Mohammed Hijab – Muslim Responds to Logan Paul on Islam

Mohammed Hijab
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the definition of God and the issues surrounding evil and the definition of "good enough" in relation to sex. They also touch on the use of tools like logon, logic, and rationality to demonstrate one's success and authority. The importance of discernment and strong morality is also emphasized. Viewers are encouraged to read the holy book of Muslims and be prepared to benefit from the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed.
AI: Transcript ©
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So I was watching this really interesting podcast from Logan Paul. And what he was talking about in that podcast was some of his conceptions about religion. And I found it intriguing. So I wanted to respond to it. The first thing he says, which I find really intriguing is how he defines what he believes in. So he says, I, I think there's

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some sort of unimaginable thing that made us in this universe and everything around us. And that, for me, is a great definition of God. So that takes him firmly out of atheism and agnosticism, and into at least deism or theism, which is the idea of believing in God, which is actually the position of at least 90% of the American population, according to Pew Research. Now, the questions that he had, which was confused about was questions relating to the problem of evil, the fact that in his words, religion, faith, whatever you want to call it has, has led to the deaths of too many people has led to the trauma of too many children. And I agree with Logan, Paul, on that point. Religion

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has actually led to all of those things. But just because religion has led to those things, or the practitioners of particular religions have done those things. It doesn't mean that said, religions preach those things. So there's a differentiation here, we have to differentiate between what religious people do in the name of religion and what religions actually say. And if you want to know what religions actually say, you have to read and see, as for us as Muslims is very clear, though we have bad press, and there's lots of things being said about us. The Quran makes it very clear that what someone who kills one person is like killing all of humanity. And the Prophet Mohammed told us

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that man katella moi, hidden the mirror, he had an agenda, whoever kills a non combatant non believer will not smell the fragrance of heaven,

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including women and children, which in another Hadith, he says, So despite the fact that many religious practitioners act in monstrous ways, it doesn't necessitate that those religions themselves preach monstrous things. And I think that's an important crucial differentiation. I yeah, I don't I'm not sure I can fully wrap my head around. So many people telling me different things about their God. Another thing he said was that there's so many different gods and how do we know which one is the right one? Well, the one you defined is the right one. You see, this is very important, you know, you've already intuited Yeah, through intuition. Yeah. Inherently, as you put

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it in another place, in your podcast, you have you have an inherent idea of what God is the higher power which is unimaginable that created us in the universe, you put it perfectly, I couldn't have said it any better way, the Creator God that we believe it. Now, this is backed by evidence. There's many people, there was a there was a 2011 study that was that shows that children that are born with this belief in a higher power. Now, when they This is in 2011, by Justin Barrett in the Oxford anthropological society, that people are born with this belief, you have that belief, you've expressed that belief. The question is, do we believe? Yeah, that higher power is a man? Is it

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conceivable that without socialization, that we believe that Jesus is God? For for the sake of argument, that's the Christian narrative, that Jesus is God? Could you imagine a child being born believing there's a person called Jesus Christ, and not only that there's a person called Jesus Christ that he's got, but not only that, he's God, but he's part of a trinity, that the Father is God, the son is God, the Holy Spirit is God, and all three are God. All three persons are one person and all three persons are one, and that that is God Is that something you think without socialization that people would be would come about with? I don't think so. The idea is what you

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said, the definition of God is the unimaginable, to put it in your thing that created us in the universe, which is not a man because it can't be a man because a man is created. It can't be a woman can't be a child. It can't be a

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it can't be something which dies because God can't die. God can't rests you see the idea? The question of different gods which God to choose from is the god you already know is exists. The one that you have mentioned the one whose unimaginable thing that created us in the universe, that's the right one. Now the first thing to do because you've said that there's so many different notions of god how do you know which is the right one anything which doesn't fit that paradigm? Which is your paradigm? Yeah. Cannot be God. Yeah, you this your definition, anything that doesn't fit this cannot be God. So a man can't be God. Because we can imagine a man a woman can't be God because we can

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imagine a woman. An animal can't be God, the universe, which has people

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Believe good stuff, they talk to the universe I do, which we're going to come to copy God, because we can imagine the universe. And the universe was itself a created thing. We're going to come to this. I think, I think the universally accepted definition of good is like, you know, right and wrong, you know, in some things right in morality, General morality. So you say, which is really interesting, because you have a moral position, this is very fine, more position, you say, You know what's right and wrong. And you can know what's right and wrong, but once again, how do you know you're gonna say it's kind of like, intuited in the same way that you know, there's an unimaginable

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power. But then once again, that's I want you to know that that's against materialist, nihilist and atheistic discourse. Like for an atheist, there's no way of proving what's right and wrong, you have to understand this point. For someone who does not believe in a higher power that indels human beings with morality, the question would be, how would they go about finding out what's right and wrong? Yeah, it would be what society comes together and decides which one society can decide one thing another society will decide another thing. And historically, we've seen differences in the way people think of right and wrong. So how do we know right and wrong exists in the first place? So

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we'd have to say that the thing that endows us with this belief in right and wrong is that higher power, the unimaginable creator, that created us in the universe. Okay, so there's right and wrong, which is morality. But then there's also this higher power, so that the right and wrong comes from the higher power that will be something which follows right. So I want you to think about that. Having * before marriage isn't in my opinion, wrong. But according to religion, it is you said having * before marriage, in your opinion is not wrong. But the problem with this postulation here, rather, Logan, the problem with this postulation is the fact that How do you know my question,

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how do you know that that wasn't a socialized belief system you have? Because in philosophy, they are even in psychology, they have nature versus nurture, right? You're either born believing in something like you say you believe in a higher power, intuitively, yeah. Or even morality is intuited for you, or you're socialized into that belief system. So how do you know that you'll believe that marriage or having * before marriage is not something which is, in fact socialized as a product as a social construct of the 21st century in the Western world, it becomes very difficult to discern what comes from society, and what comes from the self. Which is why there's a need for a

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higher prescriptive authority, which we call God, to give us the exact guidelines on how to live life.

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You see, and that higher prescriptive authority, which is called God, the higher the unimaginable thing that created us in the universe to use your term must send that those prescriptions through means which we can access, you see. So our narrative Logan, as Muslims, is that we're born believing in God just like you do. This is called the fitrah. The fitrah is an innate predisposition to believing one God, the Creator, God, the powerful God, the one that's all powerful that the one that's not a man is not a woman is not Jesus is not, God doesn't die on the cross, he doesn't rest on the seventh day. God is not all of those things for the Muslim. God is the unimaginable creator,

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that created us and the universe. The unimaginable thing that created us and the universe, your definition of God is the Muslim definition of God, the Christian definition of God is that God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And all three are God. This is not the Muslim definition. That's how you do demarcate between religions here.

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So God, who is this all powerful agency, yeah, has endowed us with an ability to know what's right and wrong. Yes. But also like guidance. Yeah, which is,

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in the case of the old Prophet Abraham, Moses, Jesus was their books to that they were sent to their people. And we believe that Prophet Mohammed was the final messenger, which was sent to all human human beings. Okay, so bear in mind, that's the narrative of Islam. This is where I get confused, like, like who's right and who's wrong? are Muslims wrong because they're Muslim. are Christians wrong? Because they're Christian. Eight for you asked a very good and inquisitive and powerful question, how do we know what's right and wrong? My answer to you is this Listen, logon, listen to me logon Yep. My answer to is this

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you know what's right and wrong by using all the tools at your disposal? And what are your tools that you know what's right and wrong with number one intuition is a very powerful thing. How do you know you exist? I think therefore I am. Yeah. But you can even go further. You know you are because you know, you

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are self evident, right? So the same intuition that you used to gauge that there was a higher authority? Yeah, is the same intuition you can use to determine what the higher authority isn't. Like imaginable. It's not a man, you know it already. Okay. So intuition is one of those tools. Another tool is logic, or rationality. So God can can God be if God is all powerful? And is the old creator being? Can God be

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in time, in the sense that he was created? No, God cannot be created? Because that would mean that he has a beginning. Can God have a beginning? No. You see, Can God die? As the Christian say that God died on the cross? We would say that goes against rationality and logic. Can God have a mum?

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How could God have a mum, you see, when God is meant to be the the unimaginable Creator of all things, me and you, right, according to your definition. So we know we can use intuition, we can use rationality and logic, to demonstrate what God is and what God is not. Yeah. So that's, that's to answer your second question. And what I'm going to do is, I'm going to attach something on the comments section description box of this video, which will give you a secondary question, which is, how do we know that the Prophet Mohammed who we say as Muslims is, in fact, a true prophet. So we will say use the same tools, use your logic and rationality? I've written a very small piece maybe

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will take you 10 minutes to read maybe even less? Yeah. On the evidences that Prophet Mohammed, who's the final prophet, we believe is for all human beings has come with. So please read that in your spare time, it will increase your cultural capital. Yeah, it will increase your intelligence. And it'll make you a more cultured person that can discern between different theologies and religion. So if you have time, please take your time to read that. And then after that, obviously, you can read the Quran, as well, which is the Holy Book of the Muslims.

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You see it nine minute and five seconds, you say something really powerful. You're saying you're talking to the you talk to the universe.

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But I will say to you, look, you're talking to the universe, what you're really saying, and because you said in another place that you wish certain things to the universe, which basically what you're describing is something called supplication, which is really a kind of prayer, right? When you're praying to the universe. And you think that the universe is going to give you something, but the problem is that the universe doesn't have any agency. Okay? The universe does not have agency as an inanimate thing. So you have to think about and this is what the Quran says, you know, Abraham, who believe is a prophet who came to his people.

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He said to he said to his people, he said

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that they were worshipping certain, you know, idols and stuff. He said, * yes, Mona. Yeah, if tear down, can they hear you if you're calling to them? Listen to the question of Abraham in the Quran. Can they hear you if you call to them?

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Oh, Liam found ODM found, the rune of can they benefit you? or harm you? Right? So can the universe benefit you or candidate harm? You? Has you have you got experience of that? Have you got evidence of that? How can the universe hear you? Right? And what's the evidence of that? It's an inanimate object or inanimate entity. So in that case, the universe itself is not the thing or the agency, which you should direct your application, we would say, it makes more sense, wouldn't it? You would probably agree with me hopefully, that you should be directing your veneration and your supplication to the creator of the universe. Yeah.

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That's what we should. Well, that's the prophetic way of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and all of the prophets that came including the final prophet, Prophet Mohammed. And with that, Logan Paul, I invite you to Islam. Yeah, you seem like a very sincere person. You know, I invite you to slam and invite you to the religion of Islam, read the Koran, read my, my family, or click with my little PDF that I've got for you there. You can take 10 minutes of your time, and then you can go back to case I as a Muslim, and then when you find for the third time that I don't know what it will be, then you can have some success in that hopefully, and sell it from Walmart to lie. He wore a lot of cancer.

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