Sadullah Khan – Life Lessons of The Stories Prophets 11 June 2018

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The interviewer describes the personality of Prophet Muhammad sallahu alayhi wa sallam, a man who faced challenges and persecution. The man's success in various fields, including financial and political, is also discussed. The interviewer explains that forgiveness is a process of behavior, a positive attitude, and a sign of graduation from the Islam culture.
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and really wonderful personality I think he did Jesus no thanks and
you know you're thinking everyone else check on behalf of everyone I
think really we thank you and Melba keep you and deserve you
inshallah she wrote an exam today on your eight morning tool writing
exam each other so make dua for me shout
out the billionaire him in a ship on the regime Smilla Rahmanir
Rahim Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah
watch me I'm here it will be a Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa
We conclude our theme for this Ramadan, the Rowsell Hayam in Casa
su MBR, vikita Billa. Life lessons from the stories of prophets in
the Holy Quran,
reflecting on two incidents in the life of the final messenger,
Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
One, the event of the first revelation,
and also the occasion of the liberation of Makkah.
It all began with inner Anza now feel a little closer on the night,
designated as a night of power. It began in the cave of Hira, near
Makkah, with a single command ikura read
this mark the commencement
of Quran, org the revelation of the final revelation, and also the
public. The Prophetic Mission of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
the final emissary of Allah,
who came to guide humanity, and after whom there'll be no other
messengers or Prophets, peace be upon him.
There are so overwhelmed by this experience in the cave, rushes
home in trepidation, to be received by his beloved wife, say
the Khadija for the alotta Alana
and request some balloony the saruni wrap me up Cover me,
herself overcome by the experience, she consoles her
beloved husband, but during testimony to his character, even
before she bought testimony to faith, and she said, for Hola
Hola, yo, Zeke Allahu aboda. In Nikola Tesla in what? Hadith
Amana? Were in the Hulu, Coachella Kareem sit through Prophet, Allah
would never allow him to come to you or my husband. You maintain
good family ties. You are truthful in your speech, you fulfill all
your obligations, and you are noble of character.
She embraced Islam immediately when it was announced. And since
then, she spent all her wealth and worldly goods to help the spread
the faith. Even subsequently, when almost everyone seemed to have
turned against the Prophet. She stood by him until the day she
died. Lesson number one.
Among the greatest testimonies to one's character, and personality
is the verification of those who live with you. You see people
there are many phrase there are very few critics and fault
finders, critics and fault finders fill the earth, appreciators are
rare indeed. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam some
valued on this occasion of the revelation with trepidation going
to his wife and a consultant. He saw value that all of his beloved
wife in this and it is mission, the DS after her passing years
after she passed away He reminisced one day and someone
said Ya rasool Allah, what are you thinking of? And he said, I'm
thinking of Khadija. I'm gonna be it's gonna be a nurse, who said to
me if can Lavinia Nas was at the Naevi Malia Harmonia nurse, she
believed in me when people just believed she considered me
truthful. When others belied my message. She supported me
financially when others refuse to help. This is documented in the
Muslim of Imam Muhammad number,
a study of the Prophet illustrious life peace be upon him. You see,
it reveals immense challenges. Yet, despite all the challenges,
he displayed, principle, dedication, unwavering faith, and
exemplary character, A humble Shepherd his youth, who gained
among his people as a Saudi, Colonel Amin, the truthful and
trustworthy, and even from the very early Meccan period, the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam champion the cause of the
oppressed, and the needy,
as the poet says, will not be your Meramec luck on the pineal Allah.
Nora de ribo cubber la Nevada, Lucy But Marie rocky calm Annie
wah wah per acre Hunka
animada fucky raka moja Are you for come our your Timo qawwali
hola como como la. I think multiple said how you write the
perfect to go the title of the Merciful One among the prophets
who realize the desperation of the distressed he helped those who are
in adversity showed compassion to the unfortunate, despite his own
difficulties help all the needy and support of the weak and the
Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was ostracized in
Makkah, threatened with death and events, eventually forced to leave
his birth town, forced to leave his birth town. And on the
occasion, as he left his birth town of Makkah, he said, Well,
Allah He in Nicky law, or the law, or the law, he'll Allah Lola, a
new fisherman
who has documented by materiality and indeed the manager has said, I
said that Allah or Maka, you are the best of places and the most
love city to Allah on earth. If I was not made to leave you, I would
not have left you and then he left. He is attacked his
persecuted him. His family and his companions were tortured,
persecuted, and even when they settled in Medina, they waged war
against him and his followers, may Allah be pleased with all of them.
In Medina, he had to discharge the duties as a Supreme Court judge,
as a commander of the armed forces, as the head of state of a
volatile homogeneous society, I'm sorry, heterogeneous society, a
mixed society of people of different faiths, and he executed
all of these with exemplary style and prophetic excellence. The
Prophets wife say the Aisha the Allah, Allah was asked about the
Rasul and she said, kind of who the Quran his character is the
Quran. This meeting the Prophet said Allah, Allah will send them
love the Quran, we always say
the Quran is certification of the proof of your Prophet Muhammad,
and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the Quran in action.
a unique phenomena we need to understand as a poet says that a
true believer is the one who lives by the Quran. Eros kiss Allah my
boss is Eros ki sequel to him alone cannot mean Carina serata
Hey Haqiqa Quran, a phenomena many people do not realize is that mean
though you see him reading the Quran, which will affect he is the
Quran. Because the Quran lays dormant on the shelf. It becomes
activated Bowery Saito, it becomes manifested by our actions. When
the Prophet eventually returned to the city of Mecca, that city of
his birth, where he was born, where he lived, where he received
revelation, where he pitched his message, that city the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam yearn for an Allah promise in the form
of Aliko Khurana RA
in the developer alayka Khurana Lara, in some Allah interpret this
to mean Allah has commanded you to follow the guidance of the Quran,
and that we will certainly return you to your place of origin. The
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam returned to Makkah, eight
years after migration from returning in the last 10 days of
Ramadan, returning in full force with 12,000 followers, yet he
forgave his persecutors.
This is the epitome of unknowability, this forgiveness,
despite the torture, the slander the attacks, the killings, the
Rasul Allah, Allah wa sallam forgave them when he entered, and
this is the epitome of unreliability. Remember when the
be Musa Allah, Allah, not be
documented by mu by yaki. Oh my Lord, who is the most honorable of
your savings to you and Allah has funded money is
the one who forgives when he's in a position to punish. The fact
that a social Allahu Allah was seldom could forgive his
detractors for all the atrocities that were perpetrated against him,
or against him and his family and his followers. This serves as a
benevolent example of magnificence of character, depth of emotional
wisdom and pinnacle of spiritual strength. It was in reference to
this magnanimity and this forgiveness of his people who
oppose the mana torture these people and he came to Makkah and
forgave them. A British historian, not a Muslim, writes about this
incident, Standard and Poor's. He writes about this and that, quote,
The Day of Muhammad's greatest triumph over his enemies was also
the day of his grandpa's victory over himself. He freely forgave a
Quraysh all the years of sorrow and cruel scorn with which they
had affected him on him, and he gave MST to a population of
Makkah. The Muslim army followed his example and entered quietly
and peacefully. No tree was cut down. No water was polluted. No,
Each one was humiliated, no house was robbed. No woman was insulted.
It was thus that Muhammad entered again his native city of Mecca.
Through all the animals of conquest, there is no triumphant
entry comparable to this one, and quote, the words of an unbeliever.
allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you see live the reality of what
he preached, he said in a hadith document also by mumble by Aki
Seraphin man couldn't be he he cannot be when nature Allah
Hirakata who was a fella who killed a woman Daya rasool Allah
wa said if people have three qualities or habits, okay, there
are six hours benefaction Allah spray to each will protect them,
Allah will dispense for them His mercy, Allah and can embrace them
in his love. So someone asked ya rasool Allah, who are the people
you're talking about those who Allah said, Man, either OT or
Shachar were either Isla cada Rafa, ye la how the buffer Tara,
he said, those who are thankful when they are received something,
those are forgiving, when they
punish, and those who can cool the temper, even when they're angry.
The lesson we learn from the second day,
it's not easy for many of us to forgive others, especially if we
feel that we are hurt or have good reason to be upset. But the
ability for compassion and wisdom to forgive another for the past
wrongs, for hurts from us understandings is one of the
greatest attributes that any of us can possess and exercise. We
should realize, however, that when you forgive others, we may not
change the negativity of the past, but we certainly can affect the
future in a positive way. wise ones have said that forgiveness is
Allah's invention for our coming to terms with a word which,
despite our best intentions, people do wrong each other people
do hurt each other people do harm each other. So Allah began by
forgiving us, and He invites all of us to forgive each other. His
way of forgiving is the model for our forgiving. And thirdly, we
should remember that seeking forgiveness is a sign of humility,
seeking forgiveness, it's a sign of humility, forgiving others is a
sign of magnanimity. seeking forgiveness is a sign of humility,
and forgiving others is a sign of magnanimity of generosity of
spirit. In the final analysis, forgiveness is not merely a set of
behavior. Forgiveness is also a process. But forgiveness is also
an attitude, a good attitude, a positive attitude. Not only that,
it's an attitude of the Divine, for Allah Himself is far more
forgiving. So I leave you with the words of Allah, from surah Taha,
who were in touch with us for who, what are Pharaoh in Allah for
rain? If you pardon? If you reconcile, and if you forgive the
know, surely Allah is Most forgiving. A cold calling, was the
federal law was salam Wa Alaikum