Mohammad Elshinawy – Echoes #07 Surat al-A’raaf

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary © The importance of avoiding giving out personal information and following principles of avoiding influence from others is emphasized. The use of shams and shamsers, including those of Adam and Eve, Jesus, and the shams of Islam, can lead to evil behavior. The segment also discusses various groups and their behavior during the pandemic, including those who refuse to admit their crimes and refuse to admit their crimes. The segment ends with a discussion of the use of negative language and its potential consequences.
AI: Transcript ©
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Starting with you want to step through what are we learning try them Giuliana fusina Our sejahtera Molina, main de la Jota Allah fella Melinda La MaMa Euclid Fela Dianna Marshadow Allah, Allah who would actually color version number of hummus and avocado rosulip era using Latina haven't

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gone too far to he won at an alternate level and to Simone.

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We begin the name of Allah All Praise and glory belongs to Allah Almighty God we thank him and we seek His help and his guidance and his pleasure and his forgiveness.

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And we seek protection with Allah from the newspapers within ourselves and the awful consequences of our misdeeds from men from love guy, this is a great gift that no one can take away, none can misguide them. And remember, our love leads without guidance, there is no need to guide them. And remember Allah guide, no one can lead astray and we testify that he is the one and only Subhana what are the true supreme King, the only one who created us by himself, and is deserving of our dedication, our devotion and our worship by himself. Subhanallah one that I'm the glorified and exalted.

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Just as we testified, the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was his final prophet to the best of his creation, and the seal of his revelation and the most beloved of the slaves of Allah to Allah, Old Believers, will you ever believe remain conscious of your Lord Allah the Most High in the manner that he deserves and do not die except in a state of complete and total loving and willing to surrender to one law, a state that we stand

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as it has become customary for us we are continuing in our journey, discovering the Quran are new. And in the previous football, we discuss suitable an ad and we said sort of

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the sixth chapter in the order of the Quran and so the out of the seven chapter or the to link the solos the to like the chapters in the Quran that will revealed very early were revealed in Mecca before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam moved on to the city of Medina. And in Sudan, we said the just the theme of the surah was to solidify your conviction, to make concrete your certainty so that you would be enabled through that, to see and to live this meaning that my prayer and my sacrifice my living and my dying, all of that is for Allah alone without partners, Lord of the Worlds Subhana wa Tada. And now consumers of our of our of literally means the heights and the

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reason for that will come in a moment, but suited to our office essentially,

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for every person that seeks or tries to be religious, seeks or tries to be more committed than he currently is to Allah subhanho wa taala, suited the law raffia revolves around perhaps above anything else, the theme of the reality of surrender, what it means to surrender to Allah azza wa jal, once and for all, once and for all, to surrender without hesitation to decide. Sure, it's gradual, and it's a journey, a life journey to right this path, the straight path of Islam, but it requires from you first as a matter of principle to decide. That's it, I am someone who surrenders to Allah, every ounce of me belongs to Allah, I will not hesitate in that out of rebellion as a

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matter of principle, even if I may stumble as a matter of practice due to my weakness, circle of analysis that from the onset from the beginning, and it means sloughed Kitab one a book or Muhammad that we sent down to you, and the never really fella couldn't be Saudi Kochava to Minoo. So there should be no hard feelings, no discomfort in your chest. From it whatsoever. No house, no hesitation, no footstep now no half stepping, no foot dragging. The next verse goes on to say it Debbie remembers they can be wrong because while at the Tami Roman Dooney here on the air, you just follow along.

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You have no say, with your master your king, you're loving God, you have no say with him, because that's what it means accepting him as a master in principle, you just follow what has come down from your Lord, what has condemned to you from your Lord and do not follow anything else. Besides that this is the central theme. Absolute a lot off and that's why you move on into subtle art. If you see for example, the very first story discussed is the story of humanity at the Salem witch

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They Vaughn is commanded to prostrate and then he says, No, I'm not going to prostrate. So Allah azza wa jal asks him, ma'am, and I can attest to the amount of two. Why is it that you don't prostrate when I'm the one who commanded you? Am I not your master? Are you not the slave? And he basically said, Why would die he's made from mud are made from fire he's made out of sand and water and dirt. Basically Shavon said, what? I don't think that's a very good idea.

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I understand you command. But I don't think I'm not very convinced, why do I need to do that?

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And this violates the principle of surrender. Now this violates the principle of enslavement to Allah subhanho wa Taala because he expects of you to enslave yourself to Him? Totally and entirely including your mind. This whole concept of I'll do this when I'm convinced but I don't really think that this is very wise, or I don't think that should be done. Do not send forth between the hands of Allah and His messenger. You have no right to say your say your freedoms and with the boundaries of Allah beginning that's the term that's the condition and that's why Allah azza wa jal said later on out of his consideration for humanity, and then being thinking creatures good in NEMA help Rama Rob

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big fella, Aisha Melba, Amin, Halliburton later on that same Surah, tell them on the remnants of Allahu alayhi wa sallam after giving them some injunctions. My Lord has only forbidden He only says stop and go not for the sake of exercising his mastery not to be a need to feel his powers and what Allah

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he says, tell them my Lord only forbids that which is wrong, that which is indecent, the apparent of it and the hidden. So just understand that you may consider this harmless. You may consider this Rationally speaking, not the best decision, that's a flaw in your rationale. I don't do it except that it is the wisest thing where that wisdom is apparent, or that wisdom is hidden. That was the first story of Cinderella off, then it moves on now to fast forward to another story, the story after which the surah was named. So a lot of a lot of literally means those that are in the heights or the heights, a station that people will be in on the Day of Judgment. See, there will be people

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on the day of judgment that are inherited dice, experiencing every form of delight, emotional delight, so our offseason is what has happened MFE saluted him in Libya, we pulled out every rancor every ill feeling every content from their chests, brothers in paradise. And by the way, there's a paradise in this dunya when you have that transparency, that beauty between you and your brothers, you enjoy that emotional delight. Also there is the physical delights in paradise, also have fruits and spouses and the lights. And there is the spiritual delight of connecting with your Lord and seeing his face and knowing that he's pleased with you. And then he describes the people of the

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fire, that they are stuffed into the fire that they refuse to believe, despite all the evidence being to the contrary, refuse to believe it existed. And then the people of the fire are addressed by the people of Paradise, and they are said it is said to them, and we put the agenda and then our guna for * budget to work and we have found that our Lord promises to be true. Have you found that your Lord promised to be true? Those are two people on the Day of Judgment. But the people in the heights are a third category. Well they never met he Jeff was between the people of Paradise and the people of hellfire there is a partition, they're locked away from each other. Even if some

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conversations even if some scene can take place. They are for the most part cut off from each other. Now while an hour off every journey Yeah, the food and coulomb you seem

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and then in the heights, they say on a bridge or on a wall or on a mountain there in the heights are a people that know all by their marks. They recognize the people of the fire, and they recognize the people of paradise. They see them both, and they recognize them both, and they hear him conversating and they know who they are because they had their relationship with both of them. You see these people in the heights are people that hesitated.

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They had ill feeling discomfort. They did not decide where which of the two groups they belong. And so these were the people that were totally corrupt. They had some good in them, but they refused throughout their life to make a final decision. Back and forth.

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The people of Iraq, we have to be very careful about this. The people of Iraq are a people that swayed with every wind, when they were with the good people, they were good. And when they went in with the other crowd, they were with the other crowd. And they refuse to take ownership of their own fates. And so they live their life in this country addiction. They wanted to party, but wish they could be a good person every time they're at the party. And then they come be righteous, but they say no, I can't stay like this for long, I still have to go back after the masjid or after the Jumar after Ramadan. And so they had this tug of war inside of them. And so there are many opinions, what

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are often the people have a lot of art. But basically, the majority of the scholars say, these are people who found their good deeds and their evil deeds to be exactly the same on the day of attentions.

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They're good deeds were not enough to get them into paragraphs, to deliver them to jail.

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And their evil deeds were not quite enough to drive him into the fire.

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And so they sit in the middle. Allah says, as the ads continue, when the US had been Jannetty, and salah,

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let me at AFOLU we're who we are tomorrow, and they call out to the people of paradise. They say Peace be upon you how lucky you are, how secure you are here, there.

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But they didn't have to enter. They were not allowed to enter it while who you are tomorrow. While they were tormented by a longing to enter upon them, almost like greed or a yearning inside. They wish they could they long to enter Jannah they stared at the two and they stared wishing for how long? For some people like these people, perhaps the Day of Judgment will be as Allah said in certain marriage 50,000 leaves waiting, wishing insecure not knowing am I going to be with this PBS people? Or am I going to be with those people?

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Because they had their relationship with both. They had similarities to both. You can imagine no one, when you have an exam the next morning, the person cannot sleep because he doesn't know what's going to be the outcome of the exam. You know, when you have a court date in the morning for a marital issue or immigration or even a summons a violation that you were, you know struck with you sit there uneasy because you have to wait 12 hours to record things. Can you imagine a people sitting there staring at the people they know their friends, their relatives, their family members, perhaps in the helpline, and their friends, their family members, their Twinsen Jana and seeing them

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go back and forth, and they have no idea at the end of the story. So which of the two they're going to be headed?

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Allah azza wa jal says with Saudi for Assad to cause havoc now and then when their sights are driven to the people of the fire means they look out of the corner of their eyes or they're made forced to look at the people of the fire. They say all the bene led to jail. Jana COVID-19 Oh our Lord, do not place us with the wrong good people. Don't let us be with them. We know we know we were with them for quite a long time and dunya don't let us be with these people. Let us be with those people. And so these were

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those that didn't make the decision, those that just stuck in the middle and gambled with their soul whether he had to do that. So Allah so the law half says jump wholeheartedly into surrender. Don't gamble with your soul. Don't play that game.

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And then SOTL are off than mentioned another school and you know the stories of the Quran, a person wonders why they repeat so much. And the answer is they don't repeat.

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Rather, they are told from different angles each time so that it would serve the purpose of the theme of that sutra.

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And so there's a story of Adam and Eve about the Quran. It's sold a particular way in the sunnah to serve the same theme the same concept

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of the stories that are told to Allah are off or those that were satisfied with knowledge and didn't act fast.

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What's your idea he never left the earth they know who it is clogged the planets mentioned but in a particular way here. He says Subhana wa Tada and recite to them and Mohammed tell them about the one who we gave our asset to. The ayat are the signs of Allah and His Verses are of the signs.

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We gave him out

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or a friend seller farming. And so he broke away from them for a tobacco shaytaan. And so shaitan chased him down, he followed up he gained onto him Academy on Halloween, and he became of those deliberately deviance. There is much to be said about this man of it is his name. His name is not mentioned because it doesn't matter. This story is recurrence, those that carry libraries on their backs, those that have knowledge and don't act Shavon, who knew more than anybody, but that didn't save. So the name is left out. So consider is this my story? Will I be of those in this category? This dollars mentioned this could be a name a man named Bill and Rob, and it is possible that each

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of those in this category is just an example doesn't mean it's stuck and locked on him if Allah who wanted that so he would have just said his name, he left it undefined. So you would consider you would place yourself in the hot seat. This is a person who Allah testifies to his knowledge, the one we gave our verses to.

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But see, the problem is he broke away from them.

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He treated them like a luxury.

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You see your religion your Surrender means knowledge and actions. He half step he accepted the knowledge and walk away from the Actions

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and the word Salah for in the Arabic language literally means to peel right? It means to skin away, you know, and it in that is an amazing meaning. Look at how eloquent doper and puts it. The knowledge I send you that's supposed to be like your skin, that's your flesh and you're gonna lose, it's supposed to consume you. It's supposed to flow through your veins, this person insisted on ripping apart away from him, that should have been inseparable.

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And also the word insula to peel away or to skin away refers to something happening very slowly. You know, that the sheep need to self and you skin the sheep, those that know this good brother from the community just taught me this last year.

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You have to do it very carefully. And very slowly. It's a gradual process that you fall off and you find yourself stuck between two worlds, the world of truth and falsehood, the world of righteousness, you could fall off and not realize that the lesson it happened so slow, that self that peeling off as Allah azza wa jal says where I had to let people lay less love for men who know how, and assign for them is how we created the night and we peel out of it to the day, isn't that what happens there's the night and slowly the day creeps on. Or the night or the day comes into being the light increases gradually. Likewise, a person can get skin from the knowledge little by

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a person should worry shaitan doesn't just come to somebody that's praying and fasting and doing his left and speaking the truth tell him go commit adultery, that it is a very slow process. So a person could fall off internally before it happens externally. So he needs to be careful about this. And so Allah says We gave him our signs for when self harming had so he peeled away from it. Allah blinking first kind of little dial, fat tobacco shape on then shaytaan ran after him, you see Shavon was the secondary culprits before and here. So the art of particular saying, You need to decide your fate. It is your choice, you need to decide where you stand. When he peeled away from the verses when he

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pulled them out of his life when he gave up little by little, he left the door open for your children to come in. So he cannot come later and blame anyone you can't even blame the shaytaan on the day of judgments. Look at how the Quran could see he peeled away so shaitan followed him because he already moved away a little it's been but can I mean I'm an all wean and so he became of the Halloween. You know who the Halloween are a Laval he is the one that knows the truth knowledge, but he cannot get himself to act on it anymore. He's stuck in the middle. That's why Allah Subhana Allah guided us praising our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, Now one less law he will do one

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more vote your companion condiment. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not mistaken. He didn't accidentally leave the truth right in any matter.

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What mulawa Well, we recovered the same word, nor did he deliberately leave it, meaning he wasn't ignorant, nor was he deviant on purpose neither of those so the shikon follow this guy to the law.

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off and he became of the Halloween, the one who knew what was right but didn't follow it. He couldn't follow it anymore. He disarmed himself from being able to do that. The verses continue when I was shooting a lot of Anna who we have and had we want it. We would have raised him with this book with our signs with our verses. Well, I can offer that but he his fault, he chose to stick to the earth. He chose to prefer the world. He wanted the immediate

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as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said I love raises people with this book in Allah alpha, we had the Kitab the up one.

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Indeed Allah raised with this book people, well, the RBF marine and he disgraces others by this book, if you take it as a luxury if you take this book as a tag along you coat it when it serves your interests and you ignore it when it demands of you right certain rights you have towards it, right? So it's Allah right? So it's yourself right? So it's humanity. Whoever treats the Quran like that the Quran, you put it in front of you, you give it your undivided attention, and it will lead you to genuine and if you place it behind you, these are the words of my school what are the hola Juan and if you place it behind you who push you into the fire, it will drive you into the fire if

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the Quran becomes a luxury becomes a tag along becomes one of your supporters, instead of you being its supporters.

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If we wished you would have raised this man with it, well, I can never refer to it allowed, but he insisted on sticking to the earth.

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For my fellow QMF and in calendar of the

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worst examples a person can find in the Quran.

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of distress for a human being, we honor the human being but when he turns away from this book, he becomes like a dog of assets in touch with an elf Elta to whoever, whether you chased him away,

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he pants and whether you leave him he hands in other words, the person that turns away from our signs, He's hopeless, He's panting and his every circumstance he thinks by ignoring the duties of the dean, life is going to be nice life is going to be easy and no more response. He will never be easy without ALLAH SubhanA wa he will never be happy he will never be secure without Allah without staying close to the signs without staying close to this book. And if he stays close, he will be on cruise control. It will be is that is when life will be good. That's fine. So that are all of the ways that the story of Musa that is so recurrent in the Quran is Sol Allah says that the sorcerer's

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they throw down their their ropes and the people get scared. They assume it's real magic where they assume that it's something that can truly harm them. And Allah tells Mussolini's that I'm throw your staff down. And so he throws his staff down becomes an actual snake.

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And the eats up all of their optical illusions, all the toys they throw on the ground, the wiggling ropes, if you will.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says at that moment, the sorcerers because this is their trade, this is their expertise. They knew this was not a trick. This was not going to have to go optical illusion. This was an actual snake. What will be a Sahara to Saturday? This is the first I want. Allah says and so the sorcerers were thrown down in frustration. It doesn't say they frustrated.

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A person frustrates when they were thrown. It doesn't even mention who threw them. It's mentioned in the passing right? Maybe the majority you don't know who did it. What is it that made the prostrates

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the sign on the bus Panama. They saw that a piece of wood, an inanimate object aliveness stick, become an actual living snake that moves. But hold on. We see this every day.

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Don't we see? A drop of * a clots of blood. That in reality, right?

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Even if not in the biological sense, it is dead. It doesn't have knowledge, it doesn't have willpower.

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And then it becomes a living human being it becomes a baby that's alive. It comes to life even though it was dead. Why don't we feel thrown into and I don't just mean the sujood of thanking Allah when there's a new board this ajuda reality is this the truth of the heart and your body is supposed to make so do to remind your heart to make sujood mean to prostrate me to feel broken to feel humble. Why don't we feel that? Because we've become desensitized who's versus we've become disconnected from his nurses. We've become numb they were thrown into they couldn't help but frustrated when they were close to the sign of Allah. Likewise

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As you when you come close to Allah if he signs off them on his versus his book you will feel compelled, compelled to fall into suju with your heart before your forehead, a full body and our stuff

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come to the left. To sell out of Atlanta we abandoned the Chitto la isla de Laval demolition egullet version 100 and Robidoux wherever you want.

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The final unique story

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that I wish to share

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from Susan are off

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is the story of us have settings those who violated on Saturday.

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Allah Baraka goddesses, so de la Mer off was LD mandatory, Atletico cannot help throttle back

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and ask them about that town that they know about from middle is somebody who used to be on the shore.

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They were eight people a village or town or community that lived on the shores when they violated on Saturday why? T he believed that it would be over 70 him show bra. Well nowadays we do that as a team can Daddy can we do the mechanics of all these people were commanded not to fish on Saturday. But it was only Saturday that the fish would show themselves on the surface of sticking their tails, their fins outs? And whenever they would go any other day when they wouldn't head out on a Saturday. The fish would never come. Of course the fish don't know the days of the week. Allah says Cavalli can we do. We tested them with this we limited we limited the doors of Hala aka doors of Halloween

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on them and they were almost forced to be patient with this. almost forced to not eat because of their violations. And so they violated that one as well. But in the end, Allah azza wa jal says about this evil, what is called an ummah to minimum limits are imposed upon many levels leagoo Eloqua and Shalida. A group from them, said, why is it that you are advising people, you see, so they split up, people were fishing on Saturday, they would basically loophole around, they would put the net on Friday and pull out on Sunday, as if they want to trick the Lord of the world, the creator of their minds.

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So people came and objective, and a group says, Why do you even advise the people that Allah is bound to destroy? This was the third group who stuck in the middle again,

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the people who didn't do their job of objective to evil, but they didn't want anyone else to do the job because it made them look bad. They tried to appease themselves for their laziness by objective among those who actually were doing the work. And how many armchair critics do we have now in these interviews?

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They're doing this wrong and that role of how about you do that? I don't have the time. I don't have the knowledge.

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And so they objected. Why are you advising of people that Allah is bound to destroy? And so the people that were upholding the duty of commanding the good forbidding the evil advocating what's right and objecting to what's wrong,

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they said, Nigera, take it out before we say it in order to be excused absolved in front of your Lord, what are under the taboo, we do it for two reasons. So that Allah would excuse us, maybe in the studio. At times, the punishment takes everybody and they get resurrected upon their intention is that it says, but at times, it does protect in the dunya, just as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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objected, and the Companions objected to the shield in Mecca. And because of that small group, the punishment did not come down upon the law. So you will be absolved in this dunya perhaps, and definitely you will be absorbed in the afterlife is the first reason you object to Rome, when you see what I level up on. And perhaps they may become conscious, perhaps one day they will come to their senses. And this is why whenever you see something wrong, and you see a chance, not to be improved, and not to strain relationships all the time, but you see a candidate to teach what's right to discourage What's wrong, do it. It may not work the first time it may work down the mind.

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You know, when when the entire Muslim world their ideas were hijacked, and their beliefs were buried. 60 years ago, there were still people that kept saying no, his job is from the deed. No, it is a sign of morality. No, it's not backwards. This is

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and down the line these women said okay, okay, okay, well we get married, and then some of the most of them actually put on the hijab and they got married and now all their children wear hijab now. This is a reality

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you know me and me and a brother was speaking about this series of photos the other day, and we were thinking about what is the percentage of people that's actually going to snap into the Quran after these after tomorrow? And there is a glooming negative atmosphere that perhaps not too many perhaps one day they will i am sure the villa one day they will if it's not after last football after this book, we've got this book but by time you get the sort of views

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now I know you're telling me perhaps they will come to their senses. The next versus what for them wrestle man will kill will be one of the violators for God's meaning they kept pushing away, meaning they ignored because simply forgetting is not a sin, when they ignored what they were reminded of, and Jane and Adina and Hello Nice to we've removed to save the people that used to forbid the evil, while phenylalanine avala will be added in the ACP mark and we have sukoon and we took the wrongdoers with a horrible or wretched punishment because of their rebellion. That's it. Where's the third group that didn't say?

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They didn't speak and so Allah didn't speak about them. Some say they will destroy the bills that will destroy some say they were saved because at least that's hard even if they didn't speak up they hated the evil and even adverse with your loved ones never knew with you. This is the story of the people on Saturday, he would break down crying and he would say Camarena share and as it gets no camera inertia. And so it gets to know how many times we saw things and we stayed silent. How many times we saw things and we stayed silent. And he used to say all the alumni that I knew were in the Lambo, I educated him that for our do an akuna Nazjatar Lemon Lemon have the island. I pass by

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diversity in the book of Allah, I wish all the people knew about the rhino.

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And so so the law offers that as well. It says part of you jumping in totally is not just you committing on your own, you need to do that. But you also need to be carrying that righteousness to others. Allah azza wa jal says in Medina you must see good

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work. Welcome salata in Orlando hero agilon, muesli him, indeed those who caused others to hold on to the book, or they held on to the book tightly, all of it, the duties they have towards themselves for everything. And they established the prayer also, we will not allow their efforts, the efforts of the reformer, not just the righteous and in himself, the Reformers to go to waste. Their righteousness in and of themselves does not go to waste. They are not just washed away in the story. If they are reformers, and then they are not righteous unless they do whatever they can of reform. So take these out at home, read them to your children reminisce on the rest of the sower build an

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atmosphere for yourself to do that. And this was one minute left a moment above. You see also that we are trying our best or I hope that is close to our best. There are many many things developing your domestic you see around the world giving the youth a place May Allah reward them for all they've done in the masjid. They're continuing to do their innovations, the Masjid downstairs as well. The bathroom for the masjid downstairs as well. The renovation in sha Allah will try to have them complete by the conference that is coming at the end of the month with free admission and free dinner also are running expenses. Let us keep the momentum going. Let us continue to help be have a

00:33:49 --> 00:34:03

scratch in the in the mountain of Folsom let us continue to be influential we are part of the resurgence of our D the rediscovery of the Quran and the Sunnah. May Allah accept us and he was worthy for that lovely man. I mean, Allah Allah, Allah Allah Allah,

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Allah, Allah,

00:34:07 --> 00:34:07

Allah Allah,

00:34:09 --> 00:34:10

Allah, Allah and our

00:34:11 --> 00:34:51

character from benefiting Danna when he is one innosilicon revenue EMA whatever charts we have to do with everything that is the mean and open and accountable for Rahim Allah. We do better what are we the better we manage now seeing that we are a mountain fina tofu. I didn't see enough about the Celica we could dismiss some major big enough said I want to retire in our family. I will step out of equilibrium and tetrahydrofuran or Rubina Coronavirus movie now, watch Eliza exam for the head of aluminium monofilaments luminosity mask and here you can watch from a moment and what was the level we'll send them a lot of random comments.

00:34:53 --> 00:34:56

What does that tell you? Right? We're hungry

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