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You cannot speak about it.

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You cannot speak about it. Let's say you see two people committing Zina. You go and talk about this. In Islam, you have a punishment, you have slandered them, but they did it.

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You will be punished. You can't speak about it. Unless what

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you have for witnesses, for witnesses have seen the act exactly in detail. And you you don't announce that you don't air it. You take it to court.

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That's it. That's the only way of dealing with it. Acceptable Islam, apart from this. It's a slander, it's an act of slander, you speak about it, you will receive a punishment. That's how we stand protects society and protects the honor of people. And even though you might say but these people committed Zina, yes, but what you're doing by spreading that news might be worse than what they did. Because news spreading around is extremely dangerous.

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Then it will last until it talks about this is all the gifts or the the blessing of Allah subhanaw taala that he protects you from the outcomes of what you see and what you do.

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Then Allah subhanaw taala warns us against a very serious Act, which is very common in society. Allah subhanaw taala says if Telok gonna who will be elsina to come, what are only gonna be FYI, he can malaise Allah can behave. What as a human Well, we're in the law lie. This is a profound, profound, profound aspect of Islam and how it regulates, you know, the safety of society. Allah subhanaw taala says, how these people who ended up you know, spreading that lie, Allah Subhan Allah says it Tala Kawana who BLC Netcom

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Allah says you receive it or you hear it with your tongues.

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What do we hear with with our tongues

00:32:17 --> 00:32:29

we hear with our ears, right? So normally, news goes through the ears, then it gets processed and filtered in your mind and in your heart.

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Before your you speak about it or stay silent about it. So Allah someone that is saying, If telecon Hobi LC nitricum You guys receive it with your tongues. What does that mean?

00:32:42 --> 00:32:56

You hear it you say speaking, Yuri. Oh, did you someone sent you something straight away. You go on, well, WhatsApp, someone, you take someone else or you go and speak to a group of friends and so on and so forth.

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So Allah is saying, and that's why the prophets of salaam says in the Hadith CAFA been murdered Bilbao Caliban and you had the fabrico Lima Summit. He says the problem is sufficient for you to be Elia sufficient for you to be a liar, that you say everything you hear.

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If you are someone who broadcasts everything that you receive, you're a liar,

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automatically, or a liar. Because a lot of what you hear is lying. A lot of what you hear is inaccurate. So Allah Subhan is blaming those who spread the news. They just heard it and they spread it. Whereas the believer if evil comes to you, if bad news come to you,

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it lands on your ears. And that's the that's the endpoint. Nothing beyond that. Nothing beyond that. Last year, one of the Muslim figures, famous figures, you know, some some of his first got exposed, right? On social media. He got exposed, maybe he probably had misdemeanors, he didn't act well. And so on and so forth. And what happens on social media?

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Almost everyone was just talking about it. People were blowing into it. And people were defending so called defending that brother, or making them the betrayal of judges over that brother, right. And what they ended up basically just spreading the news further, further and talking about it. That's why the Scholars say,

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Me too loudly. Lebih Adam II The key here, the way that you can kill evil talk is by not speaking it.

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Imagine with what happened last year, about that brother, regardless. Now,

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we as individuals, we don't have access to knowledge, the reality of the situation.

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Even if some people think oh, it was clear, it was obvious. No, there is some trial sometimes details about a situation that really changed the whole context in mind

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Have you heard of that news spread by one person on their account on Facebook, that's what happened. And the others, implemented this verse.

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They implemented this verse. So these two verses or last month was saying, as you receive it with your tongues, then you say, and you speak that what you have no knowledge about, you don't have proper knowledge about right, you just heard it. Knowledge comes from verification. Knowledge comes comes from knowing the whole the totality of the situation and the context and everything that has to do with it. With a subordinate who hygena and you think it's it's just suddenly matter, it's just a light matter. It's not a big deal. We're who were in the law, how lean but with Allah, it's, it's a very huge thing. with Allah, it's a very grave, serious matter.

00:35:49 --> 00:36:22

Well, Lola, it's similar to move to manga, kulana, and Netta. Kala might be harder Subhanallah, Bhutan and Aleem, you should have the moment you heard about this, you should have said, Oh Allah, all glory belongs to you. We should not speak about this. Or Allah, you know that this is a clear lie. That's it. This should be your response. I'm not gonna get myself involved in it. So imagine the Muslims last year when that news spread around. Imagine every Muslim acted upon this, what would have done what would have happened?

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I just want you to imagine how many sins Muslims gained just by talking about the situation.

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People will have nothing to do with it.

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Probably our guests, millions and millions and millions and millions of times the story was retold on social media right.

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Now, about a year later, or even more, what have we gained from that? Those who spoke about it? What have they gained from it?

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What have they gained?

00:36:54 --> 00:36:56

The thing is all those records,

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it will be played out in front of them on the Day of Judgment, right?

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Is that going to be in their favor?

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So again,

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and now there is somebody who told me about the hashtag. Me too, right? Yeah, me too.

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And people are going around on that hashtag, claiming to be victims of sexual sexual assault, right? And this slander, some people are using it to slander others to fabricate stories about others, right, in order to assassinate characters.

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Imagine So, but Allah subhanaw taala is instructing us. How do you deal with news when it's being spread around when you hear something about your brother, when you hear something about your sister, when you hear something about

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a public figure in the Muslim community, when you hear about something about a politician as well, why do we need to spread the news? So one, so he was found guilty of this and that, you know, those who are old enough?

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What was that?

00:38:08 --> 00:38:10

You know, Bill Clinton, what was the lady's name?

00:38:11 --> 00:38:14

Monica Lewinsky Yeah.

00:38:15 --> 00:38:17

What did we get to follow this?

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Hoop benefited from all of this, but the politicians, right? slanders slandered

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slanders. Somebody might say, Oh, he deserves it, he deserves it. But you don't want to be part of this process. You don't want to be part of this process. So this is why the prophets of salaam says Man Can you let me know Billahi when your mill after failure call Hi Johan Alia smart's, whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let them say that which is good or remain silent.

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Again, the other Hadith where the prophets of salaam says Mahalia Coburn nursery nursery Ala Moana hiriam Illa Hassan will say to me, he says what else throws people in the Hellfire on their faces, but the outcomes of their tongues, the outcomes of their tongues? You see how powerful the tongue is?

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How powerful the tongue is, you might just be having a conversation with a brother. I remember, honestly, like

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I was when I was young. I was probably 20 years old. And in university, I had this friend. I hadn't seen him for a while. And then someone says, oh, no, he has this, you know, this girl and this and that. I heard about that. And I said, wow, why why would you do something like this? Then? Okay, I thought innocently, innocently. I said that to a couple of brothers. And I said, Do you believe this is the case as part of how people change?

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And I left it at that.

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Okay, I left it in that.

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And then probably a few months later, maybe four or five months later, one of our common friends comes to me and he says Why do you

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Oh, what did you say something like this? said what he said, you said this and that. I said, Well, I heard someone else say it.

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And I thought everyone knew about it. He said, No. Now everyone is talking about it. And where did it come from? It came from you.

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One person made that light up in front of me. I swallowed it, I received it on my tongue. And I, and I just thought, innocently, I spoke to two of our friends about it.

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Those people didn't save any effort, spreading it around. And it reached that brother that he was upset with me, why would I create such a lie against him?

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And I really felt bad about that. I couldn't even reach him to apologize, etc. But I learned my lesson.

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If it's none of your business, why do you get into it? Why do you have to talk about it? Why do you feel compelled to speak about something that doesn't bring you closer to Allah? Why? Why would you say something that doesn't bring you a legitimate worldly benefit? Why? What would you get from that? Is shapen. It is shameful. So imagine if we Muslims just abide by this just live by this, you hear something bad about a brother or a sister or about a random person, Muslim, non Muslim doesn't make any difference. You just don't talk about it. Just don't talk about it. Don't you know post about it on Twitter or on Instagram or any social media, any platform, don't just let it die, let it

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die out.

00:41:35 --> 00:42:12

You would find much more peace in your life, your heart would be much cleaner, more healthier. And the community or the society would be much more you know, tight knit and much more healthy. So these are important things. So the instructions of the Prophet SAW Salem add them to this story. You see there's nothing random in Islam obligations in Islam. I'm not just for the sake of giving you orders and placing borders around you and making restrictions. It's not everything in Islam that says don't do it. There is a serious matter behind it. There is whether you see it or not.

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So just trust Allah's wisdom and abide by it.

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So, so Allah subhanaw taala then he says Yo como Allah Antone Mythili here but then in control mumineen Allah Subhana Allah warns you against going back to something similar if you are truly believers. So that shows that if you truly believe you should keep away from you know tail carrying backbiting or just speaking about everything you hear

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anyway, then Allah Subhan Allah says in the Lavina, later on in Allah in Alladhina, buena, and she alpha here to Villa de and I'm and all the Hamada and even for dunya will ask Allah, Allah, Allah more into laughter and among those who love for fascia for sin, specifically, soon as there are linked to

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sexuality, those who love for that to spread among the believers, these people will have a severe punishment on the Day of Judgment.

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So why is Allah mentioning this, those who spread sin among the believers, because by spreading rumors, you spread sins.

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By spreading rumors, you spread sins. By the way, I know that sometimes, there are certain random incidents that happened of an attack against the Muslim right here or there a brother or a sister or a family, etc. And I know the importance of creating awareness about this. But sometimes that backfires. Because when you keep airing and posting about incidence attacks like this,

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there is always the danger of normalizing them.

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There's a danger of normalizing the more you post about these things, the more people see these happen, people who are on the border, they might actually develop the courage to engage in these acts of, of attack of aggression.

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So we need to see both sides, we need to be careful. This is why in Islam, we don't talk about evil things in detail. We don't talk about evil things in detail, but good things we talk about them in detail. So Allah subhanaw taala is saying just talking about even talking about a sin, that some people did a sin, you actually normalize it for others, you normalize it for others.

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So this is one reason why Islam encourages what we call a settle that you don't expose people, even people who sin you don't don't talk about them publicly. You don't talk about them publicly.

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Why? Because it just encourages people to fall more into them. You might be saying, Oh, I'm just raising awareness, telling people this is not a good thing to do. But in our people are not completely objective. People will have a desire

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When they see something happening that actually it makes it easier for them to do it and engage in it for some of them. So human behavior is not always so predictable. It's not always so predictable.

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Anyway, so So this is what happened, Allah subhanaw taala revealed the verses explaining the clearing, I shall be Allah Who Anna, and removing this predicament from the life of the prophet saw. So we said, three of the companions were found guilty of this. Why? Because they just spoke about that directly. They didn't use insinuation, they actually use the word zener, something like this to that effect. They didn't create any insinuation. They didn't imply anything indirectly. They said it's clearly. So what happened, these people receive the punishment for

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what is it called?

00:45:56 --> 00:45:58

When you slander people like this, when you accuse

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Cardiff is just like Cardiff is actually for shooting.

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Like when you when you when you throw a huge thing on something this is called Cardiff. So basically, it's a very severe act when you speak against the honor of someone, it's called other, you have shot at them, you have shot at them. It's such a huge thing in Islam. So these three companions have not been to judge sister of Jane Xena mentor, Josh, Mr. Hammond artha and send them Nefab it

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they were lashed.

00:46:36 --> 00:46:43

They will last three of them for engaging in that based on the Command of Allah subhanaw taala because Allah started the surah

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by saying those that

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make accusations against innocent people, they all should be lashed at times.

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without bringing four witnesses, even if it happened, even if it happened without four witnesses. That's it.

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So, so again, you see there's a lot of lessons about how to handle you know, these social issues. And it's important there's a there's a safety net here for protecting the honor of people because by the way,

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people can put up with physical pain, but emotional and mental pain is much more severe

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is much more severe.

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So So these things are taken into account and this is why you find in Islam or we call them an acid of of Sharia the main objectives of Islam the main objectives of of whole whole of Islamic legislation from among them is protecting the honor and the dignity of people

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who have fallen out of love that you protect the dignity and honor of people because if you say about someone he did this or she did that that's a huge attack. It's a source of a lot of emotional pain to that person. And people commit suicide for that people's lives are destroyed people fall in depression just for that.

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So it slam takes care of all of this and it places around legislations to protect the society and the individuals in society against this anyway, so mister have no data was the cousin of Abu Bakr, Radi Allahu Allah, Abu Bakr when he realized okay, he got involved in this. He was a poor person. Abu Bakr was rich, a rich person he used to, you know, support this man financially his cousin used to support his cousin financially, when he realized he was involved in this and Allah cleaned the whole issue. He said, I'm not going to spend on you. I've been looking after you and now you slander my daughter.

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So, Allah Subhana Allah reveals

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when I tell you in this, in the same group of verses when I tell you all on foot living calm was Sati Are you too old? orba Wilmar Sakeena almajiri Nephi sebelah well yet for Well yes, follow Allah to hit Mona and yet to feel Hola Hola, como la Hua foto Rahim

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Allah. So Allah saying and those who have been helping out those who have been, you know, good Oh, extending favors to others speaking about Abubaker let them not hold back from helping those people.

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And let them forgiven pardon. Don't you love that Allah forgives you. That means if you want Allah to forgive, you forgive people. And you forgive people who wronged you, you don't forgive people for nothing. People have really wronged you hurt you. These are the people that you should forgive. And Allah subhanaw taala forgives you in return. And Allah is often often forgiving and merciful. So when Abu Bakr hears this, the verse, don't you love the Allah forgives you? Allah says Allah to reborn Ania for love, don't you love Allah forgives you. Abu Bakr he says yes indeed or Allah, I love that you forgive me.

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Then he went back to support that man financially. Again.

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And that's the role of faith. It supersedes personal issues that although this person slandered my daughter and I had been helping him out all of these years, and this how he pays me back yet I'm still going to be if Allah loves that I spend on him, I'm just going to spend on him. That's surrender that submission to Allah subhanho wa Taala not saying if I like it, I'll do it. If I don't like it, I won't do it. No, they respond. They say we hear and we obey.

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So he wants the forgiveness of Allah. So he pigs still supports that man financially after afterwards.

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This military expedition was was born in Missoula, we said Winona struck live closer to Mecca. We always hear about this.

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Like, now they're saying, um, how medicine is getting more powerful. Instead of Muhammad having a setback, and Muhammad is getting more powerful. He's actually marching out of Medina reaching to these Arab tribes, whoever poses a threat on him, he's, he's able to defuse that kind of threat. He's taking initiative. So they're getting more worried about the Prophet Salas. And they give it really, they're getting really worried. So what happens after this the provinces and I'm still sends military expeditions around to prove his presence, so you can see the provinces and it was acting on so many levels. So he was keeping everyone else under watch. The problem was building a Muslim

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society in Medina, even after the setback of HUD, and the province of Salem was making sure that he diffuses and aborts all threats before they develop into a critical point.

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The Prophet saw some sense of will obey the annual billing genre,

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with 300 of the companions towards the Red Sea,

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towards the Red Sea. So from Medina, towards the Red Sea, this is not just the north of jet that's going to be north of Judah.

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Why, because this is the

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trade caravans routes. This is where the caravans of Quraysh go to a sham to north of the Arabian Peninsula, the professor wants to dominate that area and send a message, you know, we're not some people who hiding in Medina, okay, we're going to exercise our power, we're expanding, we're just getting stronger. sending these impressions is extremely important. Extremely important. This is about really, it's about human entities now.

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And this is important for communities here, as a Muslim community, we are sending a message to other communities hearing in the Canadian society, by the way.

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And these impressions are extremely important. Sometimes they're not accurate.

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Because there are cultural gaps. Sometimes we behave in a way that is completely innocent, but it's sending a wrong message to another community. And it causes friction and miscommunication. So we have to be aware of this, the prophets of salaam was aware of what impression the Muslim entity was sending outward, was very careful. This is why when he was advised on how to deal with the hypocrites, and you see the kind of damage that they are able of doing.

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And we mentioned last week that the unsolved also has actually yet unsolved also has we're about to fight among themselves, right? When the problem said who, who will deal with this person who's slandering my family? And we had Saddam no bad and Seido boomerang right. And they almost got to the point of ultra gentle house fighting amongst each other. So it was such a huge threat. So the person was advised by some of his companions, why don't you just you know, execute them, get rid of them.

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The prophets of salaam said,

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Allah, you had the fullness and the Mohammed and you have to lose haha. I don't want other tribes and other people to be under the impression that Mohammed is killing his companions, because they don't know about hypocrisy or hypocrites. They think these are all companions of Muhammad, why is he killing some of them?

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So the Prophet SAW sent him was very aware of the kind of impression that he's sending outward because that's extremely important. And we have to be, again, very aware of what kind of impressions that are being sent outward. These are extremely important things, because that's how people function is how people are going to treat you.

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So the Prophet Salam was sending a very strong impression again outward, that we are strong enough, we are dominating this piece of land, don't mess with us. And this could actually and is what they call psychological warfare. It actually if there's a if there are people who have some kind of plans or intentions to attack you,

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or to come and invade Medina, they would actually think 1000 times before taking that step because you're demonstrating so much power

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demonstrating you're creating an impression. So the professor was very careful about this. So he sent

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away the amyloid ninja rock with 300 companions towards to the west, yes to the west of Medina, towards the Red Sea to sort of scan that area and prove presence. So they go there. And this was a time of a lot of luck among the Muslims, these 300 companions, the Prophet and provided them with what a huge sack of dates, that's the only provision they had had. So obey the law had to manage this very well. How did he manage it? He used to give each one of them one date, a day.

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One date and day.

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So Jabber, lovely Allahu Anhu. He was among this group. So he says, he used to give us a date. And the way we ate it was we would suck on it for half a day

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in order to survive this, so enjoy it to the fullest, and keep it with us as much as possible. And then we will drink water. So that's all we had

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a day until they reached a point where they run out of everything. So with them was Southern Nevada,

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the great companion from the unsalted, seven inside them not all bad. There was within some case, when he sees this, it's hard for the Muslims and they are actually in the desert and they are traveling. So he decides to spend from his own money. So they passed by some people, he buys camels, and he slaughters the camels to muster for the Muslims to eat. So each day he slaughters three cameras, three cameras, when

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some of the cameras actually the Muslims were writing were from sad himself. So he starts to slaughter some of these, then I will obey that being the leader he sees he foresees, that is going to be troublesome because we're going to run out of we're going to kill the camels that we have. We can't, you know, just go on foot back to Medina. It doesn't work.

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So he says to send my brother Enough, enough, so they were really struggling with food until they reach the Red Sea. When they reached the Red Sea. They see something they've never seen and that they had never seen in their life. What was that? A whale, a dead whale on the site on the shore. huge, massive whale on the side. The Arabs know nothing about sea life, by the way, especially at that time, they had no knowledge. They actually hated the sea. And they they were extremely scared of sailing.

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So when they saw the whale, they checked it out. And they realized it was a whale. And it was dead. It was dead. So if we're hungry, shall we eat it was still fresh? Shall we eat from it? Or so then they thought to themselves, but it's dead and we're not supposed to eat dead animals.

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Like we're not supposed to eat dead animals.

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And they didn't know about the ruling. So the professor was asked so Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Baba Salam was asked about the ocean about the sea. For all who

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up Pahoa Roma, Al Hello Mater to about the sea. Its water is behold, you can you can use it for window. It's pure and you can use it for window. And the dead animals of the sea can be eaten. Not like sheep and goats and camels, you have to slaughter them. If they're dead, you can eat them from if it's from the sea. You don't have to slowly Have you slaughtered fish. Have you seen like Halal fish?

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Like anything from the sea, if it's dead, you can eat it,

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obviously is going to die once you get it out. So there's no slaughter. So that's an exception, but they didn't know about that. So they thought they said we can't eat it because it's a dead animal. What did Barbados say? He used he had he used his mind now to think he says let me actually mentioned his exact words

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so they said it's a dead animal. So he said, What are we they said, Well, no Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam we are dispatched by the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what are the officer de la we are on the path of Allah, we're doing something for the sake of Allah.

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What are the thought on a tomb and you are in a position of necessity, we don't have food.

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And when we are in a position as in the Quran, Illa Manu bourgeois, except for those who are in a state of necessity, you can eat dead animals says we are in a state of need. So we're going to eat it even if it's dead, even if it's dead, so they actually can be there

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or two weeks, and they eat from it.

01:00:04 --> 01:00:08

They eat from it huge whale, okay, now

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the eye cavity of the of the whale.

01:00:14 --> 01:00:28

So they kept eating, eating from it until, like most of it remained is born. So they said we actually put on weight in these two weeks, we put on weight and we use the oil of the whale to medicate our skin

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as lotion moisturizer.

01:00:33 --> 01:00:40

Okay, so they said we put on weight and we became extremely healthy, extremely healthy, they said

01:00:41 --> 01:01:27

13 of us could, could sit in the eye cavity of that will is how huge it is one of its ribs. He said, The tallest among us would stand on the back of a camel and would be able to pass under the rib of that well as how huge it was. So they come there for two weeks, obviously, people started hearing about Muslims are camped here, and they're moving around the dominating this area and so on and so forth. They said, that's enough, we did one week fulfill the mission. Let's go back. Let's go back some some of you might think, oh, you know, 15 days, it must have gone bad like the obviously like it's the heat. The heat of the Arabian Peninsula must have gone bad. But, you know, the Arabs at the

01:01:27 --> 01:01:28

time were extremely, very

01:01:30 --> 01:02:09

apt at preserving food, preserving food, so they would salt it, or they would smoke it to preserve it. Right? So apparently seems that that's what they did, to the point that they took some of its meat even with them to Medina. So they went back when they went back to Medina they told the prophet Sallallahu Sallam about it and he said you should have you know kept something for me. They said we actually kept and they gave the Prophet Salam some of it and he ate from it. And he ate from it. So I'm gonna say but it's dead right? But we know the ruling right? Fish, it doesn't have to be slaughtered, it's dead you can eat it even if it's even if it's dead. So,

01:02:10 --> 01:02:27

now every people around are getting worried about the Muslims making all these moves. Qureshi is worried concerned Papa fan huge tribes also concerned many of the other smaller tribes are concerned and who else you know the ones who were exiled from Medina been another

01:02:28 --> 01:02:39

Jewish tribal but not there, they moved to Hyderabad. And we said we're going to come back to this like they move to hyper they dominated hyper they became the leaders of Kaiba, who among them was a top

01:02:40 --> 01:02:43

doctor was one of their main main leaders.

01:02:44 --> 01:03:08

So they decided the Muslims are growing bigger and stronger, we need to put a limit to this. So they start putting a plan some people start making some moves, speaking to others making visits here and there in order to deal with the Muslims once and for all. Get rid of the Muslims completely. who led this the one who led that was a pub

01:03:09 --> 01:03:11

and others from one another.

01:03:12 --> 01:03:51

Salaam Abu Dhabi. So two main people who aim not pub, and salam IGNOU abulhool. Therefore from bonobo here they had moved to they were exiled from Medina. So they moved to Hyderabad. And that's where they established themselves again. And they wanted to take it back on the Prophet SAW Salem and get rid of the Muslims. So first they speak to polish so they go to Makkah, and the whole talks with the leaders of college so they will come up with a plan because they saw that the Muslims are able to deal with any army that deals with them face to face. So now they want to resort to a different strategy. So what is the strategy they're putting together? Shala we're going to deal with

01:03:51 --> 01:03:54

this. Next week be in the Lehi, Tana

01:03:56 --> 01:04:05

just a reminder, I was told you have a very important thing actually by so you're not sure Carson is going to start holding some

01:04:08 --> 01:04:15

it's actually a beautiful workshop monthly workshop is going to take place on Mondays and Wednesdays, from mothership to Asia.

01:04:16 --> 01:04:47

Mondays and Wednesdays between Europe and Asia. A limit of 10 people, she a customer is going to take each time a group of 10 people and they're gonna go over certain Fatiha in terms of proper recitation because sometimes people recited Fatiha they don't recite it properly. It's important for the validity of your salah they recite it well, he's gonna over again gonna go over the last three soldiers of the Quran Allah Allah had to allow the Brahmin fella Palau, the brahmanas. So each intake is 10 people on the

01:04:48 --> 01:04:50

so this is gonna happen I think,

01:04:51 --> 01:05:00

probably next month, I'm not sure but the details you can ask in the main office about the details and for registration. So obviously she asked him Is akari and he's someone

01:05:00 --> 01:05:21

Who can really I mean, mashallah, he's got a good way of helping you get the pronunciation right, it's important to get the pronunciation specifically of the Fatiha. Right. So I advise everyone to actually seek that. Each time there will be a new intake of 10 people. So keep an eye on this inshallah and take advantage of this. And today we have a potluck, right?

01:05:23 --> 01:05:27

Hopefully, you know, you didn't come empty handed.

01:05:28 --> 01:05:31

Okay, we can take two questions.

01:05:32 --> 01:05:34

Yes. Salaam to luck.

01:05:38 --> 01:05:41

Took off well, okay. Yes. The raffle means to play dumb.

01:05:43 --> 01:05:45

overlook, overlook.

01:05:48 --> 01:05:53

You know, yesterday, I read the story. We're about beautiful story. It's a real story. And it's over.

01:05:55 --> 01:06:07

A supervisor in a company that was doing very well, it's a small company. And this supervisor was the main guy there. He was doing very well. He said I had a playful employee.

01:06:08 --> 01:06:22

But he was extremely intelligent. And he did his work. But he would miss some meetings, he would call in sick, sometimes he would. It would not be consistent with his like timings. And

01:06:23 --> 01:06:25

he used to take extra vacation.

01:06:26 --> 01:06:32

But he got the work done. And he did more than expected. He said, but I wanted to play manager.

01:06:33 --> 01:06:41

So I started cornering him and making sure that he's on time and things like that. So he says one day, he asked for vacation.

01:06:42 --> 01:06:45

I don't know he wants to go with his friends somewhere.

01:06:46 --> 01:06:47

So I say no.

01:06:48 --> 01:06:52

He said, I want to play manager right? On a play by the rules. I'm not doing anything wrong. He says no.

01:06:54 --> 01:07:26

And he says, I know he has plans. So I says no. So you, he says he calls in sick. And he doesn't come to the, to the to work that day. So he says, I make sure I was ready. I go home to visit him. Right? Being smart. Being smart, right? I want to go and visit him and just make sure he's okay. Okay, you calling in sick. I just came to check on you. So he comes he finds him preparing his stuff in the car to go on a vacation for a couple of days.

01:07:28 --> 01:07:29

It says okay, you're sick, right?

01:07:31 --> 01:07:37

So he catches him. He goes on, he obviously makes a deduction penalty on him.

01:07:38 --> 01:07:38


01:07:40 --> 01:07:50

he says, I thought I was in our being good manager, I was doing my work. And I caught him. Like, I don't want him to lie to me and want him to mess around.

01:07:51 --> 01:07:54

So he says at the end of the month, he hands in his resignation.

01:07:56 --> 01:08:07

He hands in his resignation. And he gets a job with the main competitor of this company. And he ends up being a great advantage to the competitor. We lost a lot of business.

01:08:08 --> 01:08:22

And the business went down profit margins went down. A lot of the team members really because he was a connector in the team. We lost a very important element. He said Why? Because of me not being able to overlook some mistakes.

01:08:24 --> 01:08:37

Again, that's the ruffle. So the Prophet SAW Selim would see some mistakes from people see some weaknesses, but he would, you don't have to be precise. Some people they love it when they catch you doing something, they love it when you Miss Miss up something they, they love it.

01:08:38 --> 01:09:19

And these are the people. And I think I mentioned that last week, about you know, not chasing people as a leader, as a Muslim Governor not chasing people for their mistakes. We're not supposed to go and chase people for their mistakes. You should overlook, overlook the persona, mainly overlooked. So this is a very important aspect of, of, you know, human interaction overlooked, overlooked. Sometimes it's not a good thing. It's not a good strategy. If you're going to be taken advantage of obviously, then you need to be decisive here. So but you use your judgment and you know, refine that judgment to be able to see where you draw the line. But takaful overlooking mistakes and

01:09:19 --> 01:09:25

shortcomings sometimes. It's a very good strategy, you see? Yeah. So that's what it means that often Volcom nuffic.

01:09:27 --> 01:09:28


01:09:32 --> 01:09:42

Well, that's an issue of debate. It's a good question. So there are animals that live both in the ocean and outside. What do you call them in English?

01:09:44 --> 01:09:57

Amphibians, yeah, amphibians, and Arabic Burma yet? Amphibians, right. Are they proud of this or not? That's a dispute among the scholars. That's a dispute. But some of them they said,

01:09:58 --> 01:09:59

depending on where it's

01:10:00 --> 01:10:01

spends most of its time

01:10:02 --> 01:10:14

when it's where it spends most of its time. So, for example, turtles, ocean turtles, they say Well, that's, that's included in the, in the fish type of category and so on and so forth. Yes. Yeah.

01:10:16 --> 01:10:51

Okay, we're done with questions does often like I'll see you next week inshallah enjoy the potluck or SallAllahu wasallam. And as you know, Hamid, while you're serving me, by the way, not this Sunday, next Sunday, we have a workshop and I'm telling you, it's extremely important for parents, extremely important. This sister who's doing this is actually an expert. She really knows what she's talking about. She's involved in a community. And don't worry, she is not going to be visible for the brothers. So she will speak to the sisters. The brothers will be on the side, but you will be able to see slides. It's going to be interactive, but it's extremely important. What she shows is

01:10:51 --> 01:11:00

extremely important. So I would really advise everyone to register for this and take part in that and benefit from it Xochimilco.

01:11:01 --> 01:11:14

We're going to have more Inshallah, almost every month we have nila, we're going to have more workshops, people from different fields in sha Allah because somehow in our community, we have a lot of assets want to bring that and give them platform in sha Allah and share the benefits

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