Moutasem al-Hameedy – Life Of The Prophet 38

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The importance of love for Islam is discussed, including the use of negative language and the importance of learning to be neutral in times of stress. The Prophet Luca used negative language to sing a basic melody and later spilled it into a man, leading to a attack on Muslims. The importance of protecting one's Islam is emphasized, including not taking joy in talking about people and not bringing things at a very basic level. The speaker also discusses the history of the Prophet's revelation and how it has been proven.
AI: Transcript ©
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As the scholars said, the reality of a Buddha is actually love. Really, the essence of worship is in my head, love. So it's a powerful and powerful thing to have love for Allah subhanaw taala, and for the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So just by the same token, I want to mention some things that really transpired from the life of the Prophet Solomon from his words. And that's the importance of not exposing people

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not exposing people. It's a very bad tendency. And oftentimes, we put on the detective hats. We think it's, it's, we're being smart by searching for people's mistakes. And we do this most as parents with our children. Like, it's, it's my like, best day, if I catch my kid doing a mistake. It's like, okay, I'm being a good parent. I'm being smart. So if you search for your, for people's mistakes, even for a spouse, for a friend, for a colleague, that's not going to go well. It's not going to go well and it's not going to be positive for either side. So the Prophet SAW Selim actually directed us to something he says, Man settle Ah Ha hoo for dunya Salah Hola, yo ml piano.

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Whoever avoids to expose his brother, obviously that means sister that means siblings that means son, Wife, Daughter, father, mother, etc.

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Whoever avoids to expose their brother, the Muslim brother, then Allah subhana, Allah will protect them, uncover them on the Day of Judgment, Allah will not expose them on the Day of Judgment.

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And this is a rule a very important principle in Islam, Al Jazeera Amin Jinsei, lemon, that usually Allah pays you back in kind, whatever you do is going to get back to you. That's how Allah built this universe. So you either get it in this life, or but you're gonna get it fully in the hereafter. Whatever you put forth is gonna come back to you.

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How you treat people that's how will you will be treated.

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And there's a narration

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you know, later on after the life of the prophet Sallallahu sallam, there was a man.

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Someone chased another person, and sort of they were somehow spying on them. And they caught that person in private drinking alcohol.

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Then they brought him to the lab and Mr. rode along so there was not a government, but he was a person of what

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30 in terms of knowledge, so that the one who was spying got that person, and he brought them to the dormitory, he said, listen, he was drinking alcohol. I saw him. And you can see even his beard, you know, has drips of drops of alcohol is dripping with alcohol.

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Abdullah Mossad, what was his response?

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He said, We were not commanded to chase people and spy on them. We're not commanded to do this. He says inept, no Hina and to just suss. But if there is something evident and obvious in public, then we deal with that. But you chasing people is no good. There's an aeration, although some scholars have disputed it. And it was from a horrible hyperbole, Allahu anda and other companion, that they were actually walking at night nighttime, and they heard some kind of like voices coming from the house, and the door was left open. So they wanted to see what that noise was, they figured out there were people having like, sort of having good time, they were drinking.

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So they came close. And then they realize these people were actually drinking, and there was a maid singing for them, a lady singing for them,

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that I'm gonna hop up turns to his companion, he says, We have fallen into an act of disobedience. We're chasing people in their homes. We're chasing people in their homes, and we spying into their house to see what they're doing. We're not commanded to do this, let's leave it and they walked away.

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This is completely opposite to what we see sometimes from ourselves, ourselves that if you see someone, they look a little bit up dubious, they're behaving a little bit dodgy.

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You keep chasing them. You want to catch them in the act, right? You want to catch them in are doing something wrong. So you could actually expose them, or you can show your power or authority or your excellence over them. You want to corner them with their mistake. That's not an Islamic attitude at all. You don't play detective like this. There's another Hadith. Also, this is from the Prophet SAW Salem. Still, it's been like disputed, but many of the scholars classified as Hassan that's acceptable.

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That the Prophet Islam says in Al amela, either but delta d but tough enough see if Saddam that the image of the leader, Governor, Prime Minister, President, any person in a position of authority father manager

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is always having bad thoughts about people. And they're always observing them trying to catch them doing something wrong, it's going to actually corrupt their people.

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It's going to corrupt them. So if you always have bad evil thoughts about people and you're chasing them, you keeping them under watch, you just want to catch them, that's your goal, you want to catch them doing something wrong, you actually going to get them to behave, or you're gonna get them to misbehave, you're going to get them to do things that are bad. So you have an influence on people specific, especially if you have your own position of authority. And by the way, this is actually well known. This is well known in social sciences. Let me bring this actually on the table.

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It's very interesting. Because this tendency, basically, and the reason that I'm highlighting this, because it's going to show us, it's going to show us that it's going to have a big impact on the Muslim community at the time of the Prophet salallahu Salam want to see how the Muslims dealt with it, how the Prophet Salim dealt with it, and how Allah subhanaw taala instructed the Muslims and taught them lessons after that incident.

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There was a great experiment, big experiment that took place in the 1968 by a famous social scientist called Rosenthal and his colleagues. They went actually to schools

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and elementary schools, and they presented to the teachers what they call the time and you

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IQ test test for intelligence, it tests the intelligence of people and their intellectual, you know, capacity. And they said it's more accurate than the standard one. So they want to test it with regards to

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you know, the performance of the kids in school.

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So the teachers in different cities that happened in the US. And

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so they said, we want the kids to take that IQ test, and want to see by the end of the academic year, whether the results of the tests really are reflected in the performance of the kids by their grades. Perfect. The kids took the test different schools, different cities, and the teachers were instructed that we

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wants you to still keep key. Treat the students as you don't change your treatment of the students based on the results. So they from every from each class, there was two or three that really scored the highest in the test.

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And the teachers were given the results. But the results were not disclosed to the kids only to the teachers and the teachers were instructed, do not change the way you treat the kids or do not give special treatment to these more intelligent ones, etc. Just keep your maintain your teaching style. And they keep visiting these teachers throughout the year just to make sure everything's just normal, they're not treating these kids special, etc. Towards the end of the year, the results were pretty much accurate. The kids that were that scored the highest in the IQ test,

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they actually ended up getting the best academic performance getting the highest marks for the most spots. Now this seems to make sense, right? And intelligence test. And the ones who scored the highest they actually performed the best in school seems to make a lot of sense. Now there is one catch there, that this was no IQ test, no intelligence that it was just a random test that measured literally nothing.

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Literally measured, nothing has no had no value. What was the experiment about they wanted to see if the impressions of the teachers change, is that going to have a change or have an impact on the students. And it did.

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And from that experiment, basically, there was a theory formulated, it was called the self fulfilling prophecy or the Pygmalion effect, something very well known. So and you actually feel it sometimes from a parent from a teacher, sometimes from an Imam, or from a person in authority.

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They show you a lot of show you that they don't trust you that they don't really like

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they're not very, I would say hopeful about you, you tend to behave bad. In these instances, you tend to screw up.

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So if a parent really says, I know you're going to do this, or they just make you feel that you're not going to behave well you actually find yourself you know being pushed not to behave well. And you wonder why.

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So again, this is what the this hadith says that if the Imam or the leader of the governor really watches the expect the worst of people, he's actually going to make them worse.

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And that's why there's an authentic hadith from the Prophet SAW Selim, where the messenger Salam says, Men, Kala faster than NAS, for who have said, Whoever says people have become corrupted, then he is actually the most corrupt among them. There's another way to read this hadith as well. Men, Paula fester, the nurse for who have said or whom whoever says people have become corrupt than he is a cause of their corruption.

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So it's really important not to chase our kids, our students, our spouses, our friends, people in the community, people in the society people, we should not treat them in that way. Don't treat people with suspicion, that doesn't mean be naive. That just means don't approach people with evil suspicion with sort of one with negative thoughts, expecting the worst of them. And basically, because this is going to lead you as well, to spy on people, it's going to lead you to spy on people.

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And it's gonna lead you to interpret their behavior in a negative sense, and so on, and so forth. And just to highlight this issue of people's dignity, people have this basic dignity that's given to them by Islam, you can't take it away. Even if you're in a position of authority, you just can't take it away. I mean, it's not an option. And because it's it's not a physical thing, it's an abstract thing.

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It doesn't mean you can take it

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it's worse than taking their property, like their money, you can't put your hand in someone's pocket and take, you know, the $200 that are in their pocket, you won't do that.

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But why would we take someone's dignity or someone's right to respect without any qualms without any issues? Because it's not it's not it's not a physical thing. It's not a physical experience. But this doesn't make any difference. Actually, it could be worse.

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So the prophets I send them says,

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and we know like somewhat one of the biggest sins in Islam as well, one of the major sins is Riba, right, riba dealing with interest, one of the biggest sins, one of the major sins in Islam. Look at what the prophets of salaam says in this authentic hadith. The messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says about riba istilah told Mark if he had the FE

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the worst form of riba

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Is that a person

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takes liberty in defaming or slandering his brother

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you speaking ill about someone else

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is the worst form of Riba.

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And for us, we don't have a problem talking about people. Why? For the sake of, you know,

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having fun, talk about people, talk about this person, look at this person, look at what he did look at what she did. Look at how tall he is out short shears, because of who they're talking to their this their that we enjoy it gossip. And we think we're just killing time.

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But what you're doing is actually you are committing such a major crime if you get involved in something like this. So what I would say is, I mean, if you are a manager in a in a company, or in a department and you need to assess performance, you need to make sure people are doing their well that's different. But if just take it as a rule, if you are able to get by without speaking about someone just do that. Just do that. If you don't need direly need to discuss someone's behavior, or someone's traits, for some kind of business, some kind of organization or some kind of family thing. Don't get there. Don't get there, just don't take liberty don't take joy in talking about people.

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If there's no dire need, don't get involved there.

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Anyway, so the incident that we're going to talk about today is actually after the Battle of a hood. And after all of these occurrences that happened, the Prophet SAW Selim heard that there is a tribe called Benu, almost Talak. But anonymous talkers, and Arab tribes are small ones, not a big one. And they are closer to Makkah, between Mecca and Medina, closer to Mecca. And they were actually preparing an army to attack the Muslims, and maybe not only by themselves, probably joining forces with others, but they were preparing themselves to take military action against the Muslims. And then again, we shouldn't forget that context. Often times when people talk about the Muslims and

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prophets, the last element, they talk about the warfare aspect of the life of the prophets and salam. They assumed the Prophet of Islam out of luxury, he was waging war, we don't realize the Muslims could not even go to sleep safe. They couldn't.

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They were trying to defend themselves against a huge number of of armies of others, everyone took a position at the enmity towards them. So the Prophet Salam, as we said, he was not sort of naive or ignoring what was happening. He sent his companions in every direction to get him news about any threats about any danger.

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So the the news came to the prophets of salaam that Benoit and masala were actually preparing themselves to somehow wage an attack against the Muslims, the prophets of salaam realized I mean, we can't wait till these people join forces with the others till they put together a nice plan. We have some time. Let's take them by surprise, when they expected the least. Muslims are just dealing with the aftermath of or hurt people don't expect them to have any military power. The Prophet SAW Salem gets the Muslims together in Medina, they set out towards been almost Allah and they go and attack them.

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They're gonna attack them on the way. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said to the army as the Army's marching forward, see, keep going the prophets of salaam

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stays behind

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with his wife, Aisha. So the Prophet SAW Selim among his wives, every time he had a journey had a trip, he was going on a military expedition, he would

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make what is called an aura or is some sort of like is like tossing a coin, whose turn is going to be Houston, who's who's gonna go with me today. So the problem was sort of toss a coin in order to, to decide if it come if it's this, if it's that, this this, I'm going to take it if it's this, I'm going to take Zane up on so on and so forth.

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So, it turned out in favor of Asha, lovely Allah and how she goes, she joins the Prophet Salam, and that

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in that military expedition on the way so the president says to the army move, keep keep moving, keep marching forward, and he stays with Aisha behind and she doesn't know what's going on. Then the prophecies and M says, Come on. Go ahead. She says what he says we're gonna race with you.

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Like it's such a serious journey, right? Yet the Prophet says and does not neglect you know, this kind of connection with his with his wife. He says I'm going to race with you and have fun with you in the middle of the desert, so he races he races with ash

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Not only Allahu Anna, and she's young, but the prophets of salaam was in his mid 50s. She's much younger than that. So the race, she wins the race.

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She wins the race, but the problem keeps it in mind. Anyway, so the military expedition goes on.

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On the way the Prophet SAW Selim, there was one of the Muslims, one of the servants of the prophets of Salaam, his name was and Joshua and Joshua,

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it was from Africa, he would have such a beautiful voice. And he used to

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sing what is called as he that he that is a very basic form of melody, very basic form of melody. It's not excessive, it's not to ups and downs. And it's very, I would say,

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it's not this kind of funky kind of singing, okay, it is such a basic form of, as we said, basic form of melody. So he used to sing or make this header on the way, because this would help. And this is something about camels, camels love that kind of melody, the basic melody, it's basically the the kind of singing that the Bedouins usually have. They love that and they actually start walking the camels based on that rhythm based on that rhythm. So and Joshua sometimes would get excited. We got really excited with his singing to the point that he exaggerates the melody. So the profits are some turns to him. And he says, Yeah, Anisha lift and we'll kawari Oh, I'm just going to take it easy on

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the women on the vessels, the fragile vessels, because women at the time, at this time of the Prophet SAW Selim, specifically the wives of the Prophet SAW, Selim, they would not because we said last week, if you remember that the hijab was made obligatory. So they would, when they were with the traveling with with men, they had what's called that held the edge, like their compartments, small kind of room that is made, and it's actually

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loaded on the back of a camel. So it has a seats, and it's like a closed compartment, that's for the women so that they could be at ease by themselves on the back of the camera without anyone observing them.

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So when they were on the back of camels, the camels would as undershelf got more excited with his singing the camels got more excited. So they started walking at such a rapid pace. And this was causing the woman to be had to have a bumpy ride. So the problem says to underserved can we'll cover it like take it easy on the women take it easy on the woman's giving them hard time.

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So anyway, they reach the area of Brno almost Talak and they attack them, take them by surprise, most of the other ones run away. And the Muslims take captives and that's the rule. That's these are the rules of war at the time.

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They take captives they take them back, and they head back to Medina. So they're heading back to Medina.

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One of the captives was a woman called Jewry Yep. interhealth Who was she? She was the daughter of the leader of that tribe. When when masala she's his very his daughter.

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The man either got killed in the battle Oh, he ran away but most likely, he was one of the people who died in the battle

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and she was taken with the captives

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so on the way back

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the Muslims used to camp certain points to arrest

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at shot on the Allahu Han had during the night they were camping. Just before Fajr they stopped, they actually decide to move on. Surely Allah on her goes to answer the call of nature at that time, there's no washrooms. There were some sort of washrooms, like,

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very basic washrooms, like they dig a hole in the ground and that's it. But the Arabs actually didn't like those. They didn't actually like those than it because they, they sort of felt it was too much filth near the house. So then they didn't have they call them l Caniff herbs used to call this kind of washroom. l Caniff plural CONAF that the Arabs didn't like that. So, then how did the Arabs answer the call of nature?

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Do you know how they would actually usually go once?

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Once, specifically, just to be clear to defecate once

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And then we'll do that at night. So they would go outside of the town outside of the city not too far like it's not, I mean, talking about a town or a city is a small place. So they would walk maybe five minutes away from people in a dark place. Usually it would be a lower area covered area, not visible. It's dark, nighttime, they would go in groups, like women would specifically would go in groups, and then they would take different sides. For the sake of safety, they would go and group go in groups, and then they would come back. So I actually think Allah and I just did the same thing. During the camp of the Army, she took to the side, and hidden area, humans answered the call of

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nature. Then she came back, and she came back, Muslims were ready to leave. She checked her

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necklace, she had lost it. She realized she left it there.

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So she thought to herself, it's going to be two minutes, I'm gonna just gonna go, you know, grab it, and come back and join, you know, the Muslim army as they, as they leave this point. She goes, she's it's night stills, duck, she searches for it, she can't find it takes time until she finds it. She goes back. There's no one there already left. She realized because she was such a thin person. She didn't like she didn't weigh much physically. So she said, I understood that, because they held that when they rested, they will take the hold that hold that compartment that women compartment off the camel's back and put it on the ground. And when they are about to leave, the woman would get there

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get seated. And then four men would carry that on the back of the camel, put it back on the back of the camel. So she thought when they carried it, they couldn't tell whether I was there or not because it was too light anyway, so my weight would not make a difference. So they just put that come up compartment on the camel, and they set off.

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So they didn't realize that she was missing. She thought to herself, what could I do what would be the best strategy. And by the way, that's a good thing. When you you're with a group of people, especially this happens a lot with hedge, for example, especially if you don't have a mobile phone. When you lose your group, usually the best advice is you go to the spot where you will together last last time you were together.

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So she didn't when she saw this, she decided the best thing is to stay where instead of because she doesn't know directions, she might lose her way. There's

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what 360 degrees that they could have gone in, oh, maybe they were heading north, there was 180 degrees, they could have gone in any of these directions. So she didn't want to create more mess. She said I'll stay where, where I am now. That's where the camp was. And once they in the next stop, they realize I wasn't there, they would come and check for me. They will just go back on the same on the same route. So she sat down there. Then she laid on her side and she fell asleep.

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One of the companions of the Prophet saw Sam was already behind the army. His name was off one of the model was already behind the army probably dealing with something and then he would catch up. He says I was following the steps of the or the path of the of the caravan, the Muslim army. And then I see this kind of figure black figure there on the ground. So he comes close to see it.

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And Anisha wakes up at that time. She says so he sees me. Then I covered my face quickly. And she said he had seen me before the hijab was made obligatory before before they were commanded to cover completely the wives of the Prophet SAW Selim says so he recognized me so when he saw that he took it back and he said, la La hawla wala Quwata illa biLlah Marina to rasool Allah Azza wa salam he says, hola, hola. Hola. Hola. Like, basically the wife of the Prophet SAW Salem.

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So he let his camel kneel down. For eyeshadow, the GLONASS and he goes back, he goes away for her to mount the camel so he doesn't even and we said the Arabs with respect to this kind of privacy, personal privacy. So he left her with a camel until she mounted the camel. Then he took the rope of the camel and he moved on without looking at her and he moves in the direction of the of Medina.

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a time before the war.

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They catch up with a Muslim army who were camping at another spot now.

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They go and join the Muslim army. There's no issues right? But some people in the Muslim army saw that.

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And again, people usually interpret reality. People interpret reality. So how you interpret a situation tells so much

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much about you. How you interpret people's behavior says so much about you.

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You know, the famous poet, our poets and Otonabee, from the older times from Sol ibrc. From the other side time. He says it's a beautiful it's a very beautiful realization.

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He says, either set a theoretical model IE, sir at Winona, who was the Camellia hotel room in Tower homie. If a man if someone's actions are bad,

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then his thoughts are going to become bad.

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So a thief usually tends to see people more of these

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people. And this is why again, the Arabs have this proverb, colonial NASA behind Halle, everyone, everyone sees others

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based on his own image

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based on his uncle, so if you're someone who usually has bad thoughts or have bad intentions, you're going to interpret people's you're more more likely to interpret people's in people's actions, that they have bad intentions as well.

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So the hypocrites there was still I mean, no one knows they're hypocrites, except for the Prophet SAW Selim. They were hiding, they were pretending to be Muslim. Okay, so we got we from 1400 years now away from that, we know these were hypocrites, but at that time, no one knew who the hypocrites were. Everyone was Muslim, everyone was a companion.

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So no one knew that this person is a hypocrite, no one, except in the later times in the life of the prophet sunnah, some of them became more exposed, some of them became more exposed. But at that time, no one knew you know, who was really hypocrite these were Muslims.

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So they were all seen in good light. So when they saw actually Allah was coming with so fun and mark, but specifically, Abdullah even obey even a saloon

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Abdullah even obey even so who is known to be the head of the hypocrites.

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Straight away, the only way he sees this was,

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I shall must have stayed back for a reason to meet this man.

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And they have bad intentions, they must have done something.

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And it's not enough that he comes up with this kind of interpretation or this kind of conclusion. He actually starts spreading it around. Do you know what she did? Do you know why he did?

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They did this and they did that.

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And then it starts spreading. The Prophet Salam still doesn't know about that. He doesn't know about that. They carry on on the way

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to to Medina

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and they reach Medina

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they reach Medina, the news is spreading, the Rumors are spreading and there are people are blowing into them, our beloved and obey even saloon and others. And the problem is, some of the good ones actually fell into this.

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Some of the good ones fell into this there was specifically three of the companions, good companions, who actually spoke ill about Schulberg, Allahu Allah, and accused her that carried the rumors to someone else. And that's why in Islam, it's extremely important that you do not share everything you hear.

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You don't like, Oh, I heard so. And so did this. Or did you hear about this? You go and spread it.

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Humans love gossip. We love gossip. Why? Because humans love to show that I know something you don't know.

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We love this kind of thing. By the way. We love this kind of,

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you know, the fact Oh, I know, what are the I'm the first one to tell you about this. We love that. And that's why people usually spread news that they are not sure about. And that's how rumors get around. By the way. That's how rumors get around. It's human tendency to show and prove that I know what you guys don't know.

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As if it's a big deal, like what really cares. But Subhanallah is such a huge thing. And by the way, this is why people share what they share on social media.

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This is why people you know, and I was reading this, this book, there's, there's a book about why stuff online goes viral. So there's a good book called contagious. It's by a professor

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at the University of Pennsylvania, the Wharton Business School, and he really sort of dedicated a lot of time to study what goes viral online. So he tried to understand the principles of virality online. So one of the principles he figured out that

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it's this tendency that people love to show

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Oh, okay that I know more than your oil. I know something special. That's why people share. That's why people share stuff. So. So some of the Muslims, three of them specifically, they spread the news.

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One of them was Hassan of North habit of Allah who I know, has certain without it will be alone and such a great companion. But he fell into this a weakness that shows good people do bad things. Sometimes he fell into this, another companion Mr. Arthur, Mr. Hammond, I thought that was one of the companions who took part in the Battle of better. And we know the ones who took part in the Battle of the better are considered to be the best among the Muslims.

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And the third one was a woman, a lady called him never been to geohash She is the sister of Xena been to judge the wife of the prophets. So she's the sister in law of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam three of them are, these are good Muslims spread the news, with the rest of the hypocrites who are spreading the news secretly spreading the news by word of mouth. All of Medina heard about this, and I shall have the Allah who knows nothing still she knows nothing about that.

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Then the news reaches the prophets, Allah Allahu Allah He was

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an effects him big time.

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Now when you to see the sensitivity of the situation.

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The Prophet Islam is the leader of the Muslims in Medina.

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He's a prophet enter messenger.

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He's a prophet, and the messenger. He's now being attacked,

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in his person, and in his family didn't say he's a liar. Let's say he's a charlatan, didn't say he took whatever he has the revelation from people of the Scripture, they don't accuse him. Now they accused him in his own honor in his own wife.

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That's a very personal thing.

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And the fact that the Prophet SAW Saddam is a prophet is a messenger limits his capacity to deal with this.

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Because the Prophet Salam is still human being. And if he's going to say something, it has divine value, not that the person is divine, no, but the fact that problem speaks from Revelation that he's going to say, this is right, this is wrong, he has to have revelation behind it.

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Otherwise, he has to stay silent. That's an obligation of his prophethood. He can't express his personal opinion about something like this, as a fact, he cannot do that. person cannot do that. And this is where prophethood now stands on the way of the prophets of salaam defending his own honor. Do you guys see this point? Because there are people when they read the seal of the Prophet, I'm aldermanic criticize the person. They say he did not really defend shuttlebay Allahu Ana.

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And I've heard this there are people who say he did not defend his wife, how come?

00:38:03 --> 00:38:14

You have to understand the sensitivity, he is a prophet. And if you were to say no, there's nothing like this, there's nothing like that. People automatically would assume that Revelation, the problem could not

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say something like that without confirmation from Allah subhanaw taala. So he had to, he had to be neutral here. He had to take himself out of this. And that made it more difficult for him and made it more difficult for HLD. Alana, actually, Alana is clueless. She doesn't know about that.

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And after the journey after they came back into Medina, she actually she she was ill. She was sick.

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And the profits are Salam. And usually, that's they used to be a practice sometimes the practice up until today in certain cultures. When a woman is sick, her family comes to help her her mother comes to help she stays with her. So her mother, Amma Romain

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came to her, and she would look after her most of the day, at night, she would go back to her Tabacos house, and she would stay in the profits house. So the profit salon would come to the house. And actually, Alana said the problem is usually very nice extra kind towards me when I'm ill. But this time the province of salaam would only do one thing. He treated her normal, but only with her sickness. He did not show this kind of extreme empathy that he would or sympathy he would usually share. So she said this first time the professor treats me this way when I'm ill.

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He would come and he would ask my mother, Kay for tea calm. How is she? That's it. How was she?

00:39:43 --> 00:39:44

And that's it.

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So she said like,

00:39:47 --> 00:39:52

that's not how the problem treats me. There must be something there. She doesn't know she or she.

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She feels a little bit bad about that. She seeks permission from the prophets, Allah salam to see

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In her father's house, he gives her permission. And that shows that the interaction between him and his wife was normal, was normal. And he didn't want actually to hear about that he himself that's obvious.

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So she goes to her parents house,

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then she recovers.

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So she goes back to the house of the Prophet SAW Selim.

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Now the Muslims come back to Medina, they have the captives.

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One of the captives we said was due area, the daughter of the leader of that tribe, when almost Allah.

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So Julia falls,

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she was

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in the share of the,

00:40:44 --> 00:40:49

of one of the companions called phablet, immunoprecise, Egnatia, mass, the habit of nucleus emotionless

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now she's a captive, she can actually free herself,

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free herself by seeking,

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actually asking for something that's her right, basically to

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buy herself off and free herself, that she could seek any help any social assistance around, she decided to take that option, she goes to the Prophet salallahu Salam, she explained her situation to him, the prophet Salam sees an opportunity. And again, we have something we have to understand about the marriages of the life of the prophet saw Salem. And this might be a little bit different, it's, it might be irrelevant to our times. Because of the social norms that we we've we've grown into. But at that time, this was the norm. So marriage was not only for family, at that time, it was a political act. So you would find nations that or tribes, or populations where there was conflict and

00:41:47 --> 00:41:53

war out amongst them, they would actually solve that enmity sometimes by a marriage,

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sometimes by a marriage. So when the royal family from this

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empire or from this kingdom, would marry the daughter of the royalty of that kingdom, that would actually dissolve all of the feuds and the enmity and the war between them. So that was very common, it was extremely common. So you will find the marriage of some of the marriages of the Prophet Salam actually played a political role that doesn't

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minimize the human side of them, the family side of them is still had this, they were multifaceted. So the Prophet SAW Selim saw this is the

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daughter of the leader of that tribe. And I see an opportunity here to get these people out of captivity, the whole people out of captivity.

00:42:41 --> 00:42:53

So the problem is, is an opportunity as well, and to get these people to show them what the true colors of Islam are. So the prophecy gives him an offer. He says, What if I free you? So I pay, you know, whatever that man,

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whatever, you owe that man, and you're free, and I propose to marry you, that would be my diary that I will give you the mod that I will give you. She thinks about it. She says, I agree with that.

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I agree with that willfully.

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They do that.

00:43:13 --> 00:43:22

And the prophets of salaam Marisa, the Prophet SAW Salem, Marisa, now shall we go on her previously before she before, like still before her illness.

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She saw that woman coming to the house of the Prophet SAW Salem, she knew who she was. She's the daughter of the leader of that tribe. She said for the Model A to her carry.

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She said when I saw her, I disliked her, cuz I knew she was so beautiful. And she knew that the Prophet SAW Selim in that situation would actually see a great opportunity to help her people. The people have been almost alike who were taken captive. So she said, Now her jealousy kicks in.

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Anyway, so the Prophet SAW Selim marries her. The Muslim captives, they say, now these are the inlaws of the prophets of Salaam, they free them, all of them together, hundreds, they free them without any pay without anything, without any price, they free, all of them. And actually,

00:44:12 --> 00:44:19

most of them become Muslim. Most of those capitalists just become Muslims and they join the Muslims, and they become part of this Muslim community.

00:44:21 --> 00:44:32

So actually, Allahu anha. We said when she recovered, she went back to the house of the Prophet salallahu Salam, and one day she's going as you says to Al Caniff to answer the call of nature, it was nighttime. She is going with

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one of like a woman who is related to her through the through her father through Abu Bakr of the Allahu Anhu

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00:44:46 --> 00:44:50

as they were coming back to Medina can come back home, this woman trips

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so she actually causes her son

00:44:58 --> 00:44:59

like damn

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Mr. Mr. Halverson,

00:45:03 --> 00:45:15

one of the three companions who spoke about that spoke about actually Allah Anna, the one who took part in the Battle of better Misbah. immunother that's his mother. And she's related to Abu Bakr.

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She's like the aunt of the Prophet of eyeshadow Villa Anna. So the woman causes her son her own son. So I she says, Why do you say that about your son is just such a good man.

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She says, You don't know. They move on the woman trips again.

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She kisses her son again. She's Why do you do that? Like he's a man who witness the Battle of better how to say something about this, about him like this. She says you don't know what he did. And I'm not cussing him because because of my own fit, but because of me. It's because of you. Like I She's now confused. Because of me. What do I have to do with this? So the woman tells her the whole story.

00:45:57 --> 00:46:12

That's the first time I actually Alana hears about this. And you can imagine she's a young lady. And her reputation is tarnished. Hurt. She's accused in her honor, falsely and all of this. She's now completely devastated.

00:46:13 --> 00:46:25

She rushes to the house to her mother. And she's obviously in tears. she's heartbroken. She asks her mother, did you hear about this? Like, do you do you guys know you already know about this?

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I said yes.

00:46:29 --> 00:46:37

So she's keeps crying all day. All night. She seeks permission from the prop salon to stay in her parents house. She doesn't want

00:46:38 --> 00:46:52

that she doesn't know how to deal with that situation. Such a serious situation. I mean, sometimes a person says something about you, they go around saying something about you. You feel really bad about this. Really bad about this because we humans care about how others see us.

00:46:53 --> 00:47:06

I mean, we're not to an unhealthy level, but at a healthy level. I mean, we still social beings. And we care to a certain extent about how people view us how people see us, and our reputation is such a precious thing.

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So imagine

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she's accused of such a huge accusation and the Rumors have spread around. She doesn't know how to deal with that. So she keeps crying and crying and crying and the prophets Isola.

00:47:21 --> 00:47:36

Now, as we said, the problem is really is between us and he's he's trapped between the rock and the hard place. He's he's a messenger, he cannot see a specific thing about that as a fact. He has to take a neutral position.

00:47:37 --> 00:47:38

He doesn't want to take his

00:47:39 --> 00:47:45

truthfulness, his authenticity as a profit into his personal life to defend his personal life. He cannot do that.

00:47:47 --> 00:48:19

So the prophets, Allah Salam, he speaks to some of his companions like he speaks to Zaytoven Haritha. He speaks to Aleem, we thought about the law and he says, What do you guys think we should do? So they give him advice based on this. But they all testify that it is no, there's no possibility that this could ever be true. And the prophets, prophets, Allah knows, but he just he cannot say something from himself because of his position as a prophet as a messenger. So then the province of Salem

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makes a hotbar. And he says to the people who's going to

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who's going to defend me against people who are slandering my own family?

00:48:30 --> 00:48:34

Now, that's the only time the Prophet has said and brought his personal life

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into his profession as a prophet's Sanlam. People are slandering me, someone who slapped created a slander on a lie in a rumor about my family.

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Who's going to deal with this? So the unsolved one of the unsolved side diplomat says all Messenger of Allah, if it's from

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Allah else from us, we're going to tell us who that person is, and we're going to finish him off we'll kill him.

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And if he's from the cars Raj,

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then you commanders and we will kill them. Now sadly, we're not go bad. Still, there are some there's some friction between Arsenal hustlers he says to set up a normal ad he says,

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Well, okay, just just hold on, hold on. Don't talk about it because Raj don't talk about his just speak about the house. And if he were about the house, I don't think he would actually go ahead and kill him. And then it started a dispute settlement layer response and there's a dispute them now the Muslims, there's a fitna among the Muslims, you see how one word could actually destroy a community. Why? Because this is such a sensitive issue. And people sometimes get emotionally involved that

00:49:48 --> 00:49:59

so it became a chaos of the prophets. I seldom calm them down. And now it's such a complicated situation. The prophets of salaam goes to shallowly Allahu anha to the house of

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Robocop, and he speaks with her. And he says, What do you have to say about this? Don't we? I mean, obviously, if you're innocent, Allah is gonna clear this.

00:50:09 --> 00:50:22

And she's, she's crying, he's crying her eyes out. She says to the prophets, I saw them, she says, Let me actually read his her words, because they're extremely profound. I mean, this whole thing took about a month.

00:50:23 --> 00:50:26

It took about a month, and I shall have the hola Juana in this

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extreme state.

00:50:54 --> 00:51:01

Abubaker is obviously there, he doesn't know what to do. He does know how to help his daughter. He knows the predicament of the prophets, Eliza.

00:51:02 --> 00:51:09

And it is such a difficult situation. You know, sometimes, especially with rumors, when you get involved, you make things worse.

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That's the problem. That's why it's extremely important Islam to preserve our tongues. Sometimes out of good intention, you might spread some news, and you think, oh, like, obviously like today, by the way, there's a lot of news that are spreading around about individuals, about groups, about organizations, about

00:51:31 --> 00:51:43

countries and governments. That completely baseless. And people just exchange them as if they are true. There's a lot of lies going around. By the way, there's truly a lot of lies going around so.

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So this is why Islam really like stresses the fact that we should not spread anything or everything

00:51:51 --> 00:51:52

we hear.

00:51:55 --> 00:52:06

So the prophets of salaam speaks to her and he says, Yeah, shall Allah is going to reveal the truth. And I want to hear from you. Then she said, she turns she says what? She turns to her to her father, or what she says, say something.

00:52:07 --> 00:52:45

He says a lot on what to say. It's such a, like a difficult situation, because their mother, her mother says, What can I say? I shall be low on her says, Allah. I don't know what to say to you. But the only thing I can say, is because if I tell you, I'm innocent, this is not true. You guys are not going to believe me, because this has spread around and you guys have swallowed it. And if I were to say that I am actually guilty, you're most likely to believe it. And that's the problem with the rumor is that it creates this kind of an environment that is extremely negative that makes people tend to believe what's what's wrong.

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Then she says, I can I'm not I'm not gonna say anything.

00:52:52 --> 00:53:29

And I'm only I can only say what the Father of us have said, she said, I was searching for the name of the Prophet Iacob. But it just didn't. It didn't come to my to my mind, because she was under so much stress. So she says I can only I can only find to myself for myself. The only solace I find is to say what the Father of us have said, for Sablon Jamil Allahu Mooster. Hannah Hala Mata. So I'm going to hold on to beautiful patients, and I seek Allah's help and guess what you all have you what you say, That's it. She said, I left her fall she said, I don't care. She literally says there's a beautiful word she says here

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so there's a bit of a word which he says a really I, I didn't see the ease in this predicament coming from any human being I knew I knew it's gonna come from Allah subhanaw taala. And he knew I was innocent. So truly inside my heart, I stopped caring about all of that. She says at that moment after the Prophet, I'm questioned me.

00:54:09 --> 00:54:48

He's in the state when he receives the revelation. And Allah sent down upon him the revelation. And that's in Surah Noor, and Surah Noor that talks about this issue in detail and shows Muslims etiquettes beautiful etiquettes I don't think we'll have time this week to expound upon them and show next week. We'll start with them because they're really profound. You can see how Allah spans are really preserves the Muslim community, and to show that sometimes we don't really give so much value to the words that we say, or some simple things we do, but we don't realize they can go a long way destroying someone's life. So the Prophet Saddam received this revelation when he turns to

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actually he says, Actually, she actually had said previously, she said, I never thought Allah is going to reveal verses from the Quran about me that I don't see myself. In other words,

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I was going to reveal something in the Quran about me but I thought Allah would make the Prophet Selim see a dream and the dreams of the Prophet SAW. So my revelation, that prophecy and we see a dream and confirm that she understood that the Prophet salaam could not speak from himself now, he's a prophet and because of that position, he could not just speak that's it.

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But she's she said, I thought Allah would make him see you know, a dream that would actually reveal the truth about that. But she was surprised that Allah sent versus talking about this and Allah Spanner clear date, shall we, Allahu Allah, and creed that companions of one of the remarkable and the Prophet SAW Salem shared the verses with the believers. And the ones look at the hypocrites, they did not disclose that not spread the rumors openly. So no one could really like, say, okay, Abdullah and obey him. He's the one who said that, they did that in a very subtle way, very conniving way they could not be caught,

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they left no traces.

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The ones who were caught were three, and they were the good companions

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must have northa, again, cousin of Aisha,

00:56:07 --> 00:56:15

and her son in law forbids will have never been to Josh, is three competitors. And they will punish because there's a punishment for

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if you slander someone in their honor, without a proof of proper proof that is specified in the Quran, there's no punishment, there is a punishment because this is such a serious thing. It is such a serious thing. So we must have should be careful about spreading news don't take joy in spreading news, or talking about people behind their back. As if there is no dire need to discuss someone's behavior or someone's attitude or someone's,

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you know, whatever they do, or say,

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Keep away from that, unless there is a dire need, don't take joy in talking about people. So Inshallah, next week, we will talk about these verses will read them will translate their meanings. And then we will see how the beautiful instruction is about and they are extremely important social practices, very beautiful social practices. Now this happened, such a difficult

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experience for the prophets, I send them for I show the love for the Muslims in general. But there was a lot of lessons. This is what Allah Subhana Allah says, and this is one of the beautiful principles in Islam about how to handle life. Allah Subhan Allah says, in the Libyan idea or belief, chaos, but too many of those who created this slander and this rumor, often among you, doesn't mean they're Muslims, but they are among the Muslim community. That Cebu Shalonda Khumba was gonna come, don't think it's bad for you, it's actually good for you. So a lot of the predicaments a lot of the hardships that we go through as human beings and we wish they never happened.

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And they're extremely hard and difficult and challenging. Allah subhanaw taala says that actually good for you.

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And that shows that belief in others. And if you are a believer in Allah, subhanaw, taala, Anna, anything, even no matter how bad it seems to be, it's actually good for you.

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So it gives us a wider definition of what is good and bad. Most people take things at a very basic level, interpret things at a very basic level. If it's painful, if it's inconvenient, then it's bad. That's a very basic level. Sometimes inconvenience is good for you. Sometimes hardship is good for you. Sometimes an injury is good for you. Sometimes a disaster is good for you, is good for you. So Islam expands our understanding and interpretation of things that happen in a very profound way. We're going to see these lessons in sha Allah when we read the verses next week, be even lighter, and translate their meanings and try to see how Islam tries to build a healthy society. And

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obviously try to implement these practices in our lives. So ask Allah subhanaw taala to help us learn from this life of the Prophet salallahu Salam, salam ala Rasulillah Salam I see them from

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next week, by the way is the potluck. And again, as a reminder from Brother, he said potluck means you bring you bring something you bring something because

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everyone says okay, others are going to bring is going to end up like the story of you know, those that village who said, we're going to fill this pond with milk, and everyone said, okay, you know, if I just pour water in the middle of all of this milk, no one will notice because it will obviously it's going to take the color of the milk, right? So in the morning, I ended up having a pond of water because everyone had the same thought. So we're gonna have the same thing with potluck expecting everyone else to bring something then there's nothing but anyway, so it's a good experience. I mean, it's a good gathering inshallah. So whatever you have at home, whatever you

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prepared that day, just try to bring it in sha Allah, may Allah make it easy to welcome all the hurdles and I'm gonna come forward

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