Mirza Yawar Baig – Lessons from the Anbiya – I love the Messenger #33

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The history and importance of Islam are discussed, including the loss of Muslims in stormy storms and the importance of returning wealth to one's wealth. A black man named Mohamed Salah Salem was arrested and murdered by police, but his wealth was earned from the people of Makkah. The importance of verifying one's religious affiliation in court is emphasized, as it is linked to their behavior and behavior. The transcript also touches on the importance of knowing the time of birth for actions and avoiding discouragement during recorded events.
AI: Transcript ©
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So now that I hear about hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen wa sallahu wa salam ala shall be even serene Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi right only was able to sell them to Steven cathedra.

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Brothers and sisters in our series of classes and lectures on this era of Rasul Allah is Orion seldom

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the motto of the nvra Salam is that we also get to talk about many of his companions May Allah subhanaw taala bless them,

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and reward them in keeping with the majesty and grace and decree that we are resurrected with them.

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Because this is the these are the people who are among the Rantala him people Allah subhanaw taala rewarded, and their biggest reward was that they were in the company of Rasulullah sallallahu as Muslims and they lived as Muslims and they died as Muslims, which makes them Sahaba and as far as we are concerned, the Sunnah their position and level comes above everyone and every other human being

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other than the MBL he was salam, the prophets and even Salam we we respect all of this or have an equally we do not raise one over the other except where for example, where a solar cell and specifically stated and that is in the case of Abu Bakr and Omar Radi Allahu anha.

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We specifically other other than that, we do not give ranks and grades to the Sahaba This is against the other of the Muslim. As far as we are concerned, these people

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the dust on the hooves of the feet of their mouths, has more value for Allah subhanaw taala than us so we treat them like that.

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Now some Sahaba made hijra after Rasul Allah is Allah Salam. Some came before some went after

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many of them went to Medina before those who sell them. Some of them for example, was everybody aware on the land who was sent by enemy Salah Salem, others went by themselves, but some were left behind and they came later, one of them was.

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So I have a Rumi or the Alon, who, who was a slave of Abdullah bin jadad. Now, so ever Rumi was called slave Rumi meaning for the Roman. And

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he was called that because he was actually from Yemen. He was he was not a robot knew that. He was from Yemen, he was the son of the chief of the tribe there. And he, one day his mother took him, he was a little boy, he was maybe five years old or so. And his mother took him

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to meet some of her relatives and so on, you know, like a holiday to a seaside place in Yemen.

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It so happened that the Roman Navy they used to read and they raided that place. And I do not know what happened to his mother. But so Hey, little Sohaib was taken prisoner and sold as a slave. Now he was sold as a slave. And most probably this was in Syria. They used to call them Romans, but these these people didn't go back to Italy, they were not Roman. In that sense, there was a Byzantines. So they he was sold to

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a Roman there and then he grew up in the house of the of the Romans. So he got educated, he got trained in martial arts.

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And, you know, in swordplay in archery, he became an expert in archery, he was very well known as a as a master archer, he also learns different traits, and so on. So he became he was highly educated. And

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then he

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landed up, he was sold again, and he landed up as a slave of one of the college called Abdullah.

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Abdullah liked him and he freedom. And

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he made so Hey, a partner or Delano, a partner with themselves in business and so availa who could do business and he was, you know, like even the talent so he became very wealthy in his own right. Now, when he became Muslim, and he decided to migrate to Medina, he buried his wealth in a secret place.

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Some of them so, and then he escaped he, I mean, I'm telling you that others the holidays, were obviously keeping an eye on him because he was he had become Muslim. They knew that, but they didn't want to disturb him because, you know, he was very well respected and he was a wealthy man and so on. But they had they kept their eye on him. So one night

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Sadly, he slipped out of Makkah and with nothing just his personal references sore and his

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bow and arrows, he headed for Medina. Now imagine just think about this, you know,

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the journey itself, you're looking at about 450 kilometers or more through the desert, there is no, obviously he can't keep to the main roads and stuff because he doesn't want to get caught. So he's escaping.

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These are people who are very, very brave and tough and you know, they knew how to take care of themselves.

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So he, he takes off.

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But very quickly, the people who are, you know, keeping an eye on him, they got wind of this and a whole posse took off to capture him and bring him back to Makkah. Imagine this is a posse, this is not like, you know, wanted dead or alive as we see in western American western movies. People are chasing a criminal. This was a man who did nothing. He didn't have anybody. He just became Muslim. That was his crime. His crime was that he became Muslim. He accepted Islam. And they were chasing him for this reason. So anyway, they chased him.

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He got to a point where they, they got close to him. So he climbed there was a hillock, rocky hillock, so he climbed on top of that,

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they surrounded it, they were, you know, tough 3040 of them, they surrounded it around and they started climbing up. So now he's on the top is hiding in the in a whole bunch of rocks inside and these people don't have surrounded and they're, you know, in a circle and climbing up.

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Now several Madelon realize that this is getting nowhere, because there was no way that he can escape from them.

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There are 40 of them or whatever. So you know, they can stay awake, they can take turns to watch him when he's alone. So he has to get tired at some point in time he has to sleep, and they would catch him in any case.

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So they said to him, you came to us as a beggar you were poor, you're destitute or slave, you you rich, you got rich among us. And now we want to follow Mohamed Salah Salem and take your wealth with you, we will not let you get away. Now imagine this. He his wealth is not something you took from them. His wealth is what he earned. His wealth is not welfare, his wealth is wealth is not some gift from the people of Makkah. And it's not a saying well, you know, this is what we gave you. This is your dowry or this is your wealth and return it was no this is what I earned. This is my the sweat of my brow right? This is what I earned with my effort with my intelligence with my with my energy.

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Nobody would nobody has any right on this. So how can they try to take it away from him, but you know, oppressors, this is the old issue operations. There's no logic for operational operation is wrong, no matter who does it to whom.

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So they said they said, Now several, we said to them, he said I have

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an arrow with the name of each one of you return on it. You said you know I, my archery you know how I'm, you know, I'm an archer. And he said, If you come any further, then I have my arrows and I will stick one in each of you. And when those are over, he said I have my sword. And then you will know that I'm a man.

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So now to the stalemate he is in the top, these people have corroded him that come up and

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they can't get ahead and he can't get up, he can't come down. And of course, long term cyber Ruby or their land who would have lost this thing.

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He also knew that they also knew that so as he decided that, you know this, he has to get out from this. So he said to them,

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he said tell me something. How about I tell you where my money is? And you can take it and you let me go to this that's okay we that we accept. So you don't deserve the money is in Makkah incidences of please go and take it and leave.

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And they did. They left him and he reached Medina safely as he came in the presence of Rasul Allah Azza wa sallam an amazing thing

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Rasulullah sallallahu sallam

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said to him

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Yeah, so hey, what a bargain you made. It's a water fantastic bargain.

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Now the two points in the story which I want to, to talk to you about for a little bit. One is what was a bargain? Think about that. Here is a man who at one stroke lost everything he had in in the world.

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He spent his whole life earning this wealth and accumulating this wealth and he spent his whole life in that.

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And one stroke at one stroke just because he became Muslim. He said Lila Illallah this was the price he had to pay for La ilaha illAllah.

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Muhammad Rasool Allah,

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and the price was his entire wealth.

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Really is one. I think of this these are the people who were the epidemic. They were the manifestation of the Ayat of Allah subhanaw taala. And so Toba Allah subhanaw taala say in the in the last parameter mamina

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and 101 Who's home Jana, Allahu Jana, Allah subhanaw taala said, Verily Allah has purchased from the believers, their lives and their wealth, their wealth or their lives in exchange for Jana.

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With the Sahaba many of them that's literally what happened their entire life, that their entire wealth and their lives because they spent their whole wealth in the bath of Allah subhanaw taala and also they were saved Usabilla

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Allah subhanaw taala help us to understand the true contribution of the Sahaba Alexandra ala midway. And may Allah subhanaw taala help us to be somewhere in the shed. Right? I even hesitate to say when Allah subhanaw taala join us with them because I have I really have no

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I don't have the courage to say that.

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So cyber Rumia Dylon Whoo,

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reaches there. And I must have heard that I sent word of His coming and sent word of what happened to him with delay Salam, Allah subhanaw taala sent this news to the soldiers and Salah Wa La Vie Salam came and told him this is what is happening to your to your friend and your companion and your followers. So hey, and he's about to come and he came. And the reason I said to him, What a bargain. I think about that, if you see what a bargain, you know, for what would you say what would you call What a bargain?

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Right? If I got the Kohinoor diamond in a garage sale for $10? That would be What a bargain.

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But if I bid

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imagine the Kohinoor diamond, of course, it is not on sale, it's been looted by the British and sitting in the crown of the British monarch. But the point is that if it if it came up on sale in Sotheby's, right, and I paid whatever number of millions it takes, what is the price of that thing?

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And I bought it you wouldn't say What a bargain, that's the price or the price of the thing you paid it. It's okay. So you wanted this piece of Shiny Stone but you know, with so many millions

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What a bargain means that you got something

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very, very valuable. You got it cheap. That's the meaning of what a bargain and what is is something which is so valuable,

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that to give away your entire wealth

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was considered to be a bargain.

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And that was the the halo law Hamadan, Rasulullah sallallahu just imagine this, this is what we have, right we have or we think we have Lila Hale Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah, we ask Allah subhanaw taala. To, to

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do to cover us with His mercy and grace and to hide us, from everyone in the world except himself.

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This is what we have. This is also what the Sahaba had imagined what they paid for this thing.

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And as soon as Rozella is not saying, so ALLAH, so hey, you're such a wonderful man, you sacrifice so much the word sacrifice is never used. He will sacrifice so much for the sake of Islam. He said, No, you are the one you gained.

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Not sacrificed for Islam, you made a brilliant investment.

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Right? You made a brilliant investment.

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Amazing. Think about it.

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Second point of the story I want to talk to you about is here is a situation where cyber room is surrounded by these people. There are plenty of them, there are 40 of them, 50 of them whatever. And whoever Rumi says I will struggle I know he says I will show you where I will tell you where my wealth is go. Take it. And let me go. Now think about this. If you are in that play in the place of those people, right, if you were the leader of that group, what would you do? You will tell tell us where it is.

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And if you don't be where it is, then I would send one guy

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out to go check. Right? Maybe he's lying. Who knows?

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How do we know what he's saying is true. So go check.

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And when the one goes and checks and he comes back and says yes, the thing is there, then maybe

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maybe then I would leave this person. Or if I'm Genghis Khan

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Maybe I would still cut his throat.

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Because now I know where his wealth is I don't need this guy

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shows two things. One is that those Arabs, even the ones who are not mushy, they were honorable people.

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They were honorable people, even those who are the most again, we were even those who are not Muslim. They were honorable people. Right? So they, they didn't do these kinds of stuff.

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And second thing, even more importantly, is that they believed so I have a roommate of mine who, because they knew that Muslims do not lie.

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Muslims do not tell lies.

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So when whoever O'Meara said to them, I will tell you where it is, go take it, and leave me that is added, there is no need for us to sit around here for you know, whatever time it takes for the person to go and find and so on. Let's go.

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Leave him because he would have told us the truth. They trusted him. You may as well Rumi himself could have taken advantage of this trusting nature of the people. And you could have given them a false address. Because they're gonna go let them go, you know, that they go there they find is nothing is there.

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And so every room is still available, still retains his wealth. No,

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they were honorable people.

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Their tongue their word was what something to them. It was what more than anything in the world, more than worth more than anything else. So I have a roommate on the line who spoke the truth,

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his enemies, imagine this is we're not talking about friend, we're talking about enemies, we're talking about people who would have gladly killed him they were they were surrounded him to do what? To capture him. And in the process of capture, if he got killed, you got killed.

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The work of a Muslim

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Muslims do not lie. I must always I always say this. And I must always say this, which is that many years ago, I was in South Africa. And I was speaking to some friends of mine, one of them was a judge in the High Court.

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And he said to me that during Apartheid time, like during the white rule in South Africa, he said there was a rule to say that a Muslim witness in court, if a Muslim was called as a witness, in a case, this person did not need to swear on the Bible, or on the Quran, or on anything to speak the truth. Right now, the apartheid regime was a strong

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Dutch orthodox regime, that reformed regime,

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Africa. And, of course, they're also British. So they were some Anglicans. These were Christian people, and they were very devout Christian people. In that regime, they had outlawed many of the things which later on once South Africa became independent, those things, you know, got

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inland, they've the outlaws were,

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what the the outlying of it was removed, like many, many things, but the point is that here were devout Christians. Now in that situation, in that government in that regime, if a Christian came into our court, as a witness, this Christian had to swear on the Bible to say that he would speak the truth and nothing but the truth.

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Any other person of any other religion had to swear on whichever book was holy to them, that they will speak the truth, and nothing but the truth, but a Muslim, did not need to take that oath.

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So when this friend of mine is judge from South Africa, and he said to me, when he told me the story, I said, Why? Why were Muslims given this special status because Muslims, again, remember, the Muslims are also among the people who were discriminated against, because they were brown people, or they were black people. There was no white Muslims, or, you know, at least maybe one or two, but generally as so they they were segregated. They lived in the little colonies, and so on and so forth. So it's not as if the Muslims had the superior status in society. They didn't, they did not. But in this particular instance of giving witness in court, the Muslims were exempted from taking an

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oath to speak the truth. So I asked him, I said, Why is why is that?

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He said something to me, which blew me away. He said, Because Muslims do not lie. He said, they said, who said the Africa apartheid regime? They said Muslims do not lie.

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So they don't have to take a word that they take an oath. You have Muslim says something we believe it because he's a Muslim or she because she's a Muslim.

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So I asked him, I said, What's the situation today's interview Don't be that is God.

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Today when a Muslim comes into court, he is he has to take an oath.

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On the Quran,

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this is what we do to ourselves and brothers and sisters think about that it is not just about one instance or one incident. It's about what that represents. It's about what that says about you and me as human beings as people. And as what we represent, which is Islam.

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That behavior of ours is not isolated, it's not one by itself, it is linked. Right? It is linked to everything we say and do.

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So be very careful, we think about this. This is of course, Allah subhanaw taala. Note is knows that Allah subhanaw taala will reward or punish, we ask Allah to save us from His punishment. But I'm talking about right here in this world, you will you gain respect or you lose respect, you gain credibility or you lose credibility, you gain trust, or you lose trust, you gain influence, or you lose influence that all of that depends on your behavior, my behavior.

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As human beings, you might say, well, you know, you don't hold the you don't have the same standard for others. And of course, they're not. Of course they're not. They should not why should they have?

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You are the person of the Quran, you are the person of Muhammad Rasool Allah Azza wa sallam, you are the person who said La ilaha IL Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah, why do you want to be treated? The same as everybody else? No,

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we do not want to be treated the same as everybody else you want to be treated as Muslims, and Hamdulillah. And by that I mean that we hold ourselves up to the highest moral, ethical standards that we can imagine.

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And our standards don't change. Day by day. Our standards are not facts. Our standards don't, you know, we don't have a different standard today, or a different standard six months from now, or a different standard 60 years from now is the same thing because our standards are based on divine law or divine

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divine pleasure and divine justice. And they are something which are good for everybody. The Islamic way is the best way for everyone, whether they are Muslim or not.

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And when a Muslim does those same things, with the intention of pleasing Allah subhanaw taala, the Muslim also gets reward in the engine.

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But those things are good for everyone. No matter whether they're Muslim or not. Tell me how can compassion be something bad for anyone? How can justice be something bad for anyone? How can speaking the truth be bad for anyone, no matter who it is? Right? If an atheist speaks the truth is not a good thing. That hamdulillah

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Acuras a different matter.

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So a Muslim speaks the truth. Not only because it's a good thing to do, not only because that is who he is that not only because that is his face and his signature, but because he also wants to please Allah. So he has a double reward. He was it he has a reward in how this world will treat him and he has a reward in what happens the doctor. This is the benefit of being a Muslim Hamdulillah.

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My brother sisters, these are the stories of our seller savvy.

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These are the stories of those who

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are our real

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predecessors, they are not our ancestors as in genetically, but there are there are our predecessors in faith and edema and in the legacy of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam which is Islam.

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So very, very important to remember and understand this. Now the body used to feel homesick, and they wanted to go back to Makkah, many of them to be downloaded on us to say May Allah curse babinda Mia Shava been on the way Amin Calif who drove us out of Makkah into this land of pestilence number that I used to have a lot of fevers because Medina was had a lot of swampy land so probably they are mosquitoes or so or maybe it was malaria, whatever it was,

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this is you know, so the muddy and then people are used to that they didn't they didn't fall sick that after or even they fell sick, they knew what it was but the manga people will give her a manga they were not used to this market a dry place. And they didn't have all this so they used to feel sometimes you hope they can also sit there physically sick and so one day Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Bilal Delano and I'm urban for Hara overland, they feel sick, they all became sick together. And when I showed the Alana ruggle and I went to visit them, and ask them how they were, they kept reciting some poetry, and would not speak anything sensible.

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So as you entered us was our solemn and told

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That is a this is what they are. They're, they're miserable, and you know, they, they're not talking any sense. And

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so, you know,

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please make the offer so that we sort of made dua for them and he said, Oh Allah make us love Medina as much as we love Makkah and more and make it healthy, bless our food and drive out the fevers of Medina to Jaffa in the mountains

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and the result of this was that the mohideen loved Medina, even more than luck. And even when maca was conquered, was open for Tabaka after that, not one single mohajir return to work.

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Even like people like was not even a fan of the Lana and so onward property and so on in Makkah and he did not do this property, because of the family connections, many of them, many of them many or almost all of them lost their property and all that but so there was one did not but even then he didn't return to Makkah. There was a special feeling that the believer has when he goes to the city of Las Olas.

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Anyone with EMR in their heart loves Madina Munawwara

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so I love it. I remember the first time I went to Medina was in ninth and seventh

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and eighth so not yet. And I G which was I mean, I went to Buckhead, and that was the

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big difference in Makkah there was the Jellal of Allah subhanaw taala in mercy that Hara it was, you know, you feel the the presence and the power and majesty of Allah subhanaw taala

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in Medina you feel the love and the Russia also relies on a seller of course that I got is from Allah subhanaw taala in Ramadan Alameen Allah gave it to him. So when you go to Medina, it's like you come home. It's not as it's not a new place. I the first time I was going there, my wife had

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never been there before never seen anything before. And when we went to we still had the old little lanes around Medina around machinery we shave in the night we would go and sit in one of the shops of our one brothers or bystanders or somebody and, you know, eat fresh tandoori roti with with some salad nada. Absolutely Fabulous. Why that feeling is with me, may Allah keep it with me. My whole life.

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The first baby to be born in Medina was Abdullah mitzvah, the Motherland who the Sunnah was ma bint Abu Bakr of the Allah one. And as well we know one of the Alon who he was later on, he was one of the people who claimed Khilafah and eventually he was, he was killed and Shahid matrade by hedgehog videos of

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as part of interview backer or Delana, took the baby and put him in the lap of Rasulullah Sena. And also Selim took a small piece of data and he chewed it and he put it in the mouth of the child not and this is one of the one of the things that we do as muslims. So as far as the land, I said, the first thing that entered

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the my baby's stomach was from the mouth of Rasul Allah, he's,

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she called him the first child born in Islam, because in Medina, they came the Sahaba, considered the period on the Medina and period as the beginning of Islam. And even though Islam began

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10 years before that, or 13 years before that, actually before in Makkah, but the Sahaba considered that

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Makkah, they considered that to be the preparation. And Medina was when the Muslims established their own state and their own life in obedient only to the laws of Allah subhanaw taala and the Sahaba considered this to be the

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beginning of Islam.

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That is how, when the question of when the question came to the,

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calendar, and you know, looking at where do you start counting from? They found the picked the date of resource arrival in Medina as the date the date of Hijra as the day to start counting time of time itself. I mean, you're not this is law. That was the most important they didn't take his date of birth, which in any case was not known. They did not take his date of passing away, because this whole calendar thing happened in the time of Qatar Dela Rosa was no longer there. Incidentally, the sorrows never saw the calendar.

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So they used to follow the Roman Catholic

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Under the Justinian calendar,

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but in the type of Rosa Salem, so when these are by the time of power the law when they decided to, to make a calendar for the Muslims, this is where the date of arrival in Medina was where they was the day that they chose. So Islam is the name of action if that was the name of Dawa Islam as the name of presenting this beautiful religion, this gift of Allah subhanaw taala to all mankind. Islam is the main name of presenting that to all mankind, not keeping it to ourselves. We ask Allah subhanaw taala do we please with us never to be displeased or some other Harada will carry while he was a member

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