Mohammad Elshinawy – Divine Parables #06 The Rescue Rope Quran & Fraternity

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary © The importance of remembering to be a fuller um prais of Islam and protecting one's own life is emphasized in these emphasizing groups and valuing one's religion. The speaker uses a parable of Jesus saying, I will keep you in the best interest of my friend, and emphasizes the importance of valuing one's religion and not being on the brink of death. Additionally, the speaker discusses the negative impact of being on the brink of death and surrounding oneself with people who believe in the same thing as one.
AI: Transcript ©
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I ask Allah azza wa Jal to make

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this a month of great mercy for you

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and a month of major changes in a

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positive direction for us as an ummah, aaraba

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We jump now to a

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parable in Surat Alimran,

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Wherein Allah

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right after

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Can we lower the gain a bit, Ali?

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Appreciate it.

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Wherein Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala right after the

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famous verse you hear of Riju Mu'awala tamutunnaillahuanto

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and be sure not to die except in

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a state of Islam.

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The very next verse now,

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it is almost as if he is telling

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you the bottom line of what you need

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more than anything

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to make sure you die in a state

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of Islam.

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And He says,

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And hold tightly to the rope of Allah,

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all of you together,

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and do not allow yourselves to become divided.

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Hold tightly to the book of Allah the

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rope of Allah.

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So you imagine someone stuck about to drown

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or on a ledge or something

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and the rope is extended.

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The rope comes dangling down. As he said

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, in nahath al Quran,

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this great

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Quran. 1 end of it is in your

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hands. And

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the other end is in the hand of

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Allah himself.

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So hold on tightly to it.

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Because if you do that you'll never be

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lost and you will never be doomed after

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having done that.

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So that is the rope and the rope

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is our hope in Allah aza wa jal

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and the book he extended to us.

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This is the first stop.

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The second

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is that Allah azzawajal

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in the Quran though in this ayah doesn't

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say tamasaku like the hadith. Hold on to

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it. He says

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And some have said the word

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has a very subtle meaning here and an

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additional meaning to keep in mind.

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Translated loosely as hold tightly

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comes from the word and the is the

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So it's as if Allah azzawajal is telling

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you be so careful about

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get not loosening your grip on this rope,

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not losing this rope that you wrap it

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around your wrist before you hold it. Understand

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the image?

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And so what happens there, if for whatever

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reason you slip, it's holding you now. Even

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if you slip for a moment that holding

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it. And that is what the Quran does.

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Every ayah you recite even without understanding it.

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Every ayah you put in the effort to

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Every session you attend to learn more about

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the Quran.

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Most importantly,

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every time you apply

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some of the guidance of the Quran, you

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are being further and further protected by it

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the doubts and desires that could jeopardize dying

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That's the bottom line. And that is why

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Hasan al Basri

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when someone said to him,

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Quran. So and so has completed his hif

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of the Quran. You know hif like a

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hafil and hafad like memorize.

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But the word hif actually means protect. So

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we say protected from being forgotten by memorizing

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it. That's where the word hif comes from.

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So when they said to him, so and

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so did his hif of the Quran,

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he said,

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Quran Rather the Quran is doing hif of

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The Quran is actually protecting him more than

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he's protecting the Quran, right?

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Because the Quran is not dependent on us.

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If we don't safeguard it, someone else will

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safeguard it. Someone else will be honored with

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that mission.

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But we are dependent on it. It is

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just like you know when Allah says,

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Allah says, Safeguard Allah

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or the Prophet alaihis salatu wa sallam said,

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Safeguard Allah, He will safeguard you. What is

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greater? You're safeguard No. You're safeguarding the the

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rights of Allah in your life.

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Whereas Allah safeguarding you is far greater.

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When Allah azzawajal says fathquruni afkurkum,

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Remember me and I will remember you. What

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is greater?

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aqbar. Allah's remembering of you is far greater

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than your remembering of Him subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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Likewise, this Quran you you hold on to

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it tight, rather you tie yourself to it.

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So that if you slip for a moment,

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it catches you.

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And then he says,

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and do this, tie yourself to the Quran

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all of you, all together and don't become

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It's as if it's reminding us

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that this has to be done together. It's

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as if holding on to the Quran or

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being held by the Quran

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won't work if you try to do it

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alone. It's a group effort.

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And for most people it is.

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You know we celebrate in the Quran Ibrahim

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alaihis salam for being an ummah by himself

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because most of us cannot be an ummah

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by himself by themselves. You can't. You need

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the group support. Right?

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One of the major blows to Christianity today

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was the divisions, the endless divisions within their

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that fractured their communities, and the and then

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their belief in their faith went with it.

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You know

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interestingly, many of our youth and the adults,

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they are challenged on their faith and they

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are told, if you weren't born into a

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Muslim family, you you wouldn't be Muslim today.

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By the way, I don't want you to

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ever be rattled by this question. Because if

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he was not born into a religion hating

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era, he would not hate and be suspicious

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of all religions. If this person was born

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in the 1500,

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he'd be advocating for something else. Right?

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But the idea is though for this talk

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tonight, he's kind of right. She's kind of

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That of the ways Allah protected you,

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and your sort of regard for the Quran,

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your regard for Islam

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is the fact that you're surround He surrounds

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you with Muslims.

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I don't mean that Islam is right because

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you were born into a Muslim family.

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I'm saying Allah helped you

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hold on to what's right by surrounding you

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with people that believe in the same thing.

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This is very important to realize.

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Be You know the sahaba, they used say

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It's reported by multiple of them. Mas'ud and

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Jabir. They used to say a wonderful statement.

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They used to say,

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The things you hate about the community

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are far better for you than the things

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you love

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about division. I just want to like be

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all alone, do things my way, my comfort

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zone. But don't

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This is dangerous to your deen now, right?

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The community is the extended family, right? That

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you want to surround yourself with. It is

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your second and most second most important safety

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so that you can be able to hold

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on to the book of Allah azzawajal subhanahu

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wa ta'ala. And the last stop I will

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make, there's another parable or metaphor here. He

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And recall the favor of Allah on you.

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That He gave you the Quran, He made

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you a person of Islam, He surrounded you

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with Muslims to make the the task easier.

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Recall the favor of Allah on you.

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When you were enemies of each other outside

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of this,

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and He mended between your hearts. Don't take

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that for granted.

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Don't underestimate that.

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The other religions fell apart. Why?

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Of the reasons we just said, they kept

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splitting up on racial lines, and then on

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religious lines. They're not like you. They can't

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just go into any church anywhere and make

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their prayers. Right? Is this a white church

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or a black church?

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Is this sort of a Lutheran or a

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Protestant or a Methodist or you They don't

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Do you do that? No. You Google mosque

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near me and keep it moving, right? And

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you make your salawat.

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That's part of the great favor of Allah

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on you.

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If were it not for Islam, we would

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be the same way.

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So we are spared of this greatly but

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we are not totally immune to it.

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Here's the final metaphor.

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And you were on the edge

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a ditch

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or a volcano as some have said. Right?

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Or a, you know, a big hole, a

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canyon filled with fire. You're on the brink

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of an inferno.

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And so he saved you with it

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using the Quran

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and using

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the brotherhood that the Muslims are called to.

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That sounded very wrong, I e c p

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a, Muslim brotherhood. Never mind, that was I

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didn't say that.

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I know someone's gonna take this clip and

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misuse it now. The fraternity of faith, how's

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that? I'll pick a synonym.

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But through these two things,

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these two things,

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Allah protects your iman for you, so value

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them. Otherwise, you were on the brink of

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falling deep into that fire.

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Walayadubillah. Because the default is, and I'm done.

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That you have a very short span to

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get this right, you know. Like what do

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you mean you were on the brink of

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the fire? Well,

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you were dead for 1000 of years. You

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didn't exist. And you will be dead for

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1000 of years.

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And so you need to make sure that

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this moment that you spend on earth, you

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come out of it with Islam, the ayah

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before it. And the default is that we're

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not guided. Allah gave you guidance through the

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Quran, through the unity of Islam, He gave

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you these 2. So you were right there

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and just in time He saved you, so

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recall this favor of Allah azza wa Jal

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on you. Umr ibn Abdul Aziz

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he sent a letter of consolation to another

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about his son who had just died. He

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said, Listen, We're not from this world. We're

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from the hereafter. That's where we really live.

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We were given a short term in this

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And so

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he said, and it's crazy that a dead

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man He means I'm bound. I was dead

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forever and I'm gonna be dead for a

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long time. Right? A dead man is extending

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regards to another dead man about

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someone that has died. So just

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understand how short this term is. That is

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the reality.

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In that, Allah saved you with these two

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things, so treasure them.

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