Mirza Yawar Baig – Juma Khutba 3 Voices

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © -- The history and actions of Islam are discussed, including the creation of the Deen of Islam, the use of the Sun State, and the importance of sharing one's values. The use of shaytan is emphasized as a means to protect oneself from infection and achieving their goals. The importance of faith in obeying Allah's instructions and using their own actions is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hello Anna Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Shafi Romeoville mousseline. Muhammad Rasul Allah is Allah Allahu Allahu Allah Allah He was over salam to Steven cathedral cathedral Hama Babu, sisters, ALLAH SubhanA wa Jalla Jalla de la who created us and sent us into this world for a short period of time. During this period you promise to take care of all our affairs in return for which he gave us the honor of establishing his Deen on the earth

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and laws around that I said in sort of Azaria coma hello to ginawa Linser elderly I will do ma odd do mean home mirror rescue um I read on user a moon in Nova was awful the volatility

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and loss monitor I said I did not create the genome of the universe except to worship me. I seek no provision from them nor do I need them to feed me instead. Indeed, Allah alone is the supreme provider, the Lord of all power and an ever mighty.

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Allah's rather created us to know Him and to worship Him and to enable us to do that. He not not only did he take care of all our needs, but he also gave us a system the deen of Islam, whereby every action of ours becomes an act of worship. If it is done with the right intention and in the right way. Both intention and method are important and one does not

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nullify the need for the other.

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Allah subhanaw taala centers his messenger Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam to teach us by word and action, how to apply Islam in our lives. That is the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallaahu Salam, which is the field book of the Quran. The orders are in the Quran, how to carry them out, we learned from the blessed life of a surah license. And most people Salah establish Salah, how to do that we learn from the socializer Selim, who taught people this and you said Sir Luca Amara to Mooney who suddenly pray as you have seen me pray. Now if we do this in every action of ours from eating, to sleeping, to working to studying to marry into raising children, in short, every action

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that we do for our own benefit, we will be rewarded by Allah subhanho data we do the action to fulfill our need, but if we do it in keeping with the Sunnah, we will be rewarded for it. For example, we smile at somebody because we like them because they are our friends because we want to be nice and polite. So our smile is for our personal benefit and gifts that gets us a reward right here because if you smile at people, people smile back at you, you form a good relationship with somebody, but that's why it is also sadaqa. So in in on the Day of Judgment, this smile will be on our skills.

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We have the the layer of the Hadith narrated by our mother, the father of the law, I know that some people from among the Sahaba Personalizer sallam said to him Yara sort of Allah, sunlight is selling the rich people will get more reward because they pray and we pray and they fast and we fast but they given charity from their excess wealth and we have nothing he's OLALIA Selim said has not Allah subhanaw taala given you things with which you can give charity, every test be swung Allah is charity, every Takbeer Allah Akbar is charity every day, Hamid Alhamdulillah is charity every day Khalid al la ilaha illa Allah is charity.

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And joining good is charity, forbidding evil is charity.

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And then he said, having * with your wife is challenging. They said jasola If one of us fulfills His desire, is there rewarding it for him? He said Salallahu Alaihe Salam, do you not see that if you eat that if he did it in a haram way, he will have the burden of sin. So if he does it in a halal way, he will have the reward for it and this isn't. So he will say now what more can we ask for? Live your life normally do whatever you like enjoy yourself said great financial political education of family or community goals and achieve them become rich and famous and successful and powerful. But do it as Allah subhanho wa Taala ordered and as Rasul Allah Azza wa sallam showed us

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and we can have all that we desire in this life and Jana when we meet Allah subhanaw taala inshallah.

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As soon as salam was all of these things

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and more

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He was powerful and he was

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influential and so on, and more. In a purely worldly context. Rosaura, Salem was the most successful human being ever. He took his people from being the weakest, least influential, most oppressed and persecuted to becoming role models and undisputed leaders of their land in just 23 years. He inspired the creation of great empires, which ruled the world for over 1000 years. His message permeated the psyche of the world and founded universities and educational institutions spanning boundaries of time and geography.

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His model of life is a model of success for anyone who wants to use it Muslim or not. And for the Muslim it is the ticket to Jannah the biggest focus, the biggest fact to note is that unlike the so called greats of the word, Alexander, the great Caesar and so on, he did all of this without wars without bloodshed or oppression.

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He won hearts and minds over by his unbending commitment to truth and reason and his beautiful manners. In a world today, which is characterized by compromising truth and justice and compassion, for the sake of political power, it is good to remind ourselves that also lies are seldom had and inspired more political power that anyone can hope to do today. But he did that without compromising in any way, the values and ideals that he stood for.

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I began with this introduction because there are two voices that promote compromise and one that one does against it. It is essential to recognize these voices and to know what to do when we hear if we want to achieve our life goals and Jana, the first voice is the voice of shaytan. He is our constant companion who is totally dedicated to his goal of getting us into Johannes.

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That is why Allah subhanaw taala taught us to recognize him and told us how to treat him. Allah subhana Brasil INLA shaitan Allah Komatsu, but that is Oh, I do in my other his bo Lea, whom in US hobby sorry, the last round that I said and so the fact that surely shaytan is an enemy to you, so take him as an enemy.

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He only invites His followers to become inmates of the blazing Fire.

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Please notice that Allah subhanaw taala is not telling us to merely ignore shatta or to turn away from him or not to listen to him. Allah subhanaw taala told us that shaytan is our enemy and that we should fight him. Now how can we fight sure that we can fight him by recognizing His voice and doing the opposite of what he advises us to do? Let me state something as which of those ones that are told us that he has no power over us. He can only whisper and tempt, he cannot force us to disobey to disobey Allah subhanaw taala

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or to go against the Sunnah of Rasulullah Salam both of which are the same thing anyway. Unless around that is it for either Atul Khurana first there is bIllahi min. Ash shaytani R rajim. In who laser lozol Donal another Levina man who beat him yet our Cologne in our Soldano who either levy riot our loan or who will Latina whom Lee machinery cool. Allah said when you recite the Quran seek refuge with Allah. Firstly is Billa from Mina shaytani R Rajim from shaytan the accursed he certainly has no authority over those who believe and put their trust in Allah and have token.

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His authority is only over those who take him as a patron and who under his influence, associate others with Allah in worship. Truly, the Quran is clear, and we ignore it only at our own peril. Allah subhanaw taala died as how to

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protect ourselves from shatter

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which is by seeking the protection of Allah subhana wa.

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Now, remember that seeking the protection of our most vulnerable data is not only restricted to reciting Quran but extends to every aspect of life. We must make it a habit to seek ALLAH subhanaw taala as protection always, always gives me I'll be leaving the shirt on the room, I'll be leaving the shirt on. I want to draw your attention to all those who even though the mask mandates have been withdrawn, continue to wear masks for their own safety.

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That is because they are so afraid of the danger of infection that they want to take no chances. The question we must ask ourselves is How fearful are we about being infected by

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than the result of which will be far more serious than COVID, or any worldly disease. After seeking Allah's virus protection, we must have faith and event and reliance and Taku on Allah subhanaw taala evidence of faith is to obey Allah, no excuses, no games, no compromises with the orders of Allah subhanaw taala. To do what Allah has run out or order us in the way that also realize Allah SLM taught us, is the meaning of Islam. When we obey, we have faith. When we have faith, Allah blesses that blesses us with our code. Remember that to have faith is a choice. Tawakkol is the reward of faith. That is not a choice, but an honor, and reward. There are many who don't have faith, or those

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who claim to have faith but have no thought. But there is nobody who has or at our poll, but whose faith was weak and weak or absent. Toggle frees us from all worries or anxieties, all fears, dark will enable the illuminates our hearts with the NOR of Allah subhanaw taala and magnificence and power, which drives out the shadows of all evil. The one who has Thorkil has Allah, who else does he need? Allah subhanaw taala asked, Elisa lovey cough in Abda. Is Allah not sufficient for Israel? The liability? Yes. Why not?

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That is the reason why dar look ma Allah, the connection with Allah is so critical. How can one be the slave of a master one doesn't know and is not connected to. But when I am the slave of a master, whose magnificence blinds me, to all, human potentials upon

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whose power

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shows me the true extent of the power of the spiders, spinning their webs, masquerading as worldly rulers whose mercy I'm constantly aware of, and grateful for whose forgiveness I seek.

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And I'm assured of that, what do I care for this world, and whoever and whatever it contains. I still use it as a tool because I will put into it and show how to use it. But it can never be it can never be my goal or my desire or the aim of my life.

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My life is worth much more than chasing the word.

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I use my life to gain the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala like us who are lasers that have taught us as the farmer uses his fields, to plant grain to harvest and feed his family. Planting is not as good.

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It is the means to reach his goal, which is to feed his family. The dunya or worldly life is not our goal. Our goal is to reach the dunya as the way to do that it's a means Allah's raw data showed us how to build our email. He commanded us and said yeah, you will love your arm on Oh, Hello, have you seen me cough button? Well, I thought of you hot water t shirt on in the whole Komodo movie and he said all believers, enter Islam completely and totally and do not follow

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the footsteps of shatta surely he is your sworn enemy.

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Think about this, if you follow I follow the footsteps of shaytan what does it mean? It means that it's not that I'm following the footsteps of my own volition, which means I am responsible for what I'm doing.

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Other sisters, let us remind ourselves that ALLAH SubhanA della audit, complete and total and not Partial obedience in all aspects in all aspects of life.

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It is very important to note that the problem that most Muslims have is not with total disobedience and cover but with Partial obedience that they are happy with and think is enough. Please remember that selective obedience is disobedience. Select obedience is arrogance. When a person selectively obeys Allah, he's saying by his actions, you may have ordered me to do such and such but I will decide what and how much of what, how much of that I want to do.

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Now, this is one of the one of the most famous

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games or favorite games of Shiva, which gives one delusion of being obedient, while putting oneself in a very bad place as I was wondering, How many times have you heard this? Or at least I'm doing this. After all, I'm doing this please understand, unless Rotella don't say at least please do this. Allah says obey completely and totally Allah Wanda's diligent and last round that has said to me, no not be Baddeley. Kitabi will talk for me but for managers Oh my if I knew that he come in come in. His young Phil had in dunya but you're well Hemmati Europe Duna Isla de la zap wala will be evolved.

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Filion anma Dharma Luna Allah said, do you believe in some of the Scripture and reject the rest? Is there any reward for those who do so among you, other than disgrace in this worldly life and being subjected to the harshest punishment on the day of judgment for Allah subhanaw taala is never unaware of what you do.

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The standard of behavior for the believers is as Allah subhanaw taala described it kinaba karna Cole would mean either Oh Allah Allah, He will soon he the webinar home, a Apolo semana wa upon, but we like a woman moflo and let's say the only response that means the only acceptable response of the true believers, when they are called to Allah and his messenger Salallahu Alaihe Salam, so that he may judge between them is to say, we hear and we obey Samana rotta. It is the who will truly succeed.

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We hear and we obey. This is obedience with knowledge, not blind obedience. It is obedience with knowing who Allah is. And who is messenger Salatu Salam is

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having a heart filled with love for Allah subhanho wa Taala and his messengers

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and the desire to do whatever it takes to please Allah subhanaw taala This is the position of the Muslim. The best and most powerful way to fight Chatter is to take the position of Samara. Be here and you'll be no games, no excuses, just obedience, because we love the one to whom is our return.

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Let shaitan whisper we don't follow him, because we are about Allah. They are the slaves of Allah. We are not to say that we are not the slaves of Shiva. We ask Allah subhana intelligent material for His mercy and protection and forgiveness. I remind myself anew the shutdown, on the Day of Judgment will say very clearly Allah subhanaw taala wonders Allah said when Satan has shut down will deceive you and when shaitan has

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convinced you

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that he will say I have nothing to do with

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I finally remind myself and you

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that when all is said and done shaytan will wash his hands of all responsibility for having deceivers

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and Allah's wrath on a doll is what he will say. He will say well, Carla shaytan alumna Adil Amro in de la vida goo Awad and Huck or took on a cliff token, warmer Cara Leah Ali comienzo Dawn Illa and Tao taco first tune li ferrata pneumoniae volume one full circle, ma Anna be Muslim Rico wama on and we boosted up in the cup in Nikka Forbo, we were ushered to Mooney mean Kabul in the zali mean, Allah whom other Ali and shaitan will say to his followers after the judgment has passed. Indeed, Allah made you a promise made your true promise. I too, made you a promise but I failed.

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I did not have any authority over. I only call you and you responded to me.

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So do not blame me blame yourselves. I cannot save you nor can you save me. Indeed I denounce your previous association of me with Allah in loyalty. Surely, the wrongdoers will suffer a painful punishment. Well the disgrace of having shaitan denouncing the person who disobey is Allah Subhana Allah, how much worse can it get?

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I advise myself and you let us not fall into this trap. And let us turn to Allah subhanaw taala independence ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada to help us and to

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to help us and to forgive us and not allow us to

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not allow us to fall into this trap. So share that ask a lot smarter too.

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Make it easy for us to turn towards him. And we ask Allah Subhana Allah to bless us and to keep us in his production for some of the hara we'll Karim while Ali he was named that Africa

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