Mohammad Elshinawy – What Gaza Taught Me About Eid

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of celebrating the event of the upcoming year, which is a celebration of the return of Islam to the United States. They emphasize the need to be mindful of everyone's actions and acknowledge the importance of the actions of those who accept Islam. The speaker also emphasizes the need for everyone to be mindful of their actions and to be humble.
AI: Transcript ©
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And we begin every read saying, Allahu Akbarullahu

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Akbarullahu Akbarullah

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is the greatest.

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None is worthy of our worship but Allah.

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Allah is the greatest and to him belongs

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all praise.

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And Allah has

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Say to them by the virtue of Allah

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or by the bounty of Allah and by

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his mercy. By virtue of these two things.

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Meaning because of these two things, they should

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be celebrating.

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That Allah azza wa Jal extended to you

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the bounty of Islam. And by his mercy

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made you one of its people, You should

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It is far better than anything they can

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ever accumulate.

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And I do know and I do understand

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that many people are wondering how can we

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despite the fact that we are hurting so

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much at the same time with what is

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happening in Palestine and Gaza, what is happening

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in Sudan and Turkmenistan.

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We are not celebrating

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despite what's happening.

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We are celebrating because they taught us through

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what's happening how to celebrate.

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The people of Ghazza today are celebrating Eid.

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They are celebrating Eid to remind us that

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if you have Islam, then it's enough to

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That you can break my home and break

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my family and take my family members away

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from me, and you can't take away the

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thing that I cherish most. As our prophet

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said, no one will

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ever understand.

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No one will ever taste, he said. The

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sweetness of faith until Allah and his messenger

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are more beloved to them than everyone else,

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and everything else. And they know that, and

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they have that. And that is the one

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thing that can never be taken away from

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them, and that is the one thing we

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need to learn and reflect on today above

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all else.

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That Allah

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has chosen us

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to be rightly guided for the time being,

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and so we appreciate and we thank for

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They are in the streets right now saying

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As I've said before,

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we don't bow. Any nation whose leader is

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Muhammad doesn't bow. We are the ummah of

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the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. We will

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celebrate and smile on the faces of our

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oppressors because we have Islam and they don't.

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Our martyrs are in paradise and their dead

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are in the fire.

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You know, as the poet he famously said,

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Of what increases me in honor above all

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Almost makes me deluded from my joy, he

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says. I'm almost intoxicated

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from glee. How thrilled I am

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To the point that I almost walk with

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my own 2 feet

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on the highest stars, he says. I'm walking

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on the stars. Why? He says, because you

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included me, oh Allah,

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under your statement, oh my servants.

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May we forever be worthy to be his

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because you included us under your statement, You

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Ibadi. O my servants.

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And because you sent Muhammad. Of all the

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prophets, you sent Muhammad to me as being

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my prophet.

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You know, I remember

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How can I forget this,

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Palestinian brother,

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elderly man if I'm not mistaken,

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who was being told by his oppressors,

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the smug Zionists, we are God's chosen people?

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The God they don't believe in that supposedly

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promised them that land.

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He's Then he used to retort back to

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them, no. We are God's chosen people. And

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there is a huge difference brothers and sisters.

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This is not tit for tat. This is

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not stooping to that level. There is a

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huge difference between being

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so arrogant that you think god is a

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racist and god plays favoritism, and you were

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simply born into a certain ethnicity, and so

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you're automatically god's favorites,

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And between knowing that because you chose to

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embrace Allah's guidance

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and you accepted Allah's Islam which everyone has

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equal access to, this is not a bloodline,

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then you are God's favorites.

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This is the day that we remember that.

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And may Allah

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keep us in his infinite favor.

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Finally, my brothers and sisters, Allah

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actually said this very theme

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at the end of at the back end

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of the verses on fasting.

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He said,

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I have legislated Islam and fasting, and I

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have made it easy for those that are

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sick and traveling. He said he set all

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this up. Why? So that you may fast

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days and glorify God for having guided you.

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This is what today's about. For having guided

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you and so that you may be thankful.

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So today is a day of thanks. We

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will be happy not because we're heedless. We

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will we are going to be happy not

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because we're tone deaf, but because Allah a

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zawajal has guided us.

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And the one who guided us to Islam,

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we must be resilient and optimistic like those

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people. He will guide us out of the

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plight of the ummah today.

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But be happy today.

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Rejoice today. Make sure everyone in your family

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is associating this day with joy and happiness

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in their memories.

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And be humble as well. Allah azza wa

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jal said,

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Why is it, the previous nations, that when

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our punishment came, they did not humble themselves?

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So stay humble. Live today and every single

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not however we wish. No. Like someone that

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accepts the honor that is not unconditional. The

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honor Allah has tested us with of being

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the rightly guide, especially in times of difficulty.

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It should not end at tears. It should

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begin with tears. The tears that wash away

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the rust and starts a new beginning for

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us. To humble ourselves as if we are

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guests in his universe because we believe that.

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As if we are applicants for his paradise

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because we believe that. As if we are

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those who await his promise of support because

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we believe that. May Allah

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make this a day of appreciation

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and gratitude,

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of humility and obedience. And the days after

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it to come,

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may Allah accept from us and you once

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