Mohammad Elshinawy – Echoes #06 Surat al-An’am

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary © The title " farmers of Islam" is a reference to the book of Islam, and it is a reference to the title. The use of "has" and "hasn't" in describing actions and events is discussed, as well as the importance of remembering and not forgetting. The importance of living for Allah is emphasized, and hesitation in discussing Islam's legal implications is emphasized. The success of Islam in bringing people to a sense of unity and empowering others is also highlighted.
AI: Transcript ©
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In 111 Carla you want to sign on with us stuff through when I was in the office you know see it I'm learning I'm playing and being in love with the law for my family for

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a while. That would actually get washed

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up into one of the you also

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use Latina on the hula Harper to party he will add them to 911 Simone. Yeah you've nurse in support of back home Let me follow up on me Neff sinuata wahala coming herself Jakob Westerling hula Richard and Kathy are on when he says

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what type of love and lending just as in a vehicle over hand in novela Can you repeat? Yeah, you can La Nina multiple la how to Poland sadita you're

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wealthy like me to do battle for my nuclear Illa or some level for the first films in our Lima. We begin the name of Allah All Praise and glory folks, Allah, Lord of Might, the Most Merciful, the grantor of mercy, All Praise and Glory be to Him in the manner that he deserves. And we testify that no one is worthy of worship.

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And they simply seek protection forgiveness with Him and Him alone kind of went on from the evil whispers of our souls and the evil consequences that will result of our actions for whomever our mouth guides. No one can use Skype and whomever Allah uses our guidance, no one can guide and we justify that no one is worthy of our worship, our dedication, our love and our lives. But Allah Subhana Allah die, but Allah Jalla Jalla the majestic and glorify without any partners at the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was his deities Prophet and his sermon that is messenger or people of Imagine having a tough call of Allah and do not die except in a state of

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complete and total surrender to Allah, complete and total consciousness of Allah state of Islam.

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And to begin after welcome our brothers and sisters back to the house of Allah so agenda will begin with our journey through the Quran or through an overview of the Quran. And today we have an appointment with the a very special surah the sixth Surah of the Quran Surah Al Anon. And circle Ananda is a very, very special place among the surah from the book of Allah azza wa jal. And it takes a very drastic turn, if you're reading the most half of the Quran from its cover to its cover between the first four solar we discussed and Bhutan and Iran and Lisa and Redman either, and between Sudan and Iran for a number of reasons of them is that this is the first Surah we are

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discussing that was revealed in Mecca. And that is different and unique. It is unlike the previous sorrows we discuss, nor is it like the majority of the soldiers that landed in

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and some of the

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Islamic writers, the those who wrote against Islam, the critics of Islam, they said that the reason why the sword in Medina were long, and the solar in Mexico was short, it was because the people in America were not very literate. They didn't know much, right? But when the prophets Allah, Allah has moved to Edina, there was people of scripture there it was the Christians, the Jews and Christians visited so he plagiarized from them. And of course a person that doesn't know his book we say okay, I guess it makes sense that ours are shorter in Mecca and the ayat are much longer in Medina, but this surah here so that around and the sooner after even Chava suit Allah half are two of the

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longest Surah of the Quran with very lengthy verses, and they were revealed in Mecca.

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And so it is a unique mechanism. And its arrival was also very unique, as if not based on the Allah monument says that, and it was revealed in Mecca all at once. This was the view report that if I didn't have this on the level,

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and it was revealed in the company, it was escorted to this earth by 70,000 Angels. This is a prelude to what the surah is all about. You know, when you see a funeral procession or a celebrity passing and there's one car after another after its wars going on here, what's happening. This is all to set the stage for what's about to happen. The arrival of this great sewer system

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70,000 Angels were accompanying the surah the edge El gouna Victus be all of them yelling aloud are calling proclaiming are loud the greatness of Allah subhanho wa Taala the glory of Allah. So why will this great atmosphere? What's all this? This is because that is exactly what Susan anon is about the most obvious being in sort of Iran is number one, the greatness of Allah, His glory, His Majesty, his supremacy, His exaltation. And secondly, what it means to recognize the greatness of Allah subhanho wa taala. That's very important, because a person as a matter of fact, on a factual level can say God is great.

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But this does not translate into an emotion, his life, he's not alert to this concept in his life. This has no active role in and so so then I'm keen to remove those two things. Number one, understand how great Allah is. And number two, be of those who actively recognize that let it show on a feeling and action, fear submissiveness, just like the rest of the universe is the product of all Allah and it testifies to him, so do you, so should you so it begins right from the beginning. Alhamdulillah lovely, colorful semi words without grammatical No, some men Latina kefir will be on Vimeo and you do All Praise be to Allah and the word Adhan because we didn't discuss emphatic in our

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series, we will mention it now means two things, a shoe crew with an app to thank Allah meaning for everything he does, and to praise Allah for everything that he is you thank someone for action that he does towards you usually, and you pray someone for a quality even if they don't know who you are, but the quality that they have, that's impressive about them. So when Allah says at Hamdulillah, the praise all of it All praise belongs to Allah because everything came from him and every single thing that it teaches us about him and every single thing about him is impressive and admirable. So All Praise be to Allah Who is Allah Who created the heavens and the earth, and and created Giada also

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means created night and D. And then the disbelievers go off beyond be him he actually do. They equate people with Allah, they don't recognize his greatness. The scholar said, it begins with this generality, because the heavens and the earth are every everything above us called Santa Coloma Santa for her folk from everything that is above you can be called Summer and everything beneath you could be called up. So he's basically saying Allah who created all of space, and he created nights and the he created time, the creator of time and space, how can you equate him with anyone? How can these disbelievers give him an equal then the if continue to say well, a developer chameleon, He

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created you out of sand out of mud? And then he gave you a point in turn? Three, and Tim, Tim Tyrone, and then you dispute about Allah and He is Allah who is glorified. His Greatness is no too similar to Buffalo out of the way I am still rocking with him and he knows what you do in private and in public.

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And he knows all that you earn. Allah azza wa jal says what matters to him mean to me, or beat him. In that camera I can already see it's so obvious his greatness, but no matter what side we send them, even if we make the whole universe assign, they choose to ignore it, one at a team and there does not come to straight to them to their doorstep, any of the signs of their Lord, except that they turn a blind eye to so Allah azza wa jal is seeing the signs are there. Don't ask for the signs. They are so obvious. And then he gives the example is Didn't you ask for a book if we even sent a book down? Allah says fear can pass in a notebook forever so who bat and that they held it in

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their own hands? The disbelievers would say this is magic. Maybe we're intoxicated, maybe drink some wine, maybe we smoked marijuana, as we'd say nowadays, maybe this is it's an optical illusion, even if we made it so even more obvious, you still wouldn't believe. Then Allah says within an hour all of this the same size they are accustomed to in the football. He says any and then you say oh send an Angel. Even if he would have sent an angel you would have made him a man and losses so that you can relate to us. We send an Angel you're gonna say I can't relate to an angel. I'm human. That's an angel. Meaning it's not an issue of there not being enough proof. It's an issue of you not wanting

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to believe.

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And so Allah asserted what he does when they demand the book that they can touch or demand an angel to see with their own eyes. He says

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Islam, there are much simpler signs in everything that are more than enough. So he says subhanho wa Taala in Allah fairly could help you and Allah, Allah is the One who split open the seed, you're just not paying attention. And he's the one who split open the dates that they kids mean he's the one that cracks open these dead inanimate objects and cause the stem to grow out for them to germinate from life to come out of the dead. Usually to hire them and animate your hopefully to make him that he uses. He's the one that brings life out of the dead out of the dead seed after the winter is over. You're just not focusing.

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Then he says fairly pointless bash. He is the one that breaks open the solva Morning, from the dark night he brings it to you every morning. You're just taking it for granted. You're not paying attention. See the prophets of Allah who I served with raised his companions upon the simple things that they weren't enough to feed their faith and slay Muslim speaking of the morning, he said, Oh, who attended the aina to have additions. Do you know where the sun ones? Call Allah Allah rasool Allah and Allah and His Messenger know best. He said the heavenly test Judah tackle arch from metastatic dinner ogba It went to prostrate make sujood onto the Throne of Allah, whether we can act

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conceptualize it and understand that we're not he told us Allah Azza and this is what happens the same way the Quran says everything glorifies Allah but you can't understand it. Likewise the sun he said it frustrates to Allah under hits his throne, and then it asks him permission to come out for another sunrise. And Allah permits for it to come out. He said and then they will come or Buddha wanted to ask above permission to come out. And the one who said the Sun in orbit will command the sun to go the other way. It will ask its Lord permission to come out and Allah will send it say go back where you came from. And that will be the day that the sun will not rise from the east. It will

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rise from the west and that will be the commencement of the hour that will be the day of judgment. So he's the one that breaks open the morning allows the sun to come up or will you not consider these are what they are saying. He says he's the one that sends down rain from the sky so that an owl and provides with produce with vegetation, what they do in our room man and the olives and the pomegranates the fruits and the vegetables that he says Subhana wa Tada about these fruits and vegetables from literally that family that hey, listen, stop for a second. And look at the fruits when the yield when the time for harvest. When you have a fruit in your hands, the ordinary things.

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Look at SAP versus Panama.

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Oh, this was what it was a few months ago. Look at the fruit is the ephemera once it yields were entering and see how it ripens for you, whatever to help tahu yo mahasamadhi and pay its do this. This is a care of vegetation and pay it's due on the day of its harvest. Meaning Allah azza wa jal is saying when you get the fruit Hold on, this is a sign of from Allah and has a right due to Allah, the sign of Allah is that you consider his power, his greatness, his generosity in this and the right of Allah is that you pays a cow on your vegetation, before you sell it or before you

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before you consume it hope whether acorns price.

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And the solar continues with the same pattern, refusing to mention anything but the greatness of Allah in the little things. And this is the beauty of Susan and the greatness of his knowledge. For example, what are you doing with practical advice? He says in the Surah with him are the treasure chest locked away of the unseen layer level, in level, nobody knows these things, but him. These are the five things he mentioned the last time so Look, man, maybe we get to it in the future. No one knows these aspects of the scene on scene Potami layer level one in level. Then he continues to say other things that are unseen, that you might be able to discover or partially come across. Why

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remember better he will. And he knows whatever's in the lens and whatever is and see.

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Until today, we are discovering things in the last. Until today we are plunging deeper and deeper into the seas. They just discovered a new shark. I was reading an article a few weeks ago

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when Mantis Otto Minnewaska team in LA Mola says Pay attention is not a leaf that falls from a tree except that he knows about it. So he doesn't just know everything in general. He even knows the specifics. Pay attention. The whole surah is about that word that I will keep repeating

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to pay attention.

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You know, in school, the the, they have this famous philosophical question that says if a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there to hear it, does it actually make a sound? Allah azza wa jal shatters that argument and says forget the tree, there is not a leaf. There's not a leaf that falls, except that he knows about. You can allow that fact to pass on deaf ears. But when you sit there for a second and look at this small piece of greenery outside the masjid, how difficult would it be for you to accurately count how many blades of grass how many leaves are in that small section outside the muscles Lexi's and then imagine how many leaves on a block how many leaves are in a city or

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village how many leaves are in a country how many leaves are on the planet he has recorded full knowledge every drop every ounce of that leaf knows about it so kinda want to I want to have Bettin feel good on that and Oh, nor is there even nor is there even a seed in the darkness is in the plural of the Earth, meaning a seed inside the darkness of the ocean, under the mud of the ocean in the middle of the night. Except that he knows about Subhana Allah dot the greatness of His knowledge that he says also, and so that it's not just the animate things that he knows specifically in every fine detail, even the things that are not tangible that you can't touch he knows about. He says to

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His prophets, Allah, Allah Allah, he was an Oklahoman Kadena animal enough, would I assume you can let the guru I know him. We know certainly how much it hurts you to hear what they're saying about you.

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For a nebula, you can the moon, or the kingdom of God, the minute we get in there in Hollywood, they're not really belying. They don't really think you're a liar. And he's reassuring him regarding the emotions he knows about him. And this is from the greatness of his mouth. There's no exception to even our feelings, you know, subhanAllah die, he knows what it hurts, he knows when we're joy, he knows all of that thick and thin. Every subtle matter, He has full knowledge of, they're not denying you, they simply do not want to admit to come to terms with

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the verses of Allah the size of Allah. And so what the Quran does here is it teaches you how to think on what level to reflect. And this is of the greatness of the Quran and that's why it's so good and I'm is going to be talking about Allah's Great list of the most important things you'd expect for it to talk about and it does is the greatness of his book, The greatness of His words. This is part of the greatness of Allah Khadija upon Basa in mirabito, there has come to you insight from your Lord beside this is our fifth football around us as brothers and sisters.

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Have you begun to have you changed the like, have you used the keys with that we've tried to hand over so that we can go home have you gone home and ready I tried to see and if you have a habit you start to see things differently. This is something you have to believe in that without the Quran you can't see straight. Without the Quran, you're looking through a completely different lens. Without the Quran you need. We are actually blind. We are blind to the true sense of the word. We are more blind than the person that doesn't see the dunya for in the Hala tabula rasa what I can Tamiflu nothing for saloon was the eyesight that goes wide rather than the hearts in the chest go blind

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inside the eyesight. That's true blindness. Rather without the Qur'an you need to believe that you're not just blind. Without the flan, you're dead. You're not alive. And so I can see that and I'm most proud of autolysis

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in nema. Yes, the G Boone Medina is Maroon. Indeed those that will respond to this reminder, look at the little things pay attention, who will respond and pay attention the people that can hear.

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So he said, the person who's a believer is the person that can hear when the melter your bathroom law and the deceased person, the dead people, they will wake up to the reminder, Allah will wake them all

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in on the Day of Judgment. So those that can hear versus those that are dead. So the believer is someone that can hear that's what you're supposed to be you're supposed to have access to this book and listen carefully. And this believer is someone who's not alive and he doesn't look at the book to begin with.

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And so that Allah says our main cada maintenance, which I'm gonna let him know Rob,

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what about the one who was dead and so we give him life.

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And we provided for him the slides. That's why the number one he said about these if and the likes, he says alone among those that understand the Quran, they're alive and they give life to others he says and the ruler Matt Yun and Nikita did that in moto. While you are co owner. We know the law here and Alana, the scholars those that understand the last book, they look at the world differently, and they help you understand the world differently through the Quran. He says they give life using the book of Allah to those that are different.

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And they are allowed to see using the likes of Allah from his book, those that are blind.

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And so the Quran clarifies for me these things and gives you the insight of the interesting things within and that we really need to talk about, of what it clarifies for you of what what so the land reminds you about it reminds you or clarifies or explains to you, when your reminders will run out.

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When your chances are going to be up.

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He said Subhana wa COVID over the signs of His greatness is that he disables you from doing certain things. He puts problems in your life. If it was up to you, you wouldn't have a single problem in your life. If your knowledge was great, and you could plan everything out. If your power was great, and you could resist every obstacle. He disables you to show you who you are. He says it's Susan Falola and Jeff in fact, sooner tomorrow when I can cassette pollun was the yellow one shape auto mechanics.

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Were it not the case shouldn't have been that when our tournament came to them, when our punishment came to them. They were humble.

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Meaning that they believe they were humbled into belief, true belief about Allah. But what is the problem Allah saying, well, that can pass as a clue. And their hearts became hard. Meaning when a person you know the biggest problem in your life is what is when you have a problem in your life. And you don't see all what's left after that. If you're stuck between a rock and a hard place and you don't fall on your face and say Oh ALLAH rescue meaning if this if you're not going to remember that when exactly we remember

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if the problems are not going to wake you up,

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the good times not gonna wake you up. You know, they say have the wisdom of having are these problems in your life, betrayals, disappointments, poverty, sickness, whatever it is to remind you that you're asleep your advocate.

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And so you make dua because they're a bad worship enslavement that I've done I will revert that he's in a state of rebirth because he's right that's enslaved me where you admit to Allah your poverty is the whole point why he put you there so kind of what Allah

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but you know, the IRA Catherine says, What about your chances inspired? He says, if you're not going to wake up, then when I put you through hardships, you're going to keep forgetting, then this is what's going to happen for them monosyllabic you will be for him at whatever condition when they insisted on forgetting all the reminders, even the hardship he doesn't come back to us. He's still not rushing back to Allah, we open up for him the gates of everything we provide him with all he wants and more. Keep in mind remember we said to the man and the ease of Haram is a test.

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The context is what when they forgot our reminder we gave them had to in their family who we met who to have a dinner for love that and for example, the zoo, we gave them all they wanted until they became over. So joy, overjoyed with what they were granted, we * them, and they beat they fell into destruction, movie resume filled with regrets. And so a person's job is to remember while the reminders still stand, or else if you don't appreciate the reminder, more distractions will be thrown your way.

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And so so the alarm comes to snap a person out of all of that. It tells them pay attention, feed your feed, feed your your team, feed your conviction. And how do you do that? By being a person not being a drone, other person that sees the fruit and just eats it and sees the sun admits he doesn't connect all of these to the actions of Allah. And that's why it gives us a beautiful story. It's the story of Ibrahim Ali Salam. As he does that, he becomes a person of thought. He said subhanho wa Taala what can then you can do the Ibrahimi. Mallacoota similar to Malala and this is how it does. This is how we showed Ibrahim that the minute we enabled him to focus to pay attention

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the dominion of the heavens and the earth, so that he would be of the people of your people, so that he would have certainty so that he would be of the people of conviction. And so when he begins to look at the universe around him, and there's a famous debate whether he was discovering or just using this to debate,

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and all honestly the second opinion that he was just using this for argument's sake to disprove the disbelievers around him, because they were those around him that worship the stars and the moon and the sun in his time, the Sapiens that were idolaters.

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Allah says, so he would be of the people of ERP. And so he looked at the stars. And he said to them, is this my loan? Right?

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Again, this is either rhetorical How can this be my Lord? Or is this really my loan? Right? So he asked rhetorically, the point, the position I'm choosing or leading to is this my Lord. And then when the star goes, he says, I don't like anything that disappears. No way My Lord can be someone that disappears. My Lord cannot be someone that created the earth and six and rested on the seventh, my Lord cannot be someone that doesn't have my qualities doesn't have in the intelligence of a human being. It has to be above that the greatness of Allah cannot be mistaken. That's the point of Enron. And so he says, No, can't be the star. And he started from the star and he went upwards. Then he saw

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the moon, he said, this one, then it disappeared. I don't like things that said it disappeared. And then he saw the biggest of them the sun, he said, is that my Lord?

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And then the sunsets. He said, all my people, I have nothing to do. He disconnected at that point. He said, Oh my people in the poem, anybody only mentioned the code, I am disassociated. I am never a person that will confuse with the greatness of my Lord, anything. I am innocent of all humans, usually who you associate with ALLAH in me would just do what God let the fact ALLAH SubhanA wa T will have the Hanifa when my enemy should be healed, I have turned my face I have paid attention. I've given my undivided attention. I have turned my face to the one who originated the heavens and the earth. Everything we originate all of our inventions as human beings are what

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they are inventions that we improve with every brand new day, the iphone four becomes a five becomes a six, the car has a newer model and a newer bottle, I have turned my face to the one who did it perfect the first time around. So kinda with it. These things are signs of His greatness, but they are not his greatness. Subhana Motala I've turned my face to the one that originated the heavens and the earth Hanifa inclined to him only one that an eminent machine key, I am not those that equate anyone with him. You know, this reality that Ibrahim said, I'm living my brothers and sisters, this is what enabled him

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to remain firm. This is what enabled him to do all that he did. This is what enabled him to live a life truly for Allah. He wasn't confused by their arguments, he was not he was not pressured by their threats, he was not tempted by their offers, nothing was able to phrase him and this is very relevant for us. Now Allah, you know, the whole concept of and I mentioned this many times, the people worshipping whatever their mind sell them to worship, the man made system, the ideologies, the ideas, the trends, the globalized world runs on this now, right? They think once a religion says something, they know something greater, no, that doesn't make sense, I have something that makes

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sense. A person who knows the greatness of Allah will not ever assume that his logic is greater than the logic of Allah who won't be confused with the argument and the logic of the threats teltik None of all of that will crash in front of him. You know, interestingly into that and then we should even try to do something with our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and it was addressed in Susan and iron.

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They said to all Mohammed,

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a an animal that you slaughter a sheep or a calf, is this permissible to eat? He said yes.

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They say that an animal that we find that

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can we eat this? He said no. So they said to him, this is stupidity. It's not logic. They said to him, What do you and your companions kill with your hands? Right? What do you and your companions kill with your hands is halal slaughter

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and what Allah kills with his hand natural death as we call it? Yeah. What Allah kills by his choice by his head is how to they're seeing your religion What's your God says illogical? You see, when you don't know the greatness of Allah, you begin to compare your logic with his supposedly and see

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If you can, when you have a problem in your life, you say Why did Allah do this to me because you don't know that his wisdom is greater than yours. His mercy with you is greater than your own mercy with yourself. The Greatness is absent from your heart. So when they said this to him, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah says in surah Al haram, what at Kulu mymail and youth charisma and don't you dare eat whatever was not slaughtered in the name of Allah. What he never would have is an eating that is just okay, eating that which is not slaughtered and we have this fiscal is a rebellion to Allah's laws. It's a sin, a major sin.

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We're in the shell Deena, you hold that either LDA Lakeview Jedi who were the you know God to whom in Nicodemus Chico. And the devils they inspire to each other faulty logic meaning they inspire to each other these arguments so that they can debate with you Allah Sega, so that they can debate with you. And if you obey them, you are mushy code. You have associated parties to Allah, you are acquainted with Allah, your mind, your opinion of his opinion, your mind, your logic, supposedly, the logic of the Divine, this is understood, it makes sense. So if you eat it, It's haram. But if you think you're allowed to eat it, then you're overturning Allah's law to begin with your machine,

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you're not gonna believe it to begin with. This is what happens to people that begin to think they can one up God on his logic. And so they would begin these arguments and running. Listen, don't even try it. I have disassociated myself from you. And from all that you propose, and all that you threatened me with, and all that you tempt me with, I will continue to live for Allah, you're not going to face me. I'm not going to be confused about Allah. I'm not going to allow anything to seem comparable in my life. You can't get that blurry inside of you. You know why this is so important? Because of the most important ayat of the Quran, not just

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at the end of the surah speaks about that concept called inner Salah Tijuana Sookie. Why am I here? Why Mati de la. Say to them say no, you believe something, you got to say it, say to them, and the word poll appears and I'm almost more than any other sulam because when something is overflows inside you, wow, that painting this restaurant, look at that building, you just speak. If you're a little more religious from him, you'll say Subhan Allah right, you'll speak Allah saying, see my prayer, my sacrifice my living my dying, that's all for Allah. There's nothing left for you don't even try. You know, your prayer being for Allah find who else you're going to pray to your sacrifice

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into slaughter. These are berries and devotions for Allah fine. You're dying for Allah. May Allah Allah sincerity and that whoever asks with sincerity receives that, that degree of martyrdom, even if they die on their bed, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, but the really hard one is to live for Allah. This is not an act. This is the life to live your life for Allah, who can do that? Someone with the certainty that If only my lesson that I had was able to do that to become a solid iron believer.

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Do you live for Allah subhanho wa Taala you know the person that lives for Allah, He lives the one who tastes cities, he lives in a different world. Nothing can faze him because he believes his life doesn't even belong to him it belongs to Allah Subhana Allah die. So he sees the world completely differently through the eyes of being certain in the king to kind of go down

00:33:34 --> 00:33:36

a hole of only has our stuff about it when when he was.

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a letter via God to Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah was permitted on the board me you also.

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So the people that are able to live for Allah in actuality their whole life. And ask yourself that question when you go home today, these are people that are loved, locked in their hearts, his greatness, the point of the solar heat people that Allah saw from them, they were trying. So he enabled them to behold to observe his greatness Academy Awards. And when they did that, they weren't able to recognize anything else. They weren't even able to recognize themselves. And so these people when they speak, they speak for Allah about Allah when they're silent there with Allah to be convicted. Right? When they walk they walk for Allah when they sit or they act they behave this

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behavior is for Allah subhana wa Tada.

00:34:42 --> 00:35:00

Whoever allah God and sue that lives a good life. And whoever Allah does, it is miserable here he loses out on his life, and Allah knows best about the hereafter. That's when Souter arrives count. Allah azza wa jal says, work from a unity love when you adhere to Yeshua

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Under this law, whomever one wants to guide he sees through he deserves it.

00:35:05 --> 00:35:38

He opens he widens, expands his chest to surrender. Right? He makes it easy for it. It makes it enjoyable for you to surrender to this Islam. Wherever you read and you learn your child, Saudi Aramco de Pon hydrogen can NEMA Hassan Salah and whomever he wishes to mislead, because he knows he doesn't want guidance, he knows he's used up the reminders and doesn't want anymore and if they come, he's not going to accept them to begin with. He makes his tightness chest tight and constricted, as it is being elevated through the heavens to disguise.

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You know, the great Moroccan scholar, the late scholar, Dr. Frieden on Saudi, you he says about this area, remember, allows us to guide he opens his chest for Allah. He says, you know, when Allah guide someone to believing when Allah guides someone, to accepting that His word is true, and his promise doesn't ever falter. He believes in the hereafter. For example, he believes that that is not the end.

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This person, whoever tastes that he lives a completely different life, because he sees that as a bridge, he says, so when you see that as a bridge, at that point, you don't care too much whether you live or die, because if you're going to be living, you're going to be filling it with good deeds, and you're going to be filled with hope. And you're not going to be disheartened. And you know, Allah could protect you from all that worries you. And you know that if Allah chooses to take away your life, it's only for an upgrade in the Hereafter, he says, and then on the opposite end, the person that believes that the person who is deprived of being guided having his chest expanding,

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this person leaves a tight life, this person is so afraid for the button to get turned off on the screen. When he believes that is the end, he is haunted by those thoughts. He said, Allah is selling you in this area, the psychology, the emotional state of those that do not adhere after those that deny him. Ibrahim alayhi salam knew that and that's why when they threatened him, we're gonna kill you. He said, Yo, you want me to fear your threats, and you don't want to feel the threats I'm bringing you from Allah for a young lady, I have to be m. He said to the right after the debate, he said, Which of the two parties has more of a right to feel secure, you should be more afraid than

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me. Are you out of your mind. So what urination, I'm just one man, I was Allah subhanahu wa Tada. And then the next guy comes and says, and Latina, whatever you have to be so Iman, and who we will meet who that can allow me to do. Those who believe truly believed, complete their faith, and they don't pollute, they don't contaminate their Immanuel, God with any form of injustice, they have security, they will be rightly guided. And so the person would complete faith without any sort of injustice. He has complete security and guidance, and those that have lesser fee.

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And they have some injustice, they have a lesser form of security, but they're still secured. But at the end of the day, the person who Allah locks his heart upon believing and growing towards the obtain, he gave it to him, it has set up more and more recognition of his greatness. This person feels secure, he enjoys his life, he looks at the world completely different. And we owe that to ourselves. And we owe that to our families so that our deen is not subject to every threat, and every doubt and every desire and every confusion and every pressure, we owe that to ourselves.

00:38:37 --> 00:38:47

You don't in this world, from the moment you wake up, and the list of things to do. From the moment you get up in the morning till the moment you throw yourself on the bed at night.

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You wake up and you have an email, then you before that the alarm, and then you're quick Facebook comment, and then a Twitter storm on your phone, and then a picture here. And then just one quick YouTube clip there. And then social commitments and then the piling up of tasks. Every time you think about them. You say oh man, I got so much more things to do and think and all of that. If you stay like that, in this rat race, there's no way around that your heart will harden. Your heart will harden your Eman in the leak, it will leak your conviction has to leak because you start thinking that these things have value and then I'm done with this idea and then you're going to face another

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reality whether you believe in it or not whether you're aware of it or not. Allah says a sutra and I'm one of the tuna for Raja cannot find up to that to me whenever we you have come back to us now. All alone can you imagine see all alone you come back to us by yourself. Just as we created you the first time you don't even have your clothes anymore.

00:39:55 --> 00:39:59

What talk to men from when Nakamura of legal and

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You left all that we put with you temporarily lifted behind you lift your money, you lift your kids, you lift your parents, you lift your knowledge on the slab that you didn't use all in a moment its value will disappear, it will vanish, you will come to him, you have a long journey much longer than your life. And when you arrive after that very long journey after death, you will stand in front of him and you will realize his greatness or you will realize his greatness first. And you will live your life and death for Allah and then you will arrive in front of you. And see that Allah is more merciful is just as great in his mercy as everything else. He is more merciful than your wildest

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imaginations. You know, the great granddaughter has the value of the bond and the feasts. And I believe she was known as they told her after living her life for a month she was dying that she was fasting and told her drink. She said drink she said I've been fasting for 30 years in recognition of Allah these reward is greatness. asking Allah to meet him faster. I'm gonna break my fast now. And then she recited the I assume that fully member Salawat you will call Linda

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She said to whom you say to them say you admitted tell the world so who belongs everything in the heavens and everything in the earth? He has written upon himself mercy. It's enough because you can't obligate Allah to be merciful. He told you that I believed myself to be merciful. He did that. And then he told us about his just second lesson. May Allah enable us to recognize his greatness and drink from his book and live for His sake Allah Muhammad, Allah Ameen Allah from I mean, my inner life founder Masada is not alone I'm gonna loop and Asana to Medina Tiki de Allahu matsukawa, TW la choleric whether homiletic Allah Azza wa la Quranic Arabic Allah Mamluk Fluvanna toffee Malik hope

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and lack is lost and left cool and Alec coffin Ming Raja and feed Allah Allah.

00:42:17 --> 00:42:27

Allah Allah, He knows leading if Allah or Hannah when he Jaime remelted Misumi. Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, Allah from stemming from Benassi Nana

00:42:29 --> 00:42:38

Pura Vida EMA Allah Jackie would have been a winner in the Nina hammer opener in Nicaragua Rahim. Allah Allah wa Salam wa barakaatuh de la vida. Ah, very famous

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