Mirza Yawar Baig – Why should I love Prophet Muhammad
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala
even sorry, Muhammad Rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa de he was happy he was ready he was
like us. So LaMotta, Steven cathedra.
About my different sisters.
I want to remind myself, and you today about a very critical part of our appearance. And this is our appeaser about Rasulullah sallallahu.
And the specific part of that Aqeedah, which I want to talk about, is Aqeedah. With regard to the love of Amadora, Allah, Allah honeyeaters.
Obviously, anybody who is a Muslim,
as believed in the province, because there is no Islam without believing that
is the messenger of Allah. And that is the last and final messenger, that is a truthful Messenger, and that he communicated the message. This is the foundational
and this is part of la ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah, for anyone who's a Muslim, obviously,
I'm not talking about that, that we know is there. But there is another part of this belief about philosophy,
which relates to specifically to the love of Rasulullah sallallahu.
Now, this is not in Islam, the love of the messenger, Salah Salem, is not a matter of individual like or dislike, it's not a matter to say that here was wrong Salah Salem, and he was such a nice man. And he was such a wonderful person, therefore I loved him.
He could that statement could be a personal statement, but I love
I love my father. But does everyone on the world have my father No. To somebody else's? Well, you know what your father You will love it.
I don't love your father is not my father.
So I don't know if somebody might say I don't even like your father. Not only do I not love your father, but I don't even like
this is perfectly acceptable. If it was my father, and somebody says, I don't even like your father, I may not like that statement. But that's a matter of personal life. And so, but we've never, it's not a matter of personal baggage. It's not a matter of saying, Well, you know, I love the province of Solomon, you don't love him. So why must I love him? And if you are if I'm saying you should have the powers, why, but I don't have it is not. This is not, Allah has not done this to us. And the reason why I didn't do it was is because the love of the messengers
is a love for the message.
You cannot dislike the messenger and like the message, because the message in the case of Islam and the Quran is not like a messenger as in somebody who brings a letter, a postman or a courier boy, who brought the courier boy, or the postman who brings the letter has no connection with that letter, he just carrying it in his hand. It is not his message.
He may carry a whole bag full of letters, he's not connected with the letter, he may not even know what's the letter, because he is the messenger. So it's not even necessary, that he knows what he's getting the message. Now, anyone who
implies or believes or thinks that this is the case with the Messenger of Allah is obviously one of two things either the person is completely and totally ignorant. The * LM with a latte or the person is evil, and he wants to sow discord in the hearts of people by denying the message. So therefore love
is not a personal thing. It's a matter of accepting the
Accept accepting the position of
Allah Subhana Allah and Allah subhanaw taala his message for the love of the messenger is the love of the message. Now what is my
deliverable saying this? If there was even one deliverable it would be enough but there is not one deal there are several.
First and foremost the best way of looking at it is to look at the Quran itself and say what, if anything, does the Quran say about loving Rasul Allah?
I'm not saying about it out of the way, what you will learn how to Rasulullah this terminology in the Quran has come many, many times, the one who obeys Allah, the one who obeys them.
It is possible to obey somebody without loving them.
And this is unfortunately not the case today they work in most places, most of the people we obey, obey them out of fear of that evil. We don't obey them because we love them. So it is possible to obey. But in the case of Islam, did Allah subhanaw taala specifically mentioned the love of Muhammad did Allah specifically said love the profits or losses? And if you do not love the profits or loss, this is what will happen Dida likely to say this, and the answer is yes.
And the idea was rather than said this is the majority vote Well, I'm just gonna say whole income
loss Maricela counted of
Allah counted the things that we normally the or the people that we now
call, say, in Ghana, Abba, who are gonna weigh one watt as well as Shirato Well, I'm World War. What is rotten? What?
Duck Sona, casada wa masa Cardona, I have that
I have to love them more. I have laid on min Allah He or su li he was he had invisibIe Lea photogra Basu had the Allah will be Emery wala who will go first?
Allah subhanaw taala counted out
at things
and let's say
and we say is to resources and then saying Say to the People yeah Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam say to them that if your father's about what
your sons. Now in this case, in the Quran,
it means that means fathers only fathers mothers, so parents, so Abba, your parents have now
as well as your wives and husbands,
your mates who are Shirato which is your relatives, so close relatives, parents and your spouses and your children and all your gender
so forth. Now above
as well as
a while ago.
We're gonna What if one of your brothers and sisters
well, as well as your mates, we're actually looking for five things, your audio
while I'm while and while I'm while I have to move
well, which you have acquired? And which you look at and you like to see the awareness? So what I'm wondering if corruptible Ohio Well, if you have acquired
what is
the Shona casada your trade and your businesses in which you hear a decline?
Business I love the business. And I fear that maybe one day there will be some loss in the business so businesses which is here as
well to keep what Ijarah don't talk Shona casada your cashier your fear that why am I sad you know,
and those houses that you build, and you look at them and you say what's a lot a lovely house I have to be nice about it. So Allah subhanaw taala now
counted out eight things,
your personal relationships, your love, in terms of people and your love in terms of things.
And then Allah subhanaw taala have a labrum in Allah he will also read what you had in feasibility, three things, Allah's matters and if you love these, more than you will of Allah, if you love these more than you love Rasul Allah
and if you love these more than you love you have, why is that with Aveda, associated with this, because the love for Allah and the love for us, Willa Salah Salam can be claimed. But Allah is saying you have to love Allah more and you have to love the messengers are sort of more and your claim will not be accepted enough to prove the claim. And what is the proof of the claim? All of these things which you claim to love less than Allah and less than
you should be able to sacrifice them for the love of online for the numbers.
You have your wealth, you must spend it in the park.
You have your wife and children and your time and so on and so forth. You must spend it in the Bahamas.
If Allah subhanaw taala chooses you then you
The life you want given the path
then only your claim to love Allah and His Messenger will be accepted but you haven't peace availa is you hadn't used a very is the
proof of this language and that's the thing not only must you love Allah and His Messenger more than you love everything else, but even the claim will not be accepted until you do it.
And then what if I don't?
What if I don't
see the eye and see the
command and see the alarm and see the within quote the hardness and harshness with which Allah subhanaw taala then spoke I'm not said if you do not do this
if this is not the case, if you don't love this for Tara bustle, Allah said get out.
Get out and not get caught up Basu have, yet feel love will be angry. Get out and wait for the love of Allah which will cover you.
And that is not enough unless rather than further reader and Zed Wallah who
Coleman pass your pain. Verily Allah will not guide
like not saying Allah with love with not guide what is the meaning of Allah will not
it means that you will not be given the opportunity to make
Allah would not guide means that you will not get the opportunity to make while I have seen this in my life, I have seen people who were in terms of ama people who are into all kinds of things, people who are into drinking and gambling and all kinds of things. And those people turn completely
around and Allah subhanaw taala guided them and those people to come by
at a guided them
to begin with. But I have yet to see somebody who did not love her soul as a seller, and who was disrespectful to her was a seller and who said who did not show
the kind of respect that is due to the processes. I have yet to see somebody like that ever guide it never happens they die on that. And that is proof of the ayat of the Quran, Allah Allahu Allah. Yeah, Bill Holman, possibly Allah promised not to guide Allah will not die. Now.
This ayah therefore, is evidence to say that the love of hammer Salah Salem is obligatory, it is what it is something which attracts a very severe punishment with Allah subhanaw taala Patara bus will have play at the armory according to me is the fatwa of Allah subhanaw taala of
Allah as ARB is not promised to a Muslim whether or not they have remained you are a Catholic good or bad for the
Allah subhanaw taala is not saying please No, no, no, you're you're mistaken. Please come back. No, get out. Don't love mine be more than you love all these things.
Let's not even say if you don't love me, you have to love my neighbor you must love him more than everything else. The condition not the matter of saying no I love my nothing about this. Allah is not saying here in this idea that love the Prophet Salah Salem more than you love things which otherwise are not either not halal directly or you know some Allah subhanaw taala what is the first thing that Allah is one of the enumerated with regard to love, love for the parents
about love for the parents in the Quran is read it several times. And last time I said lower the wing of kindness to them don't even say to them. Right. So the the position of the parents is reading again and again. Let's not analyze counting that is the number one. All of this true about your parents. Jana is under the feet of your mother. Your father is a daughter of the of the Jana and so on so what but if you love that mother and you will love that father more than you love my NW Go and wait for my other
so it's not just a matter of saying Loving You know, I love this and I love my close know, even the people that Allah subhanaw taala told us to love and respect
beyond anybody else which is the number one in terms of oho Coliban number one is the parent even them Allah subhanaw taala saying despite all of this if you love them more than you love Mohamed Salah Salem Go and wait for my Allah. Allah subhanaw taala promised his us
I'm not accident, Allah said I will give you that. And I will not guide you will not be allowed to make Toba.
This is how serious it is.
This is how serious it is.
So the love of Maha Salah Salem is obligatory. And the novel of Mohamed Salah Salem is something that if you do not have more than you have for anyone and everyone else, then this is something which will actually unravel.
Number one, number two, the allele from the Hadith,
this hadith narrated by Omar Abdullah, about himself
as well as a wrestler was resting
in a place which was like a pavilion, little bit away from his house. And there's a whole
story of why that happened was one on one point.
And he was lying he was he didn't have an upper garment is not very good shirt.
When he was lying on a
mat, I see which was made of palm fronds. So, then Amara Delano came to see
when he was admitted, and again, it's a whole story, I won't go into the whole detail of it stick to the point that I want to make.
When he was admitted to the President.
When he sat upstairs and Amara Delano saw the marks of the hassle on the back and the side of the processor because he was dying on it. So the
locks were on the skin off.
The lung felt bad about that, by the way is lying on this
mat. And so he commented on that and he also the I love you more than anyone else. I love you more than I love anything else, except myself.
Now, this also shows the
beautiful class was what truthful people What beautiful people that they did not have any semblance of deception, absolute nothing. Because if you think about it, what was the need for him to say this in the first place isn't enough to say I love you more than anybody.
The fact that you love yourself more meaning that if it came to, you have to choose between my life and your life, I will not sacrifice you. But I will say myself,
I will say
is there a need to
use absolutely no need to say but this was the repo the nature of
our structure, where he what was in his heart was what was on his face what was in his heart. But what was that there was no discord, the complete congruence between feeling and thought and speech and action, which is what we should try to get this is a sign of absolutely the complete absence of the past of any kind. There's no There's no dissonance between what's in the heart and what
it says no matter the law says
there is a law salams reaction to that. Think about that. Here is the man saying I love you more than anybody else. Except myself.
As soon as I could have accepted natural cavities.
So it's okay.
What did he say? He said by the
by the one
in old and is life.
He said your Ema is not complete, until you love me more than anyone else, including yourself.
Now is this some kind of self promotion.
He does some kind of self promotion and you're you're you're now you're in this, you know, saying you must love me more than anything else. And I'm trying to propagate my speech. This is what
this is the essence of the leader of the Muslim. As soon as the restaurant is not talking about himself as a person, as I told you, that Salem was a person who in himself
was worthy of all the love that we could give. But this is not nothing to do with the personality. This has to do with the institution of reseller. It has to do with the institution of prophethood and messenger,
the institution of the board and the Salah, because if you if you do not love the Prophet, if you do not love the messenger, you cannot love the message. They told you in this case, the messenger is not like a postman who brings the latte doesn't even know what's in here. The messenger is part of the message. And I will tell you in a minute how, again varies. So
your email is not complete and
Do you love me more than you love anyone and everything, anyone and everyone else, including yourself?
See the glass of
duty and truthfulness of somebody like
if I was in this place or anybody else was in his clips, what would you say?
That's what I meant.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I know, I did not convey it properly. I mean, I, I'm sorry, I did it in a way. You may not say you are mistaken out of other producers, you know, I'm sorry, I didn't convey it properly. But that's that's what I meant not to
look outside
you and
after some time, he came back and he said, You are a Salalah.
Now, I love you more than anyone and anything else, including myself.
This is the issue of
the heart.
Surgeon Amara Delana. Why did he keep quiet because he was reflecting what my position is. He goes away. He does what he has to do with his heart in terms of the love for Mohamed salah. And when he is satisfied that yes, in my heart now I love Amazon more than anybody else. Now we come into I love you more than anybody else, including myself.
And the response to this, he said I'll and Yama
he said now you're on the behind the scene have given two explanations for this is what they said now, yeah, Omar could mean only now your iman is complete,
which is being
one of the qualifier Russia only now your email is completed. The second possible explanation is it took you this long
to understand this.
So, both the responses or responses is so important and something which you should have understood earlier. Now we manage companies.
Now Mrs company.
So this is the issue of the love of resources. Now, how is the message
and the messenger? How are they interlinked? Because I said that the Prophet Musa Salem and is true for all the messages.
Salam is not a messenger in the sense now, the biller, as some of these
imply these things that they say these things, they don't believe that they say that he was a messenger like a postman or something.
Apart from being
the ultimate stack against the person, the Salem witch vendors, you automate, and that person is
out of a snap. Apart from that, the issue is that it shows again, a complete lack of understanding of what the Quran is not what the message is, as I said, a normal messenger is carrying is just an object. I mean, it's like a conveyor belt, you know, instead of the person giving you the letter, it could be thrown on a conveyor belt and it'll get you. So that is not the case with the messengers of Allah, the messages of Allah, the message and the message are together, they are interlinked. They are one
give you a dirty look of this from the Quran and from our own perception. The Quran with regard to the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala said about salah unless a man Allah who Allah Mina is Vasa fee him Rasulullah Amin, an Uzi here to La him, it was a key while you are Lemo
we're in Ghana woman COVELO.
Allah says that Verily,
We have it's our Nana on the believers. We sent our blessing on the believers that we produce from them, a messenger who was from among them,
who did four things. What did you do? You have to allow him IoT. He recited the kalam of Allah subhanaw taala to recite the kalam follows
while user key to purify them.
While you Ali, Mohammed will keep up to teach them this color, which has just been decided. Not because they did not do Arabic It was in collaboration in Arabic, they are Arabs. But they need to be taught meaning that there is more to it than the recitation while hikma and to teach them how to apply it.
So what is the impression you're getting? Is it a messenger who brings a piece of paper on handed to you know?
He is first announcing this is the message.
Now, get prepared to receive the message
by glorifying yourself.
Now sit here and learn this is what the message actually means. Then see me implementing the message, find the final video and the most and the most best way of illustrating what I've just said is to understand that those who claim why do we need to dump the province? Why do we need to look at the life of progress on Salem? And ask them the question and then how will you establish Salah masala and it usually I don't need the life of Muhammad Salah Salem, no problem. Don't look at it. Then tell me how will you pray?
Allah subhanaw taala did not show us how to pray. Allah subhanaw taala told us you PRAY and He gave the home to pray. But it did not show us how to.
Instead, he showed the Prophet sallallahu Sallam how to pray. And now we shall ourselves let's undo Kumar I suddenly just pray as you see me pray
soon because I'm sure that's what is the meaning of Salah How does Allah start? How does it continue? How does it when is it to be prayed? How many records to be prayed? What is to be recited in it? Each position what is research all of this is from the Sierra. It is nothing in the Quran. We understand therefore the Sierra is the chassis of the Quran. Surah is the explanation. And if somebody says I don't need the Sierra,
I don't need the life of the monitor. The Quran is in a format that this person is completely ignorant of. And this person is then one of those who also prophesied about and he said among the last signs of the last day are those people who will recline on their sofas and couches. And they will say the Quran is enough for us
specifically mentioned these people who like to call themselves Karani ina who like to call themselves Quran. And he said these people will come and this is from the science of the last day and these people will reply on couches and they will say the Quran is false.
We do not say the Quran is not me.
Of course the Quran is
we also say the Quran, but we say the Quran is the word of Allah, and its meaning and its demonstration. The Quran is not only the writing,
it's not only the writing, it is the writing, it is the meaning understanding of it. And it's a demonstration of it.
If I am learning, judo, or Karate, if I'm learning a martial law, and I say that this book of Judo is enough for me to no problem now come and fight,
come and fight.
Right? That's nonsense, if the if you really learning Judo is the bogey part and of course, you must read some theory. So therefore, the book is here. Now what must you do? Go to the dojo and learn how to fight. Same thing which is the book but somebody is showing it to you and anyone who has done anything, you know that between reading about something, and seeing it demonstration and practicing it yourself there was different world of the
world and that what we believe is the Quran, of course is not for us but in our understanding the Quran is the word it is the understanding of it, the meaning of it, and it is the demonstration of seeing how we practice. Whereas those who say the Quran is in a forest they're saying only the writing the letter is in a forest, which is a nonsensical statement. So the point I'm saying is that the love for Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam is something which is obligatory in this deen the one who does not have it, the one who does not have it, but nobody was asked
that and the way to get in into his heart is to be to zero and two. If somebody is against that, then Aloha. I'm not sitting here looking at our we I gave you the lion of the Quran, you can come to a conclusion about whether this person who this person is and what will happen, save us from such people. May Allah save us from
COVID to understand its Kalam and to understand the blessed and most honored positions of Muhammad Salah
in the way that it is to be understood so that we
can correct our deeds and when we stand before Allah subhanaw taala we are not among those to whom unanswered for Tara Basu,
Emery, Allahu Allah you have in common. You ask Allah to save us from being among those people to whom He promised His other and he promised not to guide them meaning that you promised that they will not have the opportunity to
ask Allah to save us from the calamity and to help us to live our lives. As los manos. Allah wants us to live them and to
according to the Sunnah
some of our anatomy is good enough while I knew he was having it