Nadim Bashir – The Smiles and Tears of Prophet Muhammad #20 – He is not a good person in his community

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a story about a man who caused problems in his own society and caused problems in his own community. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not judge anyone based on their actions, and suggests that people should be given time to develop their clock and character of the Prophet.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah here with regard to Mr. Mohammed Mohammed 100. Lego blocks, I mean will sell to a samalla Sudhi Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi edge marine and MOBA. One of the things that we learn from the Prophet sallallahu it was sent him was that he was very willing to talk to everyone and anyone, no matter what the person who the person was, whether they were good or whether they were bad, the Prophet SAW son was willing to talk to everyone because this is the this is him showing his clock in his character. And through his o'clock in his character, so many people that came to Islam, we find in the book of MATA Imam Malik loyally that there was a story that is

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mentioned that one time I showed you a lot on how she says that once a man came to the Prophet sallallahu is something to pay him a visit, he wants to talk to him. Now this man in itself, he was not a very good man, he had some flaws in his character. He had caused problems in his own community, in his own society and so forth. When the person was informed that this was the man, the problem is I'm told, I told the Aloka, I'm happy that this is the type of man that he is. Now the problem is not do Reba about this. He just simply stating a fact that this is who this person is, within his own community, he does not have a very good or a positive reputation, his own community.

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Yet, however, the person did give him permission, he came inside. And he began to sit down and talk to the public Salam, after a while I shall deal with on how she noticed that the problem is Salam was laughing with him. And that's what we're talking about. The story is called The smiles. And the tears are the problems of Salam. But the problem some he will not laugh, necessarily, but he had a smile on his face. And he was, you know, he was very calm around this person. They had a very casual conversation. Later on, I showed the oath on how she says, Yes, we're law. First of all, you told me that this is the kind of person that he's he is, but yet when you were talking to him, I did not

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feel that you had any kind of reservations towards him and so forth. And to which was who was long while he was sitting them, he said that the worst person is that person whom people avoid because of his evil. Now here, what the person was basically saying is that I understand that there is a problem with this person. And that poem does exist with his within his own community. But at the same time, that's not telling me that I cannot talk to this person. And what we learn from this is a very powerful lesson. And that powerful lesson is that yes, we come across people, we will first of all, first of all come across people who don't believe in Allah subhanho wa taala, for example,

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many, many times we come and we have to work with people who are not just Muslims. But just because they're doing that one thing wrong does not mean that I cannot talk to them, it does not mean that I cannot, you know, have a good time with them in the sense that I can be casual around them, and so forth, I cannot laugh and giggle with them, and so forth. But having this kind of Bobby, and kind of temperament, that people they come close to you, they love your character, they love your demeanor, and so forth. This is in essence, what the process was doing, likewise, within our own community to there are people that they may have done something wrong. Now Subhanallah what happens that many,

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many times we know and something has spread regarding a person in the community. And what happens is that if that person were to come to us, and they want to converse with us, we usually shut ourselves all from that person. Why, because of something wrong with the hem may have done, think about the thing about a small cell longwater he was setting them and some ulama under the explanation of this hadith and the story, they say that this person was a monastic. Now think about this, a monastic if this person has to say wasn't enough it as some of the old ama they have explained in the shahada, this hadith, if this person was a monastic, and he came to the office, I'll send them and the

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problem is talking to him very calmly, you know, he's smiling with him, there's a good cause, you know, good conversation, a positive conversation that is taking place. This shows us that we should never judge anyone based on the wrongs that they have done. Yes, this person may have done something wrong. Yes, we come across people who may want to talk to us. Yes, there are times when people want to converse with us, and they may have a history. But that is not a time where you and I we can sit there and we judge a person. Yes. If I say that I don't want to talk to this person, or I don't have the time talk to this person and so forth. That's a different matter but to hold the sin against

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another person and to use

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As a reason and as a justification for neglecting this person, that's absolutely wrong. So this is why whenever we come across anyone no matter what their past is, if they want to just simply have a conversation with us, then we should always give them the time the day. This who knows who also along while he was on was I ask Allah subhana wa Tada to give all of us the ability to develop the clock and the character of the Prophet salallahu Salam, I mean nobody, I mean, does that Camilla Hyatt Santa Monica rahmatullahi wa barakato

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Was the guilt or I don't know hula

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