Mohammad Qutub – Bidding Farewell to Ramadan

Mohammad Qutub
AI: Summary © The importance of fasting during the final days of the year is emphasized, as it is the last day and the end of the month. The speakers emphasize the need to focus on the conclusion of the year and not make mistakes, as well as the importance of forgiveness and finding ways to wake up and focus on daily activities. The challenges of achieving Islam deeds and anxiety and fear are discussed, along with the importance of finding ways to achieve goals and avoid mistakes. The speakers also emphasize the need for regular schedules and the importance of praying for the next weekend.
AI: Transcript ©
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Let me listen here probably I praise a lot of mighty and I said prayers and blessings upon Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his noble family, right his companions and all those that follow them with the right guidance until the day of judgment I mean,

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glory be to you Allah, no knowledge and we accept that which you have taught us Indeed you are the one knowing all wise. My dear brothers and sisters As Salam aleikum, wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

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It's very nice to be with you again. May Allah subhanaw taala bless the brothers and sisters, who are organizing these official lectures at sha Allah may Allah accept it from us. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala to accept all of our deeds during this blessed month. Insha Allah

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Subhan Allah, as occurs every year,

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we say to each other, it was as if Ramadan just began. And here we are at its conclusion.

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Allah subhanaw taala tells us a little Quran that there are a limited number of days out there will limit your thority Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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that a limited number of days so kind of Allah, as much as we have fatigued ourselves in obedience to Allah subhanaw taala in our fasting in our in our ticket in our

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charity, donations, everything that we are doing, fixing ourselves, trying to work on our bad habits, trying to obey Allah subhanaw taala and avoid these prohibitions, everything that we're doing.

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And we feel that we have done what we can and shut alone, we were trying to do everything that we can, but at the same time,

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despite all of that, it's as if the month just flew by some people maybe were worried because of Corona and COVID-19. How would this be How would this go by didn't go slowly didn't go quickly. Ultimately, once you get into that rhythm of fasting, and

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it just goes to planula and passes by so quickly. But ultimately, we ask Allah subhanaw taala that he accept our deeds, my dear brothers and sisters

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in these concluding days, in fact, for some of us, this is going to be the last day

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that 1/29 of Ramadan,

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and for others, they will continue on to the 30th.

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As for those who this is their last day of fasting and the last day of Ramadan.

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I give you the glad tidings in sha Allah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as he said in the three Hadees three similar Hadith on sama Ramadan, Iman and Matthew seven, put them in them. Manta Mara Mata Imam number 37 fulfill

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them and put them in a little cadre Amen and Wi Fi service will feel a little bit academic in them but Allah, Allah subhanaw taala is so versatile and so generous. And the most grateful for the little that we do. He said, whoever the prophet or Selim said in this authentic hadith, that whoever has the month of Ramadan, Eman and mighty seven Eman and out of faith in its obligation and in pure obedience to Allah subhanaw taala and for no other purpose and 57 seeking the reward of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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their sins will be forgiven who feel a lot better than whatever past sins Allah subhanaw taala will forgive and this is Allah's mercy and generosity and gratitude. And the same goes for the one who prayed the during Ramadan Ramadan demand and of discernment again with these two conditions Amen and this urban warfare Allahu Mata pandemonium be so take this glad tidings from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in sha Allah if this is your last day of fasting or tomorrow is going to be your last day of fasting. In sha Allah, you will have this abundant reward Allah subhanaw taala makers of those and whoever prays the prayed and obeyed Allah subhanho wa Taala and worship diligently during

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Laylatul other whichever night it was, they will have their past sins

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forgiven as well insha Allah. Furthermore, the authentic hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam proclaims Shahara shahada, I didn't lie to son, that there are two months of Eid, which cannot be and will not be incomplete Ramadan was a fixture. So even if you did not complete the month and your months where you live is 29 days in sha Allah, it will not be incomplete in terms of the reward and this is the magnificence and the generosity and the mercy of Allah subhanho wa taala. So if you only fasted the 29 days, it is not incomplete. It is your month and this is the way it was decided based on the old siding of this is what you are following in your country. And therefore it

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will not be complete in sha Allah, Allah subhanaw taala will give you your reward unabated. Insha Allah, as for those who are completing the month, who are fasting, the 30 days, then what applies here is the saying of Allah subhanaw taala as

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you read Allah who will use God to become a nurse, Allah subhanaw taala desires for you ease, it does not desire difficulty for you, while he took me a while to come

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into school, and so that you may complete the period, complete the period, in other words the whole month, and so that you will glorify Allah subhanaw taala for guiding you, and maybe that you will give stacks we thank you Allah subhanaw taala we praise You for Your blessings for your

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unlimited blessings upon us for allowing us to see the conclusion of Ramadan for allowing us to fast on the last day of Ramadan. Or if there is one day left we asked Allah subhanaw taala to keep us alive to witness its conclusion in sha Allah, my brothers and sisters, for those who do have one more day, if this is your last day, then within a few hours maybe or maybe you have already depending on where you are. Maybe you are already about to break your last fast and you are about to

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congratulations for it. But for others they may be waiting, maybe this is their last day of fasting, this is the case then in sha Allah

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you have completed the month and may Allah subhanaw taala accept from you. If you have one more day.

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And I think there are

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there are a lot of people who will be having one more day and we are

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we are one of those countries where we will be finishing and completing the month 30 days insha Allah. If you have that one more day, my dear brother ideas, just please, please put all of your effort now in this last day and in this last night. Unfortunately, many people make the mistake. When bidding farewell to Ramadan. They actually bid farewell to Ramadan on the 27th night, unfortunately, and after the 27th night, they go to sleep.

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Literally and figuratively. They after the 27th night it's almost as if Ramadan is over. And they're already sending

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messages and congratulations for a It's not over. My dear brother, my dear sister, it's all about the conclusion. Please listen to what I'm saying very carefully. Allah people do not pay attention to this. It is about the conclusion. The prophets Allah wa sallam said,

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our team, these are judged by their conclusions by what you do at the end. Consider it a race. Are you going to slow down at the end of the race or you can give it your own? At the last bit? It does not end with the night of the 27th. The little further may be for those who

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are going to have one more night.

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It might be we don't know for sure. Yes, the correct opinion is that it is most probably in the odd nights of Ramadan. But ultimately, we don't know exactly if the if our calculations are correct our estimations of our moon sighting sometimes there are mistakes. Then there is the the whole issue of the Prophet SAW Selim saying that. It depends on how many nights are left on nights left, either

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way, the correct way to do it is to put our effort all of our efforts throughout the last 10 days of Ramadan. And this includes the last night as well. Someone might say, but the last night is an even night. It's not even an odd night, the night of the 30th. Yes, absolutely. But it is special as well. It is special as well, because it is the last night it is the concluding night. And therefore, we need to give it our all given our best show Allah subhanaw taala the best of what we can do in this last night, it's special because of that. And it's special because it is the end it is the conclusion of Ramadan. But in our team, it's all about what we do in the concluding part. So please,

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my brothers and sisters, remember this, give it your best now, and don't

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act as if it has already started. This is a big mistake. We need to understand that it's all about conclusions. I remember Subhan Allah in one of the apathy caps, and this stayed with me.

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We were doing the PM. And the chef May Allah bless him, was very diligent and the pm all the way up until the last night and we weren't sure, actually it wasn't decided yet. If Ramadan was going to be 29 or 30 days. So we were wondering, and we were asking the sheikh, are we going to do that? Are we are we going to pray PM, it's not clear if it's going to be 29 or 30 days. And he got somewhat flustered and he said to us, by Allah, we will not have Allah subhanaw taala see us sleeping on this last night? In other words, how can you ask this question? How can you even think

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that on this on the possibility of what is the last night of Ramadan? After all of these nights of PM? Well, we were we were up most of the night if not all of the night. And now all of a sudden, we're just going to sleep through the night as if nothing happened? Absolutely not. And this was the the importance and the emphasis on the conclusion the concluding part of any deed, including Ramadan to Allah,

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to accept from us all in sha Allah,

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my brothers and sisters

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in the concluding part of any deeds, as

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we know from the way of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam and from the teachings of Islam.

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In the concluding parts, we always have the importance of this the fog, the importance of seeking the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala we see this at the end of the prayer, this most noble and excellent lead that we perform afterwards. What do we do? We seek, we say it's the fact that for last, plus the slalom at the Santa Monica salah.

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The hadith of Aisha even though some scholars of Hadith may debate its authenticity, the hadith of Asia where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught her the dua of later to other the very popular dua Allah in the California people. So I need Oh Allah, you are the pardoning one moment that I have one table after you like to pardon. So pardon me, so forgive me along the California different will have

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a dua that we repeat a lot of times during the lesson, hoping Inshallah, that this will coincide with Leila, whether this is seeking the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala always after the good deeds that we perform, we seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala. The same goes with the end of a person's life. Allah subhanaw taala tells us Quran it

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says well known I think the delay of word and the Arabic was stuck at a Weber Allah subhanaw taala talks about and saw that Nasir in touch, and this is according to many scholars, and this is a correct interpretation. This surah was presaging the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam Do you supply with that right and I said

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it this was the coming off the the ending of the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and therefore he says the hamdulillah

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Because stuffing, glorify Allah subhanho wa Taala and see forgiveness was stuck through. So always in the concluding parts of our life of our deeds, we seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala and we do a lot of it's the fall at the end of the night. This is the best part of the night, at the end of the night. We do is the fire Allah subhanaw taala praise this stuff very nebulous how well it was Sofia, Rena, will us have those who seek forgiveness in us her in the time of Sahara, which is the last part of the night. So always in the end, we do is we seek forgiveness. In the concluding part of Ramadan, if it is your last day, or you have one more night, do a lot of stuffer.

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And for this reason, we also have saw the pattern filter, which is an expiation all of it we do, because we are seeking forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala what may ask, after performing all of these deeds, fasting and charity and revalidate and all of these beauties that you do, what are you seeking forgiveness for? F insha Allah you got the glad tidings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that your sins have been forgiven? Why are you still seeking forgiveness Subhanallah this shows you the status of a Muslim of a believer, and has an basally put it beautifully when he said that the believer the Muslim has combined two things, good deeds, as well as fear that those deeds

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may not be accepted.

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Sort of anxiety, will my deeds be accepted SubhanAllah. And this is the diametrical opposite of the Mona Lisa or the disbeliever. Because they combine they brought forth the opposite.

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They fill the earth with sins.

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And furthermore, there is no feeling of regret or remorse whatsoever, but rather the opposite. A feeling of contentedness and happiness, and not thinking about everything that they are doing. So it's exactly the opposite. Subhanallah the believer, the believer, puts their best efforts. And furthermore, they are fearful that maybe Allah subhanaw taala did not accept. So then they do so far, they seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanahu wa taala. And this is why

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the concluding part of Ramadan, it was known that Ahmed Abdel Aziz would write to his people, and would exhort them to the importance of this the fact that he started mentioning and this is trying to Allah, the fifth on the understanding of the past generations. And then he wrote many of the verses that call to the Father, specifically with regards to the prophets, such as Prophet know how they Salam, when he asked for forgiveness from Allah.

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I'm not going to mention all of the stories, but those verses where the prophets themselves is we upon them all we're seeking forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala for deeds, you may call them minor sins for acts that may warrant seeking the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala Adam Alayhis Salam did it no Halleck Salam

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did it. Ibrahim alayhis salam, there would Ali Salah. So he mentioned all of these verses where the prophets were seeking forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala and he was exhorting people at the end of Ramadan to seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanahu wa taala

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we said one of the important things to remember when we are bidding Ramadan farewell is so Dr. Shuttle if you haven't paid it already, please do pay it of course with the situation now, many people have already paid it online with this cat. This is an expiation. So again, this is also emphasizing the importance of anxiety about whether Allah subhanaw taala accepted our deeds are not and this is because ultimately

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whatever we do, it is going to be incomplete. We may say we have fasted the whole month we have done I have done everything I can maybe someone

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maybe they will have the audacity to say you know I've done everything I can I cannot do anything more I put all of my effort in this Ramadan and I cannot do anything more this

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Find all of that. It is very little of what Allah subhanaw taala deserves from us in comparison to his blessings in comparison to His Mercy comparison to his forgiveness and comparison to his magnificence and what he is do what he deserves from his slave servants in a hadith

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does not

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rise to the level of authentic or Sahai, the It is narrated that the Prophet SAW Selim said lay a lay of the land that had some to Ramadan Aquila, well upon to Ramadan Coulomb. He says that none of you should say I fasted the whole month of Ramadan, or I prayed the app throughout the whole month of Ramadan. The narrator Abu Bakr says, I'm not sure if this is because of

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the fact that it is not good to praise oneself, because it seems that it would be a form of crazy oneself by saying I fasted and prayed pm throughout the month of Ramadan. He said, I don't know if it is because of the fact that you should not praise yourself, or is it because of the incompleteness of worship no matter what we do? In other words, no matter how much effort we put,

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there will be incompleteness.

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Can anyone say I fasted perfect fast,

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doing any sins, without somehow devaluing or vitiating? Their fast? Can anyone say I did a perfect deal. It doesn't exist my brothers and sisters, there will always be some kind of incompleteness and this is why no one should say, I fasted all of Ramadan, or I prayed, pm and all of Ramadan,

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the pious generations, the concluding part of Ramadan, and indeed, after Ramadan would preoccupy themselves with the DUA, that Allah subhanaw taala accept their deeds, with the dua that Allah subhanaw taala accept whatever they have done during the blessed month of Ramadan. And this is the way of the pious, as we said, to be somewhat fearful or apprehensive about the fact of acceptance did Allah subhanaw taala accept what I have done?

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Many mentioned that one of the important signs of the acceptance of Allah subhanaw taala are these is if we are able to follow Ramadan, with more good deeds, or if it just goes back to things as per normal things as usual. And this is why it's very important to try to concentrate I'll get to this part about what we do now after Ramadan. But ultimately, the believers are always fearful and have that anxiety. And this is why Allah subhanaw taala says, not only

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in Adina home in Russia to have the most free food, and the Vs continue. Allah subhanaw taala says, Indeed, they who are apprehensive from fear of their Lord, and they who believe in the signs of their Lord and they who do not associate anything with their Lord, and they who give what they give. Their hearts are fearful, because they will be returning to their Lord. It is those who hastened to good deeds, and they are foremost in them, and Allah because those, those are the ones who fear the rejection of their deeds, even though on a relative scale. They have performed deeds that no one else on the earth has performed during this time and maybe at any other time as well. The the the

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deeds that the the Muslims do during the month of Ramadan, the amount of worship that they perform Subhanallah it is really something that

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it's it's something for people to be proud of, to be proud of, again, we're saying on a relative basis, but a Muslim always looks down and self deprecating looks down upon what they have performed. But this is because of the level of their piety and their status. So these people who give what they give, but their hearts are fearful. They're fearful of what they're fearful of rejection. When you read that some people understandably and justifiably, especially if it happened to the Sahaba when you read this ayah and they will give will it in into the matter.

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Those who give what they give, but

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hearts are beautiful, because they will be returning to their Lord. One may say is, are these the ones who are sinful? Or these the ones who have committed sins, that or fill the earth with sins? Is this what this is talking about? Absolutely not I shall be Allah, the prophets Allah Laura's question, or messenger of Allah is this ayah regarding people who steal and who perform Zina, and who drink alcohol, and perform all of these major sins, in other words, she asked him this question. So the Prophet sallahu wa salam, excuse me was correcting it and she said, and he said, lie of necessity, you know, our daughter of a severe daughter of a Robocop. This is for the one who prays

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and fast and performs all of these good deeds, but they are fearful of rejection, they are fearful that it may not be accepted from them. This is the beauty of the saying of Al Hasan. Basri the Muslim performs all of these good deeds and maybe fatigue themselves and put their best efforts and despite that, they are fearful that maybe Allah subhanaw taala would not accept it from them as Allah subhanaw taala so accepted Insha Allah, my brothers and sisters, let me talk quickly about the challenge of what we can do after Ramadan if this is what we are doing in bidding Ramadan. Sure, well, what about after Ramadan? And this is a difficult question. And I think a lot of us who are

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listening now have been through 10s of Ramadan Alhamdulillah Allah acceptance of Allah. And the challenge is usually trying to keep some kind of momentum after Ramadan I'm not gonna say the momentum, because it is impossible, practically impossible to be throughout the year like we were in Ramadan, Ramadan is special. We are supposed to make Ramadan special it is of the piety of hearts to magnify the rites and rituals of Allah subhanho wa taala. And therefore, the Ramadan will always be special like that. So we're not talking about continuing after Ebola like we were, that is, I think safely we can safely say practically impossible, but how can we try to keep some of that momentum?

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How can we try to do something differently? How can we try not to go back? Exactly like we were before. Rather, I think this is ultimately the challenge. And I think one of the best ways to do this

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is to try to make some kind of resolution now as we speak. So

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yes, Ramadan is special, yes, it is blessed. Yes, time is blessed. Yes, it has a certain rhythm or routine to it, that allows us to do what we do we know for a fact on the level of shame, that the most potent of devils are chained and therefore, it is easier to perform the deeds that we do and it is easier to avoid the sins and the prohibitions and so on and so forth. But ultimately, there are things that we are doing

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that we can attribute after we attributed to Allah subhanaw taala and his assistance and his blessings. But we can attribute it to the efforts that we are putting we are making an effort my brothers and sisters, we make the effort now too fast on a daily basis for 30 days to wake up for the superfood to wake up, we're not here to sleep less, these are efforts that you and I are putting

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we are the ones who with the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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have attempted to distance the distractions the usual distractions, we have put forth a schedule that we are following we are putting effort we are doing better time management and Ramadan in order to be able to achieve what we are achieving. We have to admit that this is so and this part is not impossible after

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so if you were able to read as much as you read

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during Ramadan, can you not

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read a portion of that after Ramadan must go back to things as you

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usual, can we not? Try insha Allah and I'm saying this to myself before anybody else can we not after Ramadan? Try to read more of the Quran? So if you were reading for whatever, half an hour per day

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is it so difficult to read for 15 minutes per day after Ramadan? If you were praying clear, we know of course, it was different if you were praying, Tara we have during the rest of Ramadan? Is it so difficult to try inshallah to make the effort to pray to work as of

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every night? If not every night, every other night? After Ramadan?

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Does it have to be after waking up? No.

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It's it will be better and it is more rewarding Of course, if it is done after waking up from sleep, but ultimately you can eat anything you pray after a shot. And if you pray the sooner after that everything is called.

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It is called PM. So if you know for a fact, you're not going to wake up, you pray that Aisha and you prayed submitted Ayesha to us after that prayer has been

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prayed for us. Because there's a Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim that mentions that he would pray for a cause clear

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and scholars differ about what should be prayed to a cause or four altogether. But ultimately, this is a great deed if this is something that we can keep to four records of the yards

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on on a nightly basis. So I mean to say that there are a lot of these deeds

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that it just requires a little bit more effort to do it's about making that resolution now. Right? I know for for for you in Kuwait, you have a few hours left. I'm not sure if you're gonna have

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a complete month or not. But ultimately, before Ramadan is over weeks at resolution

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you are able to

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somehow or other

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do away with the usual distractions that I know my brothers and sisters there's so many distractions nowadays. Sometimes it's almost like it's difficult to put the phone down it's become it's become part of our lives of how to

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put it down. Right turn off the television turn off the internet say you know the next 15 minutes I'm just gonna concentrate

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it's difficult, but this is what we need to do. Just like we put that effort in Ramadan we went after Ramadan we have to work with the circumstances in the normal Ramadan, not the corona of Allah We ask Allah subhanaw taala to make this the last Corona Ramadan, so to speak.

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But in other Ramadan where people are are coming together for the congregational prayer, the solid in the masjid, people usually wonder Subhanallah what happened? Right? You had all of these people coming to the masjid during Ramadan, even for Fajr Subhan Allah SubhanAllah. But after that, it's like people disappeared, right? What happened to people? Is it just because Ramadan is over at the quarter code, the less time is over and therefore everybody

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goes back to normal. I think more than that, it's about the circumstances. There's something about the rhythm and the routine of Ramadan, where we are fasting and then at night we have we pray

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and we get up for the food. So there's something about that that just kind of

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fixes the schedule for us. Well, now you need to do that after Ramadan as well. You need to deal with the with the circumstances, you need to put that schedule for yourself. This has talked about in terms of time management and for so many other things for work, maybe even for staying physically active and fit. People talk about time management, putting a schedule following something religiously. Can we not do that with regards to obedience? With regards to all of the worship that we did in Ramadan? Can we not try to do all of that as well outside of Ramadan? It's about dealing with those circle

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Some stances it's about

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a change in lifestyle, in timings, sleep schedules all of these things. When we deal with that properly, believe me, my brothers and sisters, you'll be surprised what you can do. Because this is part of what allowed us to do, what we did and what we achieved in Ramadan. Not only the supernatural blessings, and the changing of the champagne and things of that nature, it's not only that, it's also partly things that we are doing things, tangible things that we can do in sha Allah, that will help us.

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Allah subhanaw taala says,

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When Latina, Jahad, Rufina and the

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city, Allah soprano to Allah says, those who strive for us for our sake, we will surely guide them to our ways and indeed Allah is with the doers of good. So it's all about that striving, you had enough so let the ledger How do you feel, then at the end? Those who strive for us, Allah subhanaw taala will guide them whenever we strive whenever we make that little bit of effort, even if it's a little bit of effort almost alone.

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But it's about making that effort and doing it sincerely for Allah subhanaw taala We ask Allah subhanaw taala for forgive us, ask Allah azza wa jal accept from us we ask Allah subhanaw taala

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not to make this our last time Allah, we ask Allah azza wa jal to keep us alive. To witness many more.

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We ask Allah subhanaw taala to make us of those who were successful, and one is forgiveness and the protection from hellfire. Again, I reiterate, please my brothers and sisters, if you still have one more day, give it your best. This is the time to really show Allah subhanaw taala how much we can do and how much we can worship and how much we can

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repent to Him and ask for forgiveness. Allah accept from us all watercolor from Desert Iran was

00:37:32 --> 00:37:48

just like a last year for this beautiful reminder and sharing with us glad tidings from Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam that you share that but those who who are able to complete their forecast for the full month of Ramadan with full security Nevada and with the best of their efforts

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that was absolutely wonderful and very timely reminder.

00:37:53 --> 00:38:00

With this, we're going to open our new regular format of q&a session. We have few questions here.

00:38:01 --> 00:38:07

The first question is that what to recite after each meal during eat Salah as per the Sunnah

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after each year after Easter meal during eat Salah as per the Sunnah

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there's a difference of opinion on that. Some scholars are of the view that you can say something like Subhan Allah from the level Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Akbar, but it seems that the correct opinion is that there is no dhikr you don't say anything. So you just say Allah Akbar, and then

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00:38:43 --> 00:38:49

and then you do the rest of the deck. We have seven in the first truck and five in the second.

00:38:51 --> 00:39:00

Are the questions are the questions there brother? Can I Yeah, exactly. The questions are there and the q&a box q&a box. You can see the questions there.

00:39:02 --> 00:39:05

Do you want me to continue read the questions for you?

00:39:07 --> 00:39:24

Oh, okay, why not? Yeah. Okay. So the next question is, is it permissible to read Quran such as 30 people in different places read 30 Jers as a form of collective Ibadah will each one of them get the reward of completing the Quran? What is your advice on this?

00:39:27 --> 00:39:38

I mean, some people do that Subhan Allah, where each person reads a juice just to finish the Quran. Well, oh Allah.

00:39:40 --> 00:39:54

They won't get the reward of the whole HeartMath they'll be rewarded for for reading Quran, but it's just a way of trying to finish the whole Quran maybe as a group and then each person reads

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address. Some people do that, but some scholars consider it

00:40:01 --> 00:40:05

It is not in line with the Sunnah. This is not something that

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the Prophet and the Sahaba did.

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But ultimately,

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what's important to remember is that if someone does do that, they should not consider that they have completed the Quran. You if you read that specific desert, read the other justice as well. The sentiment is when you perform it yourself, if some people are doing it just for the sake of having the whole Quran read,

00:40:36 --> 00:40:46

not getting the reward of a whole customer, but rather just having the whole are on read between them. Okay, each person reading juice.

00:40:47 --> 00:41:08

It's, again, like I said, it's not really something that may be in line with the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But if some people do it, just with that intention, not anything else, not that it is a whole hotma or considering that they got the reward of a whole customer. No, that's that's a different issue.

00:41:12 --> 00:41:16

The next question is about a parent he's asking.

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It's asking the while explaining the meaning of Quran verses to my kids, is it okay to skip topics? Which is not relevant to them at the age of nine? Of course, absolutely. That's not. The question is, is it's not? Is it okay, you should, you absolutely shouldn't skip some topics that may be irrelevant. Some topics that might be difficult to understand some issues that

00:41:51 --> 00:41:59

are simply not suitable for children of their age, the Prophet SAW sent him sent us not only about children, but adults. He said Hadley to NASA, be my

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God and you can love Allah, what

00:42:03 --> 00:42:06

He said, speak to people

00:42:08 --> 00:42:22

about things that they know, regarding things that they know. And then he said, a head wound and you kept up Allah Who would you like it? If Allah and the messenger, Salah Salem were disbelieved in?

00:42:24 --> 00:42:24

The first

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thing someone might say, if this is the first time they hear this hadith is what's the relation? What's the connection, speaking to people about things that they don't necessarily know or understand. And then Allah has messenger being disbelieved in? Well, when you speak at a certain level, way above the level of the person listening, and they don't quite understand what you're saying. And they may find it somewhat

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00:43:02 --> 00:43:34

Especially for, let's say, some of the adults, if it is something that is b, that is totally beyond their level, they might not quite understand what you're saying. And they might say, no, no, that doesn't make sense. And they might say, No, that cannot be that cannot be what Allah says, are the messengers or send them says, so they are disbelieving something that Allah and His messenger said, so it's very important to speak to people at their level to be cognizant of people's level. Even adults, brothers and sisters, even adults, if

00:43:35 --> 00:43:37

they are just, you know, very

00:43:38 --> 00:44:13

early on in their journey to Islamic knowledge, there are things that they may not understand. A bachelor's is different than a master's different than a PhD. So especially with the children, yes, please be smart. Be cognizant of their level. Unless they're asking a very deep question. You can you can reply. Yeah, absolutely. Be very careful. So once again, it's not about us. Okay. You must be careful about how you explain and what topics are relevant and important. Yes, absolutely.

00:44:14 --> 00:44:37

Just like last year, the next question because in the lecture, you mentioned about doing ibadah, and the actions in the last day of Ramadan, now that this question is related to the night before eat so what prayers can we made on the night before Eid? Same, same. Again, what we're talking about is then right the night before the night of eight. Notice.

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There's a whole difference of opinion about what to do in the night and

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actually, the meaning at the end of Ramadan, but now we're talking about for those who are going too fast, the third years of Ramadan, they still have one more night left that night of the 30th. So it's not

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By special, it's about making it special. It's the same thing you were doing. In the last 10 nights of Ramadan. If you were indeed, doing what you feel, shouldn't be done during the last 10 nights of Ramadan in terms of being up at night, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam slept very little, if at all, during the last 10 nights of Ramadan. So if that's what you were doing throughout, do exactly the same on the 30th and do more if you can. This is the idea. It's not about something special because it is the last night it's just that you are doing, you're trying to do more, because it is the concluding night and you're doing a lot of stuff far as well. Because this is usually what is

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associated with the conclusions of deeds, or times of worship and so on.

00:45:55 --> 00:46:10

Here, the next question is about the PM, the Salah, the camps, like we normally do in the last 10 nights in Ramadan. So the question is, can we do clay on Salah in congregation after Ramadan, similar to how we do during the last 10 days of Ramadan?

00:46:15 --> 00:46:19

This is something that a lot of

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maybe mainly brothers would like to do in order to help each other in doing the Korea

00:46:30 --> 00:46:36

scholar slightly different about this issue. The maybe the

00:46:38 --> 00:47:23

the summary of this debate would be to say that, if it is something where it's not necessarily something that is done, let's say on a weekly basis, it's not done necessarily on a regular basis. But you know, as a group of brothers, we say to each other, okay, what do you say, next week Insha Allah, we'll get together and we will pray for you pray and pm in Jamara per se, is perfectly fine. There's nothing wrong with that, okay. But some of the debate occurred about well, if it is something that is regular, where they are coming together to do PR or to political questions or something of that nature,

00:47:24 --> 00:47:32

if they are doing it, because they know for a fact that if they

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are left on their own, they will not perfectly they will not have the same energy they will not be able to pray as long as they wouldn't. As if they get together in somebody's house or in the masjid in sha Allah Allah messages do open up. If that is the case, in sha Allah, it is okay because it is, in general, that comes under the general verse For Anwar Tao and the power that I want.

00:48:06 --> 00:48:37

So they are coming together in order to perform this most excellent deed of Korea. And without which they know they wouldn't pray to you. Now, if you are the type, if you are performing at home on your phone, if Alhamdulillah you have that, that strength, that ambition, and you are doing something like this, then praying at home on your own

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would be better than getting together and break. In the gym. Ah, here we're not talking about the reward of Jamaica, as you're talking about the role of Jamaica and fault. This is different. But here, the reason they're doing it in congregation is to help each other to strengthen each other because otherwise, maybe they wouldn't. So if that is the case, if that's why they're doing it in sha Allah, it is a good deed and Allah subhanaw taala Allah will accept it from them. But it doesn't have to be on a regular basis doesn't have to be like Okay, on a weekly basis or on a monthly basis or something like that.

00:49:19 --> 00:49:26

It's where, you know, they come to their they decide, okay, let's get together and break the arm because

00:49:27 --> 00:49:42

we want to remember, we'd like to do something of what we used to do during the nights of Ramadan. I hope that answers the question. No, it's not gonna shift. I think that was wonderfully answered and I think it clarifies the question.

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The next question is about if we do any good deed, will that be multiplied during the month of Ramadan? Now this I think this has a connotation that because people understand that if we are doing a charity on this night and so it is going to multiple

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right the same way that Allah subhanaw taala has as you know as told us that it will be multiplied for all your deeds for 1000 months and like that so I guess this is this is what this question is referring to.

00:50:14 --> 00:50:18

If yeah if it is in reference to later till further

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later further is better than 1000 months, so, it is better than 30,000 nights so, everything is multiplied Subhanallah by 30,000 So,

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yes deeds performed on this night are multiplied that way and Allah's

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mercy and bounty so great. So, if someone wants to perform a certain deed Yeah, some people maybe they'd like to give them a cow or make the intention to give the second

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during those nights or give a charity during those nights Absolutely. This is the bounty of Allah subhanaw taala so if they choose to do so during that time, that's up to them doesn't mean that you have to

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you don't have to say cat let's say

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you can do you can plan any time and sometimes the cat becomes obligatory in times outside of Ramadan right depending on how you would have planned it and depending on the how your wealth is distributed and what money is coming to you and so on so forth. But if you are choosing a certain time to pay your account, let's say yes, you can choose that to be Ramadan and many people do.

00:51:42 --> 00:52:20

If it is just a basic charity and you chose to give that charity during the master night, this is of the good deeds which are highly encouraged in Ramadan and during the last 10 as well. Absolutely. Allah does that girl have her chef? The next question is about the Eat Salah How to Pray that I mean, it says that which is the correct opinion to pray eat Salah is seven plus five or six plus 577 plus five is the most popular keep in mind. There's quite a difference of opinion in the MME about how to do that. You will hear other numbers as well.

00:52:22 --> 00:52:38

So, but the most popular opinion I think one that is followed in large swaths of the Muslim world is seven tech rewriting the first one other than the community and five in the second other than the transitional tech Bureau along with

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that the next question is about as a cattle fitter. Is it okay to pay the cattle feta to the non Muslim because here in Kuwait

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is like Zakat and zakat can only be paid to a Muslim can only be paid on Muslim. Yes. And

00:53:01 --> 00:53:08

again, if this is I think a lot of people may have done it already. Some people do it quite early and there is

00:53:11 --> 00:53:31

an opinion and the shaft theory. But it is fine to pay it very early even though the best thing is to keep it to the last few days. But now with everything going on and with the difficulty and people not being able to go out and stuff some people they have already paid it and that's perfectly fine. But ya know, it should be paid to a Muslim

00:53:33 --> 00:53:38

charities, regular charities, that's what can be given to anyone but socket.

00:53:41 --> 00:53:47

Just a couple affairs. The next question is, is a lot of trust me is the recommended and authentic

00:53:50 --> 00:53:57

so that to me, is there's a hadith about salah to Serbia.

00:53:58 --> 00:53:59

There is some

00:54:01 --> 00:54:10

debate between scholars of Hadith about its authenticity. However, most have said that it is weak

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00:54:13 --> 00:54:14

some have gone as far as saying it is

00:54:15 --> 00:54:28

that it is fabricated as well. Okay, so is it authentic? No, it's not authentic. This is quite clear and unequivocal. And

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therefore, it's not something that one should be thinking about doing some scholars who said that didn't go as far as saying that it is fabricated said saying that it is weak said that if one does it once in their life, you know, it is okay or something like that. But it's not something that one should be doing all the time. Definitely not. Now the so that's the easier question. Actually, the easier question is, is it authentic? No.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:05

It's not Allah Allah. But some scholars did

00:55:07 --> 00:55:16

accept it based on the fact that they deemed it a weak Hadith and not a fabricated one. And that

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we can see that in terms of weak Hadith, that weak hadith is accepted when dealing with something called for Allah. Amen. Good deeds. So, in that respect, they accepted it. So you will find in some, some opinions of scholars that

00:55:38 --> 00:56:00

they deem it Okay, so, is it but is it authentic? To say that it's as if it's a sunnah and something that everyone should be learning in order to perform? No. So that's the easier question The harder question is, and this is where you will get more debate between scholars is should we

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criticize someone who is doing it? Should we stop someone who does performing it from performing it this is the more difficult question all right. And this is where some scholars might say even those within the Hadith week are fabricated.

00:56:21 --> 00:56:24

They may say that look, if they are following

00:56:26 --> 00:56:26


00:56:27 --> 00:57:21

Imam this month have this popular scholar who who said she had is acceptable, then he's following their opinion and it is acceptable and they might put it in the same category as other differences of opinion, okay, where it is not right for me to criticize somebody else, if they are following a fairly acceptable opinion for a certain scholar or or so on. In that case, if it is an acceptable difference of opinion, then we might say that this is okay. Does it mean that you know, well, everything is a difference of opinion and therefore, no, you cannot tell anyone? No, this is not according to the sunnah or this and that? No, there are some things which are absolutely clear. This

00:57:21 --> 00:57:47

is a bit odd. This is this is what you're supposed to do when according to the Sunnah. Is there a difference of opinion? Not really, there's a very, very small minority, who said or maybe one scholar who gave a slightly divergent opinion or something like that. But some scholars may deem this difference of opinion about solid to severe as one that does

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allow would allow some people to follow that opinion. So can you criticize or not? This is a more difficult question you might say, if this is something that they do quite often that you know, brother or sister, this is not authentic. This is not

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in line with the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW Salem, you know, you did it a few times you did it once, you know, that's fine. You took that opinion, but doing it all the time. Yeah, that might be something

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that would deserve some kind of advice or criticism.

00:58:27 --> 00:58:44

Just not gonna finish if we are over time. Now, I will just take one last question. And then we will conclude, Inshallah, the last question is, Can Zacapa fit and for an entire family comprising of many family members be given to a single tool and each individual

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catheter can be given to a single individual, of course, work can be distributed, but it's good to distribute that wealth. I mean, it's permissible, but it's good to distribute that wealth. Yeah.

00:59:02 --> 00:59:03


00:59:05 --> 00:59:11

I'm not sure how it's being done all together collectively like that. The whole family the whole

00:59:12 --> 00:59:22

I understood from the question several families or like, an extended family or something, otherwise, it's just a family, just the person and everyone that

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that depends on them for livelihood. That's usually not a very big amount. But are you talking about something more than that like an extended family? Did I understand the question correctly? Yes, I mean, if there are many family members in the family and if they combined as a car to threaten

00:59:43 --> 00:59:45

Okay, so maybe extended

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for six children or something that's perfectly fine. And if it can be can be given to one person and if they choose to distribute it, they can as well.

00:59:57 --> 01:00:00

Just not gonna share I think we will continue

01:00:00 --> 01:00:04

Now, I must say that it is always a pleasure to have you with us at ICICI

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where we will always benefit. Yeah we always benefit from your thoughts and lectures.

01:00:11 --> 01:00:40

I will before I will ask you for your concluding remarks, I must say that this lockdown situation as you have already mentioned about the Quran, our Ramadan this time. I mean, this is a lifetime opportunity for us as well because it's a time of introspection and time which will enable us to understand how far we gain from this Ramadan and to what extent the changes that we underwent about by adopting the you know, the strenuous pattern of living, not just by taming hunger.

01:00:41 --> 01:00:46

So with this shift, if you if you want to just concluding remarks and then we will inshallah

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it's just that,

01:00:49 --> 01:00:50

like I said,

01:00:52 --> 01:01:24

the Muslim always makes good, have any situation that comes to them. So, as in the authentic hadith of the prophets are seldom everything is good for the believers or panela this is specific and only for the believer because they take anything that comes their way, in the proper, they deal with it properly. And therefore it becomes need for that whether that is prosperity or adversity. So it is a time of introspection, it is different. It's a time of

01:01:26 --> 01:01:32

remembering the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala realizing how much we had, even when we were complaining.

01:01:34 --> 01:01:56

Now we miss the cops and the tarawih the masajid and getting together with people's panela it just it goes a long way to remind us of the inordinate blessings that Allah Subhana Allah has given us that we were still we were still complaining and we were still

01:01:58 --> 01:02:10

always seeing the you know the grass being greener on the other side this is always the situation now it's a little bit different and we think to ourselves that only we can have Ramadan as we did

01:02:11 --> 01:02:41

before, but I think at the same time for many people this was I think it was maybe a difficult Ramadan would be nice to see and get people's opinions I think it was might have been a difficult Ramadan for many because it just didn't have the same spirit it didn't have didn't have the same taste you know where you go to the masjid where you pray the the tearaway the GEMA GEMA

01:02:42 --> 01:02:45

the masjid all of that I think

01:02:46 --> 01:03:13

made this Ramadan maybe a little bit difficult. That's why I said inshallah it will be the last Corona Allah Allah definitely the the massage the massage did come alive Subhan Allah during the month of Ramadan. So but ultimately as you said, the Muslim takes every situation and tries to make the best of a bad situation we ask Allah subhanaw taala to accept from us and to accept our patience

01:03:14 --> 01:03:17

during these difficult times as well as sha Allah or caleffi

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