Mohammed Hijab – A Concise and Entire History of the Palestine Conflict

Mohammed Hijab
AI: Summary © The recent conflict between Israeli and Iranian starts in the recent weeks, with the Israeli army disarming the West Bank and the Iranian government still controlling many areas. The conflict is seen as a wake-up call for the Israeli-NA war, with dis enforcement of Israeli laws and regulations on military control being necessary for effective control. The conflict is seen as a wake-up call for the Israeli-NA war, with the use of force and warfare being a topic of discussion.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh How're you guys doing? And welcome to another podcast where I'm with a very esteemed and very accomplished guest, who is Abdullah Andalusi, an individual as a researcher for the eye three Institute, and we're here in the ICT hub in Canada, where we've had events or we've spoken about the Palestine issue.

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First of all, a quick one, what do you make of the whole issue? And from the way you're looking at this and your, what's your assessment of it all? Okay, because we have to monitor him. So the current situation in Gaza is a continuation of a very consistent Israeli historical policy of aggression, expansion and settlement. And so the Israel was has always been consistently initiating wars, fighting, putting using pressure tactics by maintaining even at times of peace, a low level

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amount of military operations and police and security operations, despite the fact that Greta ceasefires, and this always inevitably antagonizes the Palestinians and others to to retaliate, or to protest in some way of form. And then this is really used as a pretext to advance its territorial and strategic goals further. Okay, well, I do want to delve a little bit into the historical analysis with you because I know that you've done a lot of research on that. Before I do. So I just want to make it clear that the importance of this is actually on the information war, that when, say, for example, pro Palestinian activists, Muslims and others, are making the case that they

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should be making a case using solid and sound argumentation. So what you're going to do, hopefully, today is not You're not going to get elaborative detail, but you've given them a taster of some of the historical given the skeleton of what's happened historically, if they're interested, obviously, they can go and do their own research. So let's start with I mean, when do you when do you want to start? What do you think is a good time to start? Historically? I think that first we need to make a very basic argument that I think Muslims need to know. And anyone who advocates for the Palestinian needs to know which is this.

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The Zionist narrative is that they own the responding to attacks against themselves. But they never explain. And never can it be explained? What is the motivation of the opponents, they claiming that you are attacking them? Because they will say oh, they just hate us, or they want to wipe out

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Israel, Israel's political identity or why or kill Gianna or Hamas, or they'll say, look, as Hamas is a terrorist organization that tries to it's all their fault. But remember, they always kind of explained the motivation as just this inexplicable evil. But human beings don't work like that, right? Human beings have usually make rational choices depending on how to achieve their objectives. And their objectives more or less when it comes to collectives are what they would deem to be reasonable or attainable. So if design is arguing that time, so others are just want to wipe out all Jews from the face of the earth, or wipe all Jews in Israel, which is their narrative?

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How would that make sense by just firing a few rockets or just doing a one way suicidal read into neighboring

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settlements and military bases? That's not going to destroy Israel? That's not going to harm its strategic or have no strategic effect, actually, on Israel. So if that doesn't make sense, which it doesn't, we have to ask further question what's going on? What's happening? That is not so reported on the scene that is making either the Fatah the or the Palestinian Authority, or Hamas, or the average Palestinian respond in with anger and being upset, or even responding with either protests or violence? Because of course, before 1987, there was no Hamas and the West Bank, there is no Hamas. So even now until the assignment is going into the historical analysis, removes her Hamas

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assess, essentially, from the assessment and the analysis. Well, we just assumed there was a major Israeli security operation that killed that killed 10s of Palestinians in the West Bank, and there was no Hamas. Exactly. So we have to ask this question as to what's actually going on what is Israel actually doing to the Palestinians, which is not as report was not reported. And it's usually a day to day just their normal experience of life for the Palestinians? What's happened to them to make them react with such outbursts, right, so tell us some some quick facts in terms of historical facts. People might not even understand what is the beef going on here? I mean, who are the natives

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to the land of Israel? Is it the Palestinian Arabs, other than Jews is a combination of both? What's the beef about when did it start? I'm not gonna go all the way back into ancient history here. Let's keep it contemporary. What would you say to this? Well, the argument from the Zionist narrative is that the the ethnic group, which they represent, which they try

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They claim they represent they don't represent it. Of course many Jews condemn significant majorities condemn Zionism. But their argument is that Jews are not invaders of Palestine or then Zionist not invaded Palestine, because Jews are natives of Palestine. They were there 2000 years ago, they're just coming back home after 2000 years. Okay, so this, this really is a side point. But they use it as a justifying narrative. So we have to discuss it, of course. So if we're just going to discuss it from a purely just a historical analysis, the oldest historical record, which has some cooperation, in some parts, not entirely, but has some cooperation is the the Torah or the,

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the Old Testament as Christians call it. And if you look at that, and you also look at archaeological evidence, we see that these rights haven't always been there. The Israelites been the 12 tribes of Israel, Judah, is one tribe of Israel, which then was used to mean to call the Jews Jews.

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They invaded the land that the people that lived there were the Canaanites, or the land was called Cannan, or Canaanites, with the inhabitants, and they were invaded, and there was a kind of genocide of them by the invading Israelite tribes, as reported in the Bible, your assessment, right? Yeah. So if you're going to be historical, just purely historical, the Israelites were invaders the land, approximately, they said, they said about roughly, we historians think about 1200 BCE. And they remained in the land that there was, you know, wars with rival empires and things, and they were, you know, moved around and things like this. But at some point,

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after 70 ad, or so, as they say, the common era CE,

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you know, many Jews emigrated that they choose if they emigrated that she before that, I mean, Rome was reported to have 50,000 Jews at least 100 years before, but 5200 years before this 70 See, they're mostly economic migrants, they were going for, you know, better prospects in Rome, and so on and so forth. So many Jews left for various reasons, like Jews would like people would leave for any reason, you know, better prospects, what have you. And of course, you know, it was it was a land that was in a crossroads, there was many wars and things was very unstable place to be, you made a really good point before and we did this is the second I'm not sure if people remember, but I do. If

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you want more information, we've done a reaction before on the Jordan Peterson discussion with nothing now. Yeah. And you made a very, very good point, which I remember, which is that if you really count the years of, let's say, the Arab majority in that area versus the Jewish majority in that area, you were saying it's more the Arab majority. Okay, so So basically, why I mentioned the habitation of Jews who would let it be called Ashkenazi Jews. So you, let's just call it your says, let's say your European Jews for short. So Ashkenazi Jews left that region.

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Before there was an uprising by Jews against Roman occupation. So and they were there for even hundreds of years, even after 70. See, the Zionists always cite 770 ct as a time that Jews were kicked out without their will and consent. That's historically not true. There was no massacre coming out there was there was further rebellions, you can't have federal aid into the place where there's no people to actually rise up, you know, so that's not true. And also the expulsion though, of course, and 7080. Right. We don't know that. There was a capture of of many, many Jews who were part of the uprising, and they were enslaved and sent to Rome. But there were already Jews in Rome,

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a significant proportion who were just making economic migrants no caves. Yeah, that's the point. And they were Jews there was there was still a significant majority of Jews residing in Palestine afterwards. Yeah. Now, here's the thing, right? So Ashkenazi Jews, if you count the amount of this, if you count if you take 70 see as a basis, and what you'll find is that if you count the amount of time that Israelites have been in that land in total, so up to that point, so let's say let's take 1200 12 1300 years, and the amount of time they had been outside the land. Yeah, since 70s. See, so let's say for Ashkenazi Jews, they came, they start to come in greater numbers in 1800s. Yeah. So

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they'd been outside the land for 1800 years. Yeah. And they've only ever been inside the land. ancestrally speaking for 1300s. Very interesting. They, they were invaders in the first they were invaders at the beginning. Yes. And they Okay, let's say even if we even if we can see they got kicked out. They didn't, yes. The majority of them, they weren't kicked out, but they've been living outside the land for longer than the ancestor ever lived inside. So how will the natives then yes. Oh, because now we have to go to what what is native? What is being neighborly on the indigenous land? Excellent. So that's a really good background. Let's get to the modern era now. Okay. Okay.

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So, so fast forward. So the dad has had many people in it.

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Just want to make a point that DNA studies on both Palestinians and so on have showed that Palestinians have about 60 or 70% DNA trace, trace to Canaanites right. Oh,

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Listen up because many Canaanites meet my of convert to Judaism and then convert to Christianity and then convert to Islam. Right. Interesting, but you they speak Arabic so they just called Arabs understand because as you know, an Arab is anyone who speaks Arabic. There's also analysis done on Lebanese people and it showed that they were like about 90% Canaanite, really, so So the people that live in that region are more or less that lived there for less by kin, like up to 4000 years ago. So they're pretty old. So now we've established that because Palestine is often shipped said that they're just Arabs that invaded from Arabia in the seventh century. No, just because they called

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Arabs doesn't mean that the Arabians Sure, yeah, they're just Arabic speakers. Okay, now that what Palestinian Jews which resided for that time not gonna know, they will call Palestinians along with everybody else by the British and others.

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Okay, so now we get to kind of the 18th century. So when you have political scientists rise up in Europe, they complaining about how Jews are treated in in Europe, in Russia, this pogroms is there's discrimination in Western Europe that there's no pilgrims anymore. Round about that time. But what do we have? So we're talking about the 19th century stating hundreds up to the mid mid middle 1800s. So there was issues of, you know, Jews discriminated. The Jewish problem was called there's in various Western countries. Yeah, yeah, they were because they had if they would be, you'd have different customs, you know, different beliefs. And so they were viewed to be this, you know, a

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minority that couldn't really blend in very well by many races at the time. But there was no pilgrims or massacres in France, either, not just Yeah, yeah. Nice.

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Well, yeah, of course, not united. It's America, Canada, of course they would. And in fact, you know, she was received quite a lot of rights in England and America, and so on. So what should America be a melting pot of different ethnicities or immigrants? Okay. So what happened was that there was arguing about physical Zionist that the only way to solve this the problem of, of discrimination and racism and so on and so fourth is that Jews need to control their own land, right? They have to have a land, and they have to be in control of it. The ones who control the power, their ethnicity, not or their ethnicities or America, you have rights, there's no pogroms

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against Jews never was.

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But that was not really discussed, right. But this was an age of nationalism. So this is the time where people like, you know, Theodore Hutsul, and Chaim, Weizmann and others, would send correspondences with the British Empire, asking them for land. And then the British Empire would come back and say, for example, you got Uganda for as an example with Jim Wiseman or Argentina, with Theodore hertz, or and they were like, No, it has to be these these are primary sources, which can can get very easily. And they were like, No, it has to be Palestine. It can't be Uganda, and it can't be Argentina. And so this is these kind of conversations are happening. Obviously, this is

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right before the Balfour Declaration in 1917. So so to fast forward to that now. Yeah, yeah, we've got all this Zionist, you know, jargon, or let's say now so so to raise the point. So basically, at first, there were different types of Zionists, some are cultural Zionist, they just wanted a central hub in the world where you could have a cultural hub for Jews. They weren't they weren't talking about politics didn't really care about politics so much. So they began immigrating to Palestine and under Ottoman rule, so ultimately allowed us to come in to immigrate into Palestine.

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But when there was caught wind of political Zionism as an ultimate goal, there was some some issues like Well, are you coming here just to be part of the people no problem. But are you are you coming here to take over the place and become and make an ethno nationalist state? That's something else, that's a different discussion. So, so, Jews began immigrating into Palestine under the Ottoman under Islamic Ottoman caliphate, yes. But it was only when the British invaded or and of course, just prior to the invasion, where there was an agreement between some rich influential kind of Jewish

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bankers and others in England with of course, that the French the British establishment they say look, we can basically we would like to, to reside in that land as a as a homeland for ourselves as a as an ethno national state for Jews. And the British made that deal, right. So when when we take it over, we will be committed to as the Balfour Declaration will be committed to establishing a Jewish homeland for you. The benefits for Britain was was a bit long winded, but in essence, it was useful for them to have those that would be willing to cooperate with them having a strategic outpost to control a strategic region. So Britain wanted to use the Zionists to be an outpost for

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British strategic interests. We've covered the kind of the, the genetic history if you like. And then we moved into like saying the 19th century we talked about kind of very briefly and of course this is just superficial but fine

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Get the main points here for people who have a clear timeline in their minds. And then we're here at the Balfour Declaration on 1917. And the British man Mandate for Palestine, which is effectively Britain's control of Palestine, it was called the British Mandate at that time. So let's move a little bit forward now, maybe through to the 30s and 40s. Right, of course, before World War Two,

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where there was mass emigration of Jewish people into the land of Palestine, of course, there was lots of things that happen there. So So I mean, the Balfour Declaration is basically an agreement between a Walter Rothschild who was Jewish back to the political Zionism and of course off about four. So once then the British

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kind of finally conquer Palestine. And with the with the help of

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kind of Arabs from Arabia from on the Sharif Hussein and others, they have initially promised to give the land to Sri for saying there was an agreement, you could say with Sharif aside, but actually proved was was two years before the Balfour Declaration. So it's important because people claim that then legally speaking about for declaration is a legal document that gives ownership to Zinus. But technically, because it was an agreement with the with the occupying power, but the British actually made it a prior agreement

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to actually give Sharif Hussein all of almost all of our Sham, that's about 1915 Right? Yeah. 1950 and salts of that's just slightly interesting. Yeah. But so they wants British control Palestine. They they create, they create a mandate for the Mandate Palestine where they're meant to be supervisors over it until it can become an independent state, much like they did in different parts of the Muslim world cutting into pieces making nation states. But these then starts increasing migration allowing mass migration of, of Jews from Russia were escaping persecution, so on so forth, political scientists from countries are not where there wasn't persecution, like Britain, Great

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Britain and, and so on, so forth.

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Interesting enough, many Jews came to Palestine and then use it as a jumping off point to actually go to America because America was bad prospects, and it was, you know, promised freedom and rights. So David said, that's why we're gonna go to this more desolate area, you know, and it just that's just that has it really indigenous population, if we're not too happy about British occupation, why am I going to go here? Why not America, and there's that's why the second most populous place in the world where Jews reside is United States of America, only a few million difference between the amount of Jews that live in America and amount of the living in the land of Palestine, as people are

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coming in now, it was huge people are coming into Palestine. Now we're seeing a population or demographic change. And this, if you like, it really does go up exponentially in the 1930s, doesn't it? Yeah. And then you've got things like the Arab Revolt, which take place, which is a very key time and place, which which force the British people to take notes. And Chamberlain, for example, who was the then Prime Minister at the time, then moved on to like the, you know, the white paper and stuff, maybe I think that was 1938, or something short. So So give us a little bit of going what's happening here. So So basically, the the political Zionists were initially naive, ie they

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didn't care about the population, the native population, what they would say or do thinking that they would just accede to wherever the British give a gift to the designers. So they didn't think there's going to be any resistance initially. Right? Or they think that it could be easily just dealt with. So this is very sorry, sorted. Yeah. But this is very important. So Palestinian resistance effectively starts in the 1930s. I mean, we're talking about New Age, Palestinian, we're just resistance where there's violence and or if you like, protest action, and there's, there's an action against both the Zionist groups and the British Mandate, what we have from 1956 2009, there's

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basically the Arab Revolt, where they they revolted against the British, the British occupation, and the British kind of attempt to create a definite nationalist state for Jews, and there was no Hamas at this time was that there's no Hamas. So just just in case.

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So this is the people that are there, and they're not happy. Now. Now, the argument initially, is that Zionist were coming and just buying land and they weren't forcing, they weren't, you know, forcing people off. But this is not exactly entirely the full story. The full story is, is that they would, they would be a kind of a one sided market where they would come.

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Arabs who was selling, they're like everyone's buying and selling, you have an equilibrium binding of buyers and sellers. So what they do is they the Jewish National Fund would be set up with certain types of designers funds will be set up, they would buy any, you know, land from any Arabs who are selling, and even if it is sometimes a proxy, they'd get an Arab intermediary to buy it, because many people didn't want to sell designers say they've got an average community to buy it. Then they would buy the land. Now the land has people working on it. Right? You might have people who are tenant farmers who are renting and so on. If they were if they were if they'd all be kicked out.

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Right, because there's what I'm the new law

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Lord now as actually the Jewish National Fund, you're going to be kicked out and replaced with Jewish tenant farmers. Yeah. Now imagine someone buys a house of flats. Okay. And let's say the house of flats isn't a part of London, or what have you, where it's like 60%, Afro Caribbean, let's just say, right? So when you get a new landlord, and they say, right, then, you know, everyone who's Afro Caribbean, I'm going to kick you out. And I'm going to replace you with white people. When only white people, what would you say? That's pretty racist? Course? Yeah. And you're ethnically, you're not like killing off or people, per se. But you are, in a sense, ethnically cleansing. You know, by

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all means, yeah, of course. So that was happening. Yeah. And the Arab, the cities of Palestine became filled up with, with Arabs who have were landless, because they had been kicked out of their land. They were tenant farmers. And they didn't, they didn't have anywhere to go. And this became a problem such that the appeal commission was invested was commissioned by Britain to investigate what to do about all these Arab tenant farmers. Now, there was this provision, so that the pill commission, I mean, kind of happens after the the Arab Revolt, and the white paper is produced, which gives a solution to the problem. And that's by Chamberlain. And that was, at at first very

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much taken badly by the Zionist groups who after that had been released, because it wasn't as favorable as they wanted it to be then started to ramp up the terrorism, isn't it? And at this time, you had the Oregon and the levy, and other groups which are effectively Jewish terrorist groups, who started to act in a manner to kill non combatants suddenly, yeah, so yeah, so 947 pill commission, like uncovered that these these problems of and they they recommended that the best solution would be maybe to partition land and kind of deal with maybe stymie mass migration, because one of the issues that the locals were having problem with that was mass migration was coming into their land,

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to the point with with the express intention of creating an ethno nationalist state where they would then be a minority on their own land. Okay. So anyone who lives on earth as a native their own land wouldn't like the to know that basically, they're being in essence rented a deliberate minority, and they would never achieve kind of political sovereignty for themselves. Right. So then, okay, so then the British tried to then placate to the Arabs in this to this extent, they have the white papers released. And they implement a policy to to reduce migration to more manageable if they don't stop it completely, but they reduced it. And how did the the two kind of major groups major this you

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could say, military groups of the Zinus, because they actually had militant groups or militias, so that the hug or not, and the hug hug, and the, which was the main one, which would later become Israeli Defense Force, and of course, you had the air gun, and then you also had the lady and stern gang. So these start kicking in terror operations against the British schools had Ghana had much more of a considered tone, and this and this whole thing says they weren't as brash and brazen as Aragon and Lehigh. Would you agree with this? Well, I mean, initially, they even worked with the British to suppress the Arab revolts. So they were trained, they had weapons, and so on, so forth.

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But then they began doing deliberate

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terror attacks against Britain, to force them to resume design is to plan which is to increase mass migration, with the hope that eventually, they can, designers can get a Jewish majority in Palestine, and then create a Jewish ethno nationalist state where they are the majority. And probably the most prominent example of that was 1946. King David Hotel bombing wasn't it was 91 people that were killed civilians, including Britain, actually, there were British civilians. For the most part, there's some Arabs that did die. But this was an attack on British people, wasn't it? Oh, of course. I mean, but it's not just that. There were and by the way, sorry, it was chips off.

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Yeah, just to cut off. Very interestingly, just like we're seeing nowadays with the Israeli army saying that this whole you know, this hospital or this hotel, or this building is housing the terrorists, they made the same kind of argument. They said, this is the headquarters for the British Empire, or the headquarters of the British and we have to bomb it because they're there and in fact, they did it the same tactics were the same tactics of warning the people in the hotel that there's going to be some kind of an attack on there and they attack they killed they killed us they killed the people that the non combatants and others in the same way and these were white people I want to

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make it very clear that the same tactic set as the Israeli Defense Force is employing now with Palestinian people design is forgotten which was there if you like predecessor

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employed with with white English people. Yeah. And also what people don't realize, because some people say well, because the gun and Lehi and so on, they were pretty.

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They would be killing outright and

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Regardless of whether the the media would ever at the time would cover it, they'd be outright just killing women and children, Palestinian Arab women, women children, the Huginn are at least attempted to try to YES to not pay to do so. But when in reaction to the the white paper, the British white paper in October 45, they actually all officially joined forces to call themselves the Jewish resistance movement. Right? So they will, so these are gonna We're totally happy to unite with these people. Right to fight the British. And, and, and there were even kind of refugee ships or ships that had kind of Jewish refugees, where the British tried to kind of turn them around from

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Palestine to send them to the US elsewhere in following the white paper. And the hug and I bombed these these ships with with with Jewish people on the ship sunk them and while Jews make a statement, the statement was that you must allow these migrants to come to the state of Palestine, don't send them elsewhere. And what's really powerful and interesting about this is that some of the key figures of these Jewish terrorist groups ended up becoming Prime Ministers and Presidents of the of the State of Israel thereafter, like, begin, for example, yeah, hi, and begin. And mongering, of course, was Paul Teigen. And he was the Prime Minister of Israel and a leading figure in the wars

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that Israel done with the Arab states, which we're going to cover next. Well, in the history of Israel, you'll never see any Zionist

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terrorist who was even declared to be terrorist, by the British, and so on and so forth. Ever. Work actually did commit crime, war crimes, you could say, ever be prosecuted by Israeli courts, you get Nazi war criminals being prosecuted by Israeli courts, but you never get full members of Aragorn or Leahy or someone ever been prosecuted. But they did call them terrorists. And that's something we've seen, which is different when they were killing the white man. They were happy calling Oregon and Lehi and stern gang terrorists. And this was very clear in the front page newspapers of almost all the British outlets at the time. But when the same kind of operation is done to people of a

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different ethnicity, they don't want to call them terrorists, because now that there are states and they're not killing white people that killing Palestinians. Don't what's what's the irony is that this when the Hygiena and lay and stuff, were basically Madonna, mostly, were getting weapons and ammunition. And the British trying to stop this. Yes. So they would, they would smuggle weapons in and they would hide them in civilian buildings, in hospitals underneath. And so it's also using civilians as human shields use. They use Hamas. Oh, exactly. They did exactly themselves. Well, I mean, you just mentioned they didn't mind their own, effectively Jewish people being killed in the

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ships. I mean, and we should also point out that these groups are going and so on. They also meant they always mentioned this, this malady of Palestine having discussion with Hitler, but they don't mention the fact that the Afghan had a pact with the Nazis, and which is known in peer reviewed journals. And they both have the same United objective, which was to get rid of

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Jewish people from Europe and bring them to Palestine. So they had a reason to unite. So in many ways, the Afghan and the Nazis.

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I mean, they did collaborate, didn't they? Well, I mean, what most people don't realize firstly, so just just to explain the context, so

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especially Benjamin Netanyahu claims that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem at the time was in 1947.

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Spoke prior to life was him, of course, had had met with him though that's true. And had a Hitler wasn't really intending to kill Jews in the Holocaust, but this Mufti gave him the idea to do so. Which there's no evidence for it's completely ridiculous. And there's evidence to there's well known evidence to show that this was the plan that Hitler had well before of course before that, so he's trying to create a narrative, isn't he trying to create narrative to blame the Holocaust on Palestinians? And the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem doesn't is not the ruler of the Palestinian, the person who didn't have a central government, yes, to represent them. Right. The the hugging, and

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the, the is what they were called the issue of the those who were these these designers who were basically settling in in Palestine, they had a kind of a centralized kind of semi government system alongside the British government that was occupying the land. The Palestinians were never never had whenever united under any kind of one government or one rule or any of this kind of stuff. That's what led them to being so vulnerable to both the British and the heartland prior to establishing the State of Israel. So we spoke about just to just repeat the timeline, so maybe people they can notes on this, I do recommend that people take notes of this, that we spoke about kind of like the 1800s,

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late 1800s of 19th century. Then we spoke about, you know, the Balfour Declaration. 1917. We spoke about them the British mandate to govern all over the 2019 20s. And then in the 30s. We mentioned 1936, in particular, which is the Arab Revolt. And then we mentioned the white paper, which I think is 19 will appeal reports. 97 Yeah. And then you mentioned of course, the white paper, which I think is 1939. Yeah, Neville Chamberlain, the pm at the time in England, and then we

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went into the 1940s. Yeah, we discuss some of the things that terrorist action that because of the anger of some of the designers groups, including but not limited to, are going to stand down, let Lehigh and so on, they decided to take action. And we went all the way up to 1946 with one of the most egregious actions that was taken against white people, which is the David King David Hotel bombing in 1946. Now, we're kind of at the precipice of the inception of what is referred to as a sea of Israel, which, which was incepted in 1948, in May 20. So, so tell us what's going on around that. So let's start now, let's start from when the UN resolution in November 1947, is is adopted to

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recommend partition goes. So petitioning. Now, designers would claim that well, the Arabs didn't accept it. And, uh, we accepted it. So, but because they didn't accept it, it's not binding on us. First and foremost, they, they had no intention of honoring any partition. So the Ben Gurion himself mentions, yeah, that

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they would initially, they would initially go into his oxide. Yeah, sorry. So Ben Gurion would like later on become the leader. Well, he is he at this point, he's, he's the leader of the kind of the Jewish government prior to the exceptional state of Israel, and then he becomes the leader of the Hagon. Alright, well, he waves he's the commander of it, obviously, that and then he became the pm of the prior, he became the prime minister of just for the people to know there's it's a semi presidential system in Israel. So they have a President and the Prime Minister at the same time. Yes, yeah. And the Prime Minister has more power than prison. Yeah, because the President is just

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basically like a figurehead for ceremonies and symbolic. So So Ben Gurion, then kind of relates in we see these discussions of meetings he had with his with his cabinet and other people. So we see him discussing that basically, the partition was just a stepping stone. Yes. So they initially will, okay, the partition will happen that right, that means that that allows them to create a state in the partition of the Jewish partition areas. What is a partition? Just people don't know what this word right, so the partition was the initial un plan was to partition

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Palestine into two areas, which, which roughly approximates to allowing the fall of the West Bank to the Palestinians and the hazard to the Palestinians. And Jews to kind of be partitioned to have the majority settlements and cities for most, most parts prior to night, the 1967 borders, but not exactly that. Not exactly like that, because the North was still for Arabs, they Yaffa and so on, and so forth. Okay. So

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then what happens? The The proposal was more land than is currently given, of course, to Palestinians. Now, in terms of territories, I mean, the the initial partition had more land that was proposed to the Palestinians. And as, for example, now on the or Hamas and all the Palestinian Authority, it was much more land, it was much more land. But then Ben Gurion kind of admitted in in cumilla case, that his plan and for what they would do after the petition has been accepted. Yes, is that they would they would then demand from the, from the Arab Palestinians, that Jews should be allowed to settle in significant majorities to make a majority in like the Negev and trans Jordan,

00:33:23 --> 00:33:33

you mentioned, you mentioned this, and they given trans Jordan. And that if the if the Arab Palestinians say, Look, we look, we, we don't want to be a minority in our own land.

00:33:34 --> 00:33:59

And so we don't accept that. We don't want anyone to accept any deals, any financial inducements, when you buy this, then they said they prepared to use force to until they can settle. And on the entire land of Palestine. We now before or after the establishment of the State of Israel, we have we established itself, this is just prior to Yeah. So this is short communications. Ben Gurion was like, let's own we're only going to accept the partition. Yes.

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Just so that people give us the space to create a formal state military apparatus, a state, once we have that we're not going to stop at the partition. So someone will say, Okay, that's a that's a pretty tall claim. What's the source for this? Have you got any information? Any source academic citations? Yes, yes, yes, I have the evidence right here. So Ben Gurion kind of clearly admits that in a meeting with the Jewish Agency, executive digital agency was the government, you could say, of the other designers in Palestine. So it's in June 1938. In a meeting minutes, he argued, that he talks about

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when someone says to him, you know, shall we, shall we, like expand our population and transfer the Arabs out of Palestine by force? So he says that initially wants to do by because mutual agreements with them, when they will see that they can't sign up to us when they see will be given financial incentives. But here's the thing he says so

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Let's assume that the Negev, for example, which is currently under occupation by Israel course in the internationally recognized borders, quote, unquote. So he says, let's assume that assume that the Negev will not be included in the Jewish state, it would then remain barren, the Arabs are not capable, or no need to develop and build it. They have their fair share of deserts and they lack the human resources, the money and the initiative. This was typical colonialist mentality looking at these natives, they won't develop it like we would. And it's very likely that in exchange for our financial, military and organizational scientific assistance, the Arabs will agree that we develop

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and build the Negev, it is also possible they will not agree, people does not always behave according to logic, common sense and best interest. So they think was these natives don't see that, that us we that's kind of giving it to us, allowing us to develop it is in their best interest, then, and here's now comes what the alternative is.

00:35:56 --> 00:36:27

So just like so you're talking to this guy with a mouse just like you, I feel a contradiction between your mind and your heart. So it's possible that Arabs will act according to their own national nationalist emotion, I will tell us we want neither your honey nor your sting, it is better for the naked to remain barren than to be populated by you, then he says, and then we will have to talk to them in a different language. And we will have a different language, which we will not have unless we have a state, because we cannot stand to see such large areas of unsettled land capable of absorbing dozens or 1000s of Jews remain empty.

00:36:28 --> 00:37:03

So this is what he says. And then he says, and then we will have to use force. And we will use it without hesitation. Do we only if we have no other choice, we will we do not wish and don't need to expel Arabs and take their place. Our aspiration is built on the assumption proven for our activity, there's enough room in the country for both ourselves and the Arabs, but we will have to use but if we have to use force, to guarantee our own right to sell in those places, then we have force our disposal. So he was his point was that they first going to accept the partition to establish their state, when they have the state, they have an army, now they have an army, they can they can now

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give the Arabs a choice. They say, now you Let us settle, build settlements on the Arab partition areas, and take those lands, and you can be with us and you can benefit from the finances and so on and so forth, we won't, we don't want to kick you out initially, as long as you allow mass migration, but if you don't, then we're going to take those lands by force. And, and but not primarily to expel these initial not permitted expel the Arabs, but so that they can settle everywhere for the land. There are more explicit Of course, statements like for example, begin Mahakam I can't pronounce the first first name but but again, who became became a president of the

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of the State of Israel, he has a book called revolt, the revolts. And in it, he's very, very clear about expelling with force killing the people in the villages, the hate he has for the Palestinians. And this is something you can get online, you can get PDF copy of this particular book. Of course, when the State of Israel was established, you had formal, you know, legal things which you can be confined like for example, plan Dalit. And of course, plan Dalits was, I mean, I'm gonna be asking you what, what is plan Dalit? For those who don't know, and tell us now with the exception of the deceivers row, and then the subsequent Nakba that happened, what what's going on with that, and what

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is planned delet Okay, so, so then a bed grid first thought that once you have a partition, and then designers can then have a state and the state could have an army, and then they can, in essence, it diplomatically first and try to make an agreement to take over the remaining part of Palestine. But if the Palestinians don't agree to that, then by force, so they always go to take it over, however, because in 1947, because then the Palestinians, basically, you know, they were not going to accept this, what happened was they used a pretext. So they said, Okay, since the petition has been declared, and since then there is

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we need to have the Arabic states not accepting this, the politicians are not accepting this. You know, we need to we need to kind of get reinforce our state as much as possible, make it stronger, as quickly as possible. We need to make to take strategic land, quote, unquote. And so they accelerated their plan to take over the air partitions. So in essence, they launched a war in 1947, beginning in December 947, ending in March 1948, which do clearing operations and there was a plan called plan Dalit, which was a plan that was given to all military commanders the hug enough that they would go to

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our villages and towns which are in strategic areas, quote, unquote, which is basically most of Palestine and they would, they would assess the town. If the town is in a strategic area, they would basically clear out the population. All right, through any means or

00:40:00 --> 00:40:14

I'm Jeremy. But there are those unofficial communiques things that are not recorded in such official plans. Where in essence, the the Hagia leaders understood that if the state of Palestine was to be made

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a state, one whole state, like not separated, but every everyone being equal citizens, the Arabs already had a majority still, there was still a majority of that land. And even in the in the Jewish petition areas that was given to Zionists, there was still a significant proportion that was 40% Arabs. So the first thing that we're going to do, we're going to clear out, they're going to change that demographic. Ben Gurion even cited that how can we have a Jewish state, even with only 60 60% Jews, even though there's still the majority, but it's the Arab minority is still too big, right? So this led to basically the cold clearing operations, they would go, either they'd give an ultimatum

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or they would, if there was any resistance encounter from any Arab village encounter or town encountered. They were given full rein to just go in guns blazing literally and, and wipe them out if possible. I obviously a good book for this is Elon puppies ethnic cleansing of parasites, one of the staple books, that wasn't one someone wants more information on that. Let's go forward. Because I think a lot of the you know, the Israeli Zionist historians

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will make it out as it okay that you got the established what what it is, is you've got the UN who have put this this Partition Plan has been accepted. You got the establishment of the State of Israel, and then you had all this antagonism, you had all this provocation. You had all these attacks, starting with 1948, with all these Arab states attacking Israel, Israel has always been defending themselves. Of course, what we've already shown right here is that everything has been aggressive. So how would you defend yourself against something like that as 1948, the Arab states came and attacked Israel. So said, so the UN Partition Plan was never respected by the Zionists.

00:42:01 --> 00:42:39

Like before they even established a state, right. So this is again in 47, they launched attacks to take it to do land grabs in areas that was meant to be a portion to the Palestinians. Now this is this is this is without the involvement of the Arab armies around the world, these will mean the Arab states, they are the person has didn't have a formal army of any kind. They didn't have a centralized command, right. In many cases, each village had its own separate militia. Right? There was no initiation of an invasion or even at land grab by Palestinians into the Jewish portion. There were designers apportioned areas that didn't exist. Okay. It was the only people that had an army

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and a centralized command. Were that was the the the Zionist kind of settlement settlers there. Under the hug enough, yes, the the Jewish Agency, as it was called, they're the ones that had a centralized government. I see. So they could launch offensive operations. And they did into the areas that were meant to be our partition that and they made excuse, well, the Arabs aren't accepting the partition. Yeah. But they're not they're not invading the Jewish partition areas, so to speak, that was given designers so that they just said, Well, you know, they're not accepting and so they started to invade. So that was that you could say the initiation of an aggression other than

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from the British Invasion, you could say, this was where the Jewish Agency which would then become these Ready Go State or the government

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was the the initiator of invasions of invasion itself invading and taking land, right. So we've got 1948 And then you've got kids, this is 47 to March to March 14. This already kicks out 100,000 Palestinians out of their lands, right. So tell us about the Nakba, what is an acapella, okay, well, technically speaking, this is the beginning of the Nakba. Right. So which is the great catastrophe disaster where Palestinians are ethnically cleansed from that from towns and cities and so on and so forth. And then we have, then we have the kind of the declaration of the State of Israel on the 15th of May 1948. Now, this is where,

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you know, like planned dial, it was already formulated by this time to clear out it wasn't in response to the Arab armies coming in the Arab armies. It wasn't response to Patterson's went, went streaming out of Cebu. That's a good point because it can say well, that that was planned that it was a response to the Arab invasions, which will be historically planned Dalit was was even before the declaration of the State of Israel as an independent state, and the Arab armies response and the assault off brilliant. So

00:44:32 --> 00:44:48

so they so they declare, so the day before the end of the British Mandate was on the 15th of May, on the 14th of May they before Ben Gurion and the Jewish agency established declare the establishment of a Jewish state. Now, the Arab states protest against the

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the separation of Palestine into partition to you and this they had submit a formal letter and what their letter offers is that they say Look, don't cut into pieces make all

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One state. Okay, they didn't talk about saying we must kick out Jews. No, no, no, no. They said, one state, everyone that becomes a citizen and minority rights are protected under a democratic state. That's what they offered. Right? Which means that what they were Jews living now, of course, after the migration, but they were still a minority, right? But the Arab States said, look, look, let's not create ethno national states, you know, it's the man the British mandate is about to end was going to end. So let's just make a one state solution. Everyone equal citizens. How about that? Yeah, of course, the UN didn't accept that, of course. And of course, the designers would never

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accept that because their whole point of their existence is to create an ethno nationalist state that whereby Jews are a majority in a democratic state, and therefore, by de facto, their ethno cultural group determines the laws, the nature of the state, and so on, so forth, right? And I say, ethno cultural group, because they've always had this very specific vision, even when they established this law called the Law of Return, you know, where they would allow anyone who claims Jewish ancestry to come and to return back to the land of their ancestors, right? In that law, and I asked everybody to read it because people don't read that law. Okay. Yeah, if you're if you can

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claim Georgia, the ancestry significant reasons, which is so your mother is Jewish, for example, you can then claim the right of return.

00:46:28 --> 00:46:53

You can be Jewish, you can be atheist. Because Ben Gurion was atheists, they were socialist as well that the the political Zionist one religious, they didn't believe in God didn't care about that stuff. But if you are a Jew, with ethnically Jewish with a mother's Jewish, but you become a Muslim, or you become a Christian, you're not given the right of return to just shows you that design, this kind of

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goal wasn't just to return people who had an ancestry back to the land. Yeah, they don't they don't care about Palestinians don't only put it in that. It's an ethno cultural group must predominate. So race is a full time job. Racist, and even we used to discriminate because you discriminatory because you could be ethnically Jewish, but be a Christian and Muslim. And you don't get to the right of return to go back there. Anyway. So that's a point.

00:47:21 --> 00:47:31

Because so so then the you have all these Palestinians of streaming out of Palestine, you have, you have massacres occurring against villages that get widely publicized.

00:47:32 --> 00:48:06

You have massive like Derya seen and others, which were women children were blatantly killed. This is No, No one denies that. And just shot and all grenades were chucked into people's houses. So the Arab regimes around and certainly their populations are very angry about what's happening, right. So the Arab regimes are pressured by their people, and they make a complaint to the Arab League. And that makes a complaint to the UN saying that you have to stop this. This is like, like you're seeing a massacre of Palestinian happening right now. We're not know they haven't even gone in yet. They haven't even the no entry, nothing like this. Right. So then in response to that, they say, right,

00:48:06 --> 00:48:10

well, they gave the official letter to the UN saying that

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establish a unitary state where everyone gets equal citizenship. And if you're not going to do that, then we're going to do that. Yeah, didn't want to kick out all the Jews. They didn't say that. They said, No, no, ethno national state one unitary state, everyone's equal citizen, and we have to rescue those who are being ethnically cleanse in that land. So that's what was the pretext by which they've said that we need to go in and intervene. And that was that was after all these refugees are banging on their door trying to come into their land i Please help us save us and, and what have you, it wasn't they'll say, No, don't worry, leave first and then we will come in whatever didn't

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exist or these claims that there was radio broadcasts that people that was telling person to leave their lands and so on, is was was false. Yeah. So now after this, you've got a series of wars that take place Yes. We can't go into each of them in great detail. Yeah, we've got the Suez 956 Suez Canal prices yes not media wars more maybe I don't know how you maybe is a war Well, I mean, I mean look like like it's quite goes pretty quickly, which is basically yeah, that the Arab states and only a token amount of army they actually were outnumbered by designers to talk about that. If you're not I'm talking about the 1948 War when they come in. Okay.

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A further 600,000 Palestinians are made refugees. Yes. Have they kicked out? There are cities which were which even grew in order themselves to be depopulate. Like you must you must leave. Yeah, I'll give you interesting story in Bethlehem, Bethlehem as they say. The when the Zionist forces were reaching them, they were going to do the same thing they were going to do anyway, everywhere else to clear it out. Ben Gurion personally intervened to say, Oh, wait, wait, wait, guys. We have the the record of this so the No one denies this. He says no, not that it's a majority Christian town and the eyes was

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The world, the superpowers are mostly Christian, they're going to react very negatively if we, if we kick out people out of Bethlehem. So in that they personally intervene, which shows that Ben Gurion knew what a lot of his hacking commands were doing anyway, because we know because he didn't have been specifically told not to do it, you know, when to make the make the exception. So this shows you that they had an ethnic cleansing policy back then. Yes. All right. So now, right 48, the Arab armies failed to to create a unitary state in Palestine, and that the State of Israel was created. They were outnumbered throughout the whole war, the Arab armies, they were ill equipped to take on

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that they were outnumbered by their enemy, which is ridiculous. Why would you send all these armies would only be redeemed would only send a minority amount of soldiers who were outnumbered by the enemy shows that they weren't really interested. Yeah, they'll just making a token gesture to placate the population was different discussion. Okay. So then. So then fast forward then. So there's really state is established, but it doesn't control the West Bank, he doesn't control Gaza, Gaza, the control of Egypt, the West Bank is under control of Jordan. Right. So then, in 1956, as you know, as you know, the you know, the Egyptian regime wants to wants to nationalize the Suez

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Canal Suez Canal, is was was kind of kind of Cohen by British and French interests. The Egypt said, Look, it says on our territory, we want to nationalize it for the interest of the Egyptian people say yes, it should be owned by foreign powers. Okay. So then Britain, in cahoots with France, in cahoots with Israel coordinate a invasion of the Sinai and the takeover of the of the swears. Okay.

00:51:46 --> 00:52:20

There was no provocation against Israel. Well, what's what's this robot do this? Yeah. But this shows that Israel's main function has always been to further the strategic interests of the West, its relationship with the West is a fulfills its strategic interest in the Middle East. It's a it's a launch pad. Well, I mean, this this is the time where a lot of historians say that there was a shift in terms of superpower status. Of course, after World War Two, yes, one Americans venes is effectively telling the other guys that, look, why didn't you get in? Why didn't get me involved in this? And kind of put them aside? And, and that's how the situation was maybe resolved. Many

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historians would say this is when really the United States of America solidified its status as the world's superpower. Yeah. I mean, also, I mean, I mean, this is when America starts to take over from Britain, right. So Britain uses its its little pet project. And it becomes now under you know, it makes a deal with America found it found a better, a better sugar daddy, you can say, yeah, for it. Yeah. And so this is this is the relationship between Israel and America. Now, this shows you and this is the thesis that you're putting forward that there was, I mean, effectively, you can't make the argument that Israel is defending itself here, because they're in cahoots with two other

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major powers of the world. X empires and the biggest empires interfere in the internal affairs of another neighboring country. Exactly. Which, which has nothing to do with anything that threaten Israel. Absolutely. So and then then you've got something which is very well known, which is the Six Day War, otherwise known as 1967. Yeah, so then, now like fast forward, of course, people can research these things and on time, we're giving them a bit of a you know, we went for 1800s now in 1967 soldiers were giving them a superficial a skeletal if you like timeline, so they can do their own reading, but it's very important for people to know at least the timeline, right. So so yeah,

00:53:27 --> 00:53:54

like almost a decade later. So basically, the so Israel is is obviously not just doing nothing right there it's having clashes with neighboring countries close but not just clashes in the sense of like they just fight army to Army because there's because Georgia is not fighting Israel's series or fighting or Egypt or fighting is or live Lebanon, armies are fighting Israel. Israel is launching raids into

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Jordan into Egypt, but Jordan quite a lot destroying Jordanian villages like the village of salmon for example. And what actually destroying the village not just going into to to fight but actually destroying the whole village they're claiming that this is a retaliation against Palestinian militants. Now the issue is this that what most people don't realize is that there was un observers the University at the time said that we've we've there was no known activity from the Jordanian control Westbank by Palestinian militants. Secondly, Jordan itself was trying to maintain the peace by fighting the past few minutes itself and they actually had killed more Palestinian militants and

00:54:37 --> 00:54:50

Israel had right it was it was anyway if if the text any it would it would it would destroy them. Right. So clearly, Jordan was was clearly Jordan had it was was basically suppressing any potential or any

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militant quote unquote militant activity by Palestinians will be argued, of course, someone can say well, on the on the flip side, you've got gumming up the Nasser in Egypt and he was

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very fiery, and in his anti Israel opposition, and the 1967 was nothing but a preemptive strike that attacked the artillery of a nation which was hostile towards Israel. Couldn't someone make this point? Well, you see, here's the here's the issue, right? Yes. So

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Israel was attacking,

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you know, with the West Bank already. All right on the Jordanian control 90 661 year before the 96, seven year war, and they're massacring whole village and villages attacking bombing, constant raids. So Jordan complains to the UN saying, but do something about this because this is like really horrific what they're doing right Jordan didn't even react militarily. Right? It because it doesn't want to provoke Israel because it was just waiting. Right? Just waiting. It wants to provoke Jordan. Then it because it because it because the designers have a permanent interest. The whole land of Palestine has been green kind of admitted many years ago. The whole land of Palestine is their

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target. They want to take all of it. Right. They don't care about Petitioner just as a starting off point. Yeah. But Jordan was knows this, okay, doesn't want to antagonize them. But the Arabs in Rabat are angry. Look, Israel's massacring whole Arab villages. What do you know what to do? So the nurses on the pressure? Yeah, cuz he's viewed as you know, as as the leader of the United Arab Republic, which is, you know, an alliance between Iraq and Syria and Egypt to become a kind of one state kind of, but they're still separate in a way. So he then his pressure, so he kind of he rattles sabers, he says, like, Don't do this. So he closes the streets of Tehran, if you if you see

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that in the sign is just on the, on the east side of Sinai, there's the there's the streets of Tehran that leads to south of Israel and south tip of Israel,

00:56:50 --> 00:57:28

the Israeli state, and he closes it off as a gesture. And he moves some army forces next to the border of Israel to say like, like, you know, don't do this. And then of course, America comes in sweeps and as always say, Okay, well, I'm gonna deescalate we're going to negotiate with now. So there's a good possibility that he will open it up with negotiations, he's made his point, so and so forth. And of course, there is there is Kuna case by Mossad by the the the Israeli Defense Minister at the time, by American intention, he says that NASA doesn't actually want any war with with Israel, and because in any fighting with Israel, because my 56 will show them that they might, they

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would most likely lose such a one on one. So but they but they couldn't let the mask of Arab villages go to they were going to do a show of strength. But there was no it wasn't an invasion army coming there was it was that the army was too small to invade. You have to have mobilization of your population, no.

00:57:45 --> 00:58:21

One can say even if they did want to invade, after all that's been done, it would have been totally justified. I mean, yes. But the Zionist argument was that they were they were existentially threatened by Egypt. At this point, even though all their communicate all that Mossad, all the intelligence agencies, and their own defense minister, admitted afterwards in their, in their memoirs, but also the classified cables that they said that NASA is not intended to fight NASA doesn't want to fight and will argue that well, why did NASA go to the Soviet Union and get on by means of Czechoslovakia at that time, they were arming them, they had new military hardware and so

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on, if they didn't really want to fight, why they why they're doing all these things? Well, I mean, Israel itself was was getting weapons by Czechoslovakia to, you know, that they're buying weapons they're buying arms to because 1956 War showed them that Israel could Israel took Sinai like that with the help of British women, if you're Egypt, and these people can just walk walks into your country at will, you're going to want to defend yourself, you're going to want to arm up. But but that was never argued that was was the existential threat. Right. But then here's the thing, and this illustrated that. What happened next was Israel's administration was interested. Okay, they did

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a pre emptive strike on on Egypt. Yeah. But they took the Egyptian army completely by surprise. Exactly. Yeah. So if there was, this is this is a great argument, because if they want an existential threat, and the Egyptians were trying to attack the Israelis, then how could it be a surprise that the Israelis hit them first? Imagine I'm angry at you. I say I'm angry. I'm gonna beat you up and I come at you fists clenched your radius. You see me limbering up, you see me get, I come right at you. Yes. I'm gonna beat you up, or I'm gonna be I'm very angry at you. And then you punch me in the face. But guess what, you push me in the face. How could it be a surprise? It wouldn't be

00:59:35 --> 00:59:53

why would it be a surprise? If I'm ready to face you? How are you punching me gonna surprise me? Because, I mean, the way in which all these, you know these airplanes and stuff like were destroyed in six days. You cannot argue that this was done. It wasn't even it was. It was. It was Syrian airfields. It was Jordanian

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there was an Iraqi airfield that was just next next to the Jordan border that got obliterated to Iraq.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:24

He's got consensus even on those on designers side. I mean, they they'll glow and it goes to the fact that was a surprise. So sure. Now now, what is what it is? Now, because of that they take in the Sinai Peninsula, the Sinai Peninsula a second time, and they wanted to hold on to it. They did. They took Gaza, they took us on the peninsula, but now they use that as a sign that, for those who don't know, is a massive,

01:00:25 --> 01:01:04

massive land. Yeah, it's a few times bigger than Israel. The Israeli State's own control. You imagine new land? Yeah, yeah. You know, which is illegal under international law. Yeah. And because now now, Jordan was under a defense pact with Egypt and Egypt being invaded. Right. So Jordan basically just fires a few artillery shots into into Israel to say, like, like to make at least a gesture that is honoring its defense pact with coming to Egypt help. Yeah, because Egypt is actually being invaded at this point. Yeah, of course. And then it's because now we got what we wanted. So then they invade the West Bank. Yes. Oh, you're now you're shooting us. Now. We've got it. Now we

01:01:04 --> 01:01:45

got we wanted a pretext. And they and they had a pre prepaid plan to invade the West Bank. So let's fast forward. Now. There's a lot of anti Israel sentiment. This is how Israel justified its invasion. He also invaded the Golan, even though Syria has had an SI has now ceasefire. It's not stopped. It's stopping its immediate operations. It didn't want to fight it declared he didn't want to fight. And they said, No, we're going to take the Golan as well, the Golan Heights, right. So now, at this point, you know, when does the PLO come into play the Palestinian Liberation Organization otherwise known as fat, when when does that initiate okay. So this really, I mean,

01:01:45 --> 01:02:29

this, this, this kind of stuff really occurs really towards the, the end of of the kind of Jordanian control the West Bank now, because you have a whole bunch of Palestinians now now now under occupation by these radios. So what year are we talking here, like? So this begins after 1967? What this is when a whole bunch of these are people who had already left their homes, they still remember the next bus. So this is 20 years before the establishment of Hamas? Oh, I'm only I only keep I'm only repeating this point, because people are going to scapegoat Hamas, but Hamas didn't even exist at this time. Yes. So when Israeli attacks, start start, you know, attacking Palestinians and wiping

01:02:29 --> 01:02:33

up Palestinian villages, even before the 1967 War.

01:02:34 --> 01:03:18

You know, the Palestinians are all trying to organize a resistance against this. This happens in 1964. Okay, the PLO is established by 64. Yep. To be both a political organization to for Palestinian rights. Yep. And, and then nationalist and secular. Just to be clear, right? Yes, yeah. Yeah, they're not they're not based on any religious debate by any religious considerations. They have mixture of Christian Arabs, as you know, 10% of persons are Christian. Yeah. So. So it is actually they even get recognized to some extent by the UN in 1974 as having observer status. So they get recognized as a national movement by the UN. Now, the the issue is that they, they became

01:03:18 --> 01:03:28

political party in 1965. And this is a political party. Yeah. To get Palestinian nationhood, right for themselves a separate state.

01:03:29 --> 01:04:00

But once Israel occupies the West Bank and Gaza, and you have a whole bunch of Palestinian refugees do that more refugees were created. Now they were kicked out and pushed, pushed more eastwards in the West Bank. So they were already people that had were refugees 20 years ago, and they were pushed even further away, or you kicked out, or they left or they were forced out and went to Jordan, other places like this. Jordan became so overcrowded with Palestinians, they will seem like about 50% of the Jordanian population itself was Palestinian at one point, right. So

01:04:01 --> 01:04:40

they begin resistance and insurgent operations against the against Israel because they are now under direct occupation. Right before they were under Jordanian control, where at least with the Jordanians, they weren't getting racial discrimination. They weren't facing racial discrimination, racial harassment, or so on, so forth, but under Israeli control, that's when that begins, and that's when the insurgency occurs. So this is where then Palestinians are facing facing that. So designers would say, What about the 1970? Free war? Yeah, wasn't that a war that was for our survival? We were existentially threatened, but again, reclaiming sign that wasn't that was that was

01:04:40 --> 01:05:00

Yeah, as far as the Egyptian army wanted to reclaim sign that afterwards they argued that they they had to regain the national honor because this was a big slap to their face that they lost the sign. Absolutely. There was there was a lot of like anti Israel sentiment at this time. The Egyptian population was absolutely outraged about what happened. Yeah. Get out of the NASA came out in the night and see

01:05:00 --> 01:05:38

See seven. And he basically apologized to the public that he was talking about reclaiming site and stuff like that, you know, it built up all the way up to the 1971 going out of muscle died, obviously I was at that at that time had taken power. And it was his thought. And he started negotiating with the Americans with Kissinger and so on. And what was narrated by primary sources is that he effectively said to him, we can't do anything to you, or for you, unless this becomes a crisis in the Middle East, which means that you effectively need to have some something to negotiate with, with that, and also death and others decided to go into Sinai and not take the whole thing

01:05:38 --> 01:06:18

over just a portion of it so that they can have something good to negotiate with Syria in invades, quote, unquote, their own land that the Golan, yeah, they want that back. And Egypt just invade Sinai, which was their lap for their land. They have very limited objectives. They only want to take that those areas of land, right. And even then, I mean, even in that war, Israelis actually penetrated Egypt itself. I mean, that Ariel Sharon, what he went into was less mallia and all the way up, you know, so it wasn't, it wasn't some passive war. Yes. I mean, most will say that, especially in the Egyptian context, or Egypt got wanted in terms of, you know, objectives of war and

01:06:18 --> 01:06:42

got the Sinai Peninsula. But now we're talking about Camp David. And so we move on in 1978. Yeah, so now there's this Camp David agreement. Yeah. So alright, so that's all the you know, it's, well, we've never, ever really existentially threatened since 1948. Ever. And any, all the things that it does is never because it's existentially threatened. It's because either there's opportunity to expand more land,

01:06:43 --> 01:07:21

or it to suppress anyone that is identified as a resistance to it, even if they're not actively fighting with them at that point in time. So I mean, Israel readily flies jets into Syria and bombs and Hezbollah targets. No one ever talks about this, right. Yeah. Hezbollah is not currently fighting. You know, the State of Israel, quote unquote, right? They're not in active war that since since the Lebanon War, the more recent one, but they bomb it regularly. They say this was a Hezbollah shipment of arms from the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Syria. Okay, well, what Syria doesn't its own territory and your business, right. But they say, Well, this is giving arms to a

01:07:21 --> 01:07:44

group that we don't like, well, but the group you don't like you're in a ceasefire with them? You're not You're not You're not actively fighting with them, but you're still bombing them. And that really shows Israel's policy. Is that safe? We don't like you. They say, we're just going to keep bombing you, wherever the difference between active war and peace time is just the level of military operations that Israel does against you. Sure.

01:07:46 --> 01:08:28

Of so we've, because we want to kind of maybe, wrap up now, this is a there's a lot we've spoken about in terms of the history, and there's a lot that people have, that can take us, like I say, it's a skeletal historical timeline. We've started from the 1800s. And we're all the way here and 19, let's say 80. Now, I think cam David is 1990 78. If I'm correct, correct, and that the agreement between the Egyptians and the the Israelis, and then you have the sign agreement back in exchange for peace, everlasting peace with Egypt and, and Israel. So this takes place, then you have from 1978, effectively on, let's just say, you've got the the peace that you wanted, with the big

01:08:28 --> 01:09:04

countries around you, all the way up to let's say, 2023, which is our year now. And of course, fat have, you know, the Oslo Accords, and these attempts to try and forge peace, through negotiation, and so on all of that, as we've we've heard from Palestinian Liberation Organization representatives, has not been fruitful. And the Palestinians are becoming more and more angry about this. And then 1987, you have the establishment of Hamas. And so tell us now, from the establishment of Hamas, until this time, what are the notable things that we should know? Maybe the Intifada has some?

01:09:05 --> 01:09:07

I mean, well, like okay, so So basically,

01:09:09 --> 01:09:46

you know, Israel doesn't just do nothing, right. If you look at the history, it's invaded its neighbors multiple times since? Yeah, so it's invaded Lebanon, three times. Yeah. Everyone forgets that, you know, Lebanon doesn't have an army to conquer anything. But because there's PLO organizations there. And then later on the last one, there was Hezbollah, they basically invaded, and they invaded again, usually as a response to a retaliation to their own low level military operations. Because once they say, Don't don't like you, they're going to they either do low level attacks against you, or high level attacks against you. So in winning peacetime, quote unquote, they

01:09:46 --> 01:09:59

just do they maintain this constant background hum of assassinations, bombing, targeted strikes, Commando rates. This is what they call peace. Yeah, or ceasefire. And so when people say I'm sick, look at

01:10:00 --> 01:10:21

I don't like your ceasefire, because your ceasefire is killing us, literally, we're gonna protest by shooting a few rockets, I'm not gonna restrict you strategically do anything, per se. And then it's because of pretext, then raise it to high level military things to the scene, let's see if we can destroy this whole organization or train chinder to do the strategic balance of Lebanon. So this is basically what they did.

01:10:22 --> 01:10:39

Now, Hamas rises up in the midst, in the issue of the Lebanon War, and it's actually encouraged by Israel. So So basically, the Lebanon Lebanon War starts at 1982. And it was initially targeted at clearing out

01:10:40 --> 01:11:23

the the PLO from Palestine, but they committed many outrageous, and there's really no they use local, nationalist Christian forces to fight. So they that Hamas was founded in 1987. And it is, you know, is a response to the Israeli occupation of Lebanon, which was which was ongoing at this point in time. And it was originally funded by the Israelis, I think, at one point, wasn't it? That Well, Israel kind of gave secretly gave support to it as a rival to Fatah? Because Fatah was secular PLO? But yeah, and so Hamas is, is because it's more religious and orientation, quote, unquote, it was deemed to be a rival to weaken the PLO, yeah, by creating a by supporting a rival organization,

01:11:23 --> 01:12:00

which would then later on, it just did lose control of of course, because it would then get some support. Now, Hamas is actually meant to be a political organization. Its its military wing, the one that actually does the fighting is called it is a de la casa de la Qassam brigades. And they were actually formed in 1980 in 1993. So yeah, so that's already five years after Hamas was formed. So most of the political party, and five years later, it forms or has a military wing that does the actual insurgency and fighting. So this is this is where this happens now, obviously, then you have the intifadas and so on. Yeah. So So meanwhile, in Israel, and in the West Bank occupied

01:12:00 --> 01:12:23

territories, you know, Palestinians are under military rule. So they don't elect governments, they don't represent by any governments, they don't have their own leaders that can approve building permits. They can they can help their own children in the next generation. And so that stuff, they are stifled and restricted and face police harassment, brutality, killing,

01:12:24 --> 01:12:42

on slightest pre taxes, and so on, so forth. So in 9088 to 1993, they initiate the First Intifada from the Arabic word to kind of shake off, they wanted to shake off the occupation. It leads to 1960 Palestinians dead 270 Israelis dead

01:12:44 --> 01:12:50

due to the occupation, occupation of West Bank and Gaza. So that's the key issue. Israel could have simply returned the 967

01:12:52 --> 01:13:27

kind of borders, and not give it back to Egypt or to to Jordan, but just give it to the Palestinians who are too weak to make any army and whenever threaten them ever. But they don't want to give it back. And the question is, why not? Jordan already relinquished. The West Bank says I don't want to have anything to do with it anymore. If any, anything that happened with the West Bank will be between you and the Palestinians. That was what it said to Israel base and there are two kinds of fathers. Right. So this is the first one that you mentioned. Yes. What was the second one? Okay, so so we have we know we have done the Oslo Accords. It happens at 1993, which starts to talk about

01:13:27 --> 01:13:38

giving zones of control to the Palestinians, then you have Oslo to that, although the Tabata agreement that happens 95 Yeah. Which talks about areas of disengagement. So they tried to

01:13:40 --> 01:14:17

kind of, is what makes this agreement with the Palestinians and the Palestinians. This is the PLO, especially Yeah, the Arafat. It's very, they're very naive on this, but they're quite desperate. And this is like this, which is when a split the West Bank into three zones. So an A, B and C, zone A, the Palestinians will control the security of it and the laws and the rules and regulations administration, Zone B, the partisan authority, which will be set up by Pierre viously, the PLO becomes a person authority will control the administrative and laws but they don't control the security of it. So basically, person in government, but Israeli police, right, basically. And Zone

01:14:17 --> 01:15:00

C, which is 60%. is controlled both by military of rule, yes. And by the Israeli security forces. So the Palestinians go are offered a few areas of the West Bank where they can actually control their own destiny. So they jumped at it because they never heard that before. But it's a trap, because it then justifies it has a signature of a Palestinian authority to the Israeli control of the vast majority of the West Bank that area C which is 60%. And of course area be where the where they control the military, and the security operations of that. So the Palestinians have was a kind of a trap because they have actually signed their own occupation they've actually given

01:15:00 --> 01:15:38

consent you could quote unquote and close to their patient is that you don't have you're not allowed the military there's you're not military but the the the the Oslo Accords were not meant to be a permanent thing. It was meant to be phases of disengagement. Yes. So Israel was to say, okay, area A is yours. But eventually once things are calm down, we see that it's all working, they will give you every will give you full control of Area B, and then eventually, we'll see about Area C. Yeah, it was meant to be in zones of disengagement. Yeah, but they could use any pretext to stall it and say, oh, there's you know, one person they have emergency Yeah, one Palestinians guy's dog bit and

01:15:38 --> 01:16:19

Israeli soldier or looked at adult soldier funny. This means that there's there's still insecurity, this means we call this international Jim Crow laws really isn't. Yeah, yeah. And, and it allowed them to control the the, the the Palestinian life in the West Bank, and in Gaza. Right. So let's, let's move forward now to so a second intifada occurs, you know, the year 2000 Does a second uprising. Yeah. Because seeing there's the failure of the Israel to state stick to its word to disengage, and give back land in the West Bank to the Palestinians as promised in stages. So this happens between the year 2000 and the 2005. American commissions the Mitchell report, to see how

01:16:19 --> 01:16:58

they could how they could stop the inter father. Hump people don't do and you know, they're not on. Well, if 3000 Dead Palestinians. I mean, the current conflict is already there's already more than Palestinians and shows you that this will really living in a historical moment. Only this there hasn't been this many dead Palestinians in a short period of time since arguably 1967 Or even before? Yeah. In such a short amount of time. Probably. Yeah, it's even more even before that mighty 48 and that the actual NACA massacres, yeah, good. Okay. So, but in response to the Second Intifada at the satisfaction, Israel's not sticking to his Word in the disengaging, because they never

01:16:58 --> 01:17:38

intended to disengage. And there's, you've probably seen that leaked footage of Benjamin Netanyahu, where he would talk about how to build how to kick out Palestinians in Area C, he'd say that the agreement said that the Israeli army is allowed to make military bases, yes, in Area C. And they can declare anywhere they want in Area C, according to need. So Benjamin Netanyahu in a leaked recording said that it was actually he, he actually defined his military areas, and they could be as big as he wanted. Okay. And then then he can and that was used to further kick out Palestinians, out of the West Bank. So this is what this is what's happening. And then eventually, in reaction to the Second

01:17:38 --> 01:18:18

Intifada, the Israel used as a pretext to stop building walls by enclosing area A's area A parts of the West Bank. And, and and, by the way, they had already begun building settlements since 1967. And 97, was when you might say more religious Zionist got involved. There was an argument before that saying that, you know, the you can't make a state of Israel until the Messiah comes. But when the nine six what six, seven will happen, it was argued that this was divine favor on Israel, and then many religious Jews started to support Israel. And that's when they started to be you see the beginning of settler activity, reduced religious settlers really willing to settle into the West

01:18:18 --> 01:19:01

Bank and make settlements there anyway. So then you've got two more like before the morning of the law and kind of every two to three years. You have I'm thinking here, maybe correct me if I'm wrong, you have two more major events, which is the Lebanon War, is the Second Lebanon War with Hezbollah? Yeah, yeah. So. Okay, so So basically, what we see is that there's there's, it's called, let's go to 2006. Sure. So 2006 or 2005. The Israeli forces disengaged from Haza. Because they had settlement settlers there, they it was hard to protect, it was disengagement doesn't mean that they no longer have effective military control, because Oh, no, they control a lot of these Israeli pundits and

01:19:01 --> 01:19:38

Zionists, you know, people propagandists, they will say, Well, look, we're not occupying Gaza, because we disengaged in 2005. Well, the truth of the matter is, disengagement is not a prerequisite for non effective military control. In fact, most of the international law prerequisites for occupation is that if you're controlling the airspace and you control the sea, you control the population, which Israel maintains and had maintained since 2005. Of the entire area. So they've got what was referred to in the national laws, effective military control, even since there's only five the fact that they've removed their this the settlements from there could even be said to be

01:19:38 --> 01:19:43

strategic, because every three to four years, they're going to bomb from the sky. That'll be the new strategy, wouldn't it be? Yeah, so

01:19:45 --> 01:19:50

basically, there's been actually sorry for the involvement of Israel and Lebanon, not three.

01:19:51 --> 01:19:59

There was obviously also South Lebanon War that occurred, I forgot to mention, but there was more one that's more reason to ask which is the 2006 Lebanon War. So

01:20:00 --> 01:20:46

In 2006, is what those two things, and the Palestinians of Gaza elect Hamas via democratic elections. So Israel imposes a blockade over Gaza limits, their fishing limits, they're getting supplies, and so on, so forth, and then invades Lebanon in 2006. Right to destroy Hezbollah, it says, this is already after, of course, again, has blown responding to is ready attacks rate and so on so forth into Lebanon. So there's this low level conflict, as always, that didn't stop between the Israeli army and the Hezbollah. But they said, Okay, we're gonna destroy Hezbollah once and for all. So they go in, and it's a shambles. They end up losing, you know, a lot more fighters than they

01:20:46 --> 01:20:55

anticipated. And they withdrawn in August 2006. So that's what they've invaded Lebanon four times, in this in this point of time,

01:20:56 --> 01:21:19

an army, a country that can strategically threaten them. It's not an existential threat at all whatsoever. And then the blockade of Hamas begins. And here's what you have to understand that Hamas and the Palestinian Plaza have been living under conditions where their infrastructure gets regularly bombed under this low level ceasefire or peace agreement with the the Israelis. So

01:21:21 --> 01:21:45

Israel has this policy called mowing the lawn? Yes. And what they will do is they will, because Hamas is now the government of Gaza, they have to keep Gaza itself weak, and, and well, on the moralized types of Judah, well, weak, subdued enable to fight. So they would readily bomb infrastructure, they would regularly bomb

01:21:47 --> 01:22:00

Hamas political targets. There are so many we know this is recent history. Now, there are so many different so called operations that happened three to four years. And this brings me to a point which is if you're if you've got like, you know, Protective Edge and cost lead,

01:22:01 --> 01:22:30

and 2014 and 2021. And every three to four years, you've become predictable. And you've I mean, you're going against what sanzu said, which is don't, you know, push you or anyone who's desperate or something to that effect, and desperate enemy, three to four years, they know you're going to bother them anyway. So in many ways, what you're doing is you're creating an atmosphere for the kind of responses that they're getting really, isn't it? Well, you know, what, one of the tactics designers do when they argue this is they say, they say, Well, you know, like this recent

01:22:31 --> 01:23:06

response by Hezbollah, or they when they fire rockets or whatever, you we didn't attack Hezbollah within the past couple of months. What is what is exactly what is the past month? If you go if you go back a few months, you say, oh, gosh, we did when we bought this, we took out one target or drone strike? Yeah. But they said we didn't do it recently. So there'll be the last month. Yeah. But But if someone was excited, what they're trying to do is they try to separate herself from the West Bank, because as far as the Hamas and Fatah are concerned, yeah, these are one land, why should people go so anything that Israel does to Westbank, Hamas considers to be done to them as well, and,

01:23:06 --> 01:23:43

and likewise, the parisons on the ground as well, and so on. So and, of course, likewise, the West Bank, Palestinians feel the same for the persons in the plaza. So in response to two Israeli clearing operations, where they would clear the Temple Mount and much of the Luxor when they have visits by settlers or visits by right wingers and especially those who have been implicated in killing Palestinians, what people don't realize is, see it's a Muslim mosque. Okay. Muslim call to prayer, the mosque is, is the custodians of it other Jordanian authorities? Yeah, yeah, it's meant to be a worker from the Jordanian authority, but it's for Muslims to use. So when the when Israel

01:23:43 --> 01:24:22

organizes a visitation by people who are using right wingers or others who do it deliberately, they have to first clear out the mosque. So they say like, oh, you Muslims going to pray are usually usually men, mostly. But basically, they might keep kids where there are very old people, but they actually go we send them their security forces, to clear everyone out Israeli security forces enter the mosque, to clear it all out. Right. So I think you've done a really good job in summarizing the historical points, obviously, the other things that we know I mean, all these operations are many people have lived them, so they'll know about them. What we wanted to do in this episode was to give

01:24:22 --> 01:24:58

people a brief historical timeline, a skeleton that they can go like, from all these things, we've had to kind of rush it a little bit because we've got a flight to catch. But what I will say is the following is that the the thesis or the idea or the proposition that Israel has been defending itself all this time, knowing full well the facts that were presented here is an untenable one, wouldn't you say? Yeah, look, just to kind of summarize everything we've been saying. Yes. Which is the Zionist project was to create a majority ethno nationalist group in ethno nationalistic state, yes, that would represent that ethno cultural, one distinct ethnic cultural group by a majority

01:24:58 --> 01:25:00

population. Yeah, so Zinus have always

01:25:00 --> 01:25:35

been concerned about demographics. They've always been wanting to say make sure that the state the whole land of Palestine, all of it is one is a ethno national state state for Jews primarily. Yeah. Okay. Now, to achieve that, there were many tactics or strategies depending on the situation at hand. And they've always been interested in expanding beyond that. There's some even said, gone into Jordan, it's well, as well as the Sinai and even into South Lebanon. Yeah. Now, historically speaking, what we've seen is a very consistent policy from Israel, which is it's been using force projection in the region irregularly invades its neighbors,

01:25:36 --> 01:26:09

even those people that oppose Israel, but I have mentioned the ceasefire agreements. The Israeli peace or ceasefire looks like low level military operations. Yeah. So So basically, if you say, look, I disagree with a Zionist project, but I'm going to I'm going to have peace because I don't want my people to be killed. And I don't want to we don't want to be attacked, are still going to be killed and attacked by target operations by raids by drone strikes by airstrikes, and so on, which happened in Lebanon, which happens in Syria, right, even in Syria right now in the up to Damascus airport got bombed, you know, regularly.

01:26:10 --> 01:26:33

So this kind of happens on a low level. Yes. And add to the fact that if you're a Palestinian in the West Bank, you know, the experience of living under Israeli occupation is like being in a vat of acid. You could say no, I'm gonna say, Well, you're in a vat of acid but who's punching you? It's not the punching that is that is the issue. It's me being slowly dissolved. Absolutely. Yeah. By police harassment by

01:26:35 --> 01:27:01

denying building permits for your family and so on so forth to when you because over time, you have children they need to find place to live. It's by just being shocked by by police for for the slightest concern that you might be a security risk, regardless of even whether you're a child or what have you. Even just recently, like the previous month, up to 2030 partisan kids in the West Bank have been killed. Yeah, that's according to UN reports. Right? Like, like, like, forget about, you know.

01:27:03 --> 01:27:04

For divorce

01:27:05 --> 01:27:15

Yeah. So so when you went when this is your existence, where, you know, peace with Israel is a continual is a continual continually killing your people if you're Palestinians, right.

01:27:16 --> 01:27:26

You and not peace of Israel is we will just being bombed and massacred and being pushed out. And people say that Israel wants to push out and take half of Gaza now. Yeah.

01:27:27 --> 01:28:06

You can see that Israel has always been the aggressor. Absolutely, because it always has had the same goal always, which is a majority ethno nationalist state on the whole land of Palestine. And currently speaking, in the whole land of Palestine is 5050, Palestinian Arab and Israeli Jewish citizens. So this is not a demographic that designers are going to accept. And they're going to aim. And they're always going to continue to pressure the Palestinians forced them to go eventually, by continuing for asthma continue bombing continues so and so they give up and they just leave so they can get their majority ethno nationalist state over the whole land of Palestine, as Ben Gurion, as

01:28:06 --> 01:28:26

they said, right from the very beginning is why they would never accept Gaza and the West Bank as part of Israel, because then they'd have democratic rights for those 2.2 million Palestinians in Gaza. And however many millions, 3 million or what more than that in in the West Bank, which would maybe make the middle majority. In fact, this would never give those West Bank propellant and the Gazan Palestinians equal citizenship, because that's all

01:28:28 --> 01:29:04

for now be between a rock and a hard place. They can't be part of the state, but they have to be attacked in the morning, the grace has to be pressured so that slowly over time, Palestinians will leave. And they can get a and they always hoped there'd be more Jewish migration. So eventually, that they can get a majority 80% ethno nationalist they over the whole land of Palestine. Well, if people have been watching this, and I thank you so much for joining me, people have been watching this is a very brief historical timeline, each and every single one of those things that we spoke about, could have had many, many voluminous and encyclopedic chat books and chapters written on them

01:29:05 --> 01:29:42

from the 1800s, to always the 1920s and 1930s and 1967 war, and that is only three war. We want to give people a basic education on this. And I think in the time that we've had, we've done a very good job, I thank you for joining me. I think with this or honestly, with this information, take it forward and make the argument and because remember, this is an information war, where the arguments have been provided here, go and do your own research. This is a basic building block and the if you like the historical skeleton, use it and put your own meat on it. Because people in the West English speaking people, especially pro Palestinian, Muslim people and others, we have a moral obligation to

01:29:42 --> 01:30:00

keep the pressure and change the minds of the people do it on Twitter do on your websites, do it in all the websites and using social media. This is my call to action if you need to intellectually arm ourselves, and so inshallah I've done a placement advocate efficacy course which you can find online. I'll be doing

01:30:00 --> 01:30:08

more advocacy capacity and advocacy courses inshallah with i three going forward beautiful. Also check out my debates with Zionists, perhaps having debates coming up to

01:30:09 --> 01:30:29

lambda Lucy for those who don't know Islam put it on YouTube you'll see all kinds of debates is one of the most premier fantastic debaters in the Muslim on this issue in particular and he's done many courses on this hence why he has so much knowledge on the matter. Thank you so much for joining make sure you subscribe make sure you like make sure you spread the message and arm yourself with the knowledge that you need are Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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