Mirza Yawar Baig – Jewels from the Seerah – Lessons from Sulah Hudaybiyyah – Session 2 by

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The success of peace is due to actions of the people, and living peacefully with neighbors is crucial for achieving long-term goals. Short-term goals are not necessary, and following Islam requires trusting oneself and others. The challenges of respecting leaders and obeying leaders are discussed, along with the importance of building credibility and trust in situations. It is crucial to protect the Muslims' lives and their community.
AI: Transcript ©
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Having talked about the events

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of Libya, I quickly want to summarize and look at the lessons that we learn from who they were some of the lessons we've already mentioned as we were talking about the event, but just to quickly summarize and put them all together in one place. There are eight main lessons that we can take away from today. The first one

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is the effect of peace.

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And how this helped Islam and the Muslims

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in alhaja, Alaska, Allah Allah,

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who he quoted him our summary, or Delano around Talalay, who was a teacher of Imam Malik been Anna's and was a student of Abdullah Omar.

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So even though Hydra Kalani in his book, fertile bury, which is the commentary on say Buhari, he said that Imam Zuma, he said that there is no victory greater than the victory of Abia, including the victory of Allah. Now, this may sound like a strange statement, because we are saying here that we are used to thinking of butter as the greatest victory. And indeed, it was a very great victory, no doubt about that. But it was loaded onto Lally saying that the victory of the baby and remember, he's not saying defeat, he's not saying even the treaty, he's calling it a victory. So is it a victory of the Obeah is greater victory than any other victory that the Muslims had, including the

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victory about it, because of the consequences of it? And he said, as a consequence of Davia, Islam spread the fastest after whatever, because of the effect of peace? Is it because of the effect of peace? People from who are not Muslim, were able to see the lives of ordinary Muslims up close. Muslims were able to recite Quran to them, they were able to ask questions with the Muslims answered for them, and so on. And the result was, again, the words of Imam Azula Talalay, he said anyone who could think became Muslim. Now imagine this is the

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this is the commentary of one of the greatest scholars of this OMA great Hadith. And the teacher of the likes of Imam Malik when Anna's artillery who was himself one of the greatest trapeze, one of the greatest jurists, and the founder of the Maliki school,

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Maliki Messiah. So here he is saying that who the Obeah was the greatest victory because of its consequence. So it's not. The lesson for us here is that you don't just look at an incident of what happened at that point in time. You also see what was the result of this incident? What were the outcomes of this incident? What were the consequences of this incident, as a result of which, then you are able to look at the incident and decide whether this incident was good, or to what extent was good. So it was a great victory. And the greatest proof of this was that, if you remember I said to you that 1400 People went with Ross Ross, and I sell them for ombre at the time of who they were.

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But two years later, when the sorcerer went to market with an army because the correlation broke on the GT and we look at all of that in the next lecture or whatever.

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Two years later, in ATDD, when Russell was meant to Makkah, his army consists consisted of 10,000 people. So we had 1400 People in the first instance, we had 10,000 People in the second instance. And all of that conversion happened within that two year period. So if I was already said that in these two years, more people came to Islam, then had come in the 19 years preceding Arabia. So they were in 6313 years in Makkah, which makes it 19 years since the announcement of the result of Salah. And in that process of 19 years, the number of people who came to Islam, the people who came to Islam two years after they were exceeded that number, which came to Islam in the 19 years preceding

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who they were because of the atmosphere of peace, and that's the reason why it shows us the importance of harmony, importance of living peacefully with neighbors. And you know, here we are talking about peace between Muslims and non Muslims very clearly, Muslims or non Muslims. Most of the non Muslims were qualities they were idle worshipping people. There were some Christians there were some Jewish people, but other than that they were all non Muslim people, yet they live together in harmony. As a result of which the Muslims were able to press

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Islam, and people came into Islam not because of force not because not by the sword, not because of any bribery or anything, but purely because they saw the life of an ordinary Muslim up close. I also remind myself and I asked you this question, how many people how many non Muslim friends do we have, we have plenty, and lots of non Muslim friends. We have non Muslim people working with us on a daily basis in our businesses in our employment, places and climate. We have non Muslim employees with us, in our homes in elsewhere, people who help us run the house and so on and so forth. How many of them come to Islam because they look at our lives.

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And we aren't any Muslims in our story did not say that Muslim people came to Islam because they saw the life of Muhammad Salah salah, he said people came to Islam because they saw the life of ordinary Muslims up close. He's talking about the lives of farmers of carpenters of, of people who were herdsman and people who are shepherds, people who were ordinary Muslims of the time, their lives were so beautiful, their lives were so full of goodness, that non Muslims who came and met them, who dealt with them, who did business with them, who met them in the marketplace, they were attracted towards Islam. So this will they be and this comment of Imam was around a lot, it is a indicator,

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and it's a lesson for us to learn in presenting Islam, not by lectures, not by other means, but by our own personal behavior, conduct and manners. So this is a beautiful example from this era.

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Now, second, very important point. Second important lesson in who they are,

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is who they are, is a classic lesson about the importance of sacrificing short term goals for long, long term results, importance of sacrificing short term goals for long term gains.

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It's like one of my friends, I remember telling me once, he said, If you want an arrow to go far, if you want an arrow to go far, you have to draw it back. So if you draw it this much, it will fall here to draw it all the way back, then it goes far. So sometimes you have to accept a position

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which apparently looks like defeat, apparently looks like loss, but it's not lost. In the wrong term, that position is far better for you, rather than if you had pushed through at that point and used aggression or something else to get your

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to gain your to get what you want whatever you wanted at the time. So even though the short term goal might be a good goal, you know, very desirable, but you give it up in the interest of long term gains. Think about it in a very small and simple example, almost on a daily basis, where you do not argue with somebody, you do not engage with somebody in a an argument which might result in the breaking or straining of a friendship. So you don't want to win an argument and lose a friend. That is a very small and easy to understand example of sacrificing short term goals for long term gains. I don't want to win an argument and in the process, I have lost a friend because of this argument.

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So similarly many other things. Let us examine our own lives and say, in today's lives, what are the short term gains that we are holding on to as a result of which we are sacrificing our long term goals? Horse before Josh, Josh, which is passionate and so on, very important in life, you must have that. Without passion, you can achieve anything, but you also can't achieve anything without wisdom. Horse is understanding it wisdom, you can't and you cannot achieve anything without that. And if you try to give resilience to the passion or the wisdom, then you end up in loss because you can out of sheer passion. You take an action which is unwise, as a result of which it results in a lot of loss.

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And again, may Allah protect us. There are enough examples of this in our lives, both personally and collectively as the Muslim community. Third one, the challenge of obedience to Rasul Allah is Allah Selim, and I'm talking about specifically about Ceridwen, where the Sahaba had this opportunity, and they were given this chance of obeying prasad was a wrestler, and the point of obedience was obey to do what obey to do whatever is in your heart. Yasser Allah. So it's not even a question of obeying because I understand and I agree, and it's something that I would like to do No, you are obeying Blind Eye

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obey. And I give you my Baba Yaga, Salah Salem to do whatever is in your heart. Now what is in the heart of the processor? Do people know? They don't know? So how do they use where they give this via because of one thing only, which is that they have the trust and faith that rasa Salam will never ask them to do something which is harmful for them. So this is a test of leadership, where do your followers trust you to the extent where they know that I can blindly give my allegiance to my leader, because I know that my leader will never tell me to do something, which is detrimental to me. So I can. So it's not really black blind trust, if you look at it, it's trust with understanding

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the leader. It's not blind, he's not You're not trusting somebody you don't know. You're trusting somebody because you know them. And that is the beauty of the leadership of great leadership lesson for us to say that as a leader, how do I inspire this level of trust in the people who follow me that they are willing to follow me, apparently or seemingly blindly, but this is not blind. They are following me because they know who I am. They trust me completely. And implicitly third point, number four,

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the challenge of Ryda, Bill Kedah even when your good intention fails. Now in the case, as I mentioned, of the Sahaba of Saudi Arabia, the intention was to worship Allah subhanaw taala. The intention was to make the off of the Kaaba, the intention was to sacrifice in the name of Allah subhanaw taala. The intention was to make say and to make over all good intentions, but these intentions, at that instant fail, they were not able to fulfill what they had set out to do, yet they were the Sahaba accepted this

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decision of Allah subhanaw taala is the color of Allah and they accepted the color of Allah and they with, with with, they were pleased with the color of Allah subhanaw taala. So risiville is to be pleased with the color of Allah, Allah, Allah Allah who not only accepting it, but to be pleased with it when what Allah has decreed goes against what we want, even though what we want is something which is good. And this is something which is not only in this case, but also being pleased with Allah subhanaw taala when the color of Allah subhanaw taala apparently involves a loss in our lives, any bereavement, any loss of property of money, loss of health, children, whatever the loss might

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be, to not only accept this loss, but to accept it with happiness. This is really the bill being pleased with a cover of Allah subhanaw taala and that's the reason why Allah subhana Bacara Allah subhanaw taala said what another one accomplish a mineral hope he will joy 1x in mineral Umbra unworldly when I'm 50 vasara wobei share is RBD al arena EDA Assa Tomasi baton Carlu in Atilla here in LA here as your Willa EAGALA. Him salvato mera beam Rama, what will become more matado Allah, truly And verily, We will test you with fear with hunger, with the destruction of property with the destruction of a bit loss in your property, with loss in your in your children, in loss in your own

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health mean in in yourself as well as your your Samarra. We will test you with all of these things. And Allah said glad tidings and great Bashara for those who in the middle of this Messiah, Allah is not saying their blessing. But the in the middle of this, these are the people who say, we belong to Allah subhanaw taala and to Allah is our return in Allah He Rajan, and then Allah subhanaw taala said for these people, there is a Latin salam from ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada we like it him Salah to Mirabai let's monitor that on them is Allah from there rub rub him, but we like the whole motto.

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And these are the people who are rightly guided. Now imagine what is the value of this, think about this, whatever loss we have is temporary, it is something that we would have lost anyway. Because everything in this world is for the for the sake of party, everything in this world eventually goes whether it goes now whether it goes later one day it goes but for this loss, when we see this as an IP Tila as a test from Allah subhanaw taala and you accept it and you are pleased with it. Then this loss results in Salah Avasarala it results in the in blessing from Allah subhanaw taala I mean amazing we will what is the what is the what if somebody understood the value of this that you would

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wish that you lose everything if it results in the blessing of Allah subhanaw taala this was the the position and the state of the Sahaba

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fifth lesson from celebrity via five out of the eight is the challenge of obeying Rasulullah Salah Salem, even when he when what he ordered went against what they wanted to do what the Saba wanted to do, and what were what they wanted do was actually bad. So how do you trust and and obey your leader still, even though what he's saying goes against your grain you do not want to do it, but you still do it and this was a test with the past. And it was as it as we explained, it was not an easy test. It was a very, very difficult test, but they passed this test and they said Allah subhanaw taala give them maca as the reward of passing this test. Point number six, again, which is an extremely

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delicate point, which was the challenge of faith itself, the challenge of faith itself in the leader, when that leader did not deliver what he promised. Right. There was a certain promised for them to make Amara and he took them to make Amara when he took them to make Amara that did not say we are going there. We may or may not make Amara this year. I'm not saying to you that come with me. But we may not make ombre this year. He didn't say that. No, no, no, no qualifiers. He said Allah subhanaw taala has showed me this dream. And we will go to make Amara. But when they went there, we know what happened. Actually, they could not make ombre they had to return. So you will see this was

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a huge challenge of faith itself, where the Sahaba were challenged with this fact that here was a leader and is not any ordinary leader. This is the Navi This is the one that they have accepted Islam, at whose hand they accept Islam. This is the one who believe in home is the pillar of Islam. I shall one that Muhammad Rasool Allah. Yet here was a situation where apparently on the face of it, that we sort of sort of promised something, but he was not able to deliver on this promise. It's not his fault, is not to say that he promised the needy, he deceived the knows will, but he was not able to deliver. So how do you deal with that? And if you think about this, this is perhaps the greatest

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challenge that any leader can ever face where he promises something, but he is unable to deliver yet how did the Sahaba deal with that? They did not lose faith in the process of a Salam. Allah subhanaw taala said this actually resulted in an increase in the Rhema. How did this happen? Believe me, this only happened for one reason. And that reason is that the faith in the messenger Salah Salem, the faith in the leader is not based on one incident, the faith in the leader is based on an entire lifetime of building credibility. It was Muhammad Rasool Allah salams entire character that the Sahaba had before them, and therefore any one incident did not shake their faith did not shave the

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Imam is one of the greatest reasons for studying the Syrah. A similar incident, if you remember, happened four years before this, or three or three or four years before this, which was the issue of which was incident we saw Mirage, same kind of thing, where here was the leader here,

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saying that he had done something which on the face of it appeared to be completely impossible. How does somebody travel in the heavens? How does somebody go from Mecca to Jerusalem in one year, in one night, and come back and so on and so forth? But what was the answer of Abu Bakr resilience of the law? No, he said, If he said it, I believe it. If he said, I believe it, again, the same thing that you are not basing your trust and belief on one incident on one statement, you are looking at the entire character of the person. And you are saying this is not a person who can tell a lie. This is not a person who will break a promise. So if apparently the promise was broken, it was actually

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not broken. There is the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala behind this, and this is exactly what happened. And of course the ayat which came thereafter proved and confirmed all of this, to say that the dream that he saw was, in fact, where he from Allah subhanaw taala. And in fact, Allah subhanaw taala was going to make this come true. And Allah subhanaw taala deliberately sent them to Libya, because this was the exam. This was the test. It was they were not going to Arabia in order to make Amara, they were going to Libya to sit for the exam, the final exam, and after that, Allah subhanaw taala was not sending them for Barabara. Allah was going to give them McCann itself, but of course,

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obviously, when you're going to the exam, you don't know all this. All of this is hindsight, all of this is post facto, but at the time of going you go with this trust and faith in the one that you brought Iman on, and that is point number six, point number seven.

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I last ran out eligibility level.

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And I mentioned before in the incident itself, Allah subhanaw taala called who they were for automobile. Enough Hatanaka porta

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Viar toe movida, Allah subhanaw taala called this photo movie, he called his the manifest and clear victory. And Allah said we gave you this victory. Now imagine here once again, very, very

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Important point here.

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Allah did not say you achieved this victory. Allah said, We gave you this victory. So what is the victory, the first thing is the victory is this desire is also a prediction for Hatanaka victory in who they be itself was the victory of, of obedience over personal desire. But Allah is drawing attention even to that and saying that you were able to achieve this, not because of your great strength and your great Iman and so on and so forth. But because Allah helped you, because of the help of Allah subhanaw taala, you were able to do this. And that's the reason why we need to always ask Allah subhanaw taala as help in order to strengthen our humanity, in order that we stay with him

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throughout our lives, and in order that we may be lifted and brought to Allah subhanaw taala in a state of human final point to close is that, as I mentioned before, how they B was the exam, and maca was the price. And this is what the Sahara is

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achieved. So all of this points to the issue of the importance of peace and harmony, the importance of living together with people with openness, with friendship, with helping with allowing them into your homes, into your massage, being close to them, and letting them see the beauty of Islam. The importance of obviously, if you're willing to do all this, the importance of following Islam very, very clearly, not being apologetic and hiding under the table, but showing and following Islam clearly and openly, not only in prayer and so on, but in our dealings in the most important thing to understand. Our dealings. It is our dealings, it's our matters of o'clock, which convince people of

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the goodness of Islam, not anything else, worship with worship we do for Allah subhanaw taala people are interested in and what does it mean for me? How are you dealing with me? So therefore, in dealings, the importance of that, the whole day, we also teach the teachers the lesson of controlling our passions of controlling our anger, controlling our frustration, not letting it loose to create even more damage than whatever incident was the reason for our anger and frustration today, there's a big problem, we we end up our reactions are worse than the incident which caused our anger in the first place. So even if people are willing to say, look, after all, why are people

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troubling these people, they're angry, but the reaction to our anger is comes out so badly, that then the there's no excuse for whatever has happened. So controlling emotions, controlling passion, controlling anger, in such a way that this anger does not actually create, and make the problem worse, instead of solving the problem. And finally, always and always, always, to be completely and totally obedient to Allah subhanaw taala obedient to His messengers or Salah and to have our call on Allah subhanaw taala that in sha Allah Messiah, Allah subhanaw taala will help the help of Allah will come, there is nothing Allahu Corrib there is no doubt about this inshallah. It's our job to

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ensure that we do the right things for this help of Allah subhanaw taala to come for us. Ask Allah subhanaw taala to help the Muslims in every way to protect them from all forms of oppression, to protect them from all those who are bent on causing them harm. Ask Allah subhanaw taala to enable the Muslims to present the actual beauty of Islam to the world to show the life of Muhammad Salah Salem to demonstrate the beauty of the life of Muhammad Salah sir so that the people who today hate Bahasa will love Mohamed Salah Salem because they will see the life of Muhammad between in front of their eyes because of the way they deal with the neighbors because of the way they see the Muslims

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of the communities that they live in masala Nabil curry while he was IVIG mine where I have to go alright

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