Mirza Yawar Baig – Justice and Ihsaan
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Around Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala genre film BIA even more saline. Muhammad Rasul Allah is Allah Marathi. He was
just live in Cathedral cathedral, Morocco, my brothers and sisters,
the topic of my hotbar today is justice and a son.
We hear this idea in
every Juma hotbar. in practically every Masjid on the face of the earth
that I had is in the La Jolla model we said what EDA is in CORBA, or an annual fashion a well known guy verbally, here is a formula and according to the Koran
Indeed, Allah subhanho data combines justice and Essa
which can be translated as Excellence, which is mercy and forgiveness and courtesy to your relatives or horribad. Relatives close relatives. He forbids indecency, wickedness and aggression and he instructs you so that perhaps you will be mindful.
Let us focus on just two words in this for today.
The first one is Aladdin. And the second one is
justice and
either is justice. Justice is not natural. Justice is a choice, a decision.
You decide
that you want to make it happen.
You want to you decide if you want to stand for justice, even if you stand alone. And I would say especially if you stand alone.
Because if not you then who? If not me, then who?
That is why Allah subhanaw taala commanded. It won't just happen. It happens only when there is an intention followed by firm sustained, consistent action.
There is no justice in nature. Lions don't say for example, only one of us must hunt one antelope.
We must be just three lionesses. We'll go for the herd of Impala and stampeded into a spa into a shallow ravine, in which four others are waiting.
As the Impala stampede down the ravine, they attack them in the most energy efficient way possible.
And one or two of the Impala die, only because they were
on the outer edge of the stampeding group separating heard.
The zebra calf at birth imprints the striped pattern on the hind quarters of his mother, not because he loves abstract art, but because if he can't find his mother, in the herd of a million migrating animals, no other zebra mother will nursing
even though she may be nursing her own calf, if he can't find his mother, he will die.
Justice is not natural, but justice is the single most prominent sign of civilization. That is why Islam is all about justice. Anthropologist Margaret Mead, what was asked by a student, what she considered to be the first sign of civilization in our culture, and she said,
when I discovered a skeleton with a fractured femur, which had healed, I could see where the broken bone and healed and who's back. They asked her. Why? She replied, in nature. When an animal breaks a fever, it's a death warrant. It can't run. It can't hunt, or escape hunters and predators. It dies. A broken femur, that heel means that there was someone who took care of that individual until he hit. That was the beginning of civilization.
I wept when I read that as I weep now, because it reminds me of how barbaric we have become. It reminds me that all the veneer of education sophistication is just that a vignette.
Beneath it lies the barbarian, the unjust, the real Savage, who will kill children who are not his own, who will * and plunder if he can do
Do it with impunity, who needs force to render him harmless? So are we truly civilized, to be civilized is to be self regulated. To be civilized is to care for others who don't matter to us in any material urgent way to be civilized is to do what is right not because it is convenient, or profitable or safe, but because it is right.
To be civilized is not just to eat well yourself but to ensure that nobody goes to bed hungry. To be civilized is not to wear good clothes yourself and live in palaces, but to ensure that nobody is naked and living on the street.
The principle on which this self regulation is based is current justice. Justice is not natural. Justice is the basis of being civilized, because to be civilized, is not natural. It is a choice.
It is a reflection of the Divine. Because the source of justice is the Divine is Allah subhanaw taala. Justice is evidence that we have a creator who loves us and is concerned for us, and so taught us how to self regulate our natural desires in a way that results in safety and caring for all of us.
Justice is the criteria on which we will be judged when at the end of our lives. We will need the one who gave us that law.
It is a lot a lot smarter than it gave us when he commanded in the Quran in the La Jolla, Morro Bay Langley militia. Well, yes, sir. Well, it is your Corbett, where your hand if I share with my belly, yeah is okume La Laguna de la Kuro.
This is a world of cause and effect. If you want a genuine effect, you must address it's cause peace is an effect.
It's cause is justice. Without justice, peace can never be established. Without justice. Any of our peace is only a recess between wars.
There are two truths about justice, which we all know very well. One,
that injustice to one is injustice to all, two, that justice can never be established, until those that are not affected by injustice are willing to stand up against this.
The question is, what are we willing to do about establishing justice? We will do that. Only when we see how not establishing justice will come around to bite us. I know that self interest is not the most noble of motives. But I say that if that is what it takes for us to stand up, so be it. But stand we must for those who can't
stand we must because it is about us, not about them.
That is what realizers Allah commanded us to do. In the famous hadith of I will say that Audrey, who narrated that he is not allowed is an odor. Whoever sees an evil, let him change it with his hat. Or if he's not able to do that, let him change it with his tongue. And if he's not able to do that, then with his heart and that is the weakest of faith and this is a Muslim.
The purpose of Islam is to establish justice in our lives with begins with worshiping no one Jana Jana who Allah subhanho wa Taala who created us in Islamic justice is the fundamental principle that emanates from the truth of accountability to Allah subhanho wa Taala alone
for he said, Yeah, you are
going to cover me and I will catch the Shahada. He will know Allah and fusi come I will worry they knew Allah Quran be in your condo Vania now of Akira for Allah Oh Allah be Hema for the W role haha and Daddy You know, we're in Dunwall outdoor Edo for in Allah gonna be my dharma Luna hubiera Allah subhanaw taala said in the famous
which was written as the finest example of justice.
On the wall of Harvard Law School. Allah said all believers stand firm for justice as witnesses for Allah subhanho data, even if it is against yourselves, your parents or close relatives, be the reach of what Allah is best to ensure the interests so do not let your desires cause you to deviate from justice. If you distort the testimony, or refuse to give it then know that Allah
No data is certainly all aware of what you do.
The purpose of justice is to create a society and world that is good for all. Not only for the elites who have wealth and power, justice is the criterion of civilization, and that is defined by how society takes care of those in need.
Today, we live in a world where we express ourselves in terms of accumulated wealth and all our aspirations are exclusively material. our so called education is merely skilled training, no matter how sophisticated or complex net worth, means amount of money in the bank. Generally were in our education do we have space for ethics, and morals and values. But ethics, morals and values
is the framework based on which we navigate through the journey called life?
Who teaches that were
being civilized is judged on the basis of how we behave, how we treat others, especially those who don't have power.
It is based on the state of the weakest, not the wealthiest. Being civilized is based on the loftiness of thoughts and ideas, not the loftiness of buildings. Being civilized is reflected in our speech and actions in our manners, not in the Diamonds we wear or the gadgets we flaunt. It is human behavior, not technology, which defines the nation. That is the greatest deception that we have inflicted on ourselves today, we have created an upside down world. And then we wonder why there is misery. Justice is the criterion of civilization, and that is predicated on how society takes care of those who need care. Today, we live in a world where we express ourselves in terms of accumulated
wealth, net worth, means amount of money in the bank. But Being civilized is judged based on the state of those who don't have wealth. It is based on how they are taken care of, to civilize means to take care of those who are weak and who need care. We live in an upside down world, and then we wonder why there is busy.
Then there's the other word, which is something more than justice, Allah said, something more valuable in the sight of the one before whom we will be called something which indicates the peak of all virtue, and that is an Excel and also Allah is Allah Allah is described as the famous Hadith degree as to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala as if you can see Him and do you can I know you don't see him know that he sees you at dark with Allah Kanaka data for LM double dot off, I know you're like.
This doesn't apply to Santa alone, but to every aspect of the life of a Muslim. That means you and I,
unless that is how we live.
As soon as I demonstrated that in his entire life, one of the most powerful instances of it was during and after fatawa. What do we see there?
We see the commander of conquering army with the seventh century and during the city that he had conquered mountain and his gavel, but how his blessed head bowed so low, that it almost touched the power of the seventh, not during a journey, as was the customer culture of the time and totally acceptable to this day. But c'est la ilaha illallah wa, salam, that's why that one as
well has ever has ever had.
There is no one worthy of worship except Allah
He fulfilled his promise to his lead.
And he helped his lip
and he defeated the confidence alone.
That he's on the line, it's
purified, the cover from all idols and pictures are out and inside and prayed inside the cupboard. Then the return to the Dory, standing on its elevated step, gazed and thankfulness of the huge crowd below and delivered the celebrated address.
When he said the meaning of witches there is nobody worthy of worship but Allah alone,
which otherwise Allah Ilaha illa Allah who either he has no associates luxury color. He fulfilled his promise to his lived and helped him
and defeated all the confidence alone.
So that our other one has arrived, what has
then he said bear in mind that every claim of privilege, whether that of blood or property is under by heat means it has finished, except that of the custody on kava and supplying water to the pilgrims.
Bear in mind
that for anyone who was slain was killed,
even though semi deliberately with a clever whip for him, the blood money is very severe 100 Gamble's 40 of them to be pregnant. Oh, people are courageous. Surely Allah subhanaw taala is the one is from you all pride of the pre Islamic era, and all can see it in your ancestry, because all men are descended from Adam. And Adam was made out of clay. Alicia,
he's Allah and he said and then decided, yeah, you and as witness
that anywhere on Sirois, Johanna comes Robo Baba Isla leave the awful inaccurate karamba Komenda Allah taco in the law, I live on hobby.
He said, he decided this is also the Rhodora which means all humanity. Indeed we create a new from a male and a female and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may recognize one another. Surely the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous among you. Allah is truly all knowing, all aware.
He then asked, all you people are fresh. What do you think about how I will treat you now? They replied.
Yeah, I feel Kareem even I feel very, he said oh hon brother, and son, our normal brother. We expect nothing but goodness from you. Upon this ease and Allah isn't upset. I speak do the same words as usually CERAM spoke to his brother's lead three Valley Kamali? Oma Yellville Allahu La Khumba who are hamara Hamid, we have the eight of swords those of us who are upset Allah, Allah does Libra Lee como yo, yo, lo lecan Wahoo. I have a raw heavy use of a syrup said there is no blame on you today. May Allah forgive you. He is the Most Merciful of the merciful, then he said to them is horrible for and Omotola. Go, you are free. And that is why the people of Makkah after for DACA was to be there
Croatia called the freed slaves of resources.
That is the meeting on ESA. It would have been just unfair for him SallAllahu Sallam to have punished the evildoers, who had mercilessly persecuted him and his family and combiners he had the power to do that. It would have been just for him to demand compensation, even curative compensation for lot for loss of property and mental and physical anguish and torture that he and his companions had been subjected to by the college, but you did. Instead he forgave them all. That is more than justice. Because mercy is more than justice and is the root of forgiveness, the action or Rasul Allah says, Allah is unique in the history of mankind, and a shining example of anyone in authority
who has the power
to retaliate?
He or she must pause to ask what did risotto rice or Salam do in this situation, and then do that the Sierra is the Tafseer of the Quran. And it is the field book for those who want to live by it. This is what we are reminded to do every Friday, to be just and then to be more to be merciful, because the word of the heavens is merciful to those who are merciful on Earth. Ask Allah subhana data for His mercy and forgiveness for all of us and to keep us safe from his displeasure and anger or some other 100 BLK Valley he was again maybe rapping together while he was alive I'd even when I had to lie or want to cuddle