Moutasem al-Hameedy – Everything Has A Price

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the importance of learning to be successful and finding one's own path in life. It emphasizes the need to study and understand the price of one's life before making a decision, as learning to be successful is crucial to achieving success. The segment also highlights the importance of learning to be successful and finding one's own path in life. The segment also touches on learning to be successful and finding one's own path in life, as well as learning to be successful and finding one's own path in life.
AI: Transcript ©
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whenever we learn him in short all the unfussy now we'll see you at our Marlena. Miyagi hula hula Fela mandala who want to yoke little fella had the other

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what a shadow Allah. Allah was the holdout should he cut a white shadow under Mohammed Abdullah Rasulullah sallallahu Ali he was early he was a lamb.

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You Alladhina amanu tabula Hakata Makati, he wala tomato Illa one two Muslim on

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a human Sutopo como la the Halacha comin FC Wahida wahala coming Huzzah. Jaha Weber thermen HOMAG IJA then Cathy wrong one is

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what double la Hala de

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in Allaha Ghana Allah eco Marathi Oba you are Latina, an otaku la Hawa Kulu overland said EDA, your Slocombe Malcolm Whitefield la come back home, one a huge lake Havasu LA who for Cardiff Fosun Alba Eema. Bad for in us double Hadith the keytab Allah heeta Allah wa heilala Had you had your Mohammed in sallallahu alayhi wa early he was alum was shot while Ohmori Mahathir to her Wakulla modesetting Bidda Wakulla Allah, all praises due to Allah, we praise Him, we seek his aid and we ask for his forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evils of ourselves and the evil consequences of our actions. Whomsoever Allah guides, none can lead astray, and whomsoever Allah leaves to go astray,

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none can guide I bear witness that Don has the right to be worshipped. Nan has the right to our ultimate love and devotion but Allah subhanahu wa taala alone, and I bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa early he was seldom is His servant and His Messenger or you who believe fear Allah as it should be feared and do not accept as Muslims meaning in a state of submission to your Lord, or mankind. be dutiful to a Lord who created you from a single person and from him he created his wife, and from them both he created many men and women and fear Allah through whom you demand your mutual rights and observe the rights of your kin. Surely Allah is ever an old watcher over you,

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are you who believe, keep your duty to Allah fear him and speak the truth. He will direct you to righteous deeds and will forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has indeed attained a great achievement. The best words are those of Allah. And the best guidance is that oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa early he was salam. And the worst things in the religion are the newly invented matters. For all the newly invented matters in religion are considered to be innovation and bid and every bid is misguidance.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam was in Mecca, sitting in the shade of GABA.

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One of the companions

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Hobi comes to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He says you're rasool Allah.

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Allah testin, Solana,

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Allah Allah Halina. He says all Messenger of Allah, once you call upon Allah for us, once you seek Allah's help, and victory from Allah, meaning don't you see what we're going through because the companions were going through a lot, they were taken, they were kidnapped, they were arrested. They were hijacked. And they were tortured. And they were helpless. They had no one to defend them.

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So the companions were in such a desperate it's such a desperate state, some of them were actually killed in the process of torture. It was beyond their capacity. We know Bilello the Allahu Anhu was a huge massive rock was placed on his chest, and he was dragged he was stripped naked than he was dragged in the streets of Mecca with the with the sand and the and the and the pavement itself was boiling out of the heat of the sun of Arabia and stuff

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He would not give up on his faith. And ModelBuilder Yasser, his father and his mother were all tortured to the point that his mother was killed and his father who was an elderly person was the was the people of Christ had no mercy on him, they had no consideration for his age, and for his, for his frail and fragile nature as as an older person, still they tortured him severely to the point where amount of vinyasa himself, he gave in, in the in the heat of the torture he had to give in and he had to insult the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he had to curse the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam upon the instructions of his persecutors. So, he came to the Prophet

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Solomon and seek seek forgiveness for that seek Allah's forgiveness for that. So the Companions was in such a bad state. So the prophets of salaam Upon hearing this, he was leaning on his side, so he sits up and he tends to Hubei

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and he says,

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in the hurricane and Kubla, commutable Rajul.

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For union shuttle, this is fine. When EndyMed throckley, Roxy

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a people, people who lived before those who believed those who believed before those who followed the prophets and the messengers, and probably the Prophet SAW Selim was speaking about some of the followers of maybe Prophet Dawood and he said, I'm oh maybe Prophet and mercy honey Salam, Jesus peace be upon him, or maybe some of the followers of Musa Moses and A salaam, or any of the other prophets. So a man would be brought, and a huge soul would be placed right on his forehead. Then he would be sawed into two pieces, while alive, slowly being sought.

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And a person who would not give up on their religion on the truth, they would still put up with that.

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While you're Tabby, I'm Sheldon Hadid for young Chateau Gil de who were who were Asobo who do an alchemy, Maya, Hadelich and dena. Then Coombs of iron

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would be brought and a person's flesh and skin and nerves would be would be separated from his bones. And they would not give up on their religion.

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They would not give up on the truth it was the prophets of salaam that's the example that he gives to Cobain. It's not like the Prophet SAW Selim did not feel for what the companions were going through, because he himself probably Allahu Anhu or Salallahu Alaihe Salam, he was going through some personal attacks. He was persecuted, maybe not necessarily completely physically, but he was ostracized. He was ridiculed. He was slandered. They created so many lies about him he was defamed, and even the closest people to him, some of the closest people to him turned to be against him.

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So the process, that's what he responds to is comparing then he says, well, la Heliot in Manila, who had an Amal had to say rocky moments on La Habra, Mount Lyoha for Illa Allah economy, he says, Allah shall complete this affair Allah shall make this affair come to a point of fruition.

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What an unfair phrasing the Hadith here where justice will be established, because when Islam is established, justice, justice will be established, equality will be established, established, peace will be established, people will be given their rights people people's dignity will be served and will be respected.

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So this affair of Islam will be completed to a point where people would be traveling, fearing, having fearing no form of danger, no form of attack on them. Why? Because when Islam is established, it is supposed to establish safety, security, and peace and human rights.

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But the Prophet SAW Selim was upset as he gave that answer.

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And it's evident from the words and the way the prophets of salaam obviously spoke to the companion. He says, But you people are hasty. That's what he says to his companion, you are hasty. You're rushing things through?

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What was the prophets of Salaam, alluding to what was he pointing to? It wasn't the point of patience. It wasn't the point of torture. It wasn't any of those those those were included in his statement. But the main point the prophets of salaam was making here is that there is a price to be paid.

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There is a sacrifice to be made. Otherwise there will be no results. It's not the person was not feeling the suffering of his companions. But the Prophet SAW Selim understood a universal rule that governs how humans live governs the dynamics of life, that uprise

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He has to be paid before the fruits are seen.

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And there is no shortcut. There is no way to cut corners when it comes to this rule, it has to be there. And this applies religiously, socially, politically, personally in every area of our lives, you will find that this rule applies and if you don't want to observe it at your own risk, you're going to pay a hefty price for that, because that's how life functions. Prophet Musa alayhis salam was sent to the children of Israel, who were subjugated, and they were enslaved by the Egyptians by the Pharaoh and his people. And they were treated really badly.

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Allah subhanaw taala sent Musa alayhis salaam with his brother Harun

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to speak with Iran and invite him to Allah

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and invite him to Free the Children of Israel.

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For and refuses and he challenges Musa alayhis salam. And then a public challenge was all contest was made for Musa alayhis salam to prove his prophethood and that he is sent by the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and for own brings all of his magicians,

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all of those tricked tricksters in order to play out their magic and they played out their magic they had the rods and their sticks that seem to the people seem to the spectators, that they were turned into snakes, that they were moving around. But Allah subhanaw taala said to most Allah, He said, I'm Musa Islam himself. He hesitated he, when he saw the power of that magic and that optical illusion,

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he was a little bit scared, but Allah subhanaw taala reassured him and he said, just throw your rod and it will turn into a real sneak. It's not magic, that's real. That's the creation of Allah subhanaw taala. So he through it. And upon seeing this children of Israel, by the way, some of them some most of the magicians were actually from the children of Israel. So they were supporting the persecutor, there was supporting their slave master,

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they sided with the oppressor who was oppressing them.

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But when they saw that,

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when they saw the miracle from Allah subhanaw taala, they realize this was the truth. And thus they make the first sacrifice because the first sacrifice they had to make, to be freed from for the island was to believe was to see the truth. Oftentimes, we think of a sacrifice is something that you do, or something that you offer, we think about it physically. But the biggest sacrifice you can make is a change of heart, to the truth. It's not something that is visible, but it acts out and creates great manifestations, but it's something in your heart. And that's what the children of Israel had to do when they did it. They did it. After a lifetime of slavery when they believed in

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the miracle that manifested at the hands of Musa alayhis salam.

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They straight straight away they prostrated themselves to Allah, and a sign of submission and worship of Allah, for whom he got angry. And what did he say? He threatened them. He said, I shall crucify you. I shall cut off your hands and your legs from opposite sides. I shall destroy you. I shall leave none of you.

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What did they say? After a lifetime of slavery and subjugation, and inferiority complex

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throughout their lives now what do they say after they have made that change in heart? What did they say?

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They said, do whatever you want. Do whatever you want to do. They're challenging for the first time in the history. They're challenging. They're very oppressive face to face,

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the one that costs fear and paranoia in their hearts. Now they had the courage and the guts to face him. What did this courage come from? Where did this strength come from, from a sacrifice they made, and that was to give up on their magic, to give up on their disbelief, and to make a change in heart and to believe in the truth once they saw it, because for the frown, so the truth, but he rejected it, but they accepted it.

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Still, the sacrifice and the price was not paid fully. So because of that wonderful price, they paid Allah subhanaw taala saved them with Musa alayhis salam, they managed to run away and they escaped him they came to the sea and they thought they were stuck. Allah subhanaw taala commanded the Musa to strike this the sea with his rod, and he did and Allah split the ocean open for them. And then they cross over to the other side and one fell out and thought he could just do the same.

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He walks right into the middle of the ocean.

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Then it just the whole thing. eats him up and he's done.

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But it's not over.

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It's not over children of Israel have not paid the complete price yet.

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They have to go through a lot, they have to remove from the hearts the remains of paganism, the remains of disbelief.

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So with Musa alayhis salam, he instructs them he teaches them they go through some hardship. They don't get the food that they want, not everything they want. And they also tried and they are tested by means of ease Allah gives them some of the best foods and they still acting very fussy, they want something else.

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And Allah subhanaw taala test the more than Allah test them by taking Musa away from them for 40 days, in order to give Musa alayhis salam, the tablets, the revelation and Musa Ali Salam has to pay a price for that. What was the price 40 days, he has to be away from his people, he has to praise Allah and pray to Allah subhanaw taala until until he qualifies until he pays the price to get the tablets.

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When he leaves his people, they don't offer the full price.

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They have some gold that they had stolen from the Egyptians, and they melt it and they turn it into a calf that they worship.

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So they haven't paid the price.

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So Allah subhanaw taala punished that punishes them when Musa alayhis salam comes back by getting them to kill one another. And then Allah subhanaw taala causes them to go into a diaspora of 40 years, 40 years, and the rule is not here is no price, no fruit, you're not gonna get it. That's how life works. That's what the prophet Salam understood very well. So when, when, when Kobe came to him, and he, he complained or kebabs sorry, was coming up, when he came to the Prophet SAW Selim, and he complained about that the Prophet SAW Selim was aware of what the companions were going through his heart was coming out for them.

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But why did he give that response is that there is a universal rule the price has to be paid, no pain, no gain, you have to pay the price. And you don't you don't get to choose the price. That's the point.

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You got, you don't get to make up a price and say that's the price I want to I want to pay. And that's what I choose. No, these things are decided by Allah subhanaw taala sometimes you will find them in the in the Revelation you'll find them in the Quran or the son of the Prophet SAW Salem.

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And by the way, like when you pray, that's a sacrifice you you do you take some some minutes out of your time out of your day. And you take your attention away from the things that matter the most to you. And it's not easy. You take your attention in your put it with Allah subhanaw taala you take yourself out of this world and you focus with Allah subhanaw taala that's a sacrifice. That's a sacrifice. You have to do it. In Ramadan, you fast you hold yourself from eating, drinking and sexual intimacy. Why? Because Allah says so it's a sacrifice. Your faith grows. If you do that the right way. It's a sacrifice, you get the fruit of it. Hajj is not easy is extremely difficult and

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these days is extremely expensive.

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Still, you do it, it's a sacrifice. Allah subhanaw taala gave Ibrahim Ali Salama son after a long time, long time being married Ibrahim alayhi salam still did not get a son than Allah subhanaw taala gives him a son is married. And when his man reaches puberty, which is sort of adulthood, he becomes his he's ready to be a man who can act by himself on himself and who can do things and make decisions and be on his own? Allah Subhana Allah says for the Marbella who say Acharya buena, you're in the

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back from Varma that Tara Ibraheem Alehissalaam sees a dream or Allah shows him that he's slaughtering his own son, and the dreams of prophets is a revelation from Allah is a command. So he says, Allah commands me to slaughter you, he says to his son, after all these years, no son when he reaches a time where he can be of help and assistance that his father, he can be support this father. Allah says, slaughter your own son, how come I imagine someone who hasn't had a couple of haven't had a son for a long time?

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Just ask them about how desperate they are to get a son and when they get a son, they spoil him or they they get a daughter, they spoil her. Right?

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They don't even want, they don't want even they want they don't even want her to walk on the street. They want to carry her or carry him. So Ibrahim was in a state like this and he said um, but Allah Subhan Allah gives him a son when he reaches that level or the age. Allah says, slaughter him, you kill him. It's not like you leave him or get someone else to do that. You take him out.

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This command from Allah subhanaw taala.

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He's going to comply, but he wants to make sure that his son is well complies. So he asked him

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Sunday says son says yeah but if I did my job

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or that do whatever you are commanded.

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Then when he gets just about to start cutting the neck of his, of his son, Allah subhanaw taala sense what a sacrifice.

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The point is not to slaughtering the sun but it was the attitude. It was the attitude that's what Allah subhanaw taala says, teller Ibrahim Adam Bucha will be getting him out in Fatima Han Allah in Niger a locally Nassima las Panatela tested Ibrahim Ali Salam with some commandments, some obligations and Ibrahim fulfill them to the letter. He was faithful to the commands of Allah. So Allah made him a leader. Allah made him a role model for humanity.

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So a price has to be paid. The Prophet Salam understood that the Prophet salam for 13 years in Mecca, he was struggling and suffering and he was calling on people to embrace Islam. And a small number of people just became Muslim. Why didn't the prophets of salaam fall in despair, he knew that he was paying a price. And the results will show will show up sometime when Allah subhanaw taala wills, and he realized he doesn't get to choose the price Allah chooses, well, sometimes Allah Subhana Allah gives you a few options that you can choose from them. That's it, but you don't get to make up your sacrifice.

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And if you consider life, that's how life works.

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You want to get a good job.

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You want to get some kind of a successful business, you have to do your homework.

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You can't spend time all the time with your friends, you know, chilling and cracking jokes, jokes and, and just staying late at night and you know, doing nothing. You can't if you do that, you're not going to get good, good grades, you're not going to get good education, you're not going you and you're not doing the work, the hard work that you have to put in to make successful business. Well as whatever endeavor you fall in, then you have to get into his own experience some setbacks, some hardships, some failures, as part of the price that you have to pay.

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Everything in life is just like that.

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So our life is about, it has the sacrificial nature that we humans have to sacrifice. And if we are not aware of this, by the way, we'll just, you know, get ourselves in trouble. We'll be immersed in wishful thinking. And in fooling ourselves, we think, okay, I'll just get this and the way I want to get this, I want to get it the easy way. get rich overnight.

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Or, you know, just read a couple of books and start theorizing and pontificating about issues that you know very little about, you know, messing up your life and going around giving people advice, as if you're a counselor.

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The price has to be paid, the price has to be paid. And the most important thing that we want to get is genuine Allah Subhana Allah says Allah in Nusselt, Allahu Allah, Allah, Allah in the silat, Allah him, Jana,

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this, this, this issue of sacrifice is present everywhere. By the way in the market, you go and you go on the market, you can't get something without paying, you know, the price,

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straight and business. That's how they work. It's a sacrifice. You sacrifice the money that you have for the sake of the goods that you're trying to get. Whatever it is, you're willing to pay the price, you're willing to make that sacrifice.

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When you go to work, you sacrifice your time with your family or your personal time, or your leisure time for what to get work done. So you can get a paycheck. It's a sacrifice.

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You when you want to be a respected person in a society, then you have to act in a good way. You have to make a lot of compromises.

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Sometimes you have to beat sometimes you have to bite your tongue. Why? It comes at a price. Everything comes at a price. You want good children.

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You want good children, you want them to grow up to be righteous, good human beings. It takes a sacrifice.

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It doesn't only take sexual *. It takes time that you spend with your children. It takes education that you teach yourself and educate your children. It takes emotional involvement with your children. It takes companionship that you are involved in their life.

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It also takes sacrifice that you can't spoil your children and give them everything they want. Because if you do that you steal their experience of life from them.

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They have a right to know how life works and you have to expose them to some degree to some level

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of the the the hardship in life, the level of responsibility so you can't give them everything they want. You'll spoil them

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You steal from them an opportunity to experience life. And no matter how it really works.

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That's a form of sacrifice because it breaks your heart to sometimes let your child struggle through something by themselves, you refuse to help them not because you don't want to help them. Because they need to go through that by themselves. And they better go through it when they are young. Rather than being you know this kind of childish adult later on struggling in life and unable to handle it and deal with it.

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It seems you want a good marriage, you have to invest in it. That's how life works. And that's what the prophets of salaam understood very well. And he was teaching that his companions Akula Kalia that was offered all the Hollywood stuff

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and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayidina Muhammad in one invited early he was Hoby a Gemini. And thus, no one enters paradise without paying the price Allah subhanaw taala says, and the Quran

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of national origin some level Elif meme has been NASA Utako a year who am and now you've done what are called the phenylethylamine cobbly Himalaya Alleman Hola. Hola. Dena sada COVID elemental Academy.

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Allah subhanaw taala says, Do people think that they will be left alone to say we believe or we have believed when they are not tested tested yet? We have tested the people who came before and we, Allah subhanaw taala shall make clear who the truthful ones are from the ones that are phony and fake.

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So sometimes some people stop practicing Islam when they become more practicing and sometimes life seems to be getting harder. World is not treating them as they thought it would be wise Allah doing this to me. Now that's how life works. Don't expect that once you become more of a practicing person you offer more you just gonna life is gonna get easy. We're gonna get more sometimes you haven't paid the price yet.

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You haven't paid the price yet. Do you have to pay a price? And what this calls upon us in order to be vigilant and open minded, understand what this life is about what price life is placing on what I want.

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It takes some times a moment that I should really take time to myself, see, what do I want from this life? Do I want to make it to Jannah? What is the price?

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What is the price I have to pay to make it the agenda I keep seeing or later on? I'll start praying. Later on. I'll give up on alcohol. Later on. I'll give up on give up on smoking. Later on. I'll stop dealing with haram stuff. Later on, I'll stop doing the bad things that I do later on. When I graduate, when I find a job when I get married, when I buy my first house when I retire, and so on and so forth. And it keeps dragging until a person dies when they haven't done anything yet. They haven't paid the price yet. Don't don't fall into this. Ask yourself, what's the price for Paradise? What is it? And then ask yourself, Am I willing to pay it? Am I willing to pay it?

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So some of that is clear in the Quran and the Sunnah, you have to do your obligations. And obviously you have to believe in Allah subhanaw taala. To trust in Allah, you have to have to heat and then you fulfill your obligations. And then you increase in whatever other things that are recommended in Islam, that you do more of them, and you observe them. You keep away from what is held on. And then sometimes a new type of sacrifice is placed upon you. And that's circumstantial. Sometimes conditions, you might be tried with a negative spouse, or maybe a child that's not obedient, or maybe some relatives who not really good.

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You realize that you are in a situation that requires some kind of sacrifice, what's the sacrifice you're willing to do? Read the situation carefully. Read it, study it carefully, seek advice and counsel and then see what kind of sacrifice I can make in order to get the best out of the situation.

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In every aspect in life, that's how it goes. You want some kind of a job, you want some kind of a social status, you want some kind of a profit or a business. Ask yourself, what's the price be willing to pay the price? Most people just jump into something without knowing what it actually requires. And then they start acting like like children, they start complaining about how things how things are going and just, I mean, we have to pay a price for everything I said education, raising our kids, preserving our family and making a healthy family environment. Being religious requires a lot of sacrifice.

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And again, like we're living here in this country, because there's a lot of luxuries there's a lot of ease when it comes to life. There's a lot of things that other other countries don't have. That comes at a sacrifice. It comes at a sacrifice. You need to study your situation carefully. And look what kind of sacrifice

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is placed upon you, and what options do you have Because oftentimes, when Allah Subhanallah presents you with a situation, most of the time, there's a number of sacrifices that you can choose from. But you don't get to make it up. There is a number of sacrifices. When you study carefully and use your mind, you are informed to be able to make a good choice when it comes to sacrifice.

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So that's how the Prophet Salam went through his life. That's how the companions went through the that's how profits before went through in life. And that's how everyone should deal with this life. There's a price for everything. So make sure you know what you want. And make sure you know the price for what you want. And make sure you're willing to pay that price. Otherwise you'll keep complaining about paying the price when it's actually good for you.

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So I hope Allah subhanaw taala helps us understand how this dynamic works in life and ask Allah Subhan Allah to help us be able to pay the price for Paradise alarma full moon you know, I mean, honestly, I mean honestly, imagine here even on Walmart Allama Phil in urban Auburn la slough, and Effie Emily neither generally when you could on

00:31:06 --> 00:31:28

Aloma Felina where the valley Denali Manam happen Halina medicale Pamela Haman Allahumma COVID masala phenom AND ELMO media and equally McCann, Allah makindye My almost an adult on waffled on him Do you know where he might be able to commence aka Alhamdulillah I mean, in the La Jolla model gladly would so anyway, he the Obi Wan Han and fascia he wouldn't want to carry well belly, you're able to come to the Quran.

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