Mirza Yawar Baig – Reminders Importance Of Sunnah

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes the history of Islam, including the creation of the book, the recording of one's statement, and the use of the Hadith Parables as a source of reference. The transcript also mentions the use of the Hadith Parables as a source of reference for reference in the writing of the book.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala l mursaleen. Allah Allah He was happy as mine. But Allah subhanaw taala said who Allah diva Philomena Rasulullah Min homea to Lu la him it was a key him by you Ali Mohammed Al Kitab al hikmah. When can we come Kabbalah futile Allah when Allah subhanaw taala said he analyzed referring to himself, He it is Who sent among the unlettered once, fee Phil Amina Rasulullah and he sent the among the unlettered once a messenger Muhammad Salah Salam from amongst themselves, there is an allegation for things reciting to him, deciding to them his is purifying them, teaching them the book, and Al hikma which is referred to as his Sunnah. And verily

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before this, they had been in manifest error. Today it has become fashionable for people to deny the Sunnah of Rasulullah Salah, I'm going to try and very quickly answer some of these

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doubts that they create in the minds of people. If you just look at Islam, about after the Quran, the Surah Surah Surah Salaam is the next source of law and the next source of practice of how to practice Islam. It is very easy to understand that without his guidance, it would be impossible to practice Islam for example, if one were to say I will do only what the Quran says. Then the Quran says Allah. Allah said establish the salah with a seka and pay zakat. But Allah the Quran is silent on how to do both. It was rasulillah salam to whom the method of both of these things was revealed in the revelation that we call the * with that we call Hadith which is also called hiremath Lu,

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the unrecycled revelation, which which he then taught and demonstrated to his Sahaba Rizwan Allah He, Allah has made now

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very important for us to understand this, because the Hadith sola sola sallam, they were compiled and preserved with great care in his own lifetime, and the compilers would check what they had written on with him and ensure that it was correct. The Hardys were preserved in four distinct ways, through memorization, through writing, through discussion, and also through active practice.

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The contention that the Hadees was collected,

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you know, a couple of 100 years after a saucer, Salah is completely wrong, it is false, it is a lie. We have history historical evidence that had these were actually written down during the life of a solo saucer myself. Now, through these four ways, these are the same ways for example, as I said, memorization, writing, discussion and practice. These are the same ways in which the Quran was also preserved, and the same care and rigor was applied to the preservation of the explanation of the Quran, which is what the * is it? Hard is hard is written down during the lifetime of Salaam Salaam, himself, the recorders would read to him what they had written, and he would certify

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the correctness. One of them asked him if he should write down what Salam would sometimes say in anger, he says, Alison replied and said, Allah is the Protector of my tongue. And whatever I say is to be recorded. This incident among many others, is witness to the fact that these were recorded in the lifetime of Russell Russell Russell himself by his permission, and that he corrected what was written where this became necessary. This refutes the false claim of the deniers of ahaadeeth, who claim that the sayings were only collected 2200 years after he passed away.

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I had this were also protected and recorded simply practice, people lived and continue to live their entire lives exactly as Russell Russell Russell did, to the last detail they they ate, what he ate the SAT and the way he sat, they slept the way he slept on the right side with his hand under his head, they trim their nails in the sequence that he did, starting with the right index finger and going on to the little finger. And then the same way on the other hand, coming back, last to the thumb of the right hand, the whole point being that they emulated him, and they continue to emulate emulate him, and they demonstrate their love for him. By doing every little thing that he did, there

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was nothing about about the practices of a solo solo salon, which was considered too little or too insignificant, to emulate or to imitate or to practice, and that is how his his sayings were preserved. It was a desire to authenticate and preserve hobbies that lead to the whole branch of knowledge which is called an ill Mola smell Rizal the study of the names of people. This relates to research that was done by the later compilers of ahadith

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into the lives of those who narrated the hardest to ascertain their suitability as narratives, in terms of reliability, integrity, memory, and so on. This work of rigorous authentication through research is so remarkable that it does not have a parallel in any history of any nation of the world.

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It's something that we need to be and that we can be justifiably proud of, as the work of the scholars of this wonderful dean of ours. The scholars of hadith of Islam, were guided by the famous saying of Rasul Allah salon, where he is reported to have said, if someone if anyone narrates something from me that I did not say he will search for his own place in the Hellfire, the compilers and recorders have a heavy, we're conscious of this responsibility of their responsibility more than anyone else, and worked with complete and total integrity and sincerity, and ensure that they fulfill their responsibility with complete integrity, women who are at the forefront of this work.

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Really recently, Chef Akram nadwi, who is a scholar in Oxford University in England, has compiled a work of the, these are short biographies of the women teachers have a hadith called Alma had the that the work is, in fact, the volumes. And he has written an introduction for this book, which has been translated into English, and that's called a mocha diva, which is 350 pages in length. Now, the whole issue of Hadith is to understand very simply, and I'm not going into all the proofs and so on of it just now we don't have the time for that. But to understand that there are these are intrinsic to the practice of Islam, that if somebody denies the Hadith in totality, then that person is really

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blind Muhammad Rasul Allah, Allah, Allah and His teachings, and thereby placing himself out of Islam. ask Allah subhanaw taala to me to make it easy for us to follow his rules and laws and his injunctions and for us to follow the way of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam and to be pleased with us and to save us from all the data and innovations and keep us on the Sunnah of is Nabi sallallahu alayhi salatu salam Salam ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajwain Muhammad

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