Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2009 – Cape Town – Day 08 Guidance

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The importance of guidance in Islam's teachings is emphasized, including personal and spiritual health, obtaining success and avoiding confusion, and reading the Quran and not trying to be a means of one's destruction. Regular communication and feedback are crucial for achieving their own destruction, along with the need for guidance in sermons and the teachings of Islam, including the need for regular communication and feedback. There is also mention of the need for guidance in the teachings of Islam, including the need for regular communication and feedback.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He was happy he woman instead of Yehuda who abide. All praise is indeed due to Allah subhanho wa Taala blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to bless every single one of us. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala not to make us from amongst those who become oblivious of the fact that the month of Ramadan moves very quickly. And not to make us oblivious of the fact that before we know it, it's already a week gone by. We need to be from those who take stock of every day of every hour in the day and every minute in that hour. And every second in each

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minute, we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make us very conscious of that. Honor the beloved brothers and sisters and dear listeners, we all want guidance. We all ask for guidance. We all hope and pray for guidance. Every little while you hear a saying May Allah grant us guidance. May Allah guide us you May Allah grant us guidance May Allah subhanho wa Taala accept us for guidance. The topic of guidance is an extremely important topic. We need to know how Allah subhanho wa Taala has tackled this subject, in the holy book in the noble book the Quran, in his own words, firstly, we need to realize and understand that guidance is divided into two major categories. The first is to guide as

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in to show someone the way that I can do and you can do if someone says can you guide me, if you know you can tell them look, go this way, do this way or go that way do this and do that and you will be rightly guided. If someone is sick, the doctor can guide them. If someone needs some other form of assistance, a professional in that field can guide them, meaning can offer them showing them what they feel is the right path. So that is one form of guidance at Delilah to well, to show someone the road.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was one of the biggest guides. He guided as Allah subhanho wa Taala says, we're in LA Caleta de la

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creme, you O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam guide the people to the right path, you guide them you show them the right path. So that's the first type of guidance. The second type of guidance is whether or not now the person is going to follow that first guidance. Now that is known as the guidance of acceptance to adopt what was actually the other guidance. Let me try and with this a little bit differently. We have someone who shows you the road, whether you follow the road or not is a different type of guidance that is now known as he Daya of a different nature. I think I've simplified it a little bit. We ask Allah Subhana Allah Allah to grant us guidance. So when we say

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Allah is the owner of guidance, we are talking of the second type of guidance, whether or not we follow the Quran. That is Allah subhanho wa Taala has acceptance for us to follow it. But the Quran itself is definitely guidance, it's in front of us. In fact, in so many verses of the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala describes that revelation of the Quran as a guidance, look at the opening verses of Surah Baqarah where Allah subhanho wa Taala says that he can keep taboola ye Buffy

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turkey in this book, indeed there is guidance for those who are conscious of the Arab. So there is definitely guidance in it, whether or not we accept the guidance that now is in the hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala but it also depends on a few of our actions, whether or not Allah will guide us and we will get to that inshallah, further on in tonight's topic,

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then we take a look at the road or the path, the guidance of that path that I spoke about,

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is divided into two. It is either a path that is connected to the dunya meaning to this world, or a path that is connected to the Hara, a path that is connected to the life after death or to spirituality. So when it comes to this worldly path, even a non Muslim could guide you as into, for example, coming to woodlands, you don't know the road you stop. A non Muslim can give you guidance. That's not talking of spiritual guidance. It's talking about guidance of something that person knows the road is connected to this world. They are showing you something, a business deal sometimes a non Muslim can guide you to a good deal. That is a type of guidance that even those who disbelieve they

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could show you the path.

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But that is a worldly path when it comes to the path of spiritual

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reality, those who show the guidance or the the MBR Alayhi. Salatu was salam, the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala because Allah is the owner of guidance. So firstly, he will show us what is actually guidance, he sends the messengers to teach us this guidance. and thereafter, those who take from the knowledge of the messengers known as the ulama, or the knowledgeable, they then will guide us regarding this spirituality. And when it comes to that type of spirituality, we need to know where we are getting it from that guidance. We need to know the source of our guidance, the source of our knowledge, where are we picking it up from? Do we just surf the net and see whatever pleases

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us and we carry on? If that's the case, it's not the proper way of attaining guidance, or do we go and look for it from the scholars who are reputable who we know we know their background, we know exactly where they are coming from. We know that the criteria of their discussion of guidance is the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. In that particular case, we will lend them an ear. Then in the Quran, it is important that we realize the term guidance has also been used for justice being served. Like in Surah Saad, Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about Tao la Salatu was Salam when two people came to him or two parties came to him with a dispute. And they

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bhaineann Abbe, de Walla,

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WA, Dena, ilas sanwa is all we want you to judge between us and we want you to judge fairly and to guide us to what is correct to the right path. So the guidance in this particular verse is referring to the justice that is served between two parties, that is also a form of guidance, which Allah subhanho wa Taala gives certain people. Now this having been said, we as Muslims, when we speak of hedaya, generally the term is used to refer to what Allah is in total control of, we say, may Allah guide us and this is why the doula is very, very important to make a doula to say, oh, Allah guide me, that is by far the most important to our that a Muslim can make.

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And I can prove this to you. It is the doula that we make the most, whether we realize it, or we don't, is another thing. How many times do we read Salah a day, five times a day? How many records do we read? In every Salah? Subhana Allah it differs from person to person, depending on whether they want to read the Sunnah and not feel as well. How many times do we read Surah Fatiha in every Raka we have to read it at least once. And in the first two hours that is mentioned in the Quran, he

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guide us to the slave.

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Now we need to become conscious of this. When we are making the dua. Let's not just become entranced by the melody of Surah Al Fatiha, but rather think of the meaning we repeat it so many times. In 20 rakaat of taraweeh we've repeated it 20 times have we realized what we are saying the most important prayer we are making Allah Guide us to the straight path, the path of those whom you have favored, those whom you have gifted, those whom you have granted lots of goodness, and not the path of those who have earned your anger nor the path of those who have gone astray We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala never to lead us astray.

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In fact, Allah subhanho wa Taala does not lead astray it is shavon who leads astray but men out of his weakness follows that path. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the fact that guidance is in Allah Subhana. Allah alone owns guidance. And Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who will guide whosoever He wishes.

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While La Jolla de may

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study him, that verse is repeated in many suitors including in Surah Al Baqarah. Then in Surah, Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about how he is in control of guidance. He says, For my URI de la

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dia who yoshua sotto Hoon in his

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whomsoever Allah wants to guide, Allah opens their chests, and opens their heart towards submission to Allah. This verse has a deep meaning. It means that guidance is connected to submission. If you submit to the will of your Creator, knowing that it is that it is His word, when indeed you will be rightly guided. So guidance is in following the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala in another verse, speaking about

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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do, and if you were to follow Him, you would be rightly guided. Look at how Allah subhanho wa Taala has said that guidance is in submission, it is in following Allah and following his messenger. So every one of us with that dua, we need to ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for guidance and over and above that, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to keep us on that straight path. And we need to check ourselves how close or far are we from Allah subhanho wa Taala His word and from the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us always from amongst those who are following the right path. And wherever we've arrived, may Allah grant us return to the

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right path as soon as possible. I mean,

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so Allah subhanho wa Taala then speaks about another da once you are guided, you don't just stop there Mashallah we say it every day may Allah guide us. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in Surah, Allah Imran

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robina, led to Zoo Bana even head eterna O Allah, O Allah, do not miss guide or do not let us be astray. Do not let our hearts lose the path after we have been guided. So sometimes what happens is we have guidance, but after some time, we become oblivious of it and we swim. We swim in order to avoid a pothole and suddenly the car rolls. That's what happens to our spirituality. We swim because we have seen something haram and chiffon has entrapped us and we begin to roll there is a spiritual rolling of the spiritual vehicle. It will require some time to rejuvenate and recuperate. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala God does understanding this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran, that

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shavonne he has his army also.

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And shavonne also calls towards what he termed guidance. But it is the intellect of men to look into whether that is what Allah command is or not. If when you hear something, it happens to be that which Allah has commanded, you must know it's correct. And if it happens to be that which Allah has prohibited, you should know it is incorrect. And this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of this in the Quran in many places. And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us how shavon has his army. And the army of shavonne also calls out and calls the people towards all forms of items which he calls guidance, but Allah subhanho wa Taala says regarding shavon labu

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he Aegina Subhana Allah shavon has calls his own companions or he has companions calling towards what he calls guidance. And he says, Come come towards this guidance. A person should automatically pick up that this is from the devil it's not guidance

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the say that indeed, the guidance of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the correct guidance. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to guide us. And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in Surah Baqarah as well as in Surah, two rod and in many other places, that He gives everybody an opportunity, he gives them an opportunity for guidance. Nobody will die until and unless they have had opportunities to turn to the right path. Then on the day of the AMA, it will be held for them or against them depending on whether they heard or did not depending on whether they took heed or not. Look at what Allah subhanho wa Taala says.

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He says from the very beginning in Surah Baqarah for him,

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Nino de forma de

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la Mola.

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We will send everyone guidance. Whenever guidance comes to any of you, then those who follow it, there will be no reason for them to fear no to worry. Allah subhanho wa Taala says they will have the goodness in the dunya as well as in the alpha and this is why in Surah Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Allah

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one equally comin

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Allah says O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you are

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Wanna and we'd like you all to know that for every community for every people, we have sent a guide.

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Every community, there is a guide who comes to them or who lives in their midst. And every nation Allah sends a guide to them or a guide lives in their midst. It's up to us to find the guide to follow the guide to listen to the guidance, then, because the llama because the scholars of this religion are not prophets, they are not flawless, they are not perfect.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us gives us guidance and tells us fabae Shin Reba de la Vina stamey una una

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una Oksana give good news to those who when they listen to a speech, they follow the best of it. Because human beings can earn I am standing in front of you, I might utter a word or two that might not be of the respect that the crowd is deserving or is deserving of or I might make an error. I might misquote very slightly this and I expect people to stand up and get up and immediately correct me so panela if that does happen, it is your duty. When the words of Allah are misquoted, it is the right of every Muslim to correct such a person, no matter what type of knowledge they have, because they are human beings. And this is the reason why insalata tarawih, though it is our duty to learn

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the verses as best as we can, when there is a mistake, it is the right of every person in the congregation to scream out what is correct, if they are 100% sure that they know what is happening. So panela this Koran is not a book that is just for some and not for others, and it definitely has guidance in it. So therefore, when we are quoting it, we should quote it without an error. Whereas when it comes to the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam we should quote it as close as possible as close as we can. If we make a small mistake for as long as the meaning is correct, inshallah we will be forgiven. But when it comes to the Quran, there is no scope of making errors

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there. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding and may He guide us to the right path. This is why Allah subhanho wa Taala says regarding those whom, when they listen to some speech, they follow the best of it.

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Mr. Maliki mianus, Mr. Moody, who was sitting in Al Madina, munawwara in front of the grave of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he pointed at the grave. And he said, Ma'am, in hiding in law, you mean calamy while you're in law, Sahiba del cobre? He says, Every single person, you need to take some of what they say, and throw back some of what they say, besides the one who is resting in this grave, you need to take absolutely everything he has said. So Panama, that means myself and yourselves. We cannot just listen to every statement that is being uttered without verifying it without making sure that this is correct. If we are to follow absolutely everything of a certain

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man, for example, who's not a prophet, but a human like us, like myself and yourself, we would be following his mistakes as well. You know, normally when people are reciting the Quran, sometimes and obviously it's good because we are asked to read in an Arabic tone, and to read in an Arabic accent that is the Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, read the Quran in an Arabic accent, how would you like it if I were to speak English in a non English accent? In a typical Indian accent, so to speak, may Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us when you speak a language, speak it exactly as it is meant to be spoken. If you were to speak Zulu, try to speak like those whose

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language it is. So when you read the Quran, try to read in the accent of the Arabs. And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us Subhana Allah, the most eloquent of people was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. This Koran guides us to that which is good. We are meant to be reading it in the perfect way. And I normally say

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that when you have a person who does not read the news, for example, in the correct accent, and they put an accent on, that absolutely confuses the people what would happen

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they would be fired in a short time or nobody would want to listen to that news because they wouldn't even understand what is happening. The same applies when it comes to the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala it is full of guidance. It is important that we read it in a perfect way we try our best to read it in a manner that will please Allah subhanho wa Taala there was a point I was going to make but sadly it has slipped my mind We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala that it comes back in sha Allah Allahumma salli ala nabina Muhammad wa ala nabina Muhammad wa barakato

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Let's continue with this topic. Allah subhanho wa Taala says that he has sent all the messengers with guidance, who will lead the Salah Rasulullah who have been who da di T. Leo

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Dini Cooney, carry on Hill Machinery Co we read that verse in tonight's verses as well. And it is repeated in the Quran in a few places. Allah subhanho wa Taala says it is he who sends the messengers with the deen with the guidance. It is Allah who sends the messages with guidance, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us from those who can follow this guidance.

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Over and above that.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us

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that guidance is a gift from Allah. guidance is a gift from Allah we should treat it as a gift. When you have a gift. The first thing you do is you are thankful for it. So thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for the gift of guidance, and this is why the people of Ghana, Allah subhanho wa Taala coats them and Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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wacol hamdulillah he led he hadn't he had

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Nina de de la la, la when they will be sitting in general they will say Oh Allah, we thank you. We praise you every single way. All praise is due to you for having guided us to this had it not been for your guidance, we would never have been rightly guided. So we need to thank Allah I'm sure you hear the words Alhamdulillah Allah Dr. Donnelly hada many times May Allah subhanho wa Taala be praised in every single way. We praise him for having guided us to this Dean will law he there are others who don't even have a little bit of DNA in them. And yet we are sitting here in the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala if we are not thankful we might be from amongst those who are rejected. May

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Allah subhanho wa Taala never ever do that to us.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about how important it is to be thankful to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah

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and to consider it a gift Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Berlin

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come and

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you want to know what is the big gift? The big gift is when Allah has guided you. Allah is the one who gives you the big gift when he has guided you to a man. This is why we say we declare we confirm we confess that the biggest gift we have is a man the belief in Allah La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that statement is by far the biggest gift that we have all been given. And that is the statement that will take us into Jenna May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all paradise.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says in any hi Danny Robbie la

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Dotty mustafi name another method of thanking Allah subhanho wa Taala to declare that Allah has guided me to the right path I praise Allah subhanho wa Taala that Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of in Surah Al anon

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and then Allah tells us whom He guides who does Allah subhanho wa Taala guide.

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The first point we need to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah Blanca booth one levena jahad oficina Lana de

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su moulana those who try hard those who struggle to come towards us, we will open the doors of guidance for them. So guidance cannot just come when we sit and we make a do Allah guide us and then we are going to the nightclubs we are going to the casinos we going every way we want to drink the bottles and what have you of alcohol, may Allah protect us. Then we make dua and we tell others make dua that Allah guides me and Allah guide me, Allah guide me but you got a bottle in your hand. Guidance won't come like that Allah says when you try, when you make an effort, I will definitely open the doors for you. So this is the role we play. We play the path, the effort, make the effort

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be genuine. Listen to what Allah subhanho wa Taala says that was in Surah, two ankle boots. In Surah Surah Allah says y de la Haman and

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Allah guides towards him those who turn towards him, those who repent. Those who are remorseful, those who have Eman Allah guides them, those who give with their wealth, Allah subhanho wa Taala guides them those who soften up their hearts Allah subhanho wa Taala guides them, those who do good Allah subhanho wa Taala guides them those who believe in the life after death. Allah subhanho wa Taala guides them all these angles are made mention of in the Quran. Those who are thankful Allah subhanho wa Taala guides them listen to what he says in Surah tunnel about Ibrahim Ali Hassan

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Salam O Allah says, Sha Qian Li n ami, ej Du Bois de ella.

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Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam was very thankful for the gifts Allah bestowed upon him. So Allah says so we chose him and we guided him to the straight path. So when we are thankful to Allah, we show gratitude and what is the means of showing gratitude not only to say I thank you Allah, but live your life. According to Allah command. He's given you so much Subhana Allah, if you live your life according to the commands of Allah subhanho wa Taala automatically, that is thankfulness to Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah, then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about

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those who accept destiny, when it comes in their way.

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They will also be rightly guided there are certain verses in the Quran where Allah says those are the people who are definitely guided and one of these verses Allah says in Surah Baqarah will levena is

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also about whom mostly bateau Cano, in he wants

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be more of

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those who when calamity overtakes them when they have a difficulty in their lives. They make it to our saying, Oh Allah, we belong to you and we are all going to return to you. They are patient, Allah subhanho wa Taala says they are the ones who are definitely rightly guided.

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So we need to be contented all times. When something negative comes in our direction, we should take the opportunity to convert it into something positive. You've made an accident, may Allah protect us all. It's time to be patient, which is an act of worship that you won't be able to engage in unless something negative comes in your direction.

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When something negative comes in your direction that you feel as a human being is negative. Say you've broken an arm, we ask Allah to grant us all inshallah good arms, and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala never to break our bones for us. But at the same time, if a bone is broken, that is an opportunity to gain closeness to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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look at the positive of it. Don't only look at the negative of it. And thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for what he has given, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us the best inshallah. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala warns us about following our own desires and following our intellect when it goes against what Allah has decreed.

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Our brain, obviously is one of the biggest gifts we have, in terms of the body, parts of the body, the brain is one of the biggest gifts we have. We need to use that brain to put a large commands into practice, not to challenge them.

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So those who challenge the commands of Allah subhanho wa Taala and dispute with them. Allah says in the Quran, we won't guide them because they are fighting with guidance. If you fight guidance, it goes further away. But Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that there are some whom they read the Quran with the wrong intention that itself will be a source of their misguidance. Now that is something dangerous because the Quran is full of guidance. How can someone be misguided through it? If they've got the wrong intention, they will be misguided through it. Like a person who reads the abrogated verse of alcohol for example, oh you who believe? And this is a verse that is abrogated.

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Oh you who believe when you come to Salah ensure that you are not in the state of intoxication. So someone reads the verse and intentionally they say okay, so that means I can drink no problem. I'll drink in the morning or I'll drink in the afternoon before our salah and I'll delay my acid a little bit. What are they doing? Or I'll drink in the night after Isha Salah. They are intentionally misconstruing and misinterpreting and playing a mischief with the Quran. Allah subhanho wa Taala warns them and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us in Allah ha la will be hardened kitabi akuamma while Baba he affarin. Allah subhanho wa Taala will lift through this pour on certain

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people, he will lift them very high. Those who read it correctly, those who try and understand it those who put it into practice those who take it as a means of guidance and inspiration. Allah says we will lift them very high. And the same Quran will be a means of the destruction of some those who know it but don't want to put it into practice. Those who don't want to know it. And those who want to misconstrue it's versus like the Jews and the Christians and the others. Allah subhanho wa Taala says in this Quran that

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We revealed to them guidance, but they changed it. Listen to what Allah says about the Bible. Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

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regarding Isa he salam, Jesus May peace be upon him Why?

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He who?

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We gave him the Injeel the gospel in it, there is guidance and there is light. But where is that gospel today? Nobody can come with the original manuscripts, not a soul. And the evidence of that is there is a huge dispute amongst the Christians themselves, as to which is the correct version of the Bible. So there are more than 36 different versions of the Bible. In fact, that was the last time we looked at it right now. I believe there is a new version out so that makes it 37 or even 38 different versions and people are arguing and debating, which is the original script, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to guide us regarding the Torah, Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran, in

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we reveal the Torah. We definitely revealed it in it there is guidance in life. But Subhana Allah today again, it has been changed. It has been twisted. It has been turned to suit others. Allah subhanho wa Taala warns us the oma of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying, never misinterpret the Quran. Because if you try and do that, it will be a means of your destruction. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us understanding. Remember one very important aspect, we read the Quran, it is our duty to read the Quran. Whenever a question comes to our minds, let's not try and answer it ourselves. Ask those who know the revelation, because there are reasons of revelation

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of most of the verses of the Quran. At times we don't know them, but the scholars of Deen would know them. So you don't just read the verse and start arriving at conclusions. You don't derive and extract rulings yourself. If you have not learned, you need to have learned under the tutorship and guidance of a scholar who has also learned under another scholar who has also learned under another scholar until we get to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that is very important. And this is the difference between the muslimeen and those who are not Muslims. When we get knowledge of religion, it must have a chain, it must have a chain of narrators, a chain of scholars, a chain of

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scholars that goes right back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and that is when it will be regarded as authentic and that is when what we will be holding is actual guidance. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to open the doors for us.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of a very, very serious matter. He says in Surah, Zuko that sometimes people follow the mistakes of their parents, and the mistakes of their forefathers, and they stick to it, even when guidance comes to them. When the true guidance comes to them, they use the excuse of, you know, our forefathers have been doing this for many decades and they continue doing it. So Allah subhanho wa Taala tells the messengers, and Allah speaks about these type of people in Surah. Bill, Lu, in

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do Allah says, when you go and call them towards guidance, they will say that no, we found our forefathers doing this and we we are guided by the path of our forefathers. So allow us to question immediately after that. Our ology to be

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mean mimma tamala II?

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What if we came to you with something that has more guidance than what your father's had? Would you then follow it? And Allah says, No, they've chosen not to follow it. So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala guidance. This This refers to us as well. Whenever we've seen a culture coming down through the generations, we need to ask ourselves, is it correct? If Islam allows it, if it is within the framework of the Sharia Alhamdulillah we may adopt it. But if it contradicts what Allah has said, we need to throw that culture out of the picture. Because many times many people across the globe have spoiled Islam by adding culture to it, and what culture does, it brings you down to the ground and

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it shackles you in the shackles of shape on and then religion becomes very difficult, you can't move left you can't move right because of the flavor of culture, not because of religion itself. And this is why it's important to separate culture, from religion, wherever the culture is against the religion. We are not condemning culture, culture is something very good, really, we need to be cultural spiritual people. But at the same time, only the culture that does not contradict what with what Allah subhanho wa Taala has revealed and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us Muslims.

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In every aspect, and in every sense of the word before anything else. So Allah subhanho wa Taala thereafter speaks

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about the fact that in the month of Ramadan, it is a very big opportunity for people to attend. We know that guidance in the month of Ramadan. Everyone wants to be rightly guided, everyone's heart is supposed to have softened up. We mentioned a few days ago and a lot of people actually told me that it was a very interesting point. So let me repeat it. We mentioned a few days ago that when we have a computer, and we have Mashallah printed the whole letter or prepared the whole PowerPoint presentation, and then suddenly we switch off without saving changes, what happens? We feel it really we feel we've wasted the whole afternoon. We've prepared so much and suddenly, when it came

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to save changes, we were oblivious, we either click No or the computer was switched off in a rush or there was a power cut.

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That's what happens to us every Ramadan. We change in Ramadan, we make a lot of effort we read Quran we do tilava we become better people. As Ramadan comes out, we forget to save our changes. So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala not to make us from those really we need to be from amongst those who can become better people. So after Ramadan, we can benefit from what we did in the month of Ramadan. This is why Allah says when he speaks about the verses of Ramadan in Surah Baqarah he says, when he took me know that I wanted to come

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tasco Allah says he wants you to complete the course. He wants you to complete the entire course of 29 or 30 days, and he wants you to declare his greatness upon the fact that he has guided you.

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That is why on the day of Eve What do we say? Allah Allahu Akbar, oh, la, la,

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la la la, la, la, la la, la.

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Beautiful words. What is that? That is fulfilling the command of Allah that He has issued in Surah Baqarah to say, declare the takbeer the greatness of Allah because he guided you Subhana Allah. So that is what we do. So we need to declare the greatness of Allah wherever he has guided us. Let's thank him. let's declare his greatness as well. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all goodness. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says there are some people whom guidance comes to them they know it's guidance. They know it is guidance, but they fight it because it does not suit their whims and fancies.

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Allah says those type of people they will go to Hellfire if they continue in that way. One

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bad demon,

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meaning and one Li moto Allah. One was ninja

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Whoever wants to fight the messenger, whoever wants to fight the messenger when he comes with the truth and with guidance and he wants to follow a path besides the path of the rest of the believers. He wants to follow a path besides the path of guidance after knowing what is the path of guidance, Allah says we will do two things. The first is Nolan Lee masala. What is meant by Manuel de Mata wala the mufa Syrian say new z Nola hall bath in Fira haka. Wanaka be hula, hula fire obatala we will 10 what is good in his mind, so, it will appear bad. So, he will consider what is good or bad and he will consider what is bad, good. So, he will not be able

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to distinguish between right and wrong because when the guidance came to him, he fought it. May Allah protect us. And the second thing Allah says he will do is he will make sure that that person arrives in hellfire. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala never ever do that to us. I normally give an example and it's something we need to think about. We as human beings cannot tolerate the flame of a candle on our baby finger.

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We cannot tolerate the flame of a candle on our baby finger. How then, are we not shaken? When we are being spoken to about Hellfire that is 70,000 times hotter than the hottest flame that this dunya in this world can come up with.

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The lightest of flames of Hellfire is more than that. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to protect us all

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Then there is another issue. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, when he guides nobody can miss guide. And when he has decided there will be no guidance for someone, nobody will be able to guide them Subhana Allah. Let's listen to the verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala says My name

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Niala whomsoever Allah has decided to misguide, there will be nobody who will be able to guide that person. May Allah subhanho wa Taala guide us there is a hadith could see Hadith where Allah subhanho wa Taala is speaking and he says, Yeah, he buddy colloquium

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in lemon had a to fester whodunnit. decom Oh, my worship is, all of you are a stray besides the one whom I have guided, or besides those whom I have guided, so seek guidance from me and I will guide you may Allah subhanho wa Taala guide us and together with that we need to make an effort in sha Allah to get towards the guidance. And this is why it's important we must make an effort to come for Salah to Juma early, we must come to listen to the guidance. It is termed as guidance in the foreign advocate. It is a reminder for all of us. Sometimes what happens is we come so late for Juma Salah. We come when the Imam is almost complete, and we rush and we are happy that we've caught the Juma

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we've made it a ceremony. It is not a ceremony. It is a sermon and a lecture we need to go and listen to that message. A lot of us are guilty of not having new Islamic knowledge.

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In the week, every week for many weeks,

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sometimes for a long time. If I were to ask you how much new Islamic knowledge Did you get last week?

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Maybe the month of Ramadan, you might have attended a talk or two if we were speaking about outside the month of Ramadan. That is guidance. How am I how many words of guidance have come into your ears in the last week is it only worth about the 10 minutes that we caught in Juma

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now Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all understanding it's important we make an effort to go out to attend the lessons where the Quran is being taught where the Sunnah is being taught where the books of Deen are being read, where they are people who have gathered in order in order to spread the word of Islam, it's important we make an effort to try and attend these functions in these gatherings so that we can achieve guidance in sha Allah, if you notice that that gathering was a waste of time, you don't need to attend again. But you need to make an effort. You need to try you need to go and see. And sometimes it might have been a little bit of a waste of time, in the sense that people

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might have just spoken about everything that was not religious. But maybe you could streamline it and remind them to say look, we are here for guidance. There are speak about that which is constructive. And it is trying to improve ourselves. And this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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in Surah Merida, that every single one of us should be worried about ourselves. Because those who are misguided, they won't be able to affect me they won't be able to affect you if myself and yourselves are rightly guided. Listen to what Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Yeah, are you

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liable? Okay?

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Allah says, Oh, you who believe be concerned about yourselves, be worried about yourself, those who are misguided, they won't be able to harm you or to misguide you, if you yourselves are rightly guided, may Allah Subhana. Allah protect us from those who are misguided. Remember, it is prohibited to befriend the misguided person, because the chances of that misguidance brushing off onto us are very great, especially when we allow them into our homes to meet with our family members, their children and ours. If they are misguided people, what will happen, that misguidance will infiltrate into our homes. This is why it's important we select those whom we allow into our houses very, very

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carefully. They must be from amongst those who are conscious of the Creator. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala make us all from those who are conscious of him at all times. And this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about a certain issue, that there are some people who like to say, No, we've got guidance, they don't we are more guided than those people. And you know, we would have been more guided if we were to do this, we would have done it better because we are more rightly guided and so on. Don't brag about guidance, because it is Allah alone. Who knows who is on the right path.

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You try your best, don't disrespect others. If they are not clean cuts on what is completely forbidden. You need to realize they deserve a little bit of your respect, at least

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not every time would you be on the right path. You might have certain deeds that are on the wrong path and they might have these more than yours that are on the right path we ask Allah

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subhanho wa Taala to grant us the ability to remain on this highway known as a Serato. Mr. Team the right path.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about this issue where people start saying this one is rightly guided or we would we would have been more rightly guided in Surah to Nam Allah says, otaku, lo

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de la lionell kita Bula

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mean home, the kuffaar maka, they used to say, if this book was revealed to us, we would have been even more guided than them, we would have done a better job than them. The question is, if you are going that far, can't you believe in the book so foolish they are. So they did not believe in the book solely because it was not revealed to their kith and kin, to their cronies. Because of that, they said, No, we don't want to take it from this man. He was an orphan. He grew up, he's poor, he doesn't really have enough wealth to compete with us. We don't want to listen to his message. But if it was revealed to us, we would have done a better job, we would have spread it across the globe.

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Now look at him, look at how misguidance was written for them. And this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala says, even the messenger does not guide he does not own guidance. Now one might think that this contradicts with what I said at the beginning, where Allah subhanho wa Taala says we're in Nicoletta d u O Prophet sallallahu sallam, you guide to the right path. And then in another verse, Allah says, O Muhammad, sallAllahu wasallam. You don't own any guidance. Now, what is this? You find the non Muslims pick up these two verses and they show the suspecting Muslims and they say, look, there's a contradiction in your book. And people say, oh, easy. Allahu Akbar. May Allah subhana wa

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Taala grant us understanding they can never be a contradiction in the Quran. I told you there are different types of guidance. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam can show the right path, but he cannot decide who's going to accept it and who's not going to accept it. So his uncle Abu Polly, was shown the right path. He knew the right path. He confirmed that yes, I know it's the right path. But he refused to accept it even on his deathbed and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was very saddened because Allah subhanho wa Taala imagine had informed him that you have the ability to guide

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to show them the light because you have the light.

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And then Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed versus calming him and telling him in da da da, da, da da da da

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da, da me Asha.

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JD, indeed, you will not decide who will accept the guidance and who will not. It is Allah who decides who will accept the guidance and who will not and it is Allah who knows really, who has accepted the guidance and who hasn't. So this goes to show that nobody controls guidance besides Allah subhanho wa Taala they might be able to show you the path of guidance, but they won't be able to make you walk on it unless Allah subhanho wa Taala wants you to walk on it. Now lawmakers all walk upon the correct path. And this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us thereafter, that when it comes to guidance, it is our duty to convey any goodness we have. We need to convey it any form

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of guidance you have, you need to teach it to others. When someone asks you a religious question of guidance, it is compulsory for you to respond if you know the answer.

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And if you feel that they have no ulterior motives, but if you feel they have ulterior motives, or you're not too sure of the answer, then obviously you should not answer

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Allah subhanho wa Taala issues a warning

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to people who want to hide the basis of Allah when they asked about them. In the next two akto nama, amin, albina,

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Nima, Yana holiness, even kita.

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Those who want to hide what we have revealed in terms of the verses and guidance, after we have revealed it in the book, they want to still hide it, they don't want to convey it. They don't want to teach it. They don't want to tell the people about it. Allah says, Allah,

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Allahu, Allahu Allah.

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Those people, Allah will kiss them, and all those who can kiss will curse them, the curses will also curse them, which means those who are affected by that negativity will also curse them. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from those who can teach. This is why it's important when we go home, we must always speak to our family members about what has happened in the masjid, and about the guidance, Musa alayhis salam. He looked at the light that was also called Buddha.

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Buddha he told his family let me go and see if I can get

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guidance, we've lost the road, we've lost the path. So Allah subhanho wa Taala then says he went back to his family with the guidance. He promised his family, I will come back to you with guidance, meaning I'll show you the path. When I come back, I'll tell you what happened. Amazing how many of us are ready to go home and spend at least 2030 minutes with our families, telling them what happened, and telling them on a Friday today, we had a 10 minute talk. I remember three points from the talk, one, two, and three. We only seem to be remembering those points where the mom has said, your wives need to listen to you. Your wives must be under your command. Then we'll go home and say

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you know what the mom said, I've recorded it on my mobile phone. Listen.

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Then we are guilty of being selective when it comes to issuing the knowledge that Allah has given us. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding what about the vs way? Allah says, Don't swear, don't shout and scream. Don't be disrespectful to your family members and so on. We forget those very fast and we forget them very, very quickly. We ask Allah Subhana Allah, Allah to protect us all. Then Allah tells us that whoever has chosen the path of guidance shall only be choosing it for themselves, it will help themselves. Money data in America deal enough See, Whosoever has decided to go on the right path. Allah subhanho wa Taala says they will be guided for themselves,

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they will be benefitting themselves. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says that there are certain people who go out and guide others. for them. They are the blessings of Allah. Allah says we have chosen people who travel across the land, to go and guide others to go and give them guidance to go and teach them a thing or two. Allah says for him His mercy, listen to what Allah subhanho wa Taala says praising such people.

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Man Hakuna Matata.

00:51:57 --> 00:51:58

Do Nabeel

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de leeuw. Allah says from amongst those who we have created, our people who go out to teach the goodness and they guide the guide with what is correct, they guide others with that which is just with that which is correct. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us from amongst those.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us a different angle of guidance altogether. He says when someone plots an evil plot and an evil plan, Allah will not guide that plan. That plan will be misguided. So the word guidance is used in the Quran. To say what Allah Allah de cadle for any in Surah Yusuf Allah subhanho wa Taala says, definitely Allah will never guide the plot of the deceivers, the deceivers who want to plot, Allah doesn't guide that planning, and that plot will turn against them, and it will be a means of their own destruction. And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us to follow the guidance before we will regret

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otaku La

00:53:11 --> 00:53:14

ilaha danila domina

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in Surah, surah Zuma, Allah subhanho wa Taala says on the day of the AMA, there will be certain people who are misguided going into the fire and they will try and blame the creator to say no, you know, if you had given us the guidance we would have been from amongst those who are conscious of you, why didn't you give us the guidance? And Allah says no, you can't blame Allah subhanho wa Taala. It is in our hands, whether we want to read Salah or not, whether we want to try or not. We need to try to achieve the guidance. Try to learn try to go to the scholars try to respect those who have knowledge and you will see the doors of guidance opening for you may Allah subhanahu wa taala

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grant us all an opening in sha Allah.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about who we should follow.

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The message is in Surah Yaseen, it is for a specific group of people, but it's also a lesson for all of us. It

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is an Akuma Joe.

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Dido don't follow those who are asking no money in return for what they are teaching you. They are asking nothing from you. They don't want any complaints from you, and they are rightly guided. So there are certain people

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when others come to them, teaching them goodness, taking nothing from them, they still become arrogant. They still don't want the guidance whereas we should be such that even if someone wants money to teach us the Quran, we should pay them. Amazing how many of us are ready to pay somebody to teach us the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That question is important because the bulk of us very sadly, when it is being dished out for free in the masjid. We don't want to attend amazing how are we going?

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To then pay for it, are you seeing the balance here? When something is for free, normally we should be running towards it. today. If we are giving out free for example, free water here, a lot of people who take from it Alhamdulillah not to say anyone is greedy but it's free, Mashallah we will take from it.

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But we should be from amongst those that we realize that the Quran and the guidance is much more important than water and drink and food. We need to be found wherever it is being taught. Wherever there are words of guidance, let's change our lives. Let's try and look for it. Let's try and hunt for it. And let's try and follow it in sha Allah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala then speaks about how at times a child can have guidance and guide the Father. When the Father has led astray. Listen to what Ibrahim Alayhi Salam told his father and this is mentioned in Surah. Miriam

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in need Khadija nee Mina Lamy mala Mia Deke, Debbie nee de casa.

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We owe my father, knowledge has come to me that did not come to you. So follow me and I will guide you to the right pa Subhana Allah, how many of us, our children can tell us that you're wrong. Ma'am, you're wrong. This is not correct. This is really going to earn the anger of Allah don't do this, that you're not supposed to be doing that the way you are speaking is against the command of Allah. How many of us can allow our children to correct us look at what happened to the father of Ibrahim, he did not allow his son to correct him so he was cast in the fire. With us we need to realize let's allow our children to correct us when we are wrong, and inshallah we will be

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successful. The same applies we should also be corrected by our own parents, when our parents correct us when we are wrong.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about how certain people are not even guided by the fact that we have destroyed others before them who had even more than them, the word guidance is used. Allah says, our lemmya de la whom and this verse is in Surah Taha, our amiya de la whom come like Napa, whom in Allah curonian una de masa Kini him.

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Do they not achieve guidance by the fact? Are they not guided by the fact that we have destroyed many nations before them, and they are walking in the houses of the same people who had destroyed before them.

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But it happens to us sometimes a person dies passes away, we buy the house, we are in the house. We don't realize that you know what, that man had more money than me. He was more powerful than me. He lived longer than me but still he died and we are living in their houses and we don't take heed. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us every form of protection. Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about how even the gym, the gym kind, when they listen to what his guidance, the bulk of them turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala or a large group of them have turned to Allah subhanho wa Taala in Surah Jin as well as in Surah to Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about when the jinn heard the Quran, how

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they turned in Sami Na

00:58:18 --> 00:58:39

Na Jabba Java, we have heard an amazing recitation, we have heard an amazing recitation yeah D LaRoche D it is guiding towards what is good, what is right, it is guiding towards righteousness, goodness, it is guiding towards that which is why is full of wisdom

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me, so we have believed in it and we have accepted it. So guidance wherever it is, even the gym kind happened to turn towards it. We are going to turn towards guidance. Are we going to make a dua to Allah to guide us? Are we going to constantly look at what we have whether it is guidance or not, or are we going to be from amongst those who are losers? We ask Allah never ever to put us into any form of negativity, and to always make us people who can benefit was Allah Allahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad Subhana Allah who become the satanic alarm or the Hamdi Ganesha to Allah Allah in lantana stone Sirocco Anna to wake

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