Mirza Yawar Baig – Al Falah

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The challenges of educators in the education system are discussed, including the redesign of the whole system and the need for teachers to teach their values and ethics. The upcoming "Islamive revolution" will involve thousands of people in the future, including those living in countries with low population growth and low population density. The focus is on empowering creativity and decision-making, learning about technology, and improving technical skills. The importance of teaching through projects and creating a "booming environment" for students is emphasized, along with the need for students to focus on their own interests and learn to act and act with their emotions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Villa Rahman Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala via mousseline mohammadu Rasulullah sallallahu, ie was IV was a lump, thus leaving a theater and theater from Morocco.

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My dear brothers and sisters are Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. I want to talk to you about probably the number one challenge that we have today, which is the challenge of educators. Now, I'm using the term educators and not only teachers,

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not as a matter of semantics, but because educators to me is anyone who is engaged in the business of education, whether it is in a school, whether it's in a home, or anywhere else, these are some challenges. This is the topmost challenge, which is, what are the challenges of that. But my focus of this talk is, for school owners, board members, teachers, and administrators, I think this is something which is which I want to focus on that because the education system as we know, it, takes the

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absolutely the first seat in terms of educating of June. I have already sent you two very interesting videos, Ted Talks by Sugata Mitra,

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they are on this topic of self organized learning environment, which he calls soul so early, and of teachers in a cloud, which he calls it the granting cloud. Now, I have requested that all of you see these two videos, maybe more than once, before you will listen to me. So I'm not going to go into what Dr. Sujatha Mitra talks about. I will take that as having been seen and having been heard and understood. And we take it forward from there. My principal understanding from that, and of course, this is what I've been saying for a number of years, as many of you know, is that the biggest problem in our education system today is not that it has failed. People like to say the education

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system is broken, it has failed. My submission to you is that the education system that we have today in this world has not failed. The tragedy is that it is extremely successful. It is very successful to do what it was designed to do, which was to create

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admin is low level administrators. It was designed to create low level administrators, people who obeyed orders, people who did not think thinking was not considered to be an asset, it was considered to be at best a nuisance. People who obeyed orders, people who did what they were told to do without any change. That is what this education system was designed to create. And it has been doing that very successfully. The state of our world today is proof of this fact. The problem is that our education system is highly successful for a world that no longer exists.

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And I did you know, you know in a bit what I mean by that. Now, before I come to that, what therefore do we need to do? You can see I've put two pictures here one of a locomotive engine, a train and the other one of a microlight microlight aircraft. And I'm saying to you that you cannot upgrade a train factory to build planes. You need a new factory. So it's not a question of resource issue. It's not a resource issue. It's not a question of more resources or different resources. It is a design issue. A train does not fly not because it does not have enough power. But because it is not designed to fly a microlight flies, even though in some cases it is on a fractional horsepower

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engine, which means the power of the engine is less than one HB. Still, the blade flies not because of the power of the engine, but because of the power of design. And what we need to do, therefore, is to redesign our entire education system. And that redesign begins up here in our minds and in our hearts, not in the structures. Not in the theory of teaching, not in our buildings, not in putting air conditioners into the room or taking them off. It begins right here in our thinking.

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Bottom line of Dr. Sugata Mitra has lectures and the opening statement of my talk is that the teacher as we know him or her today is obsolete. It's gone. Technology can and will replace you. There is no escape from this at all for anyone in any

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The situation, the teacher is dead, meaning the teacher as we know, teachers today, the method of teaching, as we know, the method of teaching in the vast majority of schools today is obsolete, it is dead, it is covered.

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But do we need teachers? Why do we need teachers? Or do we need teachers at all? Having said that a teacher is dead, having said that teachers are obsolete. I am also saying that teachers are absolutely critical. Not only are they necessary, but they are totally critical, but not to do what they are doing today. And definitely not to do it in the way it is being done today. Teachers in my view, are critical for one single reason. And that reason is to teach people the boundaries and criteria of decision making, which means to teach them ethics and values, to be role models for them, to inspire them to support them to love them. Other than that, as long as people are, can read

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and write as long as there is literacy, and as long as they understand basic numbers, which is numeracy teachers are not required, the information that they need is available to them free of cost on the internet, what they, in addition, what they need to know, is also available to them on the internet interfacing, like the salmaan Khan Academy, or like Sugata Mitra has granted cloud or a million other open source stuff, which is available on the internet, they do not need teachers, you know, and I know that today, for example, I could officially join MIT and take a course in physics or chemistry or engineering, a full complete MIT course, just like somebody sitting in MIT, in

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Massachusetts, taking that same course, is the same material, the same teachers, except that I am taking this course remotely, whereas they are sitting in a physical classroom, there is a difference, no doubt that they have them sitting in a physical classroom. But believe me, if I make the effort, that difference is not worth talking about, they will get a certificate at the end of that, that also really doesn't matter unless I'm planning to go stand in a line for a job. If I'm learning for the sake of learning, if I'm learning for the sake of application, I don't need the certificate, I just need the knowledge and that knowledge is free available on the internet. And

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this situation going forward is only going to get more and more not less and less.

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I submit to you therefore that why do we need teachers we need teachers for one reason only, which is to teach values and ethics and morals. Now values y values because y values drive behavior we need a foundation of values, because values drive behavior and behavior drives results. Values drive behavior, and behavior drives results. And we need teachers because values cannot be legislated. They cannot be taught academically through a book, they must be inculcated by people seeing them in practice. And that is what teachers are, whether it's parents, as in the role of teachers, or whether it is teachers in the role of teachers, the

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primary goal is to emulate is to demonstrate values in practice.

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Today, we are entering a new revolution, I actually am saying entering is maybe a bit redundant. We are already in a new revolution, which is going to be 1000 times more disruptive than the Industrial Revolution.

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The Industrial Revolution, as you know, was is it was something we've literally changed the world. The current revolution, whatever you want to call it, people have called it the learning Revolution, the idea Revolution, the internet revolution called what name you want, but the reality is that this one is going to turn this world completely upside down and spin it on its head because and that's the the level of disruption that we are going to face.

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Just to give you a very quick snapshot of what I'm talking about, take AI artificial intelligence, machine learning has and will continue to replace human

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effort in representative work. For example, the program called IBM Watson which is a legal program. It gives legal advice in seconds.

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There's not an attorney a lot of lawyer existing on the face of the earth who can give legal advice in seconds. IBM Watson

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gives that purely it's a function of database searches, which the computer can do billions of times faster than any human being can do, because the human beings data search, and the data mining is being done in his in his or her memory. And then they have to refer to books, whereas the computer has everything together in one place. And so it does that. And it does that with 90% accuracy, whereas human accuracy has been has been pegged at 70%. That's a difference of 20%, which is huge.

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Watson also is useful for medical diagnosis, and IBM Watson diagnosis cancer four times more accurately than any doctor, we have heard about self self driving cars and trucks.

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Sounds very nice. Except that you're talking about replacement of drivers. Now, you might say, well, this will make traffic more safe. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. But the fact of the matter is that it will also put millions of people out of jobs, you might say, well, we can retrain them, my suggestion to you is no you cannot retrain them, they will be out of jobs, which means they will be out of out of a livelihood. Now that is the other side of artificial intelligence, talk about homes on solar energy, you might be surprised that the highest penetration of homes on solar energy is in none other than Bangladesh. It's a poor country, but the penetration of solar energy in Bangladesh

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is absolutely amazing. The next place coming in line for this penetration is Africa. As a continent, the penetration of solar energy, the penetration of mobile technology is huge, huge, huge. So imagination, innovation, creativity, curiosity, disagreement, all of these are things that need to be inculcated in the student of the future.

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Now, we're looking at some global changes. One, for example, is robotic manufacturing, which means that you're going to see factories, which are empty of people, robots doing the work of human beings, you will have a supervisor whose job basically will be to come and switch on the machine and switch it off, and nothing else. Everything is machine control, computer control, no labor issues, no strikes, no payment of wages, no maternity benefits, no health benefits, no hiring, no firing, absolutely precise products at the end of the line. Sounds very nice. Depending on who you are, if you are or if you own the factory sounds very nice. If you are one of the millions who are looking

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to manufacturing as a major means of employment to feed their families. This is serious bad news. Second one, agriculture, automated agriculture. You have seen that in South Africa yourself. I don't need to tell you take any other countries take your objects. America, South America, you got farms with 1000s of acres of land and employees in less than the fingers on your on your hand. I have a friend of mine who has a farm in the in the United Kingdom. 2000 acres has two employees. And the reason she has two employees is only to take care of the one if he or she happens to fall ill they actually need only one person housework, more and more automation, petri dish meat, which means that

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your cow grew in the lab, you add this is not for future technology. This is happening right now. You have got farms, cattle farms in America and South America with literally millions of animals on those cattle farms. They are on 1000s upon 1000s of acres of land. They are geotagged, and they are only brought in to the slaughterhouse when the time comes to slaughter them. All of them are clones. All the millions of animals have only one father or mother. And they're all clones. They're all identical. Absolutely. And they have millions and they're and they are running free as free range cattle. So petri dish meat your cow grows and grows in it in a dish in a lab, insect protein and

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guess which is the most

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sought after insect for insect protein, the cockroach because they grow fastest they eat anything. They are they the the the conversion of feed to protein is the highest and so be prepared for Roach biscuits and Roach you know cups probably a lot of what you what you have, but this is the this is the future Now you might say well you know the sound disgusting. Well, it maybe it sounds disgusting, but you won't know

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What you're eating, and you're eating that, and this is the the best form of protein, now factor into that the issues of faith of whether it is halal or haram. So we are going to look at some exciting times, medicine. Now think about that, here's your phone.

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Here's your mobile phone, you take it, it takes a retina scan, it takes a blood sample, you breathe into it, and it analyzes 54 biomarkers, which will identify nearly every disease. And this thing, which I'm telling you is what exists today.

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As I said, this is only going to get better, it's not going backwards, it's only going to go forwards.

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Another one, advanced stem cell technology, which will allow you to grow your own organs, you know, the biggest problem with organ replacement is the acceptance of the organ in the body, because the body rejects it. So you want to replace whichever organ than the whole issue of having to dumb down the immune system. So it does not

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reject the Oregon and then of course along with that come problems with dumbing down dumbing down the immune system of diseases and infection and so on. We get rid of all that by simply growing the new org The new organ in your body, you need a new kidney it will grow in your body you need a new heart it will go in your body and so on and so forth. Including probably at at a later point in time. Growing of limbs, including the somebody who's blind getting new eyes, which will grow in the body life expectancy they say will go will go for will go up to between 115 225 years in Hyderabad, our old grandmother's had this do I wish they used to give you they would say a lot of our cassava

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sauces in Darko May Allah keep you alive for 125 years. So maybe our grandmothers knew something which we didn't know. Now, the point i'm saying is this. Does your education prepare your students for this world? Why am I saying that? What is robotic manufacture agri robotic agriculture, IBM Watson and similar programs and so on and so forth. What is it? What are we talking about here? We are talking about convenience, but we're also talking about a complete change in the typography and in the environment of jobs and of work which is remunerative.

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Now, what will this change first and foremost,

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we are looking at a situation where we will have huge convenience in all areas and very very cheap services,

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major conveniences the the age of standing in queues and line and so on nothing even Sydney overdo everything else. Number two, and this is where we need to wake up is a loss of jobs for all generalists. If you are a generalist, you do not have a job. If you say if you have been used to introducing yourself by saying I am a lawyer, well change that and say, I am an out of work lawyer. If you are introducing yourself by saying I am a doctor will say I used to be a doctor, all of these I will go away. No lawyers, no doctors.

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jobs will be there for people who bring very specific value addition to the service, not for generalists. Current education system is redundant already. Even if you take engineering education, education, for example, a four year education engineering course in the second year in the people and knowledge is changing or every every two years which means that in the third year, what they learned in the first year is already redundant. That's where we are today. So what you teach, and how you teach must all change and change drastically. We have to empower imagination. We have to empower curiosity. We have to empower self learning, we have to empower interpersonal skills and

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communication. We have to empower decision making and responsibility. By and large, I know I'm making a generalized statement and all generalized statements are only

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not completely true. The truth of the statement applies in a limited manner, but effectively that means completely revamping our education system because our current education system does not do any of these things. So what must be done, we have to look at creating a new generation as I told you we are looking at creating a new factory. We are not looking at redesign we are not looking at tinkering. We are looking at completely redesigning and starting from scratch.

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Collect God's or connect dots. This is the difference between information and knowledge. That's the difference between memorizing and mugging up. And understanding. That's the difference between success and failure.

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For things in my view are required in any education system going forward. Number one is to awaken the conscience, I think this is the number one thing, if we can teach

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ethics values and morals, which is to awaken the conscience, then we have achieved 99% of our of our issues. Second one is creating excitement in learning. They should be they should be a joy in learning, there was love to learn, there was be excited about going to school. Number three is the social skills basket, teaching people o'clock, teaching people manners, how to get along with each other, our w style of teaching people how to disagree with one another. Today, it's an absolutely shameful thing. That these things we have no clue about. Our problems are not because we have a difference of opinion, but because we do not know how to express the difference of opinion. And we

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are creating absolute chaos in society. And last one is all of these ethics and values, excitement of learning, and all the all the learning that they do. And their social skills basket must make sense in terms of application, how and where will I use this, that is where the experience the exposure has to come into teaching.

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So therefore, we need to teach tools, and we need to ask questions, not give answers. Please listen carefully. Teachers need to ask questions, and not give answers. It means therefore, that you are going to reward the best question, not the best answer. That is the opposite of what you do today. Today, not only do we reward the best answer, we already have the best answer in our mind. And according to us, the best answer is the answer which corresponds with or looks exactly like the answer, which I have in my mind, my submission to you is this has to be trashed, this has to be thrown into the garbage. The best answer is the answer that you never thought about. And that is the

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question. So best question is the one to which the teacher has no answer. And the teacher was faced this not with defensiveness, but with great joy is a fantastic this little child, or this adolescent has opened my eyes has opened my mind. And I'm grateful to that person. So I'm going to give you a prize for asking the best question, not the best answer. I have a friend of mine

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in the US was a Jewish attorney. Very, very bright man. He asked me one day he said,

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What do you ask your children when they come home? So I said, Well, you know, he asked them, What did you learn today?

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and so on and so forth. He said, No, we don't ask this question. He said, We don't ask them. What did you learn? I said, What do you ask? He said, we asked them? What questions did you ask? I want to know, what questions Did you ask today in class, I think about a completely different way of approach to life. Today, we are in a system where we have the answers, we expect the children to mug them up, and we expect them do regurgitate them, or vomit them use whichever terms are nice to you. And that is called examination. And the one who vomited without digestion is the one who gets the first price.

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application of that understanding of that has zero value and tell you a story. True story which happened with me. I was in,

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in India in college,

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girls college science college, and I was asked to address the entire college population. So all the teachers and all these girls, from the first year to the fifth year, were qualifying. And I was asked to address them. So I asked them I began my lecture I said, Can you tell me Can somebody tell me? What is Archimedes principle?

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And they all looked at me with completely blank faces. So I said this is a science college. I'm asking you a basic fundamental question, which I learned in primary school. What is Archimedes principle, they could not answer. Finally, one girl put up her hand, and she said, I can answer. So I said, Yes, please tell me and she narrated. For me, she recited for me, I think that's the better word. She recited for me the definition definition of Archimedes principle, which is the principle of displacement of water when a solid body is put into it. So I said fantastic.

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I'm very happy to hear this answer. I said please tell me where will you apply Archimedes principle in your life, or let me make it easier for you? Where is the main application of Archimedes principle in real life? That was a stumped She. She I mean, she had nothing to say her teachers have nothing to say

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Every one is silent. So I said, I said, if this lady graduates and this is the graduation question, what is Archimedes principle, she is going to graduate with a gold medal, she's going to be first top of the class, because she's the only one who could answer this principle if this question, but my question is, does she know the Archimedes principle? Or does he not know?

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That is our education.

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What we teach also is just dumb words, they have no meaning, there's no understanding, there is no understanding of the application of that in life. So is that education? Does this child know? Or does the child not know? That is the question that we have to ask. And that's why I'm saying that our biggest challenge is that we have to help these children to succeed in a world that we know nothing about. And therefore, our point of beginning is to be humble enough to accept that I know nothing about the world of this future. And if you don't believe me, tell me, everyone sitting in this room, I can bet you that your youngest children know how to operate your smartphone better than

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you. Is there not a lesson for you?

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Is there not a huge lesson for you, we say this, we open it up and we treat it like a joke. It's not a joke. It's a serious bad news.

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Because if that is the case, what are you doing sitting in the position of the teacher when you know less than that little child. So obviously, you have to leverage your knowledge and show that child something with that child cannot possibly know, because that child is five years old and eight years old, or nine years old, and you are 60 years old, and you're 50 years old, and that is the wisdom of living. We don't have that we have converted this whole completely negative horrible system of memorizing and regurgitating. And we like to call it education. My submission to you is this is not education, this is corruption.

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So we must change our perspective.

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And what is that perspective, we must change our perspective to say that the child is the most important person in your equation, not the school owner, not the board member, not the principal, not the teacher, not even the parent, the most critical, the most important person in your life as a teacher is the child, and what is the child, children are human children can think children can decide children know what is best for them. And they must therefore be involved in all decision making. I have a whole case study for those who are interested about what I did in a school in the late 80s and early 90s, which proves what I'm saying here. My submission to my brothers and sisters

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is that this mind change this mindset change is the most difficult thing that you will have to do. But unless you do that, believe me you cannot succeed. You have to make sure that that child in your class is the most important person in your life. Now, you might like to say, Well, you know we are we already do that. My submission to you is you do not do that. You do not do that prove to you how you do not do that. And if you say you already do that, then I am submitting to you respectfully that you are lying. You know how you don't do that? Let me ask you this question. Do you have a Parent Teacher Association in your school? If the answer is yes, then this is my proof that the

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child is not the most important person in your life, because the school is for the children. And if the school is for the children, how come you have a Parent Teacher Association and not and the children are not involved in that. You have a Parent Teacher Association, which takes decisions for the children on behalf of the children without consulting the children. That is what happens in a jail in a prison where the prisoners are not taken into confidence, where the prisoners are not consulted about what happens to them. That decisions about what happens to the prisoners are done by government officials and by jailers, not by the prisoners, you are talking about a prison, you're

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not talking about a school. So if you said that the child is the most critical person in your life, then my submission to you is that you have told her told you have told a lie to yourself. And you have told a lie to me because that is not the case. If that was the case, then your children would be in an intrinsic part of the decision making body in your school. They would be part of the school administration. If that is not happening, then that's not happening.

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So what's the solution? The solution is integrated teaching is to make schooling worthwhile.

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Now, the problem with the teaching today is we teach discrete subjects with no relation to each other, and absolutely no relation to the practical application of that learning,

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which is physics without religion relating to chemistry. We teach history without relating to geography, and so on and so forth. And I don't want to elongate my lecture, there are other lectures of mine, where I've talked about this in detail. And I will refer you to them most welcome to take a look at them. But effectively, we teach discrete subjects. And that's the reason why most children are completely disinterested, because it makes no sense to them doesn't make sense to anybody. But since we are doing it for a salary, we do it. But that's not good enough. Second one is our focus as teachers, our focus is on completing the syllabus and completing the portions. It has nothing to do

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with whether the children really understood what I am teaching, can they apply it cannot apply it and so on and so forth, we pay some

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lip service, or maybe a little bit of interest to that, but that's not the main focus is I have to complete this book, I have to complete this Gita it must be done. That's it, have a third one is therefore the pressure is on memorizing information, not on understanding it, and definitely not on using it. So exams, therefore also

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only test random recall within a specific timeframe, they do not test understanding exams do not test application, they test nothing, they just test memory. And the reason we do this is because that's the easiest way. Easiest thing for us to do. Everything else is more complex, but we don't care about that. So we end up with children who come out of school, and really they don't know anything.

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Our class size and composition, our class size is based Our classes are made up by date of manufacture, stamp born 1955, this class born 1956, in our class asked this question, why does one year of Date of Birth make a difference? You don't know the answer? I don't know the answer. But that's how we have done it because our schooling is designed and and it mirrors the manufacturing process. I will send you a video on that take a look at it.

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By the video by

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it, it's it talks about it, it talks about the way the Industrial Revolution affected the whole development of schooling. Second thing is class size is

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used to maximize the income per student, because the primary or the only income stream of the school is fees. Therefore, the more number of students in a class, the more fees that you have, the salary of the teacher is now dispersed over that many more students, and therefore, class numbers are forever increasing at idle. In India. It's quite common to have 60 and 70 students in a class who sounds completely insane, but that's how it is. Seating of the class is designed to kill interpersonal inter student communication to scare to kill any form of discussion between students. Classroom seating. It's called classroom seating. It's such a tragic thing, classroom seating or

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theater style seating, which is lines rows, one after the other. This students sitting in the second row is looking at the back of the student back of the head of the student sitting in front of him, which is obviously a very inspiring thing to see.

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Total kills all communication pressure is on silence pindrop silence if you are disturbed silence, obedience conformity do what I tell you. Maybe you can ask a question to clarify But more than that, not acceptable questioning sorry, not acceptable disagreement completely and totally haram not acceptable at all. And if you insist on disagree, then you are branded as being disobedient as being rebellious as being impertinent as having no other and so on and so forth.

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My question to you is how do you measure Teacher Effectiveness ask this question, What are you looking at when you go into a class? Are you looking at a class which is full of energy, where students are talking to one another there is a lot of noise in the class the teacher is completely involved in questioning and decisioning in deciding in in debating and so on.

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Is that happening?

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teacher performance is total silence of the class the teacher is talking the students are saying yes or no sir three bags full

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And that is the class and this is supposed to be the best class. And if that is that class can now regurgitate that information in the examination, then of course, fantastic. Everyone goes home happy, except the students, but then the students don't matter.

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Let me ask you this question.

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If I told you that I studied a subject for 15 years full time,

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supposing I say I studied physics for 15 years full time, you would say fantastic you are among the top of these of the world. 15 years full time studying of a subject is called expertise. The person is an expert. My question to you is, our students from the time they enter school to the time they graduate at at the end of grade 12 have completed 15 years of full time schooling 15 years?

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What have they got at the end of that?

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What are they fit to do?

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How many jobs? Do you have one of the basic parameters? How many jobs have you look up the the the employment pages of the newspaper today? How many jobs asked for a high school graduate?

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I know in south in South Africa, it's a great trend to have a metric celebration of insurance complete metric, which is 10 years, great 10 you have this great celebration. And I know that nowadays is a trend to have these very

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massive parties and great rejoicing and, you know, counting people coming down and helicopters and all kinds of horrifying nonsense. I come from a country where auto rickshaw drivers have a beer degrees. So I find this very, very, very funny. But my point is that after 15 years of schooling, what is the child capable of doing? I will guarantee you you take your child after 15 years of schooling when he or she graduates and graduates absolutely top of the school drop honors, and you turn this child, go away from home for one month, don't come back, don't go and stay with any relatives and so on and so forth. fend for yourself, find yourself a job, look after yourself. And

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after one month, come back home, I will guarantee you that you will never see your child again.

00:37:21 --> 00:37:31

So 15 years of schooling has not prepared your child to live one month independently in this world. So what have you paid for?

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What have you earned? What has the What have you done with 15 years of life of somebody with this information without understanding? We have at the end of 15 years, we have children who are complete completely incapable of earning a living or of doing anything useful. They are completely incapable of taking care of themselves. They mostly hate what they learned.

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And effectively great exam results mean nothing zero.

00:38:07 --> 00:38:21

As your children what do children do with their old textbooks? I don't know what they do is our Africa in India they sell them the bright, they sell them to the waste paper merchants that are the Allah

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the textbooks, this is what happens to them.

00:38:32 --> 00:38:43

So what must the teacher teach six things integrity, truthfulness and integrity. Number two, truthfulness. Number three compassion

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number four courage to stand up for others. Number five citizenship to live in a multicultural pluralistic, multi religious, multi racial environment, which is where which is how we all live. And number six is teamwork. And all of this on a foundation of accountability to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So, therefore, everything must change.

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The reason we teach

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the autonomy of students involvement of students in decision making, class size and composition, the curriculum, the syllabus, the teaching methodology, the examination system, every single thing needs to change and that is why I said you cannot build planes in a train factory, you need an aeroplane factory, but to bring about that the first thing which must change, which has arrived in the beginning is up here, which is the mindset, your mindset must change.

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Let me let me tell you how to how to bring this about now we The way to do that is to teach through projects. Now because how will you get information

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Application together by teaching through projects. Now, I am going to send you the my lecture on teaching through projects where I've talked about each project, say, for example, like oceans, which is my lecture on integrated teaching. So I won't I won't mention it here, but take a project like oceans. How can you teach biology and physics and chemistry? and geography and history? How can you teach trade routes and migration of populations? How can you teach Tafseer of Quran and masala fit? I had these ansira all of this in the context of Oceans? How can you help the children to understand this whole creation of Allah subhanaw taala in a way, where you are still teaching the subjects,

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you're still teaching physics and chemistry and maths and science and so on and so forth. But you are doing that in such a way that it becomes highly enjoyable. And it's something that they can apply their minds to, and they can link with and use.

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Very, very important thing to understand

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is, as I said, prize for the best question, which means that we need to teach them to think and to question, teach them to ask questions and to draw lessons and courage, imagination, and courage dreaming, encourage dissent and disagreement, not just disagreement, as in, I don't agree, no, close the loop is a fantastic you don't agree. So what is your point of view? What's your perspective, this will help them to think more deeply about what they are talking about, at Dell let them teach.

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Because that's the best way of learning. I went to a school in the senior classes, we used to teach the children of the school stuff. We were We were in the evening, we were given this these time periods, where we taught other other other young children who are the who are the students of our of the school staff who didn't go to our school, they went to other schools, but we used to teach them and this way, these staff also was involved in the school in a much more emotional way. And it gave us a better understanding of the subjects. So essential. Learning therefore is the teach them critical analysis and teach them the critical analysis is not criticism. This is very important to

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All also what has happened in the

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in the school is learning by doing for example, for example, let the students run the cafeteria and the school which will teach them business principles, which will teach them the principles of acquisition of products and services, which will pre teach them the principles of dealing with customers of how of interpersonal communication. These, every school must teach at least one technical skill, whether it's plumbing, or electrical, electrical or carpentry or whatever. In website design, you dig it, mechanical, you know motor motor, car design, air conditioning, repairs, anything, but every school must have one at least one if you have more all power to you, but at

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least one class of vocational or technical skill training. It doesn't matter if your child is never going to become an electrician. It makes no difference what he or she will learn while learning the technical skill is far more than the actual content of the skill. Have farming animal husbandry let them deal with the environment, let them feel the the feel of good earth in their hand. This is one of the biggest problems today that we have learned to live in completely artificial constructed environments, which have cut us off from nature which have cut us off from the hurt of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this must change. Teach them animal husbandry social service projects, local

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and global. Take them and to live in villages. Take them to work with poor people. Let them understand that it's not the word poor people is not a statistic. It's not something they read in the newspaper is when they say poor people, they are talking about somebody who was their friend who knows when I say poor people, I'm talking about the guns in a in the village of St. Pauli, and I'm talking about my friend Shiva, who used to go into the forest with me. We are talking about individuals who we knew and know on a first name basis, newspaper and TV channel for the school in terms of principle influencing in terms of of mind share of mind sharing with other students and so

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on. Let the school run as run a newspaper and let the school run a TV channel. Let the school run a radio channel. Teach them citizenship and democracy is them influencing by having elections to the student council. As I said before, students must be involved in every aspect of decision making of the school

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From the school timings to the to what is taught and how it is taught and so on everything the students must be fully and meaningfully involved in that. And again, as I said, This lecture is not the scope of the lecture is not to explain all of this in detail, but just to give some pointers in your mind. The same thing applies now to looking at the Sierra Club's offer supervisor or sell them and seeing how this is applicable in real life, make the Prophet sallallaahu Selim real to them. So, let them study the Sierra and draw lessons for application in today's world, how to act and help to understand that the principles of Islam the values and morals and ethics, these are ageless, these

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are timeless and these do not need changing according to the whims and fancies of people and so and society. Focus on on o'clock Focus, focus on mosquito knifes would there be a lock lock on the purification of the heart and on our manners and a class and bring the colon alive for them, let them understand the living word of Allah subhanho wa Taala, gentle, gentle and let them get close to and no, our master and our Nabi Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was Samuel sell

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my brothers and sisters, to close.

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The purpose of teaching is to change lives. It is not to accumulate information without understanding the meanings and the application or the value and without having the tools to use that this whole thing must change. Because education is for life. It is not merely for a living. Today, school education is not even for a living. It's neither for life not really not not not for a living. We need to change that we need to make education applicable and valuable to the students.

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ask Allah subhanaw taala to be pleased with you and to never be displeased. And I asked Allah subhanaw taala to enable us to create an education system that truly adds value, and that will showcase Islam for the world to you. I ask Allah swatara to help us to create standard bearers of Islam, in every school, in every class, in every school in every country in the world. I asked Allah subhanaw taala to be pleased and to take this forward and to help you in your effort was another hand on a bill grip while he was there.

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