Abu Taymiyyah – The Sisters With Their Husbands Eid Prophetic Advice on Eid

Abu Taymiyyah
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AI: Summary ©

The speaker discusses the negative impact of negative language on women, including complaints and embarrassment. They also mention a statement from a prophet about women being "ugly" and being "ugly" for a long time. The speaker warns against taking lightly and not explaining the danger of putting women into a situation.

AI: Summary ©

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			The Prophet Sallallahu Wa'alehi used to dedicate
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			a specific khutbah for the women.
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			To appoint.
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			After he was done, he went to the
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			women, and he said to them,
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			Oh women,
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			pay the sadaqah. For indeed I saw that
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			the majority of those in the fight are
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			So a woman, she stood up and she
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			said, you Rasool Allah,
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			2 things they mentioned.
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			And the married men, they're going to know
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			what I'm talking about.
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			You excessively complain.
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			All the time complain, some of the brothers
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			are smiling.
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			Took Thirn al Shekat,
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			constantly complaining and you are ungrateful to your
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			And you Why? What does this mean, ungrateful
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			to your husband? There's another narration that explains,
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			If you was to be good to her
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			for the whole year,
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			she sees one little thing from you, she
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			goes, I haven't seen any good from you.
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			You spend time with her,
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			you spend hour with her, no no no
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			no, you don't give me any time.
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			You give her money, you never give me
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			any money.
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			You're good to her, you're never good to
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			A lot of these negative
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			they call it indefinite. In the negative context
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			in the Arabic language, it indicates generality. You
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			land in Surfah.
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			That indefinite
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			took me ages by the way, and Nakirafi
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			syakneft to
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			translate that in the English language.
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			if it comes in a negative context, those
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			who studied English,
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			you know.
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			If an indefinite now comes in a negative
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			it indicates generality. And you learn this and
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			it's very very handy. Why? Because you see
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			sometimes statements from the hadith and you know
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			how to put into context.
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			Okay. Some of the sisters, they tend to
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			say we don't mean it.
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			they don't mean it.
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			When they say, you don't give me any
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			time, they don't mean it. But
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			it's a form of dul. It could be
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			that one word that you don't mean it
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			and you don't take into consideration,
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			why you get chucked into the fire for
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			70 years. One kalima.
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			It's a form of dulm. Someone who's been
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			looking after you. He's been good to you.
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			Then all of a sudden he just come,
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			you break his heart, you know, you don't
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			do anything for me.
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			It could really hurt the person.
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			Why the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallamih said,
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			and why is this statement so dangerous?
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			This statement is so dangerous. Why? The prophet
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			A person, he says one word, one word.
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			And when he says it, he says it
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			out of consideration.
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			He doesn't give you any consideration when he
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			says that word.
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			And because of that, he gets chucked into
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			the 5 or 7 years.
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			When they are saying the word, do they
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			mean it?
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			You can understand now how serious it is
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			and how common will lie the majority say
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			And why is why the majority of those
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			nafai are women?
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			Using these kind of words which might you
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			might take very very lightly, but it is
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			very very dangerous for your own good.
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			Why would the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam
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			specify this on a day of Eid?
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			When I was having the sisters class,
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			a discussion that I put out to them
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			Let's just say for an example now, a
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			person has been given the opportunity to address
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			1,000 of people on the day of Eid,
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			what topic should he choose?
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			Why would the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
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			dedicate on the day of Eid,
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			with all these people there,
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			when he can pick so many topics,
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			this thing pertaining women at the end.
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			Because, of course, it's an important thing.
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			In a congregation where you might not get
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			another congregation to address a certain situation,
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			It shows how great and important this issue
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			That we shouldn't just take lightly.
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			And even if the men hear it, it's
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			important that you explain to them the danger
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			that you could put them into.