Do Wet Dreams Nullify the Fast

Zakir Naik


Channel: Zakir Naik

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regarding a person who has a wet dream, during the day whilst he's fasting, is this an act which would nullify the fast is it permitted for a person to have a wet dream during the day whilst he's fasting? If a person has a wet dream, during the day while having a fast, maybe offer for a fella and he sleeps and you the red dream, it is involuntary. A percent of the way dream, even if ejaculates it's involuntary, he is not to be blamed for that, in this case, because it's unintentional. Surely it will not break the fast and he can complete the fast. And the thing that is advice to him is that he should have a ghazal about as soon as possible, so that he can offer the

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salah. That's excellent. I think that's self explanatory. Thank you for that.

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Another question, pretty much related to the last one, I feel is a person allowed to be in a state of sexual impurity? whilst they're fasting?

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I follow the question that can a person be in a state of sexual impurity? That depends if as long as it does not do any harm during the past. For example, it's mentioned in the hadith of masala in St. Muslim, warm number two, added number 2453. It's mentioned that Miss Alma Mallow presenter for the life of the prophet, she says that the Prophet caught up from his sleep in a state of sexual defilement state of sexual impurity while you are fasting, and he had a bath and he continued as fast.

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there's a similar message given inside Buhari, world number three, in the book of fasting Hadith number one nine to five, and Hadith narrated again by Miss Alma Melo pivoter. And at Naisha me Lopez with her to both of the words of the Prophet. And they said that the Prophet used to get up in the morning in a state of sexual defilement, because he had intercourse with the wife,

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not because of a sexual dream,

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and he used to have a bath and he never used to compete said the first letter. This proves that being in the state of Jammu sexual defilement or sexual impurity does not nullify the first even if a person has already been between His first is valid. The only point to be noted is that the person should have a bath as soon as possible. If he gets up in the morning after dawn breaks and if you didn't steal it's actually pretty should have a back immediately so that he can offer the salah or fudge or if he sleeps after Frederick Salah and other bedroom and then become sexually impure. So you should have about at least before those words Salah so that they can offer the word Salah after

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that I think that sheds some light on that issue. And the same thing if a person is Main Street if a lady if she's menstruating, and she finished her the menstrual cycle just before Fajr

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and she delays about even after dawn is broken and she has a bath just before the fragile Salah that's also valid