Mirza Yawar Baig – Iman Mufassal #02 Niyyah

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of intentions in Islam, including the need to check the intentions of others. They stress that the act of intentions is a recognized practice and that it is crucial to ensure everyone is on the same page. The speaker also emphasizes the need to check the intentions of others and to make sure everyone is on the same page.
AI: Transcript ©
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To lie Raha Rahim

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Ashrafi lambier Evil mursaleen

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Muhammad Rasool Allah is Allah Allah Allah He write it he was so happy he was sending them this leave on the theorem cathedra from Abba.

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My brothers and sisters Salam, alikoum Curatola.

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May Allah bless all of you

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sallam said for people who

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take the trouble who go in search of knowledge,

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the angels spread their wings for them to walk over

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and all of creation, and the Sorcerer is a loser, including ants in the ant hills and the fish in the sea, the prey and make dua for that person.

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So you ask ALLAH SubhanA, Allah to make us all among those who will be counted among those who went to

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went in search of knowledge, Inshallah, ask us monetarily to make this

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course beneficial for all of you, and may Allah subhanaw taala cause this to be a witness for us on the day when we will meet him.

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we come therefore, to the most important of those things, which is the issue of intention.

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So Islam is,

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as I said, the name of a practice, it's the name of a action. And for the action to be

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accepted, it has to be with the right intention,

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we have the heaviest of what is called the Salas, the Hadith of the three.

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And this hadith

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is a there are three Hadith in the entire collection of Hadith, which are considered to be extremely, extremely important, they say this is equal to 1/3 of all knowledge.

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These are this is called heavies of solace. And the hadith is Salam said, on the Day of Judgment,

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three people will be presented before Allah subhanaw taala.

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Before anybody else,

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the first of them will be a Muslim scholar, religious scholar.

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And he will be asked,

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What did you do,

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and the man will say, I studied the religion for your sake. And I memorize the Quran for your sake, and I taught Islam for your sick

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and the man will be asked,

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So, what happened because of that,

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and he will say, Well, I was honored people loved me, I had a lot of name and fame, and so on and so on.

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And I did all of this for your sake.

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And it will be said to him, You lied,

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you did all of this. So that you will be known as a great scholar. And this happened.

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What you wanted was given to you here, there is nothing for you.

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And the bad will be thrown into the hellfire, the second person presented before Allah subhanaw taala will be a philanthropist would be a generous person. And the same question you will be asked what did you do what what was the result? And he will say I did this, this, this and I build hospitals and whatnot. One, I will mask massages, and I will mother is and all the good stuff he did.

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And he will say, Well, I did this for you and it will be separate. No, you lied, you did this so that you would be known as a generous person. You did it for the name and the fame and therefore here there's nothing for you. What you wanted was given to you right in the world. And the third person would be somebody who will be presented and he will be asked and he said I fought in your path and I was martyred. I was killed, I was fighting for you and I was killed.

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And he will be his it will be said to him, You lied. You fought so that you will be known as a great warrior. And this happened here, there's nothing for you. So even though he shaved his villa on the face of it, here is a man who gave his life apparently for the sake of Allah not accepted. Why the single thing missing in all of these three things what is the single thing

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is intention, what we call an Arabic class or near the sincerity of the intention. So I remind myself when you the number one thing that is required in Islam

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Um is the sincerity of intention whatever we do we do it to please Allah alone, not for the people not for the eyeballs not for the thumbs up not for name and fame and whatnot, whatnot,

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yourself and that's the reason why it is very important to continuously check the intention because as you know as I know the intention is an internal matter

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what my intention is, you cannot know what your intention is, I cannot know.

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Right? But Allah knows.

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So in the heart, what is in my heart, who am I doing this for

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and that's why the Scholars they have said, Imagine that you are you have a your wallet in your pocket, and it's got a nice fat water notes and it's got your credit card the water and you are going through, say Penn Station or something or you're going through a big fair, lots of people around everything and so on and you know that there will be pickpockets in this crowd.

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So what will you do? You will make sure that wallet is you have your hand on the wallet you make sure this wallet is as safe as possible and you will keep on checking.

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You won't just walk walk around there free of worry and free of concern because you know that it's more than likely that my pocket will get picked up then

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that is how we should look at our intention.

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continuously check the intention. Everyone starts in the same place everyone starts with a good intention but gets corrupted.

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We will start praising you we will start you get a lot of popularity and this and that. Right. And then it's got to deal with Allah subhanaw taala has it has nobody.

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Ebola Cody has asked for Allah hurry welcome Melissa al Bucha me for Sofia in the world for Rahim.

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