Mohammad Elshinawy – Be a Sahabi 4

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and importance of Islam, including its use in the culture of the world and its use in the world. They also touch on the meaning of "ballerick," the concept of "gear," and the importance of understanding the names and attributes of Islam. The speakers stress the need for acceptance of one's position and the importance of following the rules of the church. They also discuss the importance of history and the need for everyone to follow the same principles.
AI: Transcript ©
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ran over him and hamdulillah tropical Alameen level 100 has no vanilla Jimmy was shadow Allah era in Laval medical capital movie in or shadow and Mohammad Rasool Allah Hua Rosa Rahmatullah. Alameen. Wa now is the finale. They have a lot of arrowheads in that you Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was never moving him in the third to half a kilometer Fatima Don, Aquila, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah and for now

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we begin the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy All Praise and glory belongs to Allah, Lord of the Worlds

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Indeed, Allah is deserving of the best of thanks and the most beautiful phrases and we testify that nobody is worthy of our worship and our devotion or absolute love and obedience with Allah. Without any partners, the true supreme King at the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was truly our Prophet, indeed our Prophet and our servant and the servant of Allah and His messenger

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and our mercy that has been gifted to us by Allah subhanho wa taala.

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Both in this role in the next

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we continue to perhaps what will be our

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concluding session or maybe second to last session in our beer so heavy series,

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and we say that the Sahaba the Companions, meaning of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were the model generation

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that Allah preserved for this ummah,

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to give us a real life example of how Islam is supposed to be understood, and how Islam is supposed to be applied, in the absence of the messenger, right from Allah, Allah, Allah He was Allah.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala aside from preserving the Quran,

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he preserved for us the detailed explanation of the Quran and the Sunnah, right? It's a fair way to explain it.

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And then he applied he preserved for us the record of the best students for the best teacher, right? Those that took that example from the Sunnah, right?

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And they applied it perfectly as a generation even though no one of them is sinless, but as a generation they applied it so perfectly, so that we would know how to understand the Quran and the Sunnah even after the one who received the Quran and practice that sunnah are taught that sunnah had left salAllahu alayhi wasallam.

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And so now we're going to put it into application mode.

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How are we now after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has passed right? Supposed to deal with the Quran and the Sunnah.

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We look to the Sahaba for that.

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The hadith, in this area, we can discuss it once or twice already. He said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He gave us an exhortation and heartfelt advice that caused the hearts to tremble and the eyes overflow and they said O Messenger of Allah, it's as if this is the advice of someone bidding farewell.

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They gotta feel it. This is him trying to say I'm not going to be around much longer. Once again, how to deal when he's gone. So Allahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So they said vows in trust us to something you know a person when they're dying. They give a we'll see Yeah. And in trust me a legacy that that needs to be applied after him like your will and your Testament, that legacy that trust me that testament, give it to us on messenger of ALLAH. So he said to the most equal disseminator of Bara

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will sequel to Allah was seminar, I will enjoy Murali Kumar, we don't have a shake. I can trust. You would be fear of Allah, the consciousness of Allah that's up above Allah and to hear and obey, meaning your leaders, even if an Abyssinian slave, were to take control over you meaning even if in your ordinary days the person you would think what has the least right to be respected. If he becomes your leader,

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ruling by the book of Allah if he becomes your leader, and it's been established already, it's been settled power has been resigned to him. Then you listen you will be also be great chaos. Right?

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He said for inner Houma, Yerushalmi income per se arati laugh and cathedra whoever lives after you lives of human lives for a long time among you is going to

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The many differences so those is prescription he said Valley could be sued Nettie was suing that whole affair and Russia did embody stem SQL be her. Wow. duallie heterocycle we have outdoor they have been alleged what year Kumar to settle more for inocula v dot invalid. He said

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and whoever lives among you will see many differences as we see. And so what you do is hold on to my example, my sunnah, and the Sunnah of the Rightly Guided caliphs, meaningless who have the leaders of the Sahaba those that knew how to run things, after he was gone. So I'm Allahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He said,

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Hold on to that tightly, and bite onto it with your wisdom teeth, meaning really tight because you put it back there slips it'll be a little bit forward meeting. Keep it as tight as you can.

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And be aware beware of every newly invented Matson

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for every new matter in this DNA has led astray.

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And we said that in the other Hadith, he said My alma he will see in it many differences to the degree that more differences in the Jews and the Christians had you will have 71 groups the Jews 72 group, the Christians 73 groups might not

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all of them in the fire except one, they said, What's your messenger of Allah? He said what I am upon today, and I was happy me and my companions, once again, he's interesting look to the Companions. In another narration, the sandwich or messenger? Well, I said he'll gemera

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It is the community. So what is the meaning of the word gemera? Here, it's defined by the first Hadith me and my Sahaba are the jemar. That's why when they went to the Sahaba, when the differences arose in this room, and they said, What do we do? Is it stick to the gemera masu told them? They said, but what if the gym or the general body of the Muslims gets corrupted? What if the majority are bad? He said that you stick to the gym era

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to stick to what the gym I was upon, he said before they became corrupted. In that case, you will be the gym or even if you're all alone.

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So the real meaning of the word gemera. The general body of the Muslims is what the original body of the Muslims, that's the meaning of gemera here, and that's why we're studying the way of the sahaba.

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And so what was the way of those who have an understanding the plan is

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I'm going to try very hard

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to break it down as simple as possible.

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And all help comes from Allah azza wa jal. But if you're able to understand this, as a matter of a mindset for you now a rules principles in your head, be in the law, you will be able to sift through any difference that will arise in the summer, from the time of the Sahaba the generations right after them until the day of judgment, because this is Islam were explained that Islam was Iran is the only Islam so it's the only one that's flawless. And it's the only one that hasn't mechanics, that's fine tune that doesn't have holes in it. So look, the original gemera of the Muslims, okay. They agreed on certain things, and they disagreed on certain things.

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So however, even they agreed on certain matters,

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and they disagreed on certain Matters. The Matters they agreed on.

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No, nobody is allowed to disagree with this agreeing with that is an inexcusable difference of opinion. That's something you can't excuse.

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Because if they all agreed, and then someone comes later saying something new, that means you're saying they all agreed on something wrong.

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Or you're saying that the truth was not preserved? The Deen was not preserved for a moment there's a gap in the preservation, which is impossible. Allah azza wa jal says, what may you have to do? Rasulullah mimbar the meta Yin Allahu Hooda. Were there via rasa Neely, meaning Nuun li Mata will, honestly he Johanna Mossad masiero Whoever opposes

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the messenger after the truth has become clear to them. Okay. I'll come back to that part of the AI in a minute but, and oppo and Farlows others

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In the way of the believers,

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we will leave him off to what he chose. And we will admit him into the hellfire and how awful a destination. So we're obligated with doing what we follow in the messenger Quran and Sunnah. And we're also obligated with following the way of the believers.

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Now, if the believers are disagree, you can't follow them off the exact same time, can you? It's impossible, right? You can't do opposites in the same time. So this is must mean the believers when they are on one position, that position must be the truth. And you can disagree with it. disagreeing with the believers means automatically you're wrong.

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Also the Hadith

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Muslim and elsewhere right,

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Marlon, Jr, and Jared and others, and Jevin he said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam led Zanuka effort to mean Almighty I'll have the law he read ly adored rowhome Man holla for

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men for the home while I'm in color from the body of Marla Vedic different wordings. This wording is like mustard and he said so Allah RNA will select they will never stop being a group of my ummah,

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apparent upon the truth. They will not be harmed by whoever disagrees with them, or whoever deserves them, until the wee hours establishes the meaning of the Hadith.

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Until the affair of Allah comes in other words are easily sullen descends meaning until the end.

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That means if the believers agreed on something, it must be right. It must be the truth. Because if it wasn't the truth, somebody would have stood up with the truth and clarify because there will always be a party of my own upon the truth you understand the Hadith, how it applies now.

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And so we need to go back and look at what the gemera the community of the Muslims was like what they agreed on first so we say okay, this is red tape here you can't touch this area. Right.

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This has to be the truth. This has to be the Sunnah this has to be the original sense is the original has to be the correct understanding of Islam.

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And notice that to a hadith we started with just so I can connect the the past with the future for you. One Hadith says you're gonna see many differences to stick to my sunnah and the Sunnah of the Rightly Guided caliphs. So the word student he put that on the side. The other Hadith says there are going to be 73 groups of them in the fire except one and it is the gemera or the community. So the word sunnah and the word gemera. That is where the concept of an sunnah one gemera came from you've ever heard this term before? Who What is Ave sunnah? Well, Gemma, it's the people claiming to follow that hadith the same.

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They are the people of the Sunnah. And the people of the Jana Gemma mean the people that are trying to stick to what the messenger of Allah was upon him and his companions, and the ones trying to stick to what the original body of the Muslims was upon their understanding of Islam. That's the meaning of the Sunnah. Jemelle are some people shorter they called Sunni Islam.

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Some people they call it Salafi Islam, right? I'm just telling you what the titles mean, I don't care about the titles.

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Because if these titles were obligatory, the dean would have made them obligatory. No, no, they're just a means to explain. Okay, if they don't explain or if the explaining the wrong picture, they give a person, don't use them, don't use them. But those, for example, are called selfies. The ones that come from the word selesa means something has passed, when Allah speaks or people are dealt an interest is if he stops by Allah Who myself belong to him or herself. What has passed. So a person says, supposedly, I'm a Salafi, right, what he's trying to say, just so we can have a bit of understanding about each other. Right? You never heard me saying it's right. But the concept I have

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to agree with, he's saying, I understand Islam, the way that it proceeded the way the Companions, that's what he's trying to say, the back then understanding of Islam, that's what it means, right?

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That understanding is mandatory. That naming is not like you have to be an Asuna. In principle, you have to be forgiven itself in principle, but that doesn't mean you have to call yourself that. And it doesn't mean that if you call yourself that you're actually on it. Your obligation is to be on it. Not to call yourself anything. Sometimes these names could divide the Muslim sometimes in that case and say, leave them alone. They're not helping. They're supposed to be helping, and don't use them. You don't want it's like why

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with some people think the names I don't want to spend too much time on it. Some people think the names should never be used as haram to use these names because they divide the Muslims.

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We say if the name will divide the Muslims then it could be harder.

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But you cannot say that any name but Muslim will divide the Muslims and it's wrong. You know why?

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Because Allah called the Muslims other than Muslim in the Quran.

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Allah azza wa jal says was Serbia * and l were Luna Minnelli whoo ha God now will answer. Right. And the first to lead the way from the migrants. That's a description of Muslims describing something praiseworthy, they did. They migrated and the unsolved and the supporters they supported the migrants when they came to Medina, and whoever follows them. Allah only pleased with them. But notice these two names mohajir in answer when the Companions use them wrong. There was a bit of

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a tip off between some of the Sahaba in the lifetime of the Prophet SAW Salem, and everybody said Omaha Janine Oh, unsalted, really? Listen, you're my people. You're my plan. You're the Medina's. Oh my god, oh, Metcons. He stood up and he says, Austin, you're calling with these calls of prejudice just because he's from your city. And he's like racism, bigotry, tribalism, all that stuff. He said, I'm still alive. You already went back to doing that.

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So notice the title itself, Allah used it in the Quran, there's nothing wrong with it. But when it's used to cause that, that's when it becomes jelly. That's when it becomes ignorance. But the point is, that's the word we're adding a sunnah came from the people of the Sunnah the understanding of the Prophet SAW Salem, and the people of the gemera, the original body of the Muslims, that's where that name name comes from. Understood. Now, let's talk about what exactly they agreed on and what they didn't agree on how we could benefit from that. So say, for example, the Sahaba and the generations after them.

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They believed in certain things, would you call out data for example, right.

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They believed that Iman faith was a belief statement or action. They believe that increased with good deeds and decrease with bad deeds. They believe that no person that did a bad deed would lose his Eman altogether. So long as he doesn't consider that bad deed halons or Muslim has faith a believer that steals that decreases his faith, but it doesn't remove it altogether. Unless he says stealing is allowed in Islam right until he makes himself an equal to Allah by putting laws in front of his laws. That should right

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and but they agree that if the Quran or the Sunnah

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called something disbelief,

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that it could be disbelief or sin, right?

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Like, for example, going to a fortune teller and believing what they say.

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Okay, that's just a bunch of things they believe about the IMA.

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They believe certain things about the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa taala. So they believe for example, the names and attributes of Allah

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are strictly textual, meaning you're not allowed to call Allah anything.

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But what Allah called himself

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or his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called him right, or something that was unanimously agreed upon by the Muslims, right? These are of the beliefs about the Sunnah of Allah subhanho wa taala. And when Allah says something, he means it, you don't just suspend the meaning or consider its figurative or otherwise. So for example, I'll give you an easy example. I was in SUNY Albany once, and the guy down on the microphone after me and he was trying to speak to non muscles, well, how great Allah is. And he was a physics professor. And he said, honestly, in my personal opinion, God was

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a mathematician before he was a physicist.

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Of course, he's trying to praise Allah subhanaw taala. But also have I would never do things like this and they were very strict about things like this, attributing to Allah with he didn't attribute to himself.

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You know why? Because Allah Subhana Allah, Allah describes himself in the best way. And we're it not for Allah describing himself. We're not for revenue. We know who Allah is. You don't know Allah by logic.

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You can you can know that a Creator exists, but you can't know who your Lord is by logic. So through Revelation, we know that he has the most perfect names and attributes and those are it

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All right. You can think of a name from luck like mathematician in your limits and thinking you think it's good thing is a beautiful thing, mathematician is a genius.

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And you may not catch the negative connotation involved, the imperfection involved that a mathematician was a student once and that became an expert. He had a phase of trial and error for example, right? He had a superior ones that pleased to put red X's on his papers, right till he got better. That's a side point but once again, they agreed on certain ways. So understand the names and attributes of Allah Siljan.

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They agreed on believing in button for example, Destiny. So every Muslim all's Rahim Allah says, I met many of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, all of them would say Kulu che in the paddock. Every single thing is predestined, he says are loose and then I met Abdullah had neuroma Radi Allahu Allahu Allah. And he told me that they actually took this from the Prophet SAW Salem, if normal said I heard the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa salam, O Allah, He say Kulu che in the father had the large zoo and case, every single thing is by destiny, even a person's ability and inability.

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Listen, they agree on that Allah knows things before they happen and nothing is outside of his will. Right? Or this something they agree on, so that they bait on Destiny has no place in excusable differences of opinion, if that's your approach to Islam, would they agree on I can't disagree with

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that disagreement only arose later.

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In the lifetime of some of the younger adults who have at the end of their lives, or later on in their lives when they were in old age, it didn't exist them on this hive at all. So if it didn't exist, that means that argument can be presented because if it's true, that means also have a wrong, the whole generation was wrong.

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For example, the Sahaba had certain beliefs they agreed on about the sahaba. about themselves, they understood and this was their responsibility, they without pride, they had to relate to the OMA that they were the most superior people and the most superior generation, not out of boast, but because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said claranet Cipollone Thumbelina, no, no, no, Malala Molina, I know now, the best people are my generation then those that follow them, then those that follow them.

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And then a fourth generation will come that's lopsided. I'm paraphrasing the Hadith. So I have

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also an Bukhari and Muslim I was reading for three of the above and he narrates this companion narrated the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Let the soup boss happy. Do not curse insult my companions, fellow Bella Dooku fellow Alpha Hulu Mithila, who didn't have much to cook Bill Ma, Marbella.

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Muda had him well, and I'll see if I

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do not insult my companions, because anyone else were you to donate the amount of gold in gold, every single two guys. Nobody has ever given that in gold. If you were to spend that in gold in the way of Allah, it will not reach a mood, this two handfuls, right?

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It would not reach to a one mood of what they donated. Well, I have no Sefa, nor even half of that many one handful.

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And that's why they also agree that the dispute that took place between the Sahaba was a mantra that we're not allowed to speak about meaning we're not allowed to be judgmental about their positions. Regarding it. Yes, one was correct and one was incorrect. And one side was a little bit rash, but we are not allowed to judge them because of that. We believe that this is a was a judgment call they made and he had a discretionary matter, they exerted their discretion and some people were wrong and they got the reward for trying and some people were writing a double reward. These are just examples of matters they agreed on. So we can't disagree on

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there are matters and this is very important to know by the way of belief of RPE that they disagreed on

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without condemning one another

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like what

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will they think of it the matter? So having disagreed on?

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no, this is not on TV.

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You know, this one, once again is a is a judicial executive issue, how should we deal with it? Not a belief issue

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with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam see his lord or not?

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Right? There's all of the issues, did he see Allah subhanaw taala or not? Right? There are some women that that, that deal with the matter in different ways. And they say they're actually not disagreeing they just, you know, if not best, and if there was a misunderstanding between, but the point is there is a difference of opinion, whether he saw his lord or not sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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and none of them condemned one another for it.

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Therefore, it's allowed to disagree on this matter, without it affecting

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our integrity as Muslims, our commitment to Islam, our understanding of Islam.

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And there are many others. By the way, there are many others who seem to agree and from it the issues for example, for example, can a woman be a prophet?

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That's not the point, though. Yes, this is not a matter of each man. Right? Some of them have a who sooner, like if the husband others, they were of the view that Maria, Molly has salah, and as the Allah has said, and were prophets, because they spoke to angels, and no one speaks to an angel to the Prophet. This is their explanation. The majority has some very strong evidence to counter that. But the point is, this is a matter of belief. Do I believe the hurt? Because think about it? If you believe that one of the prophets is not a prophet, you're a disbeliever. Right? Right or wrong? You say for him is not a prophet Musa is not a prophet race is not unbreakable? Hamdulillah. First of

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all, don't do that. I'm wanting image bearing.

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This has nothing to do with that conversation. Why? What is it that made that disbelief when the OMA agrees that this is Islam? And then you say, No, it's not, then it could, it could amount to disbelief. But when the OMA has wherever different on this issue, what are the implications of this, then we can disagree and be okay with that.

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Those are just some examples of things that you call up even though they never use the word data, which is fine. Once again, the term if it serves its purpose, and doesn't contradict the dean, we're fine with it.

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Now, let's talk about filk. This is where most of the bait happens, even though it should be more important to us, right.

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But the filter is more important for us here now, because most of the difference happens on

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and that's expected. You know why? Because even the Sahaba if you understand this subject in sha Allah and wrap it up in 1520 minutes, but if you understand it'll make you much more tolerant, and much more calm, and much more accepting of your brothers, and much more confident when you put your foot down, and much more confident when and not feeling guilty, when you could be a little lenient to understand that he crossed the T's and dot the i's, the issues of the ACA and the rulings.

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What rulings can we disagree on? We can excuse the difference, and what rulings Can't we disagree on?

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You really have the answer by the way.

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The ones that have a

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documented text in the Quran, this is subject to no discussion, because it has a clear precise

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from the Quran. Everybody will pull something out of the Quran support their argument.

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We said that's the rule guys. What the Sahaba agreed on the nets the ruling

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and what also have one of my ally in this agreed on

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then the ruling is among their views. One of their views is right. And why? Because if none of their views are right, and the owner was once again the truth was absent for NUMA for a period of time doesn't work we already agree that doesn't work it can happen for a minute can happen for the blink of an eye, Allah preserve this honor for agreeing on false. If you study this fact historically, it's miraculous by itself. Allah will always cause to arise inspire in this ummah, even if it's an individual, right. But a group will arise to clarify the truth to the rest of the ummah. And that's why we say by the way this in like we discuss Islamic rulings, the majority is not a proof. Meaning

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is not a conclusive proof. You're allowed to disagree with the majority, right?

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Truth is not weighed by pounds and kilograms and

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and votes. Truth is not weighed like that. But you can't disagree though when they all agree. That's where you can disagree with each man that's what's called the Chimera unanimous agreement consensus. unanimous agreement is a better translation than consensus, because consensus usually can mean a majority right and the government in other words a consensus meaning they agreed you know, they agreed that call us since the majority wants it will do it will retract our votes the word consensus used like that

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but this is unanimous agreement. So now the Sahaba or the Allah on whom they agreed on certain issues

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like what for example, give me a fifth issue this I haven't disagreed on anybody have anything for me sisters a filk issue those who have disagreed on

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must LFL here

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telephone Allah has to have

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by school

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our maternity,

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the heart of the

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cover the

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cover of

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the mount

00:31:38 --> 00:31:47

Forgive me, I'm gonna leave this example for a few reasons just to simplify and abbreviate. Right? I'm gonna try to use some simpler examples for everybody, including myself here.

00:31:49 --> 00:31:51

Quick, so some

00:31:55 --> 00:31:58

disagree on whether it's just like,

00:32:00 --> 00:32:04

like you're bleeding, while just a drop.

00:32:07 --> 00:32:08

I got a good one.

00:32:11 --> 00:32:13

local or international Moon citing

00:32:14 --> 00:32:21

the fight we hear about every year. Right? This is a matter that those who have themselves

00:32:23 --> 00:32:36

held in controversy, right? Meaning they debated on it, they disagreed on it. So this is something we call an excusable tolerable, legitimate difference of opinion, it's fine.

00:32:37 --> 00:33:18

It's fine. And that's why by the way, you should not expect that that difference would be removed. without there being a, an authority over the Muslims that can conclude the matter. Conclude the metadata on the deed, he can't erase one of those opinions. They exist from day one. So what are you going to do? One of them could be right you can erase either meaning to enforce whatever opinion he believes is more correct. That's the only way to remove that difference, by the way. So don't be hopeful, not anything else, because the ruler has the right to enforce, especially regarding the matters that are affecting the general body to enforce his opinion on others.

00:33:19 --> 00:33:39

And before I get to a comeback to moon sighting, in hedge, Abdullah Abdullah Massoud prayed for records behind the rithmetic that fell on the abattoir. So they said Odin Massoud, why when you believe you're supposed to pray to rock as you're traveling. Why don't you pray for the selfie revolution

00:33:40 --> 00:33:42

that differing is evil.

00:33:43 --> 00:34:23

Happy Earth man's the leader is the head of the Muslim body right now. And that's an opinion he believes he's not traveling. He believes he has a home in Mecca is originally Mexican. So that's the end of it. So I stepped down from my opinion, in practice, you can sit down from what you believe you can change the way your heart feels. But within the legitimate differences, there could be some enforcement of one another. That's fine. That's the only way you can expect that to happen with Moon silence. That was a side point just as everybody can breathe a little bit before Ramadan starts. But the point of our discussion, the Sahaba different and both of them had evidence

00:34:24 --> 00:34:39

and it's very possible that their evidence is the same exact evidence, meaning they disagree and how to understand the evidence. Okay, so when more I were on the boat, it was in a sham. Right.

00:34:41 --> 00:34:44

Abdullah had not Bessel della Hans Long story short, and

00:34:45 --> 00:34:50

he refused to accept their moon sightings and we're having our own moon sighting.

00:34:52 --> 00:35:00

When they questioned him, why did you do that? Why do you have your own? Why don't you accept the sighting of Maura with a sighting of the lens of a sham grade

00:35:00 --> 00:35:03

or Syria? If not best, you knows in Medina.

00:35:04 --> 00:35:13

He said to them had cada Marana Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is what the messenger of Allah commanded us.

00:35:15 --> 00:35:24

So there are different and the the for him and the different everyone's gonna continue deferring on that statement is not best for one thing. This is what the messenger of Allah commanded us.

00:35:25 --> 00:35:34

Did he commanded you to get your own moon sighting? Or did he command the sighting of the moon and you understood or novice?

00:35:35 --> 00:35:37

Everybody gets their own.

00:35:38 --> 00:35:47

He didn't mention his exact words Allah Allah was. So what was the reason for debate? There was nothing to split those two interpretations which one is right

00:35:49 --> 00:35:55

I'll give you another example. In the Battle of Allah exam during the lifetime of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam right.

00:35:59 --> 00:36:23

He told them allow us on Leanna haddock go ahead Okumura hacer la isla, if you've been following along, no one of you is allowed to pray us excepted Bedell pura Isla, meaning hurry up and catch up with me the fights not over they actually betrayed us we have to finish the fight up north in battle Corolla with that tribe against that tribe and operator in Medina.

00:36:25 --> 00:36:51

So those who have are racing to catch up with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, also the time comes in multiple times about to come in? Who said what do we do? So one group said the Messenger of Allah said do not pray us, except in bedroom formula. That means we are not allowed to pray out soon. Except in bedroom Paraiba. Even if we're gonna pray hours after issue.

00:36:52 --> 00:37:00

And he said, he's trying to tell us your prayer is not valid. That was your understanding. Your Prayer is not valid, except that in mental Quran,

00:37:01 --> 00:37:34

the other groups that No, he's just trying to rush us sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he's trying to tell us hurry up and get here before melted. Make sure you get here. It's still us at a time. I need you here fast. And so the group that understood that it wasn't literal, they pray to us and they kept it moving. And the other said, No, we're gonna keep going. We're not going to pray us will pray us when we get them. When they got to the prophets of Allah, Allah yo Salam, he said to them, Killa Kuma Morrison, both of you have done well.

00:37:36 --> 00:37:43

What's done well, with this, you have to understand this means done well meaning you did all that you were supposed to do,

00:37:44 --> 00:37:51

that you tried your best to understand what I was saying. And you held yourself liable to that you acted on it.

00:37:54 --> 00:38:00

And that one sentence has so much that we need to talk about I don't know if time is gonna let us look.

00:38:01 --> 00:38:06

When there is a matter of excusable difference. It's about you not,

00:38:07 --> 00:38:39

there is no agreement on what that day or that hadith means or what that ruling is, for a whole bunch of different reasons for a whole bunch of different reasons. There is no agreement. And so when the matter of physics, there is no agreement on in between the Sahaba, for example, then you're obligated to figure out what's more, right. And then you're obligated to do what you believe is more right from those views from those legitimate views that have been agreed on the Hawk is here, right within those views.

00:38:41 --> 00:39:23

Allah azza wa jal says in Assam, our boss or our full adder kulula can earn numerous good indeed, the hearing and the sights, and the heart is where I want to get to the heart, you will be asked about all of that. When you believe something is right, Allah will hold you liable for what you believe is correct. And if you could understand that concept, you will understand why those habits took up arms against one another although they didn't want to. They felt like they had to uphold this right? This was right in his eyes. This was right in his eyes, without there being any rank or any malice any ill intent in their hearts. This by the way, you pursuing to figure out what's right

00:39:23 --> 00:39:25

is called HDL.

00:39:27 --> 00:39:42

Don't worry, we're gonna get through a lot of very important terms right in the next 10 minutes. He had like Jihad struggle, he had means to exert your effort to arrive at the truth in this context, that's what it means.

00:39:43 --> 00:39:59

The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, when a when a person is passing a verdict, and he exerts each the head and he's right, he gets to rewards reward for his research meaning and reward for his correct conclusion. Right? And if he exerts his

00:40:00 --> 00:40:00

he had

00:40:02 --> 00:40:10

and he is wrong, then he gets one reward because you did what you had to do. That's it, you exerted your effort that's your obligation.

00:40:11 --> 00:40:27

So when the Sahaba different when the early Muslims different right? On an interpretation of something, you are obligated by Allah to go look at their evidences, to performance Jihad means what? To go research as best you can

00:40:28 --> 00:40:59

to see what is more aligned with Allah and His messenger, what to you seems more correct. And then you become obligated to follow that. For interessato officiated for do with Allah Rasool, if you dispute over a matter referred back to Allah and His messenger. So this now we understand what to do when there's a difference of opinion. You try to figure out what's right, and whatever you believe to be what's wrong, right from the scholarly views, it's an obligation on you to stick to it.

00:41:00 --> 00:41:15

And here's a few words that each man has absolutely right. Whenever we agree, here's a few things that scholars agreed on. Number one, they agreed that you're not allowed to go pick from those views, the most convenient view photoshopping right.

00:41:16 --> 00:41:31

If not, the Lord Rahim Allah says the scholars of the Sunnah mean the scholars that follow the understanding of the companions and all of them throughout the generations that will Hanif and Malika Schaeffer in Africa, all of them and so on. They all agreed that the person that does that

00:41:32 --> 00:41:47

is a facet. He's a flagrant sinner. I mean, these scholars that disagreed on so much they agree that if you pick based on convenience, not that your heart believes correct, they all agree that you're a flagrant sinner, you're a major sin.

00:41:49 --> 00:42:03

No. Number two, as Schaffner himolla, he reports, he says the Muslims are unanimously agreed that when you arrive at the conclusion, right, you exert your efforts he had you arrive at a conclusion.

00:42:05 --> 00:42:21

You are obligated to follow that conclusion of yours, even if it disagrees with those more knowledgeable and more religious than you say? Because you don't always hear the question. But how could this scholar be wrong? That has nothing to do with it?

00:42:23 --> 00:42:31

He could be wrong on 1000, you could be right on 1000 issues. And this is the one issue you're right on. If you believe you're right, don't consider who held another view.

00:42:34 --> 00:42:39

But of course, at the same time, it had that view has to have a precedent.

00:42:40 --> 00:42:48

You have to make sure someone said it. So for example, here's an easy example. Just so get quite practical here. The way this will happen. We do things

00:42:51 --> 00:43:37

is covering the face for a woman, part of the the hijab is an obligation, right? Everyone knows that almost unanimously agreed on that. But they don't agree on details. Like what for example, like the issue of the feet being included in that obligation to cover the vast majority that they have to them disagreeing on the face? Is the face and obligation to be covered or not? Is that part of the hijab or not? So they disagreed on two views. View number one is has an obligation to coverage just like the rest of her body? obligation number two, and didn't know this is a a superlative aspect of the hijab, a recommended meaning she should do it with there's no city not doing it, meaning it's

00:43:37 --> 00:43:43

Mr. Happens recommended. Okay, so let's practice now. I'm researching.

00:43:44 --> 00:44:10

This, I want to figure out in the pub as far as this has always asked the question, sister when you research, you're going to arrive at a conclusion. Okay, that conclusion you're obligated to follow even if it's not very convenient for you, it's not a game. If you start reading, and you honestly become convinced that the evidence of the group that says you have to cover is stronger, then it becomes obligatory on you to cover your face.

00:44:12 --> 00:44:15

And the opposite is also true. If you read the research.

00:44:17 --> 00:44:30

And you know, no, I think the view of the face not being our not being necessarily to cover is the stronger view it becomes haram on you to keep saying what you've been saying for 20 years that if that was fun,

00:44:31 --> 00:44:50

and it's that because you don't believe that but you want to keep saying this. You don't want to change your view now. You're obligated for it. But there's a third scenario here where a person does the research and they come out like so many have come up on TV and they have PhDs and all that good stuff right and saying The pub is haram.

00:44:52 --> 00:44:59

Many have said this in this age. Why is the club haram because the worst of matters the newly invented

00:45:00 --> 00:45:15

Madison, the dean, and niqab didn't exist supposedly supposedly this is their argument didn't exist. And you took it from the Jewish culture, some Jews weren't if up until today, when you took from the Jewish cotton, you add it to Islam and adding to Islam has been done with that as haram. So that's always happened.

00:45:16 --> 00:45:17

I like that one.

00:45:18 --> 00:45:32

Right? That view cannot be the conclusion of your research because we already said if they disagreed on two views, the truth has to be among their views, or else the OMA agreed on wrong,

00:45:33 --> 00:45:34

you understand?

00:45:36 --> 00:46:21

So that's the issue which they had. Now, when you perform this HD head and you can get to a conclusion, you're not allowed to enforce that conclusion on anybody else. Why is not disagreed on not, it's not agreed on? And not agreed on means it is vanilla, it has the probability of meaning this and it has the probability of meaning that like nobody should pray out since I've been on parole. And the majority of the issues of filk are debatable because they're like, a person could ask Wait a minute, but why what is the wisdom? Why did Allah subhana wa Tada not make everything clear cut? Why did he leave things up to interpretation like this?

00:46:23 --> 00:46:46

I will have a lasagna remember, he says something very beautiful about this whole issue. This is a very interesting subject. Because if you study will be able to understand all the weird factoids you hear and is this selling out there is, am I allowed? Is this compromising or this leniency? Or like is this tolerance or is this you know too much? He says, Allah He said and when you see the early Muslims

00:46:47 --> 00:46:52

I'm just showing you that it's permissible to debate right when you see the early Muslims

00:46:53 --> 00:47:04

disagreeing on a matter like the moon sighting issue like that involve issue like camo needs breaking the rule issue whatever, when you see them disagree on a matter

00:47:05 --> 00:47:43

and none of them condemning one another for it. This teaches you two things. He says first of all that in and of itself is an agreement from them that this subject you're allowed to disagree on it right? Doesn't that mean that you're allowed or else they would have said no, this is inexcusable. So then disagreeing on a matter historical and Asuna disagreeing also have and it's happening that whole chain that starts from the Sahaba and them not condemning each other that means they've all agreed that it's allowed to debate on this issue.

00:47:44 --> 00:48:04

He says what animus Elata Vaughn Nia and that why can you disagree on it? It also means that they all understood that the matter was London need was speculative, it's probable that could mean this it could mean that and the majority of the issues of filk are like this

00:48:06 --> 00:48:17

That's why if you grab the books on each man like the book even has the book of the month that they list for you the issues that the Roma have agreed on the book could be like this fact.

00:48:18 --> 00:48:39

What if you grab the books on comparative filter, physical book or on the books are like 16 volumes 11 volumes 19 volumes that the mother had, why? Because most of it is like that. A person say hold on wait a minute, but why is it like that though? Why was it everything buttery like decisive definitive every why didn't the Quran say

00:48:40 --> 00:49:05

praying in the masjid is obligatory just for example, right and somebody indifferent on is it obligatory or not? niqab is recommended example. Right? Why did camo meet does not break will do. Why did interferential say that? hamdulillah everyone says really cool. He says And if Allah wish, Leger Island Deena out there, he would have made the whole Dean clear cut.

00:49:06 --> 00:49:26

But he wished to test you. Which of you is going to chase faster after the Sunnah of your messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, meaning who's going to stay up more nights? And who's going to travel to farther lands to dig up in their investigation the truth?

00:49:28 --> 00:49:39

Because in the scales on the Day of Judgment, you don't just get weighed. By the deeds you do physically, your knowledge will have weighed on the Day of Judgment.

00:49:41 --> 00:49:46

It will weigh in the scale it will make you heavy, you will be put inside that scale with your knowledge.

00:49:48 --> 00:49:52

As many as this is the pain of many organ that you yourself will be put in the scale as well.

00:49:53 --> 00:49:59

So this is one thing so the scholars and the students and the people in general will compete

00:50:00 --> 00:50:06

Who's going to collect more of the Dean trying to reconcile? That's when the evidence is figured out this issue wants it for all, who cares more?

00:50:08 --> 00:50:32

There's also another issue here, that after you arrive at the truth, are you going to accept it? Only Allah knows whether you're convinced of here now? Are you going to accept it? Or are you going to prefer? Can we prefer convenience? Are you going to make your ego a factor? Are you going to pick on desires and claim and argue that no, I'm honestly convinced of this opinion.

00:50:33 --> 00:50:42

Right? We were created to be tested part of that test, Allah destined difference of opinion for that reason.

00:50:44 --> 00:50:46

Now, last thing I want to mention just so we can close and be fair,

00:50:47 --> 00:51:09

what if a person can't do he had he doesn't know how to reach? I don't understand this stuff. This guy was talking about, you know, like, this is a nominal and this is a predicate and this means that and this is qualified and unqualified and restricted and unbound and absolute. Love the nuclear family. What is all this stuff? Right? That's by the way of the ways Allah preserved the deen that he preserved every aspect

00:51:10 --> 00:51:13

and every tool to clarify to us the deen

00:51:15 --> 00:51:29

because it was not clear to us that it hasn't been preserved. So he made its clarity available through the science of Hadith, right through the science of this through the science of that he preserved the sciences as well. What if I have no business in this stuff? This stuff means nothing to me.

00:51:30 --> 00:51:32

What's your obligation?

00:51:33 --> 00:52:12

Your obligation is still to do she had I said, I can't do HD head. You can't do HD head with the evidences fine, Allah, Allah burden you beyond your capacity. But you could still do it she had been you can exert an effort with the scholars, meaning what tried to chase down the biggest scholar you can find. And if you really believe he's the biggest scholar, you'll accept his opinion. And you won't go ask another scholar to give you something else that you don't like. So it's almost as if you can see it in two ways that everybody is obligated to make. He had the each head of the learned person is with the evidence as he tries to dig through the evidence to get to the bottom of it. And

00:52:12 --> 00:52:18

the HD head of the layman, the person doesn't understand the evidences. He's He had this to pursue the greatest scholar he can find.

00:52:20 --> 00:52:20


00:52:21 --> 00:52:36

or you can just say, the student of knowledge, researches and the layman asks more college to help not to confuse the terms, whatever. With the point, it's still your obligation, Allah his first victory, good to let Allah moon, ask the people of knowledge, if you don't know.

00:52:39 --> 00:53:01

But the majority of the scholars not agreed upon this last point. But it's a very, very strong view that just close off the lecture. The majority of the scholars have filled kind of soul folk, they're of the view that he had this divisible, he has it he just said, What in the world does that mean? That means you could be capable of each jihad in one issue

00:53:03 --> 00:53:06

and incapable of which they had an 1000 issues.

00:53:08 --> 00:53:22

Mike, I can figure out what they're saying on this subject. And this kind of seems to make more sense, right? So in that case, you're obligated to follow it makes more sense. But in most issues, I can't figure out what they're saying. So in that case, you just got to follow the scholar,

00:53:23 --> 00:53:33

the strongest scholar you can find, if that means fame, it means fame, whatever, that was the best way you could discern fine, that's, that's your limit. Allah will not ask you more than your limits.

00:53:34 --> 00:53:35


00:53:37 --> 00:53:53

And it could be the opposite as well. It could be that a person like a big Scholar can research 1001 issues, and he'll have to follow his he had an all of them. But in another in one issue out of the 1000. He can't understand it.

00:53:55 --> 00:54:21

Like what I imagine a scholar I don't know 200 years ago, that is an A master an expert in the sciences. But he didn't understand that smoking is dangerous. He couldn't figure out what's so dangerous was smoking in the likes. And the two he couldn't put a photo about his obligation that one is struggling to figure out a scholarly image, he discovered why he can't figure out the evidence you can't understand the subject yet. Right? He's never been exposed to this issue before.

00:54:24 --> 00:54:59

And with that, I think everything comes full circle. You're obligated to exert your effort to figure out the truth and whatever you can understand. And whatever you can't understand, you're obligated to follow the most knowledgeable person you can put your hands on, and then you become obligated to follow them. That's it because you can't disagree because you have no right to disagree or else you'd be you know, researching investigating yourself. Nor can the mechanic literally the person doing this sub lead is forced to is blind following because he has to he can't do anything else. You can't enforce that opinion on anybody because of a person making HD head

00:55:00 --> 00:55:15

him for his opinion on others, and the person is going to plead. He can't fit No way. All you can do is listen to the sheriff applied. I heard the sheriff say that's it, you can't debate you can argue to shut your mouth? Because you don't know. Right? So you ask him the scholar, ask the people of knowledge if you don't know.

00:55:17 --> 00:55:24

And that would solve a lot of our debates, because if everybody didn't know, just shut up, there will be much less differences, right or wrong.

00:55:26 --> 00:55:27

I know this was a very

00:55:28 --> 00:55:34

hearty talk and wholesome talk, and we have to hear it three, four or five times. But

00:55:35 --> 00:55:37

like many of the subjects that I choose for the lectures,

00:55:38 --> 00:55:43

I felt like this was like me being reborn. You know, she's a Ouija board again.

00:55:44 --> 00:55:45

Oh, so that's,

00:55:46 --> 00:55:56

this applies on every level. Let's say I understand Phil consola. And second off, where I can figure out the politics in the Muslim world, your obligation.

00:55:57 --> 00:56:03

If you can't understand how to apply the evidence to this scenario, just stick to the scope, and you're obligated to stick.

00:56:04 --> 00:56:29

But if the scholar says something and you're positive, the evidence says otherwise, then they agree you're obligated to follow the evidence, even if someone creates the new disagreement. So why that way we've preserved their religion this will also have on the students how they used to live their lives, they've preserved their religion without disrespecting someone that will disagree with them within certain parameters. Right.

00:56:31 --> 00:56:39

And at the same time, they didn't enforce what could or could not be their religion, a debatable issue and shove it down people's throats.

00:56:41 --> 00:56:42

On hamdulillahi rabbil aalameen. Let's stop there.

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