Moutasem al-Hameedy – A Thematic Commentary On The Quran #09

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The central theme of Islam is the worship of the Lord, and the title of "The head" is often discussed in the title of Islam. The central theme is the worship of the Lord alone, and people can see the consequences of not worshiping the Lord alone. The title of the book is Alladhina VL, and the speakers discuss the importance of worshiping the Lord alone and not wanting to be worshiped. The use of "weaker themes and common sense" is emphasized, and the importance of gathering evidence and proving claims of Islam is emphasized. The concept of "day in a tree" is discussed, and the use of "weaker themes and common sense" is emphasized. The concept of "weaker themes and common sense" is also emphasized, and the importance of learning from mistakes and people making mistakes is emphasized. The segment concludes with a brief advertisement for a church in Windsor.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad while he was having his main or battle, so back to our class after the break we had last Friday. So we're back to our class I thematic commentary on the Quran, as we are trying to see how the main topics in Surah connect and

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connect together in harmony under one specific or one main topic and we said in every surah in the Quran, there is one central theme, one central topic, under which all the topics fit, and they cannot often we see the connection to the main topic or the main theme, it's easier for us to understand what the surah is all about. We said it's easier with the shortest source, we can see the topics sometimes there's a very unique topic that runs through the surah. And that's the main topic, the longer the surah gets you will find there you will find more sub themes and sub sub themes. So it takes a little bit of effort to connect all of the all of those to the central theme.

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We already started with Surah Al Baqarah, who said we'll try to

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take one juice every month and finish it in sha Allah so we'll try to take four weeks to cover juice.

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We started with social Bukhara and we said the central theme installs on Bukhara appears very clearly in verse number 21 Verse number 21. And it makes sense as the salt I start surah is at the beginning of the Quran that the message of the Quran is actually presented clearly is presented which is the central message in Islam. You heard NASA Budo Comala the Halacha Comala danamon publikum

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they said this is the central theme or humanity worship your Lord who created you and he created those who came before you so that you may attain Taqwa you may attain to for everything and soul of Allah can be easily connected to this. Every other theme everything that is mentioned and so Bacala does serve this central theme. This central theme remind me because Rama Allah Tala and his book, he argues that the central theme in salted baccarat appears in the verse number two, which is the radical tabula rasa multiplane.

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That is the book.

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There is no doubt about it. And there is guidance in it for those who are, again, who are muttering, this is still a strong argument. It's a strong argument. But the reason in this class we favored or we, we leaned more towards verse number 21, which is the ideology of

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Kriya Yoga

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is that the presentation of the book appears so often in the Quran, you will find a lot Valley Cal Kitab Kitab en Anza now and so. So there's the whole concept of the book of the Quran is presented very often in the Quran and at the beginning of many sources, and in other so nothing makes it stand out in Surah Al Baqarah. So still, it's a strong argument. But we find we find it more befitting to identify verse number 21 is the central theme, specifically that the central message of the Quran of Islam itself is to hate worshipping Allah alone. So it makes sense that the sense the central message in Islam is presented right at the beginning of the Quran, right at the beginning of the

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Quran. And the second verse, radical Kitab without a Buffy, who then limiter pain is more of an introduction to that central theme to the Senate to the theme of worship, because it says, this book is going to present you with the guidance from your Lord. And the guidance from your Lord is about is an invitation to worship Allah to worship Allah No. So we got I believe, to the point where we

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again just go over the the themes that appeared at the beginning of social Bukhara we said first an introduction of the Quran that he can keep up with all empathy. And then it starts with the description of the believers. So Surah Baqarah divides people humanity into three types

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mean AlLadhina cathodal and Alladhina Theo perubahan, Madhu owl Cafe all

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these are the three main types of humanity with regards to the central theme, the worship of Allah. There are people who believe in it and practice it. There are people who disbelieve in it. These are livina Cafaro. And there are people who disbelieve in it yet pretend that they believe in it and subscribe to it.

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There are other sub categories among humans, but they just they're a combination of the main theme so

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We will keep it as sort of the bucket of presents three types of people. The basic the basis for this classification is or a Buddha or a backroom, how people respond to this call of sorts on Bacala worship your Lord alone how they respond to the message of the head. So and then after classifying people into these three types the central theme is presented yeah you heard natural good hola como humanity, worship you Lord. Then briefly Allah shows the consequences that if you do not worship your Lord alone, factor Kannada La

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Jolla, there will be a punishment whose fuel is the there is will be the Fire whose fuel is stones and humans, what the shitty Lavina am and whereas those who believe, give them glad tidings of paradise. Very easy. Then Allah subhanaw taala. We said, in Allah Allah is to hear your body by method, a mother all the time farmer, Allah presents a methodological point here. Allah is telling us something about how he's going to communicate with us in the Quran. Allah is going to communicate with us in the Quran.

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And it often happens by the way, sometimes if you listen to a speaker for the first time or a speaker speaking to an audience for the first time when the speaker does, they will point out certain things as to how my approach is how my approach is, by the way, this is my style. So you guys were on the same page as I speak about these things. You know where I'm coming from, to avoid any confusion. Allah subhanaw taala does this is the beginning of salted Bacara where he says in hola hola esta here you have Reba method ameba all the time from fo Allah does not shy away from striking an analogy or an example of a mosquito, one of the tiniest creatures were no insignificant

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from Africa.

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So Allah is going to strike examples, some of them seem to be very simple and insignificant, some of them will be bigger.

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The point is not the example itself. The point is the lesson behind it. So Allah is telling us at the beginning of the Quran that he is he's using a lot of analogies, a lot of examples, parables, but till you can infer, I don't know, Babu, Holliness on my honeymoon, and these are the examples. These are analogies parables we are offering to people, only those of understanding are able to comprehend them and take heat.

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So Allah tells us right at the beginning of the Quran, he's going to strike many examples, many analogies for us. The Quran is full of comparisons, analogies, figures of speech, in the sense that, oh, use your mind, look at this example and get the lesson.

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And because then Allah describes how the believers and disbelievers approach these examples. So Allah says femenina, Ala Moana will help

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those who have believed when they look at this example, they say this is the truth from our Lord. So they searched for the lesson,

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they will search for the lesson, Allah will give an exam for example, luck is an example in the in the Quran.

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flies lubob.

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Very simple creation of Allah. If someone is really looking for a lesson, they would look at that example. And they would take the lesson. But if someone does not believe they're just going to come up with counter arguments. So one of the ways to present a counter argument usually is to ridicule the example or the argument that any person is giving you. So they say, fly, you're talking about guidance, you're talking about life, you're talking about the meaning of life and you're just talking about flies, right? This is a way to ridicule an argument to discredit it. But Allah is saying this is not the point. Allah is giving us examples of what we know flies, mosquitoes, day and

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night. These are examples a tree

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these are examples Allah gives us the example of a barren land rainfalls then vegetation grows, then it goes dry. Right? That's an example for us about how life the cycle of life. So it's not about Oh, are we talking about vegetation? Now, we're not talking about vegetation, we're talking about the lesson behind it, the lesson behind it. So those who are searching for the truth, they will appreciate the example regardless of what the content of the example is, or the approval is, but those who are trying to counter argue and create a counter argument these people would just look at any mistake. For example, you might be speaking with someone and you make a grammatical mistake.

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For example, you say

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you might say for example,

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a car you want to say I can't emphasize this enough.

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Have you tried to stress a point? So I can't emphasize this enough that no matter how I emphasize it, it's still very important.

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But you say it, I can't emphasize this anymore. Let's say it comes out this way, right? Somebody who's having an argument with you, they will say, by the way, if you say that statement, they will say, by the way, it's I can't emphasize this enough.

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Right and they will carry on. They will, they will prick you with that. Why is a way to discredit your argument? But that's not the point. Grammar is not the point use of the language is not the point you got my point fine. Let's move this focus on the central thing. This is how Alladhina Cafaro those who choose to disbelieve, this is how they when Allah presents them with parables.

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Instead of taking the lesson paying attention to the lesson, they will actually fly off at a tangent they will look at mosquito fly What are you talking about? We're in real business here. Where are we talking about flies? So that Allah subhanaw taala he has strikes a methodological point how his approach is, and Allah will show how the different types of people respond to these parables

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Okay, so Allah says family Lena Hammond of Ala Moana note Hakuna rhombi The believers will know this is the truth from the Lord. He's teaching them a lesson so they will search for the lesson. What Amala the unica farofa coluna mother or the Allahu

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those who disbelieve they will say, why is Allah mentioning this as an example fly mosquito, right? So, but that's not the point, their attention will go to something else, which will make them miss out on the lesson or the point of benefit. This is where Allah says, your little Nobuhiko theorem where they behave

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by means of the simple example some people are guided, some people are misguided.

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This what seems to be a very simplistic example or parable actually classifies people. Those who are searching for the truth will get guided. Those who are not searching for the truth will be misguided even though to you it's insignificant, it's a mosquito.

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Then Allah subhanaw taala makes an argument here to emphasize the central point or Buddha Rob back home,

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lost his kefir to Corona Billa he will continue on what and for hear from me, you'll need to confirm my your E confirm my eight or who will let the holla Calico methodology me until Mr. Elissa How come you disbelieve in your Lord who created you brought you into existence? He brought you from nothingness into life. In a sense, you would not exist and you were dead, like you were not here. So he brought you to life.

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And then not only that, after you live, he brings you back to death to nothingness non existence. Then from that nothingness, he brings you back to life.

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How can you disbelieve in all of this, and the one who makes you go through all these phases, that not only that he's the one who created the heavens and the earth, He created the earth for you. He created everything for you, to serve you to make life possible for you.

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And he made heavens seven into seven.

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And he is knowledgeable of everything he knows everything.

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How can you disbelieve in that, in that God in that create How come like you don't have a basis for that denial. It's not even a case you can't even make a case against the worship of Allah.

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So this is a very powerful sort of very powerful sub themes and how they pour into the central theme, worship You Lord alone. And all of these themes. By the way, look, they address our fitrah they address our common sense. How come you disbelieve in the one who brought you into existence and then he causes you to die, then he brings you back to life. And the evidence is that you can't do none of that. You can't have any control over that. And he's the one who put all of that together for you. And you see how how it runs according to a perfect to perfect harmony. How come common sense. Then he speaks even to your desires. He Allah speaks to human tendency to protect ourselves

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from harm and to seek what is good Allah talks about the hellfire and he talks about paradise.

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So, this is a very powerful case that Allah makes in the first

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and the first one in nine verses salted pecan. Now when this case is clear, Allah subhanaw taala

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give this gives us the story of Adam, the creation of Adam, Adam, his Salah how it all began. Now I want one person to use their mind and put that in context. How does this fit into what we have said so far?

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Why would Allah after making a case for worshipping Him alone photo head

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and classifying people into people who believe disbelief, hypocrites, then making an argument as to why it's the only logical conclusion to worship your Lord because He put all of that together?

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And he tells us about the consequences if you worship or you don't worship.

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Why does Allah mentioned the story of Adam? How does that fit? How does that serve the central theme which is or humanity, it's a message to humanity, worship your Lord? How does that fit?

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How does it serve that the story of Adam, creation of Adam

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tell you

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since it's a very strong case that Allah making photo head,

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Allah is giving us a historical background.

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Let me tell you how it all began.

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So we take historical basis and foundation for the case I'm making to you.

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You should worship the Lord alone. I tell you how it all began.

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It began before the creation of the first man at the medical center

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with quite a lot of Bucharest Mala Hickety in Nigeria hero, Khalifa new lord said to the angels I'm going to place on earth a Khalifa. Oliver means this, okay? Let's break down the word Khalifa because that's actually extremely important.

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Although some, there are some scholars who said throughout the Muslim history, they said khalifa to Allah. They said humans are vi serie of Allah of Earth. This is a little bit strong language, because humans cannot be the Khalifa.

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But it means

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Allah entrusted us with earth and with our life on Earth. That's true. Allah gave us this earth, he handed it over to us. He said, here, I put you here for a period of test. Things are at your service. They're available to you at your disposal. And I'll give you my guidance, go ahead. In that sense, Allah entrusted us with our lives on this earth with the resources. That makes sense. But the word khalifa to Allah advisory of Allah, or deputy of Allah, still very heavy, even the Arabic language, although some scholars said that, but still, some scholars voiced some concern about it. But the point is Khalifa as well. It means Hey, you're interested. You're interested, you're a

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deputy, you're advisory. I put you here you deal with it. Like, I'm a CEO of a company, and we have a department, your head of that department completely responsible for it. You are completely responsible for it. Don't come to me to help you make small decisions.

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Who are you going to employ in that department? That's your business. All I need to hear from you is businesses running okay. Everything is going well team is working, you're achieving results. You're doing your part of the strategy, plan, simple. Don't get me involved in the day to day runnings of your department, that's yours. And that means I give you power to make decisions. You can make decisions.

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You can decide on a budget, you don't have to come to me. That's what trust means. And that's what a sense, Khalifa law says, Here you go, go ahead. You're going to make good decisions, bad decisions, I'm not going to take you out, I'm going to leave you we're going to give you time.

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I'm going to give you time, this sense of the word. And Khalifa means you're a head of department. That doesn't mean at the end of the year, we're not going to hold you accountable. Like you mess up that department. And you say it's my department. I mean, sorry, there's a loss of let's say 2 million this year. You're accountable for that. You have to prove explain why this is the situation. Same thing Allah gives you choice Allah gives you power in this world. You can make choices you can make decisions. Okay? The end of your life, you will be held accountable. What did you do with that? What did you do with your time with your youth? Where did you Where did you get your money from? How

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did you spend it? What did you use your body for? What did you do with your time all of that? You will be held accountable.

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That's part of the word Khalifa. Khalifa. Now the angels voiced a concern potential Alpha UFC goofy, how is he could be my own who's behind the going over this work? Carla in the on the angels.

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They made a statement and it's not an objection to unlock because the angels do not object to Allah.

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But they just voiced something they had in mind. And obviously that's an inspiration from Allah. Are you going to place on earth those who will shed blood and create mischief corruption?

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Now the amorphous serines causes you to have deferred what how did the angels know that he

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We're going to cause corruption and shed blood.

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Some of them have history and they said there were creatures before on earth and they did the same. Some of them said the jinn were there before, and they brought about mischief. So the angels figured out, it's going to be the same story. Some scholars say said no, it's it can be inferred from the word Halifa. Khalifa, as we said, you're giving them power, you're giving them choice, head of department, go ahead, go about it do the right thing, but I will hold you accountable later on. So they figured out Allah is going to give humans choice. And if a creature is given choice, meaning they don't just follow what Allah tells them, they can either follow that or they can follow

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something else.

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So and if creatures are given choice to come up with their own decisions, obviously,

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they're gonna go wrong. If people decide not to follow the guidance of Allah, they're gonna go wrong. So there will be corruption, no bloodshed, that's a linguistic

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conclusion. And it makes sense.

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So Allah subhanaw taala did not say to them, No, Allah didn't say they're not going to create mischief and corruption, which means there will be there will be corruption and mischief, there will be blood.

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That's true. But Allah says in the animal manner to Allah Moon, I know what you don't know.

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Allah didn't say what you know is wrong. Allah didn't say that your conclusion is wrong. Allah is saying, but I know what you don't know. You know, something. But I know more than that.

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And that's something important that we humans should not speak with half knowledge. You might know something you might know a verse you might know, Hadith, you might know an opinion from a scholar, and you think that's it?

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But you don't know the rest of the story. It's possible.

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It's possible you don't know the rest of the story.

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As a member of the Nakba, him Allah Tala, he said, I've said the dunya Sarath, three types of people ruin this dunya for four people and soft will soften up about one sophomore.

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Once off Aloha, we're gonna come from one Sofala. He said, these three types of people ruined life for others, half medical doctors, they know a little bit about medicine, but they don't know others. So you have stomachache. And they had stomach ache in the past and they took certain medication, they're going to prescribe this medication for you. But a stomachache could come from a variety of different reasons. And you might have a completely different case. So they think they're speaking from knowledge, but they're speaking from half knowledge they don't know the other half

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and maybe the medication they're prescribing for you might have. So that's how actually the doctors can tell a good doctor from a bad doctor is that a doctor x from knowledge, but it's not complete knowledge. And they might prescribe something and cause complications on an

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on another side effects on another organ of your body that might give you some something for blood pressure, it might ruin your, your your liver, right or your kidneys, just not realizing that you have some kind of reaction to a specific medication. But an experienced doctor will foresee that coming they would test you for some kind of allergy or reaction. So again, and people who have a little bit of knowledge of the language, specifically Arabic language with regards to understanding the book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they ruined people's understanding of the language because they will say, hey, that's what this there's this hadith. This

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is what this word means. And that's the conclusion. But you just, you don't know that this word has other usages. And maybe you just didn't put everything together. And that's why the Scholars have a beautiful Maxim or, or a difficulty or they call, they call it a man or a woman or a man.

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Getting all the evidence relevant to a situation together has more priority than just taking one or two or and ignoring others. You have to get all the evidence or the textual evidence that is relevant to the issue in question before you answer.

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And that's that's that's why

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you know, one day we had to have my homies Villa to Adam, and

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he was asked about drinking while standing up right.

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Whenever one of the brothers here and again, I know he's not going to take offense because there's no offense here but I didn't get to answer him at the time because

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I thought he should let it go. She has conclusion was drinking wine standing for him although there is a Hadith from the prophets of salaam that he advised against it. He said this is

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is full color karate is disliked. It's not necessarily haram.

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The prophet comes to me with Hadith from Siam Muslim and he says look at the prophecies and I'm saying

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McClymont videotape, whoever drinks while standing them, throw it up, put their finger in their throat and throw it up. Right? He says, How come

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again, so you're taking one Hadith, and he's taking.

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He's looking at all the Hadith together and the understanding and the application of the companions. Okay? Again, we're not saying this is the suddenly right. And the other opinions wrong, both of the opinions are among the scholars, right? But the issue is bringing all of the text together. So again, Allah is saying to the angels, he's not saying what you what you're saying, what you're suggesting is wrong. But he's saying, I know what you don't know. And that shows the complexity of life. You can't just handle a situation at one level, you have to take in mind the complexity, a very typical classical example, comes up, comes to mind, which we shared, actually, we spoke about

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that previously. She says lemon to me or him Allah to Allah, when the the, when the Mongols were took over the Damascus, and they were pretending to be Muslim, they actually they actually became Muslim. Right. But again, they were violating, you know, what Islam was, was dictating. And

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so their free version, I believe, was khazana. At the time, he he declared himself to be a Muslim, and he had an event to call the Sudan for him and he would pray and his soldiers obviously and the actually the Mongols became Muslims, they became Muslim.

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so the the soldiers, the Mongol soldiers were in the street, and they were targeting most they were targeting the general public, sometimes they would, they would have fun killing people. So some person will be passing by, they will stop that person. And they would

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kill that person slowly. Just enjoy the act of killing that person, or a group of people and so on and so forth. So I've been Samia was with a group of his students, and they saw a group of Mongol

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soldiers, and they were drinking alcohol. They were drunk. They were out.

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So the students, he, he approaches them. Even to me, a wise man he could read, he could anticipate what was going on. He grabs the reader you go into, he says, going to I'm going to model for now. These people are drinking Coke, or I'm gonna give them advice, enjoying the good forbid the evil. He says leave them.

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Leave them that these people are drunk is a sin. But if these guys are sobered and they're awake, they would mess with people and kill them. So we're better off like that. It's a less it's the lesser of two evils.

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Obviously now if someone is though you're messing with a religion, right, but again, you know something, but there are other things. alimta shanwa, but Anka shell, as the poet says, you know, something, but there are other things you don't know about. Okay? So Allah says to the angels, there is much you don't know and I know.

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Then Allah subhanaw taala demonstrates this point to the angels. While lemma Adam and sama Akula formaldehyde in Malaya, you can't call them big ABS my whole day, In Kuntum saw the rain Carlos SubhanAllah. Milena Illuma, Linda inoculant le Moroccan.

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Allah told Adam, the names of things. So again, the scholars of Tafseer have so many opinions about what did Allah teach Adam and he sent him? The standard, simple explanation is the literal, literal explanation that Allah told Adam the names of things. This is water. This is a tree, this is a cow. This is the skies this is clouds.

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Which is not incorrect, not necessarily incorrect, because we don't, we don't have access to know what exactly happened. Some other scholars and these are more linguists, they said, Allah told Adam the capacity to label, humans are able to label things. When you give something a name, you sort of master it. And you give something a name, you master it. And it's not you can only name objects, but you can name experiences.

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You can name experiences. And when you name something, you define it, you have power over it.

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You have power over it. And this is something the angels don't have angels only learn by inspiration. Allah teaches them. direct inspiration, is why they said Subhana Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, glory be to you. We only know what You have taught us. Humans, Allah teaches them by means of inspiration, which is football and Karissa and their instincts. But Allah also teaches them through experience. And Allah teaches them through their mind that their capacity to label things. So I'll give you an example. I mean, we can label something a chair right?

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do you define what a chair is is something to sit on functional way. And then you define a basic structure of a chair. So now you can make chairs.

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But you can define abstract phenomena, for example, Social Sciences, what do we do? We define mental state.

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And when you define it, you can study it, because you put it in a box, you can study it, and then you can master it. So for example, we identified depression, we identified sadness, happiness. Now, once you identify, identify something, you put focus on it, and then you can study it and break it down. So we understand more about depression, than we would had we not known what not knowing what depression even is, it's just something we go through. And that's it. So we can put our awareness. So that's one thing was said is that Allah gave us the capacity to label things. And when you label is one way to master when we identified,

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you know, laws of physics, we could master this world, we could do laws of architecture, we could, we could add geometry we could actually build once we identified them, we could utilize them. Once we identified physical laws and chemic, chemical laws, laws of chemistry, we could utilize that and build inventions with it. So that's one of the most powerful human capacities, the capacity to label things, when you label them, are able to study them, understand them, master them and utilize them.

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That actually makes sense in the context that Allah told the angels.

00:31:39 --> 00:31:40

I know what you don't know.

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And he didn't say you're wrong. Meaning this is a tacit approval. This is a cloud this is just approval, yes, there will be bloodshed, there will be corruption, which we see throughout human history, there is corruption and there's bloodshed. But that's not the only point. There's a greater benefit. There's a greater benefit the humans can label things and can navigate this world. And they can utilize this capacity to come back to Allah.

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To come back to Allah they can utilize this world and worship Allah obey Allah by choice, not by not only by design,

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because everything in the world just follow what like the angels lay us when Allah humma and if

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they do not disobey Allah and they only do what they are commanded

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the sun wash him so tangerine, he musta coronella Sun goes according to a fixed course it does not. It does not improvise like sun does not think, Okay, let me today just rise from the east or the west. Let me move a little bit southward, doesn't do that. It doesn't have that capacity just follows animals. They run according to their script, which we call instinct. But humans are the ones who have the choice and the jinn. That's why they are accountable. So in order for them to fulfill that choice, they need a capacity to help them identify things, label them and then handle them deal with them use them

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all your other mamby pamby as he said, Oh, Adam,

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inform them of the names of these things for the man but home Yes, ma'am. Carla LM Aquila, come in the Adam over summer, what you want to be doing tomorrow, when Adam was able to inform the angels of the names of these things.

00:33:35 --> 00:33:47

Allah said to the angels, didn't I tell you that I know more than what you know, I know what you can see on your reveal. I know the what's hidden in the heavens and the earth.

00:33:50 --> 00:33:55

So Allah was making Allah, Allah God, Adam to name

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or to mention the names of these things, the objects, whatever they are,

00:34:01 --> 00:34:11

in front of the angels, in response to the angels point, or you're going to place on Earth, those will spread corruption and shed blood.

00:34:13 --> 00:34:14

Allah saying there's more to the story.

00:34:15 --> 00:34:19

There's more to the story. Okay.

00:34:20 --> 00:34:26

So this is all about words. This is the background of what happened

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that led to the message of the Quran, worship your Lord alone. This was in the making, this was in the making.

00:34:35 --> 00:34:42

So Allah subhanaw taala, once humans through this unique capacity and faculty that Allah gave them

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for the that they will actually worship Allah by choice, not by design, not by force.

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That's that's what's unique about humans, which sets them apart from angels, angels worship Allah because they can't. They can't do it.

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The wise

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angels can't do otherwise. Simply by default they just worship Allah. That's all.

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It doesn't occur to them to do anything else. It doesn't it just, it's not part of their world.

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But humans, they can choose. And worshipping Allah by choice is far greater so Allah is showing something else Allah is demonstrating another aspect of his magnificent creation.

00:35:30 --> 00:35:31

Then Allah subhanaw taala

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tells tells us how the story unfolded that Allah subhanaw taala again, we're not just gonna go over there versus just the general context of law please add them and how we're in paradise in Elgin law place them engine, Nola is going to put this capacity for choice and for identifying things and labeling things Allah is going to put it to the test.

00:35:56 --> 00:35:58

I was put into this test so Allah says

00:36:00 --> 00:36:02

what did I Adams gonna answer was oh do congenita

00:36:04 --> 00:36:12

OpenAthens contentos Ultra congenita Wakulla mean ha rod and heighth O'Shea, toma when I talked about how the shedule for takuna mean avoid you mean?

00:36:14 --> 00:36:28

So Allah subhanaw taala. And again before placing them in paradise, Allah subhanaw taala showed the the honor and dignity that he gave humans, Allah commanded the angels and whoever is in the company like Iblees to prostrate before Adam.

00:36:29 --> 00:36:37

And this frustration as I was like a blur for them. It's not like they're worshipping him, he's a Qibla. So the frustration is for Allah, but the tablet is Adam.

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they complied.

00:36:43 --> 00:36:54

Shavon desisted, declined. And he showed his objection Allah says stuck about, he became arrogant, looking down upon them.

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That's all part of the background of what's going on here in this life and why we are invited to worship our Lord alone. The last ones that he says he places them in his wife, her work in paradise. And he says you can eat you can enjoy all the beauty whatever you want, you can consume it, but don't come near the street.

00:37:14 --> 00:37:17

If you come near the street, you have wronged yourselves

00:37:18 --> 00:37:58

about command compliance had Adam and Hawaii been angels they would not even come near the tree simple. Why? Because they just could not by their own nature. They are commanded discuss only comply, but Adam and Hawa now they have choice and choice. In order to choose you have to label you have to understand you have to know what you're choosing from. If you don't know what you're choosing from, you're not going to make a choice. So that's why why llama, Dominus Mahakala, the capacity to understand things and label them is a prerequisite for choice. prerequisite for choice. Now who's so Adam has two capacities given two capacities that are unique from angels, the capacity

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to learn, teach himself without direct inspiration

00:38:02 --> 00:38:09

to approach things and identify them. And number two, based on that definition that Adam makes, he can make a choice

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and make a choice.

00:38:14 --> 00:38:34

So Allah puts Adam in Paradise, and he identifies things for him and he gives us so everything is open, you can utilize it. You can, you can consume it. But this I'll give you a definition this thing do not come close is forbidden. It's haram. Forbidden. That's its definition. It's forbidden, don't come near it.

00:38:36 --> 00:38:44

So Adam has this default definition, this is bad, don't come near it. Everything else is good. You can enjoy it. So he makes his choices based on this.

00:38:45 --> 00:38:47

Who's going to mess with this system?

00:38:48 --> 00:38:53

Because Allah says and sort of bar in the header at all, like our center region.

00:38:54 --> 00:39:03

This is an enemy to you and your wife, do not let him get you out of paradise. Because if that happens, you're gonna you're gonna suffer a lot.

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So, Adam has this definition system and based on this definition system, he makes choices.

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She thought he's gonna mess with that.

00:39:16 --> 00:39:21

So, as a Lahoma shape on that was was Allahumma Shavon.

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She thought this speak to them why he changed the definition.

00:39:28 --> 00:39:56

He messed with the Adams capacity to define things right approach things that identify them right and based on that make the right choice. He missed with that. He started playing with that. So he said, * Don't look. Don't look at our leisure at the moment. Should I not guide you to the tree that if you eat from it, you become immortal. You would live forever there's no death there's no end. When will kill die a blur and a kingdom or dominion that will never wear out.

00:39:58 --> 00:40:00

Absolute possession

00:40:00 --> 00:40:03

And, and eternal life. What else do you want?

00:40:04 --> 00:40:16

Adam, by nature we humans, by the way, by nature, we want that we want two things, we want the best of everything. And we want the most eternal what lasts. That's why Allah says the truth eronel Hayato dunya.

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you, you prefer this life, but the Asherah is better and more everlasting. Because that humans we make our choice based on these two things, the quality of something, and how long it lasts. The longer it lasts, the better the quality, the more attracted we are to it.

00:40:39 --> 00:40:51

I need to so Allah is blame as I say, Hey, you guys are acting against your own nature you want this life, but your nature is your nature seeks your fitrah seeks the best and the most of Allah's thing. That's their killer, so wake up.

00:40:52 --> 00:40:57

So shaytaan knows, he knew that Adam, these are the two

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attractions of Adam, the best what's best, which is kingdom that will never wear out the best of dominion, and it will, you will live forever, there's no death.

00:41:10 --> 00:41:15

So Adam is tempted. So he messes up with the definition, he says that's the tree that's gonna get you what you want.

00:41:16 --> 00:41:21

Now, Adam gave that faculty over to shaytaan to feed it.

00:41:22 --> 00:41:26

He abused or he abused, the first gift of law gave him

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the gift of definition, labeling things he labeled things wrong, based on a lie.

00:41:33 --> 00:41:41

And if you make a definition right or wrong, you're going to make choices based on that wrong definition Your choice will be wrong. So he ate from the tree

00:41:44 --> 00:41:45

from the tree

00:41:48 --> 00:42:07

as a llama sheetala Another Hajikko man in Mecca, NaVi Shi Tong got them to slip. So they use the two gifts of Allah, the capacity to learn and identify things and label them they will want and make a choice without following I mean, without necessarily following the script by default.

00:42:09 --> 00:42:15

So capacity to learn identify, label and choice and abuse them.

00:42:17 --> 00:42:24

And by the way, you know what's what's what's really bad unethical about sin. So you can only sin against Allah using what Allah has given you.

00:42:25 --> 00:42:29

You can only sin against Allah by using Allah's gifts to you to wronged him.

00:42:32 --> 00:42:33

This thing with sin

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is like just human example.

00:42:40 --> 00:42:44

I give you a gift of $500 You can buy a gun and shoot me with it

00:42:48 --> 00:42:50

it's not misuse. It's

00:42:54 --> 00:43:00

like what could be worse than that. So Allah is giving you something for your own benefit. You turn it against Allah

00:43:03 --> 00:43:09

that's the problem with sin you're using, you can't sin from something you have

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of your own. You're using Allah's resources to sin against him that's that's what's extremely unethical about this whole thing. Okay, so

00:43:22 --> 00:43:24

as she got them out of paradise because of that.

00:43:26 --> 00:43:28

Allah says we're gonna have people about the Coronavirus gonna do welcome to

00:43:30 --> 00:43:42

Allah said, because you abused these unique gifts that we gave you, which were supposed to bring you back to Allah we give them to you. So you get to know Allah and seek ALLAH, you use them the wrong way.

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Allah is setting a precedent that if you use these faculties the wrong way,

00:43:50 --> 00:43:59

if you use them the correct way, you will be rewarded for use them wrong way you're going to lose. So we're going to give you a partial loss, not an eternal loss or Adam.

00:44:00 --> 00:44:16

So you can pick yourself up again and you can make amends you can fix for the mistake. You use the you abuse them. There are consequences Allah sets a precedent tells us how are we supposed to use these what happens if we use them well or abuse them. So

00:44:18 --> 00:44:22

Adam and were sent down to to the earth and Allah says there's

00:44:24 --> 00:44:27

a temporary abode, a temporary place for you to live.

00:44:28 --> 00:44:31

And it's about testing these two faculties

00:44:32 --> 00:44:59

the ability to name and label and identify things and master them and then the ability to choose based on that. So we're going to set you are going to put you on earth. We're going to see how you use these faculties. They're meant to bring you to Allah that's why they are designed meant to bring you to Allah by choice of hummock Allah bringing to Allah by choice, but you can abuse them as a father gives his son pocket money going to

00:45:00 --> 00:45:28

Cool, you can buy lunch with that, buy your notebook and maybe some stationery and maybe pay your commute or your transportation son goes and buys weed with it right by his weed with it. So what happens abuse that was meant for you to help you. This is why it was put there. And since you used it the wrong way, you're obviously not going to get transportation you're gonna go hungry.

00:45:30 --> 00:46:07

So Allah Samantha gave us these faculties to make it to Allah you abuse them each is going to take could take you away from Allah, but Allah is going to give you an extended period of time so still he gives you one chance after the other one chance after the only Allah Allah gives us chances time What are we asking Allah on NASA be Mecca several Metallica, Allah here in them, for Allah where to punish people immediately by what they do. No one would be left. The moment you'd make a mistake Allah would take you out there would be no one. Why? Because we all make these mistakes. But it's Allah's mercy that he gives us time, time, time you. Allah allows you time and he gives you

00:46:07 --> 00:46:15

allowance. He keeps you gives you a waiting period, you can still make amends, you can still fix things and I'll keep things resources within reach.

00:46:18 --> 00:46:59

For Takadanobaba, he can imagine Vitaly Rahim, Allah subhanaw taala inspired them to seek forgiveness, and pardon. And Allah forgive him. Because of that. Allah says, you go back on Earth, there will be guidance coming to you from me, that's what you should identify and follow and should identify everything in the world based on this guidance, based on this guidance, so whatever we know in this world, whatever experience we have in this world, whatever we learn about this world, weather sciences, human sciences, business, etc, we can identify within the boundaries within the framework of the divine guidance, that's the way to go about it. But what humans now are doing is

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that for example, and this is something about for our children, for younger generation, and it's happening a lot now that you have parents and saying, Hey, my child is having doubts the saying no, Islam and science are incompatible. There are things in inside Bukhari, there are things in Islam that in science, we know they're just not true, right. And there are things in science that disprove what we have in the Quran, and what we have in Islam, aha, that I can't reconcile this confusion with a lot of the political and social pressure that is placed on young Muslims and so on and so forth. What's going on? Right The problem is, science is science is the study of natural phenomena.

00:47:38 --> 00:47:48

And natural phenomena is all signs pointing to Allah or equally che in the Huatulco hola hola, hola. Hey, do everything and everything, there's a sign pointing to the Oneness of Allah.

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And everything. So by the natural world just points to Allah. But humans do not approach science directly do not approach nature directly there is there's always a framework, there's always a twist. And science today is not neutral, no matter how how hard they try to portray it this way. Science has an atheistic twist on it. Because it assumes that things function of their own things function have their own things have for things that are autonomous. Things are autonomous. There are energies between subatomic particles, and these, these are these keep the atom together and then they keep molecules together. And then there is gravity forces and there is and so on and so forth.

00:48:35 --> 00:48:38

And things just have properties of their own. And that's how they function.

00:48:40 --> 00:49:04

So everything is just running on its own. That's an atheistic, that's an assumption. By the way. It's just an assumption as an atheistic twist. So when our kids are being programmed and taught and educated within that framework, after 12 years of that kind of schooling, why are you surprised when when they say hey, the Quran says Allah created things.

00:49:05 --> 00:49:07

And Allah causes rain to fall.

00:49:09 --> 00:49:15

Right? Because now they're stuck in a specific framework, and we don't realize it has an atheistic twist on it.

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And the problem is, we haven't come up so far with a comprehensive way to let our kids go through science safely, where they can do and where they can undo this atheistic twist. Bring science back to its natural neutral form. Well, it's the study of natural phenomena.

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We haven't done that.

00:49:38 --> 00:49:43

So our kids go, and yes, they're learning science but they are being indoctrinated in atheism.

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And we say hey, we took them to the Quran school. We taught them to pray and to fast. Yeah, but there is no framework there. For them to process the world through its own instructions. do this do that. Memorize this memorize that that

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00:50:01 --> 00:50:02

it's not a way of thinking.

00:50:07 --> 00:50:09

So it's again,

00:50:10 --> 00:50:21

what I laminated them. And that's not how we identify things, how we define things and how we label them, label them. So Allah Subhan, Allah says, you're going to be sent to Earth. So you can,

00:50:23 --> 00:50:49

you will have the spirit of testing, we test your capacity that we gave you, and should use it to come back to Allah, whoever follows the guidance, and they will be using it right? That will come to Allah, there'll be no fear, there'll be no harm on them. And those who decide to abuse it and disbelieve in Allah and reject that coal or wood or back home, then these people will just receive the consequences and it will be punishment. Then Allah subhanaw taala starts with the story of bunnies.

00:50:50 --> 00:51:31

This is a shift here. So Allah gave us the historical background. Then Allah gives us here, another historical background, and that's the Israelites, there are a segment of humanity that were given the same invitation, worship your Lord alone. Same as we are receiving your humans, they are humans, you have a rich experience with the Israelites how they handled the divine invitation to worship Allah alone. There's a lot of lessons, it's an experience full with lessons rich with lessons. So Allah is going to lay it out in front of us. So we can learn because we will be tempted to follow exactly what they the temptations they follow, we will find ourselves falling in the same mistakes.

00:51:31 --> 00:51:53

So instead of us going through that, why don't you learn from someone else's mistakes, as Elon Musk was set aside, the Manitoba BV, happy successful person is one who learns from the mistakes of others, you don't have to go through all the mistakes to learn them, you can look at someone else's mistakes and learn from them. That's it, you don't have to go through it, you save yourself the trouble of falling into that experience.

00:51:55 --> 00:52:36

So that's what we're going to deal with in sha Allah and next week, which is and that's the context why the children story of the Israelites is mentioned in the Quran primarily, we talking within the frame of worship your Lord alone, worship your Lord alone. And Allah gave us a historical background, the complete backdrop which is a story of Adam, this is how we all created so Allah is putting this divine command worship Him alone in context. So we see why this whole thing Why are you why are you invited to worship your Lord because He created you? He favored you, he gave you these two things, you are on earth because of this reason, because of that, for the worship. So now you

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have the full story. You have a compelling case now instead of just a naked simple command worship your Lord alone, it seems some for some people's worship, it seems out of the blue just worship your Lord, what are you talking about? Allah makes a complete case. Hey, guys, this is how your whole story story started, is based on this. So put it in context. Then Allah gives us the story of the Israelites and he says, Okay, you're not you're not alone in this. There came people before you they were exactly in your shoes.

00:53:08 --> 00:53:17

That's the story. These are their pitfalls. This is what happened. This is what went wrong with them. learn from these mistakes, so you don't have to repeat them.

00:53:18 --> 00:53:33

So inshallah next week we're going to talk about that in detail. Now. I will hand you over to a vomit and the brothers from from Monza Chawla because they will talk to you about their projects and Sharla you can help them with wherever you can work. So last midwives.

00:53:44 --> 00:53:55

Salam aliqua How to live how to get the hamdulillah Madonna sounds sad. Well, now that we learn through emphysema Hamza Yetta Molina, Muhammadiyah de la Vela with Allah mama you

00:53:57 --> 00:54:08

ilaha illallah wa who allegedly collected under Muhammad Abdul Rasul Allah wa sallahu wa sallim wa barik ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Khomeini tobacco BSN Naomi Deen ameba.

00:54:11 --> 00:54:15

hamdulillah Allah subhanaw taala help us

00:54:16 --> 00:54:27

to get accepted offer on a church in a place in Windsor. As many people know that actually, my family house is here

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