Moutasem al-Hameedy – In The Light Of The Quran – 21

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The importance of the "will" of Islam, which is the critical moment for the believer to be rewarded at the moment of death, is highlighted. The speaker emphasizes the need for everyone to trust in Islam and avoid suffering and death. The importance of being reassured at the moment of death is also emphasized, along with the need for everyone to follow the straight path of Islam and not let evil control of the world.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Welcome to your show in the light of the Quran. Today we have a new light that we will delve into, and try to benefit from and try to live our lives in this light, benefiting from the wisdoms that Allah has given us in these wonderful places, we will take this or this number of verses from Surah Surah called facilites. Now, this name actually basically refers to the verses of the Quran that have been made very clear in detail. This is the meaning of the name of the title of the surah. Now, these messages that we will deal with today, this light that we will try to get deals basically talks about the end of this word, your life, that's the most

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critical moment for every human being, which is most of the time when death comes to that person. People will be in great people actually will be terrified in great horror, because of the difficulty of that moment is a very critical moment. But the believers we have helped from Allah, this is what we will find here. Then we will have a beautiful wisdom in dealing with people treating people will have some kind of enmity or show some kind of hostility towards us. Let's beside the verses and shall not try to take the wisdoms out of them.

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Halloween naumi.

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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Welcome back. So these beautiful verses from sort of facilities are so wonderful. First of all, they give us the glad tidings about the end of this world, we know that everyone departs this word, your life with death, and death is a very critical time very difficult for every human being. Now, because of the time of death, the soul realizes the truth of this life, and the belief comes to the heart, you know, throughout the life, certain people used to reject me, but they know inside the hearts in the depth and the recesses of their hearts, they know that the truth about this life, there will be a next life and they should believe they

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should believe in the unity of Allah subhana wa Tada. And at the time of death, all the covers that cover the truth that is in the heart will go away, and the truth will be manifest. So the person is so realizes that this is the end of this life and there will be a next life it will be resurrected for the reckoning on the next life. So this is why the soul suffers from greed, fear, it will be frightened, it will be in a state of horror. So this is why the soul of the believer believer actually will refuse to leave the body. This is why it will cling to the corners of the body to cling to the fingers, to the nerves to the muscles to the bones.

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doesn't want to leave the soul because it knows, once it leaves the soul, that's the end. And that there will be punishment for it in the hereafter. So because of the horrors of this time, and even some generations say that shaytan will come to the person at that time, especially the believer to try to make him slip into disbelief. And that very critical moment, it's very difficult moment, because we are slipping from one life to another, from this the life of this world, to the life of the grave.

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So Allah subhanaw taala gives the black tidings to the to the believers, that he's saying, those who say Allah is our Lord, he's the one that we worship in truth, then they remain steadfast, they follow the straight path, at the moment of death, that's the most critical moment, the angels will descend to them will be sent down to them, to assure them to reassure them to say to them, don't feel, don't feel what is lying ahead of you, and don't grieve over the shortcomings that you had in this worldly life. Don't feel and don't grieve, we and they will give them the glad tidings, and we give the give you the glad tidings of the Hereafter, or the glad tidings of Paradise that it is for

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you. Don't worry, just be reassured, be confident, be calm, and be peaceful, because paradise will be for you, because you will, Allah has promised you paradise at this critical moment, unlike is this kind of solace, this kind of comfort to the believers at this very critical moment, which is the moment of death, and the soul actually would be looking for any kind of any source of comfort, and reassurance, and a lot of sense that through the angels, beautiful faces, and it's known from the stories of some believers from the early generations that when death came to them, it is that they were saying that we could see faces that we recognize faces of angels, beautiful faces that

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shine that radiate with a lot of light from Allah subhanaw taala. Now this is a gift from a lot of the true believers. So we should now there was nothing that we can take from this verse, that we should work hard, exert ourselves to please Allah so that at the moment of death, we will be reassured, and we will see these wonderful angels, the handsome and beautiful faces of the angels, the radiant faces of angels, coming to give us glad tidings of paradise. And these angels will say to the believers, we are your helpers in the world we live as we used to help you and guide you to the truth. We are your helpers in the hereafter and the second life as well. So don't worry, and you

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will have everything your souls desire, on the day of judgment, you will have everything you wish, and everything you wanted from Allah subhanho wa Taala. All of this will be a gift that you will get from your Creator, your Creator, who is forgiving, who is merciful because of what you used to do. Then Allah says, and this wisdom is very important for us, Allah says, Who is better in speech than someone who calls to Allah who's better than that? Someone who dedicated his life or her life to call to the wave Allah to call the people to the truth, to call the people to the radio that leads to paradise, who is better than that person in speech? Who's better than him? And, you know, the

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sequence of verses shows us that the ones who will receive this kind of welcome this kind of reassurance at the moment or at the time of death, the first ones to receive that will be the ones who call to the wave of Allah, who's better than who's better in speech than someone who calls to the wave Allah and His righteousness, does righteousness does more acts of piety that please Allah subhanaw taala. Then he says, I am from those who submit themselves to Allah, submission to the word of Allah, submission to the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah. Now if we fulfill these things we call to the wave of Allah, and we do righteousness and we submit ourselves to the teachings of

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Allah. Now we will be reassured at the moments and times of death, with paradise with the glory that Allah and the dignity that Allah prepared for the righteous ones. Then Allah says, sticks, a very important fact which is very important light for for us and wisdom. Allah says, goodness and evil are never equal. Goodness and Evil will never be equal. The good things are high in the sight of Allah subhana wa Tada. Whereas evil is very low and decadent and is apparent to our Creator. Our last panelist, Allah, Allah says, repel the evil that comes to you repel it with that which is best. Now if people treat you very harshly, they deal with you in a very unjust way. But you do treat them

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in the way that is best in the best manner with the best character of Islam and the Muslims. So Allah says if you do that, if you repel evil with good if you repel evil with that which is best, the one between

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Him and you there is enmity, he will turn into a closest friend, a very warm friend. Imagine that. Now this is one of the principal principles of dealing with people especially in Dawa. Especially when we call the people to Islam, there will be people showing us enmity, severe enmity and hostility. Now what we do to those repel the evil what is good, with good treatment with good behavior, with kind and gentle

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answers and gentle behavior. Now this will turn into very close friends, very warm friends, who will actually be helped us to us, then Allah says this is not for everyone. Not everyone would get that the only ones who will get that are the ones who are truly patient, the ones who persevere in patients, the ones who exempt themselves and patients and they bear so much hardship and so much hostility from others. They remain patient Allah with Glanton this, then even the enemies will become close friends to them. So only the patient ones will accept will receive that and only someone with a great fortune from Allah someone was really fortunate by Allah that refers to true

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belief and true knowledge from the Quran and the Sunnah. Now the wisdoms that we can take from that is the wave of the Muslim is to call to the to the path of Allah subhanaw taala with patience and perseverance and this will make the enemy a friend, the enemy will turn into a friend this is from the blessings of Allah in this life. But as to the moment of death, which is the most critical moment the most difficult time for every human being. reassurance will come to the believer through the angels, radiant faces, beautiful faces, telling the believers don't fear the future, don't feel what is ahead of you. You will be granted paradise, you will be given what you were promised by

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Allah subhanho wa Taala. So let's doubt the wisdom or the lesson that we can take from this the life that we can live with. From these wonderful verses from this wonderful light is less, let's follow the straight path. Let's see, our Lord is Allah is full of the straight path, so that angels will descend to us at the moment of death which is the most difficult they will come to be our friends to be our helpers telling us don't you? Don't fear and don't worry about your shortcomings in this life. I like the disbelievers. The angels will come and we'll be kicking them and striking them on their faces and on their backs because of the evil that they did. Now inshallah we hope that we will

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be among the ones who received the glad tidings at the moment of death how we do that, follow this Straight Way of Allah subhana wa tada until we meet with another wisdom, another light from the poem until we meet with another way another episode from in the light of the whole and I leave you in peace was Salam Alikum warahmatu Allahi wa barakato

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