Mirza Yawar Baig – Lessons from the Anbiya #90

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the psychological impact of Islam culture on a child who was killed by their father, including the abuse of their bodies, the use of their bodies for drugs and alcohol, and the loss of their privacy. The importance of following one's heart and avoiding sexual interactions is also emphasized. The segment touches on the prevalence of loose dressings and the danger of "hamming" women in high society, as well as the use of force and negative language. The speaker also discusses the importance of life and borrowing money on interest in the act of killing, while acknowledging the waste of time and negative consequences of doing things that end up with negative consequences.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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wa Salatu was Salam ala Shafi lumea even more saline Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam does live on cathedra and cathedra from avato. Ivan sisters we are on the story of Musa A salaam and as I mentioned before

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we all talk about the physical beauty of Israel a Salaam and people live their children use of meaning, you know somebody or they wish the child will be as,

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as beautiful and as handsome as useful Islam. But what we tend to forget is that usually Salam was even more beautiful insight, spiritually,

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not only because he was unhappy, and of course, all the MBR and masala are spiritually very strong and beautiful, and very handsome, spiritually speaking, but because of his special

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qualities that Allah subhanaw taala blessed him with, usually Sarah was, was not just about physical beauty, right? He was not just like a murderer or something. He was something he was somebody far superior to any of that.

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His whole life, if you look at it was trial after trial after trial. It begins with when he was a little boy, his own brothers tried to murder him. They tried to kill him. And the reason they didn't succeed is not because they didn't try these they didn't succeeded. Well, Allah subhanaw taala had destined for Yusuf Ali Salam,

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something else. And Allah subhanaw taala did not allow the schemes of the brothers to succeed. Otherwise, the brothers did, they did their best. I mean, they wanted to kill him. And they didn't leave anything.

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Any effort, unmade? They did their best to kill him, but they did not succeed. So imagine the psychological effect that they should have had on his on this little boy.

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What did he do or what was his fault, right? His father loved him more than he loved the other. So if anything, it was the fault of the Father, it was not the fault of of him. It was not his fault.

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Yet, you know, the brothers did what they did. So it starts with that. And then of course, he's thrown into a well and may imagine the the trauma of that, then he is pulled out as well, by people who he might have thought I would rescue him, but it's literally like going from the frying pan to the fire. He is now sold off into slavery. I mean, it's being sold into slavery is akin to being killed. Because if you think about it, the Kafala of

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or the the

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the Punnett not punishment, but the fine, which saves you from literally getting strung up for murder is to free a slave. So it means like giving back life to somebody as a slave is dead because he's owned by another human being which in Islam is haram.

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It shouldn't be haram everywhere but you know, in Islam, it is it is totally completely private, and haram. Whereas

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so when you when you free a slave you ever actually given life to a person

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to the extent that a human being can give love to somebody. So he's already said I'm sold off into into slavery, I mean, imagine this is one disaster after another and each one is worse than the other. And now there is no end to slavery than he is bought, purchased by this.

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This Aziz, this noble van from in the market of Egypt, one of the novel van noblemen of the king of Egypt, and he

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is what grows up in that house. And then the wife of this noble man is obviously many years older than he is.

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She wants to, she tries to tempt him

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to have a physical relationship with her. And then so this is a test I mean, again, a test, test, tougher test. And then he, of course, he's already set up as we know he refuses to that. And then he is put into into prison. Right now what what is what is described. He was faithful to his master to the man who bought he refused to betray his master. He refused to fall into the trap of his masters wife, who wanted to tempt him

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to do haram. He didn't he didn't do that. So here's a man who is

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who has stayed away from sin. And it's not as if there was any doubt on him because the whole test and we we will see that the loss rather than mentioned in the conduct, so he is his innocence is proven beyond all doubt. And the master they the husband was the of that woman who did that he is fully aware that he is the slave

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If his use of his slave producer has done nothing wrong, despite that use of a restaurant goes to jail. We don't know how many years maybe it was, you know, nine years or 12 years or whatever it was. So it is a test after test after. But if you then see the

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nature of usable Islam, which comes to the fore, especially when his brother, his brothers finally come to Egypt, because they are in they are living in Syria, they are starving. And they come for two, four grand for help to usable Islam, to Egypt, basically, and they see us over Islam, but of course, they can't recognize him now, because he's a little boy, when he, when they did what they did with him. Now he's a grown man over the age of 40. And of course, he is a noble man, he is the governor of Egypt. So he must, must have been all decked up in his, in his, you know, formal clothing and all the

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delivery and the uniforms. And the goal and a lot was what, so they didn't recognize it, and they wanted his power he would have done, he would have taken revenge on them, he could have, at the least he could have humiliated them, that maybe he didn't, maybe he would have killed them and so on, but he could have definitely humiliated that he could have. He could have made them feel small and bad and, and you know, treated them badly. What does he do? He said last three, well, a couple years, he says today is normally on you.

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And Allah subhanaw taala May Allah smart ALLAH forgive you. Right? I imagine this is the the beauty of the heart, to be able to forgive people who have caused you unbelievable, physical, mental, emotional suffering, right? It can't even be, it cannot even be tabulated or assessed. Despite that, you completely totally forgive them. This is the reflection of this is what we also see in the beautiful heart and the life of Rasulullah salah, which is what he did, people of Makkah, who persecuted him who caused him physical pain, they cause him any amount of, you know, unbelievable mental and spiritual suffering,

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mental and emotional suffering or spiritual, mental and emotional suffering, they harmed his closest, including his own daughter, she was murdered by them, she died because of being one of them, stabbed her, and so on and so forth. And they took away his property they took away is, they tried to malign his good name and all that character assassination. Despite that, he completely totally forget that this is the beauty of the soul, this is the internal spirit of the person which shines through. And they when we say that, nor on the face, this is the sign of the purity of the heart, you cannot have the cannot have nor on the face. If your heart is filled with, with greed,

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and with

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that with despair and depression, with anger and hatred, and all of these kinds of negative emotions. When the heart is filled with those things, then they get reflected on the face and you do not have no and light on the face of the case it was already set up this is the beauty

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of usable A salaam and how what he did and so in the ayat that we have,

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of usable Islam in soldiers of Allah subhanaw taala mentioned

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all these trials, and he said the meaning of witches and she, in whose house he was sought to seduce him, she closed the doors and said, Come, he said, I see my Allah, I seek refuge in Allah subhanaw taala. And may Allah forbid this, truly your husband is my master, he made my stay good, so I will never betray Him. Verily, the zali Moon will never be successful. And indeed, she did desire him. And he would have inclined toward desire had he not seen the evidence of his lab. Thus it was that we might turn away from him evil and illegal sexual *. Surely he was one of our chosen guided slaves. Allah subhanaw taala is praising us when he salaam so now he ran to get out of this

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room towards the door and she ran behind him. And she grabbed his shirt from the back and it taught. And as soon as they went, got to the door, the door open, and they found her rub that means her husband at the door and she immediately tried to

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blame us over the salon. So here this wife of the man so she What is the she says what is the punishment for him who intended an evil design against your wife, except that he should be put in a prison put in prison or a painful torment? You know, it was

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They, this is a, she does this and then she blames the blames him who's well as Rob said, she's the one who who sought to seduce me, it's not my fault. She's alright. Now Alhamdulillah Allah subhanaw taala guards those who maintain and protect themselves and guard his boundaries. So there was another seven there,

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a woman who was one of the household staff. So she says that, if

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his shirt is drawn from the front, then her tail what she's saying is true. That means he tried to force himself on her and she fought back and so his shirt is drawn from the front, but if it is that his shirt is drawn from the back, then she has told a lie, because then that means that he was running and she must have grabbed him. So the shirt is tearing from the back not from the front. And then so therefore he is speaking the truth. So when he the husband saw the use of a salaam shirt was drawn from behind, he said, Surely this is a plot of you, women, certainly Mighty is your plot, meaning you are a scheming woman. And you tried this and you failed. And he said, our use of turn

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away from this woman leaves his woman asked for forgiveness.

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And he said, Oh woman, ask forgiveness for your sin. Verily you are sinful. So here we have a situation where this woman tried to do what she wanted to do. And usually CERAM resisted, and he refused to fall into that trap. Think about this, what are the lessons that we learned? The first lesson we learn is that Yusuf alayhi salam is a man of Allah. He said he asked help from Allah Subhan Allah is there May Allah protect me. So what do we do when we are faced with trials, tribulations and tests, we seek the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala that is the first thing to understand we ask Allah to protect us, because no one can protect us from shaitan except Allah

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subhanaw taala. And we must therefore constantly seek protection from Allah subhanaw taala. We know the issue of is the FDA if you constantly

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keep making stuff ah, Allah subhanaw taala will protect us. And we see protection from Allah subhanaw taala from shaitan. I was with him in a shutdown. The second thing is usually Salam was true to his master. And he was loyal to him and he refused to betray him, no matter what his wife tried to do is a no, I will not go and do something which is against my master, I will not betray him. Now, she, on the other hand, was acting only on her passions.

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I told him, he had his own thing of saying, follow your passion, follow your,

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you know, whatever you like to do, do it. Don't listen to anybody, don't let other people dictate to you what they should do. And the thing to understand here is I'm not saying that you should allow people to dictate, I'm saying that just following your heart, so to speak, following your desire, this is a recipe for disaster. This is not something to do following your heart meaning you have to see what is your is what is your heart trying to tell you to do? If my heart is trying to tell me to do something which is good, which is what aspiring for something which is, you know,

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noble, something, which is beneficial for others and myself, something which is positive, that that's a different issue, but in my heart is just telling me to follow my base desires, you know, physical desires or mental desires, then where is the question of volume, if you if I follow the heart that I'm in trouble, then I will be indulging in Haram, I will, I will be damaging myself and others. So it is very important to understand this thing. The

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the woman in his heart, see that if you look at this, maybe he was also attracted to her, but he didn't act on that. Whereas she acted on this.

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The hadith of Ross was a Salam. He said that when a person intends to do good, right, he's not done it yet. So you're, you're you're saying okay, well, now when I leave my house, I'm going to give $5 in charity, right now, you thought of this, just now you haven't given it your $5 is safely in your pocket, you haven't even left your house, but Allah subhanaw taala causes one good deed to be written in your account, just because you hadn't good intention, then you leave the house and and you donate these $5 Somewhere, give it to somebody.

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So you have actually carried out this good intention. Then Allah subhanaw taala causes

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anything from 10 to 700 to below, below beyond

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without a contract, so this is what Allah promised us in terms of rewards. So law causes that to be written in your account. So minimum is 10 good deeds, maybe 100 Good deeds maybe much more than that.

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On the contrary, if a person decides to do evil for example, if you're sitting in the house and you say, Oh, my friend is coming and I want to tell him about somebody else, so now that you are intending to do it, but you are intending to back by somebody who are intending to bad talk somebody,

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nothing is written in your account. Now the malic acid truly retinas what does it leave it? Nothing is it then May Allah protect us from ourselves, your friend comes, and you end up doing this evil. You actually do this by biting. Now what happens now also Allah's rather resists, leave it until this person

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until the evening.

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And in the meanwhile, if the person makes the foreign Toba that you just forgive him, but if he doesn't do it, then one bad deed is written for him in his account. Now, third situation, you thought of doing something bad, and then you suddenly remembered this is haram is something which Allah does not does not like, so I will not do it. Now remember, nothing has happened physically. In my mind, I had a thought of doing something which Allah subhanaw taala dislikes, because this was part of my nature, passion, desire, whatnot. But then I remembered immediately that this is something that Allah does not like so I changed my desire. And I said, No, I will not do this. Allah

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subhanaw taala causes a good deed to be written in your account, just because you change your intention.

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This is the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala.

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usable is that if you think of his whole story, this is a woman who was obviously beautiful, she was buried to this, you know, the Greek nobleman of the king. So people at that level, they don't marry everyday people. So he's she was obviously a very good Roman, she was wealthy, she was powerful. This was her house, he could do what she wanted. And obviously, before she shut the door of the room, and she tried to force herself on us over Islam, she must have tried all kinds of things, right? She must have tried everything possible. Before she decided to do this. They usually Salam was living in the same house as her. And on top of that, he is in her power. He is her husband

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slave, meaning that in a way, he is also her server.

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And so he has been

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suffering from her guile and from her from her evil for a long time. We don't even know how many years that was right that that he, before it came to this final,

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final situation, but he did not give it he did not succumb we did not give in he

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he resisted this woman and he resisted whatever internal urges that he might also had, because he was a young man, right? He was young man he was healthy, he was strong. So usually Salam is the leader of the men who will be given the shade of the earth. So Allah subhanaw taala, on the day of judgment, because they would have been called by a woman who had duty wealth and authority but they do not succumb to the to the wilds of that woman. And they asked for Allah subhanaw taala as refuge so this is one of the seven people who will be shaded under the shade of the ashram Allah subhanaw taala. And one of them is that a young man who is invited to do haram by or invited, forced or

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something to do haram by a wealthy woman, beautiful world, wealthy woman with power and he says, By Allah, may Allah subhanaw taala protect me from this evil. And remember all of the the heavies when we say man, invaded by woman, the same thing applies the other way around. It's the same reward for the woman who is

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invited to do haram by a man and she refuses. So the hamdulillah there is no difference in the reward and punishment as far as Islam is concerned, between men and women, both have equal reward, and both have equal, may Allah protect us or punishment, but if they are, they're punished, then the woman is not punished more than the man and the man is not punished more than the woman. The both are the same.

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They usually is that um,

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as we saw in the story, he ran, she grabbed him by his shirt, which store and then the door opened, and her husband was standing at the door. So she changed her story. And then she says, This is the man who did this. He is the one who attacked me he is the one who tried to force himself on me and therefore he should be put in jail, or punished, but not killed. I usually said I'm told and Aziz, he told he told his master that she's the one who tried to seduce me. And then the other person suggested how this mystery should be solved, which is to see if the shirt is drawn from the front of the back. The husband

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circles where it's around this turn away from this, don't mention this to anyone obviously, cover it up because she doesn't want a scandal. And he said to his wife ask forgiveness for your sin because you are sinful.

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If you think about this, in order to strain the soft response from a disease from the from the nobleman

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corrupt high class society has a very loose way with models. And especially in civilizations like Egyptians and the Romans, and so on the Greeks, this kind of stuff is very common, very common, very, very loose morals, in high society.

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Also in people of the absolutely the lower classes, as well, the middle class models, to this day, if you look at if you look at high society today, I mean, you know, see what happens if there are, there's this, there used to be this

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soap opera, called bold and beautiful, and I always said is neither born nor beautiful, because it was such a mess as a casualty of

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relationships and affairs and so married to this one but having an affair with somebody else, and vice versa, and so on, so on, and absolutely mess. And people used to watch this thing so avidly as if to ask one elderly lady who's watching this thing. I said, Why are you watching this? This is absolute nonsense. to shun any war, Kenny karma, somebody goes to see how shaitan

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convinces you to be towards insanity. The old lady says, No, I'm watching it to see what we should not. So to her, she doesn't know what she's, she doesn't know that Haram is hot. She doesn't know that, that I don't treat her, she has to see energy being done. And she has to see somebody having an affair with somebody else to know that it is it is not that sort of nonsense. She's just she's talking about ambition, she knows that. But the point I'm saying is that this is how people make

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you know, they

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they fool themselves chaton fools themselves.

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these, the, no matter how we want to cover up things, things lose by especially, you know, in the view of a big nobility or whatnot, is that there are sevens everywhere. This is the walls of yours. So this newsprint, and a lot of the, of this lady's eyeglass friends, they've lived up, they said, What kind of woman are you, you try to deceive your husband and you try to have an affair with the slip.

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So this woman, what she did was that she invited all these all her friends. And, you know, they all sat and she had to give them platters of fruit and give them knives to cut the fruit. And as they were doing that, she called us for a salon and as usual, it's a lab game, came out and walked in front of them and came and stood in front of them. These women accidentally they cut their own fingers instead of the fruit, they got so mesmerized by by his beauty

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that they cut their fingers. And they said

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this is a human or is a danger.

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The Last Battle mentioned this, and he says and the women of the city they said the wife of one disease is seeking to seduce her slave, the young man indeed she loves him violently. Verily, we see that she is in plain error. So when she heard of that accusation, she sent for them and prepared a banquet for them. She gave each of them a knife to cut the fruit and foodstuff within she said use of color before them. Then when they saw him, they marveled at his beauty. And in their astonishment, they cut their own hands.

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They said, How perfect is Allah or ALLAH forgive or may or may Allah forgive us? This is not a man, this is a noble angel who said this is not even human. This man is so beautiful. He's like an angel. So she said, this is the one about whom you blame me because I fell in love with him and I did seek to seduce him but he refused. And now if he revealed that she has not given up so she, she tried it y'all did all that he refused, but not she says now if he refuses to obey my order, he will be cast into prison and will be one of those who are disgraced.

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use what is the law is if you look at this now he's is a serious, you know, problem and serious trouble because he's literally living in a prisoner. He's the slave of that of that woman and of her husband. So this this place is living in this so called home

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This is not a this is not a free place. As far as he's concerned, it's a guilt prison that prison men have gotten. On top of that. Now this woman is also now forcing him or trying to force him into sin. So physically he is in trouble. She is now trying to put him into trouble also spiritually. So he's the midwife and he said, Oh Allah, the prison is easier to live in than to live here. And at least I will be away from all of this and Allah subhanaw taala accepted his dua. Now, one of the most important thing to understand also is that the some of them have OCD, and they have said,

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they said that useful Islam could have asked for freedom from the city not have said, I prefer the prison.

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He could have said yes, free me, and Allah would have freedom inshallah. But sometimes we make this dua, so when we make dua to Allah subhanaw, taala, don't put conditions and limitations and whatnot, because then it will get accepted in that way. There's a very, very dear and old friend of mine, who

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told me about one of these, he had gone for Hajj with his parents. And in the course of the Hajj, both his parents fell sick, so he was

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struggling with them was trying to serve them and take care of them and so on. And in the height, they want to hedge also. So they you know, do you know, he said that during this whole thing he made twice and yalla do not let me fall sick here. And this is the Don't let me fall sick here. Because if I was sick, then what happens? How would they scale these people, so I need to be healthy. He says, He took care of the parents, everything else parents recovered, they finished the night, they got out of the plane. They reached Hyderabad, where we come from the plane landed, he says, I stood up to take the my carry on bag from the locker on top. And I fell. He just collapsed.

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And they had to hospitalized him. Whatever was happening with him, he could have so he said, he said I made the wrong kind of do. I said, Don't let me I should have said simply don't let me get sick. Don't let me fall sick. He said Lord, let me fall sick here. So the sickness came to me when I reached India. So anyway, the long and short of it is that when you make dua make was in keeping Allah subhanaw taala as

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Majesty in mind, don't make, you know, limited to us. The big lesson here, of course, is that the life of the actor is more important. And it is worth

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any difficulty that you might suffer in order to ensure that it is not corrupt. We'll contrast this with how we think about the Accra today.

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Today we indulge in we borrow and lend money on interest, knowing that Allah declared war on the one who does an interest. Imagine what sense does it make we know Allah declared war on the one who

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deals in interest, yet we will borrow money on interest? We don't allow ourselves how can I borrow money or interest? When Allah subhanaw taala has declared war on the one who deals with interest? How is it possible? If I have any Imam? Then how do I face this thing to say, my rabbi has declared war? And do I want to meet Allah subhanaw taala in a state where I'm counted among the enemies of Allah? Because what is the definition of the of the enemy of Allah, somebody who's at war with Allah, right? And so, if I accepted a declaration of war from Allah subhanaw taala, then that makes me an enemy of Allah subhanaw taala. So is that how I want to be

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meeting Allah subhanaw taala as his enemy in that Allah He when I lay Raju, this is what we do, we give precedence to the dunya

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over and above everything else, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to save us from this, whereas we should give precedence to the ACA and we said that whatever happens in this life, even if I preserver and Allah is not necessarily that you will suffer, the loss Rotella helps those who want to obey. So we just need to make the choices. And then we ask Allah subhanaw taala for his protection for that, we will get all of that each other, even in this life, you will not suffer. But even if there is some within quote so called suffering or hardship, imagine this is at the expense of eternal happiness when we meet a loved one.

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So which is better, is better to have eternal happiness when we meet Allah? Or is it better to try to get some pleasure out of this life and then face eternal damnation when we meet a lot smarter? I just saw somebody sent me a video. This doctor he says that he was is a video from a Saudi doctor from from

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Riyadh is it that I was in my office. One of the nurses came to me and she said please come and help us. There is a patient that he had a cannula in his right when you know

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The way they feed them and give medicines to IV. She says that that way it has collapsed. So I want to we need to put it in the left hand. So please come and help us. The doctor said I went there, he said this patient had been with us for six months. But five months he was talking and so on. And he had cancer, the counselor was he had a brain tumor kind of thing. And he said that after five months, the the tumor affected has been completely and he went into a coma. So he was completely unconscious. He was he couldn't see your blind, totally unconscious. feature. I went and I am now working on his heart. I'm trying to find the way when he suddenly spoke.

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And he said, is that Dr. Khaled? Dispenza? Yes, this is Dr. Khaled. He says, Don't do it. I am dead. He said there's no use. I have dead. So Dr. Allison, normally you're not there. I'm going to try and find this way. And and we'll, we'll have you know, we'll make sure you're fine. And you will be cured. He said, No, I'm dead.

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I'm dead.

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And he just had this happen that this man was in a coma. Now he's talking but don't don't fantasize that I could not he wouldn't see me we could see he was blind.

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And then he said, in the era Muladhara. He said, I'm seeing something that you are not that you cannot see. He said I'm seeing something that you cannot see. So Dr. Heiser, I felt like goose bumps. So he said, What are you seeing? He said, I'm seeing the angels. And then he said, I'm seeing the angels of other. I'm seeing the angels of punishment.

00:31:41 --> 00:32:02

Dr. Harris, I was I felt like a small child, who is an abandoned building. And he's being chased by somebody who wants to kill him. And he's running and he can't, he doesn't know where to go and he's desperate. And he is, you know, imagine that scene right in the darkness. So he said, I'm sitting here in this hospital.

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And I'm thinking to myself, This man is saying that our angels of punishment, Angels of Death angels of punishment in this room, so they are around me and is said I felt as if they are going to have surrounded me, what will happen to me and I kept him you know, seeking a lot of answers protection. And he said in maybe a minute or two, the mandate right is this life is gone. Now by the way, I remind myself when you have runs just ensure that this does not happen to us. Right? This did not happen to us if we correct ourselves because Allah subhanaw taala mentioned that particular moment, when the angels will come and the loss of our interest in the Latina collarbone Allah has not been

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allowed to muster cow that as well even my like Allah to have a wallet has no will I be sure will be generativity quantum twaddle? Nano Alia. Phil had to dunya Bofill Afra

00:33:01 --> 00:33:43

welcome Mother's Day and welcome to download those who love minimum Rahim Allah subhanaw taala mentioned all of these that Allah says angels will come and these angels will will give you Bashar of Jannah and these angels will give you the Bashar and the good news of the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala We ask Allah Subhana Allah for Malaika to come and to give us this when we are dying. But for that we ask Allah subhanaw taala to enable us to live our lives in a way where Allah subhanaw taala is pleased with us and not to fall into the trap of shatter and do things which entail and which ended up with earning Allah subhanaw taala as punishment to Tango or some of Allah

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Allah we Karim Allah Allah He was named after God

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