Moutasem al-Hameedy – Al-Naseeha A Lifestyle

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of Islam, including the transformation of Muslims into Islam and the use of force in battles. They emphasize the importance of having a strong heart and goodwill to achieve great things in life, and stress the importance of trusting oneself and worshiping Islam. The speaker also notes that Islam is easy to understand but impossible to fully understand, and everything is connected to the creation of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Al Hamdulillah in the middle who want to studying or want to still feel when are always will be human shorty and fusina will see you to Lena Mejia Hill who further mobile Allah who won a Nobel fellow. The Shadow

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law was the hola Sharika wash. Hello Anna Mohammed Abdullah, who was sort of, yeah, you already know. Topple la haka to a party he was at a Morton one to mostly moon. Yeah, you Hannah Sutopo como la the Halacha menacing Wahida wahala coming has with them in Houma, deja Liang Kathy one is

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what law Hala de tous.

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Luna be here Well,

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in Aloha, can I lead from rock diva? Yeah, you're Latina topple la Hawa. Kulu. Poland studied. Use less.

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Oil Field la comme dono back on one my Euclid. How our Sula who hula for the 1000 lb EMA bank for in US Doppel Hadith Nikita Abdullah he xojo What are y'all had you had you Mohammed in sallallahu alayhi wa early he was salam Warszawa Imodium of death to her Wakulla modesetting Aquila be datain Bala Ambala Wakulla Bala to infinite. All praise is due to Allah we praise Him we seek his aid and we ask for his forgiveness. We seek refuge and protection in Allah from the evils of ourselves and the evil consequences of our own actions. Whomsoever Allah guides Nan can lead astray and whomsoever Allah leaves to go astray Nan can guide I bear witness that Nan has the right to be worshipped. Nan

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has the right to our ultimate love and devotion but Allah alone, who has no partners and I bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa early he was seldom is His servant and His Messenger

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or you who believe fear Allah as he should be feared and die not accept as Muslims in a state of submission to Allah to your Creator, or mankind be dutiful to a Lord who created you from a single person and from him he created his wife, and from them both he created many men and women and fear Allah through whom you demand your mutual rights and observe the rights of your kins. Surely Allah is Ever and all watched over you in all the furs are you who believe keep your duty to Allah, fear him and speak the truth. He will direct you to righteous deeds and will forgive you your sins and whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has indeed attained a great achievement, the best, the best

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speech or the words of Allah. And the best guidance and way of life is that of Muhammad Sallallahu Ali who were early he was salam. And the worst thing in the religion or the newly invented matters for all the newly invented matters in religion, are considered to be Bidra innovation. And every innovation in matters of the deen is misguidance and every misguidance leads and takes its people to the hellfire. We've been talking about the great Hadith the great words of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam, the golden words when he says, the religion of the deen of Islam is nicely ha. That's what the religion of Islam is. It's mostly her, it's mostly her. So the

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companions said, O Messenger of Allah, Anna, see how to who he said nicely how to Allah. Now see her to his book. Now see her to his messenger and see her to the believers, to the Muslims, the general folk and the leaders among them.

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And we explained from a linguistic point of view and from a religious point of view, what the word nasally means, and to summarize it in English, we said, the word mostly stands for two meanings, that are that complement each other and that are into intertwined and connected to one another. And these words are these concepts and principles are the first one is purity, purity.

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And the second one is goodwill.

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So when the messenger Salam Salam summarizes Islam in one word nicely how he is saying, if you want to be a Muslim, or if you want to know what Islam really means, it means these two things purity and goodwill. So if you live your life in purity, purity of your heart, purity of your mind, purity of your soul, purity of your actions, purity of your intentions and purity of your thoughts, and then you only live your life in

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goodwill, goodwill to Allah goodwill to his book, goodwill to His Messenger, goodwill to the people in general, you will be living the life of Islam, you will be a Muslim. So that's what Islam stands for. And this is how when we talk about Islam, to people who don't know about it, people who whose brains have been washed through the media,

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and sometimes through the misconduct of Muslims, and unfortunately, this is quite common.

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These people who have not come face to face with the reality and the truth about Islam, and they take Islam for what it is presented and portrayed. In other mediums. This is how we should explain to them what Islam is all about. Before we talk about the prayer, before we talk about the rulings, before we talk about the nitty gritty details about what Islam stands for, and what Islam teaches, we tell them about the heart of Islam, the spirit of Islam, the roots of everything we do as muslims, and all everything we do stems from this route, purity of our hearts, and our internal state and goodwill inside that translates itself and manifests itself in the form of good actions,

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constructive actions and good attitude. And that's what Islam is.

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So when we say nicely when I say hi is not merely, you know, giving someone an advice, and we said that advice is only a tiny fraction of what Islam stands for is just because giving advice and consultation to people is supposed to come out of a pure heart that is full with goodwill.

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We explained how to have no say hi to Allah, how to have no say hi to his book, How to have no say hi to His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and generally how to have no say towards people. But I will try to be a bit more practical today as to how to implement no see her in our lives. How can you have no say How can you live a way of life that is based on Naseeha that is based on this beautiful principle. So you live your life in purity, and goodwill and absolute goodness. And this is what it means to be Muslim. And if there is anything in Islam that you do, and the things that we are commanded to do in Islam are we are prohibited from so that we adhere by that. But we don't do

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it out of a state of purity and goodwill, it doesn't count.

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Because it's an empty action. We have to see how things are connected, how our external actions have to come and have to emanate from firm roots. And these firm roots

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are the purity in the heart and goodwill. And this is what intention basically actually means. And this is why the prophets Allah seldom said in normal or non urban yet, indeed actions by their intentions. So the Solomon he sought when he talks about intention, he is referring to one aspect of NASA, he is saying, don't look at the externalities and consider that to be everything. And this is a very important thing to observe in our daily life. When we try to implement Islam, we don't focus only on the external actions, but we focus on where they're coming from, why we're doing them, what do we intend behind them? Otherwise, we would, we would just be faking it. And that's what the

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hypocrites used to do, because they're hypocrites at the time of the Prophet SAW Salem. And throughout the history of Islam, they've been doing what every Muslim was supposed to do externally. But it does not come from Naseeha it does not come from a pure heart does not come from Goodwill. That's why it's not accepted and it will be rejected by Allah subhanaw taala. When we teach our kids we focus the emphasis is so much, you know, leaning on the side on the externalities without trying to create or trying to awaken the love for Allah and the goodwill towards Allah and the pure heart towards Allah within them. We don't even focus on this. We just want them to mimic we want them to

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exhibit externally what the actions of Islam are, but we never go into any length. We never invest any time or effort or attention into a weakening the love of Allah in their hearts. But we know that the companions the way they were brought up the way they were educated was the other way around, and I previously quoted the Hadith from one of the great companions, the younger companions, there was a child during the life of the prophet Sallallahu sallam, Jerry Romano Abdullah Al bacilli, when he said to eliminate Imana from metta liminal Quran we were taught Eman

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And first, then later on, we were taught the Quran.

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So when the child sees their parents in a state of overwhelming love for Allah, overwhelming devotion to Allah, the father or the mother are always conscious of Allah. And they can feel that goodness that goodwill, and that purity and that trust in Allah subhanaw taala. When they see it in the daily affairs, they absorb it, their fitrah awakens with them that within them so when they read the Quran, they recognize it because they've always been seeing it through the conduct of their parents.

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And this is how people in the early times entered into Islam. It was when they saw how the Muslims behaved, they were attracted to it. And there is something that we can call the Mongols effects, the Mongols effects. Today at a time when Muslims Muslim minorities feel persecuted, and justifiably so. When Muslims feel threatened, when Muslims feel targeted, when things are getting harder for Muslims,

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we panic and we lose our balance. But we forgot, forget about this Mongols, if at the Mongols, when they came out of Asia, there was no force that could stand in their face period.

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They destroyed and they took over the capital of the Muslim caliphate, Baghdad at the time, but that they took it over.

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They took over Damascus. And they were about to get into Egypt. And the Muslims could not do anything against them.

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There were some kind of battles here and there. Minor battles, but for the major tidal events, it was in favor of the Mongols.

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What happened to them? They came to annihilate Islam, they came to destroy the Muslims take over the Muslim lands. What happened when they had the power? When they saw what Islam really is in the conduct of the Muslims, they themselves became Muslims.

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They themselves became Muslims, they returned back to their countries, and they converted their whole people into Islam. And that's what you have in West China today. Most of the Muslim population, which is I believe, is more than 100 million Muslims there.

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These are the remains of the Mongols who came to destroy Islam. That's the Mongol effects. When we live true to Islam, we live true to Allah. And it's not merely the externalities of Islam, because when life tests us, what's in our hearts will surface will come up to the surface, and it will show so if you talk about truthfulness, you talk about justice, you talk about Goodwill, but you don't have it as an Aussie hat as a state in your heart. You don't believe in it, you don't live in it. It's not a state of being within you. When life tests you. You will betray the principles that you preach all the time. Because what's in the heart will always show will surface.

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That's why the messengers are Salam said, the deen of Islam is not the HA, is nothing. It's a way of life. It's a way of life. So how can we implement it all you have to do? All you have to do is to live in a state of purity and goodwill.

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And this is one of the main gateways to happiness.

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Imagine you meet sometimes people specifically these are the children who have no grudges, no negative thoughts, no hatred, no envy. When you see a child, sometimes it's refreshing. It's overwhelmingly refreshing. When you see the child laughing from the bottom of their heart. They're full of love. They're full of hope. They full of trust into other people. They full of their full of happiness, they full of joy. It's overwhelmingly refreshing. That's what Nestle has. You meet sometimes people and you can't help being overwhelmed by the amount of love, the amount of security they have in the hearts because they have so much love for Allah so much trust in him. Nothing can

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push them out of that state of balance. Nothing matters to them to them. Whatever happens. They know it happens because of the will of Allah and behind it is the wisdom of Allah. That's part of purity in the hearts. How can you learn it? You can't learn it.

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Oftentimes people ask how can I love Allah? How can I learn the love of Allah? How I can teach how can I teach my kids the love of Allah? The answer is you can't.

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You can't

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because you're born with these

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You are born with the love of Allah as a state of fitrah.

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You born with trust in Allah as a state of fitrah. You born with purity as a state of fitrah.

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You born with goodwill as a state of fitrah. Have you ever seen a child worried about the provision?

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Worried about what's going to happen next month?

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Have you seen a child, the little child that knows how to hate, we learn these things. So they block our natural state of purity and goodwill. That is called an Arabic honestly.

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Then we try to live our lives pretending, pretending that we have truthfulness, pretending that we have love, pretending that we trust Allah, pretending that we care for other people.

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But we don't bother digging deeper, and finding these treasures within us as a gift from Allah. So sometimes we have to make the journey back not forward to find these beautiful things, and when you find them, and this is why an imam Sofian authority Lahemaa Allah, may Allah have mercy upon him, he said,

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A Vamo McCurdy mill, UCLA

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adacko Ha, what a genuine Aloha, Allah Maha Athan and Naseeha he says, the most profound and powerful aspects of good character and good mannerism

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and the most subtle

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isn't to say her,

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isn't us.

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And when you have nothing, you don't have to learn truthfulness. Because when you approach Allah, when you approach people with a pure heart and goodwill, you don't have to be truthful to them, you're automatically truthful. You don't have to manufacture some some kind of care and concern for them. Because once you tap into this purity and goodwill in your hearts, you automatically care for other people.

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You don't have to fake justice and manufacture it and try to calculate it. Because once you tap into this purity in your heart, and you tap into this goodwill, automatically you will seek to be just

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so mannerism and good character cannot be learned from scratch. That's the secret behind the great Hadith from the Prophet SAW Solomon he said in an Arab or if truly autumn Mima McAdams, o'clock hour was sent to Perfect, good character and mannerism. Why didn't the prophets of salaam say I was sent to teach it? Because it's already in your fitrah. It's already in your heart. So he was sent to tap into it, awaken it, and then perfect it by giving you the external guidance as to how to manifested through prayer. Because prayer is an act of sincerity and respect and love and justice to Allah subhanaw taala.

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When you recite the Quran, and read the Quran and absorb it, and try to learn it, this is good character. It's not a technical act, it's a good character. That's a message from your Creator, the one the source of your being the source of your existence, he brought you into this world. And because you seek the source of your existence, you seek ALLAH out of thankfulness. out of gratitude to him, you read his words, you want to know him more through his own words, you want to get closer to Him, through his own words, you want to understand life, you know, the best way to understand life is to go back to the One who created it and made it.

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And when you are good to the people, it's not you're faking a smile, because when you approach other people with a pure heart and goodwill, the smile will be on your face without you knowing even about it. You don't have to learn how to smile. You don't have to learn how to respect and sometimes you'll find when a relationship is complicated, and you say to someone, you know, I don't feel respect in our relationship and they say tell me how can I respect you? This question this question is absurd. Because when your heart is sincere, is pure and has goodwill towards that person. Automatically respect will transpire. And will show you see why Islam is easy. You see why Islam is

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a fitrah.

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It's fitrah. This is why the Arabs who used to come from the desert the Bedouins The nomads used to come to the prophets of salaam sometimes for a couple of hours, sit with the Messenger of Allah turn back to their people teach them Islam. How come in a couple of hours.

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It wasn't about the technicalities.

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It was about hitting

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Add the routes.

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When you hit add the route, you don't have to fix all the details they automatically get into place. And that's what mostly I mean so when the messengers are Salam says, the religion the deen of Islam is unnecessary. It was rightly so because the prophets of salaam says and that echoes exactly and resonates his Hadith that's Narrated by Abu Hurayrah, the Allahu Anhu collected by Muslim, he said, Allah ineffable just had the mobula. Either Salah had Salah * just a dokolo were either first at that festival, just a dokolo Allah wa he'll call there is a morsel of flesh in the body, when is rectified when it is in sound, state, everything else in the body. That means everything, all your

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attitudes, all your actions, everything that follows from it will be rectified and will be set right? Indeed, it is the heart. So that's what the messengers awesome says. So we need to see everything that we do in Islam connected to its roots, connected, that it has to come your prayer, when you stand in the presence of Allah has to come from a pure heart and goodwill. And you can't force it, you just have to tap into it, you have to allow it, you have to become the child, you once were the the pure child who had no grudges no pain, no concerns, no calculations, no hatred, no envy, just that kind of original purity that we are born with. Sometimes we have to make the journey

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And that's what Naseeha means. And automatically, you will be good with people. You don't have to calculate. You don't have to learn techniques. You don't have to learn emotional intelligence. You don't have to do all of these things. You might benefit from them if you learn these techniques and tactics, tactics. But if you don't have the heart and the spirit of purity and goodwill that we call Naseeha. It will be fake. And this is why sometimes you walk into some kind of a store and you find the cashier or some of the staff there. They give you a fake smile. Why? Because they've been trained, you have to smile in the face of a customer, but it is offensive because you feel it's a

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fake one. So you they're fooling you and you don't feel good about it. So sometimes you say you might even feel like you want to say don't smile, you know, please don't smile. Don't give me a fake smile. Just be who you are. I'm okay. But don't lie to me.

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But when you come from a pure heart and goodwill, you don't have to fake a smile. You don't have to even think about it because it will be on your face automatically.

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And then you don't have to worry about the details of your behaviors that will just fall into place. That's why Islam is easy. Akula already had our stuff through LA

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Nabina Muhammad in mahalo early, he also had a Jemaine.

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So that's the reality of the deen of Islam. And

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when you tap into this pure hearts within you and goodwill, and that's basically what Islam is. So oftentimes when someone asks us about Islam, instead of us getting them into technicalities, into details that they are not ready, not yet ready to grasp and absorb, because that kind of thought in their mind lacks a foundation. So you need to give them the very basic meaning of Islam. What does Islam stand for? It stands for purity, purity of your heart, purity of your mind, purity of your thoughts, purity of your intentions, purity of your actions.

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And the other half of it is goodwill. When you have goodwill in your heart, you just want to do good. It just wasn't good for everyone, including yourself. And some but somebody might ask the question, why did the Messenger Solomon he said nicely how to Alana say hi to his book and say hi to the messenger, let's say hi to the Muslims. Why didn't he say and I say that to yourself.

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Because the moment you really tap into this aspect of who you are,

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you have given us the heart to yourself, you've been good to yourself, because our own interest.

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What is good for us is not separate from what is good for other people.

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And it's not separate from giving Allah his rights. This is the kind of universal ecosystem where everything is connected. Everything is connected if you violate Allah's rights, the pain of that will come back into your life through ways you never expect. If you violate other people's rights, even though without their presence, even though backstabbing someone backbiting them without them knowing even about it, it will come back to you.

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Things are connected in ways we don't understand and we don't know and this is why Allah subhanaw taala says what may yet allah how your home in Haifa Allah

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When we get to color your local Maharajah well Zukerman hated that and Whoever fears Allah fears Allah, whoever is dutiful to Allah, whoever, in other words haven't has not seen her to Allah, then Allah subhanho wa Taala will give him a way out of every calamity. And Allah will provide for him through beings He never or she never expected. Why? Because this universe obeys Allah, and Allah has put a profound system within it. So everything we do in Islam, everything we're called upon to do for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. Each one of these things are not disconnected from this universal justice that runs through the creation of Allah. And that's what Allah calls in the Quran,

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more than one time, enemies, Zan, there's a scale there's a balance, there's an ecosystem.

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And everything in Islam

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helps us tune into that.

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By you knew by, by

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tuning into, or by joining this universal love and worship to Allah subhanaw taala. And that ties in with what I said last week, and I will close with this.

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That is the statement of everything to me. That was that also echoes a lot of other statements from other scholars who came before him and after him, and it echoes the Quran. Most importantly, when he says, nothing happens in this universe, there is no move in this world in this universe, whether it's the falling of rain, whether it's the blowing of the wind, or the growth of vegetation, or anything, except that the force behind it is Love is love. And ultimately, its love for Allah. Everything in the universe does what it does, and performs the way it does in worship to Allah subhanaw taala and we have, I believe, made clear enough that the essence of worship is love,

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ultimate love for Allah subhanho wa Taala and that's the reality of Islam and that's the truth of it. This is why Islam ties in so beautifully with how Allah designed us and created us and that's our fitrah so the Command of Allah which is the revelation matches perfectly the creation of Allah because both of them come from Allah subhanaw taala Allah Subhana Allah said, In surah Allah Allah Allah Allah who will come to Allah belong the creation and to Allah belong the legislation both came from him so they are compatible. They are compatible they speak the same language but sometimes we just fail to see the connection along my Philomena will not me not when mostly me and I will mostly

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madula Hear me normal and what Allah calling them supply feminine with me and if equally makan alarm African Dima almazan out all the Home Alarm being Indian home what your man en la Macungie Muslim enough equally McCann a lot of my abdomen how the almighty emerald was to us up here hello Karthik while you're there looky here hello ma sciatic while you have met up with our attic a lot of my other journey will come full anatomy Obinna, what is the life and if you empty now with mana on sadhana Allah communal Catherine Subhanallah accountability and nicely one must say I'm an animal Selena hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen

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