Mohamad Baajour – I Am Near #13 4 Benefits of this Common Duaa

Mohamad Baajour
AI: Summary © Speaker 1 discusses the rewards of being called the eyes a day and how they will be forgiven by the person on the other end. They also mention Laila Ali commendation and the possibility of gaining an inter settling of the child theme. Speaker 1 is not clear on the exact title of the conversation.
AI: Transcript ©
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It's simple though, that we all know by heart Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad wa ala Ali Mohammed gomersal later Allah Rahim while Ali Ibrahim in Academy the Majeed along with Bertie kala Muhammad wa ala early Mohammed kimberbell Oksana Rahim, Laila Ali Ibrahim in Nikka Homido Majid, what are some of the rewards of saying this beautiful God? Number one, Allah azza wa jal will mention your name 10 times, you will be freed from your worries and your sins will be forgiven. And your possibility of gaining the intercession of Rasulullah sai Salam will be higher. You the eyes a day will keep the child theme away.

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