Mirza Yawar Baig – Focus on the Fundamentals Part 4 B

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The history and importance of Islam is discussed, including the importance of practicing it to achieve forgiveness and reward, the importance of not fearing and not feeling sorry for others, the importance of not grcribing and not feeling sorry for others, the importance of not letting people know what they want to say during conversations, the importance of protecting oneself and not just highlighting their views, the importance of letting people know what they want to say, the loss of life and the importance of staying at home to avoid war, the importance of protecting oneself and not just highlighting their views, the importance of giving people the option to sayiers during conversations, the importance of privacy and avoiding war, the importance of staying at home to avoid war, and the importance of protecting oneself and not just highlighting their views.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Shafi MBA were mousseline Muhammad Rasool Allah is Allah Allah Allah He right it was send them to Steven cathedra Bhagavan brothers and sisters, this is the fourth lecture in the series of lectures on the fundamentals of Islam on which we need to focus which we need to study

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in order to be able to practice our religion correctly and be eligible for the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala and reward from him when we meet him inshallah.

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Ivan says sister the default setting for the Muslim is that he or she is a wali of Allah

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is a Willie of Allah is a favorite slave of Allah, who is entitled to the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala and his reward. This is not my imagination, but Allah stated that clearly in his guitar in his book in the Quran and said how do we learn administrate on regimes

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in Alia, Allah healer hopeful and early him wala whom we are has known levena know again with the whole lol Bush field hierarchy dunya Orfila Kira la de la Lika Lika

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Lika who will focus on how we lost our data set which means there will insert units, Allah said there will certainly be no fear.

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For the earlier of Allah, the slaves of Allah, slaves of Allah Allah loves

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nor will they agree to fear and no sadness for them. They are those knowledge describing who are the only Avila Valentina Amaru who can get the home. They are those who have ima and who have Taqwa, those who are faithful to Allah and who were mindful of Allah subhanaw taala. Those were EMA and taco. For them. The good news is, there is good news for them in this worldly life and in the hereafter. There is no change in the Promise of Allah. This is the Promise of Allah the day that the Alia will have

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Bashara will have the glad tidings of good news for them. In this world and in the next. Analyzing there is no change in the

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Promise of Allah. This is the Promise of Allah this is true.

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That truly is ultimate triumph is the final success unfolds. Ravi

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and brother and sisters, I remind myself I knew there was one hotel in his infinite mercy did not specify the level of iman or taco. So let me think about this. If Allah Subhana Allah said that you are evil and Taqwa must be equal to this one or that one. And Allah subhanaw taala picks I'm not even going all the origins of Salon which really is the startup, but even to any of the Sahaba or to the the great people from the tabby and so what would we do? I mean, I'm looking at myself, what would we do? But Allah did not do that Allah just said even into how much only Allah knows.

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Unless rather than then went even further and mentioned a special favor of us, Allah says Allah Who will you will live in? Monrovia for you means Umatilla mu. Allah says Allah is the worry is the guardian of the believers. And he brings us out of darkness into light out of ignorance into the area of knowledge out of a Hoffler out of heedlessness into the zikr of Allah and the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala

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about our last moments, may Allah subhanaw taala grant this for us which we which we must always thank I always think about last moment, Allah subhanaw taala described a situation of seriously ask a lot of monitor for this for all of us, where we will be given the good news of Jana before we leave this life inshallah. And he said geladeira, who, in the Latina fall Robin Alonso must acabo that Zulu Ali he will Mala equal to the half who has no whatever she will be Jenna tility condemned to adore that Hello Alia. welcome Phil dunya or Phil. Kira wala confy Hama touch the unfruitful goon welcome via the road lozol Allah Minh Gaafu Rahim. Allah subhana DeRozan surely those who said our

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rub is Allah and then remains steadfast on that that is the key that is tolerable Allah so must account to see our rubbish Allah believe in Allah and stay firm on that meaning what meaning over

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Allah subhanho wa Taala and because we say is our up there, away, we don't go anywhere else we will be our last monitor. Surely those who say our job is Allah and then remain steadfast, The angels descend upon them saying, Do not fear Do not grieve, rather rejoice in the good news of Jana, which you have been promised, we are your supporters, we are Your Alia, in this worldly life and in the hereafter. There in the Hereafter, you will have whatever your soul's desire, whatever you wish will be given to you. And there you will have whatever you ask for, you will be given what to even think about what we will wish without even asking, and you will be given something which you ask for a

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welcome from the all forgiving, Most Merciful Rob Newsela min Gaafu, California Rahim.

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As I've said many times before, there are only two things, there are only two things that are critical needs for the human being. The rudia

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He they're right guidance in this life, and Murphy's Law, which is Allah subhanaw taala has forgiveness. After that, nothing else is the rosary. Nothing else is critical, the nice to have not critical. I remember remind you that these last moments on Earth are the time when everyone without exception is afraid. Everyone is fearful about a world that we have not seen in which we will not have any power to change our situation. At that time. Allah Subhana Allah will send his melodica He will send His angels to comfort us and to and for them to promise to be with us in the journey and they will convey it was Allah's van Alterus promise of forgiveness. nosal is a welcome gesture, like

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a drink of cold water or something or juice for a thirsty traveler, which is a precursor and promise of what is to follow. So the traveler has been expected a people have been waiting for him when he comes so happy to give him this to that to take away his tiredness on the journey. And then of course, there's plenty more from

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from where that one came from. In this case, this nosal this welcome is the announcement of Jana for the wali of Allah Jalla Jalla, who, even before his soul leaves the body, so inshallah all Muslims are the Olia of Allah. I ask Allah subhanaw taala to include all of you and we, in that, as long as we do not commit schicke or Cofer, and we try our best to fulfill our duties, we can hope for Allah subhanaw taala as forgiveness and Jana. Now, what sense does it make to ruin this by taking interest based roles, and thereby removing ourselves from the list of the Olia of Allah and entering our names in the list of the enemies of Allah? Think about that. And if you think enemy is a strong

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word, simply ask yourself, what do you call somebody that you are fighting with? What do you call somebody who you are at war with?

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The two

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opponents on either side, in a battlefield or the Friends of each other, or other enemies? Just ask yourself this question.

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Especially because whatever we take the loan for, whether it's a house, whether it's a car, whatever will remain here, when we die, while our action of challenging Allah and accepting the declaration of war from him, will go with us into the hacker.

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That is how evil interest is. Allah subhanaw taala mentioned our risk in our sustenance in very clear terms. Allah subhanaw taala said Allah who was super rich Kalama Yasha who mean everybody he were cadoola in Allah equally che in Aileen Allah subhanaw taala and largest the provision for whomever he wills of His slaves and straightens it and tightens it for whomever he wills and Verily Allah subhanaw taala is the all knower of everything. There was Valterra said in Rebecca Jago Soto Reyes Calima Yasha Oh, zero in hookah and Abby, everybody he hobby Masirah Allah said Truly your agenda journal and largest revision for whomever he wills and straightens it and tightens it and

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restricts it for whomever he wills and verily He is Ever all no more.

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and all SEER office lives he sees them and he knows everything about them. And then I was worried that I said, I want them Euro one Allah Yabba Soto risk kalima Yasha zero. In Aviva Nicola, I still call me you know, do they not see that Allah subhanaw taala enlarges the provision for whom He wills and straightens it and tighten wisdom restricts it for whomever he wills vary in that are indeed signs for people who believe. And then Allah subhanaw taala said call in rugby Souter is Kalama Yasha where zero wala kin UK Farah Nursey la ya la or say oh Mohamed Salah adios Ella very Nehemiah Rob enlargers and restricts the provision to whom He pleases, but most people do not know and there

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are many other ideas of the exactly of the similar nature which talk about this. The question I asked myself and I asked you to ask yourself is if our risk is fixed and this is a factor this is our belief that our risk is fixed, if our result is fixed, and the only choice we have is about the way we obtain it. Then What sense does it make to take it from a place which Allah subhanaw taala prohibited? Whatever we possess in this life, whether it is halal or haram will remain here. Only what we send ahead, that is our deeds will remain with Allah Subhan Allah. Allah subhanaw taala told us very clearly MA in the Columbian photo Wilma in the LA he buck. Well, and let's see and then

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Lavina Saba Rue as your own the Aysen EMA can we I'm alone, Allah said whatever you have will end we'll finish will perish. But whatever Allah has whatever is with Allah is everlasting will remain, and we will certainly reward the steadfast May Allah make us among them according to the best of their deeds, best of their deeds. And for those who are still unsure. Adolfo, think about this, what sense does it make to take our risk from a source which is at best doubt?

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Ask, what if I take an interest based loan and die the next day, I know people to whom this happened,

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whatever it happens to be to us, to you or me, the fact of the matter is that what is ours, nobody can take from us and what is not ours, nobody can give it to us.

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What is not ours, nobody can give us and what is ours, nobody can take from us, we cannot get more or less. All we can do is to decide the source. We want to take it from the biggest evidence and proof of that is that we will be questioned about the source and not about the quantity. So Why ruin our akhira and be counted among the enemies of Allah for something which even if we get it,

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we will have to leave it behind.

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Something even if we get it, you will have to give it back. Just look at all the palaces and mansions and forts and tubes in the world. People have even forgotten the names of those who built but those who built them are being questioned about them. Why do we think that it will be any different for us? That has been palaces in Jannah, which will be ours forever. And no questions to those who say that also salam did not explain riba

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enough or properly. And the court says an overabundance of power of the Law No, his statement inappropriately? The simple answer is, they're saying in our other Alon, who made a general statement, that he would have liked to have some more details. He was not saying that our solar system did not do his job of conveying the message. Because we are very careful about our language when speaking about Allah subhana wa Jalla or Rasulillah Salam and the Quran because as I said, the wrong words can get us into serious trouble serious problems. One of the most important fundamentals of our Aqeedah of our creed is to believe that so Eliza Salem did his job of conveying the message

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of Islam completely and forthrightly. It was his job to teach Islam in every intricate detail that was necessary for us to learn to practice our deen completely. And he did that. There were grafico who will criticize the detail with which it also relies on some taught the method the method of a stingy which is cleaning yourself after urinating and add a stage bar, which is cleaning after defecate.

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At and Salman al farsi rodella. No reply to that. There were there are many other examples of the detailed way in which salsa Salam taught Islam and conveyed this message how then could he have not done so with respect to riba interest against which Allah subhanaw taala declared? What if he did that with things which are of lesser importance? How would he have lived this out?

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Therefore, we need to ask two questions did as well as Assam convey the message complete in all respects, if the Muslim says,

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if a Muslim says that Rasulillah Salam did not convey the complete message, but left some details out, that he or she has left Islam, his marriage is invalid, if he dies in that state, you it is not permitted for, for the Muslims to praise to janazah on that person and to bury them in a Muslim cemetery. That person, he or he or she, their wealth cannot be inherited by their children or or whoever is,

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would otherwise have inherited that wealth from them because they have left Islam. If they come back into Islam, they have to accept Islam again. And they will have to renew their Nica because then the girl becomes very, it is a very serious matter. Please understand this. Just don't just talk. You know, like the FBI guy and his friend used to say he targeted because he got moat. No, don't talk because you will not talk with some sense understanding.

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Unless Valterra very clearly said, Yeah, you're rasuluh badly about Zillow. Like I'm your robic, we're ill I'm tough. I'll Alpha marbled. lokta rissalah wala who ASIMO come in a nurse in Hola, hola, como el caffeine. Allah said, O Messenger SallAllahu Sallam convey everything revealed to you from your room. If you do not do that,

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then you have not delivered his message. Allah will certainly protect you from the people. Indeed, Allah does not guide people who disbelieved. So if anyone says that also salam did not convey the message completely, that person has left Islam and become a monster.

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On the other hand, if we believe that Surah Surah Salam conveyed the message completely, then let us follow him completely, then what's the problem? The second thing to ask those who argue about different branches of Riba and say that some are private and others are not is where is the proof?

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What is the evidence, give us the evidence that some parts of riba are permitted and some parts of riba private it?

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Where is the evidence?

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if we

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believe that wrestlers answer and fulfill the responsibility of conveying the message completely, and you privated Reba, without mentioning any categories, it means that all that the primary to all categories, if some categories were not privated, it was his responsibility to clearly state that if we did not do that, it can only mean that it includes all categories. The alternate explanation that he left out some detail is to deny the ayat of the Quran, and takes us out of Islam. So please understand, is not simply a matter of saying, in my opinion, in your opinion, our opinions have no values zero value indeed,

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the only opinion that matters is your opinion of Allah subhanaw taala and is the result of Allah highly useful.

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To understand this further with an example. We know that alcohol is prohibited if someone argues that fentanyl and heroin and cocaine and marijuana are not alcohol, so they are not banned, would you say?

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That is the reason it is necessary to study Islam systematically, like we study every other body of knowledge. You don't take the knowledge of medicine or engineering or anything else by watching YouTube videos or or tic TOCs

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you go to a school you study under a teacher you pass exams, you practice somebody's watching us you do all of this. What is Islam? We think that watching a video or reading a book or you know watching tick tock is enough, it is not enough.

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Think about is the ruling is about this issue of prohibitions. And what is haram? The ruling in this case of alcohol is that by alcohol is meant alcohol itself in any form, as well as everything which produces the effect of alcohol, which is to intox

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To get and interfere with our cognitive ability, and so, every kind of intoxicant is prohibited, and it is not necessary for each of them to name separately. Likewise, all forms of gambling, extra marital and premarital *, or lying and cheating, and so on religion.

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In Islam, when something is by rigid, the privation extends to all its forms,

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in all quantities, right in all quantities.

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And in an all the ways that lead to it, or have anything to it are all prohibition. So in Islam, when something is prohibited, the prohibition extends to all its forms, in all quantities in all ways that lead to it or have anything to do with it.

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Islam, sharps or doors leading to privacy to things and everything related to them. The same principle applies to river safety lies in leaving whatever is privated. Because in the end, no matter what it is, the material thing will remain here, what our actions and the reason we took that action will go with us, and we will pay the price for it.

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I hope this is clear. We don't want to meet Allah subhanaw taala

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when we meet him as enemies, but as his obedient slaves, my brothers and sisters, in conclusion,

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let me say a few things as simply as possible.

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First and foremost,

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the question of you're looking now let me look at housing mortgages.

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The kind of arguments that people give. One argument is, why should I pay rent all my life? Why don't I get a mortgage, and I will pay for the house. And instead of rent, the house will belong to me. And then I'm, which will be also an investment. And I believe something for my kids.

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Think about it.

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For example, if you take a mortgage for say $600,000 versus $500,000.

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Look at the

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total payment that you will be making for it. Because that total payment is the actual price of that house today, which you are agreeing to pay. So the house, if you look at it, don't payment easily is 2x or 3x. So you're going to be paying if you pay if you're if you take a mortgage for $500,000, the total payment will be

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1 million, or maybe 1.2 or $1.3 million. So actually, you're not buying the house for 500,000 You're buying the house for 1.2 million 1.3 million today, which you will pay over the next 30 years. Number one

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does that make financial sense? Number two,

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may Allah give you a long and healthy life, but you take this money and then you pay say $100,000 And then you die.

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Now what happens? You know what happens? I know what happens, the bank will take away the house and your payments, which you already made and the kids get nothing

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right now doesn't make any sense at all. And in the process.

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What have you done? You have

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been prepared and you have agreed to go to war with Allah.

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Now, think of the alternative. Think about purely from the perspective of

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leaving an investment for your kids. See what Allah subhanaw taala della della who told us in total gaff, which we read every Friday and most of you would have read, and those who those of you who haven't read these go read

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Allah subhanaw taala said in the story of Musa and Quran, Allah

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Allah subhanaw taala said

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what Amala Judah Fergana Valley will I mean II mean if you will Medina de we're gonna data who can do love ova? wacana Abu Houma Solly Ha, for our other rabuka Yeah, blue Oh, shoot the Houma. Well, yes, Reja can zoom, Rama atom your rubbish

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A Maya file to an emery Zadie katha,

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dustier ie sobre.

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Physical is that object WUSA is RAM as for the wall and we know the story, there was a wall in this village, which was in a bad condition it was it was about to fall down and horizontally Salah Musa alayhis, Salam.

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They repaired the wall, they made it strong again. And Musa Salam said you should have asked the village people to recompense and reimburse us for this amperes for this because these people haven't even they are very inhospitable. They didn't even allow us to stay here. So why should we do this work for them for free. And that was the point at which because our lives are absurd, you and I part company, and then he is explaining to Musa acela all that he did. And in that process, when he comes to the wall, this is what he said. And he says, As for the wall, it belong to two orphan boys in the city. And under the wall is a treasure that belongs to them, and their father had been a righteous

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man. So the Ark boys are orphans, fathers passed away.

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So your rub willed that these children should come of age and retrieve their treasure as a mercy from Europe. I did not do all of this on my own. I have been commanded to do this. This is the explanation of what you could not bear patiently I think about this. Here is a man who died.

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He buried a treasure under this wall or he buried the treasure and built a wall on top of that. Now and obviously this happened years ago, the wall is falling down. Allah subhanaw taala sends two of his Ambia he sends two dummies, he says because there is a law and he says Musa is Rob somebody of the level of * in Colombia is one of them is Mina. Mina Rasul. A one of them was a wrestler. And that's right there is in Lusaka and Brazil is to repair the wall, to take care of the wealth that the father left for the children. Right? The greatest wealth that you can leave for your children, is your DUA.

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Not dying in a state where you are at war with Allah.

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May Allah have mercy on us, we take these decisions, and then we wonder, when we get sick, and we have accidents, and when this happens, and that happens, what happens? And then we see Allah Allah, Allah, how is elevated to Allah will have you How will Allah help me if I'm at war with the loss of America, please understand, if I take an interest based law, that I am seeing to Allah subhanaw taala by my action, and saying to Allah, Allah, I have decided that you can take care of me, I will take care of myself. And in that process, if I have to go to war with you, so be it. This is what we are saying, by our actions. This is what we are saying my submission to my brothers sisters, is this

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what you want to say to Allah? Is this how you want to die? As an enemy of Allah.

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So two questions to ask yourself, anytime the issue of interest based loans comes to questions, first question.

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And this question really should be asked for every action of ours, which is Will my action Please Allah, but especially in this case,

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collected quite question. Whatever I am going to get out of get this loan, whether it's my house, whether it's a car, whether it's a business or whatnot, I have taken an interest based loan, and I am going to get something because of that. So I get it just based on I've got this beautiful house now which I bought using a mortgage.

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Will this go with me when I die?

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I know it's a stupid question. But we need to ask ourselves this question because it seems somehow that our pain and our reliance on the ACA has disappeared. Because how can anyone who has this faith and is EBA that he will die or she will die and that they will stand before Allah and they will be questioned by Allah and Allah subhanaw taala declared war on the one who would use an interest and Allah declared war on his behalf or on behalf of the Rasul Allah is Allah, Allah Salam,

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you have all of this faith, how can you still take a look? So ask yourself this question, When I die, will this thing go with me? Right as I said, dumb question of course, it will not go with you. But what will go with me my decision to take this interest based loan knowing it is haram, knowing Allah declared war, accepting the declaration of war from Allah will go with me is this what you want?

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Second question to ask yourself is this right, those of you who are who like to talk about all these integral details of this kind of interest, that kind of interest and so on, think about this. Allah Subhana Allah ban interest? Riba? Rasul Allah ban interest as I mentioned before, when there is a ban without a call

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Fire it means that everything under those under that umbrella term all the qualifiers are included. Because if a particular qualifier was not included, it would have been specifically mentioned Allah is banning only this and not that but when that specific mentioned is not there it means that everything under that umbrella is bad, right? This we know for sure, we know for sure from the Quran we know from we know for sure from the hadith of rasa center for the Sunnah, we know for sure from the Iijima of the Ummah, which is 1400 years of scholarship from the Saba the tab at the top vertebrae. All the classical scholars, all the four Imams of the of the Sharia in the in Sunni Islam

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are all agreed upon that Riba is haram.

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We know this for sure.

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The other question which is this part, this part that parts arms on, at best is doubtful. Now what do we know about

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something which is certain, and something which we know the hadith of Hassan Ali or the Allah anima, the grandson of Rasulullah, saw Salah who said that I heard from the rosary surround from my grandfather, who said leave the doubtful for that which is not off, leave the doubtful for the search. Now, we have the whole of the eighth rasa the slabs, masala we have the role of Allah. You want to ignore all that and you want to follow the advice of whoever is giving you this advice. May Allah have mercy on you.

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I cannot say anything more.

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Salah Allah will carry you around he was named around to go

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