Mohammed Hijab – Shocking Child Removal Interview

Mohammed Hijab
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the negative impact of child removal in Scandinavia, particularly in the region of Norway. The emotional reactions of affected parties and the impact on their behavior have caused shock among some. The speaker questions whether the mother was sexually abusive or trying to hold children back, and questions whether the mother had plans to give children back to her family. They also criticize parents' actions of giving children back to their family and encourage parents to take their children away from their children. The conversation also touches on the double edged sword of sorts in the women's rights movement and the importance of raising awareness to prevent abuse and trauma.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu How are you guys doing?

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The issue of child removal in the Scandinavian region, particularly in Norway, and Sweden has become somewhat of an international spectacle a scandal of sorts in recent times.

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78% of the court cases which reach the European court of human rights have been lost by Norway in particular, the issue has become so scandalous that there's even a film coming out called Mrs. chata be or Mrs. Chatterjee versus Norway, which is due to be premiered on Bollywood screens. This film attempts to depict the life of a woman whose child was forcibly removed, you see, forcibly removed on bogus grounds, illegitimate grounds, unjustifiable grounds, and the trauma that she suffered thereafter.

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The issue has become so problematic that even members of the media the Norwegian media, VG being one of the main streams of Norwegian media, one of the premier stations, said that this is likely to drag Norway's reputation under the model is ruin, always reputation. Today, we're going to be interviewing an affected party who has witnessed these events firsthand. Now we are not going to be identifying this individual, because clearly, identifying them could cause all kinds of consequences in their lives. So we are going to be distorting their voice and blurring their faces, and so on, so that they can tell their story more freely without cost or repercussion. So you've heard my

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introduction, do you think what I've said is accurate?

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I think it's quite accurate.

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There is not enough media coverage about this. And

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there should be definitely more coverage around this topic, because it's a serious matter. And it's affecting many lives in Norway.

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I want to go into a little bit about what happened in your family, what you've witnessed firsthand, because firsthand, reports are for us the important thing, what is what happened with you like your family? And what did you witness, my two younger cousins will take in from the Child Services, because they accused my uncle of being violent or violent father and a violent husband.

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And they were taking for a couple of years. And I actually saw the family's reaction very closely, since they often were at at our house, they even moved for some time. And I remember all of them screaming, crying. And they were emotions, like anger and confusion of why it was happening. Because at that time, this was unheard of, to US at least.

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And even today, when I hear about some of the stories from other people, I often like on to I get those flashbacks to that time and focus cause you trauma. Yes, definitely. Because when I hear about those stories, I can't even explain how my body reacts. I just want to fight everyone in the system. I want to show I want to scream. I get really frustrated every time I even heard about a mother that passed away because she couldn't bear the trauma or the pain of being away from this happened in Norway. This happened in Orem a couple of years ago. Okay, just going back to your own situation, you said that you remember when whatever happened happened will tell us a bit about first of all

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what happened, how the children were removed from your your uncle and Yachty. And then what you actually witnessed thereafter,

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I was 14 at the time around 14. So I didn't quite understand what had happened exactly that day. But the children were removed from the kindergarten that day they got the message the child services received the message from the workers at the kindergarten

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and nobody got to even say a last goodbye anything they would just they will take in and I just remember that that night. The parents of the children were at our house and my mother took me upstairs and she tried to explain to me the situation. But as I said, I didn't quite get it.

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But a couple of days later when I didn't get to see my cousins. That's when I think I understood that. Okay, they're they're not no longer living with their parents. How old are the children?

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So kindergarten age around three, four, you've got two kids here, three, four year old kids who were in kindergarten. Yeah. And, you know, the parents have trusted the kindergarten to look after their child for them. The kindergarten now for whatever reason, decides to hold the children back social services or their protection services, hold the children back and not give them back to the children to the parents. Then you're seeing the parents react in these very emotional, justifiably emotional ways. Can you tell us a bit about how they how they reacted? What was their emotional reaction. I remember them crying all the time. All of us were crying all the time, that we prior to this

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happening, we used to meet each other's we used to have gatherings at our grandmother's house because they used to live with my grandmother. And we used to have celebrations there. After this happened. Everything felt like it just died. We didn't celebrate some big occasions. Nobody made jokes anymore. The whole mood, the whole family was shaken up after this happened. And even today, when I came before I came here, I talked to my uncle over the phone. And you can hear in his voice how traumatized he is. You can hear his voice is shaking, he couldn't complete his sentences. Every time we discuss what had happened, the whole family just

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they don't know what to say. Because we are still in shock. Many of us are still in shock that this even happened. So many of you will be thinking now. Well, if they were to remove the children, there must have been some real cause for this they must have this man must have been maybe sexually abusive maybe was the individual who harmed the children? Or were the parents individuals who harmed the children. Is there any evidence of this? Or what was their

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actual justification for taking the children away? Well, there were all assumptions, first of all, because they claimed that my uncle was violent with his wife and with his children that they saw bruises on the wife's face and the children's body. And

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they said, well, at that time, my cousin's both got those chickenpox. That's what they're called.

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They thought that those were secret marks that my uncle did.

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So as a result of that, they decided we're going to take these children away. Yes, that was the reason.

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There wasn't no discussion about if that was the case, even if they did think that, that the children were to be given custody to the mother, for example, and not to the Father, nothing like that.

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Well, they are story makers, they make stories. So they they bought that the mothers since she's from Hong Kong for our home country, they thought that she doesn't have any relatives here, except for her in laws. So they thought that she couldn't stand up for herself she couldn't get a divorce. She couldn't they wanted her to get a divorce, so that then they would give her back her children. So blackmailing. Do what, as we say, in the will get your children back.

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So this seems to be a violation of all kinds of rights here, like, you know, what will be considered in the European Union for examples, human rights, or even on feminist ground? What will be considered as woman's rights? So have you seen, for example,

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on the feminist question, have you seen any women talk about this issue of women's rights movements? Has anyone from the Women's Rights Movements really talked about this issue and pushed for it to be changed? I haven't, I haven't seen any woman raising her voice for talking to talk about this issue. No women here, because those rights you're talking about, they're only

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for the privileged people. They don't. They don't account for the non privileged people on the ethnic people. So there is this lady, an attendee or fundado scenario, who is who's a human rights activist, who's who's trying to talk about these things, but she's doing on human rights grounds. And I'm just really surprised that Norway of country has, as it claims to be a very civilized country with a peace prize has given us on there isn't more action to be taken, what kind of action would you like to be taken here? I wish that they were a lot more. Talk about this in the media.

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It's true that there are some times when you read an article, that's about a case where there has been a mistake by the child services, but there is no consequences. They don't face any consequences that are extreme. And in this profession, there is no room

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mistakes, you have to choose your professional. If you choose a professional like this, you need to be sure that you're making the right decisions, because they really can affect the family. Just to be very clear about the allegations that were being made, where they, in your opinion, were they true why they false. They were false allegations. And the thing is that they since they have gotten their children back, they want the case after two years, they got the children back, and Hamdulillah. They are living with parents now.

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But the problem is that they have, they haven't received any apology, no remorse, nothing. And it's like to think just to invade a family's personal space and ruin their lives, take away their peace, and then showed no remorse, no apology, no compensation, no compensation, nothing. The fact that they've won the case, now within the system is a double edged sword of sorts, because we on the one hand, there's some hope, I guess, you know, but on the other hand, that is an admission that they were in the right, and the other ones were in the wrong. So it's legal admission that okay, these guys weren't doing any of that stuff. And that, in fact, these people were blamed incorrectly, they

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were unjustly treated, at the fact that you can have a child at the age of four years old, or three years old, who was taken forcibly from somebody into somebody else's custody, someone else raises your own child. And that not even compensation is granted, is incredulous, isn't it? It's evil. It's the parents, it's their worst nightmare. And to traumatize them for their lives. They were they have now expanded their family. But before doing that, they were very scared. And because they're more, it's more pressure on the now because of their history with Child Services now. So it's it's a fearful for the whole life. And it's no remorse, no apology, nothing at all. And it just proves that

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How selfish they are. It's like they're really just only viewing it as their job. So it's only their job, but they don't see it as the ethics, the ethics, where are the ethics, where's the moral? There is nothing there's no humanity in this. I just wanted to ask you, right?

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You talk about the view removed in all these kinds of things. And families from a say, subcontinental Asian background, the Muslim children,

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where were they relocated, where they relocated with

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foster care with other family? And if so were they Muslims, or so here's the thing, not only are they removing their children from the parents, but they're giving those children to foster parents who have no idea of their culture, their background, their religion, their language. My cousin's, for instance, they were given to a Norwegian foster foster parents or foster family, and they fed them bacon. And I remember my grandmother, she was very frustrated by this. And you know, elderly people there often have health issues. And when she heard this, She's diabetic, and we were all very scared for her health. These points are so important that you choose a family

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who have at least at least they can do is to choose the family who have the same similar culture, at least the same religion, background, religious background, that's then they didn't even do that. Nothing like that was a Norwegian family, Christians, I don't even know their religion, but they were not non Muslims. So just to summarize the point, the children were taken away from kindergarten, because they had bruises on them, okay, which could come about from whatever reason, which they apologize for thereafter, because they realize that it was something which was incorrect, because the judgment was recalled. And so the children were taken away from these Muslim parents.

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They were put into the care of, say, these atheists, so Christian parents, were not even the same background. Who, and they didn't have any connection. They didn't even have any

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communication with their own parents, and they were given to these people. That's what happened. Yes, no communication with their parents. They were given to these people who as I said, they didn't know haram. What's halal, what's haram? And we even discuss this in our family the Imagine if they were girls, not boys. Imagine if they were girls. That would have been

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way more

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difficult for us to comprehend. Because, you know, for my for my uncle and the children's parents, that when they heard about this stuff, they felt very helpless, because they couldn't stop them from doing that because they don't have any rights.

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anymore, they don't have the custody of the children anymore. So hearing that your, your child is doing that now, your child is not following the religion correctly. That's very disturbing for the parents. It's very disturbing for the viewers, I'm sure as well. There you have it, folks, a firsthand report, in the Scandinavian region here in Norway, of an individual who has faced this matter firsthand and seeing the trauma that is brought to their lives. Imagine just imagine a three year old and a four year old, you might be a mother or father, you might have brothers and sisters, you yourself watching this. Imagine if it was the case that you, your brother, your sister, your

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children were snatched away from you, and that you couldn't see them for years on end, because of some allegation, some bogus allegation, which wasn't even compensated, you've missed two years of your children's life, even in the animal kingdom. Even in the animal kingdom. If you take away a child or an offspring from a parent, it would be seen as a great immorality

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animal rights issue, going into the wild and doing that this is meant to be a human's rights issue. Europe is meant to be the bastion of human rights. Norway is meant to be the country which awards Peace Prizes, and the government here is responsible for the most heinous of removal of children. They've lost 78% of cases. Some cases haven't gone to the human rights courts, but they've not even issued apologies or compensation. This is a scandal of tremendous proportions. A shocking thing. This is something we need to collectively raise awareness of this is something which if we don't act now, the children of certain communities, which may be more effective than others here, let's be

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honest, are going to be continually removed. The abuse and the trauma will proliferate in the Scandinavian region. And that is why it's important to raise awareness. So I say, share this video far and wide. Let's make a change in the world. I'm sure we can. Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh


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